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Emily’s Game Paranormal Activity

Most of the trailers we viewed had a restricted audience screen at the beginning of the trailer, we created this in photoshop to make our trailer look believable and authentic. As our bried stated it must be suitable for a 15 audience so as Parannormal Activity also had a 15 audience we created our restricted audience screen similar to this.

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Emily’s Game The Last Exorcism

Title screens are also conventional in trailers, so the audience know the name of the film, titles often have a distinct font so it is clear which film it belongs to. We wanted a very classic font like The Last Exorcism, however to make it stand out we had the font central and white as it really stands out against the black. These colours are also very conventional.

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Emily’s Game Shrooms

There are also end credits at the end of the film which as you can see from the Shrooms credits always include company logos and a website, release dates are also commonly shown on the title page. We Used the same layout as it is very conventional and added more realism to our trailer.

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Emily’s Game The Last Exorcism

It was very importsant to design a logo for our trailer as they are always seen on title credits or often at the beginning of the trailer. We really liked the Last Exorcism logo as it was split in half and the colour where right and fitted with the genre. We used a similar style for our logo to make it a believable film production company.

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Settings And Location

Emily’s Game Shrooms

From the two shots about it is very clear where the film is set, we had to include the tent prop to show it was set in a forest and people were camping, like Shrooms does. We did want a fire however due to health and safety reasons this was not possible. The fact that it is night also shows it will be set at night and as no houses or people are seen shows they are isolated.

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Settings And Location

Emily’s Game The Last Exorcism

Another location we wanted to include was at an old 50’s house in a garden, the last exorcism also uses a similar location with a tire swing showing a child does or did live their. The wall indicates it is set in the past along with the props.

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Settings And Location

Emily’s Game Shrooms

From researching Shrooms we found another good location to use which was in a river. We used a river in Delth to make the shots look authentic and it added different shots to our trailer making it more interesting.

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Costume And Props

Emily’s Game The Ring

We decided the costume straight away as a white nightgown is a very common costume seen in films such as The Ring, The Exorcist and The Last Exorcism. We wanted to use this costume ad it shows the character was once innocent and conventionally it is worn by a dead spirit, person or a possessed person which is common in the supernatural genre.

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Emily’s Game The Grudge

It was important to include an establishing shot in our trailer so the audience would clearly know where the film is set, as you can The Grudge an establishing shot to show it is set in the city where ours clearly shows it is set in a forest.

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Emily’s Game The Grudge

We had to include a variety of shots in our trailer as conventionally many shots are included a very common one is a high angle shot. The grudge uses this shot to show they could be being watched or they are in danger and look vulnerable. We also used a high angle shot to show this and also as it is shown after a close up it is very restricted and makes the audience want to know more.

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Emily’s Game The Last Exorcism

Close ups are also commonly used to show emotion, in The Last Exorcism she the close up emphasises her hysterical state where in our trailer the close up helps amplify the intensity of the horror story. We also used a torch for lighting to give it an amateur feel and also show that they are camping.

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Emily’s Game The Grudge

From watching The Grudge trailer one of the most memorable shots was where she walks closer to the camera as the lights flicker on and off. As we were in a forest this was not possible so we simply cut the shot into three and faded each shot to black to make it appear like she is getting closer faster. We also speeded the shot up as it was to slow and it looked more unnatural. We did try walking but thought the crawling was more appropriate for our film. This shot helps show the sub genre of our trailer.

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Emily’s Game The Blair Witch Project

We had to have shots to set up the story of our film, in the mid shot in The Blair Witch Project Heather sets the narrative up by explaining what they are going to do. We however used a back story in our trailer which is introduced by Elle telling a horror story, this helps explain who the antagonist is and what her prupose is.

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Emily’s Game Paranormal Activity

As our trailer belongs to the supernatural genre it was important we used shots which looked unnatural and unreal so with inspiration from Paranormal Activity where the door suddenly slams and she is dragged out of bed we wanted to create something similar. We decided to shoot a me; Jess getting dragged backwards so it would appear as though a spirit was there. I think this makes the audience want to know more and clearly shows what genre it belongs to.

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If you would like to view the trailers I used please click the links below.

Emily’s Gamehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqM_lP9mK3EThe Blair Witch Projecthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D51QgOHrCj0Paranormal Activityhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_UxLEqd074The Last Exorcismhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmrSR5O9QXcThe Ringhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjayLABf60IThe Grudgehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fsOsguf0iAShroomshttp://www.traileraddict.com/trailer/shrooms/trailer