Evaluation Qs. 3 – What have you learnt from audience feedback?

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Evaluation Qs. 3 – What have you learnt from audience


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Finding a target audience for our soap:

Our target audience

Teenagers/young adults should be interested in our soap and will be entertained by the storylines.

Soap should be shown on popular channels such as ‘E4’, as it represents the target audience well.

The storylines should be relatable for our target audience.

Our soap should be similar to Hollyoaks, as their target audience is teenagers/young adults.


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Finding a target audience for our soap:

I put together a variety of things which summed up our target audience (teens/young adults) into a mood board, as shown below:


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Finding a target audience for our soap:

Audience demographic:

Before receiving audience feedback, I had to decide what type of person/group of people I would like to see watch our soap, therefore I created an audience demographic of someone who would likely to watch the soap.

Our ideal audience would be;

•Teenagers/young adults – who attend university or college and will be able to relate to the storylines presented in the soap – which E4 already represents this particular target market. The age ranges we would expect to watch our soap, would be from the age of 16-25, as we felt this age group would be good to target as being teenagers ourselves we knew what storylines were entertaining and relatable.

• Our soap should appeal to males and females as our soap involves both gender therefore both genders will be able to relate to the storylines.

• Our soap will appeal to all different races and ethnicity groups.


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Who would watch our soap?

Within my group we decided that we would want our soap to be shown on E4 as a ‘Hollyoaks’ type of soap, which would appeal to people of our age group (teens 16+). Therefore we used people who were aged 17-18 to represent the characters and so that the audience of teenagers would be able to relate to the characters.

From research, E4 appealed to many ages above 18 as well,

“The channel is mainly aimed at the lucrative 15–35 age group.”

Therefore we had to make sure that the older range of the age group could also relate to and enjoy the soap, which is why we chose to use an older women who featured in the soap, to show a use of a different age group.


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Everyone in the audience seemed to like my soap trailer and thought it fitted in with the brand’s institution, therefore appealing to my peers. However there were a few points with the editing which the audience members said could be improved.

I received feedback such as:

“The walking part with the girl and the boy lasted too long”

“The fight/slapping scene should start bang on the chorus”

“The non-diegetic scream was a little out of sync”

However I received some positive feedback such as:

“The narrative was clear”

“The slow-motion parts were effective – typical of the genre”

I have since improved all of which was given to me as audience feedback and have made sure that the syncing and editing is right to give the full effect.

The audience did say that they would like to watch the soap and would see it being played on E4 as it represented the conventions which E4 represent.


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Qs. 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction & research, planning and evaluation


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Before we started to plan our soap trailers, we had to create a blog which we could put all our planning and other work onto.

First of all I had to create a ‘Gmail’ email account so that I was able to access the BlogSpot to create a blog.

I then had to fill out my details and also what blogger name I would like to be shown on my blog, therefore my blog is called ‘EmmaHardya2media.blogspot.com’

Before starting to fill our blog with our work, we had to create a new blog using ‘blogger.com’, which helped us to create our very own blog for our media coursework.




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After creating my blog, I was able to start uploading work documents and planning sheets to my blog for everyone to see and track my progress.



I was also able to change the design, layout and colour of my blog by clicking on ‘design’ at the top of the page, as shown above.

I was then able to have a look at a variety designs to see which one represented me well.



Whenever I wanted to upload some planning of the soap or planning of the ancillaries, i could click on ‘new post’ and then upload.

I can then embed a link from slide share or YouTube, add a picture, or just write something which will then be shown on my blog.



The blog then allows you to view a preview of what your blog will look like with the new post and then publish it.


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After I had completed the rough cuts of the trailer and also the final version of my trailer, I had to upload my trailer onto YouTube and I was then able to embed the link onto my blog for audience feedback.

After finishing my soap on the Apple Macs, I had to log onto my YouTube account, I was then able to upload my soap trailer.

I then was able to type in the title of the soap trailer and was able to view it from YouTube.


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Planning of the poster:

Rough version of how our billboard poster will look.


Bright clothes – representing confidence

Neutral clothes – representing innocence and vulnerability

Arms crossed to show he thinks he is ‘the boss’

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Planning of the poster:

For our poster ancillary, we created and edited it on the software ‘PhotoShop’ as it allows you to change the background, change the colour, add text (from an image) and also allowed us to place individual images of the characters together as if we took a photo of them together.

To begin, I had to open the images separately into three different ‘layers’. I then had to delete all the unnecessary green background and also rub out any bits which had a green tint around it.

After removing the backgrounds on all the individual images, I had to find a background image which would be suitable to represent our soap and audience well. As the name of our soap is ‘Hill Top Farm’ I thought it would be appropriate to represent a farm surrounding/countryside as our soap setting, even though it will be shown on E4, the setting and name represents a higher class, rather than the class ‘Skins’ shows for example.

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Ancillary Planning:

Creating our poster:

Creating the E4 logo banner at the side of the poster: I had to find an existing E4 poster, therefore I used a ‘Skins’ poster, which had the E4 banner on. I then edited the banner so that it had no background and that I was able to add it onto our poster. I then had to colour the banner in the same purple as the E4 logo so that I could then add our soap’s title and more information on.

After colouring the banner in the E4 colours, I had to create my soap’s title on the ‘Apple Mac’ software – ‘Keynote’ which I was then able to recreate E4’s font – ‘American Typewriter’ with the name of my soap.

After creating my soap’s title on ‘Keynote’ for the poster, I had to export it as a ‘JPEG’ and was then able to open it on ‘PhotoShop’ which allowed me to resize and rotate to make the banner look realistic.

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Planning of the poster:

Following the input of the background, I then had to add the individual characters onto the background. I had to merge the characters to fit the background, I also had to alter the size and their positions to make it look realistic.

Final images we chose to use for our poster, represented the character’s personalities well, also the way Archie’s body is slightly turned towards Sambuca, shows he is more involved in her life than his girlfriend Bella.



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Using social medias to communicate with my group:

I used the popular social media institution ‘Twitter’ which allowed me to communicate with my group whenever was necessary. We were able to contact each other if we wanted to arrange costumes etc.

This is a screenshot of a conversation I had with a girl in my group – Emma about what costumes the characters should wear and how their costumes represent their personalities.

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Using social medias to communicate with my teacher:

I was able to communicate with my teacher via Twitter whenever I needed help with something in particular about filming for the soap.

I was also able to communicate with my teacher through the Aquinas media department blog to see if there were any new updates which would help us with creating our soap trailer and ancillaries.

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Using ‘PowerPoint’ for my evaluation questions:

For my evaluation questions, I mainly used ‘Microsoft PowerPoint’ as I was able to add as many pages as I intended. To add a new slide, click on ‘insert’ and ‘new page’ or you can insert ‘duplicate page’ which creates the same slide as the one you made on the slide above.

After adding a ‘new slide’ or ‘duplicate slide’ you can then add text or pictures.

Following the addition of a text, PowerPoint then allows you to change the font, by highlighting the font you want to change and you are then able to select your font style.




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Using ‘PowerPoint’ for my evaluation questions:

After changing the style of my font, I am then able to change the colour if necessary. This is done by highlighting the font and then clicking on the ‘A’ with colour underneath, you can then change the colour to one of your choice.

You then have created a different coloured font.

As well as being able to change the font and colour, PowerPoint also allows you to add an image – which is how I was able to put my magazine and poster into my slideshow. You click on ‘insert’, ‘picture’, and ‘from file’ and then choose an image of your choice.


