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These are the answers to my questionnaire, I have based my publication plans around the information that I have been given here.

Question 1: Are you male or female?Out of the 20 people that I asked, 6 were male and 14 were female. This shows that women read magazines more than men. Although the people I asked were mainly female, if I could do this task again, I would ask 10 males and 10 females.

Question 2: How old are you?

The ages ranged from 17- 65. 55% of people asked where 17, 10% were 18, 5% were 65, 41 and 20, 21, 24 and 32. I should have asked a variety of ages to get a more fair result, however I found that people who were older were less inclined to fill in the questionnaire at all.Most of the people I asked where friends of mine therefore this was a biased question which I should not have allowed in order to make my results more reliable.

Question 3: What genre of music do you mainly listen to? This was a scattered result, with Indie being the most popular, 5/20 people asked said they preferred indie music, however some said any. If I were to repeat this task I would have given them specific boxes to tick so they would have to specify.

Question 4: Who is your favourite band/singer?

Katy Perry, Rihanna and Justin Bieber were mentioned more than once; even when the person answered they preferred indie music. Other answers were Newton Faulkner, Biffy Clyro and Mcfly. This shows that some people have very varied music taste therefore I incorporated this into the artists that I included in my magazine.

Question 5: What three words do you associate with indie music?

A lot of people said skinny jeans and words that had connotations of the way indie music is perceived. One answer that stuck out for me was Bass. It is straight to the point and makes the magazine clear that it is a music magazine with an indie theme.

Question 6: What is your favourite colour? Most people answered purple or red which I can therefore see which person who likes which style of music prefers what colour etc.

Question 7: How often do you buy a magazine?20% of people asked said they buy a magazine once a fortnight, closely followed by less than once a month. The sale of magazines is declining because people can get gossip, news and live reviews etc online nowadays. I believe this is why magazines give out more free gifts than ever before.

Question 8: What magazine do you currently buy?

This varied from Kerrang! to Nylon with NME mainly being the answer here. 4/20 said they buy NME magazine. However some others asked didnt buy magazines or only bought fashion magazines.

Question 9: What do you like about this magazine?Most people asked said they like the interviews or information on artists, this shows that the context of the magazine does matter because no t one person said the images. People also talked about the tone of the magazine and said they liked how it was informative. This is very important because this is the main reason why the readers buy and read the specific magazines.Question 10: What do you dislike about this magazine?A few people said that they disliked the colour scheme and others said nothing. This shows how important the colour scheme is, and how people would not buy a magazine if they severely dislike something about it.

Question 11: What articles do you most enjoy to read in a music magazine?

Artist information or upcoming gigs and reviews were 15% of the answers however 25% of people asked said they enjoy the interviews the most. This makes it clear how important it is to have this content as regular articles to keep the readers enticed.

Question 12: How much would you pay for a music magazine usually?The majority of people said they would pay between 1.51 and 2.00 for a music magazine. Although some are more expensive than this, if the customers would not buy them at this price regularly then the price should be lower.

Question 13: In your spare time, how much do you listen to music?80% of people listen to music daily, with only 4 people saying they listen to it either every few days or once a week. This just shows how important music is to peoples daily lives.

Question 14:What colours do you associate with the indie genre?15 people asked said red, and others said colours very similar, such as brown or earthy colours. However 3 people also said purple, although red and purple would not make a very nice colour scheme together.