Rex Plays “The Apocalypse” (3) Melody and Natalia

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Rex Plays “The Apocalypse”

(3) Melody and Natalia

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This chapter is a direct continuation from the last. They will probably be uploaded together since I want to spread my updates out evenly (but also want to get back to playing when I can). Last time, Gloria lifted education, her husband Thomas lifted athletic (as you can tell from the exercise bike), and the dog Rover lifted pet show business. Gloria’s brother Simon is in the middle of lifting the criminal career. So far, Gloria and Thomas have had two kids, Melody and Natalia, with another on the way.

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The athletic lift meant I could work around Kaylynn’s living room death. While I can’t move her grave (yet), I thought I could at least make her disturbances less annoying.

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Gloria also met and moved in the second pet of the apocalypse: Alegra. She will be lifting Service so I can control my elders.

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Alegra: *throws up*

Right on!

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LEVEL 6 or 7 of criminal for Simon!

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Oh god damnit!

Kaylynn: Hehehe!

That asshole scared Thomas to death a couple times while I wasn’t looking. Freakin’ hell! Now I have two graves in the middle of the kitchen, both bent on vengeance (Kaylynn died with her aspiration in the red so that’s why she’s pissed and Thomas died from unnatural causes which will piss him off).

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Gloria: You’re a bitch, mom.

Kaylynn: Well without military lifted, how will you ever manage to lift paranormal? I came in here knowing full-well what an apocalypse took but this damn creator here had to treat me poorly.

Only for dying in the friggin’ living room!

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Kaylynn: BOO!

Gloria: Oh screw off! The cat needs to get a promotion in 4 hours.

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LEVEL 7 I think (I can’t remember what slides are what, they all look the same to me…. I need that screenshot thing).

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Gloria: Oh crap!

Kaylynn: HEHEHE!

Alegra: Meow

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LEVEL 8. This has to be level eight because that’s when they stop wearing the stupid criminal clothes, right?

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Toddler Natalia.

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Melody: So have you killed anybody?

Melissa Fancey: No… kid, why are you asking?

Melody: Because my grandma killed my daddy right next to where we’re sitting.

Melissa: I’m going to leave now.

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Bump number 2

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Demoted to LEVEL 7?!?

Simon: Chance cards, man.

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Well, I missed the pregnancy spin, but here is the final kid of generation 3. This is Octavio Whitehall. Cancer (6/5/8/6/6). Hobby is sports.

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Back up to LEVEL 8

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Triple Birthday! First is Melody becoming a teenager. She rolled knowledge and wants to max out 7 skills. She likes costume make-up and unemployed people but not mechanical skill (way to lose a chance at being the heir).

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Okay, maybe these next two happened the next day (based on how Melody is dressed in her teen athletic wear). Natalia then became a child and Octavio became a toddler.

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One of the many nights of mass skilling until bedtime.

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Maybe this was the LEVEL 9 promotion. I dunno haha.

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And Alegra got demoted back down to LEVEL 2 because of a stupid chance card…

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And Octavio becomes a child.

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Thomas: I didn’t even get to see my kids grow up.

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Another damn stupid chance card. Alegra is back to LEVEL 1 because I can’t seem to play them right.

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I skipped taking promotion pictures for a bit because I was frustrated with all of the ups and downs with chance cards. Oh well, here’s Simon topping the criminal career. Now I no longer need to pay the weekly fees to the mafia. Because I couldn’t bother to keep track of them, I kept familyfunding away 20000 each week. There was no way they would increase to that by now, but it was only fair.

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Melody: Come on! I need to update my blog!

The internet doesn’t exist yet. If you want to access the computer fully, lift science and gamer.

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I started to have Melody meet some men just in case I was going to choose her as heir. This guy’s name I don’t remember so he obviously is not important.

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Gloria made it to elderhood with her aspiration in the red. She’s gonna die real soon.

Gloria: I thought you liked me.

I do. I just like having space in the house so I can lift more restrictions.

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And Natalia became a teenager. She rolled romance and wants to be a hall of famer (not gonna happen). She likes costume make-up and red hair, but not cleaning skill. Her hobby is music and dance.

If you’re wondering why I don’t use cakes, it’s because I think they’re a waste if you aren’t throwing a birthday party.

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And after all that hard work, Simon quit being a criminal mastermind. I don’t think there’s a suppression thing going on with the law career, but I don’t really care to look at this point.

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Dancing? You stop that! This isn’t Footloose, it’s an apocalypse.

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That’s right. Kill each other. To the death! Only one can be heir!

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There are other slides of her getting up the ranks after that demotion, but here is Alegra topping Pet Service. Elders are now controllable (sucked having Gloria out of my grasp for a few days because she could die at any moment).

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Simon: Take our cat.

Lady: I’m a townie, so I have no mind of my own and will do exactly what you say.

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Gloria: I’m back, baby!

Were you ever gone?

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BAM! Elder Simon. He grew up better than his sister, but still won’t be having a long drawn-out elderhood.

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Oh, and teenage Octavio. He rolled fortune and wants to be a hall of famer. He likes swimwear and charisma, but not blonds. He will not be the heir because of that face… congrats to Natalia.

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Octavio: Maybe if I exercise I’ll be attractive.

One can always hope, buddy.

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Melody: If you can’t lift athletic, what can you lift?

Natalia: Military, I guess. Why are you dressed like that?

Melody: I maxed out the body skill and can leave the house for work.

Yeah, Melody got a job in business but was fired by chance card the first day. Not sure about the rules anymore regarding teens and jobs.

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They say dress for the job you want and Melody will do just that…

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Working on maxing out her skills. She has the only LTW I think I can achieve this generation.

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Since Natalia is the heir, I got her to become best friends with Sheldon Chen. Yeah, that’s right. I remember his name. He‘s gonna move in later

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Which is enough for the career reward (still need to lift adventure to use them)

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And time for Gloria to pass on. She lived for 73 days. Thanks to Pet Service, I didn’t need another person to get her out of the house on time.

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Natalia: My mother died on my birthday! Now I’ll be in the red growing up!

Hey now, at least you’re following in her footsteps.

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Kaylynn, go away!

Anyways, Natalia grew up and found a job in science. It wasn’t what I wanted out of her, but at least it’s a useful restriction… ish. They don’t really need TVs to entertain themselves. Or lights.

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She also manages to grow into a not so bad everyday look.

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Melody: Shh… everybody ignore Kaylynn. She can’t scare us if we don’t acknowledge her.

But she sure did try. At least I got them away from the butthole that is my founding spouse.

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Simon: I want to go online.

Melody: I have to write a novel to max out my creativity. Also the internet is a figment of your imagination.

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Simon: You’re mean.

I’m trying to keep you guys from going away at generation three like my last apocalypse.

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Adult Octavio!

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Octavio: I didn’t grow into my face!!

It’s fine buddy… a lot of people don’t… a lot a lot of people… man, sometimes I feel like the world is an uglacy and I’m the generation six heir. You’ll be fine. You’re like a generation two heir at worst.

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After dealing with how awful reality is, Octavio got a job in music since it was the first one available. I checked everyday for something good, but nothing. Music is what he stuck to.

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I know! It’s so cool.

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And they aren’t even poor.

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Well, well, well, look who came back.

Sheldon: That penguin is talking!

Natalia: You should hear the voice in all of our heads.

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Sheldon Kim everyone. I have to laugh. Not because he’s a fortune sim who wants to be a business tycoon. Nor because he likes muscles and costume make-up but not charisma. Not even because his hobby is cuisine.

This guy is already working in paranormal.

Sheldon is my friggin’ hero in this apocalypse!

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I wanted to make sure they tried for baby, but then remembered medical was lifted so condoms exist.

Suck it slacker restriction!

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Law is lifted! Now politics, slacker, and law enforcement can be lifted.

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Now they try for a baby (because Natalia has three days off in a row).

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Cleared out the career inventories. Science, paranormal, and music have been added to the roof.

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Melody is now perma-plat.

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Bump 1

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Bump 2

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LEVEL WHATEVER + 3 (the police psychic one).

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Moving Pepper in to unlock pet security.

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Giving birth to…

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Christine Whitehall. Libra (6/8/1/8/7).

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LEVEL 10! With music now lifted I’ve changed the seasons to winter, spring, spring, spring. Still need oceanography for the other two.

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That‘s right Kaylynn. You’re about to leave this house forever! HAHAHAHA!

Melody: You sure the apocalypse hasn’t gotten to you instead of us?

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LEVEL 10! Science lifted! Electronics and one object from the aspiration rewards in spite of alien technology.

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I choose the elixer of life as a just in case for either Natalia or Christine (make one younger and the other older so I can have more kids/lift military sooner).

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LEVEL 9 (I know now because of what happens next )

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Toddler Christine

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Pepper is a little shit

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Thank you Simon for taking care of that little shit’s mess.

Oh yeah, Simon died a while ago. Right before Sheldon moved in. I forgot to take pictures. Oops.

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LEVEL 10! I can now move the ghosts when they die!

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Unfortunately, Kaylynn was haunting that night.

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It looks like the business career and military have both moved up my list of next restrictions.

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Once the night was over, I moved all three of my dead sims to a corner in the lot. Yes, I know politics isn’t lifted yet, but still… I’m keeping them as far away as possible from the living.

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With Octavio being the only one with days off, I figure he’s the best to raise little Christine.

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Little shit lifts pet security. I can now have decent beds and couches.

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Melody: Take our little shit away from us.

Christy: I’m not really into that sort of thing.

Melody: I mean the dog.

And that’s how I stopped having pets in the house.

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Time to work on more generation four kids.

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And this is where I stopped playing. I spent enough time constructing that little entry-way with the architecture restriction so I could lock out anyone who didn’t live in the house. It may stop the ghosts, I don’t know. Better yet, it stops visitors from spending the night playing chess.

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So that’s that. Here’s the rundown so far:

Complete:Ben Whitehall – Hopelessness, CulinaryKaylynn “Butthole” Spitzig – MedicalGloria Whitehall – EducationSimon Whitehall – CriminalRover – Pet Show BusinessThomas Taylor – AthleticMelody Whitehall – LawAlegra – Pet ServiceNatalia Whitehall – ScienceOctavio Whitehall – MusicSheldon Chen – ParanormalPepper “Little Shit” – Pet Security

In Progress:NONE

Intended:Christine Whitehall – Military?? Whitehall – PoliticsSpouse - Gamer

To Be Lifted:ArchitectureBusinessNatural ScienceArtistShow BusinessDanceEntertainmentIntelligenceOceanographyAdventureJournalismLaw EnforcementSlackerAlien Technology