---Message received--- ---Ident confirmed--- ---Master Commander--- ---//What are you doing Twelve! //--- ---//Get to your Portal Now! The Time Coordinates have been sent to your HUD//--- ---//you’re off Planet again aren’t you! Get to the abandoned Teleport Shop//--- --//you know, like the ones we used all the time//-- --//This ones powered down, you’ll have to activity the secret back up power//-- --//While your there enter in the confidential Teleport Coordinates//-- --//Good, now get on the Teleporter Pad and get here now//-- --//Where are you?!//-- --//your signal on Titan disappeared, you entered the teleporter, but you aren’t here//-- --//Maybe your signal got lost in the time stream, if your near a portal, enter those damn coordinates and complete your mission//-- --//your mission? //-- --//oh I almost forgot! //-- --//your target is an astronaught, he’ll be near a NASA Lander, but he is not from the Lander//--

Time Assassin Guide Book

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Page 1: Time Assassin Guide Book

---Message received---

---Ident confirmed---

---Master Commander---

---//What are you doing Twelve! //---

---//Get to your Portal Now! The Time Coordinates have been sent to

your HUD//---

---//you’re off Planet again aren’t you! Get to the abandoned

Teleport Shop//---

--//you know, like the ones we used all the time//--

--//This ones powered down, you’ll have to activity the secret back

up power//--

--//While your there enter in the confidential Teleport


--//Good, now get on the Teleporter Pad and get here now//--

--//Where are you?!//--

--//your signal on Titan disappeared, you entered the teleporter,

but you aren’t here//--

--//Maybe your signal got lost in the time stream, if your near a

portal, enter those damn coordinates and complete your mission//--

--//your mission? //--

--//oh I almost forgot! //--

--//your target is an astronaught, he’ll be near a NASA Lander, but

he is not from the Lander//--

Page 2: Time Assassin Guide Book

--//This guy is rouge bounty hunter, he’s interpreted the continuum

too much//--

--//you get there, you eliminate him, and remove his body from


--//Why’s he at a NASA Lander? //-

--//Good Question, I’d like to know too but…you don’t get paid ask

questions, so eliminate the target! //--

-//sorry that was a little harsh…he probably just wants off the

moon, you remember the moon//--

--//Before the settlements finally cracked the moon open, it was

beautiful in the sky//--

--//I remember it as child…hey maybe you’ll get to see the earth an-

-we’ve got your signal again wherever you disappeared too you won’t

be able to get back, the moon has too much electromagnetic inference

it cut the link//--

--//I’ve sent a group to rendezvous with you wait there; you should

have enough oxygen to keep yourself alive….

--//I won’t lie to you anymore, this was a trap, you didn’t

necessarily set it off, that hidden portal of yours is genius, but

we’ll find it. We know you’ve gone rouge, and you know what happens,

it was good working with you//--