What have you learned from audience feedback?

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Page 2: What have you learned from audience feedback?

From the audiences’ opinion, the lip synching worked very well, it matched the track to the extent that you forget that he is lip synching instead of singing. Also, the editing was sharp and smooth and there wasn’t any shaky or framing shot issues. The audience seemed to like the simplicity of the production.

Page 3: What have you learned from audience feedback?

The audience believed that the artist’s performance was true and sincere. He really engaged into the music video which made it more enjoyable to watch.The audience believed that the female protagonist was pretty bashful, however, she played her performance sincerely.

Page 4: What have you learned from audience feedback?

The audience believe that the male protagonist did not have the right dress sense, they feel that he should have dressed up more since they thought he was too casual with the affect of making him too ordinary. Also, the locations were very limited and would like to see multiple locations used within the production, however, they liked the simplicity of the video but it was almost too simple. Furthermore, the audience believed that the visual effects (text appearing) could have been more creative.

Page 5: What have you learned from audience feedback?

The audience liked the contrast of the front CD cover with how the artist was bright and stood out and the background was dark and misty. Also, the audience said that the poster looked street produced in terms of not having a big label upon them. It looked like a ground root project.

Page 6: What have you learned from audience feedback?

The audience said that one of the inlay cards (the black and white effect) did not match the rest of the ancillary tasks. They also believed that the first inlay card should have a different font. Also, they do like the theme of blue to represent the artist but felt like there was too much blue. Furthermore, in the poster, they felt like the Wembley logo did not look right on the poster and consider that there are other ways in representing him.