What have you learned from your audience feedback?

What have you learned from your audience feedback

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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Page 2: What have you learned from your audience feedback

With my audience feedback I chose a group of students at my college who study media to look at my products. They were all around my age group which is the target audience I aimed for. The first product I asked them to look at was our main product which was the music video I learnt that the main issue was with colour correction which I already knew but it was obviously noticeable that the audience picked up on it. They also said we should have used more variety in our editing techniques such as maybe adding a scratchy effect to go with my ancillary products. They mentioned that the storyline of the music video had a good link with the song lyrics as they mentioned it was a sad song and the concept of the video reciprocated that.They also mentioned that the different camera angles worked well for what we were trying to achieve as many Rock videos in particular experiment with this sort of thing. They did also say that some aspects were a bit shaky and maybe we should have used something like a tripod to prevent camera shake and keep the shots steady. When we asked what image it created their were resounding words which was emo and grunge which is I guess what we wanted to create but it also shows how different music videos still get stereotyped just from use of clothing and image. They also said this when we asked them what does it make young people look like and they came up with depressed and emo again which is not necessarily what we wanted but you can see the connotations which come with this genre of music. They also said the lead girl was over dramatic which is what we wanted to create as we know real teenagers aren’t this dramatic but my showing this it draws people’s attention in rather than being too realistic as the audience know that it is not. When I asked them what their favourite part of my digipak was the majority said the notebook theme and the guitar which then suggests that this particular group of people focus more on the musical aspect of the genre and products which is understandable and something I can learn from. They all said that the aspect that stood out the most was the necklace and we wanted the focus to be that in the video as we create a big question mark on that part of the video. One girl mentioned that I should have probably changed the placement of where I put the lyrics as underneath the dic tray most people wouldn’t see them and they are quite an important part of the song. In the advert they mainly said that they liked the link between the necklace and the video and the digipak and that it was noticeable. They said I should have probably tried to make it stand out more which I could have probably done and I will know if I do anything like this again to make sure I focus on that. They said that they would probably see this advert in Kerrang! which is what I wanted them to say so that worked out well. They also said that the edges of the main image were too harsh and I should have made them softer.I think overall the feedback was what I wanted to hear such as them noticing objects and the stereotypes and the link between the colour scheme and the genre of music I was trying to create. From this experience I have noticed from listening to focus groups there is a lot to learn from the general target audience as you want to please them so it is important to give them what they want.