Cara M. Santelli Department of Mineral Sciences Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History Email: [email protected] ; Twitter: @biominerals Microorganisms contributing to manganese (Mn) remediation in passive treatment technologies

Cara Santelli, "Microorganisms Contributing to Manganese Remediation in Passive Treatment Technologies"

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A diverse community of bacteria, fungi, and algae can promote Mn oxide precipitation in passive remediation systems in PA. Many of the microbes in the treatment beds are common soil organisms that likely came from the surrounding, uncontaminated environment but are capable of existing in metal-rich waters.

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Page 1: Cara Santelli, "Microorganisms Contributing to Manganese Remediation in Passive Treatment Technologies"

Cara M. Santelli

Department of Mineral SciencesSmithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

Email: [email protected]; Twitter: @biominerals

Microorganisms contributing to manganese (Mn) remediation in passive treatment technologies

Page 2: Cara Santelli, "Microorganisms Contributing to Manganese Remediation in Passive Treatment Technologies"

Colleen Hansel (WHOI)


Dominique Chaput (Smithsonian)


Bill Burgos (PSU)

Fubo Luan – PSUDonald Pfister – HarvardSam Webb – SSRLAlice Dohnolkova – EMSLStream Restoration, Inc.Brent Means - OSM

Page 3: Cara Santelli, "Microorganisms Contributing to Manganese Remediation in Passive Treatment Technologies"

Passive Remediation Systems

Fe Attenuation

Mn Attenuation

Neutral pH

Low metals

(pH 6-8)

Mn(II) Mn(IV)(dissolved) (solid)

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Passive Remediation Systems

Fe Attenuation

Mn Attenuation

Neutral pH

Low metals

(pH 6-8)

Only partially effective

What is promoting Mn(II) oxidation and subsequent Mn oxide mineral formation?

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Mn(II) Mn(IV)Dissolved MnO2


Lab experiments show abiotic factors only partially account for Mn oxidation in AMD treatment systems

Luan et al., 2013, Applied. Geochem.

pH >9



(Mineral surfaces)(microbes)

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• Identify Mn-oxidizing microbes

• Identify conditions that induce growth/oxidation

• Determine key players

• Identify mechanisms for oxidation

• Characterize biomineralization products

Basic science research informs bioremediation strategy

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• Sampled variety Mn treatment systems in PA

Comparative study of passive MRBs

• High dissolved Mn (II) concentrations

A geologist doing what geologists do best….banging on rocks and digging holes in the ground.

• Varying attenuation efficiency

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Location of MRBs

DS – De Sale (Slippery Rock Creek Watershed)DR – Derry Ridge (Saxman Run)FV – Fairview

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Which microbes promote Mn(II) oxidation?

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Microbial Mn oxidation

WHY??? No physiological reasonNo “gain” for converting Mn(II) to Mn(IV)

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Culture-based Approach:

15 different media types

> 1000 cultures started from sediment, water, rocks, “goo”

DNA sequenced for identification

Non-oxidizing culture

Mn-oxidizing microbes

Dana Lazarus – undergrad intern

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Santelli et al., 2010, AEMChaput et al., in prep.

>95% Mn-oxidizing isolates were Fungi and Algae!!!!

~150 isolates - 9 different Ascomycete fungal species - 4 different bacterial species

- >14 algal species (more being isolated)

Culture based approach

Species = “types”(e.g., Homo sapiens)

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Santelli et al., 2010, AEM

Mn(II) oxidizing fungi

• Most are very common soil fungi• Found all over the world• All systems had fungi

Plectosphaerella cucumerina

Stilbella aciculosa Pithomyces chartarum

500 µm

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Plectosphaerella cucumerina

500 µm

5 mm

5 mm



-Most commonly isolated

-Found in almost all sites

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green algae (Chlorophyta)

diatoms (Bacillariophyta)

*Species ID underway*

Mn(II) oxidizing algae

Dominique Chaput - postdoctoral fellow (SI)

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Culture based approach

Necessary and informative:• Diverse fungi & algae (and some bacteria) promote

Mn removal in passive treatment systems• Species types do not correlate with system efficiency

Drawbacks:• Not all organisms are culturable (understimate)• Can not determine cell abundance or activity in situ

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What influences growth and oxidation of fungi?

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Physiological Growth Experiments

• pH 5 – 8 • Light/Dark• Mn tolerance• Nutrient source (e.g., C and N)• Nutrient concentration


Measured mycelia radial growth rates

pH and light/dark had no impact on growth rates

Oxidation rates are difficult to measure

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Plectosphaerella cucumerina

Mn(II) tolerance > 10 mM for 7 of 9 species

Mn (II) tolerance





Microdochium bolleyi




Mn(II) mM

Growth at 10 mM

High metal


Mn(II) toxic at 5 mM

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Plectosphaerella cucumerina

Growth rates influenced by Mn(II) concentration

Mn (II) tolerance





Acremonium strictum




Mn(II) mM

Growth rates

Growth rates

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Nutrient (C) source and concentration


Plectosphaerella cucumerina

Pyrenochaeta inflorescentiae

0.5mM 5.0mM 50.0mM




- + +

+ -


Fungal isolate





- -


5.0mM 50.0mM

• No consistent trends• Mn oxidation can be turned on or off!!!

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Nutrient (C) source and concentration


Plectosphaerella cucumerina

Pyrenochaeta inflorescentiae

0.5mM 5.0mM 50.0mM




- + +

+ -


Fungal isolate





- -


5.0mM 50.0mM

• Next: Test “realistic” sources: • Mushroom compost, corncobs, woodchips?

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But microbes don’t grow individually in the environment…

What are the overall community dynamics?

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Community effects on Mn removal?

Positive interactions

Negative interactions

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Community effects on Mn removal?

Positive interactions

Negative interactions

Enhanced oxidation

Inhibited oxidation

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Extract total DNA

DNA Community diversity

Species Identification

Molecular Biological approachMRB Samples Soil Sample

4 Manganese Removal Beds (MRBS) Sampled

2 high efficiency2 low efficiency

Amplicon pyrosequencing/Illumina(bacteria, archaea, fungi,


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“Known” Mn oxidizers account for < 0.15% of bacterial community

High efficiencyLow efficiency

~1-9% of fungal communityGreatest proportion of fungi in high efficiency MRBs~ algae ? (in progress)

Distribution of Mn(II)-oxidizers

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High efficiencyLow efficiency

Distribution of Mn(II)-oxidizers

Mn(II) oxidizers are already in the MRBs!

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Complex microbial communities in MRBs

Next steps:• More growth experiments (“realistic” C sources,

algae, community competition assays)

• Laboratory mini-MRBs (best “realistic” C sources, track total community dynamics)