


This is My Routine

1. Match the following pictures to their corresponding meaning.

____________ ___________ ____________ ____________

_______________ ____________ ____________ ________________ Answers go to bed, study, have lunch, make the bed, watch tv, take a bath, have breakfast, go to school.


Places in Town

Look at the map. Write the correct name of the place. Fill in all the gaps.

Excuse / where / Thank / straight / welcome / block / corner (x2) / right / first / across /

how (x2) / between / get / take / far / behind / cross

1. C: Excuse me, is the post office, please?

D: It's easy. Go on Violet Street.

D: Then take the road on your right.

D: It is the hospital and restaurant.

C: Thanks.

2. E: Excuse me, how do I to the amusement park?

F: Hmmm... Go straight on Violet Street. Turn at the corner.

F: Go one . Then, the first road on your left.

F: It's the restaurant. It' on your left.

E: Thank you.


Food and Drinks - Learning vocabulary



Match the word with the correspondent image.




Unscramble the letters to find the jobs:

1. namspto - .

2. esurn - .

3. ernragde - .

4. hcretae - .

5. cinhcame - .

6. shreifnma - .

Complete the sentences with the appropriate profession . Clues: I create stories with my imagination. I’m a….. I take care of your pet. I’m a….. I take care of your teeth. I’m a….. I move my body to the music. I’m a….. I prepare tasty food. I’m a….. I extinguish fires. I’m a….. I clean the streets. I’m a….. I fly you to one place to another. I’m a….. I investigate crimes. I’m a….. I work with wood. I’m a…..

This / that / these / those

The difference between the demonstratives distance (near and far) and singular and plural.

"This" is used for singular nouns that are close to the speaker. "That" is used for singular nouns that are far from the speaker. "These" is used for plural nouns that are close to the speaker.

"Those" is used for plural nouns that are far from the speaker.


Write a sentence with the correct demonstrative.

There is/There are

"There is" y "There are" quieren decir "Hay" en español. "There is" es singular y

"There are" es plural.

There is a book. (Hay un libro.)* There are books. (Hay libros.)

*Se puede hacer una contracción de "There is" a "There's". No se puede

hacer una contracción de "There are."

El negativo es "There is not" y "There are not" y sus contracciones.

There is not a book. - There isn't a book. There are not books. - There aren't books.

Para formar una pregunta nada más cambiamos el orden de las palabras.

Is there a book? Are there books?

Yes, there is. Yes, there are. No, there isn't. No, there aren't.


Escribe oraciones usando There is o There are o el negativo para describir que hay

y que no hay en cada cuarto. Escribe las oraciones afirmativas sin contracción y las

negativas con una contracción como el ejemplo abajo.



There is a table

There isn’t a TV

Sofa ____________________ Chair __________________

Bed ____________________ Bed __________________

Lamp ____________________ Lamp _________________

Dresser____________________ Tv __________________

Toilet ____________________ Refrigerator ____________


Write the following sentences using the correct form of the adjective (comparative or superlative)

1. Clare is __________________________________________________

Mike. (old)

2. Jane is ________ of the four. She eats very well and does a lot of sports,


3. The coach thinks that Peter is the __________________ player of the

team, (fast)

4. The teacher doesn't think Christopher is ________ the other students.


5. Kamilla is ___________________ girl in the class. She is always

laughing. (happy)


6. The Sahara desert is one of the ___________________deserts in the

world. (hot)

7. The climate in the North of Chile is _______________________ in the

South, (dry)

8. Asia is _________________________________________________

Europe. (big)

9. A Rolls-Royce is one of _______________________ cars in the world.


10. Nights with no moon are _______________________ nights with full

moon. (dark)

11. ____________________________ hurricanes are developed over

México, (violent)

12. Diamonds are ______________________________ jewels in the world.



Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or

usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled

event or something that often happens. It can also be something a

person often forgets or usually does not do.



1. For habits

He drinks tea at breakfast. She only eats fish.

They watch television


2. For repeated actions or events

We catch the bus every

morning. It rains every afternoon in

the hot season. They drive to Monaco every


3. For general truths Water freezes at zero

degrees. The Earth revolves around

the Sun. Her mother is Peruvian.

4. For instructions or directions

Open the packet and pour the contents into

hot water. You take the No.6 bus to

Watney and then the No.10

to Bedford.

5. For instructions or

directions Open the packet

and pour the contents into

hot water. You take the No.6 bus to

Watney and then the No.10

to Bedford.

6. For fixed arrangements

His mother arrives tomorrow.

Our holiday starts on the

26th March

7. With future constructions

She'll see you before

she leaves. We'll give it to her when she arrives.

Simple present, third person singular

Note: 1. he, she, it: in the third person singular the verb always ends in -s:

he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.

2. Negative and question forms use DOES (=the third person of the auxiliary'DO') +the infinitive of the verb. He wants. Does he want? He does not want.

3. Verbs ending in -y : the third person changes the -y to -ies: fly flies, cry cries Exception: if there is a vowel before the -y: play plays, pray prays

4. Add -es to verbs ending in:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch: he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes


Put the correct form of the verb in each space. Mary _____(have) a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually ______ (get up) early so she can run before work. She doesn't often ________(have) time to ski, but she occasionally ______(go) on Saturdays during the winter. Mary often _______(ride) a horse at a stable near her home. She sometimes _____(go) after work, but she usually______( go) horseback riding on Sundays. She ______(love) music. She always goes to choir practice on Wednesday evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She seldom watches TV because she______( like) doing things outside. She usually goes to the gym if it's raining outside. She occasionally _______(do) something alone, but she usually _____(do) her activities with one of her friends.

WH Question Words

We use question words to ask certain types of questions (question word questions). We often refer to them as WH words because they include the letters WH (for example WHy, HoW).

Question Word

Function Example

what asking for information about something

What is your name?

asking for repetition or confirmation

What? I can't hear you. You did what?

what...for asking for a reason, asking why What did you do that for?

when asking about time When did he leave?

where asking in or at what place or position

Where do they live?

which asking about choice Which colour do you want?

who asking what or which person or Who opened the door?


people (subject)

whom asking what or which person or people (object)

Whom did you see?

whose asking about ownership Whose are these keys? Whose turn is it?

why asking for reason, asking what...for

Why do you say that?

why don't making a suggestion Why don't I help you?

how asking about manner How does this work?

asking about condition or quality How was your exam?

how + adj/adv asking about extent or degree see examples below

how far distance How far is Pattaya from Bangkok?

how long length (time or space) How long will it take?

how many quantity (countable) How many cars are there?

how much quantity (uncountable) How much money do you have?

how old age How old are you?

how come (informal)

asking for reason, asking why How come I can't see her?

2. Organize the following word to make the questions:

a. time/to/sleep/what/you/go/do?

b. you/what/time/breakfast/do/have?

c. she/ what/home/go/time/does?

d. study/do/where/you?

e. you/the/do/afternoon/What/do/in?



1. First, we use it for things that are happening at the moment of speaking. I'm working at the moment. Please call back as– we are eating dinner now. Julie is sleeping. You are studying the present continuous.

2. We can also use this tense for temporary situations, when we feel something won't continue for a long time.

She's staying with her friend for a week. I'm living in London for a few months. John's working in a bar until he finds a job in his field. I'm reading a really great book.

3. Another present continuous use is for annoying habits, when we want to show that something happens too often and we don't like it. In this case we usually use an adverb like 'always', 'forever' or 'constantly'.

You're always losing your keys! She's constantly missing the train. He's always sleeping in. They're forever being late.

4. The next use is for definite future arrangements (with a future time word). In this case we have already made a plan and we are pretty sure that the event will happen in the future.

I'm meeting my father tomorrow. We're going to the beach at the weekend. I'm leaving at three. They're coming to the party at the weekend

Activity: Match the



The cat / eat

My father / work

They / play

We / swim

I / study


1. Studying / are / where / they / ?

________________________________________? _____________________________________ 2. Is / ? / my mother /chicken / cooking



1. Is your father working in the office? 4. Where are they playing?

a. No, she is a. in the park

b. Yes, he is b. yes, they are

c. He is working in the office c. no, they aren’t


2. I___________ English 5. My family _________to Cajicá on

. Sunday

a. Are studying a. are going

b. Am studying b. is going

c. No, I am c. isn’t going

3. Is your brother playing guitar? . 6. My grandfather ___________ some

. fruits

a. He is play a. is buy

b. Yes, he is b. is buying

c. No, he is c. are buying


1. The teachers is read a book. _________________________________________________

2. My friends is play soccer in the park. _________________________________________________


