

David Pickar,' Dieter Naber,? Robert M. Post,' Daniel P. van Kammen,* Walter Kaye,$ David R. Rubinow,*

James C. Ballenget-,§ and William E. Bunney, Jr.*

* Biological Psychiatry Branch $ Laboratory of Clinical Science

National Institute of Mental Health National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20205

t Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Munich Munich, Federal Republic of Germany

8 Department of Psychiatry University of Virginia

Charlottesville, Virginia 22903


Biological psychiatry has pursued hypothesized relationships between the endogenous opioid system and behavior to a large degree by focusing on possible endogenous opioid (endorphin) diatheses in psychiatric illness.' Partly on the basis of the behavioral effects of exogenous opiates in man and those of endogenous opioids in animals, alterations in the endogenous opioid system have been hypothesized to be related to schizophrenia2s3 as well as to the affective disorders:*+ Three principal strategies have been used clinically to test endorphin hypotheses: the administration of the pure narcotic antagonist, naloxone,"? 6* 7 the administration of opioid peptide agonists,"-l' and the measurement of endogenous opioids in body fiuids such as plasma 12-*' and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).15-lR Each of these strategies has inherent strengths and liabilities; the measurement of endorphins themselves is the only nonpharmacologic approach and the one that is based on laboratory methodologies.

Two major assay techniques have been employed to measure endorphins in clinical studies: the radioimmunoassay (RIA) l2, 14, 16. 18, and the radio- receptor assay (RRA) . I3* 1 5 - 1 7 9 2o RIA determinations have the advantage that they detect levels of specific opioids (e.g., &endorphin, or Met-enkephalin, etc). The major limitation with the RIA method lies in the fact that the antibodies commonly used show cross-reactivity to other peptide molecules while they themselves may not possess opiate-like activity (e.g., &lipotropin) ; results of RIA, therefore, usually represent a composite of substances, with levels expressed as immunoreactivity.21* 22 A further limitation with the RIA is that there are a number of endogenous opioid peptides already discovered,

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and despite differing anatomic locations of these compounds, there are little data indicating that any single one (e.g., B-endorphin, Met-enkephalin, Leu- enkephalin, dynorphin, etc.) is more closely related to behavior or psychiatric illness than another. The principal theoretical advantage to the RRA is that determinations are based on biological activity, i.e., stereospecific binding to the opiate receptor.20 This RRA approach, while limited in providing infor- mation regarding an individual opioid peptide, does permit an assessment of “functional” opioid activity, which may then reflect overall tone or activity of the endogenous opioid system. Biochemical separation techniques have been used with both RIA lg and RRA l5, l7 to enhance specificity for specific opioids or groups of opioids.

While the measurement of endorphins has been applied to both CSF and plasma, CSF analysis may more directly reflect activity of CNS endorphin systems. Evidence that opioid activity in CSF reflects brain opioid system activity may be gained from the results of several experiments. It has been shown, for example, that electrical stimulation of the periaqueductal gray matter produces both naloxone-reversible analgesia in patients with chronic pain and increases levels of 8-endorphin-like 23 and enkephalin-like 24 material in ventricular CSF. Electroacupuncture, a treatment hypothesized to be mediated through the endogenous opioid system, has been shown to produce elevations in lumbar CSF enkephalin-immunoreactivity 25 and in RRA-deter- mined opioid activity.2e Recently, levels of certain fractions of CSF taken prior to general surgery have been found to be predictive of the amount of post-operative morphine required by patients to relieve pain.27 A diurnal rhythm of CSF opioid activity has been demonstrated in non-human primates with a pattern of increased morning and decreased afternoon levels,28 a rhythm similar to that of cortisol and ACTH29 as well as to the reported diurnality in human pain sensitivity.3o

In this paper we describe our research testing endorphin hypotheses in schizophrenia and affective disorders le, 31 and in anorexia nervosa 32 using the strategy of measuring opioid activity and /%endorphin-immunoreactivity (ir) in the CSF.


Patient Populations

All psychiatric patients in this study were inpatients on clinical research wards of the NIH and granted informed consent to participate in this study of levels of CSF endorphins. Patients met Research Diagnostic Criteria (DRC) 33

for either schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, mania or DSM I11 cri- teria 3.1 for anorexia nervosa. In addition to psychiatric patients, a group .of normal volunteers granted informed consent for participation and served as a control group. These normal subjects were free from medical or psychiatric illness. All patients and normals were maintained medication-free for at least 14 days prior to study. Demographic data of these subject populations are presented in TABLE 1.

Pickar et al.: Endorphins in CSF 40 1

CSF Sampling

For all patients and control subjects CSF was obtained by lumbar punctures performed between 8:OO and 9:OO A.M. All subjects were at bedrest since awakening and fasting since the previous evening's meal. Immediately fol- lowing collection, CSF samples were frozen at -70" C. Analysis was per- formed on samples obtained from a pool of the first through twelfth milliliters of withdrawn CSF.

Radioreceptor Assay ( R R A )

Levels of CSF opioid activity were determined by the RRA methodology of Naber et aI.?O This technique is based on the competition between [3H]- [D-Ala?]enkephalin-( L-Leu-amide) and biologically active opioid ligands using



Age in Years Group N (mean f SD) Male Female

Normal 41 31 k 13 27 14 Schizophrenic 27 34 f 13 13 14 Schizoaffective 14 30 f 13 8 6 Depressed 35 41 & 14 14 21 Manic 13 34 f 13 3 10 Anorexia 5 24 k 5 -

nervosa Recovered

anorectics 8 23 & 4 - Controls for

anorectics 7 25 2 5 -




crude rat brain membranes. This assay methodology has been presented previously in detail including results from gel chromatography and opioid specificity analysis.2o Non-opioid peptides such as ACTH, /?-lipotropin and MSH have been shown to produce negligible radioligand displacement at physiologic concentrations. All samples analyzed by the RRA were assayed in triplicate blind to clinical information; samples from the different diagnostic groups and control subjects were assigned in a balanced fashion to individual assays by nonlaboratory personnel. CSF from all subjects were analyzed by the RRA for opioid activity.

&Endorphin Radioimmunoassay ( R I A )

After completing RRA analysis, additional CSF was available from some subjects to perform RIA for /?-endorphin. This assay was performed with reagents and antibody supplied by New England Nuclear; rabbit antiserum

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was prepared against synthetic human &endorphin. The antibody demon- strates <SO% cross-reactivity with j3-lipotropin, <.004% with Met- or Leu- enkephalin, <.01% with a-endorphin or u-MSH. Samples were assayed blind to clinical information, in duplicate and assigned in a balanced fashion through- out one assay.



Patients who met RDC for schizoaffective type schizophrenia were con- sidered separately from other schizophrenic types (i.e., undifferentiated, cata- tonic, etc.) since they had shown significant mood-related symptomatology as part of their illness. Overall, schizophrenics showed significantly less CSF opioid activity than did the normal control group: mean f SEM were 2.92 f 1.9 pmol/ml, and 4.01 f 2.3 pmol/ml, respectively; p < .05, inde- pendent t-test, two-tailed-Welch’s method for comparing groups of unequal variances, while schizoaffective patient (3.96 f 2.5 pmol/ml) showed no significant deviation from normals or other, schizophrenics. Further analysis revealed that the schizophrenic-normal difference was accounted for primarily by sex: a nearly twofold decrease in CSF opioid activity was found in male schizophrenics in comparison to normal male subjects (p < .005), whereas levels in female schizophrenics and normal female subjects were similar. Analysis of CSF by RIA for &endorphin in representative subsamples of these groups, however, revealed no significant or near significant differences between any of the schizophrenic groups and normal subjects in j3-endorphin (ir) (FIG. l ) , suggesting that the observed difference between male schizophrenics and normal male subjects may be related to opioids other than @endorphin.

There were no significant correlations between CSF opioid activity or p-endorphin (ir) and age, number of previous hospitalizations, or nurses’ rat- ings of psychosis. Levels of CSF opioid activity and 8-endorphin (ir) were not significantly related.


In its most simple form the endorphin-schizophrenia hypothesis states that an excess in endogenous opioid system activity is related to symptomatology of schizophrenia. The basis for this hypothesis is indirect: cyclazocine, a mixed agonist/antagonist is known to produce naloxone-reversible dysphoria and auditory hallucinations in normal subjects, intraventricularly administered 8-endorphin in rats produces an unusal behavioral syndrome reminiscent of calatonia, and preliminary studies reported that the administration of the “pure” narcotic antagonist, naloxone, was associated with reductions in auditory hal- lucinations in schizophrenic patients.5 Over the last half-decade there have been numerous studies addressing endorphins in schizophrenia; results from this work, however, have not consistently supported the “excess endorphin” hypothe~is.~. 7 Many studies have now used the naloxone strategy: while some groups have found results suggestive of therapeutic effects of naloxone,

Pickar et al.: Endorphins in CSF 403

others have not.:' Recently, a World Health Organization collaborative study reported that schizophrenic patients who were concurrently treated with neuro- leptics showed significant naloxone-associated reductions in physician-rated symptomatology whereas medication-free schizophrenics showed significant naloxone-associated worsening in the BPRS subscale, "withdrawal-retardation.'' The results from double-blind studies of the intravenous administration of the opioid peptide, @-endorphin, have been inconclusive. Berger et a1.O reported significant but clinically nonapparent improvement in ratings of schizophrenic

'P < .ooc

n = 2 1 - NORMAL



c 1 = 1 2 - NORMAL FEMALE

f n, 1 1


FIGURE 1. CSF opioid activity and @-endorphin (ir) in CSF of schizophrenic patients and normal control subjects.

patients following @-endorphin administration; Pickar et al." and Gerner et aI.l0 reported no significant behavioral effects.

The RRA method of Terenius ef al.l5 has been used most extensively in studying levels of opioids in the CSF of medication-free schizophrenics. This method differs from the RRA employed in our study primarily in that, prior to RRA analysis, CSF is separated into two fractions (I and 11) by gel chroma- tography. Although further biochemical specification of these fractions is

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needed, reported elution profiles suggest that Fraction I is composed of opioid( s) intermediate in size between @endorphin and the enkephalins which, in turn, co-elute with Fraction 11. Using this method, individual medication- free chronic 35 and “symptom rich” 15, l7 schizophrenics have been reported to have elevated Fraction I levels beyond the “normal range.” More recently, Rimon et d.36 have reported that acute medication-free schizophrenic patients showed a statistically significant group elevation in Fraction I levels compared to normal subjects, while chronic schizophrenics were found to have significantly lower levels than acute schizophrenics. All previous studies using &endorphin RIA analysis of CSF from schizophrenics have studied patients who were concurrently receiving neuroleptics. In one study, acute patients were found to have elevated levels of @endorphin (ir) while chronic patients had de- creased levels, each in comparison with controls.l* In another study, no dif- ferences between schizophrenics and normal subjects were found.12

The results of our study do not support the notion of excess endogenous opioid system activity in schizophrenia. On the contrary, our data indicate the possibility of decreased endogenous opioid system activity, at least in male schizophrenics. The fact that we found no differences between schizo- phrenics and normal subjects with regard to 8-endorphin (ir) may suggest that the observed decrease in CSF opioid activity in the male schizophrenics may be related to opioid(s) other than 8-endorphin. In this regard our data are consistent with other studies that have used the RRA of Terenius et al.l5, 17, 31, 37

since deviations in opioid activity in non+endorphin CSF fractions have been found in both acute and chronic schizophrenic patient groups. The lack of correlation between /.+endorphin (ir) and RRA determined opioid activity suggest that intact @-endorphin may not be a major contributing factor to total opioid activity.

Our data may be consistent with the results of the WHO collaborative project in which naloxone administration produced worsening in medication- free schizophrenics, rather than improvement. While further analysis of our data with regard to clinical variables is in progress, a current working hypothesis includes the notion that decreased endogenous opioid activity in some patients may be related to anhedonic features of the schizophrenic illness such as emotional withdrawal and poor interpersonal relatedness.

Depression and Mania

Results of RRA and @endorphin RIA analyses of CSF revealed no sig- nificant differences between depressed or manic patients and normal volun- teers, or significant differences between depressed and manic groups for each variable (TABLE 2). In four manic-depressive patients in whom paired samples were available from closely associated depressed and manic periods, however, CSF opioid activity has higher in mania than during depression in each sub- ject: mean f SD were 3.81 * 0.68 pmol/ml and 1.91 * 0.51 pmol/ml for mania and depression, respectively (p < .05, paired t-test, two tailed).

In examining possible relationships between CSF opioid activity and symptomatology in depressed patients, a significant correlation was found between research ward nurses’ ratingss7 of anxiety on the day prior to LP and CSF opioid activity ( r = .46, p < .05). These ratings reflect assessment

Pickar et al.: Endorphins in CSF 405




- * * . -

Opioid Activity p-Endorphin (ir)

N mean f SD N mean f SD Group (pmol/ml) (pmol/l)

Depressed 35 3.95 & 2.4 28 65 f 31 Manic 13 3.97 f 1.9 12 58 f 27 Normal 41 4.01 f 2.3 33 59 2 39

- 140- E 120


4 100- - y

9 40-•

3 . z @ -


of anxiety from the perspective of observed behavior in a research ward setting.

As part of studies investigating abnormalities of the hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal (HPA) axis in affective illness, determinations of urinary free cortisol were made by RIA in subgroups of depressed patients and normal volunteers (means of two 24 hr urines). These determinations were made from urine samples during the same medication-free period as were the lumbar punctures. We observed that CSF opioid activity was significantly related to mean urinary free cortisol excretion (MUFC) in the depressed patients ( r = .47, p < .05) but not in the normal volunteers ( r = -.01, NS) (FIG. 2). In the subgroup of depressed patients in whom both 8-endorphin (ir) and MUFC was available for analysis, a direct relationship was also found ( r = .32), which, although not reaching statistical significance, was in contrast to the slight negative rela- tionship between normals and CSF 8-endorphin (ir) and MUFC ( r = -.lo). MUFC was significantly higher in depressed patients (80.0 f 8.5 mg/24-hr) than in normal volunteers (56.4 f 4.3 mg/24-hr) (p < .05) (FIG. 2).


@ - * = a


a *

l@r r = -.01 p = n.s.

, r . 0

: * * a



0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OcIII,,I,,,,, 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0

OPlOlD ACTIVITY (pmollml)


FIGURE 2. The relationship between mean urinary free cortisol (MUFC) and CSF opioid activity in depressed subjects and normal control subjects.



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The notion that the endogenous opioid system may be involved in affective disorders stems largely from the considerable mood-altering properties of exogenous opiates coupled with animal experimentation relating the endogenous opioid system to reinforced beha~ior .~ . 5 , 3s Specifically, the ability or inability to experience pleasure has been suggested to be related to relative increases and decreases in endogenous opioid system activity. In this regard, enhanced opioid activity might be expected to be related to mania while decreased activity related to depression. Reflecting this view, most clinical studies of mania have involved naloxone administration, while those in depression have used the strategy of administering opiate agonists (exogenous as well as endogenous) .39

Following initial clinical studies in which naloxone was found to have therapeutic effect in manic patients,6 there have been several studies that have found no significant behavioral effects of naloxone in manic patients.', 40

There have been two reports suggesting that opioid activity differs with state change in manic-depressive illness. Lindstrom et al.17 reported CSF Fraction I opioid activity to be elevated during mania in comparison to depression in several manic-depressive patients. Pickar et ~ 1 . 1 ~ found significant elevations in plasma opioid activity during mania compared with depression in a cycling medication-free manic-depressive patient. Although there has been little study of depressed patients with either naloxone or endorphin measurement strategies, several studies have reported the effects of opiate agonist administration in depression. Antidepressant effects of intravenously administered &endorphin in open or single blind studies have been reported.R+41 Of the two studies using double-blind methodologies, one reported significant p-endorphin-asso- ciated improvement in depressed patients,1° while the other l1 reported no significant behavioral effects. The acute administration of exogenous opiates has been tried in individual depressed patients; 42 data to date do not support antidepressant effects. Chronic oral opiate (methadone) administration has been reported in a refractorily ill depressed patient with some antidepressant effects

The results of our CSF study do not point to an abnormality per se in the endorphin system in either depression or mania. The increased opioid activity observed during mania compared to depression in individual patients is con- sistent with some previous reports, and also suggests the possibility of a relative increase and decrease in the endogenous opioid system activities across state change. The relationship between nurses' ratings of anxiety and CSF opioid activity in depressed patients is of interest, although it is difficult to know the significance of this finding. It is possible that this relationship may be part of a common stress response. It is also possible that relative alterations in endogenous opioid activity are related directly to the biological basis of anxiety, perhaps through interrelationship with other neurotransmitters such as the noraadrenergic system.

The observed direct relationship between MUFC excretion and CSF opioid activity is of interest for two reasons. First, there are considerable data from basic science experiments that suggest physiological relationships between the HPA axis and the endogenous opioid Second, activation of the HPA axis has been a major focus of research in depression

Pickar et al.: Endorphins in CSF 407

for a number of years..*6* Is Our data suggest that while the endogenous opioid system itself may not be abnormal in depression, it may be related to abnor- mality of the HPA axis found in this illness.

Anorexia Nervosa

We used three patient groups in our study of CSF opioid activity in anorexia nervosa: anorectic patients currently hospitalized for treatment of weight loss (N = 5 ) , recovered anorectics (at least 80% of ideal body weight) brought into the hospital for study (N = 8), and normal female control sub- jects studied during the first week of their menstrual cycle (N = 8). I11 ano- rectics were studied initially at minimum weight and again following refeeding prior to hospital discharge (80% of ideal body weight). Each anorectic showed greater CSF opioid activity when at minimal weight in comparison with levels



Paired T-Test. Two-Tailed OUTPATIENTS

FIGURE 3. CSF opioid activity from patients with anorexia nervosa at minimum weight, at maximum weight after refeeding, in recovered anorexia nervosa patients, and female control subjects.

following refeeding (p < .02, paired t-test, two-tailed). The mean CSF opioid activity at minimal weight was also significantly greater than the mean levels of recovered anorectics and normal control subjects (p < .01, independent t-test, two tailed), while recovered anorectic patients had levels comparable to those of controls.


There is considerable evidence from animal experimentation suggesting that the endogenous opioid system may play a role in eating behavior. 8-Endorphin has been found to stimulate food intake in satiated rats when injected into the ventro-medial hyp~thalamus.~' Naloxone given intraperi- toneally reduced food intake in starved rats,48 and abolished overreating in

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genetically obese mice and rats.49 To date there have been few clinical studies of anorexia with regard to a possible endorphin diathesis, although there is a large body of work relating anorexia to abnormalities in neuroendocrine systems.

We observed pronounced elevations in CSF opioid activity in the anorectic patients when at minimal weight in comparison to levels found after refeed- ing, as well as those of recovered anorectics and controls. These data do not support a simple relationship between opioid activity and eating, since levels were highest when subjects were at minimum weight. It is well known clinically, however, that even in the starved condition anorectic patients demonstrate major preoccupation. with food and eating behavior, although the caloric intake is decreased. Furthermore, periods of increased food intake as well as gorging of food (bulemia) are known to occur in these patients. It is a possibility that the high levels of CSF opioid activity observed in the anorectics at minimal weight may reflect some alterations in endogenous opioid system- eating behavior relationship. It is also a possibility that the elevations in CSF opioid activity during starvation represent a stress response, since the opioid system has been hypothesized to play a role in aiding survival in famine by conservation of nutrients and water and decreasing energy-expending activi- ties.50 Recently, abnormalities of the HPA axis were reported to occur during periods of minimum weight in anorectics.5* Further investigations might focus on relationships between the endogenous opioid system and the HPA axis in anorectic patients.

S u M M A R Y

In this paper we have reported the results of studies in psychiatric patient groups using the strategy of measuring opioid activity and 8-endorphin (ir) in CSF. Our findings do not lend support to the notion of excess endorphin activity in schizophrenia, but rather suggest the possibility of a decrease in endogenous opioid activity in some schizophrenic patients. In affectively ill patients our data suggest that there may be a relative change in endogenous opioid system activity across state change in manic-depressive illness. We also found a relationship between nurses' ratings of anxiety and CSF opioid activity in depressed patients, although it is unknown whether this directly relates to the pathophysiology of this symptom, or is related to stress response. The relationship between CSF opioid activity and HPA axis activity, as reflected by urinary free cortisol excretion, supports the notion of important physiologic relationships between these systems and raises the issue of a role for the endogenous opioid system in the abnormal activation of this system in depres- sion. Finally, the finding of increased CSF opioid activity in anorexia nervosa patients when a minimum weight coupled with data relating endogenous opioids to eating behavior raises interesting questions regarding a possible involvement of the endogenous opioid system involvement in this illness.


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155-162. GERNER, R. H. & H. E. GWIRTSMAN.















R. A. MASLANSKY ( N e w York , N Y ) : I wonder whether anybody has

D. PICKAR ( N I M H . Bethesda, MD): Are you looking for a n endorphin

MASLANSKEY: Yes. PICKAR: To my knowledge, no one has definitively found it. There are

unusual cases in children involving autonomic/ hypothalamic dysfunction and

reported ectopic endorphin production like the ACTH syndrome?


412 Annals New York Academy of Sciences

psychosis which are reported to be improved by naloxone. These are probably the closest which you will get. There is no known malignancy or tumor asso- ciated with hypersecretion of endorphins as with ACTH in the lung, etc. but it is not impossible.

G . KING (Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada): I would like to know whether you have looked at correlation between CSF opioid activity and response to tricyclic antidepressants in your depressed patients because carbamazepine has a great number of structural resemblances to the tricyclics and may be acting like a tricyclic.

PICKAR: Although carbamazepine is related to tricyclics, we have tended to focus on its antiseizure properties as relating to its clinical effects in patients, although it is possible that more classical tricyclic effects are also involved.

To date, we have only limited data regarding tricyclics and CSF opioid activity.

KING: Well, is there any information which says that carbamazepine is any more effective than tricyclics?

PICKAR: No. There are two areas which carbamazepine appears to be particularly useful. One is its general antimanic properties, particularly in non-lithium-responsive manics and/or rapid cyclers and the other is in the treatment of refractory depressed patients. No cross-over study with tricyclics and carbamazepine has, to my knowledge, been performed.

H. M. EMRICH (Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich, F R G ) : Anorectic patients have a high level of cortisol and also animals under hunger metabolism show very high levels of ACTH and cortisol. So, probably, your data reflect this fact.

The question would be, have you measured &endorphin immunoreactivity in the anorectic patients?

PICKAX We did not because we did not have enough CSF in these patients; we are currently studying another group of these patients, and perhaps at a later date will have more information in this area,

It is interesting to speculate that stress-induced increases in opioid activity may be behaviorally meaningful. It is possible that some aspects of anorexia nervosa behavior are mediated by enHanced endogenous opioid functioning resulting from the stress of starvation.
