



THE BILLBOARD Volume XV. No. 36. CINCINNATI. SEPTEMBER. 5,1903. Price. 10 Cents.

Per Yeer. $4.00

1 THE billboard


Aug. Of Chaie'i Empire in Cleveland, Ohio

uat 24.

,\fter linvlne Bone tliroiiKli a K'xkI wimmer reiiovatiiiB. ••IchiiIiib. redi-inratliiB ami palntliiB oniaade. fliaae a Kiiipire at;ain oi)eim up for an¬ other proeperoua waaon amid all Ita aplemlor ami a Breat ami Brand weliainie lovliiB erowd. MaiiBBer Steveiiaoii iiniat la* Blveii due ore<lit for the way In whieli he handled the work of d«H-oratli:B rnd repaintliii; the houae. Heaullfiil ainokiiiB naiins. toilet r<a>nia. ete., are Inalalled. and a smal force la employed in keepliiB the whecN of thia l>eautlful place of amuaeraent revolvlllB-

The oia-nliiB Idll was a ftceat one. M. Jean MarccPa Art Studies. conalatliiB of twenty ik'O- ple rcpnaliicliiB the world's Bieateat palnttiiBs. la la-vond all douht one of the tieat vaudeville acta on the .Amerh-an ataBc t<alay. KollowluB In line, all of which are b<«m1. and bo to com plete an excellent hill are Charles Dickson & Co. In Heart to Heart Talks; i:cih> A Itlcharda. rcrohatic comedlaiia; Johnson A Wells. Dawson A Samoii, the C^dumhian Trio, Imrothy Neville and the ever iKjpuiar vllaBraph, showing the UHwIiig plctiirea.

.Mr. Fred lirandt. the iioimlar treasurer of Cleveland. Is again In this capacity at this while Mr. .Art Colnan, wls) has t)een treasurer at the gardens all summer. Is again assistant treasurer at Chase-s. Mr. Har-y l.evy Is su|H-rlntendeiit, and -Mr. Thos. Sr'anlon at the d'or.


'Will Swing Her Hatchet in a Ten Nights in a Bar-room Company.

Mrs. Carrie Nation, wlio recently gained uo- torl-ty through her strenuous oppositiou to the Ihjuor t raffle. Is B<dng to don the sock and hiiskiii la a Ten Nights In a Kar-room Company, it. K. Johnson, who recently resigned from the management of John S. Duss. the hand leader, will manage the show In which Mrs. Nation will appear.

The press agent will have plenty of material to work on.


Two Knglish hulhUigs saved the life of AVll- llam Hoche. manager of the Academy at Chi¬ cago, and averted what might have t)een a disastrous lire at his home on Congress street last wt'ek. Mr. ihs-he was awakened als)Ut Ihne o'cl<K-k In the nmrnlng hy the loud hark¬ ing of Ills dogs, and almost suffocated by the smolc which tilled the houae. he rushed to the dining room, where he found the sldelward ahlaxe and the flames climbing np the mould¬ ings. He quickly succeeded In extinguishing the flames, but the dogs did not stop barking until the last cloud of smoke had dlsapiiearcd.

The dogs are a type of the Itoyal English bull sie-cles. and Isith of them nave long pedi- griH's, If It had not been for them the iJoche home would have Is-en destroyed, or at least some of the Inmates burned to death.

Mrs. Eeon Washburn, wife of I.r'on Washburn of I'ncle Toin's Cabin fame, has sued her hus- 1 and for divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhunian treatment.

■A new play called Miss Tennessee, written b.v Frederic I,. Power, had a prisluctlon at the (ilentangy Theatre In Colnintnis, and was voted a right clever piece.

Miss .Allierta (iallatin. of Hrenen’s Ibsi-ns (ilKJSts Company, is 111 In a hospital In .New- Aork. and several dates 'n the early jiart of Septemts-r have been cani-eled.

The Defending Her Honor Company Is In re¬ hearsal In New York City, with Miss Frankie Williams, formerly of the vaudeville team of Williams and Wllllatns. In the stellar role.

IToin|>ted b.T the success of the French and .American versions of Tidstoi’s Hesnrrectlon. an English idaywright la atsiut to try his hand at "adapting" the same author's greater novel.

.Anna Karenina. «t'/.a A\'ahlro|i leaves the San Framiseo .Al

eazar, w here sic for several seasi.ns. to i>lay the mischievous Minty In The Dairy Farm. It la the part of

Over, Miss Itilla AVIllard. Miss Sarah Cameron, rile season opens Septeiids'r 11.

AVhlte Whittlesey Is a stalwart six fisder. but he was o\ertop|s-d hv the huge tloral star that was among the mass tif farewell tributes that went over the r.««tllghts when he closi'd Ills engagement in San Franclsi o. I he apidaiise was liiiniiltiloiis, and Whltth-s** to iiiaki' two spiss-hes during the plays the .Alcazar again lie stars on the Coast under

had nitig. Hr

iiinnier. and tla-ii lasisi A Mayer's

of elalsirately


Articles of Incorisiratlon were filed. August 2C. at Columbus, ()., with the Secretary of State for the Rose Cecelia Shay Grand English Dpera Company. The capital stock la to be ji'i.iMSl. and the object Is said to be "teaching music. Instrumental and voi-al. and Its develoii- meiit getierallv, and all things pertalnng to the art.” The Incorporators are Thomas F. Shay, father of the singer. C. H. Davis, George H. Stately. Thomas J. logan and James R. Foraker, brother of the Senator.


HETTEIl LATE THAN NEVER; a melodrama of real life In four acts. Copyrighted by Wll llam F. Kelly. Homer, N. Y.

RECEPTION; a melodrama In four acts. Copyright bv G. W. Wlnckfield. Oakland. Cal.

THE GREAT LIGHT; a drama translated from German. Copyright by F. PhlUlpl and C. Kwickard.

THE FISHER MAIDEN; an entirely original comic opera In two acts. Copyright by Harry von Tllzer Music Pub. Co.. N. Y.

INDI.AN.A; comedy drama In four acts. Copy¬ right bv Ilarrv Edwards, Peoria, ill.

HER‘TERRIRLE POWER; a drama In four acta. Copyright bv J. Duke Jaxone. New York.

THE PEDDLER’S PARADE; an entertain¬ ment In one scene. Cop.vrlglit by Walter H. Baker A Co.. Boston. Mass.

THE SHOEMAKER'S DACGHTER; a comedy- drama In four acts. Composed and copyrighted bv B. L. Hall. Berkeley Cal. ‘ROBINSON CRCSOE; a comedy drama In

four acta. Copyrighted by Franz Listemann, New Y'ork.

THE Y’ELLOW DRAMA; a one act burlesque. Copyrighted by Ixiuls Dana 1-ardlng, Chicago, Ill.

THE HABITS OF HAMILTON; an original comedy In three acts. Written and copy righted by .A. Basom. San Francisco, Cal.

BRAMATIC, Frank Burt’s Tesa of the DTrbervllles Com¬

pany Is In rehearsal at Toledo. Ohio. James L. Glass, manager of the Donna Troy

Stock Company, wants repertoire people. The Steelsmlth Repertoire Company broke the

week record at the Miland (Mo.) Opera House

Sun & Fowler's production of Circumstantial Evidence will take the road shortly to play the Pacific Coast.

The Stanliope-Wheatcroft dramatic schoid will move to .'ll West Thirty-first street, Man¬ hattan. Sept. l.l.

The KIngslev-Tllton Co. Ofiened the season at Catlin. Ill.. Aug. 20, to capacity house. They are playing dates.

David Higgins and Georgia Waldron start their next tour Sept. 17 In Paterson, N. J.. ap¬ pearing In a new play.

The Jolly Della Pringle Company ofiened at Knoxville. la., on August 12. with success. Thev have a strong show and fine scenery.

Miss Anna Halllnger has been re-engaged with the Hopkins Amusement Assm-latPn for another season. She wlU_alar In the Prisoner of Zenda. i BiUboa.,

iiiaiiugeiiient in a re|M‘rlolr< moiiiiti'd r lanllc plays.

Julia Mai iwe In iiHMhrii gowns will U* an attractive stage tigiire of the <-oiiilng s.-as< o Her new play. Fisds of Nature, by H. V. Ea iiMuid. calls for the first apioarance of her career In the garb of tisla.v. I'lie evolution from tin- < lassie roln-s of Purtliciiia has l>e.-n gradual, cvccptliig. i«-rhii|is. when she sklp|K‘d from Hu- gowns of Mnr.v Tuih*r, In When KiilghtlosMl Was III Flower, to Charlotte Du- raiiil. in The Cavalier. In the Esmond play Miss Marlowe a|>pcnra as an English so. let.r woman.

Rehearsals for Alexander the Great In which Louis James and Frederick Warde are to ap pear iliiring the coining season, started .Aug. 24 at Wageiilials A KeniiH-r's studio at tlrange. N. J. The new [lay will Is- seen first In the west and on the Paeltii- Coast, and later In the M-ason will be presentisl for long engagemeuta

has IsHii an enormous favorite! In Chicago. New- York and olli.r eastern cltl^es Fifty iss>|di' will N- used 111 the iinsluctlou.

: riie costumes are by .Mine. Frelslnger from de signs by .Mrs. Seidel of the Metrofadltan Dpera House.

.'Aegoilallons have Imnii comideted between Manager Lawrence McCarty, of the Boston riieatre, and J. J. Rosenthal. wIki conducta the tour of Kathryn Dsterman, in .Miss Petticiwts, whereby the first pre-ell tat Ion of Geo. f. Rhii arilsnn's dramullzatlon of Dwight Tllton'k isipii- novel w ill Is- made In Boston. The engage¬ ment will iH-giii Septemlier 14 and lauitliiue fir two Weeks. Later the prisluctlon will go on the road. The scenic Investiture Is said to lie one of the most elalsirat- that will be seen ou tour, there Is-liig isi less than seven full stage sets.

The roster of the Van Dyke A Eaton Com pany Is as follows; F. .Mack, manager; C. H. Livingston, agent; Whit Brandon. Joliii Dvorak. Willard Foster. Will H. Dortdn. F. Chas. Fred •ricks. Harry Eldon. Jack Cassln, W. S. Blake- more. Frank EmnKuis, George Botsford. Miss Dllle Eaton. Della Mae Wilson. Laura Eldon. Bertha Davidson. Mrs. F. C. Fredericks. La Adelia, and Mrs. R. .Mack. The com|>any Is stronger than ever liefore, and a ajieclal car Is used to carry the baggage and scenery iiaeil In tile pnwluctloii pf a first class reis-rtolre of plays.

Otto Weaver, whose picture appears above. Is very clever hand balancer, and has become

I arenic marvel and finished vaudeville and minstrel artist. At present he is with Gollmaii Bros, big railroad sliows, and Is Introducing his diversified equlllbrlstle novelty. For the past seven years Mr. Weaver has been engaged in the show business, filling many engagements and giving entire satisfaction In circus, street fair, minstrel and vaudeville performances. He was with Bowers A Busby one season; with Gollmar Bros, for three seasons; two seasons with the Nickel Plate Circus, and one season with Hall A Long's show.

her life, and she Is credited with a remarkable success.

Blanche Walsh begins her tour In Resurrec¬ tion early In Septemlier, In which she will be engaged until February, when she will probably take the stellar role In a new play In New Y'ork. It is rumored that she may then ap- liear In a Shakesperian role.

Chauncey Olcott’s company for this season Includes Adelaide Keim, Amanda Wellington, Rose Snyder, Elizabeth Washburn, Edith Miller Cook. Mary Moran, Eugenie Forde, Blanche Al¬ exander, Dolly Forde. H. 8. Northrup, Augus¬ tus t'/ook. Matt B. Snyder, Harry Hanscombe, George Brennan and others.

Walter Hale, the actor who arrived from Eurojie recently to Join James K. Hackett's company, had to be taken from the ship to his home in an ambulance. lie is snITerIng from apiiendicitis. and It is not yet known whether It will be necessary for him to under¬ go an ofieratlon or not.

The Clalre-Tuttle Comedy Company will open Sept. 14, In West Virginia. Excellent time has lieen booked through the south, were .Miss Tut¬ tle is well and favorably known. Her reiier- tolre Includes The Power of Woman, Life In New York. The Artist’s Idol. The Mountain I'rlncess, My Uncle's Stepdaughter and Tlirown Upon the World.

A new star fur the coming season Is Charley Grapewln, a jiopular vaudeville headliner. He will be seen In a musical comedy called Mr Plpp. which is descrllM-d by the management as "full of laughter-provoking scenes and many merry musical niiiiitiers.’’ Mr. Grafiewln ofiens his season In Philadelphia. Mr. Samuel Tuck is his manager, with John E. Hogarty to Incite (lubllc Interest.

Walter B. Hoyt, manager of Hoyt’s Come dlans, was arrested In t'hlcago last week at the Instance of Jotm Jaeger, of Cincinnati, <).. U|ion the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Jaeger says he gave Hoyt $.'ltg) with which to arrange for the staging of A Railroad King. He claims, further, that Hoyt went to Chicago from Cincinnati wltliout Informing him. Hoyt asserts that he arranged to meet Jaeger In Chicago, and that the wIkjIc case Is merely the result of a misunderstanding.

The following iK-ople have liecn engaged by Mr. Clay Clement for his prisluctlon of the .New Dominloii; Jow-ph (!. I,ogan. Manager; Col. J E. Caven. Representative; i red'k It. Seaton, Stage. Mgr.; Elmer Camp. Properties. The i-omidete nsiter of the companv Is as follows Mr. Clay Clement. Proprietor; Joseph C. Isigaii, Col. J. E. Caven. Mr. and .Mrs. Clay Clement Fred’k R. Seaton, T. J. Normoyle, A. R. Har¬ vey, Will Rath, Elmer Camp, .Miss Mlgnon


The Vendonie Dpera House at New Iberia. La., opened .August .'11.

The i-t w Empire Theatre at Lewiston. Maine, will be ready to ojicn by Nov. 15.

Contracts have la-eii let for Hyde A Behma I’s lew Gaiety Tin atre In Pittsburg.

The Morrll Dpera Housi-. at Morrll. N. Mei., is to undergo extensive rei>airs lu the near future.

The Grand Dia-ra House of Bellefuntaine, O., "|a-iied -August 15. presenting Ted E. Faust’s MInstrels.

The new Masonic Theatre of Ixiuisville. Ky.. opened .August 24. with a prisluctlon of Reuben In New Y'ork.

The new .Marlowe Theatre at Chicago, Ill., was o|H-ned Sept. 7 and wia-k wl'li u pr.Hluctlo.i of Near the Throne.

Dr. Mell M. Everett, opera house manager of .Atkinson, 111., wants to book good attrac¬ tions after October 15.

J. F. Given, of Decatur, 111., manager of Power’s Grand Oia-ra House, was a recent caller at the offlee of "The Billlioard.'’

theater devoted to German productions is to tie erected In Cleveland. Dhk). It will be located on Bolivar and Erie streets.

Jefferson, O. T., will have a new oiiera bouse this fall. J. R. Raine will be manager and owner and is now booking shows for the sev^in.

Dave Cohen, manager of the opera house at Galveston, Tex., will also manage Sweeny A Comba’ opi-ra house at Houston. Tex., this sea¬ son.

-Mr. Charlie Hopkins has leased the 8t. Aug iistlne Oiiera House at Jacksonville, Fla. He

now iKxikIng attractions for the coming season.

The Metropolitan Theatre at Minneapolis. Minn., has been practically made over during the sunimer and presents a very handsome sp pearance.

Ed. Everett’s opera house at Atkinson. liL. Is being remodeled and doubled In capacity, and his son. Dr. M. M. Everett, has leased the house for the season.

A theatre company has N-en organized Bowling Green. Dhlo. and the second fioor of

savings bank leased and furnished for the accommodation of attractions.

Tlie opera hoiisi- fight at Bloomington, lows. Is over. Eplnger, .Murray A Newcomb remain the victors on the field, controling the Midland and the Hamilton Opera Houses.

A Lew heating plant and an electric light plant have la-en Installed at the Academy of Music at Hagerstown, Md.. and a new lllunil iiatlng curtain has lieen put In.

The Peopb-s’ Theatre, at Evansville. Ind o|MMicd August 2;t with a production of Two Little AA'alfs. Tlie bouse has been rem aide' and neat and attractive decoratloiia added.

A part of the staging which la tu-tng put Into the new Empire Theatre at l,ewlston. Maine gave way recently, precipitating one of the workmen to his death and seriously Injuring another.

tilickman Theatre. Cblciigo, III., a new stock house hiretofore devoted to dramas In tlie Y’ld dish tongue, ojieiied Sunday, Aug. ZY. to crowd ed hi uses with an American '-oinpaiiy In th Still Alarm.

The Alhiinilira Theatre, Uhicago. Ill., offered •A Little Diilcaat, with a brand new equipment and with a stronger cast than ever, last week This year the Criterion on the North Side I offering the attraction.

The new $2fl.0(Si n|M-ra house at Perry. Is 111 Ih- oj«-iied SeiitciniKir 2(1 by Walker AVIilti

side A ('o. In We are King. The house will under the inanageiiient of Harvey Brothers, who arc well known In the tliesrrlcal slid circus business.

Ten thoiiNHiid <lnllara' worth of o|M-ra Ikiiisc stiM-k has been siitwcrllx-d for at Middletown .Md. Work lias coinmeiiced on the taiiise, wlib will o|ieii Christmas week. A first-class min

slrd troiiiM* has tie«-n askeil for, for the (Irst sllraclloii

4 rank Hesrst. of 4 hlcsgo, has purchas«-d tie- Grand Dpis-n House of .Miiscatciie, Is., from J A. rrliiildc .Air. HesrsI Is well known to tn,. iiiunical profession, having ts-eii engaged In vs lolls IhcHlrIcal eiilcrprlscs sliii-e he was (weite

years of sgc. Gisi. Ross has Is-en employed as manager of

Ihe Ja -ksonvllle D|s-ra House, isintrolled by th,- Illinois Giiiirantis- Cln illt He w ill assume hi- new duties Aug 2<>. Tlie selection of Mr. Ro-s Is gissl. Ill fset. It would tie liard to liiipio.,- u|H>u. and he friends have no far that-he will make a success of Ills new uiiderlskliig.

Till* iqs-ra liousv- at Kei-iie, N. IL, has br-cn entirely ra-palnie<l and dis-oraterl. Thu slag,- has Is-en rciissleleil to take any eiw sccnci.. and all entire new set of scenery has arr|ve-l from ia-«- l.asli’s Studio, .New York. Tlie elc- trlclaiis now have Die house In haiuls and .Manager (Jiiinn ex|s-eta to o|ien alsHit Sept. I.

Prepaiatory to o|s-nlng the regular season on Sept. Ill with Giss-gc .Ade’s Peggy fniui I'arl- AVallack's Theatre has had a most tlHM-oug;i overliauliiig. and at the end of the present week will la- out of the hands of (he ihssira tors and f iirnlrliers. The lobby has lieen n- deixiraleil and a new imsrale flisir has Isn-ii set .An entire new set of orchestra clialra, llnislied 111 red. have ri-idaced the old ones, and a lien velvet iar|H-t has tieeii laid.

.A new o|H-ra house Is Is-iiig isinstriictid si Fulton. Mo., to replace the Grand, rec-utly ih stroyed by lire. The new Iwmse will be 'ii i; • ground floor, centrally hM-ated. tlniroughly iisel ern and isuiipletely eqiiliqied. cvwtlug |15,iasi The house will Is- lighted by electricity and lieati-d by sti-aiu, and (here will tie an atiim dance of i lean, new machinery. The first at tract ton Issiked Is for the week of tk-tols-r I The seating ca|iacity of the limise will Is* wsi

Delay In the isuistructkin of Klaw A Erlaii ger's New .Amsterdam 'Theater, New York City, will prevent Ihe ots-iilng of this house tli.- ilrst wis-k In Septeiiils-r liy the Rogers Brolln-rs In The Rogers Brothers In Isuidon. as aumiuiicisl some time ago. Klaw A Erlaiiger have there fore coiiipicteil arrangements whereby the Ib-g ers Brothers will Is-glo their run at the Knick • rlasker Theater Monday. S«-ptemtier 7. follow¬ ing their o|M‘nliig week at (hi. Star Tlieati-r, .iiffalo. .August 51. The manager of a new theatre at New Dr

h-ans. lai., has ailopted a novel method of ex - Itlng Interi-at In his bouse. Tlirougb the dally |ia|iers of New Orleans he Is conducting a <xm- test In which the |H-o|ile are Invited to partlcl pate in auggi-sting names for the new play¬ house. The |iepuHi suggesting the name which Is accepted will tie given a season pass to (be theatre, and If two or more persona suggeat the same name, which Is ai-cepted. taitli or all of them will tie given season passes. The contest lias lieen lu progress since August 10, and the heavy malls addressed to the manager Indicates the Interest that Is tieliig taken In Ihe (vroj* t

The following attract tons are Issiki-d for Ihe Greenwissl tMisa i Dpera House Septemta-r 11. Alpluuise and Gaston; Detots-r 2. The Teleplnuie Girl; 15, Barlow .Allustrels; 15, I'ncle Josh Spruceby. '2«i. A'lrglnla Itrcw Trescott; '27. Hu¬ man Hearts; 2N, Happy Hooligan; 51, GImmIs. Novemts-r 5, Convict's Daughter; 4, AA’tn-n Her Sviul Sja-aks; 7, AA'hen Rculieu CAimea to Town.

s-t JaMiilne; lu, Black I’attI; 13. Marie AA'alnwrIghI; Ifi, ileaping the Harvest; 25. Uvsir- la Minstrels; ‘2tt, Darkness and Daylight; 5*i.

Two Little Waifs. Itecemlier 1. Paul GllmoD-. Percy Haswell; 5. George Ulier; 12, Texas

Steer: 15, Her Duly Sin; 17, Tvro tYxmlem; IV Two Johns; 2>i, Hottest Cvaui In Dixie; 90, Fsst ■Alall. January 7, Faust; 20, Ihsu- Coghlaii. Feliruary 4, .An Inillsna Komanee; 13, W. <1. Patton; £1. Maloney's Wevhting.

The following plays ami (dayers are tiookevi for Boyd’s Thestn-. Omaha. Neti.. for the com¬ ing season: K. H. Sothern. Maude Adams, Eli¬ nor ilolwon. Wilton Ijickaye, Mary Mannering. Annie Kussell. E. S. Willard, Fhirodora, Ezra Kendall. .Airs. I.angtry. Tlie Llllputlans, Her¬ man the Great. AA'alker AA’hlteslde, The IVsi tonlans. SIdeon’s Mlrutreis. Richard Mansfield. John Drew, .Miss Grace Gi-orge. Paul Gilmore.

hauncey Olcott. Henry E. Dlxey, In Facing the .Music; Jerome Sykes. In The Illlllonaire; May Irwin. Marie Walnwrlght, Nat M. WllHs, AA’. H. Crane, Tim Murphy, Peggy from Paris.

larn llhsMlgisMl. Katherine Khhh-r, Gertnnie Coglsn. Julia Marlowe. Amelia Rliigham, Mar¬ tin Harvey. Roliert Mantell, Cley Clement. AA'est's Minstrels. Ren Hur. Ole Olsen, Ade¬ laide Thurston, King Dmlo. Katherine Dsterman. Facing the Music. The I'rluce of Pllsen Ada Rehan and Dlls Skinner, When Knighthood Was In Flower, Effle Elab-r; The Little I'rlncess. .A Chinese Honeymoon. Tom Seabnsik and Katie Harry; Mary Shaw. In Gbnsts; When Reutieii Conics to Town, The Silver Slipper (lOO l>eo- ide). Cajitle Square D|s-ra Company In George’a new o|M-ra, The Y’ankee Consul; N. C. Goodwin. In .Mhlsunimcr .Night's Dream: Mias Bob White, isinilc ois-ra; Rogers IlnM. (liai iieople): Lula Glaser. Dolly Vanlen; Henry Miller and Mar¬ garet Anglin; J<su-ph Jefferson, Rip Van Wln-

(Julncv Adams Sawyer. Rols-rt Kdeson A In Soldiers of Fortnne: lauils James and

Frederick AA’srd Co., Are Y'ou a Masoni Diwk- stader's Mlnstn-Is. 'The Sullaii of Sulil. Bonny Briar Rush, Under Two Flags, Jane Kennark; The Tenderfisit, Dick Carle and Grace Cameron. RIanche Walsh, lu The Resurrection.

Up to tlila time the foliowliig attractions have tiecn booked at the o|M-ra house In Vincennes. Indiana: The Light of Dthcr Days, Devil's l.8ne. Sandy Itottoni. For Her Sake. When John¬ ny Conus Marching Home, Two Little Waifs, Malioiiey's Wedding. Along the Mohawk. The Miner’s Daughter, /ch and /arrow In Down East. An- Y’ou a Mason?. Flaming Arrow, "rhe Garden of the Gods, My Friend from Arkansas, A Rreak for Llls-rty, Alh-e of Did VIncInnes. Ferris Come¬ dians. Ih-warn of .Men, Inuigcne. Paul Revere. 'The Jersey Lillies Burlesque, Rag Time 0|>era Co.. Hold. Downing In Honorable Jotm North, laaiping the Isaiji, The Mmiiislilner'a Daughter, Railroad King, Van Dyke and Eaton Co. (one week). Martin's Uncle Tom. A Ruliii-d Life, Rebecca Warren In Teas of the D’CrdervlIlcs. laiat River, A Romance of Cmin Hollow, A Mon¬ tana Outlaw I'rlncess Chic DiM>ra. The Denver Express, A Royal Slave, The Eternal City. Tlis Professor's laive Story. Steelesiiiltba In Reper¬ toire (one week). Wizard of Da Oiwra. 8am Jack's Riirlesqiiera, Trixie Monroe. Ilutclilnson Brothers’ .AHnatrela. By Bight of Alight, The Go Stia-k Co. (one week). Carmen, K**en the Magi¬ cian. Gertrude Cvighlln A Co., David llariira, Tlic I'uinpklii lliisker. Walker Whilealdc In We Are King, Holden. Wataoii'a Drlentala. rroiiliailoiira, tjiilney Adams Sswjer. Jnie Wal¬ ler's Just Slriii'k Town. The Lily and the I’rliiee, Dii Froiilh-r, Way Down East, lloenpler S(ia-k Cvi (one week). Tlie Sliver SIRiper ttpera (71 iMvqiln), Keiilieii In New York, The AHsaourl Girl, Near the Throne, Holden Brothers* Reiier- tolre Go. (one week). New Jersey Folks. A Run on the Bank, Grace Hayward Go. (on* weak).


llumiity I>oiupty, Jauu-a IUmIid-j Co.. Koijr «irautlpa. CIcTrlauil'a Mluatrria, luiptrlal Htoi-k Co. (our wiwk(, Tbr i*rtu<'e of i’lbru, A Thor- uuKlibrtMl Trauip, «»»rr Maifara Kalla, llrart of Marylauil. Mrniiaut of V>uli-r.

Tbr fullowliiK attrartloiia liaar br«-u luMikrd fur tbr (jrr<‘iiwall (l|M-ra Ibtuaa- at Kort Worth. Triaa: Tbe llojrt Coiurrly Couipaiiy, tbe iloldrii Couirdy Colu|iauy, tirriuanu tb« (jrrat, Harry Curaou Clarke, 'llie Cbrlatlan. Jobu (irltUtb. lu .Marlirlb. tbe KwluK-Taylor Coui|>any, .Mr. Jolly of Juliet, ilarkiieaa and llayllsbt. Klaber A Car- rull. Ilarerly'a .Mliwtrela, Wbeu Kulsblltood M'aa In Klower. 'n>e Klvala, Tlie 1‘arlab I'rleat, Urau (i|M‘ra Cuuipaiiy, llie Klorka, Al|ib4Hia« and (laa- ItHi. I.ewla Murriaon. Tbe Little Outraat, iluae Cocblan. Head Waltera. A Llfe'a Mlatake. Har¬ ry Ilereaford In Tbe ITofeaaor’a lA>»e Btury. Tbe M'Ixard of Ui, I’rodikal Uaukbter, KIkbt Uella. Jelferauu He Auselbi In Tbe ToreaJnr. Ueaplng tbe Harveat, Tbe Burgouiaater, lilaek I’attl'a Ttvutmdoura. Weat'a Ulnatrela, Kather ine Kidder, I'aul Ullmore, Klurodora, Tbe Lill- putlaua, Bb'bard Carvel, McIntyre A ll-'aib Kb'bard Manatleld, Hpotleaa Town, Ulanebe Walab, King Uodo, I'ower Behind tbe Tbrune. (ieorge Oliver, Have WarOeld, A Hut Old Time, Ijou Hockatader'a Mlnatrela, Virginia Hrew Treacott, Cbarlea llanfurd. Tbe Two Jubna. Alberta Gallatin In Uboata, Nat Wllla, Hllver Slipper, Mlaa Walnwrlgbt, In Twelftli NIgbt; Gertrude Coglan In a new play; 8. Mil¬ ler Kent, I’eek’a Bad Buy, In Old Kentucky, A Convirt’a Haugbter, Gua HlU'a Smart Set, Little Humeatead, A Cblneae Uuoeyiuuun, Jainea A Warde, Murray A Mack, Man to .Man A Trip to Chinatown, Al I'leld'a Mlnatrela, Way Huwn Kaat, Arlaoua, KUxabetb Kennedy, Happy Hooligan. Are You a Maaon? A CIreua Hay, Kelcey A HItannon, Bobert Mantell, Human Hearta, Adelaide Tburatoo. In Polly Prlmroae; When Beuben Cornea to Town. Faat .Mall. Me Kadden'a Plata, Tim Murphy, Tbe Gagnon l‘ol- lui-k Company, Maaon A Maaon, HevH’a Auction. Hello Bill, Sweet Jaamlne, Hora Thorne, Tbe Little Walfa. ITeklnga from I*uck, Al H. WII- aun. He Wolf Hopper. In Mr. Pickwick, Lo<t Blver, Havid llarum. Eternal City. An Indiana Kumam'e, The Wllla Comedy Company, Shay Grand Opera Company, Wbr-n Johnny Cornea Marching Hume, Creature and bla band. Tbe Cavalier, Bobert Edeaon, In A Soldier of For¬ tune; Amelia Bingham. The Lily and tbe Prince, A Fool and Hla Money, Weary Willie Walker. Wlloun’f Mlnatrela. (Julnlan A Wall'a Mbwtrrla, A Stranger In New York, The Chaperena.


Kllery’a Italian Band la again touring the Nrirthweat.

Tbe Cbarlea Holmea Opera Company o|>ene<l tbe aeaaon at Wellington. Kaa., Sept. 1.

Mlaa Adelabic Nurwui^ la on her way tu Munirb. where abe will atudy German opera fur the next two yeara.

Bobert Grau la trying to perauade Mary .ku- deraun to vlalt America again fur a tour. it la believed that abe will accept.

Souaa'a band waa forced to cancel tbeir en¬ gagement at Hageratown, Maryland, on acrount of tbe untlnlabed condition of tbe opera buu»e.

E. W. Crandall, formerly leader of tbe .May* Theatre Orcheatra, baa b^n aecured as leailer of tbe Camden Theatre Urcbeatra, of Parkers¬ burg, W. Va.

Baldwin and Melville present tbeir farewell appearance In Buffalo tbts week In Carmen tu very good buuae*. The entire company goes tu New Orleans fur a kmg engagement.

Tbe following la from Ylax Boaenberg: Through sume accident you omitted to men¬

tion my name as amusement director of l.agunn In your Cincinnati letter. Tbia has put me to (onalderable Inconvenience, as performer* are making Inquiries It I am at lAgoon yeL Kind¬ ly correct this and oblige

It baa developed that on August T Mias Doro¬ thy Lillian Solomon, daughter of Lillian Ku.*- sell, elop^ to Far Bockaway, III., with Benja¬ min F. kSnsteln and waa married. It has t>een announced that Mlaa Solomon wnl give np the stage, for which she has been studying In Eu¬ rope, and will devote berself to domestic and social affair*.

William A. Brady and Joseph Hart's presen¬ tation of tbe new musical comwdy. Girls Will Be Girls, will open tbe recently finished Majes¬ tic Theatre, In Boston, on September 7. Girl* Will Be Girls Is said to be a distinct novelty In Its class, dealing fantastically with ordinary people In an ordinary American city.

l.<eavltt James, orutber of Millie Jainea. tbe IJttle Princess, and son of liouls James, ba* been engaged by C. B. Dillingham for the Fraiik Hunlels Opera Company that la now rehearsing The Jockey. Mr. James Is not as petite a* hi* slater, nor as heroic In bnlld aa bis father. In deciding where be should devote bis sliar>- of tbe family talent between tbe extrem<-a of Sarg Crewe and Vlrglnlus be cbose mnsical com¬ edy.

^ Adelina Patt! will have a cvmcert rival In Nellie Melba next season. The Australlao song bird has come to a definite arrangement with Charles A. Ellis, of Boston, whereby she will make a tour of America under hla direction be¬ tween Get. 13 and March 1. She will come aa far South as New Grieana, where she has never yet appeared. In her concert company will be iharles Gilbert, late of the Metropolitan Oi>era House, barytone; Elllaon Van Iloose. tenor; Ada Saaolll, barplste, and IJesrella Havlea, pl- •nlate.

The Smart Set, which Is one of tbe largest colored theatrical organisations In America, opened Its second season at the Grand Opera llouse. Boston. Maas., Aug. 24, with an en¬ tirely new prodnetkm. All of the scenery and caetnmee are nev^ and a number of novelties nr* Introduced. The company numbers .10 peo- |da, and Include* such well-known performers •a Tom Mclntnah. Billy Mclgiln. Turn Brown. Billy Young. Harry Heed, Ijiwrence Ihenault. Mile. Cordelia Marion. Henry Smart and Orene Nevarro and a chorus of SO girls, thas. E. While, late representative of McFadden's Flats and Happy Hooligan Companies, will bandls tbe attraction. —

Little love la lost between Paderewski, the famous pianist, and Morltx Ibswnthal. hla pro¬ fessional rival, wlio conlliiiies to amase German audiences by hi* wonderful conimsnd of tbe Instrument. Koaenthsl Sm railed tbe "demon pianist" because of the astonishing s|>eed with whb’h he plays Paderewski once hMrd of a particularly brilliant performance gWen by Ko- aentbal. lie smilevi serenely and said: "Uh, yea; but any ronaeryatlye pupil with a good technic can do that." Of course, this remark waa repeated to ilnaentbal, who, some time later, beard that a talented amateur waa play¬ ing In Ixtndon. "Oh, that most be Padmw- afcl," be said, calmly.

Jacqiu-ii Thibsud. wlmse fame I* known as a ylolltibit tbivrtiKlMMit Eiiru|M-, 1* to api>ear In New Yi>rk during the winter. For many aea- *<<ns iiiaiiagi-rs have atteiiiptevl tu get him to come tu till* side uf tbe Atlantic. It was only the other day that be coiiseiiteil. Thibaud won D-eugnItbai at the age of It years, when a pupil of .Marriek, at the CunservBti>lre, by tak¬ ing first prise fur vhilln playing. Then came bis debut at tbe annual musical al Angers, five years ago. where bis playing became tbe talk uf musical crltl<-s. In a year he bad become one of tbe nsMt cuusplcufsis of French Instru¬ mentalists. He baa api>eared In all the mu¬ sical centers of Kuru|>e. He excels In the in¬ terpretation of Bach and Mosart. He Is ‘H years of age. and bi devoid of any of tbe ec- ■■entricltlea that musicians sometimes pisiaess.


Ilaverly's Mastodon Minstrels opened tbe aea- aon at Tltttn. O., September 3.

C. A. Spalding will Jfiln Kelley's female min¬ strels In New Y<»rk City alaint S«-ptemls*r 1.

Following Is tbe roster of Gorton's .Minstrels; Jim. Gorton, Jr., C. (.'. Pearl, Sam l-ee, Bobby

Mr. E. H. Price, wlK*«e picture api>ears above, I* one of tbe best known and must widely cx- l>erl<-nce<l opera house managers In America. He gradua,<-u fmm tbe law department of Mb'blgan Cnlverslt.r. and was admitted to tbe l>ar In that .state, but gave up the profession of law and t<a>k up Journalism. In which be ba* achlev^ great *ucce«*. He recently went West tu assume tbe general management of tbe BcIsm-u and Mayer entenirb»e*. with headquar¬ ters In San Francisco. Cal. In this capacity be baa under control the .klcazar and Central The- *tr»'*, San Francisco, liesldes aeveral western road enter|>rl*e*. including Florence Koberta and r. e Hal-v Farm.

Mr. Price ha* inaimged some of the greateat .kmerk-an actor*, theatres and opera liouaea. and ba* been a prolific contributor to Eastern yunr- uaU 'and magaxlnt-s. For four yeara be man- age<l Klchard .Mansfield, both In this country and In England. When Mr*. Leslie Carter went u|a>u the stage, be was her manager. He also had tbe management of the exploitations of such stars as .Mm*. Ristorl, Anna Held and Grace George, .\nwng the theatre* which hare been uniler hi* control might be mentioned the Gloiie In lamdon and the Pleasure 1‘alace and Manhattan In New York. Ills "Man Behind the Scenes" department was a feature of the "New York Morning Telegraph" for five yeara, hi* contribution* during that time covering'iO column*, touching upon nearly 20.000 timely topb'S. HI* volume of stage satires, "The la*tter* of Mlldre<r* Mother to Mildred," still find* a very large sale.

IVBue. Pete Mardo. Jake WIlby, Tom Mardo. G(U Mardo, John McKenna. Jere Sanford. Ben Mureliouac. Fred 1-ong. The Brother* Faroo. C. C. Vn-eland. Bert Van Scboick and .Mr*. C. C. Pearl.

Iks', Waddell, general agent of the Ted E. Faust Minstrel*, writes; "We broke house record* at Bellefontalne, Kenton. Marysville. Ixvmlon. I'pper 8andusky Bucyrus and Gallon. At Bellefontalne. Kenton. Cpper Sandusky and Bucyrus the Elk* gave the company social ses- skms. Mr. Faust la very |>opular as an Elk and Shrlner."

A corresi'ondent write*. "John W. Vogel's Conquiny la strong In every particular, the olio IntriMlucIng suu.e new and pleasing features, and the viH'sllat* are among tbe best ever heard on the minstrel stage. Vogel may be said to bav.> one of tbe handsomest first parts now on the road. The sv'tting Is In red velour, and re¬ quires over thiu-e hour* to put It up."

Tbe oia'nlng of Ted E. Faust's Minstrels oc¬ curred at tbe Grand O^ra House. Bellefon¬ talne. ().. August Ifi. The first part Is de- sc-rlbed as a "marvel of color harmony." and the aatln costumes representing tbe sixteenth century as making a* twantlful a scene as was ever wltnestsMl on a minstrel stage. The Belle- fontalne "l**ll.v Examiner" reports tbe show a* folk>ws: The first part was all that It coaid be, and everything went along with a smoothness that was not at all Tndk'atlve of a first night. The Jokes were new and the bal- laila sung by excellent vocalists. As to tbe olio, too much can not be said, for It was ex¬ cellent. and If given alone would be w<irth the full admission prlc«'. Tbr performam'e ended with the performance of tbe Faust family of acrobat* comprising nine pt'ople. and they will win their audiences wherever they go.

T^ere bi an active probability that before very long the rotite of the I.ew Ik>ck*tader mlnatrela may be shifted so as to provide for a New York engagement of quite considerable dura¬ tion The new minstrels, organised by J. H. Ik><-ker and headed hy tbe Jocund Mr. Dock- stader, have made such an extraordinary sen¬ sation as to attract the Immediate attention of an Important metroiwlltan theater manager, and

negotlatioiis to tbe end already mentioned bare been In active progress for some days. Tbe Ikjckstader show la dea<-rlbed by those wbo have seen It as being an entirely new departure In tne Hue of minstrelsy. Hockatader'a "repeat" engagement lu Atlantic City prisluced a week's ro-elpts very mucb lu exi-ess of tbose drawn U|M>u tbe prevk>us occasion, aud established a new record fur that aaluhrluus resort. New York has had no minstrel truupe uf any mag¬ nitude in several moutbs, and mere is believed tu be an eager appetite for viands of this sort along Broadway.

Apropos of tbe opening of Uaverly's Mastodon -Miustrel* at Paterson, N. J., a correspondent says: Frum start to tlnlsb tbe audience by tbeir applause and entbuslasm, announced it a great succeos. Tbe flue overture sung while tbe cur¬ tain wus down waa composed uf a collection uf song bits, beginning wltb 81ug Me a Sung of tbe South, tbe curtain slowly rising on tbe well known refrain uf My Old Kentucky Home. In this overture, such well-known favorites aa My Starlight 8ue, Wbeu tbe Springtime Comes .\rouud, aud tbe rollicking oain song Cuonvllle's Cullud Baud were use<l. William Muure made a big hit with tbe pathetic ballad. Nobody Ever Brings I'resenta To Me, which called fur an eutbusiastic "ncore. Frank Ctmmbs, wbo bJk* lung been kM>wn as tbe letter carrier*' favorite teiHir, os be was one bimaelf for thirteen years, gave a begutiful rendering of Norton aud Brat¬ ton's Two Little. Blue Little, True Little Eyes, wbk-b was rewarded wltb thunderous applause. (Hie uf tbe biggest bits of tbe Show waa made by Billy Van, tbe star of tbe aggregation, wuu was billed as the ".kssaaalu uf 8orrow"; be sang I've Gut to Go Now, 'Cause 1 Think It's Going tu tlaln, aud If one can Judge by tbe w»i this funny sung went on tbe opening nlgbt. It certainly may be prophesied that it will be tbe <-oou bit of tbe coming season. Tbruuglevut the olio was excellent, all uf tbe memlier* are ar- tist.-!, aud It wa.s generally conceded by tbose who wer<> present that this organization la prob¬ ably one of tbe tx-st of Its kind In tbe country.

In re;>ort!ng the u|>enlng of tbe Al. G. Field Greater .Mlnatrela at Columbus, Ubio, August 3.'i. our corres|KiudeDt says: The advauce agent of a minstrel show la wont to touch bis promises lu expressions similar to those used by tbe circus man. Everything becomes in tbeir version "gorgeous." "stupendous," "be¬ wildering," etc. In -Al. G. Field's Greater .Mii.stn I |a-rfurmanc<-, wbb-h opened tbe seepon of tbe Great Northern Theatre Saturday after¬ noon and evening, tbe massiveness and lavlsli- nes* that cliaracterlzed tbe settings and enter¬ tainment make one realize that he has witnessed a imesible fulflllment of the promise* of "tbe minstrel man." The various " tra ns formal bm" scenes presented a brilliant dazzling combina¬ tion uf tbe Aurora Borealis effects; tbe other invi-stiture was In extent g pictorial quality of an unusual potency in creating tbe deslgueil illuslun. Tbe fun a* developed by tbe minstrel in its broad and yet wholesome nature, wa* provided lu abundance and interspersed at well calculated Junctures. Tbe music consisted cf tbe iKipular ballad, a selecfon from grand opera and several "uproars" In the comic line; tbe specialty acts possessed a most attractive novel¬ ty originality and intrinsic merit; the dancing and negro skits were clever tbrougbt; a nice taste was manifested in tbe costuming, the rich satins worn by tbe company In the opening part being In pleasing harmony wltb tbe sbeen-llke zsp.'ct of the gilded surroundings, and In both costume* and settings calcium lights were used skillfully and in profusion. While the individual renditloos of each of tbe vocalists revealed tbe laiesessions of fine voices by the respective sing¬ ers. yet It was the rendition by the .Al. G. Field choir of the selection from grand opera that raised the greatest amount of enthusiasm among the audiences. Matt Keefe, Beese Prosser, Tommy Donnelly, Less Falrman, J. E. Blamph- lln. Harry Shunk, Tommy Ddeir scored their usual bits in tbeir songs. This singing contin¬ gent Is a remarkably strong one. and each mem¬ ber po8sess«s some individual quality that give* hi* work especial distinction. The dancing was likewise of a high grade. Doc (Jnigley's "wield¬ ing* of his body" again attesting bis supremacy la this line. "The Nigger and the Fiddle,” a conceit dealing with the proneness of the negro to shooting craps, was productive of much laugh¬ ter, as was also "The Darktown Circus,” where the wild animals plqy havoc with the spectators, and belle the "trainer's” wonderful boasting.* of his dominion over them. Herr I.«lgn an eqiillihrist. performs the sUrtllng feat of bal¬ ancing himself on billiard cue*. The Parrento trouis' of acrobats have tricka of their own de¬ vising that are of a high grade of athletic skill, and the Woicnai Family, who have been with this organization for many seasons, still encase their musical Instruments In shapes of every-day tool* and draw pleasing music from them. Al G. Fh'Id reel* off In his inimitable fashion story after story of Brother Anderson and I’ncle Henry and elicits his usual uproars of laughter The piXMluctlons furnish a most refreshing roun<i of enterttjnment.


Cha*. Dryder, Juggler and ball kicker, la now in hi* sixteenth week with the great Melbourne shows.

Fred DeCarlo ha* dissolved partnership with Cha*. DeVaro and Joined the Sparks Circus to do bar* with Mr. Chaa. Ellet.

E. Will Benaley. the novelty foot Juggler, has Just rtoeed a successful season of fifteen weeks of tlie parka In the south and west.

Flood and Hayes, novelty acrobats, are put¬ ting In tbeir tenth week on the Pacific Cc^t and are booked solid till February, next.

Frank Delmalne. of the Delmalne's sketch say* "The Billboard" leads and others

follow. Say* If he misses an Issue, be always uas l>*d luck.

Mile. Helena Girard, owner of two valuable trained horse* and a troupe of performing doga has quit the Bamnm and Bailey show and will play vaudeville.

Mr. and Mr*. Ed Holloway, contortionists and aerlallst*. cloaed the season at Ohio City O August 21, and returned to their bone In'BIr- namwood, W la.

Spalding Bma., of the John Robinson sbovrs. will play vaudeville again In the eastern cir¬ cuit*. nnle«* they make arrangements with some big specialty show.

Ml** Helen Pelletier, tbe soprano, has cloaed a successful tour of tbe southern parks where she has been meeting with Mg snccess. and J»Mn* the Statin Co.

Cha*. and lAura B. Myers. In their serpen¬ tine dance knd moving pictures, open In St. Paul. Minn.. September 25. following this en- gagi'ment wltb a western tour.

Hurd, the magician, has four weeks still to show on the Keith Circuit. After that, un- <ler the management of Geo. B. Greenwood, he will go on the road fur a season, playing one night stands.

Following 1* the roster of the Imro-Fox show: Imni-Fux A Co.; Koccotsuio's Horses; Canfleld & Carleton; Sherman * HeForcst; Colby & Way; Is'ona Thurlier A Cu.; William Cahill; Fred /utsdie.

Alb* W. Ibsd, legli's* trick and fancy cy¬ clist, Is meeting with success playing |>arks through Indiana and tihlo. He 0|>ens tbe regu¬ lar season at Jeffers Theatre. Sagulaw, Mich., Week of Sept. 2S.

P. B. Chase. I’resldent of the Assoclaton of Vaudeville Mauagers of the I'nlted States, baa predicted a revolution In the situation in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Chase ts a very able talker on theatrical affairs.

Yllle. Rose Edytb, premiere danseuse. wbo was a feature of the Jabour Carnival Co., with her ballet company of eighteen. Is now playing dates. She has been engaged for the Cincin nail Fall Festival. Sept. 7-19.

.Mr. Harry Walters and Mis* Florence Piper, wlio were married recently, will continue under tbe team name uf Waltera A Piper and are wurkiiig together through tbe Middle States, while booking the East and Sooth for the winter.

Harry Burn* is making a big success with Ids musical and novelty bag punching act. tak¬ ing from three to four encores at every per¬ formance at Queen City Garuen, Elmira, N. ¥., re<-ently. Eddie Shubar, tbe tenor, being one of the hits on the same bill.

.Mis* .Mabel McKinley, niece of the late Pres¬ ident, submitted to an operatlun for appendi¬ citis in New York City August 24 which proved to Iw eutirely successful. After filling the engagements In her book. Miss McKinley will (-ease to travel, filling only New York en¬ gagements.

The Falrvlew Park Amusement Co., of De¬ catur, HI., is packing them In every nIghL This week Russell's Trick Hogs are pleasing the iieople. The Beverly* never fall to please 111 their songs and sketches. Amung the com¬ ing attractions tbe tbe Three Rays, Sully A Plielis). KopUn Bros, and Demarkm.

The Kober*. aereallsts. have been working the California circuit and Shields Northwestern Park and VaudevlUe Circuit. .Mr*. Kober wa* taken seriously ill at Walla Walla, Washing¬ ton. and was obliged to submit to a surgical u|>eration. Aggust 14. Tbe team had to cancel sixteen weeks' bookings on the Coast on this account.

Harrv Feldman and Dick Fitzgerald Richards have Joined bands and are meeting wltb success In their act entitled The Tramp and tbe Other Tramp. They open on tbe western circuit of vaudeville bouses at St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 27, with Denver, Pueblo, Butte, Spokane and Se¬ attle to follow. The team is known as Feldman A Richards.

Notes from I-ee A Y'oung's Vaudeville show: This company takes the road September 1 and will be a strong show, together with a band and orchestra, and will make a trip to tbe Coast and return. George Y’oung will be In ad¬ vance. while Dr. Lee will manage the show. We open Iq Minot, N. D.. Sept. 1. I>r. J. W. Lee closed Vith Duncan and He Tere Vaudeville show Aug. V.

TAKOX-OOICIDT. Basil McHenry will take out Archie Royer

in Next Door. Joseph Arthur will manage those clever boys,

tbe Three Hickman Brothers. Harry Rouclere and bis talented wife Mildred

will bead a company producing tbe travesty, Tbe Flight of Princess Iris, under tbe manage¬ ment of Frank Fox. He will travel in bis own >alace car, carry a band and give a novel street fair.

Note* from A Country Kid Company: We are Just closing our second week's business which has lieen very good. We are giving entire satis¬ faction wherever we show and If the season pays us as well as our first two weeks we will have no kick a coming.

Notes from James T. McAlpln’s Hans Hanson Company:—We opened at Dundee, 111., Aug. 12. to a capacity bouse snd have been filling them to standing room since. Our band of 18 pieces is exceptionally good while our orchestra Is unexcelled. Following Is tbe roster of tbe company: James T. McAlpln. sole owner snd manager: Harry Loraine, Martin Bowers. Dolly Faster. Fay DMinond, E. M. Dunaway. Eileen lioraine. Cnas.Kellman, Frank Feblman, P. A. .Akey. Fred E. Irish, J. J. Davison. Oscar Heck- er, Charles Prokop, Homer Jenkins, J(/bn Elsoo, I>oois Reese, Karl Anderson. Will Amond, C. C. Cordray an(i Little Baby Marie.

McFadden's Flats inaugurated Its sixth season at Camden, N. J.. August *24, and Is now on a tour of tbe South en route to New Orleans. Tbs company was selected especially for tbeir pecn- liar ability, and Is a well balanced one. The cumedy Is bright and spirited and the musical r umbers are fresh, and some were presented for the first time. Tbe chorus, by no means a small faction in tbe makeuo of tbe company, shows careful drilling, and Is one of the fea¬ tures of the performance. Tbe piece is well staged and handsomely costumed. Bobby Ral¬ ston and Jerry Sullivan are tbe "Yellow Kids”; Marguerite Ferguson u tbe new "Mary Ellen." The Exposition Four presented a novel musical act and rendered some minor parts In a capable manner. Tbe chorus consists of sixteen girls of nearly tbe same size, and above tbe aver¬ age as to looks and ability.

BvunaTJX. The managers of the Sparrow circuit in Moo-

treal. Canada, controlling four theatres, have Joined tbe .Association of Burlesque and Vaude¬ ville Managers.

Abbas Ben Onu|r's spectacular dancing nov¬ elty. A Scene In the Orient at Evening, with W. B. Watson's Oriental Company, Is meeting with grewt success in the East, and tbe pres* of Washington. Baltimore and New York speaks in glowing terms of tbe art. Tbe gorgeous costumes, beautiful color light effects, and gen¬ uine Oriental scenery produce an Eastern effect of Orientalism hitherto unknown to variety theatre*.

During his season at tbe Imperial. London, which opens on Nov. 2, Mr. Iwwis Waller will produce Mr. John Davidson's new version of Ruy Blsa. It was as a hero or barlesqu* that Ruy Rlqs was last seen In IxMidon. This waa In IW at the Gayety. the company Including Mias Nellie Farren, Miss Marion Hood. Mr. Frank Danby, and Mr. Fred l-eslle. In 1872 Falconer's dramatlzortlon of tbe work, which was prepared for Feebler In 1880, was revived at the AdelphL


CORRESPONDENCE NOTICR.^“^f RiUhonrd dt»ire$ a rorre^vimdmt im

tfvery city anti town in Ike Untied ^tatee tcnich M %oi &4ir« represented.


Seven Theatres Now Open. Season Comfortably Under Way.

The Hctisdii .Monday, Auiriist 24, at five theatres ami two more on Satiirda.v. AUKOst 2!i. wlilrh will X'<it this wasun (-omfortahly un¬ der way. All of the theatres have l)een re- Duslehtl and decorated. The isdicy of the thea trea will remain the game, except the Uotham. which will play road attractions instead of a reifular sto<k company.

The HIJon Theatre opened Monday, August 24. to a packed house with the Siiooner Stock Compaiiy presenting Namey & Co. Kdna May and Cecil S|ss>ner were well suited for the role, tsith of the Miss Sissiners Introducing musical numiH-rs during the play. This theatre Is sure of success. There will be a change of hill weekly. The Fatal Card will be given week of .Mlgllst .'II.

The Star Theatre oi>ened Its regular season with a matinee on .Monday, August 24, the at- traetion iH-iiig The High Itollers Kxtravagauza C4>nipnny. Tills liouse will no doubt lie as itopu- Us ever and prove a winner for its managers, the Hyde \ Itelimiin Co. Mr. K. M. Gotthold is the new manager seh'cted liy Hyde A- llehman for tills liouse. Klee A llarton's llurlesijue Co. Is tile atlraction for week of August 31.

Fercy G. Williams has sia-nt Jlo.hOo In re- nHsleling Ills tlieatre in tlie eastern district wlileli Is known as tlie Novelty Theatre. The season oisais August 2il with Issmard Grover's uieliMlrama. Tlie .Minister's Daughter. Tills house will give a dally matinee and play at isipular prices and will be* managed by David itoldnsoii, formerly of the Drpheum.

Tlie Orplieiiiu Theatre will open on August 31. Manager Percy Williams will continue tlie same |s>licy of last season and lias several EuroiH-an acts Issiked.

Tl'e Folly Theatre (Kennett Wilson, Mgr.) o[N-ns .\ugiist 31 with For Her Children's Sake.

Park Tlieatre INh'k Norton, Mgr.) also opens the season August 31 with The Winning Hand.

The Grand <M>era House (I.ew Parker, Mgr.) o|HMis August 2n with Miss Jane Keuuark and Comiiany playing I'nder Two Flags.

I'nii|ue Tlieatre. tlie well-known Brisiklyn linrhsi|ue hoiisi*. with Frank II. Carr, manager, o|iened .Monday, August 24, with Watson's DricntalH to a packed house.

Gayety Theatre was another house that open¬ ed on Monday. August 24. Harry .Morris’ A Night on ilroadway was the o|ienliig attraction.

The Columbia Theatre will open on Saturday, August 2!*. with Wells-Dunne-Harlan .Musical Comedy Company presenting Ky tlie Sad S*‘a Waves. Tlie cast will Include Gtlg Harlan. Mary .Marble, Henrietta Is-e and several other well known favorites. Tlie [Kdlcy of the liouse for tlie coming season will lie musical comedy. The liouse* has be-en redcisirated and will start tile season wTtli everytlilng new'.

The Gotliam Tlieatre In Fast New York, which Is managed by Percy G. Williams, resumes Its season ."Saturday, .kiigust 21'. with The Little Church Around the Corner. The house abandons Its stiH'k com|iany and will pUy combination traveling attractions.

Wntsi.n’s Theatre, Pearl and Willoughby stns-ts. opened Its ilisirs to the public for the first time Monday matinee, August 24. Tho theatre la one of the handsomest in tlreater New York and Its sui-eess Is assured. Manager Wat¬ son has gotten together an exceptionally gooil vaieleville and biirlesi|ne show and it is bis In¬ tention always to keep It up to the highest staiidiird. .Mr. Watson, himself, the well- known Jewish comedian, will assume the lead- Jliig role In the burlesque which brings the per- /orinance to a chise. He is assisted by six |ther ilever comedians. In the chorus there Ire thirty-six pretty girls. Charmlon. the popu¬ lar lady athlete and trapeze performer, heads the vaudeville contingent. Kegardlng the thea¬ tre Itself, no exiK‘nse has bi-en spared to make It one of the safi*st places In the city. Every Invention known to the mind of the modern builder and architect has been Introduced. The whole structure has lieen built with the first thought to the safety and comfort of the pa¬ trons. From every floor exits lead to the street and there are twenty-four In all. The house can lie emiitled in less than a minute. The Interior decorations arc In green and gold and the elTei’t under the elei’trlc lights, which are plentifully supplied throughout the house. Is striking in tlie extreme. Every seat has been so arranged as to command a full view of the stage. There will be a matinee every day and a sacred isuicert every Sunday evening.

.Manhattan Kcach—.Viigiist 31, The Sleeping Beauty and the Beast Company began the last week of their engagement at the Manhattan Beach Casino. This will end the season at this pisvhouse.

Pain's fireworks draws a large crowd six nights of the week . The sr*e<'ial features offered every night have proven very attractive.

Brighton Beach Theatre Is drawing capacity houses. High class vaudeville Is the attrac- thin.

Rockaway Beach—Morrison's Tlieatre (P. H. Morrison. .Mgr.) Is doing the largest business In Its history. \ change of bill every week. For the week of .August 24 the headliners were Lillian Burkhardt A Company, Alice Shaw and Daughters. May Duryea and Mr. Kearney.

Coney Island—The balloon race lietween I,eo Stevens and Carlos La Strange drew a large crowd to Luna Park, August 22. Preparation is lielng made for the great Indian Summer Car¬ nival that will be held In September, which will wind up the first season of this remarkable summer resort. There has been a greater dally attendance than was at the Pan-.\merlcan Ex¬ position.

Bostock's Trained Animals are entertaining thousands daily. This remarkable aggregation furnishes one of the best entertainments ever s<*en at Coney Island.

Henderson's Music Hall has an entirely new change of bill for the week of August 24. Only the best In vaudeville Is seen at this popu¬ lar liouse.


W. A. Wesley closed his engagement with F. C. Bosbvek's Animal Show at Coney Island. August 8, and has gone to Pittsfield. Mass., where he will act as manager of the Academy of Music. The opening attraction at the Acad¬ emy will be I>ew Dockstader’s Minstrels.

Messrs. Thompson A Dundy, managers of Luna Park. Coney Island, have engaged Sle Hassan Ben All to visit the Important cities and towns In Africa and Asia for the purpose of secoping two hundred natives cf different Oriental tribes for exhibition In the Park next

year. Sle Hassan Ben All will sail for the Orient aliout D«’cemlH*r 1.

Hei'imin Weedon of the Bost«H*k Animal Shi;w at Coiny Island, has to*eii Iraiisfcircd to the BosliH'k .Show at .Manhattan Beach. Cleveland, Ohio.

.Mr. C. H. Murray, pn'ss agent for Thompson and Dundy, is recovering from an attack of malaria fever.

During th? past summer the City of Brooklyu and vicinity has been thoroughly billed with an exci'eilingly attractive and high grade of iiostcis made by tin* Donaldson Litho. Co., for Carl Hagenlieck's .\iiimul Show.

Tom L. Wilson, press agent for the Walter ■Main Show, was greeting friends In New York, .\ugust 15. The .Main Show began the tour of Long Island, August 24.

The James K. Adams Company will cUisc their summer engagement at Luna Park, Coney Island, August 30. .Mr. Adams has Just pur¬ chased a new musical comedy which the com¬ pany will play on the road later in the scasou.

Fred (i. Andrews, general manager and press agent for the Oirse-Payton enterprises, and wife have returned to Brtsiklyii after si>endiug a tielightful summer in Denver, Colo.

Tin* Isaac Payton Stoi'k Company have been doing a fine business in the Isinp* Island circuit.

The Carl Hagenbei'k Animal Show under the management of Lt>e Williams has bot*n doing a trememlous business during the past season in Luna Park, the average l><*ing S.UiKI visitors |s*r day. The sliow will close their summer en¬ gagement on DctolK*r 1 and will show for a sliort time in Isdli Philudi*Iphia and Wasidngton ln*forc starting on tlieir. regular annual tour. Mr. Williams lias secured tiic exclusive right for shows of this desr’rlptlon on the St. Louis fair grounds.

Payton's Fulton Street Theatre is making extensive alterations which will materially In¬ crease the seating capacity. The houst* will opt*!! <>ctola*r 5. Mr. Payton will head the strong stock company.

The L«*e .Avenue Theatre Company, beaded by .Mr. and .Mrs. Payton, will play for two weeks In Springfield, .Mass., prior to their oiR'ii ing in tlie liome theatre In Brooklyn on August 31 in Captain Jinks. .Mrs. Etta Keed Payton will liead tlie company for the coming season.

The Wonderland Company was incor|M>rated .Viignst 2tt. Tills cor|a>ratkin will tiegin the erection of liuildtngs for amusement purjioses early this fall. They have acquired tlie Coney Island pro|H'rty formerly owned by the John Y. •McKane Estate, wlilcli has a frontage of 2tis feet on Surf avenue. The Wonderland will be somcwliat on the Lima Park plan. The directors are Win. 11. Keynolds, 11. B. Purdy. J. S. Wlct. W. G. Graves and Geo. E. Hall of Brook¬ lyn.

Hyde A Behman’s Adams street house will qaii August 'll under the same policy, except a Sundr.y night concert will la* given this year.

Frank C. Bosto< k lias tasiked Capt. Bonavita and Ills lions and .Mine. .Morelli and her leopards hig'iars and panthers for an Eurepean apiiear- aia*'* at the close of Ids Coney Island show.

Cu]it. Frank A. Mason made a l>alloou asceu- 'lon Sunday, .August 23. . at Si heutzen Park. V. J., and was liadly injured. He landed on

a greenhonsr* and liroke tbrcsigh the glass aud landed In a bed of roses.

Herbert C. Dus**, formerly city eilltor and dramatic editor of the Richmond “Dispatch.” will be pr**ss representative of the Columbia i'lieatra this season.

Your representative visited the Walter L. Main Shows at Flushing. Long Island, and w-as entertained liy Assistant Manager D. J. Fltr.- enld and S<s*retar.v O. W. Doud. The show

is the largest tliat ever visited I*ong Island and hey have done a large business at every stand.

Clirls. Livingston and wife left the Wallace Sliow- and are now In New York City.

H. F. Hoffman of Jersey City. N, J., who was connected with tlie press department of tlie Walter L. Main Shows, visited this show at Hackensack. N. J.; also the same day the fol¬ lowing iieople from New York visited the show; Miss .Mlnetto Rted. Miss Webb, a sister of Wm. AA'elili: McFea A Hill. Chris. Livingston aud wife. La Vern R. .Ault. Guy D. Hackney, and Murphy Brothers, of Philadel[ibia, and A. L. Hcnder.son. of Detroit. Mich.

O. AA'. Doud. secretary of the AA'alter L. Malu Shows, entertained La A’ern R. -Ault of Geneva, Ohio.

.Airs. Nick Howard (Cyclo). nee Olga ileed, has Just returned to the .Alain Shows after a -iliort illness. Her many friends are glad to liave her with the show again.



Local Theatrical Season Will Soon he in Full Swing,. The Convention Hall Opens Under

Its New Name—Bijou.

Holliday St. Theatre (M(*s8rs. Kcrnan, Rife A Houck, Mgrs.)—The thrilling and 8**nsatlonal mehalrama entitled. The Great AA'lilte Diamond, was the attraction Aug. 24-2H. This production lias apiieared several times before and It still retains Its popularity. The company is of the usual standard and large audiences crowded the liouse. The Ragged Hero follows.

The Bljoii (.Air. J. E. Tcxile, Mgr.)—This lioijsi* which was formerly the Convention Hall, and wlih'h Is now one of tlie links in the great IKqiular-prlced circuit of Stair and Havlin, lic- gan Its season Aug. 24. On the Frontier was the o|iening prisliictlon and was presented by a capable company. Plays of the usual class will follow In regular order.

Monumental Theatre (Mr. James L. Kernan. 1 Mgr.)—Tlie Clierry Blossoms Burlesquers, with Its usual entertaining features and a corps of lM*autifnl and sprightly maidens and funny comedins, drew large audiences week of Aug. 24-20.

Manager M. J. I.ehniayer of the Academy of Aliislc lias announce*! his list of attractions for (he coming season. Among the list the f<dlow- ing will appear; Mr. Richard Mansfield. Sir llenr.v Irving. Charles Ilawtry, .Mrs. 1^*8110 Carter. Miss Julia .Atarlowc. .Miss Maude Adams. Mrs. Langtry. Miss Ellen Terry. Marie Tempest. Gra<*e Van Studdlford. Anna Held. A’irginia Ilarned, Bertha Galland. Mme. Frltrl Scheff, Paula Edwards, Francis AA’Ilson. Frank Daniels, lolin Drew, AA'. 11. Crane. The Rfigers Brothers. Tlie Sleeping Beauty and the Beast, Blue Bi ard. Jr . and Tlirce Little .Maids.

Ford's Dpera House will resume Its season Sept. 7. Mr. Henry E. Dlxey In his new play. Facing the .AIiislc, will be the (qiening attra** tion.

Tlie Federation of Latsir Is preparing plans for a big parade and pli'iilc t<i tie held on I.alior Day, Sept. 7. Atsiut 40.fki(» men will turn out lepresentlng every Industry. Aliout 14 hamis will be In line and the committee In charge of arrangements for the day has given Instructions that Hiawatha must lie omitted from the list of selections to be played.



Grand Army Encampment Week Overflows the

Various Theatres. .Not for n’liny .years. If ever, have tlie play

liousi's of San Francisco lK*<'n tiix<**l to such an ovci'tlowing capacity as during F.iicauipmciil wei'k Just closed. .Ailvance sales liave heen unprecedented and in s|iitc of the many attrac- lioiis afforded i,ulslde of tlie tlieatres hnudreds liave 18*011 turned away niglitly. Cons**iiucntly managers are pleased, and ia*rliaps, yet wish tliey had more seating space.

Columbia Henry Miller and Margaret .Anglin opened their season with Tlie Devil's Disciple, and for week of 24, Tlie Taming of Helen will lie the offering.

FlB(*her's—The double Idll of (Juo A'ass Iss and The Big Little Princess have 8**ored tlie ex|iected lilt. Both plays, especially the latter, are liritn full of gisid things ami keep the audl cnee convulsed wltli laughter. The Corn-querors, a trav>*sty ou The Conquerors and a rattling liurles*|ue, entitled The Glad Hand, are t>uukt*d to follow.

Drpheum—lleeley and Meeley, Rosie Reiidell. John LeClalr, Lew Hawkins, S**ele.v and AA'est, Sldin*y AA'llmer and Com|iatiy, AVytine AA'lnslowe, tile Kauftuan I'miqie, Etlle Fay and the midlon pictures make iiji tlie ex**ellent bill this week.

Tivoli—Tho Highwayman will continue an otlier W't*t*k and loses none of its iHipnlarlly. Edwin Stevens as Foxy tjuiller Is funny, and the <'ast Is ably haudleil by all tlie Tivoli com¬ pany.

.Alcazar - Tlie Dairy Farm will have the tioards for another we**k and the delightl'iil rural drama is much aiiiir*»*lated by the patrons of tlie .Alca¬ zar. August 31 the si>eclal season of Floremv RolH*rt8 will hegin. Slie will appear first In rile Piiwelcome .Airs. Hatch.

California—Slienandoali pisived a pbenomeiial success during the week and many an old vet¬ eran expresseil his appreciation of the realistic si-enes wlilcli w<*re vividly deplete*! iti the ilraina. lor the wet*k of .August 24. .Airs. Dane's Imfense will lie pr**sente*l.

Grand—In Harvard continues to please ev«*r.v- Isidy who can get a seat. Raymoml and Caverly are a ('umical team, and In fact, the entire com¬ pany are par excellen*-e. Saturday evening. .August 22, was I'nlverslty of California night, aiKl the boys from the I'nlverslty owned the liouse.

Central—The stirring war-time drama, Cum- l>**rland '01. pack***! the Central during the week and extra matln«*es w**re demaudeil. The cenic effects were simply grand and the bril¬

liant cast. heaih*d by Hershel .Alayall. was all tiiat could be desired. Camille will be the iffering for .August 24, followed .August 31 by Hie Great Ruby.

CTiutes—The Chutes Park and Zoo have had their shore of the crowds this week and the riNRl bill in the theatre was well received.

.Adelina Patti will give at least two coui*erts in this city. She brings a *'ompany of great artists and Manager Fritsllander will make the prices iiopular.

Tile next symphon.v concert to lie given by Mr. Fritz Scheel and bis exi-ellent orch**stra will take place at the Grand Diiera IRuise on the aftern*ion of Tues*lay. .August 2.''*. The ver- illct of the first esmeert was a universal recog¬ nition of its artistic excellence. Tlie greatest eompllment paid the Master Conductor was tlie pres**u*'e of all the leading professional musi¬ cians, wh*i proved their satisfactioii h.v applaml- ing every numl>er heartily. The Scheel Concerts w-111 be the “fad'' from this on, and standing itKiDi will be at a premium.

.Advance car No. 1 of Ringlliig Brothers' Sliows arrlv**d last w**ek and made preliminary arrangements for tlie great circus, which will give the first i>erformance September 7. and liave an <*lght - days' stand. The car Is In •barge of Mr. R. G. Rlngllng, and Mr. AA". 11. Talsir Is press agi'nt.

Santa Barbara, Cal., Is to nave a new finu.- flOii opera house. Tlie st*x’k Is all sul«crlbed and work will liegln at once on the building Tlie plans are said to lie on a grand scale, up to date In every respect.



At the Traction Parks tbs Warm Weather Has Been Very Favorable. Theatres Also

Doing Well.

The extreme warm weather of Sunday hel|>ed to sweP. the attendance at the traction parks, yet at each park the concerts were goo*! ami tlie other attractions were enjoyed heartily. With the season drawing to a cl*ise the crtiwds se«*m to gr*iw larger and In less than a montli pleasure seekers will have m seek other amuse ments than that of the parks, with the excep tIon of Sclicnley ami Htghlan*l, which are niieu the year round.

Kennywood.—Tlie R*>cereto Band played their usual roni'erts and tlielr high class music was very entertaining, as well as the singing and nianihdln playing of the Star (Juartette. AA’llli the other features, lainnie Follett. the hs-al chilli Impersonator; Mil**. Dumont, coon aliouter: J*ilin Miirtha. comeillan: Roliert Smith, cliili swinger, and J*ihn F. Blaney. the ks*al singer, the Ste**ple*-liase Bulhling still has the crowds.

Calhoun Park.—Harry Clay Blaney'a Rough Rider Band of Tlie Across the Pacific. fnrnislii*d tlie music for* tlie Sunday concerts and Isitli wer<* very fine. Tlie Imperial Quartette, Miss Marie Laurent and Mr. Eddie Reeves fiimlslied Hie vocal part of the program, and Smith and Gorman, very clever e*im)*dlans. furnished the fun. During the week, two *iays’ outing of tract ion employes.

0.xkwo*id Park.—The Second Brigade Band wltli mikdsts Nest**r (pl***'ola) and Hllngore (*-ornet), won much applaua**. .Murphy A Pal¬ mer, fom***llai;s. and Harry Burgoyne, the c*s*tcr singer, did well and assisted very much ill entertaining the large crowd.

S<iutliern.—Piof, K. AA'. F. Guenther's Greater Pittsburg Band furnished tlie music, with Leon Provost. c*irnet soloist, and Fred Sima, trom- Isiiii* H<dolst; Crouch an*l Rlchar*1s, musical artl*tls. ami Fred Nolan, character comedian. Prof. Guenther also played a ph-i-olo s*ilo. 'XTils Is Hie last week of vaudeville at this park.

DiKpiesne Gardens.—Business still continues g*K)d and with only another week to run proa I>ects are bright f*)P a grand finish. This week Fra Diav*d*i, and next Week Faust.

Academv.—The warm weath**r a**i*ina to have iKi tffe*'! li**re. the crowils are about like Isdi- day we**k. Thla same tiling holds gissl with the otlier theatres tliat are now 0|>en. The Tiger Lllllt*s Company are d<*servlng of the crowds. Next week, Kentucky Belles.

Empire.—AltlKiiigh open but .one week thla liouse lira drawn well. The Irish Pawnbrokers h*d*l the Isiarda this week and are giving a grSHl show. Next week, Down By the Sea.

Pljou.- Clilhl Slaves of New A'ork are idav- Ing to giHHl liiiHliicHs. Tlie Baniiim & Baili'y Circus cut lui figure in Hie mallnee attemlaiii'c at tills |>opiiliir pliiyhoiise and llila attra*-lloii sliowH some Ix'aiillful scenery as well as a gissi allow of Its kiml. Next week, 'Hie AV'lilte Slav*'.

.Alvin.—Tlie first w**ek’s attraction at Hils cur lea<lliig tlieatre. King D(hI«i, lias played to g*Msl liiislm*ss. cotislih'rliig Hie warm weiiHier. and will lie billowed by Miss Blanche AA’alsh In Rt*siirr<s*tlon.

Exiswltlon.- Of all the events that Pltts- liurgcrs lisik birward to the o|H*nlng of the Exisisltion leads tliem all. Thla same argunii'iit holds gisal for miles around as hiindreils take advantage of the numerous excursions that are run to tills (sipular resort, and with sucli an attraction as Creatore’s Band the o|a*nlng tills aeawui will undoobt)**lly break all rM-onls. Creature was here last season and scxireil such a hit with Ills liaiid, as well as hla novel way of leading hla el<*gant liand. that many wlei missed tin* op|Nirtunlty of s<>elng him last year will take ailvantage of the pres**nt oiqsirtunlty. So many new attractiv** reatnr<*a liave In*<'ii addeil under tlie manageim*tit of Mr. Fitzpatrick that the F.xisi’ tills reason will score tlie larg*'s|

iisiness In its history. Tlie Carnival under Hie auspices of the Oak¬

land Board of Trad** Is drawing lilg crowils, not alti>gether on a*'<*ount of the <leslralde l**'ii tion but f*>r the numerous gissI attractkuis offere*! PItt.Hliurg has hail more tlian Its sliare of carnivals, but tliey still draw the crowd** iiiul w'e an* still to have some more. Tlie next one will exiilhit at the .Arsenal Gmumls and will lie gtv<*n umler the aiisph'i'S of the G. .A. R. One of tile finest exhibits even s<***ii In tills city of nutouiol>ll**s Is In Hie enchsiure or entrsn* ** to the carnival. Tills feature, while fre**. Is worth an admission.

Barnum A Bailey’s Cin-iis has ronie and goto*. They asve us en elegant parade and an ex**<*p tioiially giBsl sliow and some entirely new fea tures. yet It was a dllticult matter to lak*- li tlie entire show at tine sitting. In order to get In on all that was doing In tlie lug tent one would have to go alsait three times.

Grand 0|a>ra House.— .Althougli we are as sure*l tliat tills bouse will Is* delayed aomewhat In getting under way owing to the nianiiialh undertaking Just flnislifsl and the extra tou*'li<*s which Mr. Davis will have add<**l. as w*'II as liavliig everything In is'rbs't slia|>e, we are nevertheless hsikliig fiwward to same, as Ho* Stock Company glv**n us by Air. Davis has Is** ii one of tlie leading features In Pittsburg and the talk of the city. It is neeilb-aw to say that when oiieiMul we can *xMint *>n as gissi |>e*>p|e aa here¬ tofore, and that Air. Davis will take advantage of every opisirtuiilty to Improve every deta.I. as be has the Interest of the public at heart. Atr. Davis couhl give roe no definite answer ss to wlien the -Avenue w*iuhl •qien. yet he assured me that tlie same high class vaudeville attrac¬ tions thgl have tiecn given here liefore, or rather attracthuis that are headliners of note, will 1*1111 liohl forth here. It might lie worth while iii*-iitlonliig here that this theatre iTIie .Avenuei iluriiig one sisirt season sprung Into imsit |s>|>u- lar favor, and although somewhat crowded for seating twlilch will lie overcome In the new liouse) tile gissi attractkms that won favor here liefure will help to keep up tlie reiuitatlon and a coiit 1111181.1*0 of high class vaudeville will lie the future sudresa of thla b*iuse.



Latter Carrierg Benefit a Success. Westher To«

Warm for Sag Business. The Theatres. Chase's Empire Tlie Empire draws pretty

fair crowds In spite of the warm weatlier. llw* 1*111 Is a gissi one.

Tlie Cohiulal—A pretty nh-e hill prevails here this week, hut the weather la entirely ttw warm fur much business.

Star Theatre-Rice A Barton's Risie Hill Eng¬ lish Folly Company Is holding forth here f*>r a week. The show Isn't anything extra an*l liusliieas Is not any t<s> gisid, probably due to the weather, whl**h la very warm. ’The show Is practically the same as last year.

Cleveland-Harry Clay Blaney In Across Hi# Paclflc Is at the Cleveland on his annual tour, and he Is always weh-oim-d by tbeatrego**rs. Ills sh**w Is every bit aa good as last year and is deserving of silccesa.

Ol*era House—The Cleveland I,etter Carriers are having a t*enrflt thla week at the Opera House. The bill they pr<-aeiit Is as gi*ud If iN*t lietter than any bill at one of the hx'al theat.'es here this week. A'aughan Glaser au*l .Alh'e Treat Hunt have a splendid sketi'b. 4‘reiM F.hlrlilge Is on de*k with Ids witty moual*>gm*. little Elsie Janis In ImltatlmiB. Francis Ka*l:icr that noted ten**r. Brazil A Brasil. acr**bats. an<l Hart A Dutton In a musical act, which Is refin***!. The receipts of tlie i*erfurraau*'>*s g" t** the Sk'k anil IVatli Fund of tho CkvelaU'l 1. eller Carriers' AssiM-latlon.

Garden This Is the last week of the Oard**n Theatre, which has l*een running all summer i'real<*re ami hi** band, which maile such a d** i*lil*'<l hit last week, slay***! for thla week, play¬ ing different tunes. The |mhl|c appreciate their music In the right way.

Manhattan Ih-ach Herman AA'i>e*lnn and his 2. “* animals have lsH*n the l***st drawing card f**r B<**<tn**k'a llils aeas<*n. They are there this we<*k.


lOAVA FALLS. lA. Metrnp**l|tBn 0|K*ra H*mae (E. O. Ei'esworth,

Mgr. I Dark. ITEM 8.

Manager Ellsworth returned, 2(1. fr**m a ten days' trip to his stis-k ranch In N<*rlh Daki*ta.

The .AIetro|M*lltan 0|>era H**ua<* orchestra, whli'h has always la*en a l*opular musical orgau- tzath*n «*f the city, has l*een enlarg***! and reor- ganlzail by the leailer Pn*f. Munroy. the |>er- s**nnel <*f the new *>r**hi*stra liiclmllng the f**l lowing old and new members* Ix'ailer and first vkdln, Pr**f. Miinr**y; basa. J. C, Ke«H-e; Becnn*l vkillns, V. A. Biggs and Khelli*y Hul**hlnBi*n; piano. Miss Ix>ra AA’llaon; clarlneta, F. A. Ea- lesky and l■'rank AA’IIhur; flute. Geo. AA’, Be**la*; I’ornet, Thoa. Mann. Fr**n**h horn. Frank Mil¬ ler; drums, C. H. Koon.

Just atriick town, having cancv-lled the fair *late at Ehkila. Manager Gih*. I. Gll.'nan Is kmklng f**r an attraclk*n b*r Ihc rlghta of Sent. 1 and 2.

prof. C. C. Bartlett, a former mcnd*er of the theatrical pr<*fenslon. Is engaged In making a pictorial a**uvenlr <*f the city.

Mr. K. 8. F.llsw'i*rth, who built the lM*autlful Metr<*|Nill(an (l|*era H<*use In thla city thr<*e yeras ag** has Just given $'25 to the city to l*e ad*lrd to the Carn**gle *k*uatl**n of $lO.(kai f*>r a free public library here. Thla donalkin la made lo <*rder that the plana of the com mittee ndght l*e carrli**! *>ut. The new library will be kn*>wn aa the Carnegle-Kllaworlb Free Public Library.


I'rof. Krank K. IVrolTal. who haa Wn m- Kmplr« Thaatre (I^rrjr llagfD, Mgra.) of tbli boose. It ia tbe Intention of Mr. l)l.\le as Maalosa, and Miss Sophie Sutton, as Mad- gHg<‘d In iVdorado the past slimmer In directing 'Fills bouse opened Sundsy to good business. Tbe to play as many of tbe “Iniiepeiidents" as care ame Ivanoma. were e8i>eclaliy worthy of men- tbe niusleal nrograms of Cbautau-piaa, hi here llartie<-ks. Iioop rollers; Hayden and Hayden, to play Scranton, and fill In wltb Taudevllle. thm. t'amplM-ll Stiitton, tbe leading man, made vlslllng rrlutives and friends at bis old borne, eouieillans; tbe three Ugdena, sketch team aui Tbe Imuse baa been overhauled, giving more a manly rrince Hlmitol, and was particularly Ills present bendi|usrters are at Toledo, O., where he has Ihsmi prominent In musical circles for several years.

the hlograpb. I stage room and Is-tter ventllatkiii. strong In his emotional scenes. In' the even- I Alaeazar Theatre (Frank Kllpfel, Mgr.) The Star Theatre (Alf. (i. Herrington. Mgr.) lug the isipular melodrama. Wages of Sin, was Harry Ue Voy and George .Mlltou’a comedy. Will oism lt7 with Vanity Fair. Of all tbe given, and tbe audience was well pleased. Be- On 'rime, ia prmluced as a curtain raiser; Ma- houses In town this one bag undergone tbe tween tbe acts the waits were broken by sev- mle I.awrence. singer; Marlon Goodwin singer; greatest change, and tbe patrons of tbe bouse eral high class specialties. They no doubt Katherine lail'our, singer, Ktta Barmw, serlo- will not rtssignize It. The new owner, Mr. w-lll crowd the bouse all week. Aug !». (Jutn-

strong In his emotional scenes.

Mayor Kills 1*. Kobb, wIm> la a well known On 'flme, ia prmluced as a curtain raiser; Ma corres|Miiident for several dramatic papers, has mie I.awrence. singer; Marlon Goodwin singer IlnaiH-ial charge of tbe lecture course arranged Katherine Ijil'our, singer, Ktta Barmw, serlo for Klnora, la., this fall and winter.

'File lecture lourse to be given by Kllswortb cer; .May Crawford, singer; Milton and Milton Coihge of thb< city tbe coming aeason will In- sketch team. Business la fair.

lomlc; .Mr. Nina, comedian; Ixittle Nelson, dan- Hayden Kvaus, an architect, has spent consid- wlll crowd the bouse all week. Aug 29. tyutn- lan & Wall's Minstrels will be with us. Man-

erable time and money In making It a theatre ager tyuinlaii. an undoubtd leader in tbe Held to be proud of. 'Fbe gallery has been remmlel- of minstrelsy and originality, has designed a

elude Uland T. I’owers, Bberwnod, the pianist. NOTKS Klrlng more seating room, new seats new tirst imrt for this season entitled; An Iiu Unssell 'F. Conwell and two other numbera not t. t. • . * j > thronglsmt and a new arrangement of same ternattonal .Military Bivouac. It is declareil to sebi'tisl as yet. ■. Theatre, under tbe management downstairs has Is-autilled and Increased the ca- be a most gorgeous spectacle, with musicians

Fallier .Nugent, one of tbe ts-st known pastors ?,*’*’*,** i, **‘'i paclty there. A new lire wall, proscenium arch, and end men sujierbly costumed, and the sing- in the state, will resign his pastorate at Dee "*1“ Jbe ibe Urpban s rrayer. Mr. I eltou bas lobby, enlarged and repainted all through, era and .Mr. tyuiulan wearing reproductions of .Moines, Se|>l. 1 to accept an offer to go on •Pbf™ “** esiwnse In biting the theatre tor the ttimblne to make tbe SStar a modern up-to-date the uniforms of tbe generals of tbe leading Ibe lecture | coming season, and wltb good attractions should I tlieatre.

The .Metroisilltan Opera House at .Minneapolis . has lieen eilmplelely made over, and U now Norris and Howe s show s dtd a successful six one of Ibe haudiH.me8t theatres In the north- busluess. notwltbstandlug tbe rainy wisit. It will tie oiiened, as usual, by Way *'*;?•***'.''; ,, . ... . , liown Ksst. with I'hoetie Davla In the role of ‘J t-beyenne, Wyo.. opened Aug. \nna Misire ^ with the largst attendance on rec-ord. ■ The new »2«.n0<i opera bouse at Berry, la., U McCourt manager of the Broadway to Is- oiwiied on .Nov. « by Walker Whiteside Tabor Grand, Is expected home Sept. 1. and i-ompany In We are King. The bouse will «fler a prolonged visit tp Uindon. Is- under tbe management of llarvey Bros., who JNO. mcginnis. are well known In tbe theatrical and circus —— profi-sshms. KANSAS CITY. MO.

liurlng the state fklr which ch»^ «. four (Hudson A Judah. Mgrs.)—Thai tbealri's In pretly and realistic pastoral play. Sweet Clover

tlieatre. J. O. UKKSK. armies of tbe world. Jimmy Wall will he - seen in a new specialty called 'The Moon

COLUMBUS. GA. .Nblnes Bright. , 1 ...... . .... , .. I. . I’axtoii Bark iFellx Davis. Mgr.) The head-

Mlldwood Bark Casino (t^lumbus lUllroad ,i„ers this week, Carson and Wimarns, were Co.. .Mgrs.) The past week bas been the U-st great favorites. As German comedlani they attended week of the summer seaeon at this are original and very funny. Eddie Burto

.Mr. Beter McCourt, manager of tbe Broadway resirt. Tbe bouse bas been packed every night. »bar«s honors with Mamie l.allerty "in the new- and Tabor Grand, bi expected home Sept. 1, and on one or two occasions they turned them features in toe dancing and the Walsh

The house will *fter a prolonged visit tp London, rvev Rma who I JNO, McGINNIS.

away because of having standing room only. Idem Hackney bag tbe attraction that brings

team presented an interesting sketch In which they prove themselves clever black face come-

tbem. Hackney bas the neatwt show that has dlans. Tbe spinning feats by the two De-Grees ever plyed here; every act Is of the best „re g.»Hl. A1 Bene and I.abrant, in their »o.WiO KANSAS CITY. MO. ^ «re g-Hnl. A1 Bene and I.abrant. in their »o.WtO

... .... iK>rt. X'liG price vf ftiliniiiMioD bttJi itivitrskd • tiiv Kit Tiie (jrauU (iludiK>D & Judab. Mgrs.)—That forty cenU, inoludlng car fare in>tb waya. Th** *

I<..r...n...ier mss at Fosters Hello Bill st the Pfl'J •‘*<1 resllstlc pastoral play. Sweet Clover. „K»t of tbe peviple did not stand for tliat NOTES, i-r.n.i' Til. Jsinea llovi In Mlnourl at the An- *** ■••raetkin at this houae week of 2ri. amount, so Hackney reiluced the cost to car Spencer Charters, who la playing leading illiorlum and Van Dike A Eaton Co. (Ollle Thayer. Edna Kobb and Olive Uuggles fare and to ten cents for reserved seats, ad heavy for 'Fbos. Shea Co., bas been with us v.t.ini .1 the MIrnir were tbe best of a cast that was in every re- misviou free. .Now It is a question with the all summer lii the Baxtany Stock Co., but ■ 4 two dsvs' r^vsl Is to be held st Roek * competent one. The production from rsllroad company to get enough ears to haul leaves Saturday for Falls Klver, N. Y.. to

1. ^deiit 4 and 5 i si iw. s stsud|iolut wss sn excellent one, but on the people to and from the Casino. join his comiiany. He has won many new cT’jahiuV whose carnival company met of the extreme beat bualneaa was not Springer Opera House (C. r. Springer. Mgr.) friends In our city, and we hope to have him

wifh h.rd hick at^e close of the Dubuuue •* Herl^rt Kelcey The season of Bj«XJ-4 will be opened on the back wllh us next seas-in. He Is making rapid «v. L bit ilJffkw alm^ SI****"'-" who come week of M In Sher- bv lo- al talent In Because She Loved Him stride, to the front. *

s to be held at Rock •P*'-- * competent one. The production from rsllroad company to get enough cars to haul leaves Saturday for F'alls River, N. Y.. to 5 I SI iw-s staudiHilut was an excellent one, but on the people to and from the Casino. join his comiiany. He has won many new arnlval company met of the extreme beat bualuesa was not Springer Opera House (C. r. Springer, Mgr.) friends In our city, and we hope to have him

engagement, says be lost $4U,0UU since starting out with Ills show this spring.

From Sept. 2S to Oct. S, Perry. Ia., Is to bold Its second anooal street fair and carnival.

lock Holmes should do well. Tbe advance sale bas been quite large. Tbe Auditorium (Woodward A Burgess, Mgrs) Tbls bouse Is runntug as sn Independent one

—Fair bouses were In attendance tbrougbout this season, having pulled out of tbe Klaw A “ lle..l«l bv MUs Marlo^'evtoc wto will ^ “*• **'« ‘l*l» Erlanger Circuit. will J^iT^ie^’^K'^'irac^elCa romMDT sesLio witness Tbe Volunteer, a war-time (_i,urt House Bark. Tbe summer concerts by r'lmrtv^TO eita of the UnWersHT of C^^o '*^*‘“* <>* considerable merit. Cora Van Tassel tbe Columbus .Military Band will come to an

a ...u-lidw ..reSimlltfeo of the end on the 1st. They have been very liberally 'of ? v^B In'the aiock ^r^"dtotrlct*of “*« company lurtber enlist- patronlied and greatly enjoyed by tbe tlioq-

/nT uLeJ fbe Fwtllabt inSb “*« of J. Guy Atkinson. Lawrence i.nds that attended them. The work of Frank lootllgbt Club i,emlng. W. Edward Dewett. Dorreat Delmer, w. Lilly as director was of the highest merit.

vil-ihU followed the I nella-Foeenaiieh Flab *‘<‘siile Hawthorne. Isabella Roy and a number CLARENCE E. GUAY. Fruuble followed tne_ Loella-torepaugn clever oeonle. lleUo Kill <-omes week irouoie loiaiweu lue sIkiw to lahpemlng. .Mich., and on tbe iMh. when a baneh of cowboys quit and aeveral cred- ' (jiiii,, ,v a Brlabam Mar )_The Vll- Itors demanded aelllement re^Hng In tbe Parson, wbiwe marital sues are sutflclent _ __

"'V^TinMni m7n*Sf'l^k^Il'^Clt^^ la have *“ ““ out fiw ai ls of a very atrenuoua nature. l'U}ed'”li iw’sT bnslnesiT'wrek'if'22.’ •reseed ^Treet f^^carwlva'l to'hi held •“•'•cteil fair Imusea week of 23. M llllam A. was headed by .Mr. and Mrs. Broi rnI?r*o^ i^Tit » Norton. ITankle Francis and Bickering Browu Brainy Boy. and was followed by li

u who WS Sirnrk and aeverelv In '“•‘'ted tbe leading roles In a creditable man- |u lllmstrated songs; Dan McGreevy. i (.1^1 cuji^ C«muiin Mde he7 faU I* ’*'""”*! •* Sluis. the tramp cartoonist; Stanly

s'??! Ihid^e la. on JmI^^ *• /or wc«k of 30. m niiislc specialties, and tbe Bolysis, laMneht snlt aealnst Welia’ter Countv for t'Ai Tl*c tentury (Joseph Barrett, .Mgr.)—This arc nn fy,)t to form a large clrcull iTonght suit against Weliaier Louniy ror onena the season 30 with Bob INiltoii's n.ot,. i:


Shield's Bark (Kaamas A Nelson. Mgrs. )—

I oeeu quite large. COMING an Independent one ‘ . out of tbe Klaw A Tlie Great allaee Shows, one of tbe high¬

est circuses In tbe world, will be here summer concerts by id will come to an ^'*0 nianager of our new theatre, The Ly- ' been very liberally ' ** "'**•' "» '*■**•' !>*» family. He says loved by tbe thou- *** likes Harrisburg and finds tbe people very Tbe work of Frank congenial. His name is .Mr. Frank,

f the highest merit. *-• SM.AKKS. ftENCE K. GU.AY. HAGERSTOWN, MD.—Tbe Indian Bill Wild

West and Smith's lAig snd Bony Show did good business on the 22. The parks are still doing

k, w&BU. ^ remarkable business. A Nelson, Mgrs.)— Ben Mar.—Business baa oeen very good eek l7-'22. Tbe bill throughout the week. .Manager White an- Mrs. Brunson In a counoes this resort will close tbe latter part

wed by Irene Kober of September. cGreevy. monobigiat; Dak Hill.—There has been a revival of bnsl-

lasi. He bolda the county waa negligent In al¬ lowing such a dangen-us feat to attempteil.

rk and werelv In- enacted the leading roles In a creditable man- |u illustrated songs; Dan McGreevy. monobigiat; Oak Hill.—There has been a revival of bnsl- n made her fatal Human llearti. with John U'Orroood as sluis. the tramp cartoonist; Stanly A Scanlon, ness at tbls park, and as tbe result. Manager la on Julv 4 has Tnro Ixigan, la an^unced for week of 30. In music specialties, and tbe Bolysisiiie. Blaus Hartle bas lieen filling this comfortable open- r ('nuniT for "I'Ai Tu* Century (Joseph Barrett, .Mgr.)—This ^re on foot to form a large circuit Including ulr place of amusement to Its capacity this as neeliei-nt In al bouse oiieiis the season 30 with Bob INlltou s S|Nikane, Portland. Tacoma. Butte, Great F'alls, we*-k. The baseball season bas been extended. » to G. attai^til ■» **•« offering. Denver. Pendleton. Walla Walla and Pullman. Hslf-lVay.—E. G. Smith's Dog and Pony

Wheeler waa struck bv tbe woman when she I l'.**^”* (Lhiyd Brown. Mgr.)—Baplnta. under the manag’ement of Mr. Shields. d 1 -iimiw neiu lorxu 10 exceiienr ousiness on tbe niaTr tL^lTal l^nae Lid^s iZn In the ImT 1*“' 'hoDc will Is* built In Wslla Wslla and will 22. offering two permormances. at which atand-

week. The baseball season baa been extended. Hslf-lVay.—E. G. Smith's Dog and Pony

SlMiw held forth to excellent business on the

made Ibe fatal lunge, and bat been In tbe boa pltal ever ainre. William Sella, of tbe Sells in the theatre week of 23. Business was Im- | ready for tbe coming season They wiU room waa at an advance both afternoon and

ling drama, evening. Manager Miller reisirts baslneaa at tbe top notch, and tbe sliow la a most deaerv-

team. Tlie ing one. km at tbe Boulevard.—The Indian Bill Iliatorie Wild

will be takn to ('tah-ago and be reorganised l.ew Palmer, mimetic comeillaD, and Meehan': Howe's Great Ixmdim Shows are touring tbla Circus. ‘ 1-orls and Alllna.' ahariibootera.

,1"*' < II >. I__ I will head the program week of 30. Tbe aeason Col. JabcKir, of the well-known clrcne too reeurt will prubaMj cloee S*ept. 6.

carnival .■onii«iiy. haa__broug_ht suit against A ei-, ,rlc Bark (Sam Beniamin. Mgr (—The

well and will be able to resume work aoun. The New M'alla Walla Theatre (Heillg A .Mc-

Cal-e, Mgrs. i—Tbe Improvements on this bouse

doing I West Circus, on the 22, presented two highly •redl able iH-rforniances. which were attested by a most unparalleled business. Proprietor Vugusta Jones gives a goisl attraction. The

are nearing completioii and will be ready fur I parade is quite a featnre. ifBeall et al ■ at »lm^ Cltv -I^e trwibW (Sam Benjamin. Mgr )—The the o:s*iilng of tbe season on August 31 with

lil let'lr*iK.*Lri oT.i held Banda Koesa cuntlnnes to .iraw tremendom- Catherine Countls In The Christian. The lobby grows ont of the canilval keld siidlencea both afternoon and evening, and will weeki ago. »_hen Jatamr furnlrt^ the >°4lu eonllnoe to l«e the chief attraction here until attractions. He sues for Jlfi.wsl. He asks ihe eVuae of tbe aeaaon l.abor llav

11*’“' “ '“'rV*' CHARLES^il. SMALL, and failure to settle and treat wltb the plain-

Will F. Mnse. one of tbe tiesl known news OMAHA, NEB. . pa|-er men of tbe state, relumed to tbe stage Boyd'a Theatre (Rnrgess A Woodward. Mgrs) temporarllv this month. He was formerly a —painters and decorators are at work making

of tbe theatre Is In gn-en. tbe smoking room in yellow and tbe walls of the theatre are tu ted with tbe ceiling In yellow. F'zra K> mlall. ■Sept. 7; S. M. Kent, 14; Flast Lymi, Hi; Over tbe F'alla. 21; Where Is Cobb?, 24.

GLEANINGS. B. B. Craft, pn-sa agent of the Indian Bill

show, spent 22-2.'t at bla borne In Washington. D. C. He la iMv asaisted by II. J. I/conard.

Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Shepard have given op their country Iwime near here, and have re-

IValla Walla 'Flieatre (Jack I "•'’^•‘<1 1“ Wnslngton for tbe present.

new military college In his borne town. Mason

'The northwest la to witness tbe premier of | celvM. will lie tbe opening attraction the 3d one of the t Ig attractlona of the coming aeason. the Sleepy King, which will he sent ont by

* Thonin^on Mffr I ilid simhI bu^ln^s wp^k of Tn© now o|M»ra bouM under roorso of coo- Ri^d's Tbcatre (Rarren A Woodward. Mgr*) Ko*elU are still fa’^rltea Tbe »truotlon at Middletown, Md., w ill open by lat Ralntera and decorator* are «t work maklii«; r*,ni*in4Ukp nf tb<» i.lll wma mda<* un of Frank Dei*einber. »o U la expected. All of tbe

‘S'* •"'1 Cnifer. FM. O'Brien Woislworth A Cadero and =‘«o«'k has h*^n sulwrlbed. jollied su<-h an organisation which scrompanM than ever, and when the public are permitted ,, cineogranh Herbert Burns, cf tbls city, yotned the popn- the Iowa Illinois delegatkio fo the O. A. R to lisik upon the changes that have tecently ^ w !-“• MEilCH VNT ’•*' The Tenderfiwt. which has been rnrampnient at San F>anclaco !>*<"■> tii*<le they will find the effect more pleas .. ' playing to socb wonderful success at the Dear

l»rlnce of inisen. a musl •n-rv t aww t w imjt/v *’*'■'* Chicago. He |•ueses8e8 a remarkable comedy seen here last season and well re- w v iGi-g., uniu. voice.

‘Ived. will lie tbe opening attraction the 3d. The Cooiier Oiiera House, having Its balcony The Inwood Fair at .Martlnsbnrg, on the IS-


Ing than ever. The ITInce of iqisen. a musl cal comedy seen here last season and well re-

for three nights. Krug Theatre (II.


The Cooiier Oiiera House, having Its balcony improvi-d by the addltkin of over three hnu-I 21st, was a success.

Mgr.)—Tbls I ,Ire J seats, purchased from the Grand Opera Roger MeSherry, secretary of the Freder- the F'erria-Scoil forces. The attrartloo will be I r.,ar playboose will open on August 31. tbe House at Blttsburg, Pa., will oiieii for tbe lok F'alr. Is making arrangements for the corn- put on by the M'alter Jones Opera Oo.. beaded I attraction being Sweet I’kiver. a comedy drama with Ted E. F'aost'a Minstrels on Wed- liig event. by Waller Jones, who was wltb tbe Oba^pons which comes bere for the first time. TTie thea ___ _, _,.„.. ....„ ___ __ last season, and a number of other well-known ire will be oiwned to the public for Inspection R,vk Springs Bark, t-hester tV. Va. Week I 19-2<I. was a big success. In which some hand-

nesdav. Sept. Henry Cooi>er Mgr. The Harrisonburg (Va.) horse snow held Aug.

arllatt who were wllh Mr. Perley'a ubow. FR.\NK E. FOSTER.


on the nigbt of 20, and there is surely a sur- of Aug. 16. Vaudeville bill just medium; bust -ome prizes were contested for by a uumber of prise In store for all who attend tbe opening, oeaa very gooal; Rosa Ma.vnon's trained birds Virginia horsemen. Charlottesville la tb« next as they will find one of tbs prettiest places best act on the program. TIds week (Aug. 24) on (be list, sc-beduled for Sept. 2-3. »l amusement In the country. The decorations, joah Italy's Minstrels. D. F'. Lynch, advance agent and popolar In draperies and carpets, with the beautiful effect East Liverpool.—Wallace Bros.’ sbowa ar the sawdust profession, waa in Hagerstown on

I some prlxea were contested for by a number of

D. F'. Lynch, advance agent and' popolar In Ihe sawdust profession, waa in Hagerstown on

Haswril are presenting The S-pilre of Dames days and si»ni me day enjoying me many at As Mrs. Dennant. Mlaa Ilaawrll baa a pole In tractions to be found at this plai-e of amuse Hblih nhi* ditplayt h^r varM talents to advan- nienf. The mall carrl#*ra held their annua lage. .Mr Ibdierl Drout. as Mr Kllroy, plays picnic 22 and all had a lively time. Tbe Moml

again have the management. Ills assistant, s^wer making everything “ud. showed to a (Cliamtierlain. Kindt A Co., U-ssees; Oeo. Gor- Ihe iwpnlar •'Billy" Byrne will, at formerly, big audience, every seat available being taken, nian. Mgr.) Vogel's Minstrels, 21, pleased a be cashier and preaa representative. I erforniancc gissl In every respect; the jis- fjj, xiie performance this ai>aaon shows

Krng'a Bark (W. W. Cole. Mgr.)—Tbe past tumes notaM.v were clean, new and catchy. The , dei'ided Improvement over last season. The week waa a busy one at this polite resort Verona trouj^ of thtw aorobafs made a de- Root-Gardner polyscope pictures 22. Mr. Root and many picnics took advantage of the warm i/.’Jf'* with everyts^y; wiicert Just fair. hj, sparring partner John Hogan traveled days and siient Ihe day enjoying Ihe many at- ,/• '/ '.x'®'' v- i .. *'**1' *1'® company and gave a four-round ex¬ tractions to be found at this place of amuse Tlie Grand Opera H®;"*® U- N. Norris. Mgr.) hibitlon each i>erformanee. The Denver FTx- nient. Tbe mall carriers held their annu.i! "pens for the season VVeilnesday. .\ng. .6, with press. '23. to g<s>d house. Coming: Land O'Cut-

arrobats made a de- aud Mlaa* Beri-ey and many picnics took advantage of the warm with everyts^y; wiicert Just fair.

JGnilre of Dames days and siient Ihe day enjoying Ihe many at- "JlT®*’"*' 'J'.i'®'' IV'* v i »■ rell baa a pole In tractions to be found at this place of amuse Tlie Grand Opera H®;"*® I-*- N. Norris Mgr.)

Hie part aucs-aafully; Mr. Henry Kolker. as Sir men of the World ramps of this elty are mak IkHiglas Tborburn. was good. Mr. Herman Shel- ing big preparations for their ideiilc on the .km. as Brofemsor Ik.wle. gave another of thoa.- 'AHh liiat. Niinieroua prlies will be offered

charict^r kkptrhf** whirto hk* won him romi»^tlllTt* drills snd rsc^s of sll kinds so ninch praise, Mr. Hardee Kirkland, aa Col "Hie W. O. W. have a large membership In this

the tjiu-en of tbe Highway. B. W. DAVIDSttN.


Richard Armstrong, of this city, miw mitl

ton. 26; The F'laming Arrow, 27; Darkness and Da.vllgbt. 2!>; \ Gentleman from Gascony, 3i).

The inaugural production of Bain's Am-lent Rome pleased a crowd of four tbonsand p*-ople ■at the ball park Monda.v evening, Aug. 34. A finer pyrotecbnlcal exhibit baa never been seen

onel D.>-inant la g.*"!; Mlsa l>tber Lyons. Mias city and It la reasonable to eiiwct a large the advance brlga.le of the Iiidian Bill Wild l.ereab. iits and It was made simeUlly effective IsHsi Ilerrold' ami Mlsa Dwyer deserve special crowd on this iM-raslon. W est shows now touring Virginia, reiairts sue- by the manner In wbk-h It was handled, nieiilkm their work. Next attraction. Wal Mr- A. H. Kmdl. with a title of being Amer- I'j ..... The Twin City Driving .Association bold their Mr. A. H. Kmdl. with a title of being .Amer- ler C. ilellowa will present hla play. The Little k-a's greatest cornet sokdst. Is engage.1 for the Frank Go.den lias Is-eii eii Christiana. TaNw Grand (Beter McCourt. Mgr.) with Huster's Comi-rt Band. ^f^nels Tlila iMiptilar houae oiiened to gmsl business NOTES.

rie'nlrrann/snd MlM''All!m'johnBtm Manager Biirg.-ss, of the Boyd Theatre, has IVrry (N. 11.) opera house.* Hie l«dlns'rollir Fmlk^'l^/ Crorra wm-k ^ro"> hla Eastern trip, and judging Thomas Burk.' of the IG Ihe laa.llng rolM. Mr. Emile I.e t loix a w.wk attractlona b.v tlsliig Car N... 1. bas been

Tvs-l skids'*k*"**'”'”*' * ** ' ^ him. Omaha l>eople will see the N-at companies iswltbin in this city, whici ir*...! -rJ,!..,. f adsms Marl Ilusl ®" ‘he r.sid among them noted stars. accept.

u. j. RIHVT. The Brothers Duhec.

i-ess for the show. The Twin Citv F'rank Gol.len lias lH>eii engaged as stage ear- annual meet this

(s-nler by George Samuels for bla .A Convk't's slasm Is shown Oaugliter c©mi>any (Eastern.) stable In the vicinity of the' trl cities la'repre-

t has. Burrelle Is the new manager of the sented. There are about two hundred horses IVrry (N. 11.) opera honse. eiitereil. JOHN S. MUIKiE

Thomas Burk.', of the Barnnm-Kalley .Adver- awTawr-a- n r-_. . Using Car No. 1. bas been offered a lucrative _ *ve}stone Carnival Co. (Ka- is»lil..n in this city, which he will no doubt ®P®°®«1 Aug. 24. dol^ |„,(.,p( I tjnp business. The .'rowulug feature of the

The Brothers Duhec. Magartire's Tralneil ®"^^

annual meet this week. A great deal of enthu¬ siasm Is shown, as nearly every important

Crystal Theatre (Oeo. I. Adams. Mgr.) Busi ness continues g.ssl at this little houae. the I.lll iM'Ing a very goo.1 one. Neff and Wilson,'e t.>am: Ilnsike FUtrym. singer; Harry Gibbs. whHIler; Daeey. Chase and Ward, aketeb trio; Minnie May, Illustrated songs


Aca.lemy of Music (M. Reis. Mgr.

H,>r«.s. IV Uira. Bomls. Gllhi-rt's Tral.,^1 ^.®*“■•®* Goats, the D'.Atalles. the I.aconas and IVof. Willard arc some of the attractions engage.1

tier tile direction of Geo. Rowmaii, baa a fine collei'tlon of animals. The statue tnrnlng to life la drawing fine crowds. Tills attraction

Manhattan IVach (J. Edgar Cllffoni, Mgr.) I will, Biisln.'ss ciMitlniiea better than ever at this re- This we. sort Mr. Clifford contlmies to Improve the hat been hill each week. J. Airleh Libby and .'harming Ing. aii.I wlf.-. Miss Thayer, are rinsing a auei'essfiil i Tb.' I.; tli.-e w.s'ks' engagement. They have made a T'lifT.), B Irem.' bit wllh IVnver tlietlreg.wra. The wllh Ihe StmiiHMis' m.v.'l act. I'hina New Years: Bn I. Immi*.'. I I’rssk. sltig.-r; N.s-sn sn.l llrt.'.', sk.-t.'li tvsm. In Itl.I.s IHIIv VVsp.l. .sun.'.list.; VVsll.>n snd Dslloii, Tti.- I* c.>,v l.'sin; Miss Mslwl Day. singer; Marvel and VIgr oUB Greg.N-y, acndiat; Mlsa Marie Thomas, wbis- with Ho Her. This Is I

I.ycenm Tbealre iM. Reis, Mgr.; .A DiifT.), Business VIgr.) Tbe I.ycentn .qiem'd '21 I ***.1^ Tlieatre hi're.

season. Is nantet by Mgr. John Stiles of the

wllh the (Jiilnlaii A Wall Minstrels to a gissl lions.'. Next attrs.'lkui, .Amlrew Rolwmi A Co. Ill Itl.lisrd Carvel. 31.

Till' Dixie Theatre (ll.-nry F'. Dixie, Lease.' and VIgr. I This IwaiilifnI liouse will .qien 31 wllh Howell Hansel In The Men of JImtown.

The s«>ason at onr illfferent housi'a will o|s-n l4iN>r Day, Si'pt. 7th. D. L.

HARRI-.BURO, PA.—Gran.t 0|w'ra Hints.',

huslnes.. F'Olier A Johnson, trick bicycle riders, are

.xttraillng much attention. They do the cycle wl.lrl ill Ihe smallest track ever eonstructed. This ix.mpany also have with them minlaiure rnilway. Ferris VVhi'el. Ohl Blaiitat.iei.

Craven's i)|H-ra Hons.' o|S‘ns August 31, 19t>3, The lUs- Stoi'k Co. opeiu-d Iwcc I with T.'d F'siisl's Vlliistrels

w'liii Howell iiansei in l tie Xleii or Jlmtown. 1 with Tolstois roasterplei*e. Resurrection. The I IV. C.siin-r’s Medicine Show iipena here Ang- Thls la In line with the new Imlcpcmtent |ioltcy | presentation was excellent, and Mlaa Gay Rb.'a. lust '27, 19U3. HARRY BABKKil.



The BilOmrd fonBarit maU to all profetaionaU Brao of ckarQt. Mm bert of the profanom art tntiled wktU om tkt road to kavt tkeir mail addrttttd m eari Tko Billboard and il will bt prompUp/orwardod.

TEXT IHOWt. BARM.’M and Halley Sliowg.—Toledo, O.,

Sept. 3; Kt. Wayne. Ind., 4; South Bend, 5. BIJOU Clrrui'—Sheldon Junction, Vt., Aug.

.'ll-Scpt. r>; I’ottadam. N. Y.. 7-12. BUSBY Bros.' Clrcua—West I.lherty, la..

Sept. 2. BKXNKTT'S Big Show—GrantaburR. Wla..

Sept. .3r>; Bush City, .Minn., 7-9; .Mora, 10-12. BAKUOW Show—Havana. O., Sept. 3; Wea¬

ver* Cornera, 4; Green Springa, 5. U0L1;MAN Shows (I'ete Carnalla, Mgr.)—

Chicago. Ill., liidef. COI.OilADO GranUa Show—Exeter, Mo.,

S«-pt. :i: Manett. 4; Granby, 5. COI.OBADO Grant’a K. It. Show—Exeter. Mo.,

Sept. 3; .Monette. 4: Granliy, 5; S«‘neca. 7; Nc- oaho, 8; IMerce <,'lt}-, 9; Oronogo, 10; Sarcoxle, 11; .\urora. 12.

FI-OTO Show—Bocatur, 111.. Sept. 3; Mat- toon. 4; Newton, 5; Ulnton, Ind., 7; Sullivan, H; Terre Haute. 9; f'llnton, 10; Braxll, 11.

FINNS', Janica 11. Show—Chicago, Ill., In def.

FORErAl'GH and Sidla Broa.’ (;ircUB—I.ltch- fleld. Ill.. Sei)t. 3; JarkaonvlIIe, 4; Ixiulalanj, Mo., S; .Marahall, 7; Klrkeavllle, 9; Ottumwa, la., lo; Grlnnell, 11.

GENTRY' Broa.’ Show—Des Molnea, la., R<’pt. 1-2.

GRF^AT Mellainrna Show*—Gaylord, Minn., S»-pt. 3: WInihrop. 4; Fairfax. 5; Morton, 7.

SIG. Sautelle'a Big R. R. SIio'v—Bennington, Vt.. Sept. 3; Chatham. N. Y., 4; Mlllerton. 3.

HARRIS’ Nickel I’late Shows—Dixon, Ill., Seut. 3. Mendota, 4; Mlnonk, 5; Decatur. 7; Moiiticello, S; Tuscola, 9; Folomac, 10; I-e Roy, 11: Mason City. 12.

HOBSON Show* (Capt. Clay B. Hobson, Mgr.t-Drxld. Tex.. Sept. 4.

INDI.VN Blll'a Wild West (Auguatua Jones, Mgr.) -Clifton Forge, Va., Sept. 3; Cornlngton, 4; Marhlnton. W. Va., 5; Ronceverte, 6.

LUCKY Blll'a Show—Excelsior Springs, Mo., Sept. 3; Mlaourl City, 4; Birmingham, 5; Roao- dale. Kan., 7.

UOIVERY' Bros.’ Show—Pittsburg, Pa., Indef. MAIN. Waller U. Show—Atlantic City, N. J.,

Sept. 3; Camden. 4: Oxford. Pa.. 5. MID Winter Circus (Arnold J. Buslngers)—

Canton. O., until Sept. 18. NORRIS and Rowe’s Big Show—Central City.

Neb., Sept. 3; Columbus. 4; Schuyler. R; Wa- hoo. 7; Beatrice. 8: Wymoro. 9; Marysville, Kaa.. 10; Clav Center. 11.

ORRIN Bros.' Circus—City of Mexico. Indef. FM'BH.ONES No. 1—Havana. Cuba. Indef. PUBH.ONES No. 2--En route In Cuba.

ORTON'S Mlb>a—Clayton. Del.. Sept. 3; Do ver. 4; Harrington, T>.

ROBINSON'S Big Shows—Nevada, Mo.. Sr’pt. 3; Plttsliurg. Kan.. 4; CofreyvIIle, .*>; Anthony, 7; WItchIta. 8; Hutchinson. 9: Great Br-nd. 19.

RIXGl.ING Bros.’ Shows—Santa Rosa, Cal., Sept. 3; Napa, 4; Oakland 5.

TEETS Bros.' Palmetto Shows—Nettleton, Ark.. Sept. 3; Gainesville, 4; Knobrd, 5; Tnck- erman. 7; Cushman, 8.

W.YI.U.VCE, B. E. Shows—Charleron. Pa.. Sept. 3: New Kensington, 4; Johnstown, 5; Alt'ona. 7. Bellefonte, 8.

YVEI.SH Bros.’ Sliow—Barnesvlllc, Pa., Sept. 3; Hastings. 4; Coalport, B.

lODWAT OOXTAVXn. ANDERSON Carnival Co.—Belle Plain. Minn.,

Sent. 9-11. B.YUSCHER Carnival Co.—Tipton, la.. Sept.

1-3. COSMOPOI.rr.YN Amusement Co.—Jefferson

CItv Mo.. .Yug. 31-Sept. R. COLUMBUS Carnival Co —Portsmouth, Va.,

S.-pt. 1-R. COLLINS Carnival Co.—Fremont. Neb., Aug.

31 Sept. .R; Lincoln. 7-12. I8-KKUKO Bros.' Amusement Co.—St. Louts,

Mo.. Indef. FER.MU Bros.’ Carnival Co.—Terre Haute,

Ind.. .\ug. 31-Sept. R; loulsvllle, Ky., 7-19. G.VSKH.I.-Mundy Carnival Co.—Indianapolis,

Ind., Atig. .31-Sept. 12. GENER.YL Amusement Co.—Marlon, Ind.,

Ang. 31Sept. .R; Danville. III.. 7-12. G.\SKILI.rMundy-Iovltt Carnival O). — Bur¬

lington. Vt.. Aug. .31-Sept. R; Albany. 7-11. HALL Carnival O.—(ialva. Ill., Ang. 31-Sept.

R; Avon. 7-12. HECK New Exposition Co.—Dayton, O., Aug.

31-Sept. R: Sturgis, Mich.. 7-12. JttNES Carnival Co.—Hinton, W. Va., Ang.

.31-Sept. R: Charleston. 7-12. JABOT’R Carnival & Circus Co,—^Tacoma.

Wash.. Aug. 24-Sept. R; Everett, 7-12. LAYTON Carnival Co.—nnnrmgton. W. Va.,

,\nc .31-Sept, R: Roanoke. 7-12. MORRIS k Berger Carnival Co.—(Schenley

Park I Pittsburg, Pa.. Aug. 24-Sept. 12. NORTH American Carnival Co.—Gibson City,

111.. -Yug. .30-Sept. R. TOTTER A Rice .Ymusement Co.—Stanley,

WIs.. Aug. .31-Sept. R; Manitowoc. 7-12. PARKER .Ymusement Co.—Klrksvllle, Mo.,

S<-pt. 1-fi; Canton. 111.. 7-12. PATTERSON & Bralnerd Carnival Co.—

Sleepy Eye, Minn.. Aug. 31-Sept. R; Winona. 8-11.

ROBINSON Carnival Co.—La Porte, Ind., 7-12.

ROBINSON & Seeman Carnival Co.—Win¬ chester. Ky.. Sept. 7-12.

SPELLMAN Attractions—Sardinia. O., Ang. .31-Sept R.

SOUTHERN Carnival Co. Nat Reiss. Mgr.t— Walla Walla. Wash., Aug. 31-Sept. R; Boise, Idaho. 7-12.

WRIGHT Carnival Co.—Monesaen, Pa., Ang. 31-Sept. R; Ashtabula, 7-12.

pnroucxBS sates. ADAMINI * Taylor—(Jeffert) Saginaw,

Mich.. Aug. 31-Sept. R. : ANDERSON A YVallace—(Empire Park) Seat¬

tle. Wash.. Aug. 24-Sept. R. ADELINE & Rubber—(Casino) Providence,

R. I.. Aug. .31-Sept. 5. ALDRICH. Cbas. T.—(Keith’s) Boston, Mass.,

Aug. 31-Sept. R. AI-CEDO.-*. The Rustic—(Ontario Park) Kings¬

ton. Can.. Ang. .31-Sept. R. ARMSTRONG A- Wright—(Ramona Park)

Grand Raidds. Mich.. Aug. 30-Sept. R. BEANOS Tlie—(Guvernator’s) Atlantic City.

N. J.. .Yug. .31-Sept .*>. BROWNINGS. The—(Pastor’s) New York

CItv. Ang. 31-Sept. R. BROWNE. Whistling Tom—(Temple) Detroit,

Mich., Ang. 81-Sept. S.

BARR A I-a Salle—(Salt Palace) Salt I-ake City, Utah. Sept. 2-8.

BAN YARDS, The Five Flying—Sloui City, la.. .Yug. 31-^pt. R.

BURTON, 11. B.—(Standard) Fort Worth. Tex., Aug. 24-Sept. R.

BURTO Bijou Circus—Sheldon Junction, Vt.. Aug. 31-Sept. R.

BURCH, Mr. and Mrs. Jack—(Ingertoll Park) Des .Moines, la.. Aug. 30-Sept. 5.

BAILEY & .Madison—(Colonial) Cleveland. O., Aug. 31-Sept. 5.

BELL, Senator Frank — (Junction Park) B<-aver Falls. Fa., Sept. 8-13.

BROOKS Brothers — (Keith’s) Philadelphia. Pa., Aug. 31-Sept. R; (Keith’s) ITovIdence, R. I.. 7-12.

CORBETT James J.—(Forest Park) St. Ixmls. Mo., Aug. 30-Sept. 5.

CAIN A Hunter—North Beach, N. Y., Aug. .31Sept. 5.

CAMPBELL Bros.—(Grauman’a) San Fran¬ cisco. Cal., Aug. 24-Sept. R.

CANFIELD & Carleton—(.Music Hall) Brighton Beach. N. Y., Aug. 31-Sept. 5.

CASTANOS. The—Walbrldge. Mass., Aug. 31- Sept. R.

CHERRY & Bates—Webster. Mass., Ang. 31- Sept. R.

COLE A Clemens—(Lake Park) Trenton, N. J.. Aug. 31-Sept. R.

CR.YWFORD A Manning-(Fort Sheridan Park) Hlghwood. Ill., Aug. 30-Sept. R.

CHRISTOPHER (Lake Side Park)—Akron. O. .Yug. 31-8<‘pt. 5; .Meyers Lake), Canton, 6- 12!

CARTER and Ross—(Park Theatre) South Bend Ind., Aug. 30-Sept. 5; (Casino) Toledo. O.. 6-12.

DEL.MORE A Nelson—(Empire) Johannesburg. S. A.. Aug. 24-Oct. 10.

DANIELS, Walter—(O. 11.) Chicago, Ill., Aug. 31-Sept. R.

DELMORE, Misses—(Farm) Toledo, O.. Aug. 31-Sept. R.

DOWNS, T. Nelson—(Orpheum) San Fran¬ cisco. Cal., Aug. 30-Sept. 6.

DRAWEE—(Columbia) Cincinnati, O., Aug. 31-Sept. R.

DOHERTY Y’andevllle Show—Denison, Tex., Sept. 12-20.

DAVIS A Macauley-(Forest Park) St. louls. Mo.. Aug. 30-Sept. R.

DUFFY, Sautelle A Duffy (Woolworth Roof Garden)—Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 31-Sept. R.

FAVOR A Sinclair-(Shea’s) Toronto, Can., Aug. 31-Sept. R.

EVEREl'T Sisters—(Olympic) Chicago, Ill., .Yug. 31-Sept. 6.

ELDRIlKiE, Press—(Brighton Beeach, N. Y.. Aug. 31-Sept. R; (Duquesne) Pittsburg, Pa., 7-12.

FIELDM.YN A Richards-(Columbia) Mlnne- aisdls, Minn., Aug. 31-Sept. 12.

FREVOLI—Springfield, O.. Aug. 30-Sept. R; (Cedar Point) Sandnsky. O., 6-13.

FERGUSON and Dupree—(Myer’s Lake) Can¬ ton O., Sept. 6-12; (Empire) Lorain. 13-19.

FORBES A Forbes—East Liverpool, O., Ang. 31-Sept. R.

FLOOD A Hayes—(Coenr D’Alene Theatre) Spokane. Wash., Sept. 7-20.

FERGUSON A Mack—(Hopkln’t) LonlavlUe, Ky.. Sept. 6-12.

GODFREY, Hal A Co.—(0. H.) IndlanapolU, Ind., Ang. 3i-SepL 6.

GRIERSON Sisters—(Empire Park) Seattle, Wash.. Aug. 24-Sept. 16.

GIBSON A Nash—(Manhattan Beach) Denver, Colo.. Ang. 31-Sept. 6.

GORDON A Hayes—(Glendale Park) Nash¬ ville. Tenn., Ang. 81-Sept. 6.

GLADSTONE, Lotta—(Columbia) St. Louis, Mo.. Aug. 7-12.

HECLOW and Wheeler—(Sprlngbank Park) London. Can.. Ang. 24-Sept. R; (l^akeslde Park) Akron. O.. 6-12.

HECLOW. Chas.—(Sprlngbank Park) London. Ont.. Aug. 31-Sept. 6; (Reeves Park) Foetorla. O., 6-12.

HOBBS. The Two—(Fenton’s) Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 31-^pt. R.

H.YYDEN A Parks—En route with Parker Amusement Co. See Midway Routes.

HALL, Don C.—Topek*. Kas.. Sept. 3-R; Carthage. Mo., 7-9: Webb City, 10-12.

H.YRRISON Bros.—Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 31-Sept. 3.

HYNEY A Doane—((kslfrey’s Pavilion) Grand Rapids. Mich.. Aug. 30-Sept. R.

HARRI.NGTON, Daniel J.—(Casino) BUig- bampton. N. Y'.. Ang. 31-8ept. R.

H.YYSEED Trh)—Worcester. Mass., Ang. 31- Sept. R.

IIEELEY A Meeley—(Orpheum) Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 31-Sept. 6.

HINES A Remington—(Haymarket) (Chicago, m.. Aug. 31-Sept. 6.

HOLMES A Waldron—(Lakeside Park) Akron, O., Ang. 31-Sept. 5.

HOLT. Alf.—(Forest Park) Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 30-8ept. 6.

HEWITTS. Two—En route with Watson’s Americans. See Burlesque Routes.

HART Edward A Bessie Mile.—(Iron Pier) Ca|>e May. N. J.. Aug. 31-^pt. 3.

HARRANGTON, Dan J.—(Casino) Rlnghamp- toii, N. Y'.. Aug. 31-Sept. 8.

H.YRRHIAN (Woolworth Roof Garden)—I-an- caster. Pa.. Aug. 31-Sept. 5.

ILYRMONY, Four—(Delmar Gardens) Okla- lioma City, O. T., Indef.

HERRMON. Adelaide — (Lyceum) Syracuse, N. Y.. Aug. 31-8ept. R.

HINES A Remington—(O. H.) Chicago, Ill., .Yug. 31-Sept. R.

HICKEY' A Nelson—(Winter Garden) Berlin, Germany, Ang. 3-Sept. 26.

HOLDSWORTHS, The—New York, N. Y., Aug. .31-Sent. 3.

HOWARD Brothers—(Empire) (Heveland, O., Ang. 31-Sept. R.

HILLYERS. The — (Captain’s Pier) Bath Beach. N. Y., June l.R. Indef.

INNESS A Ryan—(Electric Park) Kent, O., Aug. 31-Sept. 6.

JAMS. Little Elsie—(Forest Park) St. I»nls, Mo.. Aug. .39-Sept. R.

JOHNSTONE. Ix)rlmer A Co.—london. Eng., Indef.

JEANRE A Rinand—(Hayott Park) Columbia, S C.. Indef.

JENNINi. A Jewell—New York City, Indef. KEOUGH A Ballard—(Orpheum) San Fran¬

cisco. Cal., Ang. 23-Sept. R. KEENE. .Mattie A Co. (Wotdworih Roof

Garden)—I..ancaster, Pa., Aug. 31-Sept. R. KEIA’EY’. Three Sisters—(Temple) Detroit.

Mich.. Ang. 31-Sept. R; (Cook’s) Itocliester, N. Y.. 7 12.

KLFH.N, I t Bros. A Nickerson —(Industrial Exhibition) Toronto, Can., Aug. 23 Sept. 12.

KEMP Sisters—Norton, Kas., Ang. 30-Sept. 7.

LINIGER Bros—Clarksburg, W. Va., Sept. 1-3

LA FOND, Charles—(Casino) Toledo, O., Sept. 6-13.

LA MOTT and Beatrice—Memphis, Mo., Sept. 7-12.

LANGER. W. J.—En route with Roblnsou Shows. S<-e Tent Sliow Routes.

LA REX. Jos. F.—En route with Gollmar Bros.* Shows. Si»e Tent Show Routes.

L. YIRD Bradshaw—(Olympia Park) Chatta- msiga, Tenn.. Aug. 24-Sept. 3.

LA DELLE, Frederick—(Woodsfield Park) WiKHisfb-Id. O.. Aug. 31-Sept. R.

LEVINA A Gray—Toronto, Can., Aug. 31- Sept. R.

I.rrCHFIEI.D, Mr. and Mr*. Nell—(Freebody Park) New|sirt. R. L, Aug. 31-Sept. R.

LOVITTS. The-(()lymplc) Chicago, Ill., Aug. 31 Sept. R.

LYMAN Twins—Falrbury, 111.. Sept. 3; Mon- llcello. 4: Clinton, R; Canton, 7.

MAY A Miles (Wrlglitsvllle Reach—Wil¬ mington. N. C.. -Yug. 31-Sept. R.

MULLEN A Correlll—(Westwood Park) Dead- ham. Mass., Aug. ,31-Sept. R.

.McC.YRVER A Goray—l»s Angeles, Cal. Aug. .31-S.'pt. R.

MEREDITH Sisters-(Celeron Park) James¬ town, .N. Y'.. Aug. 31-Sei)t. R.

McMahon’S Watermelon Girl*—Dunkirk, N. Y’., .Yug. 31-Sept. R; (Empire) Cleveland, O., 7-12.

MARTINI A Maximilian—(Grand O. 11.) In- dlanaiKdis. Ind., ‘Aug. .31-Sept. R.

M. YCK A Elliott—(Siiringbank Park) london. Can.. Aug. 31-Scpt. R.

MARTIN A Nltram—(Empire) St. Paul, Minn.. Aug. 31-.Sept. .R.

M.YRT, Willie and Edith—(Steeideeliaae Pl“r) •Ytlantle Cll.v. .N. J.. .Ypg. 31-Sept. R.

McCUNE A Grant—iSbellpot Park) Wilming¬ ton. Del.. .Yug. .31-Sopt. R.

.MEY'ER A Mason—(Howard) Boston, Mass., -Yug. 31-.Sept. R.

MUUTH.Y. Lillian Leroy—Webster. Mas*., Aug. 31-Sept. 5.

.MEREDITH Sister* -(Celenm Park) James town. N. Y'., .Yug. 31-S»'pt. .R.

MYRDO (Itenwl.k Park)—Ithaca, N. Y., .Yug. 31 Si-pt. R.

Ml RPHY, .Mr. and Mrs. Mark (Wotdworih Risif Garden)—Lancaster. Pa., .Yug. .31-Sept. 3.

MILE.S. .Ygnes (Woolworth Risif Garden) — Ijineaster. Pa.. .Yug. 31-Sept. 3.

NIN.Y. Bruns A Nina—YVauseOn, O., Sept. 3-.R.

NEWELL A Niblo—(Robinson Park) Fort YVayne. Ind., .Yug. 31-S<'pt. R.

P.YUL, Chas. B.—En route with Gollmar Bros. SlHiws. .See Tent Show Routes.

PREVOST A Prevost—(H. A B.) Brooklyn, N. Y.. Aug. .31 Sept. R. P.YSSPORTS. Two—(Ermitage) Moscow, Russia. July 22-Sept. 13.

QUINN. Jack—En route with Zlg Zag Alley Co. St't* Farce Comedy Routes.

REESE—(Empire Park) Seattle. Wash., Ang 24-Sept. l.R.

R.YDFORD A Winchester Mellln-—Hanover, Germany. Sept. l-.R.

il.YNDALL. Sallle—(Casino) Toledo, O., Ang, 39-Sopt. R.

RICTON—(Sprlngbank Park) I.«ndon. Can., Aug. .31-Sept. 3.

ROY'ER Bnvs.—(Central Park) Allentown, Pa. Ang. 31-Sept. R.

ROOT. Alba W. (Falrvlew Park)—Dayton, O. , .Yug. 39-Sept. 6; (Lakeside Park), Akron. 7-12

RUSSELL A Dunbar—(Woodlynne Park) Cam¬ den. N. J.. Aug. 31-Sept. R.

SAM.YY'O.Y—(Bellevue Park) Toledo, 0., Ang. 31-Sept. R.

STABLETON A Chaney—Sardinia. O., Aug .31-Sept. R.

ST.YNLEY' A Wilson—(Colonial) Cleveland, O.. Aug. 31-Sept. R.

SWICK.YRD. Mr. and Mr*.—Joliannesburg. S. A.. July 27-Sept. 19.

TENGT Lambert—Glasgow, Scotland, Aug .31-Sept. .R.

SP.YLDING Bros.—En route with Robinson Show*. S»*e Tent Show Routes.

SER.YCK. Harry (Woolworth Roof Garden)— Ijincaster. Pa., .Yug. .31-Sept. R.

SIDONI.Y Tlie Great (Solmer Park)—Montre¬ al. Can., Aug. 31 Sept. R; .Sebewalng, Mlvh.. 17-18.

THE Wheeling Vincent* (Shenley Park)— Pltt.sbnrg, Pa.. Aug. 24-Sept. 12.

TORUS Sisters (Woolworth Roof Garden)— IJincaster. Pa.. Aug. 31-Rept. R.

TROUB.YDOLR.S. Three—(Masonic Temple) Chicago. Ill.. .Yug. .31-Sept. 6.

TEAL. RaynHind—(Hopkln’s) Ixmlsville. Ky.. Sept. 6-12.

VICTOR YLoore A Emma Littlefield—(Empire) Hoboken. N. J., Aug. 31-9ept. R; Brighton Beach, 7-12.

WHITNEYS. The—Kallda. O.. Sept. 3; Con tlnental. 4: Oakwood, fi,

WEBER Family—Sioux City, la.. Ang. 31- Sept. R: Madison, Neb.. 7-12.

WAGNER Sister*—En route with Swallow and Markle’s Floating Palace.

WYMAN, Geo. IL—En route with Poll Carni¬ val Sliows.

WALLER A Maglll—(Rocky Springs Park) I.anca*ter. Pa.. Aug. .31-Sept. R.

W.YLDORF A Mendet —(.Meyer’s Igike) Can ton. O.. Aug. .31 Sept. R.

WIIITYIAN, Frank (Shea’s)—Toronto. Can., •Yng. 31-S*‘pt. 6.

Z.YZELLE A Vernon—(Temple) Detroit, Mich. 7'l2 (Cvsik’s) Roiheater, N. Y’.,

SRAKATIC. AUBREY Strs-k (Western; MIttenthal Bros.,

Mgrs.)—Blnghamptoii, N. Y’., Aug. 31-Sept. 4 ADA III Gregg and Adair Stock—Annapolis

Md.. Aug. .31 Seiit. R. ARIZONA (M. B. Raymond’s: Chas. F. Brown

Mgr.) —Bridgeton. N. J., Sept. 3; Red Bank’ 4; Ellrjitieth. 6.

AT the Old Cross Roads (Arthur C. Alston Mgr.)—Cleveland. O., Aug. 31 Sept. R.

AT Pike’s Peak (C. IL Edon’s; Claude Board- man. .Mgr.)—Red Oak, I*.. Sept. 3; Shenandoah 4; (llenwiKid, R.

ACROSS the Pacific (Harry Clay Blaney; F YV. Fuller. Mgr.)—IHdrolt, .YHch., Aug. .lO- Si-|it. R.

AN American Gentleman—Burlington, Kaa., Sept. 3; Chanute, 4; Jo|illn, Mo.. .V

A HUMAN Slave (J. .Yl. Ward. Mgr.)—Grand Rardds. .Yllch.. S<-pt. 3-R; Chicago. 111.. 6 12

AMERICAN Ilotxi (R. J. Ward. Mgr ) Fer gns Falls, Sept. 3; l.a Crosse, R; Winona 7; Alts-rt Ix-a. 8; Owatona, 9; Falrbanlt, 19."

A COUNTRY Kid - St. tgnore. Mich., Sept 3; Manisthpie. 4; Chelmygan. R; Petoakey, 7; 8; Traverse City. 9; Frankfort, lO- Big Itniilds, It: Muskegon, 12.

A WISE YY'oniaii (Fred Conrad. Mgr.)—Vir¬ ginia. III.. Si-pl. 3, Ylason City. 4; loiilslana. Mo., .R; Palmyra. 7: Hannibal. 8; .Ylason. 9.

A COt'.N’TRY Girl (J. C. Duff. Mgr.) Clil- cago. III., Aug. 29 Si'pt. 12.

AYIEUICAN Stock Co. (Oliver Martell, Mgr.) St. Jo®, Mo., Sept. 4-3,

A MONTANA Outlaw—Indianapolis, Ind, Sept. 7-9; Dayton, O., 10 12,

A Lirri.E Outcast (Eastern; L. Q. Mercer Mgr.) —South Chicago, Sept. 6; Rock Island, la." 7; Iowa City, 8; Ottumwa. 9; Omaha, Neb ' 1(1-12.

Al.ASK.Y (Lincoln J. Carter’s)—Marlon. Ind., S«‘pl. .3; Rushvllle, 4; Hartford City, R; Clu- elnnall. O., 6-12.

A MILLIONAIRE Tramp (Elmer Walter's; IL E. Buchanan, Mgr.)—Council Bluffs, la.. Sept. R; Omaha, Neb., 6-9.

BONNAIR Price Co. (YVm. N. Smith, Mgr.)_ IndeiiendeiH'e, Kas., Aug. 31-Sept. R; lula, 7-12

BURRILL Stock Co. ((’has. M. Burrlll, Mgr.) — Springfield, HI.. Indef.

BURRILL Comeily Co. (Ralph Hayden, Mgr.) — .New Albany, Ind., until 8«-pt. 29.

BLAIR. Eugenia In Zaxa (Henry Creaalt, .Ylgr. I—Washington, D. C., Aug. 31-Sept. fi.

BRAYHAM. Katherine In The Village Grocer (YV. YV. iJiiKiInt, .Ylgr.)—East Greenwich, K. 1.. Sept. .3; YVIckford. 4; YVaketkdd, R.

BENNETT-.Yloulton Reiiertocy (J. W. Torr, .Ylgr.)—YVatertown, N. Y.. Aug. 31-8ept. 12.

BUNTING Emma Repertory (Karl Bnrgesa, Ylgr.)—Poltsvllle. Pa., Aug. Sl-Sept. R.

BREEZY Time (Merle 11. Norton, Mgr.)— PI|M'kt®ne, Minn., Sept. 3; Flandrean, B. D., 4; .Madison, R.

BREAK for Lllierty (J. M. Jacobs, Mgr.) — Elwuml, Ind., Sept. 3; Nohlesville, 4; Aniler- sun, R.

BUHLER. Richard (Henry R. Marks, Mgr.)— nilcago. Ill . Aug. -2:1 Sept. 12.

B. YI.DWIN, Melville Itepertolre (YValter 8. Baldwin. Mgr.)—Buffalo. N. Y., Indef.

BI FFING'roN Stoi k Co. (Jaa. K. McElroy, Mgr. I—Fall River, Mass., Indef.

BUFFINGTON Stock Co. (Geo. A. Hill. Mgr.) —Pawtucket. R. L. Aug. 9, indef.

BUFFINGTON Stock 13). (Eugene Phelpa, Mgr.)—New Beilford. Mas*. tn(lef.

C. YRROLL Conieily Co.—Clarksburg, W. V*., indef.

C.YSTLE Square Theatre Co.—Boston, Maas., In(lef.

CENTRAL Stock Co. (lUdaaco A Thall, Mgrs.) —San Francisco, Cal., Indef,

C. YSTLE Square Stock Co. (W. B. Sherman, .Ylgr.)—BrantBird. Ont., Can.. July 21, Indef.

CtHlK-Church Stock (IL YV. Taylor, Mgr.)— Brockton, Mass., Aug. 31-Sept. R.

CALMER, Hutson 8. Comedy—Tower City, Pa.. Sept. 3-R.

CUTTER A Williams’ Stock—Boonvllle, Ind., Aug. 31-S<-pt. 6.

CHRISTI.YN (Western; Geo. I<. Baker, Mgr.) —Pocatello. Idaho, Sent. 4; Denver. Colo., 6-12.

CHILD Slaves of New York (J. B. Isaac, Mgr.)—Buffalo, N. Y., Ang. 31-Sept. 6.

CDNY’ICT’S Daughter (Southern: Geo. Sam- nel’s; Roland G. Pray, Mgr.)—Asbury Park, N. J., etept. 3; Freehold, 4. Trenton, R.

CHARI’TY Nurse—New York City, Ang. Sl- Sept. R.

IMIDGE, Sanford—Princeton, Minn., Sept. IR- 16.

DIXEY', Henry E. lo YVelah Rarebit and Facing the Music (Nathaniel Roth, Mgr.)— Springfield. O., Sept. 3; Wheeling. W. V*., 4; Parkersburg. R. Baltimore, Md., 7.

DOWN Mobile (Lincoln J. Carter’s)—Butte, Mont., Sept. 4-R; St. Fall*. 7; Aakdale, Wash., 9; Colfax, 19; (.ewlston, Idaho, 11.

DGN.NA Troy Stock Co. (James L. Glass. Mgr.)—Bedford. Ind., Aug. 31-Sept. R; Owens- Iwro, Ky.. 7-12.

DIIAiKR-Comell Repertory No. 1—Butler. P*.. Aug. Sl-Sept. R.

DAVIDSON Stock (A. E. Davldaon. Mgr.)— Port Haven, Mich., Aug. 31-Sept. R.

D. YRKNKSS and Daylight (Ilarry M. Clark'*; E. T. Stetson. Mgr.)—Springfield, 111., Sept. 8; Peoria. 4: Burlington, la., 3.

DRIVEN From Home (YV. D. Fltigerald, Mgr.)—Roebester. .N. Y.. Sept. S-R.

E. YRL A Martell’s Stock Co.—Sioux City, la., Indef.

K.YiTL of Pawtucket—New Y’ork City. Indef. EMYIETT. Kate. In Waif* of New York (Wal-

ter M. liealle. Mgr.)—YTih-ago. Ill.. Sept. R-IU. FOl NTAIN Marie Theatre Co (Bobby Foun¬

tain. Mgr. (—Sterling, Kaa., Aug. 31-8ept. R; Hutcblnaon, 7-12.

FOR Her Sake (Joseph Pilgrim, Mgr.)—Pana. 111.. Sept. 3; Mattoon. 4; Charleston, R; We*t- vllle, 6; Danville, 7; Decatur. 8; Terre Haute, Ind.. 9; Braxll, 10; Sullivan, 11; Y'lncenne*, 12.

I'OR Mother’s Sake—(kilumbn* ()., Sept. 8-3; PIqua. 7; Lima, 8; Ilelplma. 9. Cellna, 10; Ko¬ komo. Ind.. Il; Marlon, 12.

FERRIS Cvimedlan* (Ilarry Bubb. Mgr. I— Madison, Wl*.. Aug. 31 Sept. 6; Marinette,

FATAL YVeddIng (E. A. Brandt, Mgr.)—Mani¬ towoc, Wl*.. Sept. 3; Green Bay. 4; Wanpaca. 5.

FERRIS Comedians (Harry Bubb, Mgr.)— Madlwin, Wl*.. Aug 81 Sept. R.

FR.YYY’LKY, Danhd Repertory (I/eIgh D. Bruckart. Mgr. I—Sidney. An*.. Ang. 3-Hept. 11.

FR.YNCIS .Marlon ile|iertory (Geo. K. Robin¬ son, Mgr.)—New Brunswick, N. J., Ang. Sl- Sept. R.

FISKK, Mr*. Stock—Bangor, Me., Aug. 81- Sept. 6. •

FOR Her Children'* Sake (Eastern; ftalllvan, Harris A Wood*. Mgr*.)—Brooklyn, N. Y’., Aug. 31-Sept. R.

FACTORY Girl (Chas. YV. YVners, Mgr.)— New Haven, Conn., Sept. 3-3.

GARVIE Edward In Mr. Jolly from Joliet (Broadhnrat A Currie’*; IL A. YY’lckham. Mgr ) - Greenville, Ml**., Sept. 3; Vicksburg, 4. lUton IUmikp. 5.

GtlLDSTEIN. Rachel (Sullivan. Hairl* A YYood, .Mgr*.)—Philadelphia. P*.. Aug. 81-Sept. d.

GIBNEV Stock (Wra. Stanford. Mgr.)—Cham¬ paign. HI.. Ang 31-Rept. .V

GODDING Comeily <V).—Albion, Mich.. Indef. GRE.YT White Diamond (YY’alter 'Treawler,

Klixabelh, N. J.. Sept. 7-9; Hoboken.

IIUNTLEY-Moore Stock Co.—Atlantic City, N. J. Ang. 19. Inilef.

HaRrigaN Edward In Under Cover (Llehler A (o.. Mgrs.)—Bonlon, Mass , Aug. 31 Hept. R.

HEART of Maryland (David Bel**co. Mgr.)— Ihiaton Ylaaa., Sept. 7-12.

IIOI.DE.N Comedy (John A. Preaton’a; Wm. Triplett. Mgr.)—Dalla*. Tex., Aug. 31.Sept. fi.

HOMESPUN Heart (I*Hin YY’llllam*. Mgr.)— Waugatnek, Omn., Sept. 3; Danbury, 4; Brla- toL R.

HEARTS Ceiiirageous (Orin Johnson) (Tileago. HI. Aug. 31 Rept. a.

IIIHl Marriage Vow (Vance A Sullivan, Mgrs) — Buffalo. N. Y.. Ang. 31 Sept. fi.

HOORIEil Daisy (Beaalo Clifton; G. IL Eldon. Mgr.)- Greenabiirg, Ind.. Rept. 3; Monticelln.

HEARTR of Gold (Edward F. Evan*. Mgr.) — Havre )le Grace. Md.. Rept. 3; Coiiibla, P*.. 4 fi.

•^hly sin (Lincoln J. Carter’s) -I41 Halle, 111., Rept. 3; Oalva. 4; Kewanee, B; Davenport, I*.. 7; lUick Island, HI., 8; Muacallne. la., 9; Ottumwa, 10; Albla, 11; CentervllU. 12.


till. M»cr.> Kaiikak«*<*. 111., until 14. TKSS of the 1>*Arbevlllf^a (Kpliecra Warren; ."*'1 I>lrf«-tor.)-H«nillt«ti. «».. Sept V,

S**pl- •>» .Mll'^auaee, o-l*. Wlluilnctfin 5* ii^anpavinp 7* H«>laip h- J VMi:S lloj'n In Mlaaourl Bluffa. la., »nip. »; .S>w V'aatle. I'a..’ 10: Cantw. ().. 11.


SaUiukiica. N. \.. Sept. J, tirreuvllle, I 4. |,,„) 4- i!lrlimou<l. 7; Katon, O. «; A I " W ^

•"'MV;.s|«n C«.-Hedford. Ind., Ao,. • JL A A Jl A A ,.^.i . a.__ TIfK Klfir of I^efectlTea (SiilllTan, Harris A:

nty. Mo., .\UK. 31Sept. 5.

,, m'’^'‘‘'Md'“A«*3'l‘SeV‘‘r'‘’' ''tHK J. Carter'.)- llaUluore Md., At«. 31-t^^ Muiirle, Ind.. Sept. 3. Klwood. 4; Alexandria.

CURES QUICKLY WV SORE MUSCLES and SORE FEET Becauae it opena the porea. induce# Sweating, and draw, out all Ferer and Inflammation.. TJnequalW for uae after sharinf.. A BOON TO DANCEBS AND ACROBATS. S5c. and 50c. Iwttlee at all good druggiita, or by mail.


Slerlhix. 111.. Sept. 14-10,

llgre I—New York City. Aug. 31-Sept. 5. tor'a)—Cedar Kapida. la.. Sept. 3; Eldora, 4; *'”■77'^**''““?.’ w?"' Hf.****; Maralialltown. 5; Ft.' IVxIge. 7; IVwne. 8; 'jef , N

I.A H.lllft ^?''l>r“‘" <"*Tin»u U«kley. Mgr) tfT<x,n. tt; (Sarroll. lO; lieunlaon. 11; I.,«an 12 “‘7.^.*1?*’1?; u. w V Beg (I.lnooln J. Carter’al— c

Shantum. Mflf-I- Chicago. III.. Aug. 31 Sej.t. 5; Hammond. Ind.. “•''J,"- «; «raill. 7; Terre Haute. S; nioomlngton <J

1; Tliree Klrera. S; Kronton. P, Hllladale, lU. Indlanaimlla Ift-l*’

•'".•J"'!...!.":* .. .. k ■•■"B fMd IMantatlon tVale A R<«t. Mgra )^ .M.ATHK.S. C lara—W lniil|>eg, Manitoba. Can.. Marlon. Ind.. Sept. 7 . Alexandria. 8 Clinton -

S.-pt. 7-12: Krandon. 14 2i). <*. Terre Haute 10-11. 7

.MH.I.KU. Henry and Margaret Anglin Seper THK Game of I.lfe I Frank T. Klntilng Mgr )

HANNON’S Band—Manhattan Beach. N. Y., Indef.

SLKKl’lNO Beauty and the Beaat (Klaw A Krianger, Mgra.)—.Manhattan Beach. N. Y’., .Vug. H»-S#‘pt. 5.

SH.VKK SllpiH-r (John C. Flaher, Mgr.)—New York Clt.r. ..iig. 31-Sept. 5.

THK Burgomaater—Uenrer Colo., Aug. 30- S»Td. 5.

THK Teleplwine Girl—Manhattan Beach, N. Y., Indef.

V.VI.l.KY (.>i>era Co.—Syraeua<-. N. V.. .Vug. 10. Indef.

\V1/.VK1> of Ox (Hamlin A Mitchell, Mgra.)— New York City, .Aug. 10. Indef.

VVH.I.S’ Muaical Co. (John B. Wllla, Mgr.)— Cui>e .Vlay, N. J., July 2u. Indef.

lory (C. B. Htlllngham, Mgr.)—San Fraoclacu. —Boaton. Maaa.. Aug. 31 .Sept. 5; ProTldence I l al. Aug. li-8ept. 19. K. 1.. 7-12. ' i

MYKKS Irene Keio-rtory (Will H. Myera. | THE I-and O’Cotton—Oakalooea la Sent i .VIgr.)—Haxelton. N. J.. Aug. 31'Sept. 5.

Ml KK.AY and Markey Comedy Co. (John J

THK I-and O’Cotton—Oakalooea, la.. Sept 2: l>e» Moliiea. .3-5.

Ml KKAY and .Markey Comedy Co. Ijobn J I THE Shannona (llan-T Shannon Mgr )—Char Murray. Mgr. 1—Warreu. O., Aug. 31 Sept. 3. p.tte. .Vllch.. Sept. 1; Hastings 2; IVowlgac 3; liHllaiia. _l’a., 7-12. ^ I s^mth llaTen. 4.

MclMl.NAI.ll Stork (G. W’, .Mclionald Mgr.)— Eureka .Springs, Ark., Aug. 31-Sept. 5.

.VIINISTKK'S Daughter (Grorer Bros., Mgra.I —liTMiklyu, .N. Y., Aug. ’29-Sept. 5.

MASo.N-Ki-eler Co.—.Vluaa aud Stoll. England, until Sept. 12.

•M.VN to .Vlan tButterfleld A Bromilow, .Mgra.) I Title. O.. 5.

TOI..SON Stock (Chaa. Tolaon. Mgr.)—Hot Sprliiea. Ark.. .Vug. 31-.Sept. 5.

TCCKER. Hilda Big Stock (Wlll.ur J. Baker Bna. Mgr. (—Kia-lieater. Fa.. Sept. 3-.3.

TWO I.Ittle Vagrants (Conrad Bodden. Mgr.) --Johnatown, I*a.. Sept. 3; I-atrobe, 4. Stenben-

—.Vulmm. N. Y'., Sept. 2. Genera, 3; Canan¬ daigua. 4: Niagara Falla. 5.

.VllSSoriU Girl iFred Haymond’a Eastern)—

TWO I.Ittle Sailor Boys (J. Gordon Edward. Mgr.)—Philadelphia. l*a.. .Aug. 31-S*-pt. 5.

r.NCl.K Tom’s Cabin (Stetson’s; Wm. Kibble. Benton Harta>r. Mich., Sept. 5; Battle Creek. VIgr.)—Wiawter O. Sept. 7-11 Canton 12

**.. «• . V IM'KR .S..uihenr' Skies (Western; Harry MI.SSOl It Girl (»red Raymond a WMteru)— Parker. Mgr. )-.Se.lalla. Mo., Sept. .3;

Marengo. HI.. Sept. 3, B uudaturk, 4 llarTard. Nerada 4; Fort S< <itt Ka« 5 5; Kenosha. WIs.. 8; Beloit. 7; Jefferson, h I NDEr. Two Flags—Brooklrn N. Y. Aug Manitowoc, 9; Wausau, 15.

M.VY' Verna Hepertory—Ashland, Ky., until Sept. 12.

NEW Jersey Fulka (H. L. Maxwell, Mgr.)— Hasarden. la.. Sept. 2-4; Yankton. 8. D., 5.

NoBOI)Y”S Claim (Chaa. A. Holden, Mgr.)— VVI.I. VMONT CliH-lniiatl. O.. Ang. 3U Sept. 6. Wllilamsport. Pi

NKAi! the Thnuie (Verbeck A Smiley. Mgrs.) V VN Pyke C —Chicago. III., Sept. 7-12. Dvke. .Mgr.)—T

ONLY a tUiop Girl—.New York City, Aug. Clilllicnthe. 7-12. .3I-t^pt. 5. VAN Pyke-Eat

■29-Sept. '1. VH.L.AGE Postmaster—Chicago, Ill.. .Aug. 39-

Sept. 5. VOI.I'NTEER Organist—Eastport. Me., Sept.

3; Machlaa. 4; Bar Harbor. 5. VAI.I.AMONT Sto.k Co. (N. Appell. Mgr.)—

Williamsport. Pa., indef. V.VN Pyke Co. (Eastern: H. Walter Van

Dyke. .Mgr.)—Trenton. Mo.. -Aug. 31-Sept. 5.

I- .1 V- a- 1. ea. . a, BTYc-Eaton Co. (Ollle Eaton’a: F. Mark. ON the I rontler—New York City. Aug. 31 Mgr.)—Manrbeater. la., Aug. 31-Sept. 5; Al

8»’P‘- 5- gona. 7-12. _ OVER Niagara FalU (Rowland A Cllfford’a)— WHEN the Bell Tolls (B Vale A Root. Mgrsi Fpior Sandusky, t).. Sept. 3; Shelby, 4; Lorain.

WIH;N the Bell Tolls (B. Vale A Root. Mgrsi Sedalla, Mo.. S«-pt. 3; Fort Si-ott. Kas., 4;

.. VII. Vernon. 7; Wailaworih, ». Raiena. 9. Pittsburg. 5. Weir City. 6; Joplin. Mo.. T.

.Vkrvn, 1«-12. .Vnrora. S; Springfield. 9; Willow Springs. 10. o.N the Bridge at Midnight (frank Gaaaoto WAI-SH. Blanche. In The Ih-surrectlon (Wag

Mgr.) Payton. U.. Sept. 3-.3; Hamilton. • enhals A Kempner, Mgra.)—Wheeling, W. Va., I on land, n; Lima. 9; Toledo, 10-12. Sept. 5.

()l R New Minister (Miller A Conyers. Mgra ) w'eU’H. J.weph. In The Peddler (SulllTan --Northampton. Mass . Sept. 3: Hartbird. Conn. Harrla A Woods; Samuel Myers. Mgr.)—Wll 4-5; Sprlnrfleld. Mass., 1; North Adams, S; mington. IVl. .Sept. 3-5

^'•'■bondale. Pa., 10, Scranton. WILI-S. Nat M . in The Son of Rest (Bn>ad „ hurst A Currie, Mgra.)—New York City. .Vug

• )I.1> .Arkaiisaw (fred Raymond s)—Stongbtoo. 244'Sept. .5. Wla Sept. 4; Fond du, 5; Green Bay, 8 WINTHROPK Edsall Stork (Jno. laman. Marinette, 8. fUcanaba. Mich.. 9; GlaiUtone, 10. vigr i Somerset Kv. Aug. 31 Sept 5; Pan Iron VI<Hmtaln II. Kankana Wla., 12.

OAKKIt Jane Stock Co.—lieoTer, Cok>.. Indef PAYTON Slaters (W. P. .McBee, Mgr.)—Pal

laa. Tex.. .Vug. 17-8ept. 5. P.VIGE Come«iy Co. (W. A. Shipper, Mgr.)—

Morgantown, W. Va.. Aug. 3I-Sept. 5. PATTON. W. It.. In The Minister a Son (J

M St4Hjt. Vigr.)—Sprlngltrld. III.. Sept. 8; IV orta, 9. Lincoln, 9; Bkiomingtou, 10, Streatur. 11. Ottawa. 12.

Tllle. 7-12. W.VY I8iwn East (Wm. M. Brady’s)—Mlnne

aisdls. Minn.. Aug. SO-Stpt. 5. ZIG Zag .Viler- St. Uiuls, Mo., .Aug. 31-Sept.

•>; Alton. HI.. 7-12.

AMSPEN Opera (Claude .Amsdrn, Mgr.)— PAY'TON’S, Corse Stork (ParM J. Kamage I IJiDcaster. Pa.. May 30-Sept. 5,

Mgr.)—Paterson. N. J., Aug. 31 Sept. 5. BI..ACK Patti Troubadours (Voelckel A Nolan. I’KICK of Hunur—C3ili-ago, HI., Aug. 31-Sept Vlgra.)—Elmira. N. Y., St-pt. 3; Wllllamsi>urt.

Pa.. 4: Harrisburg, 5; Cumberland. 7; Wiucbex- PVYTON Slstera (W. P. McBee, Mgr.)—Pal ter, Va., 8. Harriaunburg, 9. CharlottesTtlle.

i». Tex.. An« 17-.8ent l.V 10; Roawike. 12. KILTIES’ Band (Cameron Brown. Owner and

la.. Tex.. Aug. 17-Sept. 15. . . _ PAIGE Comedy Co. (W. A. Shipper, Mgr.)— KILTIES’ Band (Cameron Brown. Owner and

Morgantown, W. Va., Aug. 31 Sept. 5; Grafton. IVesldent of tour; T. P. J Powers, Plrectar of "■12 lour) Mf. Vernon. O.. S<-pt. 3; Canton, 4;

(JI EKN of the Highway (Wallirk’s; W. Me- Vleadrllle. Pa.. 5. Jainiotiown, N. Y., 8. <b>wan. Vigr.)-Cincinnati, O. Aug. :tO Sept. 5 BABES In To.xlaiid (Hamlin A MltcbeH's)—

RE.APING tlie llarreat ^'asblngton, liiil., I (3ilcago. HI.. Indef S«-pl. 3; llenilerson, Kr.. 4; L-xInglon, 5; lllch nsxid, 7; P.irla. 8; Wtnchrsler, 9.

ItotiERS Krotliera In lb«gera ItlMlhera In Ixin I 111., Indef.

Bl TI.EIt Helen May and her I.aillea' Military BROOKE’S Chicagu .Vlarine Baud—Chk'ago.

lion (Klaw A Erlaiiger. Mgn.)—Buffalo, N. Y. Ang. 31-Sept. 5.

lOS.VIt A Vlaaon Ke|>erlory lKob«-ri Mason. I .Vug. 24 Sept. 12

BOSTONIANS (11. C. Barual>ei* A W. 11. Mac- INniald. L. G. Carleton. Mgr.) New York City.

Mgr I VtiirrlMin. III., Aug. 31 Sept. 5 IK'STON’ Ijidles’ On-heslra (Gertrude Malt ItoVI.VNCK of (Nam Holhiw (Archibald Allen. land Hall. Plnctort—IVrby, Cwnn., Aug. 31

Vlgr.l Washliigtim. P. C.. Aug. 31 Sept. 5. .Sept. 5. R.VGGKP Hero (W. J Fielding. Mgr.) Haiti

more. Vld.. Aug. 31 Sept. 5. Sargent May in Tliat Imiirudent Young Coupli

(K I.. JoliiiBon. Mgr I—Lancaster, Pa., Si-pl Vlaboiiey City, 4; South Bethlehem. 5.

IliMiVI’S (’omk’ Ois-rs (.Viloljihe Mayer. Mgr.) A'ImiI. Mass.. .Viig. 3t'Si-pt. 5. ('Ol'Nl’Y I'balriiisii (Henry W. Sarage. Mgr.) 43ib'ago. 111.. .Vug. ;tii Sept. 5. (’OM)NI.VL Comic (>iH'ra Co.—lA>w'eU, Mass..

SIILRVI.VN StiH'k (SiHithern; HoU*rt Sbermau. July 6. Indef. Mgr ( Carml. HI.. Ang. Sl Sept. 5. ('REATOdE’S Band (Howard IVw and Frank

SMKRVI.VN Stock (Nortliern; Robert Sherman. Gerth. Mgra.) New York City. Indef. Mgr.) Watseka. III. .Vng. SlSept. 5. HOWE L-iia Orchestra .VIbany, N. Y'., June

SEW VRP Slock (.V J. Cblsam's, Joaeidi G. ’22 Si-pt. 5. Chandler, Mgr.)- New Albany, Ind., u.Vg 24 IN..IS’ Band St. Isnila. Mo., Indef. Sipl 12. .. A. --

oRY' Farm iChas Froliiiian, Mgr. I - ATilcagc. Ill . Vng. 2.3 Se|>l. 5.

S.VNPV llotloin lllainplon A Hopkina, Mgrs.) Pern, Ind . Si-pl. 3. Vfarhin. 4 5. SCOTT. I) VV. Ke|iertory (Col. Git>. Hanillioii

Mgr) Lillie Risk. Ark.. Ang lo .Sipl. 5, STVN'I.EV. Currie Co ll'bas. B. Burns, Mgr.) I Vng. SI. Indef

IN..IS’ Bsnd St. IsHils. Mo.. Indef. MISS Bob While (Nixon A Zimmerman. Mgrs) Plillsdriplila. Pa.. .Vug. 24-Sept. .V VI.VMI.VTT AN Oiwra Elmira. N. Y’.. Indef. OLVVIPIC OfM-ra New Orleana, La., July 2’2.

Indef. POWERS. James T.. In The IVIncess of Keii-

Ingtim (Joiin C. Fisher, Mgr,-—New Y'ork City,

Slantoii. Neb. Sept 2.3. SPOONER Pramstli' (F E and Allle W.

Pli'A Harrison. Mgr.) Little ilisk. .Vrk., Aug el S|.|.l

.SIIKHI.IM’K Holmes (Daniel V Arthur

PEGGY From Paris (Henry W. Saxage, Mgr.) Boslon. Mass June 22. Indef. PRINCE of ITlsi-n (Henry VV Savage, Mgr.l Boston. Mass., .Vug. .31 Si-pt. 5. KI NAWAYS (S. 8. Slinliert’a; Nixon A ZIm

Ylgr.) Kansas City. Mo.. Aug. 3()-S«-pt. o; I merman, Mgrs.)—Now York City, June 22, St. Ismls, 012. I (li.let;

MIK8TRELB. BRYANT A Savllle’a (Gus H Savllle, Mgr.)

—Bliighampton, N. Y'., .AUg. 31-Sept. 5; Ithaca, 7-12.

BEACH A Bower’s—Oshkosh. Wla., Si'pt. 3; Fund du Ijic, 4: PeKalb, III., 8; Spring Valley. 9; Primetoii, 10; Kewanee. 11; Kalesburg. 12.

BISH Temple ((jeo. P. Pent, Mgr.)—.Vluskc- gon, .Vllch., -Vug. 30-Sept. 5.

(•( LH.VNE Chase A Weston’s (Will E. Cul- hane. Mgr.)—St. Catherine. Out., Can.. Sept. 3; Hamilton, 4; Guel|>h. 5; Ixindon, 7; St. Johan- Hamiltun, 4: Guelph, 5; Loudon, 7: St. Thomas, s; Stratford, 9; VVoodstiKk. 10; Galt. 11.

FIELD’S. Al. G.—Petersburg. Va., Sept. .3; ■Norfolk, l-i-.A; Greensboro. N. C., 7; Wilming¬ ton. S: Charlotte, 9; Greenville, S. C., 10; Ashe¬ ville. N, C.. 11; Knoxville, ’Tenn., 12.

FIELD A Hanson's—New Britain, Conn., Aug. 31-Sept. 8.

F.vrsr. Ted E. (G. P. Cunningham, Mgr.)— Crlchivllle. <).. Sept. 4; Coshocton, 5; Mc- CouneUTllle, 7; Marietta. 8; Corning. 9: New lu-xlngtoii, 10; Lancaster, 11; Clrcljerllle, 12.

GOKTOVS (C. C. pearl. Mgr.)—C^als, Me., .'iepf. :L Fredericton. N. B.. 5.

GIDEON'S (Harry F. Curtis, Mgr.)—Wash¬ ington. la.. Sept. 3; Fairfield, 4; Centerrllle,

Hskalooaa. 7. HI Henry’s—Kansas City. Mo.. .Aug. 30-Sept,

.-i; St. Josi'ph, 8-7; Nebraska City. Neb., 8; Omaha. 9-10; tTieyenne, Wyo., 11; Greeley, Cok).. 12.

H.VVKKLY’S (W. F. Riley, Mgr.)—Grand Kaplils. Mich.. Sept. 3-5.

KEK.S.VNPS, Billy (C. J. Smith. Mgr.)—Mat- toon, III., Si'iit. 3: Shelby ville. 4; Marshall, 5; eharlesKm. 7; F.lfinghani, 8; Cairo, 9; .Mar- (•hysburough, lO; .Alton, 11.

yl INL.AN a Wall’s (Pan Quinlan, Mgr.)— rnimtown. Pa., Sept. 3; Connellsvlllc, 4; Cum- lierland. 5.

BKTl.VRPS A Pringle's—Carthage, Tex.. Sept. I. Longview. 4: Marshall. 5; Shreveport. La., 8; Texarkanav Tex., 7; Little Kiwk. .Ark., S, Hot Strings, 9; Pine Bluff, 10; Brinkley. 11.

TKorSP.VLE Bros.—Slayton, Minn., Sept. 3; Butterfield, 4; Marshall 5; Canby, 7; Gary, S. P.. 8; Watertown. 9; Castlewood, lo; Dawson.

^ >1111(1.. 11: Hanley Falls, 12. i VtkJEL'S. John W.—SteubenTllle. O.. Sept. 3.

East Hverpool. 4; Beaver Falls, Pa.. 5; Akron, <)., 7; Wooster. 8. Massillon, 9; Warren, 10. Youngstown. 11; New Castle, Pa., 12.

WEST’S—PsTenport. la.. Sept. 3; Pea Moines, 1; St. Joe. Mo., 5: Omaha. Neb., 1.3.

WHO What When (Eastern; L. .VI. Boyer, Vigr.)—lYiatham, Mich., Sept. 3; Glencoe. 4; St. Thomas. 5.

WHO What When (Western; il. C. Woods. Mgr.)—Kankakee, 111., Sept. 4; Straton, 5.

FARCS OOMRDT. CONROY' ai'd Mack’s Comedians—Salem, N.

J. . .Vug. ’24-Sept. .V FI NNY Mr. Dooley (Prank P. Bryan, Mgr.)

—Cliielunatl. O., .Aug. 3i/-Sept. 5. HELLO Bill Co. -Kausas City, Mo.. .Aug. 31-

■(i-in. (> IViiver. Colo.. 7-13. ! H.VPPY IliHillgar. (Eastern; Chas. E. Barton, i Vigr.)—I'tica. N. Y.. Sept. 4-5; Si'henectady. 7-

s; VVaterbiiry. Conn., 9: Hartford. 10-12. H. VNS Hanson (Jss. T. Mc.Vlpln. Mgr.)—

Galesville, Wis.. Si-pl. 3; Wluoua. Mlun., 4; O'vatona. 5: Ikulge Center, 7.

HOTTEST Coon In Pixie (Eugene Stafford, Vigr.l--Coluuibiis. Ind., Sept. 3; Greenfield, 4; Neweaatle. 5.

HOT (Mil Time (Gus Hill’s)—Newark, N. J., .Vug. Sl-Sept. 5.

jrsT Struck Town (E. R. Ernst. Mgr.)—Chi¬ cago. III.. .Vug. 30-Sept. .'>.

I. OPER. Chaa. V.. In -A Funny Side of Life (Bulterflelil A Bromilow, Mgra.)—Burlington, Pa., Si-pt. 3: Norristown. 4; Keaillng, 5.

MiF.VPPEN’S Flats (Thos. R. Henry. Mgr.) Savannah. Ga.. Sept. 3, .Augusta. 4; Atlanta,

.5; Btriiiliighani. .Ala., 8. ON Circus Pay (Marvin A Fraice, Mgrs.)—

Cialar Falls, la.. Si>|il. 3; PyersTllle. 4; MonVl- ci>lk>. 5; .VnaiiHiaa. 1. Oelweln. 8; Wavcrly, 9; llamiMim. lO-ll; ClarksTlIle, 12.

KEI BEN In New York (Ji>hn Curran. Mgr.)— Si. IjoiiIs, Mo.. .Aug. 30 Si>pt. 5; Kansas City. 8-12.

BOY.VI, Lilliputians (l>anlel .V. Kelly, Mgr.) —.VIbany, N. Y.. Sept. 3-5; Newark, N. J., 7-12.

SIDE Trackeil (Tom North. Mgr.)—East Jor- 'on. Mb-h., Sept. 3: Petoaky, 4; St. Marie. Out.. 3. Sioux St. Mark'. Mlcli., 7; Chelioygan. 8; VliM'iin. 9; East Tomas, lo; Saginaw, 11; Jack- son. 12.

THE Smart Si'l Pnnlilcni-e. R I.. .Vug. 31- Sipt. ."i, Spriiigtk'ld, Mass., 7-12.

TWO Vlcrry Tram|>s (Sherman MrVenn. Mgr.) Maivm. Mo . Sept. 4: Hannibal. 5; .Vlton. III..

(!; Otiumna. la., 7; Oskabaiaa. 8-9; Rock laland, III., 10; Moline, 11; PaTen|a<rt. la.. 12.

THK INiiikln Husker (Russell A GwMlwlcb'a; Pave .N'ortou, .Mgr.)—Rwkford, lU., Sept. 4;

Wausau, Wla., 6; Eau Claire, 7; !.« OosK, 8; Dubuque, la., 9.

TEXAS Steer (H. B. Emery's; M. Bice, ■Mgr.)—.Seattle, Wash., Aug. :<0-Sept. 5.

I'NCLE Josh S|irnceby (Frazee A Batea, Props.)—Glendive. -Mont., S«‘pt. 3; Forsythe, 4; Red IxMlge, 5; Ittllinga, 7-8; Big Timber, 9; Livingston, ID; Bozeman, 11.

WHY’ Smith Ix-ft Home—Newport News, Va., Sept. 2-3; Petersburg, 4-5.

YON YONSON—Bock laland, HI., Sept. 3; Sterling, 4; Kockford, 5.

BURLESQUE. ^ BKIU.VDIEK—Paterson, N. J., Ang, 31-Sept.

BOWERY Burlesquers (lliirtlg A Seamon’s)— liidlanaisMIa, Ind., Aug. 31-Sept. 5.

BON Ton (Ed Rush, Mgr.)—Detroit. Mich., Aug. 31-Sept. 5; Clevalaiid. O.. 7-12.

CR.VCKER Jacks (Rolwrt Manchester’s)— New Y'ork City. Ang. 24-Sept. 5.

P.VIN'TY Puehesa (L. Ixkw fence W'eber, Mgr.) —Troy. N. Y’.. Sept. 3-5.

I.VIPERI.VL—(Harry .Vliner’s) Aug. 30-Sept?T IRWl.N'S, Fred. Big Show—New York (5lty,

Aug. 31-Sept. 5. K.N’ICKERBtM’KERS (Ixtula Kobie. Mgr.)—

Iks'heater, .N', Y’., Aug. 31-Sept. 5. M.AJESTICS (Fred Irwin, .Vigr.)—MInneapolia.

Minn., Aug. 3o-Sept. 5. -MOONLIGHT Maids (Chas. I'rankUn, Mgr.) —

New York City, Aug. 31-Sept. 5. NIGHT on Bn>adway (Harry Morris, Mgr.)—

Newark. N. J., .Aug. 31-Sept. 5. PARISI.AN VV’ldowa (L. I-awrence Weber,

Mgr.)—Baltimore, Md.. Aug. 31-Sept. 5. RICE A Karton’a Co.—(Star) Brooklyn, N. Y'.

Aug. 3t-Sept. S. T R(K'A PE ROS—Galveston, Tex., Aug. 31-

Sept. ’24. TIGER Lillet (W. N. Drew, Mgr.)—Cincin¬

nati. (>., Ang. 30-Sept. 5. I’TOITANS—Jersey City. N. J., Aug. Sl-Sept.

5; Br<s> N. Y.. 7-12. W.ATSON'S Americana — Indianapolis, Ind.,

.Aug. 30-Sept. 5; St. Loula, xlo., 7-12.

III8CBLLAVR0UI. BOSTCM'K'S Trained Animals (R. J. Aginton,

Mgr.)—(Manhattan Beach) Cleveland O., Aug. 18, Indef.

BOS'TtK'K’S Trained Animals (E. L. Bnckey, .Vigr.)—(Y'oung's Pier) Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 18. Indef.

COY'LE’S Museum (E. B. Coyle. Mgr.)—Lin¬ coln, Neb., Sei)t. 5-11.

CONGRESS of Dancing Girls (Tommie Chase. Bus. .Mgr.)—Sloiix City. la.. Aug. 31-Sept. 5.

HiiZELLE'S Wild -Animals (W. W. ITckerlng. .Vigr.)—Gallatin. Mo.. Sept. 1-5.

HirTTLEU'S Royal Palmistry Co.—Stearea Point, Wla. Aug. 31-Sept. 12.

H.ACKNEY A Hall's Polite VaudevUle A Con- (ert Co.—Taboltou. Ga., Se'pt. 3-5; Columbus, 7-12.

KNOWLES, Hypnotists (Elmer E. Knowlga, Vigr.)—Springfield. Mo., Sept. 1-5; Eureka Springs. Ark.. 7-9; Fayetteville, 10-12.

LA.VtBRIGGER, Gus, Zoo—Crown Point, Ind., Sept. 1-5.

Lee victor. Wizard (O. B. Cahill, Mgr.)— Clinton, Mo., Sept. 4-5. Odessa. 7-8.

O'BUIEN’S Glass Blowers (John H. O'Brien, .Vigr.)—Nantucket Point, Mass., Indef.

PRESCELLi:. Il.vpnotist (Chas. HIne, Mgr.) —Barton Landing, Vt., Sept. 3-5; Barton, 7-12.

ROVING Roy's Gypsy Camp (M. l-eRoy, Mgr) —Sardinia, O.. Sept. 1-4; Payton. 7-12,

SCIll'CIIS. .Al.. Trained Pugs aud Monkeys— Fergus Falls, Minn., Sept. 3; Wabpeton, N. O., 4; Fargo, 5: Mlnneaimlis. Minn., 7-12.

WOOD, Wizard and Ventriloquist—En route through Mexico.

FULTON. MO.—Mr. R L. Carroll, contract¬ ing agent for the Coamopolltan CarnlTal Com- l>an.T, waa In this city toe 2ttb Inst., arranging for the appearance of his company here for the week of Sept. 7. The carnival will be nnder the auspices of the Fulton .Military Band, and all Imllcatlona |>olnt to an Immense crowd, as the farmers In this aectkm have bad splendid crops.

' The W. M. A. are arranging for a big "log : rolling” here Sept. 15. 'liie merchants have contributed money and prizes to make It a gala

; affair. Work on Pratt’s new opera bouse has been

resiimeil, after a short delay occasioned by non- I arrival of material. The manager expects to open abont the 1st of November. The opening attrartkvn has not been decided upon yet. but

i the line of attractions booked for the aeakou are unusually good.

JOPLIN, MO.—Grand Falls Park (Chaa. K. ! Hodktns. Gen. Mgr.) The Musical KIeia(a. ! novelty mnslcal act; Castellat and Hall, acro- ' hatic sketch; Pan Reklaw, comedy bicyclist. I and Lagette. novelty act. Week of Aug. 23, I (a the last week of the Grand Falls Park.

Ntw Club Theatre (Ix>uls Ballard. Mgr.)— I .Aug. 23-’29. Bounalr Price i>i>ened lo good busl- ' ness. Sept. 2. The Stain of Guilt; 8, Human ; Hearts; 7. When the Bell Tolls; 5, An Amerl- ' can Gentleman; 10. I'nder S»>nthern Skies: 13. I In New York Town; 17, A Wise Woman; 18, ' Harry Ward's Minstrels. I HARRY S<.'HERL.

SHREVEPORT. LA.—At the Opera House, i ftw twi» weeks ending Saturday. Aug. 29, the

• ■ Kwliig-Taylor Stock Coiiipsii.r showed to pat-ked ; liiHises at (s)pulsr price*. The Shreveport Fair

A .Aniii.ven»eiit Company are billing Hie surround¬ ing isiuiitry and city heavy. .A grand aneceaa la ex|»e. t.‘,l Sept. ’21 to ’28. Ijibor Lnlons are going to turn out In a tssly on Ixihvir Pay. and

; nave engaged Highland Park for the (x’caaWn, , SAM ACU,


4 T fortlirotcInR. ind n wedding supper followed at *’ B ^ I I I tl*e lionie of the bride's parents In St. Paul.

JL I .Mr. Piiltom is a menilier of an As You Like I It eoiiipany, and was formerly witb the Ferris

Pl'BMSHEI) WEEKLY AT ('<iinpan.r. comedians. .y'. • .inircal I''”"* Tanner, the well known vaudeville

424 Elrrx Street, Cincinnati, \/., V. a. A. i performer, was recently married to Charles T TII no Vain on'n 1* Alien Heed of Hecdliolme, KliiRsbrldKe. Mr. T,<)iiK lllstanco Tckphone Main JOi. K. president of a druR manufacturiui;

Cra.vcroft, Hr. R. Clark Hoffman. J. 8.. Campbell. 11. W. Courtney. Jamea Casi'y. \V. H.

Indianan Cam. Clo., International Cam. 0*. International Showa

Novelty Cara. A Amnaa-Seymoor, Walter B.

Chapman Shims Show IrvliiR. YVm. J. Cady. 8. H. Crawford. Itoss

Inshan. Wm. Jr. James ft Cecil

T TO no VqIll on'o i; .Mien need oi iiecnnoime. rviiiRsuriuRe. .nr. liOiiK IHstanCi., Tckphone Main JOi. K. president of a druR manufacturiui;

Aiklress all communications for the editorial '•t'H'Pan.v. The weddlnR was a quiet affair as

,l,j ^ 'Si*,!'?'!!."”'

The Blllbcrd Publlshl„< Co. | ,.Hjm 17. at l.n Porte. Ind., to .Miss Palsy lurgate. of

CiimminRs. Wm. Kid Johnson Frank

8uleir-rlption.fL(^aYear:6^ “'®“piWr and Mr. Harry Walter* ti.uu in auv aiicL. _ joined hands for life and business, aud


: Ten cents per line, atrate measurement. Whole rtwrriTABV p*Ke C7U; half pane. quarter page. ai7JiU. No ouiiu^ni. premium ou poslliun# J‘>l)n Kllslor, father of Kffie Ellaler, the act*

—-— resa, and hluwlf a veteran acror aud theatrical Tkf UUlbnaTdwfnr Mir o* all trains and manairer died at his home In Memphis. Tenu..

IhronahonI Ihr I Hitrd t^ialer and (dnada, vhUh are August 21. at the age of S2 years, of heart dU- Knniird lu li-r Ameriian Arir* Co. and Ut brum hen. case. Mr. F.llsler was born In HarrlshurR. Pa., iriica not OH rate idrarr mdijy tbi* ujtire. _ September 2«. 1.S21. In 1S2B he went to Phlla-

Tbr ilillboard if told in t'.o«JoH at l.ov't t'xchangrt, delphia. where he liegan Ills theatrical career DT Char ring Vroiu, ami at AmrrUau AuiiTluing Sru-t- with Wm. G. llurlon, taking comeily and char- paper 4 lencu. Trafalgar Jlaildingf^ Aorlliviiibrrtond acter parts. In the early fifties .Mr. Kllsler ■iliw., IF.C. In l‘ari» at Hrmtauo'r.Xl Arr. dr t Optra, kft the stage lo lieconie a stage manager. His THr trade tapplird bg the Avirrican ptutta.und it* venture was in partnership with Joseph

are en route under the name of Walters aud Piper.

Clark. Gts), It. Cnws, Tom CiMik, John W. Coe. James 8. Pe Ixnig Palcy. Jack Pcbiney. J. Pe Ohio, Wm. P. Davidson, Frank 8. Polaii ft I.enharr Prai>er. G. A. Pe Ralestrler. Txmls Pock. 8am Mgr. Pavla, Chas. R. Pnnn. Harley C. Dwyer, Steve, Horsey, Beal. Derby. Kid. Peming. Tom.

Jamcalaln. J. F, Hale. Joe Rig Jolly, Jenlnga, Rllla. Jenninga. J . A . Jackson. Col. F. 8., Jeffries. C. C., lalllet ft Goldberg Joe, Rlne Mountain. Jones. F. F.. .Johnson. Henry .Johnson, Chas. M. Jones. C. C. .Johnson. Blllv. .lohnson. Geo. C. Klhhlc. Wm. Knrner. J. P. I'anc. J. M. J. King. Joe Kelley. K. J.

ment Co., Norlna, TYie Nnce, Wm., Nelson. J. A., N’less, W. O. NoMe. O. C. Newman, W. P. Udell. Geo. lilting, Frank (1 Uara. Floyd. Oppenhelmer. L., Ostman. Thoa. J. Owena, WB.. Plitppa. t'ol. F. I.,

Snddlck, JubB, Scott. H. Swadley. D. W. Swan, Wm. Swalgeart, Oaaor, Sheppard, F. R., Shtndbelm, O. Siegfried. A., Seeley. A. U, Shea. John J.. Shmek. Allen. Smith. A. Beverly, SUdbob, PbU. Stanfora. Bobt.

Dashing, Dog ft Pony Kerner. Henrv. Show.

Pnnean. Koy Doyle. J. F. Davison, J. J. Paiiilllii to.. Idtnis

Kilpatrick. Chas. Q. Kilpatrick. Jaa. Killian Family. The Keeler. Arthur I). Kid llofisTon

Jefferson, taking a Company through the South- (Shorty Keljon. Fddle.


Hrmiltanre rhonld hr niadr by port offier or rrprrer ,,1.^ t;)r.'ult for two or three yeara and meeting m>nrvordrr orrrg,,ltrrdltiirraddrrutdormadtpay- j,.,. sueeess. Maegle Mitchell and sb^to thr Hillhoard 1 fib. to. . _ i. other celebrities were members of his first eom-

Tkr rditor rnnnol vmlrrtale to rrtvm vnrohcilrd ,,„„y moa«*cript • cia-rrrpondmtt tlionld Itrp ropy. ' F»t„n Stone well known In his time as a clr-

ir*<* it i« Hrrnrarg to trirr vt Ikr ta»trti<-fi«*« and Eaton stone, well known in ilia time as a cir eat ■'v 'drrrtitrmrutr, arrat Mring in tkr nialtrr of ciis iierforniiT. died at his home In Nutle). *alriini% *' s 'y br haa by rtconrnr to tkr Ihataldroa A. J., Aug. 10, at the age of 8t> years. Stoue Cipkrr t'odr, I" s»l'l to have lieen the first man to turn a

Enitrrd or'.d-Clat* Mattrr at Potl OJIce at Cin- somersault on a galloping horse In a circus ring, alaauti, ukio. He retired from the ring about thirty years

T c , 1. c lortx HI" Griffin, a sword swallower with the Slg Saturatky, aepiem^o j, Sautelle Show, died at Bridgewater. Me., last

- ■» - - week from Injuries received while going through „ his act. Ills foot slipped and a sword pierced

J. F. GIVEN. l,lg windpipe. Nothing could he learned of his Mr. J. F. Given whose likeness appears on family connections and he was burled at Brldge-

our first page. Is lessee and manager of Power’s water. Grand PisTa House, at Pti-atur, Ill., and pro- w. Boyd Wilson died recently of heart dls- prletor of the City Rill Posting plant of that ease at .Vnehorage, Ky. Mr. Wilson was a city. The opera house Is the prop«‘rty of i-.atlve of Isiulsvllle, Ky.. and manager of Music Messrs. C. G. and H. M. Powers, and Mr. Hall of that place. He was sUty-elght years Given was appointed manager In ISlhi. Mr. of age, a reabnis church worker and widely' Given was formerly a lea expert, and know known. praellcally nothing alsmt the tn>atrlcal business Miss Grace Golden, an actress of national when he came to peeatur. hut. iiossesslng a reputation, died at New Harmony, Ind.. Aug. thorough business exiH-rlence. he applied the 14^ after an Illness of over a year. She went same push and vlin to the theatrical and hill- on the stage when a mere ehlld. and up until ismting business tlnit be bad always exhibited s year ago was with the Castle Square Garden In other enterprises. His first work was to get (Jompany of New York. the iieoplc to understand that when he said Virginia Maurice, wife of Maurice Pe Castro, a show would be g<K)d. tliat they could deiieiid magician, died at Savannah, Ga.. Aug. 16. Two uiMUi bis word. For the past seven years he cbiblren. a girl aged 4 years and a boy aged 15 lias lieen making yearly trips to New Y’ork monllis. survive her. City to Issik sbi.-ws for the coming season. Five Mrs. Jocum Margaret Davenport Lander, once years a-;o be was selected lo do the Isiokliig famous on the Amerlcau and European stage, for the circuit In wblcb bis house Is a link, died at Lynn, Mass., Aug. 3. at the age of 73 and he has Is'en re-ele<’led each year, and he years. has IsHiked for as many ns twenty-one dif- .i- ■ , ■ ferent theatres. lie appreciates this honor which has been laaitowod uism him, and it Is a “ - - ■ n fact which he may l>e proud of that he has 4,.. iwurntru, never had a complaint. This year he has sue- _^_r~ „ _ , i fo ceedod In IsNiking for the Decatur (l|iera House || 1BB8P—[j one of the strongest lists of one-night stands ■ VF ■ ■ Bl I of any manager in the eoiintry. Some of the S JB hlg shows, such as R-n Hur. I’rlnee of Pilsen, I l\qA|| and Castle Square have Ix-en Ixioked for a two- | ' IiAIL | jF night's stand. "

When Mr. Given tisik ludd of the Rill Post- GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Ing plant It was doing l.iirely enough l.nsln-ss .. house ft Oaaton Oo Black Tent to keen one hill |s.ster through the summer. Tent, lie at one.‘ put up new Isiards and got things ‘j*™' ‘J®; “■ down to a iminey-maklng business basis. At q Rlondell' Geo E the present time the plant is four times as 'J'/,™' =' large as it was when he took charge of It in "I- p’ i**r<*’ P«»6 ami It Is being constantly lncrcas<-d. He 1^,- * p„nw R«keV' i•'atir has always gone after commercial work and never fails to iiave his hoards full .i', .j.-' r, nt- tin.r of cvldemtsi of his work. ills main 'V-llL, ' *** d trouhle has Is-cn to secure desirable . isisltlons for IsMirds. By bis system p' w ^ n»ii '' every iK'rson gets just wliat they pay for. A ' % „ c Charles short time after taking up this work be real yinerlcaii Amusement Cohen r n' Ixed the need of an ae.Hjiint Iss.k for billposters, ' Amusement ( oliem E. P. and the result of _ bis ingenuity Is that lilll- p!^' ..n„s_..


GENTLEMEN'S LIST. \lphonso ft Gaston Oo., Black Tent, tndrewi Cara. Oo. E. Reck. J. O.. vRoq a Gaabalm Rannem. W. B. Vllera. A. O. Rlondell. Geo. E. Vtklnson. Bert. Rashor. Alva,

American Amusement Cara Go.

Mien Clia*. “Peafy” IKistcrs all over the land now have "Given's p.p’nie.i c,» Rill Posters' Aceount IbK.s." This Is the only y,,?"'.*; I XT W account book of Its kind, and Is fully pro- ym^id' xv JJ ’ tected by copjTlgbts. He offered this Issik y^|,ton' Il’arrv to the National AssiK-latlon s.KJn after Its wm- y„dr,.,v. John R. pletion. but as they said for Mm to get It Hartlett Pe Witt out, he has done so, and now tliey are used •(iinnskl AHx-rt extensively by billposters. They will save qusch A S many dollars In the course of a year to the urowii Percy E hustling billposter. 'jj '

In addition to the alsjve, Mr. Given Is gen- tjp'pijpr ji ' \y eral agent for the Southern Mutual Investment qraden' (' A Company, and agent for the Orlando Powers’ Gnhe Estate. Tr.Im

'haul. Gabe ■'nskey, John "oylcs. Chas. Brown. Geo. K. KANSAS WHEAT CROP. ceo. K.

Secretary of .Agriculture Coburn says the to- '’.stes, Edwin 1*1 yield of wheat In Kansas this J'ear will tm Blsiiop. Jack more than OO.iNHi.iKm bushels, and that fi.i.ajil.- BsTkont. K. G. iNKi aerrs were harvested. Corn Is raised at 'hHiklng. N. R.. A; seven [leris-nt of an average crop. wbJcb Is B.aiironicb. Vincent lOD.iaai.iMiO. This year's total production U Iteach. Bobby

Rrigg* Co.. Fiord R., Rraxll ft Braill. Bell. J. B. Beck. Charles. Cohen. E. I>. Cbappelle. I'at., Mgr. Cannon. Matt. Case. George. Charley. Colorado. Caufman, R. Gny Cri-ssler. Robert. Curry, 11. B. Cardono, Capt. P. Colliert. Pnif. I). H., Coleman. Clarence. Cnrfl*. Jililward 0., Cooper ft Co. Cnaislln. Fonnt Campbell. Kello J., Craig. Percy Caae. Albert M. Croaa. Pr. Frank B. Cox, W. 0. Chelew. Alfred Cope. J. W.. Coock. C. W.

greater by 66 fiercent. or

iiKiklng. N. R., Agent Cook, Bltlle. laiironicb. Vincent Carr. John P.. teach. Bobby CiWther,' Frank

;,2il0 bushels I Il.-ac|i ft- Rower’s Min- rhnrch ft Killian, lhan that of l!ai2. anil surpasses even the strels nifford, Ned., yield of llkn of !*0,(>4.5„'il4 bushels, making the Brenton. H. C. Corbon.’ A. L, heaviest crop In Kansas history. No state has Brown. Ed. Casad.'jlm ever equalled the total production of Kansas "rvant Minstrels. Cansrv. Pan. wheat crop In I9<>3 according to the .Agriculture Boise. Cnahwire. Mr. Department of the I'nlted States and this Briaiks. John P. Ootay, Bert year's yield Is greater than that of 1!*00 by Berger. Ernest L. Claire (Skin, John, alamt IS per cent., and greater than 1‘JOl by Buford. C. J. Croas.' A. C., 1.7.5 per cent. Bristal. E. B. Cake. E. M.

According to the assessor's returns, this "assay. S. L. J'olllns Gordon O. year’s total area of corn Is 6,521.133 acres, or Brose’s Comedians, Ben iGole. Billy less than the 1!>')2 area by aliout 47i>.iiOO acres. Bernsrd. Sam Carson Robert or 6.7 tier cent. The general average condition | Blondin B-iy for the entire state's area Is 70. Bnrk. E. M.

Babb. Clarence Burns ft Co’s. Shows

Carson, Robert Chnrch. M B. Cook. Daniel.

_ .. Cnrry. R. B BIRTHS. Burns ft Co’s. Shows ratios Jos R.

Mrs. William Swei-ney, wife of the well Bnehler. Fred Craft Dog ft Pony known band leader of the Buffalo Bill shows Ulue. Chas. C. ntiow and daughter of tlie late Geo. Fursman, gave Baker. E. W., Chatter. Jamea P..

-birth to a lieautlful eight l>ounn bahv, Augn«t tryon. loul*. Craig. R. M.. 20, at the Imme of her mother In New York. Barrett. I.ewla 8.. Catalano. Slg. Emilia

•Tt Is a girl. and. together with the motlier. la Ij'"’*?'’ ^’*”1. Covle. P J .^olng iilcT-l.v. It is hard to conceive that Mrs. Burnham. i»<'T Camp, T. J.. Geo. FursiiiHii la a grandmother, but she Is, Barrington. Cnaa.. I iimminga. W. L.. and . verv oroud one too. Brackm_eyer. J. A.. Camp Cara. _Co.. 0. H.

Dnrrent. W. O. Day. Geo. W. Dutton. James. De Marr. Eddie F.wlck. Rov. Erb.v. Fred.

Keller H. Klralfy. R. s'»nionor Air. K.todon Co.. Koal. A. *>■*611. JJsrry,

Edwards ft Reynouds. King. Will Erb. T'. S. Farnhart, F. D. Viimens. Will. Jills. H. I. Errooman, C. Kcl' r>ion. H. Elieiicln. Ernest.

I»*aft, .Arthur. Knester Wm., KUer Geo., J'o'sn, T . Klshl. Tonko Kevstone Cara. Co. 1 qee Grant

Exemplar sign Work* i o.,*h .John A. Esteng. D. l>elghman. Henry Erlanger, (’has. J. I err Abe. Earby. John Z. In Rell* Great Sensation Jilet. Cha*. t i,fpr. Cl*r. Fiirgiison. Gi-o. (14 Roiif nekle Tawrence. Jiwii-i. ceo. E. ' Isher. A.. French a New Sensation imr piene.. Toft

Show. Fay. M. G. A. Faust. Joe. Fanrst. Ike. Freeman. Sam Fairmont, Sam Ferguson, T. W., Fnller. Harry, Fereuaon. Chas. M., Ferris Gomedtan*. Florida, Geo., French'* Floating Skew j

lowson. 1. 8. La Place. Mon*. I ries iTiaa. J etjlnrwell Vat. T eonaed T. A. J onlsrtlle Gera Co. J ewl* J G. T Inri. Geo. Tile* Gh«* I Inteer I leleof Foteb T ndnle. Willie


rirnn. Jat. D. - __

M ”• lorI'rn*e'’ jiTk"" - loeke To* J A.. Tre-ea, Harrr

Fninao, i Arthnr Foator. n. j. , " ' « Fret^. M S , ^ ^

Fowler. John C. , r. Frothlngham Alfred. ,n„rl.«B Tame*. Ferris. .Tmieph F. , „„„ Snrinetto ^1®*^'''’' t-ev Robt. A. Fettus. John R. , Go.. The Gnmp. Hoy Green. Harold E. ' t it George. Walter. "y Oarxoaxl. Oao. ^

''cMasters: Geo. Goodrich Show* ,, .i. .... ti,.i.t ' Gantler. The Great vLlt .r Gha. A

GVlmaVttn^Prof. ’’jame*^^ ’ ' Gniett# Show*. 0. M. N

Greet Oriental Car. Oo..';'”’’ * Gnillow. G. W.. Min Grest American Car. Oo.

GravT^’^Wm"" '-e'-eirA: Skoech.

GHsr.n.’ Albert. n'^Dt

'"‘FriS.’' - Ma^-'h tJros.: ’

Gordon, J. Saunders. G.nmpert. S W.. .,*T ^ a ’ Gamnp. II. F... Mgr. M*’','"- Great American AVatcr

GIrdells"’ The Galaghcr, Frank Gardner i;««sage. Geo. • hirinan ft Roberts Uafeber, A. A. Henson, G. B. nates. Tom ITllllar, W. J. Harrlsfin. James D. Hinds. Geo. Ilavls. AV. Kennard Hibbard. C. A. Ilancr. Frank. Hare. James E. Iliiglis. YVIndy ITertel, Sam Holder. Prof. Edw. Haag’s Shows. Match. J. H.. Hsniewood, H.. Harris. Samuel IJsrtman. B. F., IJIrsh. Solomon. Hopkins. Harry.

ttsneeeo Joh« 'tann. Harry A Go. MrFwen C. T. Marse. Geo E. V'e Arthur Mr. Magtilre E.. Atnrohy A J- A?.->re1*on. W. At. A’artlnl. TJarry. Atoffet. John Atnnahan C, I. Atatney Fred AfeFlwaln Gny W. lt*rk John T At,vn-clL W. J. AteGnIr,,. Geo.

Morlejr. W. J, rv>n»M \f,


JlnwrA John

Iliifr!i!ri*on. Pobrrt Te., • fnmTnet. J. H*. TTnrr!*. TTundl^r. W* W.,

MnflnniiM J M Mn^n Fr«nk

Wfhhlnr»’> nerN*ricli, C* Arthar, 'fn^i^r HfiPUpnbQMchy J., llooT<»r, n.* TTurrlu. Wm.,

\Y«ir«hii|| .Tohn \9nhmm F»*<»nh f , ^foH«rrv T>iirt<1.

and a very proud one, too. • ' " cbminrvnn Dla fto.. The

wawnTARFS Barnett. Mr.. R. W.. HAKKIAUEB. Rovd. T.ew, Gheney Atedlclne Oo.,

Roiiert Fqllom. a laqmlar actor, eloped with Bnrke, Humphrey, Gnllen. Ed., Miss TEIsIc Seberf. of St. Paul, and was mar- Burch, Edwin O., Gharles. Frank, rled at Hndson, Minn. The eioia-ment bad Barnes. Will H.. Gook. T. H.. been planneil for fear of parental objection, Rlttlcston. Ghas. A., Gorbett. Joe. but on entering the church ar Hudson, the Rritt. Darld, Gh*«e. P. R.. .A-oung •‘ouple found the bride’s parents waiting Raahgatoiir. Garrlagen, Goolab, lAlla, to give her away. The parents' blessing was RuUer. Arthur Conen, Geo. M.,

Hennessey, J. It W., Atoore. Ton.. Ttarward. Jaa. T.. ''liter. Gn* Hamm Go The David, ''tear Grant Hartaook. HaVA AtaVror ft Stahley. tiarri* A Hines, Af.Y'araan F At. Daryay. GharleT % Rraidon. Hni. J. p, (Mgr. Dm Mack. R. J..

Gantry. Afanlnl E r. Herhat. Mtlton '»anke. E O. Haya. Mnirical Ed.. 'tatygar j. Rymer. fool*. Atarlnellaa, Tha Great. Hlntiie. WiF. Maachnot J. M., Hnthena. Prof. A. S. AfcGonnolI. J. J. Holme*. Been. ATerrIfleld. Renhen, Henry Chas. Mattran ft Sayed, nni. H. J. Atnikey. Galeh. Heelan. Phlltp H. Atonroe, Henry. Hampton. John. 'Toran. Ren J., Halna Dog ft Pony Nelaon. Dick.

Show. Nicholson, Frank 8.,

Paul A Amoa Doctor*, Suttoo, J, B Perry Randall, Pntman. L, D, Proteetlve Ol (81fti

Stove Pollan) Pingre# D. H, Potta. Ch**.. IBoffele, Orambenla,

Swal, Jamea. Slngletoo. Geo.

(8irt*r ShleldA J. R., Scott. J. R. Strebig. I. T. Stock. TuIam ft

lenla. Franklin. Price's Floating Show Seacom. P. V. Pitt. Warren PhlRtp* ft Relmoot Phllltp. Harry. Perry. Tlio*. it. "Inkstoo. F. G., Pofe. Harry L Posey. Jeff. I'arlan. A. Pnrilman. Ernest |•nH, Ercd ('ac*. tVm. Parr. G<il. Dick. I'aiil Itoht. N. Bit. hie. T. !!.«.• Prt.f Ed. B.yldln Walter un.y, llngbey |l<,-,.r* Bros. (Ed A

Tom) i(ii.lltc. Victor Bofart*. C. G. Uovstnn, IL ", R. H- Rhine. Hawley Roy. Don* o.«« w. n. RIee. r.. Badcllffe, Geo.

Shanklin. Bratt Smith. Jaa. Barton Symona. I. W., SIpe Show. Sand*. W. B., Scott. A. P.. St. lAuta AttracdoB Cd.. Slialdard, Jack Rb-ardo. Gapt. Richard Soa.-tb. W. T. Sliallnck, Will H. Sommcy. K. E. Stark, Frank Shelby Show. James TiMimpkIns, Gbaa. H. Taggart Family, The Tobin. Wm. Talbott. John. Thompson. Dr. W.. Talson. Chartle. Terry I.eonard, Thilman, John. Torher. Mona, Tinsley. E. K., Trainer, Dick, Thorae, M. 8.. Trenlay. Wni. Tron* Broo..

Itichardson. Gard. T. Tata. Jack. Bols'rta. Bert C. Trolley Gar Trio Roscoe, E. H. .tnaaman M. Rb-kel. Henry Rbe. J»a. B.Himond. .Ml»rt Biimser It W. Root, Edgar It.ilierts. Scott RIt.dile. Edward

I’nlyersal Amusement C Vanghn. Banks Vandea. Prof. M. Tine, Fred. L Vnelckel ft NoUn Vincent. Roy, Victor Bros.. Van Deyeef, Prof. C. 0. Valde*. F..

Boval English Clrcua W.-cq, Will B. «» G. W BoMnson. John D. Robinson. Howard, Richard*. J. J.. Rosalre. Roht., leinhart. Jneeph, Boot A Co . L B. Bohert*. Mr., Beldy. D. H., "Bey. Pat. Richard*. Dick. Boeseke Fred. Rohinson. E. B.. Rols>rt*. Walter M., Rnnfotis The Great, Held w. S Regorell*. The Suiter, Harry, ■stoddart C. H. "^lienee. Wm. Stanley C. M. ■^cott. Jack, q' afer. Chas. Bhaw ft Rasina. *5chepp. (Tiaa. •^olyen* C. W. ■^henperd. B. C. qanhora. Red. <51 Clair. Morris. <5ml1h. R. G.. ^anrlneltl. G., <5eney. A. T.. ’5iimmcr. Tlios. E. <5mlth. M. C..

White. W Wliford. J. H. Wallace. H. T. Wlschiirg. Harry Warner. Ed. C. Welle. Victor W'oodford Hamptoo Car

nlTsI Co. When Knighthood Wa*

In Flower Oo. Wena. S. J.. Wlckatrom. Ed. Ward. Fay Wells, Jake Welch. John Jr.. Cara. Willy’s Oemlcal Co. Wamack. Dr. H. Q. Warren. Arthur J. Wanaer. G. A. Woodard. Bert. Wltromb. n. Williams A Cook. Wallace ft Von lA*r* 8 Worth. J. B. Ward. Dr. A. M. Warren, Fred AVhitney. Bertram O. Wltaon, Ed. T.. Wheeler, P. 8. Wooliidge. R. R. winger. J. P. Wehater. D. O, Ward. John F. Wethe- ♦#. Willie

'ttage Mgr.. World’s Woeet, Wm. R.. Monarch* of Magic. Wet. J. W.

steer* Karl R*y*n1 wpilgn"*. R. ■„ star ft Crescent Carat- Wade. I- Z,

val Co. AVnod Wni B Saner John. Warren. E, M, <5herr1R W. I,.. Wand*. _ sinen Edgar t... Whitey. Slim. <5mBey. Col. B Finley. Watkins Bert,

Fm#rv Tl*. «mlth Ymmr. Harry

Warrrn. Ymitnrkry. Vwn Tlmm^riran. Chrli.

^hPrrv*n Working WorlrtZoUcno. L. C. ■‘JUt<»nkta.** The*


\aMo. Nellie. ^hp«llem TaOry \rtrll. Irellle.

Raynee. Mfu. C A.. HnhlMdl. Mr*. E. O. Henry, Mllle

Adgle and her Lion* Johnson. Emm* Vhhott. Pearl. Bartell, Resale. Bnras, Mae. Rranson. Ylay Bond Dollle Bellinger. Verna Burk. Mr*. Mary Banks. Angnat*. Bnrke. Margaret ''amphell, Aire. E. J •'a*m*ln.' Mis*

Johnson. Annabell. Jones. Dels* Kennedy Co.. Lillian Kelly. Mr*. Wm. J. Kerner. Hattla. lo Clair, Annie Marlowe. „ . Mount ford Co.. The Eva I.anghta. Ixittl*. Morgan, Genty*. McComh. Mr*. Mamie. ' **main. .vii^ —--

Godr. Mr* Ton1*a P. 'toore Mr*. F.ll*. fonrad. Mr*. Fred, Grane. Mrs. Mary J Ganfman. Madelon. I'ole. Neill" t'clcsle Dos*. Mr*. Blanche Dorsey. Mr*. H. C. Deity, Mamie Dayla. Mr* kfahel.

Orr, Pearl. Piper, Florence. Peerl. Mrs. Prlneeee. Phillips. Btl*. .. Rncera, Martha M. Rahonl. Adel. St. loon. Elsie. Shickle. laatielie St. Clair. Jeeale Mi# 'I*yia. Mr* Rianei. oi. '

DenPton. Mr*. Maude. Sntlon. Mr*. Ruthl* D.lmar. Gene Sifely. Mrs. Kmm* Jiderado. Madam. Snnetaro. Madam*. J'merson. Mary. Shafer. PVwenee '•'yerelt. Mrs. Mamie. Summer, t'neleman Mr*. Jennie. Traband. Nellie. J'nhhic Mrs Carolina Townaley. o j'anst. Mrs. L. Talbot. Mr*. J. P- Faii.t, Vern Thompeon Slater* G.rshle, Della Thomaa, Time Gorheff, Mre. Trlnie, Fennl^ Gnnf. Madame Aleha, Whipple. O^rgl* Gate* Mrs Amelia. Hereford. Jeaale. Woodward Mra. IWUie llendrle. Air*. Mary A. Webster. Edna. Howard. May Voting. Mr*. I- "• n«*t|ng*. Msbel, 7.*cky. All. lavnard. Mr*. Ell** Zalmon. Madam*.

Herrman, Mia* Neld* Zelk*. Madam*.





SLEEPER WRECKED I Ik- only damage bt-lni; tlip rranlta of late ar¬ rival at Kt. Wayne, Neli., the next atand.

The J<diit aKreeuient heretofore exiatiUK be¬

lle la atm eoiiflned to hla bed but will reeovor from hla injuriea.

Notea from Milea Orton'a C'lreus:—We have elom-d our aixth week In I’ennaylvanla^ We don’t turn them away at every performanee, hut Kive two sitowa a day and pay aalqriea the year anmiid. thir roaler la unehanired. AmoriK mir feature aeta are hl(fli Ideyele wire (e^rryliiK two I'lilldren) tiy Nornion Orton. Ivy and f'larenee Orton, .roiinireat and ainalh-at aeriallata (ai;ea o :unil 7i: tioiible tra|>a, alnxle trapg and rintca. live ridliiK and earrylni; aeta hy the Orton Kam-

Ptaone 3861. KstablUlietl 1843

j a .1— ItmilMw Ahnw. joioi aKreeuieni iiereiuiore rxiaiiUK la- live rioioa anil i-arr.vniK Beta oy me lirion ram Third Section of Bamum and Bailey Sho a \i,,aara. Jamea A. Hailey, W, W. Cole, lly. Jaa. Hmoka, halaneini; traps and tramp

Fivuroa in Slifht Accident, I’eter Sella and la-wla S»-lla. which expires hy wire, Milea Orton'a doga, laailea goftta. mulea. The fourth section of the Harnum and Halley llin'tallon at the end of the present season, baa etc., and Mike Orton, cloud swing, perch, etc

elreiis train la.miawed alnamt entirely of sleep- extemie.i ror another year, ims is au Ing ears for the p«-rforim-rs, was wrecked at ‘ 'V.'’*,, i.. i i Wildwood I’a., on Aug. 27. The cause of the IoHowk the nwter of the oppiwltlon brlga<le wreck wiii dui to a freight train, which got «f the great Wallace sh«w;^: W. C. St. Clair beyond control of Its crew and went daaliing **■ M"h>ne, lama billposter, t. Jones,

t^n extended for another year. This Is au- Myron Orton, principal clown, with Hrooks.

beyond control of Its crew and went daaliing down a grade and Jumped the track, striking T, liamniel, i^ H. Illndsley, B. W. Foster,

I.indsay & Hauer. Our side show viiider Manager Fairbanks la always a success. I*. Harris la general agent, with five men ahead. We are safe in aiciing that we have the ta-at one-ring circus on the road today.

Thomson & Vandivoor MANVFACTVRXRS OF


230-232 E. 31 St., CmClllllliTI, 0.


Ihe rear alc-per. None of the is-rformera were hlllla^ lithographer; J. .M. I x..,.,. brothers’ World’s Orcal «nd III II fH\% ilolirM foie rlrciin tmill • inlUl ln%in< r llinn. ; Shown*_T»iU n*>AMoirn **f th** wmI

»M|- enabled to pr.a-.-.-.l. alter deta. hii.g the in . «H1 excel. Unanclall.v. all prevhiiis ones. Hiisl jlirtal iUa-lar.


ithlcago. 111., .\ug. ’JPlIi. liai:i. editor The Hllllaiard, I’lucinnatl, O.

i.reis ngeiila in Ho- busliicaa now wilh the "*'* •‘Xcel. Unam lall.v. all prevhiiis ones. Hiisl- — —^-e Lma. ?om « a d ^Itn^ir.r ah,rw‘a w ill “'•* »'ery «

I 1,1. I LT - r . 1 O 1 ; visile,!. l.aHl .vear was the banner year o il ^••''••‘**•■1. «<• h"'W after the litereata receipts will a<mr higher than ever CllfK

C,w“;,‘V’aar nmiparn^^^^ ^ ^oreu.l^r. The pole. it .1 If paraili- and la-rformaiice la giving more than -

... "y **!, "?"* *'tl**?. ‘■'•medy features Haliafaetloii. Heartv amdaua,- and aidendid Agsnts for with the b,ll» ami la.wm, circus this aumm.-r. „..«,pa|ar crltlclama tell the tale. Three cute --^ ^lf^r Sir llapiwidng to be In Ibe ■Windy I »||h tbe S,lls ami la.wiia eln-ua this summer. . „ewaoam-r erlllcwm. tell lli.. tale Thmo ..iite

niy” and ima-iIng a...table friends In our .h-^ 1 ri.e s,as laclar singing iiumla-r lnlro,lueed hy were add'd L the menagerie parlment of pnhlhlty. we had the pleasure of Will U-lavoye last aeasoi, N still the same | whabs.m. Washington, ami were namcl re lueelliig Frank An-ber, of Ibe Creat lurepaugU pr,-tty, effective and auctesaful turn, replacing apectlvely Whatcom Kverett and Seattle Culia Show, who during hla i-ouveraatlon tried to hand the old linn- clowm song. h,wii with'the big show are always called' after Iia <«M- of the biggest is^te ll mean paia-ri The Kliigsion I.V. k.| ’’lially Express gave ,.|,y which they first see the light of Hlorb-a on rinxird. niiwe than a column of space, August 19. to a day. hut as tlie tigers eaine three lii a imiich

Ilia elalnia an- that the Crest Forepaugh Slmw oea<-rlptlon of the featur,-s -slth the Walter I- Animal Snis-rlutendent Jinka was f<M-c,-d to use pul a stand of hills on a wall that when ,sim- .Main snow. ^ila paper Bahl that the sliow’ names of two atanils ahead In order to have pleleil r«^i-hisl the helghth of l.'dl alieeta or ''•* *'!*■ **^’- from every atand|sdut, that had emsjgb names to go round. Auditor TlMiinas about 3»H fe,-l. the aauie atand wisild reuulre ''*"1 .J scctbai Hiickley bas a nann-sake with the show In tli.- a building a little higher than Hie faUMMis Flat , .V,' .'i,**IT- •V”'.. *’|s*rsoii of a w. e |M>ny <sdt ts,rn at Wbatcoiii.

Show, who during hla conversation tried to hand the old linn- clown song. n« <«M- of the biggest isdte ll mean pais-r; The Kliigsion l.N. Y.| “lially Express’’ gave Htis-b-n on rinxird. nuwe than a ndumu of space. August 19. to a

His elalnia an- that the Crest Forepaugh SIm.w dew-rlpHon of Hie featiir,-s -Alth the Walter I- pill a stand of hills on a wall that when ismi- *»'». Tills paper said that the show pleled the helghth of l.Vt ai.eeta ..r *«’' '*7*-. 'r*"* .V*'’’' »t«'>Jl-lut. that had alsHit 3»H fe,-l. the aauie atand w.Kild require aoethai

. |,a| ^ ||,,| I I^K . *1. F.a.xAsaa.. Via.* ^ T epF***** U t* 11 ¥6* Of III** HotO RIIOW a bul ding a little higher than the faimma Hal ^ ,^.11 to the Norris and Howes show In inin III .sew lora. , , lieiiver. t’,d., and reports big tiusiness and a

We don I kmiw wlietbar we bav.- isinvlm-e,! -m.w thk .miw ii.s em.iuwi i,,. n.,.ru

CIRCUS CANVASES, pole* and Stakes, SEATS, FTaffS, Etc.


Fronta and Raiiiiem for Street Fairs.

BLACK TENTS For .tlovlns Pletiire 4«'ork.

273 E. Madison St., tear Market, • CHICAGO, ILL

Trt»n In N**w Ytark. i'.**** * *** Norri« iiimI Kdwes show lii 'i'ho lllllp U ns blurk an nlfctit and in llir We .loii'l kiH.w Wl.etbar we bav<- isuivlm-e,! **cnver t,d., and reports big tiusiness and a eighth fmled during Hie present seaaon. The we alou I a.H.w wi.eiiwr wi i.av. lonvim e,i fi,,. „|,„w Pas cleanci up more -ew electric HehHn.r nlsnt la aivlne the tieir

our friend Irai.k or is.t bis high opinions, but ,hi- iwason than anv former aess<in and .f Plant la giving tne ts-sr ... .h. k.Miw Iluit a ...oner was the a.mwer to tusn ai^ Form, r season, ana „f „al|sfa<-tion. It has ls-,-n in use every iiiulit I. .11,1- ... .‘T, I. '-ih-. .iiiilere,| mdhli^ but fine weallier. .luring the pr.-s,-nt season and at 8,-veral rc-eiit bia rl.ldle, and II was Immensely enjoyml. Notes from the T, ets’ llna,.’ si

’I'hings alarlcl early In the evening and emled i* „,i|| (dsylng to big Imuses rather late, which might giv.- s,ime fomnlation ck.wii, .'|,«4-,l at Hry-s.n t’lty. to his slatemei.l. Yours truly, replai-'e.l by U.issell'and For.-’pa

“Som,- of H.c Hafoiim .Ygci.ts” I into .Arkansas. S,-pt. I at Men.


T,eta linn., show: Tbe show | stands, .ai dark afterimoiia. H.e current was - to big h,.uiies. Ban Ishiter, ■ sw lt,-li.-.l on and the big tent Is fl.Hsle.l with a

clown, .•|.•e,l at Hrysoii nty. N. and was | bright < l.-ar glow. I’he liiimT.iHoii ..f ligbling rF|dar**ol bt Uiihja^II and ^\% •* chhas I top during tlu» iiiatliMv |H*rf*>rm- liilo Arkaik'«aA. S«'pt. 1 at M#*iiiplil'*. Tfihi.. for I uik-fh hai* Item apprptdatptl l».v the Tas*t aiidi-

Everylssly la well and buying em-cs. Tin- magiilili-ent scem-r.v along the line a wi-sterii trip. Everylssly la well and buying blue iMipera.

“Hlg Tom.’’ llie elephant in Iiigeraoll Park. M ''"'"T"- lornierly with the Jals.ur ‘prc-latcl l.y the performers' They awirmil

letter of Invitation to I'realdent il.swevelt; Newburgh, .N. Y'.. .%ug. 21, HSUt

cln-iia and t'arnlval company, recently made a raid oil a iiiilkman’s cart that was left un-

l.rlglit clear glow. The Ii.ikitiiHoii of ligl.ling SHO\A/ TP*NT*^ the m.insler lop .hiring the iiiatlmv |s*rform- VJI 1 WW I Ealw ■ ancea has lieeu apprc-late.l hy the vast ainit- Equal to any In workmanship, shape and quality. em-i-s. Tin- magiiltl<-ent sceii.-ry along the 11m- Cet our pric.-a bef.ire buying. Agents for Ktdd'a of the tlreat Northern, during the run from j'.Igbts and Haker’a Torehea. Hlark tenta moving S|sikain- to Whatcom, Sun.lay, w aa greatly ap- ■ Plcturea. C.shI ae.s.nd hand tenia from .Vx.Vl to r,nx pre<-late.l l.y the performers. They swarmed at Hargalna. H.VKFIi ft l.i x'K WIMill. S.i.-cea-

II.HI. Thcslore lUsao-vell, Preatdeiit I nltcl | gi]ar.le,l. a...1 away several cans of the

<Mit on the Hat ears and with eameraa •J’™ *'* J. Haker, 413 liulaware Ktreet, Kansas many snap shots of points "f Interest. City, Mo._

Stales. Hyaier Hay. I.. I.. N. Y'. la<*t*‘al fiiihl Is-fore he was dlms.vere.l Notes from the Harnum a^d Bailey show: My Ih-ar Mr. I^esldent; Eiw-losed you will res.ilt of H.e elephant's f,as,. Hie manager of The F.mrth S,-etlon of the Harnum and Ball-

lease find a nuuils-r of romplliuentary Hcketa ||,p ,atiigh up several abekels. Iraii.a. which is made up of fift,-en fiats <-arr to Hie Walter for yourself. family and friemla. Tlie shows will cx- This la the first time In many years that the liiblt at UIf*n la. 1., N. 1., uiA Monuaj. ba« had two rlrciiaea in ihw* aeamm. August 24.. The IVniiaylvaula B. K. makes it an Iron.-lad

If yoti will kindly liif.H’m ua which |.erform- rule to a.imit but one show a year to this par- ance you wish to attend. aftermsHi or evening. ,|,.ular town t.ecaaae their ahopa are located we shall make apc-lal arraiigementa f,c your tiiep-. ami a show almost invariably shuts them (s.mfort.

Assuring y,si that our eutertaliimeiit Is strh't- ly nsH-al and of a hlgb-claaa eharacter. I beg to remain. Y'ours umhiI ol.e,ltently.

signed! WAI.TER I.. MAIN.

“““* AN UNMARKED GRAVE. ' South Omaha, Neb.. Aug. 24, 'iKt.

The HllllsMird Ihlb. Co.

the park had to cough up several abekels. trains, whh li it made up of fift,-en flats <-arry- The Walla.-e Shows play Altoona Labor Day. | ing ,he plank wagons and other seat atnff. ami

This la the first time In many years that the ; eight Pullman sleepers, with all the artlata. Piwii h»s had two eircnaea In one season, i and staff, had a lutlrbreadth esea,a.. The I eniisylvaula B. K. makes It an Iron.-lad a serious wrex-k about 4 a. m.. Thiirwlay. rule to a.ImIt but one show a year to this par- | 07,,, -fhe train had Just alowe.1 ,l„wn !«•- h-ul.r town ir •h<>P« «re ,K»o«ted r,„.n,ng through ‘be P. ft W. yard* at

1 .w^i' 3 P SJiever «.t In ^rra.T 'Vlldwomt. P,.. when a runaway freight lug to mak^lt^■.5 I.a^ Day. ^ 1 . rashed Into another train standing alongside

Notes from tbe Htto Flolo .Advance Car;


of tne Rbow uleepen*. A truck of one

tieiiHemen;—In reading Ihs- Waddell's article f t. Wayne to attend to some lm|s)rtant hnsl- lii your last iiumb,-r It Is certainly a ipsal one. ness. There la hnried here In our city a showman Prof. M.Hrls an aeronant. received quite a who waa killed when the Bohlnaon Show was sev.-re Injury at Rryan. Texas, while making In this part of the ,-ounlry In '97. 1 waa an as,-enslo,i .August IS*. The mishap was .’aiised «-nlered from the show to take charge of hla by a swinging on to the safety line after r,-malna ami as we .s.nld not locate hla folks i|,y balhs.ii cleare,! the sta.k and throwing he was laid away here and hla grave is un- Pn.f. M'S-rl* against the grami stand, breaking marked. Il.qdiig that other showmen will take flye rtts. »ii his right sl.I,-. He Is now Improy- HiIh matter up and we can *,a»n have the gravt-a i„g rapidly, ami will lie up and iloing In a of our (-oiurades marked and taken care of. short time.

It hsik.-d pretty tough to see him burlml wph Mrs. Wni. Sweenev. wife of the well-known

Mr. Ben I,evlne of Chicago Joined' at Peoria, to freight cara Jum^d the track glanced handle the hannera. The ear rm-entlv bllle<l slong the aide of ear No. 50, which Is Mr. Hie home town of B. K. Wallace Pern, Ind. Hailley a private car. and stmek the r>-ar plat- A new eight sbeeet date from the Home Print «n<l trucks rf No. 61 In which were fully | Co of Atchison Is making a great hit. Mler s,-vcnty-five sleeping circus jicople. The plat- | Is-wi* Jtdtie,! the car at Ft. Wayne for Sun.lay. form, of the two cars were dein.dlsh.-.l and the ; v|r. JiH- H Ilnsi.Hi also siient Sunday aboard at trucks dlsplac.-d, but while their or.-upants | ( Ft. Wayne to attend to some tm|s>rtant hast- were badly shaken up no one was injiiml. With- I neaa. out a doubt, the fact that the sh.iw train was 1

Prof. MiH-rl*. an aeronant. received quite a h*r.-I.T moving at the time ..f the a.-eldent was -H-v.-re Injury at Rr.van. Texas, wlille making all ttiat prevente.1 a disastrous wre.-k. .VIHiongh an as<-ensl<iii .August 1!». The mishap was .’aiise.! I we were delayed some iH.iirs. hy gissl work the h.v a swinging on to the safety line after . t.-iits were .-re.*t.-.l and two sIhivvs wer»- giv.-ii the balhsH, eleare.1 the sta. k an.l throwing I m Newcastle, the tents being fllle.l Is.tli times. ’ I nif. M'H-rl* against Hie grand stand, breaking I |>|,tsbiirg gave iis three Idg .lavs, although u ' five rtts. on bis right sl.I.-. He Is m.w- Improv- ^r.-at many tl.oiiglit that It was only g.ssi for j

IndianapolisTent&Awning Go. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.


Iw I. The night h.aises were all tnriiaways aud the seats provisl very isipiilar. with th.-lr

iH> one to see him. Hoping that Waildell’a taU |,.^i,.r 'of the "Buffalo Bill Shows and <s>mf..rtat>le o|s-ra chairs will touch erery showmen’, heart and that our j„„^bler of the late tleorge Fnrsman. gave birth T*'*''""•'’•“'-I *'••’»» cnth.islasm an.l th.- .lea.l will be for. I remain. , ,„,„„fo, ^Ight p.H,nd baby. .August 26. hress .... b-es parli.-iilarly tlH*e from

Yours truly. ^ mother In New Y’ork It ts <-"iis.-rvatlve Dispatch ami Times gave tlie llarry I.. Kelly. . , , 1 "utHagement and press de,iartm.-iit much grallfi-


CIRCUS OOSSIf. Harm-s’ .Animal Act.H'a are with Sig. Kau-

telle abow. Walt.-r L. Maln’a advance has literally <s>v-

a girl and together with the mother Is doing x,.- xx-i,i,.„,. xiiL- S--. gxlg%«xlv ¥* I* vaIwa %.■ ans /N _ OfttlOn. 'I P. W IlltltllP All^tl ^PPIVf'Q fPOIU ssTlf* lan.l ,HI the 2Srd. He was glad to again be ^

roTHtnan U a in‘andnioth*>r. bat ahe la, and a rer.T proud one. too. i

Tbr <«»p*»ner*a lni]ii«*at Into the death of the vv.igJ l>eraoiia wh<» were killed In the wreck of Wal- fpe«« Ure a elrciia train on tbe fir;!|id Trank Kail vavea on the

land i*n the 2^nl. He waa triad to strain be on .\im*rlrjwi anil and rera>rta that the “Klir* alM»w le dolntr trreat bnalneae thronirhont Knte- bind and Walea. Mr. Allen will aiuveei] Mr. Kowb*s aa preaa atrent. aa tlie latter tt^ntlenian

ercl Atlanll.- city. •l""' bnrd Trunk K.U j’^e 2!»th to'ta^e the management of

Candlna an.l a |>art of South Carolina and lUsr- *^Il •'f- Sunday a nunils-r of p.s>ple from Ida klllefl aa a r«*anlt of a rear en«l eolllalon on the sn—Um.L n ‘ 1*

CANVAS Nothing too large or too small

The World Over -And yon will find


Mr. C. Whitney la iiiaiiaglng the Whitney Clr- Hrand Trunk Kailroad: that the wreck was . us liistea.l of tYia*. Kb-ffer, as stat.-d by ft .aused by the failure of the ajr brakes to work . iH-respoiKleiit. Ihc secxHid se<-tlon; that the wreck might

Jean Brh’ker. cometllst, with the great Mel- have been av.dd.-d If the engineer, Chas. .AI IsHirne show, Ix-came the father of a ten-pound Prolwt. ha.I watehe.1 the lalr gauge before him.

ir end eolllsiun on the .k Walla.-e" Show came over from Wlieelln. to "Uf ••’"P- A" *'’« that the wreck was ; m,-—-- imonu- the tI.i,<^ «*.,!.** Shows use the beat tents and we make them. Bal- h- -1, K-.v— --tne Hlg Show. Among Hie Vlaltors w.-re. loon. .nrf .nortln., tent, of everx-deacHntlon made to xi.oo xf.r.o.' i » iJu- visitors w.-re. |oona and sporting tents of eveiT description made to

Mine. Maronfette, -Art IVet.imn, John Judge, ©ixier. 2d-hand tents for sale. Write for pftKlculara- Mr.<. IxvH Minlin an.l Mr. Ferguson, the pres* •**,»*¥ atcuniaat^u

Mr. I.nshhaiigh was with the show in

hahy girl August 6. and also if the ra Koht. Ahrama. pitifully weak hut game, got wjth hand brakes.

Iiome to Geneva last week. He Is already talk- .. , „ ,k- liig abiHit rejoining tbe aliow. "I "

l„d ,:,o If .H . TPittsburg making arrangements for m-xt year’s Th. »raetlcal Taataaksr and also If the cars had been pro|a-rI.v equipped .-anvass. ^ THS FTICTICll ItlTRlacr.


from 1h^ S^lls TViwn* nbow: UmniplH^ll Kn.tb«‘rfi .bow, whlrh has b^n animal- that

plarlnic In the far Northwest, bas b^un their T-IS, ^ V! return trip ea-t, pla^init Waahlnicton. Idaho and Halrld^e. N^.. Montana. • e Auau-t Me have twelve flat cars. We

John Mornlnjr. aaalatant p«»ny l»oiui, and Jamea have to turn twentv-thr€^ rarra. Me hare 2d John Mornlnir. aaalatant p«»ny Niaa, and Jamea i4%enij-inr€^ hare •»! Maloney, of the M’allai'e ahowa. are at home altocether. The ahow la dolna ^oo^l biial-

lace show, suffered a spralne.1 ankle as the re- ti.o Vx ^ ‘ suit of a fall recently', anal will not be able ^e

SideShow Paintings SIEGMUND BOCK,

to Wiirk for a couple of weeks. ..sslstant Harrr Stephei One of the cub Ilona with the S|»arka ahow Hurry Oeci: 1- ateward

illed P«H*ently. On the aame day. Aug. 24, one , of the rlnif horaea waa klrke<l by another and *^**.*^.'*"”V Auanat will be laid up for aome weeka. *'*•* lilowMlown which happ^med to the M. I,.

iiaa bead of tine hora**a. RHAn. niii la hla | CHnW/ r* A MV A C .aaiatant. Harry Stephena Is boaa propertyman. IV/ ▼ ▼ a ▼

CO ps„- a..- SVS.1-.-.—. IIS ^ftnufaclnrens of All Kindts ofTriitn. Dc BIMV ISlIMM AvVif ■ CMIOMrMv III 8how 4'anvan a Npeclaltj'. Black‘■'eiita

to order. Second-hand Tents boiiicht and sold. JOHN H.iNLKV, Terre


Jack Hunt, the lasw canvasuian. commltt.-d * '•’’t Show at Hillsboro. Mo., on August 8. an.l siik-lde at Kansas City recently. Failure of a ts,|.iw we make .-orrecllons t* follows: Just busliieas eiit.-riirlse and doniestk* tn>ubl.-a are Is’for.- the night la-rformanc began, a terrific asalcnr.1 aa a cause of the rash art. wind and rain st.trm struck the show and blew

The liiialDess men of C.wlgaie. Ind. Ter., are all the canvas .hiwn. Messrs. WillUm B. K.-l- maklng arrang.-meiits to Inaugurate a UMinthly log, J.a- .Nargent and AIN-rt “Bowers’’ .All-n Market Day and Traders’ Carnival. J. M. were In the menagerie assisting the people ont I’rayt.Hi I* *.-<-r.-l*ry of the organisation. in safety when the Mow .lown came Joe Sar

Charles Arn<dd. an aerlallst with Ola^K-k’a g.-nt and William Kelh.g were canght under a .-onibliied shows, was stahlie.l tn an affray In pig iahl.-aii organ, weighing 5.06O pounds he < n-sslng naun during 1^ p.-rf..rman.’e of p,„„„ ^ •

the sh.iw at Sopher. I. T. He will recover. ...--j-., in iif.i,,. .x- i.—* LT ! •n.e great Melts,urne shows have visited sev- p" j , J^^.n fl", older t K 3

rral new town* In northern Wlaconsin and 'V . " Kcll->g

, . . On short notice. Write for partlcnlara. Illuatrated III our laaii.- of .August 15 we gave an avconiit catalogue free. Can mildew proof tents bollt by na

111* hlow-.lown whii-h happ.-ned to the M. I. at small coat. Send ns your Inquiries.

ne < n-sslng nsun during p.-rr..rman.’e or *.pp.p pp,„„ p,., • i the show at Sopher. I. T. He will recover. to iir.i,,. .x- i.—* LT !

•n.e great Melts,urne shows have visited sev- p" j , ,1", older t K 3 rral new town* In northern Wlaconsin and Vmil!^i3-.. .o3 .s •'•‘•'•'K Minnesota the last f.iiir w,-ek*. The business tloctors <hMi.- was the larg.-al in tne lilst.wy of the ^ '"’™'''" d. t istn examination It waa discovered Hhovi. fW’vcnt was hnrt internally and Kellog’*

I’rof. Tony While an.l his traliietl h.srse*. broken, heshh-s Is-lng ha.Ily lainlra ftii.l niiilra siiil Harry IMi'klnaon and hla s’saH the hl|m and left limb. Mr. Sargent .lic.l dogs, iiHinkcys snd clostsl with the Sker -Nniiday iisiming. .August 9, at 9:15. His rela- l.eck show an.l >>liieil Kerarl Hnia.' IsHidon Car- Hv.-s <x>nl)l not Is- lo.-a4e.l and he was given a nival Co. at INHIman, III. aplendt.l burial In the HillsNtro i-emetery by

The el.-phant and camel car of Hie Sella- •I'c prlvlh-ge |M>opIe of the show, of which he Downs show, waa rc’ently iirralle.1 at Sktux a raemls>r. Mr. Kellog was taken to St. City, la., hut the animals t-aoaiwtl unlnjure.1. Isnils, Mo., .and plai-,-d In Ibe .Alexlau Huspltal.


Scenery and Shew Paintings! I JOlff^f HKRFI'RTH,

Ifo. 3183 Boone St., CINCINNATI, O.

Detroit Bag ft Mfg. Co. Successor to The T. W. Noble Co. 129-139 Fourtli St., DstrsN, Hicli.

CIRCUS CANVASES And Tents of all kinds. 80 foot Tops and under carried In stock. Tents rented to state and County Fairs.


I GEO. TAYLOR, : ; 97 Cliff Street. New York

^ MmNm ** TH. ” wMm amamrimgmdt. MmUiom ** Tkt BiUboari " vium wmmn$nmg —a

10 The billboard

I IU&E.. U


I Virciiiiu) Mill have Kciaiioki' 1 Virginia) »lll have a fair this

fall. Frank IV S|.<'llinark‘s atlracthnis are niakhik'

a 111! this s.a-siii over the fairs. Ten tinaisainl |Ms.|ile are sahl to have visited

the Shelhy . I l air. August 117. .Man.v lininoveineiits are reiN)rted lu the

«roiiinl's (It tin- creat Frederick t.MarjTandl fair. .\ horse sIhiw assoelatiou has been or^aulzed

at Staunton. Va., and will kI'’c their first show IK xt season.

Dr. I'. Deilariuo tlray is in Indlana|iulU. lud.. arrun^itiU f'jr the horse sliow to be held lit

that eitv Se|it. ai-2o. .Mrs. Saxon, of ihsMispeeds, Cunii.. wants to

hear from a rellal le party who has bad ex- lierienee Iti iiroinotiiik fairs.

The Fair t'oinmittee of Savannah, Ga.. at Its lirst ineetliiK succeeded In raising $SbO lu a few hours for the coming event.

Tlie same ollii ers ot tliree years ago, with tile exception of one. and with Jos. D. Glass as seeretiiry, were unanlinously re-elected.

'I'lie tvventy-lirsi tinnual fair of the Farming- ton ( .Mass. I Valley agrii-ullural , or|K)ratloii will la- liehl at tTierry I’ark, near follltisville, Sep¬

tember it and lo. Kxteiislve reiiairs have been ptit on the llors.-

Sliow Iluihling. at I.ynelilmrg. Va.. and It is now read.x for King Horse, who will make his

apia-arain-e in October. Ilie elghtli annual fair of tlie Nortliern lyii-

tin-ky .\gri(-ulltiral .Vssoela^ion. held at Floi-

eii- e last wis'k, was one of tlie most sma-essfnl events in the history of tin- assia-lation.

A tire ra-etirred at tlie I.awreneeliurg tind. i fair gr-nmds lust week, tlie damage of wlihli will amount to Jl.i'si, with an insurance of gll.'si. The tire (s-eurred at the liorse stalls, aim

the origin is unknown. I'lof. fhas. Kabrlek. the balloonist, has been

engaged to fiirnlsli his torpedo parai-liute act at the .Maine State Fair, and also at the rresijiie Isle (Maine) fair. This Is I'rof. Ku¬ brick's third season at each of these events.

Xoles from the Colorado Stale Fair Ass«a-la- tion: Much final for thouglit for amusement promoters may be found in the case of I'ueblo. f<do., and the laisltlon of Its iirogressive clti- r.ens In relation lo ••amu.semeiits on the down¬ town tnisiiiess siri-ets, evenings, during the State Fair.” Here Is a fon-elul lesson tliat will aindy to other communities.

It haiks as If the Territorial Fair at Alhti-

(luenpie N. .M.. this year, whlcli will lie held (h tols-r’l2 to 17, Inclusive, will be on a larger

w-ale than ever liefore. Tlie entire mineral ex¬ hibit for the St. I-otils World's Fair will U there at the time and will be shipiK-d Inline-

dlalelv afterwards to St. I.ouls. This will with¬ out a doiilit la- the la-st (-ollectlon of minerals ever gotten togi-tin-r In the Territory. Tin- prl*.-s for tin- horse races, i-owlaiy touriianient

and hasi-ball an- alnnait double what they havi

laa-ii In the past. The (-liamberhiln to tin- t’/.ar of Russia. S. W.

Alexamdrovsky, (simmissloner gem-ral for tin-

Russian (-iiiplre to the ismlslana Durchase Kxia- sit hill, arrived .\ugust Hi. on the Kaiser Wil lielm H. lo iH-rf(-ct details for the iiartlcliiatlon

of his country In the exiaislllon. He is aeooni- Ik.fnied liy Raron Serge A. Koroff. secretary t- the cominlssloner. The Russian <-oniniUsloiie:-

general will return to Russia In alaiut a fort night. He says that Russia pro|a>ses to make

an ;,ttraelive dis|ilay at the exiiosltloii, and in addithin will eris-t a national iiavillon. He Is i-ertaiii that the Russian exiillilt will lie Install-d on the ojieiilng diiv of the exisislthui. althuiigl

the territory ovi-r 'which It la necessary to col leet the (-xhiblts and the distance over wliicli they must lie traiisjiorted far exce»-d In exteib tlsnw- of any other country.

"The Rilllaiard" acknowTedgi-s n-celpt of cata

logs from the following apsoeiatlons during tin t>ast we<-k. Minnehaha ('ounly Agricultural So ch-ty. Sioux Falls. S. D.. Si-pt. 7-12, H. M. Avery, secretary; I.uzt-rne County Fair Assochi

thai. West I’ltlston, Pa.. Sept. 8-11. J. G

I.lewellvn, sei-retary; Spokane Interstate Fair .\sN.ielation. S|Mikane. Wash.. 0(-t. 5-13. H. G Stinimel. Bi-<-retary: Wlmsigkl Agricultural Asso <-iation. Waterbiiry, Vt., Sejit. 8-10. Clias. Keene

S(-(-retarv; (Ineida County .Vgricultural Assoela

tloii. Rliinelander. Wls.. Sejit. 14-16, T. R Welch, secretary; Manstli-h| Fair As»ocig(tlon Mansfield. Pa, Si-id. 22-2.",, H. R. Ilfiard, secre tary; North Carolina State Fair Association Raleigh .N. C.. Get. lP-24. .Ins. E. Pogue, secre

tary; .South Dakota State Fair, Va/ikton, S. D. S<-pt. 14-ls w. I!, D(-an, secretary; Perry (Viiiii ty .tgriciiltiiral Sis-lety, Newport, Pa., .Sept 22-2.'i. J. C. F. .Stephens, secretary.

Throe years ago Pueblo held the first strei- falr of the Ris ky Mountain csiuntry, but a con census of latter o|ilnlon develoiied the sentl ment that tin- direct busiiiess secured did not Justify the expense; and while the event was voted a su(-(-«-ss In every- otln-r w’ay, the trades

IKsjple were dissatisfied. The strictly legit mate lines claimed that they went to consider able exiM-nse In building Usitha. etc., and the nimble dime wi-nt Into the (offers of the sa loons, restaurants, side-sliows. and similar su I^rficlal avenues. As a result of this f(-ellng no iirovisioii has been made for the entertain ment and amusement of visitors and home peo pie for the past two State Fairs, and as th, fair oHiclals have been tis, busy to iindertaki any exci-pting lln-ir din-ct work the buslncs ■ectioii was not tlironged with crowds nightiv and the lioliday spirit was alisent. However, 'a great <-hange of lieart has come atsiut, and this year the nien-hiints have (lerfected an organiza¬ tion to nii-et the shortcomings of the past, and as a starter have raised the sum of $r,,fi60.o< In “coin of the realm." .mio here is where the amusing part comes In; .'tiiiall dealers who subscrllied $.''i and $Di on the first occasion an tographed for from J2.", to $."g) this time. And that Isn’t all. The most of them have give strong evidence of favoring the Festival al though It Is generadlly admitted that the good to lie derived Is not to t,e expe<-ted from F rival week. Rrilliant Illuminations of all th cross streets; the construction of allegorical arches; band stands at lm|iortant jiolnts; out of-town bands; street parades; a free stadium, and other forms of Instnictlon and amusement will be provided. In addition to this, the mer chants have voted to decorate the fronts of their resfs-ctive places of business; provide ex ceptionally fine and brilliant window displays

(percaae tlie number of Ughta for store aervice

and have ordered exiienslve t-lectrleal devi-es. II of which goi-s to show the great Inten-st aiiifi-sled by that eleim-nt w hii-li w as i-onteiit ■reiol'oie to let these matl(-rs go by default. The thirty fifth annual Soiilli Carolina Slate lir will Ih- iield in Colninliia (k-t. 27-30, and

Hie lUdsiiects are for the largest exhlldt and attendai-ce tli«! fair has ever enjoyed. New olth-ers are at the head of it. and the good

ro|i outlook and the high price of cottou all ill combine ta make It one or the liest mei-ts

the South. This fair is the only fair or meet in South C.arolliia this fall, and lieiug held In Columbia, the gi-ographhal center ol

Slate, it is a<ces-itile to all jiarts of the State at very clieap rates. The management lilaimed very extensive Imiirovements to the grounds and tuiildhigs. and tlie contracts were eady for letting. Imt Hie eit.v of Columbia

made a jiro|M,sitioii to cliiinge the grounds and t Ii»w buildings of IiiiHh-rn an liitecture, and

Hie Sis-iety. at its nieetiiig tills week, acceiited


Tin- siitijeet of this sk<-teh is Mr. F.dgar V Werner, who Is a law yer-Hieatrlcal man. Mr Werner was born of German [lan-iilag-! ai RIaek River Falls, Wis., July 24. Is72. when he received a piihlic si-hisil edui-atioii. He Hi-n

k a imsition with .Mandh- Itrolhers. Chicage Ill., an-l later with Clement .M. lilddle A; (’o. 'omiiiission niereliaiits, when- he came lu coi aet wltli Hie luisiiu-ss worM. .\fter retiirnln

lo Ills native .''tate, lie ree<lv,-it an ap|siintm—.il at Wasliiiigtiin. D. C., as clerk In tlie Ceiisn Riiieau. He was pnimnted to <-luef of Hie tab¬ ulating division of Hie faring la,me and iiiort

ig- division of tliat de|iartm(-nt. tVhlle in Wiisliiiigtoii lie attended night laail. and graduated from the Coliimlda Col

lege of Commerce, and also coiuideted Hie Jii iihir (-ourse in Hie Columhiaii I'liivcrsity of th, 'ollege of .Vfter five years In Washing

ton, he again returned to Wlseunsiii and took till the study of law in the ollices of Judge-

Perry, of Itlack Fall River. He Hieii w -ut lo Madison and graduated from the State Fni verslty, taking the degree of I.I..R.. where la liegaii the practice ot law. Six years ago he left .Madison and moved to the city of Shaw anil, where he is at im-si-iit located.

In the iiractlce of law he has met with sue ■ess. having practiced in both the Siipreua

Court of that Slate, as well as In the Circuii and District Courts of the L'lilted States. In IKilltlcs he nas also been successful, bavlug been elected twice as District Attorney for Sbawam County, and served In all four years.

Hesliles bis practice of law, 'Mr. Werner i Pn-sldent of the Shawano .Vdvaiicement Asso elation. Secretary of the Shawano and Green Buy Traction Comiiany. and Secretary of th- Shawano C<>uiity .Agricultural Society. .Mr. Wer ner Is publlc-splrlteil, aggressive and |iromint-n In all enterprises that tend to the liuhlic Ih-ik- fit. This year he has taken sim-cIuI Interest ii Fair matti-rs, and. If g,Kid weather will la-rmil Shawaii) County will have one of the large fairs In Its history.

the prois>sii!oii, and now the work of changing the grounds has Is-guii, hut It will be iiii|K>s slhl-i lo (simiilete the change in lime for Hi, coining fail, Hiougli every tiling w ill la; in read!

s for tile lair of IIHH. In coniieclion witli the fair grounds, the Stale Fair Sulety will have a wintering ijuarlers and stahh-s for tin ra,-e hocses of the whole lulled .States to win ter south In. -lod Hie new track will conforn to all the regulations of tlie national ussoi-ia Hon. li- the ,-arly siirlng a race un-et will Is nel-1 under the auspii-es ol the S-s-lely, and the great race hors,-a of the American turf will nave a trial meet Isfore entering Hie reguiai Circuit. This feature will lie an extensive one Aiken Is near Coluinhia on one side, Camde on the oHn-r; Florida is hut a sliort distaiie away, and all the througli trains iinss Ihroug the city, making It the ideal loiati-m for on of the hlg wintering tracks. Several horses w,-re wintered at the old track the past winter, and the same have been unusually sucees.sful on tlie track Hds s,-ason. A splendid tourist iHitel, now In i-oiirse of construetIon. will inuk, Ikilumliia a winter resort, all of whh-h will tend to help these new features of the fair The priz<« offered i-ompare favorably with the largest fairs iKirlh. Barnum and Bailey's show will wind up the week's events.

When the Cariiivul train pulled Into Jackson on .-'unday, a llllle. heavy-sc-t man was si-en to jiiiiip alsiard waving a hiineh of <-agle feuHu-rs

nil doing all sorts ot mysterioiis tilings known only to Hic trllie of F. D. K.'s. He was read ily reiogniziil as Dick Honeyeliiircli. It iirovi d Hnil "Dick " was Hie only Fugle in Jackson,

notliing duunti'd "Dick." He was uii ;le a gisid l.agle and us a nest of l-..(gli-' I just landed, Dick was deterinlned Hist ly l.agle is- Inadv- to Ily Itigii. and deciding n Thursday night, Dii k inviled every Fugle

lo 1-e in readiness ut ll;2ii p. in. at Hi<- Goii- dolus, and insisled iiisin eueli Fugle iiivTIilig

or more friends. Wlieie were Hn-y going nolsHly kiKW. Dll k said lie was isisled on

shI iiastme land, and tliat was enough. Prol. .Viiloiiio Hlivi-io, leader of Feruri's swell

tulian Bund, is an Fugle, and of course. Tuny (US he Is called fur short) was there, baud and all. At prouiiilly 11;3U [i. m. Tony gave thc wurd to line uii, as Dick said It was time the Faglcs were on the wing. iKiwu the sln-cl they went, l.'s) strong, to the sweet strains ot When Hie Fagles Nest Again. Of i-ourse, along the line ot march every iKHly fiKillsh enough to go to bed had to gel U(i; Hiey couldn't lu-l(i it. I'hlnk of a bund of 2s musicians (day Ing iday- ing When Hie Fagles Nest Again, and. alsivi-

11. think of Billy Riddle leading l.'si men and allil'g out in Cue dead of night A ea, Aea. Soun ■

luing doing did you say'; Well. 1 guess. Alsiul the time Hie citizens or Jackson iK-gan

o rcali/.e wlio and wliut Fugles were Dick Hon- hiircli led Hie way into Hu- .vudiloriuiu Hall.

Here's Hie sad liail. When everylsHly got in onielKHly iiioisised three chi ers and the l.aglcs' all tor Dick Honey church. Dick got the three hceis all liglit and Hie Ai-a, \ca. Iiki, hut as anyliody sent a strange roof lying uriitiu 1 lilhin a radius of Dni miles of Jackson'.- H o, please n-'lifv Hie owner of the Auditorium

lall; lie needs It. till- muini-nt the nsif dlsaiiis-urcd till

Oini- old time the next morning. It was one oiilimial iviund of pb-usure, with one exceiitlon, vnylMHiy got Iliad ut Dick. Df coursi-. at

such doings Hiey always iiave wuuetLing lo at uiid once in awhile soinething to drink, but

ivliu would liavc tliouglil it of Dick'.' He di-lili ratcly mo\cd Hie Ruhl House dining room

waiters and all into Hie hall, and chartered Hie use of a lirewery for twenty-four hours, and say, mister, wnat huiiiiem-d after tln- i-aigles got tlielr eagle oiil'cs on tiial feast won t d-i to tell Please guess how everylsKly

got lioine. Dob.


Rufus .\. Syfers lias Hie front door with tlie -riial Skelelon show. W. 11. !<waii~ -11 has Uiught a half Interest 'u

Hie Fay ton Cariiivul Com|>any. Potter and Rice have a Clements Ferris

Wheel, and not an Fli Itrldge article, as n-- ported.

Colonel G(-o. Jaliour has brought suit against A. It. Beall and the city ut siioux City, la., in the sum of JlU.iiW for rldiculg and failure to settle.

Colonel Geo. Jelsiur denies repoit that his company will close fur the season. He says it will he reorganized for the triii to Puget .'sound this fall.

F. W. Weaver has closed with the advance the Joues Carnival Company, and will rc

turn to the matiagemeut of the Chicago Con esskin Conijniiiy.

The Two Hewitts, well-known stre,-t fair attruetiun, are making a hlg hit with their glolie act and .iyiiig dog, "Dan." with W. B

Watson's .Vmerlcau Burh-siiuers on the Fmpir circuit.

Capt. Win. Dyer, an animal trainer with th- Gaskell-Muiidy Carnival Coni|iuiiy, was attacked by a lion at Kal-viiiaioo. .Mich., and severe! Iji-erati-d. His injuries are |iaiuful. but tad serkius.

I’attersnu and Braimrd write as follows. ‘'All the slio.ts are doing a pmspenius biisiiiess, am’ verytlilng look' gmsl. Some of Hie eom|ian

have visited the great fishing lakes with gi> success.

Frank .Steel l-ruiight suit against the General .AiiMisemeiit Company at I.anstng. Mich., lu Is- lialf of his wife. Mary Steel. In the sum » f;;i.4iMi, as damages on account of an accldeui wlili-h l-efell .Mrs. Steel.

The Street F'air that was to lie held at Wild wcaal Park, 21-31. inclusive, at Culuinhus, Ga . has failed to materialize su far. "The BUI board's" man at that i-laoe has lieen unable to get Information from the |s-o|ile who were niiiiiiunced aa promoters.

Notes from the Potter A Rhe Amusement Co. Fscsinolia ois-ni-d Idg last iilglit; Hielr first frei street fair. Roger’s Show and .Merry-go-rouid

just join,.(t. lliiiiian I'uinily closi-d 22 and joined Grimes' Cellar I>i»ir. 'Tl.e Ibiffiimii Trio, hi ey,-lists and wlilrl. joined at tills iilaee. .Mum sing last vvei-k was only fair.

Notes from tlie Patterson and Rraynard Car nival Comiiaiiy.—'I'he Patterson A llrayoard Carnival Comiiaiiy Is still maintaining the sam luek whh'h has folhiw'ed It for the past six weeks. I.<-Sairi- isintlnnes to iiiaki- hit s|ilrnl Msei iislon every ufti-rnisui and evi-aing. Tin Hliidisi Mystery, with Johnny West lor Iss-a tluii Johnny) on Hic front. Is still parking Hieii ill to its full -'ap.ieity. t'ora Benson I Hie git from way U|I Ihe-e) s slsu ih.iiig w-II. Bn el,-,nan's glass show 's ■.nil li-il Dug iis ow n \'c reei-De the Bllilsniid evi-iy wK-g, and It is !!Ki“ getting a leHi-r '.-.iiu Iniiiie

N lies frniii Hie Baiiselier Carnival Co.. 'Thl isini|iany Is sailing mi i,r<is|H-rity'H tide, and at Tlplon. la., hegaii their trip south reeeiiHy 'Th(-y will visit Kansas, in which State the, will furnish the altnicthuis fur the State Fair and will till II play In the ti-rrltnrh-s and Ini 'Texas. C. M. Goidi'll. fiiriiii-rl.v with the In lihina Carnival ('l■mpHny, with his iihl Planters slio.v, has Is-i-n adiled to this (s,in|>any. Hiiiii|il ii-y has iiiirehiised a car fur his im-rryr go riiiiinl Hitw adding car lo the train. Mrs. F A. W ter jiiliied Hie e(ini|iaii.v friiiii California last week. .Mr. and .Mrs. tb-o. Selhher. with tliel Purki-r Klnsitlng giilh-ry. also joined the com |iany at Ft. Ihslge, la. Uaseii. the snake eat is lining a fine hiisini-ss. as well as Is Vera In Hie Fleclrlc 'Theatre. Fvery one In thia cxtni |iuiiy Is making money and liap|iy.

.'Minn- Hnn- ago Smith and one Fred. CiB,|s-r fiiriiii-il parlin-rshliai fur the piirisMi- of i-arry-

hig on the i-iiti-iprise. SmIHi, iN-Ing liieX|M-r|.

eiiei d In Kill'll imilti-rs. w as to fiiriilsli Hie riipi- tiil, and Cisipi-r muiiagi- Hie affair. But Hiis is-iiilitliin of iiffairs did nut litsi king, for .is sisin as .SinIHi Himiglit lie isinhl tnaiiage Hn- ism-

I i-rii hiiiisell In- drii|i|H'd Cisiis-r, and lias evi-r

sliii’e Ih'i-ii sole prnprli'tor of tin- Gurdi-n. It is elaiiiieil iiihI Hn- i-nlerprlse w-an a nnaiieisl fall- nre and afli-r tin- last iM-rfuriiiaiii-e Sunday,

SinlHi Hirni-d Hie keva over lo Frank .MiS li-lluin In-asiiii-r. ji|id In- I.SmIH;) iH-gaii Hie si-inl idil- lanHimpie pursuit of paying Ids eredltnrs and

lielp. H Is alleged Hial In- was iiliHlde to pay I'uck rent lo tin- ainonnt of f'2.'si to Mrs. Mary

eldiart, owner of tin- land ii)siii whh-h the eiin-

rn was loeated, and lie agreed with her to iirn over to her the risifless struetnre which he

had erected for the show, it Is further allegi-d

that he then ajiproui-hed the Whiting Wrecking iiipany. from wliom In- had formerly purchased

tin- liiiiiher used In Hie strncHire for the sniu

of $i:.’si, and made an offer to sell tin- same lo

them for f7."i. 'Tin- offer was aci-epted nfid lie us givtii a cliei'k for Hiat niiniunt, U|mhi ns-eliit

of which he and Ills wifi- Isiarded tlie first train

and left Hie cily wBlimit liniiaytliig the kisiwb Igi- III any mn-. It u also i-iullin-d Hiat he left

iilisatIsfieil otlnr Idlls f-'r advertising, joli (irliit- hig Hii'l pliiiliigrHiiliy. Imt paid nil his help In full.

< iilHi was fi-riin-rly a truck driver In San

iiiiilsKi. His wifi- is wi-altli.v. isissesKiiig

ipi-riy in Hn- ii-irHn-rn imrl of Callforiihs in - aiiimiiil Ilf x.'si.cMsi. Her i'u|dtal was ns.-d fiiia;,ii' Hie Garden.

Dtif(tfairs&(arniiii A Nf^WORTHY EVENT.

Nearly all erntiluyes of Ferarl Bros. Ciiriilvat Co. are Fagles, and as go si Fagles were iicvi-r kisiwn to have aiiythiiig Imt a gisid linn- wln-n the oiiimrtunlty presented Itaelf, a "mldiilght smoker" in Jackaou, .Mich., was the occaaluu for • jolUficatloQ king to be retuembered.


A. Sniitii. |>n>|iri4't«tr tho SiitiiiiHT <far

ral., l«*ft tliat |*!a»*e aorr«*ll> AiiKU»it 121. loarInK. It Ih iIhIiimmI, a iiiiiiiU of <T4'<lltorK niul otIoTg liit«T«*Nte4l a

to tUo wb/ auil wbcri'foro of bU Journe/lug

l«-aH4< 4)|| athl >%iU will lait

itTal out-


i;. .MlIN has MN'uritl a llvi* yrai .Moiiiiiain l.aki* at ('ol.

nil n|> to ilHtc |>ai'k of It. Il«> a xathlovilb* lu loiiuoriIon m*

i»r altraitloiiH. i'bo llnrvt*st lIoiiH* «'«U'bratloti at Nl- d. t’iiu-iiinatl. **., and tin* wont with wltb'li I* i»ark v^aH floH«*d for tin* wan a groat !•« oH«*. Tlio largo^i orox^da of the >*oatM*n \N *d the inland during tin* t%«o daya not apart

for the llaiv*'st lioiue ft'Htlvitlea. (Nving to a ntroet <‘ar ntrlko In Vloknlturg. Nn.. tin* |{ontoii Idoal (>iK»ra t'otnpany plnyod

ho oiigagt*tn*‘nt lHH<kod for that plaoo at t'oiu'ord ark. NHtoh*-z. Ming., to lin'r«‘anlng I»unln4‘*«<i

hi h roHohod S. U. Tin* iHiinpany detN*ln^•«t Illy «m their str«’oi ear haiitiorH for piildlolty.

W. C. .Middlotoii ha** «*hH*ot| the onitraot lo OdiiinhiiH Railroad t'oinpany for WlfdwtH.l

ark ('iduiuhiiH, (»a., for the of lia>4. riio i*oiitrnot «*alN for three attratMknis to dravv

he er«»>^d. Mr. Mhldleton hag Jnnt ch»H«‘d a ery nuooossfnl sea«*4»ii at thU park with hU ((M‘k t'otnpany.

Oxford Lake Park, at Anniston AU.. has

nevor Tiilss«*d a wts^k t»f vaudi vllle in its four t*ars* exlsteiioo. The st^son S^'ptoniN'r 2. The bill f»*r the w«ek of Angnsi 17 was

follows; The 'nir**e (Srai'es. l.udhiw Allen. The

in** Trio, jonn (feyt*r In illusiratetl pnng<* and intiving pirtiir**a.

Oi a thrilling oyd.* act imox* running In ri^ris. e PhllMdilphia ••Ni»rth Aiiiorloan" says- •All •• other i^.rlll prtHhiolng devloes In whhh men

awln*«*l tiofy tin* laws t»f gravltati<Hi. 4fiid lind- loiitall.t or sanity, must .>lehl In tlangtr to the

.. of Sags, aondki^t ami eyolUt, wbti stirring Paris. It is somewhat sltnlllar To

»• hsip sp«'t'ialty. hut Iti'tteatl t»f dying ar«Miml

N*ard oln Je. Vags takos a hair raising leap liitti the air. Ills tiesoont tif an Inollin* Pai fo<*t

Igli at tiio ttip gi\os him torrlrto lnH»etus. At s low -r Otnl the iiarr«*w path in arelied upward.

U hen Mils |Miliit Is reaohotl Vags mgui his wlio**l shtMif tlirmigh tin* air 2** ft*«*t aN»Te the grouini. I.amling t»?i a 1*010liiuatIon of tin* p]atft»rm. 2.‘»

foot away. Vags throws himself headfirst fixun

wht'ol ami lamls in a net. NihhIIoss to say iiiNoah-ulathH) In making the le,.4. would mean r«‘rtalu death.**

<1R0inNG-RUNNII^' IPXRD RDia vom.

The purM*s for the meet to l>e held at, la.. Aug 27 21», aggregate $:{.20U.

The .MonriH* t'lsinty Fair to l»e held at \V«sh|s «>.. S4*pteml»er I *1. liaa atruiig up Id

“e HiH*«*d ring. The entries elose*! August 2o. Follows the program of the raee* to be held

111 oiminstlon with the Itlalr (ounly Fair ».t .\lt<«itia. Pa., S«*pt. ir* Is; WeiliM’ittlay .'*M*pt. !t> 2:4u olass, trot or paee. piirsi* f2(a>, 2 17 I lass, irot or paoo. o|M*n to *2.15 trotters, purse $2‘n>. Thursday. S**pt 17 2 eUe». trot 14* pH<*o. o|N'ii tu 2 27 trottors. purse $2o(t, 2 22 '•la****, tnd or pH<**». 4»iM n lo 2:ii trottera, purse $2o*». a rare llmlt<*4l to Itlalr ysHiiity l»urm***. prlz4* to N* anmsino«*d later, running rao* . ime I"!!.? *’'I*<***N l*urs«* |PM». Friday. S**pt. iv 2;;k*l elasH, tnd «>r pa»*e, to 2 lndf**is. pnr**«* >2»s». fr«*e fur all. purse $2(*o. running raoe. half tiilh* ami re|M*at. pnrw f.'s*. A s|hm1.iI pnrM* of will U* givon to the first horse that breaks (lie trm K ro«ord of 2.l(l»i in any rare.

lollowliig Is tin* spt od program of tin* South Ihikota State Fair to N* In Id at VanktiMi, S. !».. S«pteiiilH*r Il ls: Tuesday. S4*pt. I.'» i. 2 **> trot, purs«* 2. 2 2o pat'e. piir»««* $2i''**t. J. N'tO rao*-, running half mile ainl ro|M‘at. purse

*'!*' JVedin*sday. S4*p|. Ki 2 2o trot, purse |2.’|(t. r». 2 «r» paoe, pur*.e $2.*s*, d. running half mile and repeat, piirm* $na>. Thursday. S^pl. II 7, ;t;ia) trot, purse |2.'si. s. free for all, Ind »»»■ pare, purs«* u. running one mile and r»p«at. purse $1.V». Frlda> S# pt. Is lo. 2 .»*» trot and 2.-IU pare, pnrm* * $2.‘hi. ||. <*<dt ra<*e, tiot or paoo half mile, for 2 yt'srs or umler, hied ill S«>uih Pak^da. hopples l»am*d, purse

There will N* fiH>t rH«*es. sack rao#*s, shjw riires. w|n«‘lharrow raoes. thro«* leggi‘«l raoes, f<ir lllieral purHos ev»*ry aftermsui. |.'’sai re- Moved f«»r s)H*4’lals. Ponies must md Ih* ovi*r 11*^ hands high. Fntrain'e for running raoes In |MT r**til., wliloh must aooompnny «ntry. All trotting and paolng raoes to In* In hariit*ss. mile ln*ats thri*o In flv**, oxoept that all harness ra* ♦•s otnl with .Mb honl. ooll raoes in half mile lionls. lH*st two In three. riu. entries 111 tiMt- ting and paolng rates will rloso at In p. lu.,

NS • dnea4lny. SepiemlHT >*. Tin* entries t^ run* ulng rats^s ohwe at 7 p. m,. ev«*nltig lH*f«ira <la\ of raoes. Aiiieilean Trotting AsMsiatioii nilea govern trotting and paolng. Atiierl'an luieliig nih's tt» govern running. Ueeorda made after S4‘ptember b no har. NValter li. Deau. Rccretary.

'I. ''lli:ii''r;Willi n 'cthip;


wallii owln({ to t\it‘ artlvlty of the tC'-utlemau with iiuHtr iH(t ■■!(] hriLih. tl.aUKhter.t Itlll- |•u«tillK liuil ht<.oui>.‘ a Vfry i;r<-at iiiiluslry, and all the eueii;j' and ahllity displayed 111 It waa eoii.-eiitrated and erystulized in the t lilted l<ill;Mmler»' A«M«'iallon. I Hear, heari. That «a* a llltii'K posilh.n of thiiiKM. They were llvliiit in Lii iiKe of trade iinionUni. He b»-- lleved it to he essential that every protesHlon, trade or ealllnjr liHinld have its |tro|a*r travle union, vvhhh tendeil to the la'uetlt of tlioai' Intelested. He had no •piarrel with any trade iiuloii, eieept wlien It usurped to itsidf fuuc- lions whleh did lait heloiiK to it, and attempted to enforee vlew'a hy e<a-reiou or intiiiiidatiiHi uiaiii those wim did not see eye to I'ye with it. (Applause.) lie nfmiuiUHle*) tile ezisleiiee, in euiineetion with this Aasoelatlun, of a Cenaur- thlp Coiumittire, whleh, as far as possible, en¬ deavored to eoutrol the publleatlou of sueh advrertlsemeuts as miKht he considered improper or uudeslrahle. NothiuK could be more beue- tlelal to their busluess. lie should like to know- If it was within the scope of the Asso- ilatlon to apply some sort of artistic method to tlllpostiiiK. The Kreatest I'hiUstlue aniouipvt theta must sometimes have observed with regret the aiipearauee uism hoardings of advertise¬ ments which offended the artistic taste as to color, and were also iueongruous as far as elassitleatlou weut. He ventured to suggest that the Association would add greatly to its usefillm-ss if it considered the advisildllty ol cheeking in some way the artistic misuse of certain stations.

The President's Speech.

The President said the chief characteristic ot the .Vssoi'latIon's work hud been distinguish-


Neets in AnnukI Convention n.t Ply-

mouth. Fourteen Yemrs of



laist year llrltalu's billi>osters held their an¬ nual conference at Scarliorougn In the north of liuglaudi Uiia year, Plymouth In Cornwall— oue of the southerumost points, was selected, tx-caslou may be taken to point out that Eng¬ land's blUpostlug magnates show considerable foretliought in choalng a aeaslde resort, since they are thus enabled to combine business with pleasure and health; fur Plymouth, in addition to being a mvMt lutereatlng place, boasts of the loveliest fresh air Imaginable. It will, perhaps, nut be out of place to mention that the town la celebrated for its Uoe a favorite prvMuenade; the Saltash Itrldge, a One examide of engineering skill; Mount Kdgeoimlie; the Island to which Sir Francis Drake, the intrepid mariner, has given hla name; the Spanish Ar¬ mada memorial; the old Itarbicaii. from which the historic •'.Mayrtower” sailed for America, and the famous Kddy stone Light liousv. During the evenings the members of the AssiH’iatiou made merrv at the Im-al tneaires, went boating ill the hartwr, and amused themselves lu othe'-

The above picture of 11. J. itowe Is a striking .. the recently elected popular and pro-

preshlent of the Sviuthwestern States which is one of the

gressive itilllHsiters' Association, .. ... stnmgest business organizations in that section of tile country Hy a unanimous vole lie was elected by the conveiitioii to this idace of trust jiinl tile eoiiventioii sliovved gissi Judgment in selev-tiiig this journalist and husiness man to liial iM».vition. .Mr. Kowe is a native of Jack- xiii t'oiinty, (ia.. and is tlilrty-three years of age. He is in cliarge of the ‘'.Xtlieiis Kauner," vvlileh lias teaclied the front rank among South- •rn nevv--|iais-rs. In isilities lie is an ardent Deiiserat. and is now a nieintier of the State lieimsratlc Kxeciitive fommitlee. lie is also tile inuniiger of the .Vtheiig 0|iera ami lias ls*en Hinv < ssfiil in liringing to that city as iilgli a grade ot attractions as are to lie seen in any . Ily of its size in the great Sisitlilaiid. In any ui->veinent vvlileli tie inaugurates he -liows liie Kiiiiie spirit of progretevlveiiess whieli las made for him a ida<'e in |iiilille alTairs. .Mr. Itovve is a regular siibserllier of ••The Mlll- tioard.”


tlinle and Ihuiiieily weut to (iermauy from Kiiglaiid.

John .Mtsire has Is-en touring Scotland lu •■oiiiiiHiiy wltli Ilailie .Me.Mlllau.

Tom .Miirplir was a vislllor at the Knglisii Hlll|Mr<ter8' t.'on veil lion at PlyUHHith.

Tile Newark (N. J.) illllisvsling Company liave iiist ailded to tlieir soliciting force .Mr. P. A. lillford.

Jack guiiiii, of lasal No. 3. Pittsliurg, Pa., left tliat city, .\ugust l*o, to J.du the Zig Zag Alley eoni|>uoy at i•|liladelpIlTa.

Irving Hill has just added to his plant at laivvrence. Kan.. h’.'Jj feet of new lioarils to icpiiiee some waslied av ay liy the recent UoikIs.

J. I.. Hoff, fornierly editor ot the ••Itlll- issiter and Distritiutor." lias aei-eided a very gissi iswifion with the Asiowiated Itlllposters' I’rotis-tlve. Co.

•Mr. ('has. Colley, of Iss-al No. .3, Pittsburg, l‘a , was rtseiitly married to .Miss Maliel Kauf- iiaiii of that city, and is receiving the best w islies of Hie Isiys there.

ciias. Joseph. President of the National Al- llaiiee of Itiil Posters ami Itlllers of America, left |■lttsburg. Pa.. August 2.'., for the East oo niiHiiiess for ibe orgauiAi^tiun.

5, and Paul Weaver, of IsM'ai No. IS, both of whom are uow with

The lland-wiiiieNew (Hticesof Walter Hill Ac Co.. lAyndon's I.d-adlng Billposters.

would result ill more work for the printer, as smaller ty|>c w.sild be m-ed. slueh bills are of little use to advertisers. Aud, what is more,

tile large loha-ed (swlers give far mure work to lliv employed, who. uaturally, beuetlt there- by. •

"t's, there are |Hs>ple who have uo sympathy with tile usetul |>arl played by posters. lu addition to |•rovjdlng reuumeratlve employment to mauy tss>|de, tlie puldle tluds them to tie exeevsilugly iis-lul. lor they tell of the exUt- eiiee ot -erlaiii Is-neneial coluiiHsIltles of whleh tile luiblie might otherwise kuow nothing. They tell lioihlay-makers of cheap railway excursions and ot iiuldle i:>eetlngs, lu fact they fulDll their imns-se In the tn-st tHsvslble way. If the sua- v-eplildlllles ot uii|iraetleal pvvple were to be i-oiisiderevl, excursion trains would lie nearly empty, and cummeree would be crippled.••

"t'oiieerts. thealrk-al is-rfurmauees and so fortli are Iwst adverllsed on the billboards, for iniinagcrs eaiinot afford to take sulUclent space lu iH-wspais-rs lu isiiitalu a poster, nut 4‘veii a small out-. Nor will it be so effv-ctive as wli.-n displayed on a billboard or wall."

s, the bllllsiarda are more in re<|Uest than eve.-. rii<s.e wliu have anything to aell rec¬ ognize tliat su< U [iubilelty is ueveasary to ef¬ fect a sale. .Mortsiver. after a commodity has Ins'u intrisliicetl in Hits uiaiiiier, it coats the purcliHs<-t less."

It Is iiileresling to isde that a large number of the bills ulsplayi'd on laiudou bllltioaiila and otiicr are lawled lu the tnteresTs of .Viiii-rlcaii gisMis. ’llius, the "Sunuy Jim" and "Jim l>uiii|is'^ ismtera whleh advertise "Force" are to la.' s«vu all over lonalon, whilst Hie •'Smart Set" (msler has king lieeu the envy of the iiroprlctora of English maga- rincs. 'File •'Slinalded Wheat.*• •'tjuaker Mats,"

Ivlpaiis" and •'IHIe Heaiis'^ pewters are also |iromliicnt on lauidoiCs billtsvards, aud excel- h lit iHisiers till y are. Indeed, American pos¬ ter wiirk is far in advaiiw of some of that of which llrltish arthls are guilty.

An American TIaitor.

There was present .Mr. .Murphy, of Itrouklyn, who was received enthusiastically, the mem- Iwrs rememla<ring the kindness of .American IHWIi-riiieii to the llrltish delegates last year.

A Notable Speech at the Annual Dinner. Mr. T. it. lieake. of the Port of Plymouth

Chaiiils'r of Coiiiiiierw, pro|s)sed ••Success to the I nllevi lllll|MiBters^ Assoclalioii." The toast, he vdiscTVisI, must bring to their minds the vast dlfferymcv In present day methods of trading couiparevl Nvltli thvsve adopted by their forefathers. It was an apt illustration of the parody n|sv:i the well-known Shaki-aperlan line, ••Sweet an* the uses of advertisement.” Now- _

adays one could hardly see the stones In hlslng fur IWH.

ed by Its educatkiual nature, much to say that the schued lu which they a great extent C business, thereby

directly and indirectly affecthig This educatkiual iiidueuce, with Self-Improvement, v.L.r worked out its own salvation, prevented

It was nut too •tsMs-lation had been a

had learned to solve to the problems affecting their

-j liiereasiiig and broadening Hie know levige of the members in all matteis

' _ trade, leuce, eontemiNiraueous whereby the trade had

_ v.;k..i. or, at any rat«. _- its destruction, ' '

Oiled to the members alone; lufuruiatkm municipal

ager of the Springer AdvertUliig ServPe toliimbua, Ga.. in the place of F. V. Pe son, who resigned to take charge of tbe I Hard Service at Savannah, Ga. O.)'"' writes as follows from Far tlty III.: I have on hand a Little Outcast l>er for the -American Posting Service. Chlci |ia|ier for the Indian Ointment L'om'pany lAiuls. .Mo., and four ks al clothing houses

S«cretary of the Assucii llill|iust( rs and Distributors of the L'n States and Canada has been located in K I.'Hl Tribune Building, Chicago. III., and <-urres|K>ndence Intended for Mr. Charles Hard should be addressed accordingly.

II. Tribble baa bought out C. C. Trlbl plant at Yoakum. Tex. He has space for sheets listed and 2<it> sheets C. M O tioards are now covered with Oeino 'ci Old Mrgtnia Cheroots, and Richards and I gles .Minstrel's jiaper till August 1» He fsu-ts excellent prospects for fall and wl

. it had also s|>read to Its true character amongst corporatlou ottl'-ials, members

aud a large sectiou of the puh- , .. ... . doing had esiabllshed its right

to lie treated as oue of the great industrk-s of the country, jierfurmiiig a work useful and lieiiellelsl, es|ie<-ially to the great masses of their iwsiple. From Its inception till uow the .AsMH’lalioii had had a strenuous light against (low erf 111 enemies. Influenced by the outcry of faddists who set up a highly questkmable standard of beauty, and who were sublimely niiisHisekius of utility, or the commercial and MH-ial neevis of the people. l-ocal governing issiies had sought iHiwers from Parliament to circiimscrilw and. it might Iw. wladly prohibit the public display of pictorial aud other pla¬ cards. The cenv-esskui of such (lowers would not only be siitiservise to lllwrty, but would also de|irive the (luldk- of a convenient means of getting informatlou which concerned tliem in many ways. l*urther it would strike a blow at ct>mmerelal euter|irise gcueraliy, aud se¬ riously Injure several s|ieelal Industries. In Hieir struggle they liad bad to contend again.-! uiunlci|isl and corisvrate isHlIes innumerable, the IsHiikm County Council, and again and again in the committee rooms of Parliament: and though they bad not emerged from the light unsv-athed, they had gained the Increase*! restiect of ui>iionenla—a restiect which would make for future iH-ace. Inspired by this ho(>o. animated by a determination to bring their business Into perfect aci'ord with public 8<-n- tlmeut, they bad i*onfldence that they would leave to their successors an improved and In¬ creasing heritage. (Applause.)

Bailie .McMillan b|H>ke in behalf of American lsisterni>*n, (laying many compliments and In- iinlging III exotic dowers of speech.

Offleers Elected.

Mr. Walter Hill was ri*-elected president, and .Mr. .A. K. Richardson Bootle, trlce-|>resi- dent. Mr. Elmer, of Bristol, was elected a memlier of the committee—the first time In

DISTR3UT0R8' NOTU. Mr. W'. S. Young has distributed medical

books for the Boston Medicine Company and Dr. Edsown's institute, three distributions: six hundred booklets for the Peruna I>rug Com- (lany at Farmer City. 111.

There would not be so much complaint about the •'handbill nuisance" if every distributor was cognizant of the fact that every time be rings a fnvnt diwr bell he is antagonizing his own interest!*. The lady of the house dues not like to go to the door In answer to a sum¬ mons, only to be han<led a booklet by a dlatrlb-

(Contlnued on page 20.)


OXT.—Sterling Fair. Sept. 112 anil 2;i. i!to;{.

STo.vY rUEKK, OX'T.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 2.'. lltUl.

STUATFOUn. OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oit. 7. 11H>3 Jewelrv SI NUKIIHIK. OXT.—Agrl. Fair. s«-pt. 24. llto;!. Clialrman. ™ •'* TAIUSTIM'K. OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22. SAVANNAH, GA —South Georgia Aaaoelatlon

A ■ ■ STAXDISII. MICH.—Arenac County Fair. Sept. ATLANTA. GA.—Southern Interatate Fair. Oct. 1-4. InclualTe. 1003. ■ BIaASMIvIAA 24-2»;. IncluKlve. Jerome Andrewa, l*rea.; J. 7-2.'. I'.to.'i. K. C. I’elera. Frea.; John K ilOllINStIN. ILL.-^rawford County Fair. Sept. ■ A. Itankln. Treas.; ,Tn«. Daugharty, Secy. Ottley, Treaa.: Frank Weldon, Secy. 21.1..’>. 11*03. C. V. Coulter, Swy. will III WUI ■■WWlilllwW STIRLING. OXT —Sterling Fair. Sept. 22 and LKXIXGTON, GA.—Oglethoriie County Fair, RtK-HELLK. ILU—County Fair. Sept. 15-18,

Whnioa.ia PriMa Of! flnaelal 1^* 1!*0;{. Oct. 2*!-31. Inclusive. John Kik>x, Frea.; 1903. tl^Tjr^alrT^Picnic*^ate ^ : .'^ToXY CREKK, t*XT.—.\grl. Fair. Sept. 2,'.. C. Sinllh. Sei-y. SA.NOWICIl. lLL.--^ndwleh Fair Aaan. Sept tlea ror raira, Fl.niw, aw. . MACON. GA.—Georgia State Fair. Oct. 21-31. «-U. liiclHalre. IlKU. 11. A. Serery Free..

Confetti, Return Balls, Flags, STUATFORI*. oXT—Agrl. Fair. 0<t. 7. 11H>3. 11H>;1. Jo«. Uloch, Treaa.; Oeo. a. smith, F. 8. Moaher. Treaa.; C. L. Stlnaon. Secy. Balloons PennV Goods Jewelrv SCXORHIGK. «*XT.—Agrl. Fair. s«-pt. 24. llto;!. chairman. SIIKLHWILLL. ill.—Shelhy County Fair. MMOOns, Kenny UOOUS, JCWCiry, -j OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22. F.al3. SAVANNAH, GA —South Georgia Aaaoelatlon 8«‘Pt. 8-12, luelualTe, 1003. J. C. Weatervelt. Fireworks, Decorations, Toys. TF.KSWATER, oXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oet. S. ll*t»3. Fair. Not. 5-15. 1003. a. B. Moore. Secy. Frea.; Chaa. E. Kellar, Treaa.; O. A. ItoberU.

Price List Free. fllRASHEItS ^CIIRNKBS, OXT.-^Agrl.^ Fair. IDAHO. SFRlSGFIKI.n ILU—llBuola State Fair. Sent, r- , nni/'iiir' uoo cj. I • BOISE. IBAllO—Idaho State Fair. Oct. 12-17. 20-Oct. .1. IWXl. Jaa. K. Olcklraon. Frea.; W. r ABKICIUS, .*.■ St. LOUIS. TILLSOXBCRG. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 30, Inclualve. 1903. J. B. Stetaou, Secy. „ t . ... . .

’ Broadwaj ,5^^., CALDWELL. IDAHO.—Canrou (X)unty Fair WAiShKA, ILL.—Iroquola County lair. Sept. TORRIL. OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 3 11*03. «Kt. 7-10, InelualTe. 1903. D. D. Campl>ell, 1-^., l>*0d H. H. llotollng, Frea.; W. A.

_ WALKERTOX. OXT.—Fair. Sept. 23 and 24. Free.; W. B. Sebree, Treaa.; L. 8. DIU. ' I^T_Ma^ - *_ \VALL.\CETOWX, OXT.—Agrl. Fair. tVt. 2, Secy. " rw r LEWISTON. IDAIIO.-Uwlston Interatate 14-16. 190J L. F. Manly. Secy.

A W \VARK\V<*RI II, OXT.—Warkworth Fair. (*( t. Fair. Oct. 26-31, 19**3. U. C. Beach. Free.; WENO.XA ILL.—MarMiall County Fair. Sept 6 and 7. J. T. Bay, Treaa.; Van W. Uaahrouck. Secy. 16-18. 19<M. Mtle Thierry. Secy.

' 'V.ATFOBl*. <*XT.—Watford Fair. Oi t. 2. TTTTvnra '‘'*.‘''.^“2 FAISA WHICH HAVX HOT BESH FUBUBHXD " ELL.VXl*. oXT.—.\grl. Fair. Oet. 14. ILLINOIS. ' L 190J. H. I . Barnea, Irea., W. 1. FAIBB WHICH ^VH MT Bira FWBUBMD p„,r, Sept. 15-17. In ALEDO. ILL.—Mercer County Agrl. Fair. Boatoii. freaa.; C. L. IMlllama. Secy.

IN THIS LIST BEFOBE. elualve. 15-18. luclualve. 11*03. W. D. Emeraon, Sei'y IMDIAMA

TEESWATElt, OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oet. 8. 118)3. THESSAIA*X. OXT.—Fair. Oct. 8. 1903. TIlilASHEUS COUNEBS, OXT.—Agrl. Fair.

F8>;!. TILI.SOXBCBG, OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 30,

1903. TORHIL. OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oet. 3. 11*03. WALKERTOX. OXT.—Fair. Sept. 23 aud 24. WALLACETOWX, OXT.—Agrl. Fair. tVt. 2,

l'.ai3. \V.\RK\V<*RTII, OXT.—Warkworth Fair. <*(t.

6 and 7. W.VI'FORl*. <*XT.—Watford Fair. Oet. 2.

ept. ATLANTA. GA.—Southern Interatate Fair. Oct. 1-4. inelualre. 1003. J. 7-25, liat3. E. C. Felera, Frea.; John K ROBINSON. ILL.—Crawford County Fair. Sept.

Ottley. Treaa.; Frank Weldon, Secy. 22-25, UM*3. C. V. Coulter, Swy. and LEXINGTON, GA.—Oglethoriie County Fair, BtK'HELLE. ILI,.—County Fair. Sept. 15-18,

Oet. 2*!-31. Inclusive. John Kiaix, Frea.; 1903. 25 tleii. C. Smith Sei-y. SA.NOWICH, ILL.—Sandwieh Fair Aaan. Sept

MACON. GA.—Georgia State Fair. Oct. 21-31, 8-11, iiiclualre. 1903. H. A. Serery Free.. IH*3. 11H>;1, Joa. Bloch, Treaa.; Oeo. A. Smith, F. 8. Moaher. Treaa.; C. L. Stlnaon. Secy. l*o;i Chairman. SHELBIVILLE, ILL.—Shelhy County Fair. ‘.8*3. SAVANNAH, GA —South Georgia Aaaoelatlon 8«‘Pt. 8-12, Imlualre, 1903. J. C. Weatervelt. I8i3. Fair. Nor. 5-15. 1903. A. B. Moore. Secy. Frea.; Chaa. E. Kellar, Treaa.; O. A. ItoberU.

„)r IDAHO. SFm.SGFIELD. ILI,.—Illtuola State Fair. Sept. BOISE. IDAHO—Idaho State Fair. Oct. 12-17. 26-Oet. 3. I90;i. Jaa. K. Dickiraon. Frea.; W.

30. Inelualre. 1903. J. B. Stetaou. Secy. „ t^ 0«''r«''<l. S'ff-

Fair. Nor. 5-15. 1903. A. B. Moore. Secy.

IDAHO. BOISE. IDAHO—Idaho State Fair. Oct. 12-17.

Ineloslre, 1903. J. B. Stetaou, Secy. CALDWELL, IDAHO.—Canyou (Xiunty Fair kLDWELL, IDAHO.—Canyou (Xiunty Fair WAiSEKA. ILL.—Iroquola County Fair. Sept,

ikt. 7-10, Inelualre. 1903. D. D. Campliell. 1-^. H. H. Ilotullng, Frea.; W. A. Free.; W. B. Sebree, Treaa.; L. 8. DIU. Conley, Tnaa.; I^ F. Wataon, Secy. S^T. WATSON, ILL.—Kltlngham County Fair. Sept. Secy.

LEWISTON. IDAHO.-I.ewl8ton Fair. Oct. 26-31, 1903. U. C. J. T. Bay, Treaa.; Van W. Uai

14-16. 1903. L. F. Mauly, Secy.

WI.XGIIA.M. O.XT.—Agrl. ^■Mir. Sept. 25. lixi;:. .VTLA.NTA. ILL.—Ixigan County Fair. Kept

AI.KX AXHKIA. OXT.—Agrl. Fair. .Si-pt. 9 and lUi;;. Hi. \\ Y<IMIXG, o>

AI.NHIXTK, OXT.—Almonte Fair. Sept. 22 24. __ _ .\LVIXSTOX, <iXT.—.Xlvlnatoii Fair. Oet. 8. AMEI.IASBCR*;. <IXT. Agrl. Fair. Oct. 2 V • J

iiiid 3. 1903. ■ ^ AXCASTEK. <IXT.—Fair. Sej.l. 2;!. I!8i3. HAUKIE. OXT. —Agrl Fair. .Sept. 29, Oct. 1.

liii'ln-iive. BLAMSVII.Li:. 0X1 Agrl Fair. Oet. 2. 1903 BKHFORIi. 1“.\. Iledforil County Fair. Oct.

0 8. inclusive. r. 1'. Gephart, ITes.; Wm. ClBMlNGHAM I'deliidtz. S«*ey. <K*t. 15.24 I

F.V.irr.T.x, (IXT.—.\grl. Fair. Oct. 7, 1903. Frea.’ Jno’ 1 111XBit*nIK. iiXT.—Fair. Oct. 13. BLEXHF.IM iiXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 9. 19*13. IlLYTllE, <iNT.—Blythe Fair. Oct. 6 and 7, CLABKSVILLE

WO«lLER. OXT.—WiK.ler Agrl. Fair. Oit. 9. 1!8i:;.

\\ Y*IMIXG, *IXT.—Agrl. Fair. Sipt. 25, 118i3.

1-4, inclualve, 190.3. W. B. Strand. Secy. AVON, ILL.—Avon Fair. Sept. 8-11. Inclualve.

19o3. D. R. Bowton. Frea., Julian Churchill,

BKLVIDERE. ILL.—Boone County Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. 1-4, iiielualve, 19*13. John

Boatoii. Treaa.; C. L. Wllllama, Secy.


ANDKKS**N. INI*.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-4, lo- clualvc, 118»;i. Thoa. B. Orr. Frea.; 1*. II. l*urhln. Seey.

ANGOLA, IND.—Steuben OHiuty Fair. 0<-t. 6-9, Inclualve, 19*13. C. C. Carllu. Frea.. Heury Linder. Treaa.; Orrlllr Goodale. Seey. W • J f W• Society Fair. Sept. 1-4. luclualve, 19**3. John Heury Linder. Treaa.; Orrlllr Goodale. Soiy

■ « M ^ I Hannah. Frea.; Wm. G. Greenlee. Treaa., M. hkDFOKD, IND —Bedford Fair. Aaan. Sept. 1 fAXA 1 Ferklna. Se<y. 5. Inelualre, 190;i. W. A. Brown, Treaa.; 8

^ ^ Wr ill.—Bradford Fair, Sept. 22 24. t. Zollman, Secy. BBADFORD, ILL.—Bradford Fair, Sept. 22 24. Inclusive. I*. J. Hlekey, Secy.

CAMAKGG. ILL.—Douglaa Co. Fair, Sept. 8-11. 1903. Oeo. A. Hainea, Secy.

B**o.XEVlLLK. IM*.—Big Boonerllle Fair. Sept 2-5, Inclualve, F8i3. C. Felaer, Frea., J. F lUehardaou. Seey.

IBMlNGHAM. ALA.-Alahama State Fair. “'loN. IND.-IViurlKin Aaan. Fair. Oct *Kt. 15-24, Inclusive, 1903. Allen J. Krebs, ?;®v,ld-I6, 19**3. B. W. Farka, Secy. Frea.- Jno W O'NeU Secy *'• Intn*™!. Treaa.; B. L. Organ. Secy. KKAZIL, IM*.—Braxll Fair aud Bacliig Aaau

^ C.AULINVILLE. ILL.—Macoupin County Fair sept. 1-5. loclualre. 19*«. John Daugherty ARKANSAS. Oct. 6-9, Inelualre, 1903. A. Batea, Frea.;

A. M. Boring, Treaa.; Geo. J. f'aatle. Secy. Frea.; Geo. H. Morgel, Treaa.; Arthur D. Darla., Seey.

tOGEES, ABK.—Arkanaaa Stata Fair. Sept. 8eiy. 29-Oct. 2. inclnatre. Elwood J. Boblnaon. m . i-.i- Inelualre. Ed. Bedmau. Secy.

BUKIDF.N, ONT—Agrl Fair. **ct. 6. 1903. gecy. CldNTON, ILL.—Dewitt County lair. Kept. loNVElLSK. IND.—Courerac Fair. Sept. 1-5. BK*M KVILLE. oXT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 15-17. ' CALEFOBNIA. . Hartsoek, Swy. Inelualre. 1903.

Inclusive. ei-bpka rat _nth ni.» a. e.i, '''Jit*',COVTXGTOX. IXD—Fountain. Warren and Ver- BiM'CE MINES. OXT —Agrl Fair. Sept. 30. li ^P*- 15-18. Inclusive. 1903. C. IL Ewlna, million Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-5, 1903. Feter

19**,!. ^Pl: •• f- Ires., L. Johnson, Treaa.; Jno. 8. Fopple. ,)*t. Frea.; 0. W. Wllllama, Treaa.; Boas de

®*Ty. luolusire. Ed. Bedman. Secy. CldNTON, ILL.—Dewitt County Fair. Sept. loX VERSE. IND.—Converse Fair. Sept. 1-5.

8-11. Inclusive, 1903. C. M. Hartaock, Secy. Inelualre. 11^.

FAT T ^ fl\'r Virrl Fiilr Sent 30 ^ TrCAJ.J Ws La Lftiub^rta S^Ja S^Ja llavi»n * *

1903.‘ .. ‘ Brl^te^er’ CBAWFOKDSVILLE. IND—Montgomery Co. CAMFBF.LLFORI*. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 24 J®?®- Branstetter, inclnalre. HKU. W. J. Smith. Frea.; y.p.. 8<.pt. 8-11. 1903. W. F. Hnlet. Secy.

and 25. Pniat Ae ^. GROWN FoINT, IM*.—I.ake County Fair. Sept. CASTLETON. *iXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 8. 1903. **'P‘- 1-*. Inelualre. 1903. T. A. Beattie. Free.; CASTLETON. *IXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 8. 19< *:*)E HILL. OXT —Agrl Fair. Oct. 1. 1903 ricultnral Fair. William Grlflln, Secy. 14-18, 1903. Geo. B. Centess. Secy.

* *81KSTOWN, *)XT. Cisikstowii Fair. Oct. 14, *F Rnah***I^B.-*^ H i o‘.““ a* v‘ LTICATUB. ixb.—Great Northern IndUna Agrl. 1903. r Sept. 22-25, Inelualre. 190*. Oeo. Trie

CO*>KVILLE. ILL.-CiM.kvllle Fair. Sept. 24- L«wden, Secy. lAIRBLRY ILL.--!^bnry Fair. Aug. 31- ker. Frea.: B. B. Schug. Treaa.; T. H. Uarrta, \iuuLKi, ILL.—raiTDury Fair. Aug. si- Sept. 4. 1903. J. W. McDowell. Frea.; M. M. Jacobs. Secy.

DITNDXLK tixi —\grl Fair Sept. 30 Oct. MONTROSE, COL.—Western S'-qie Fair, Sept. FBEEFOKT, ILL.—Northern Illlnola Agrl. Aaan. 1 19**3, ' • I- • ^ , 26-28. 1903. Fair. Sept. 1-5. Inclniire, 19*)3. J. E. Tag-

DFRIIAM. ONT.—.Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22, 190-3. FUKBLO, COL.—Colorado State Fair. Sept. 14- „ Hollister, Secy.

26, Incluslre. COLORADO. VfP^i “*<^48iweii, trea., M. Berue, Ind., Secy. COB**lJRG. ONT —Agrl. Fair. .S»-pt. 24 and 25. r.v .u .... .... EVANSVILLE. IND.-TrI-State Fair, Sept. 14 DITNDALK, OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 30, Oct. MONTROSE, COL.—Wertem S'- qie Fair, Sept. FItLEI OKT, ILL.—Northern Hl^la AgrL ^u. pj luclualve. C. C. Glreus. Gen. Mgr.

1, 19**3 26-28. 1903. F«lr. Sept. 1-5. Inclut re 1903. J. E. T«*g- roRT WAYNE. IND.-Fort Wayne Fair. Oet. DFRIIAM. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22, 190-3. FUKBLO, COL.—Colorado State Fair. Sept. 14- gart FrM.; T. H. Hollister, Secy. 13-17, Inelualre. 1903. A. Jobusoo. ITaa., ELMVAI.E. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. »*ct. 6 and 7. 18, Inelualre, 1903. A. Sonneborn, Frea.; T. GALE.NA. ILU-^alena Fair. Sept. 2»-0ct. 2, ep,, MeCXilloch. Treaa.; W. A. Johnson. Secy. FARMINGTON MASS—Farmington Valley H. Devine, Trees.; J. Shlreman. Secy. Vl- Barnea, Secy. HUNTINOBl BG. IND.—DuboU Connty Fair.

Fair. Sept. 1* and 1<*. 118.;t. ROCKY FORD. COLO.—Agr l. Fair. Sept. 2-4. GOL*:ONDA. ILU-Fom County Fa r. Sept. 1903, ehaa. Monbana. Free.; FEVKBSHAM. O.XT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 2, 1903. Inelualre. J. W. Beatty, Free.; H. A. ^Oct. 3, Incluslre, 1903. H. V. Uesselmen. g. W. Ftckardt, Secy.; H. DufeDdaeb, Trees. FLOBENCE. OXT.—Agrl. Fair. f)ct. 3, 1903. Lawley, Trees.; G. M. Hall. Secy. ,,, k. 1 .. c. . <• . Hl'STIXOTO.N. LSD.—Unutlngton County Fair, F**ltKST. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. **<t. 1, 1903. CONHECTICIIT i.;L. *^P*- ‘“<-'“»>»e. 1903. Bobt. Slroonton. FOUT ERIE. OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 1, 1903. CONHECTIICUT. ^pt. 1-5, Inclnalre. 19W. ^ M. Arthur, Free., i»rea.; Jnllua Dick, Treaa.; A. 8. Beck, Secy. FKAXKFOKD, ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 17 and BEBLIN, CONN.—The Berlin Fair. Sept. 23-24. „,p„, rSJ?*'*’,, , piir A..n l-M»lANAFOLIS. IND.—Indiana State Fair.

18. 11813. F. L. Wilcox. Free.; F. H. Shaw, Treaa.; W. ^"a ' H Vh^tt ‘“‘•'“•H*- I"*®- I-- TI»o“ip- GORi: BAY. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Oet. 2. 1903. w. ChrlatUn. M. D.. Seey. “t' l®y®J son. Free.; J. W. l-agrann. Trees.; Chaa. GRAND VAId.EY. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 14. RUaNFORD, CONN.—Big Branford Fair. Sept. jo\ ii?T * it I —will ta Hcwning. Boom 14, State Honse. Secy. GUANT (TTY, MO.—Fair and Stock Sale. Sept. 7-I0. Inclislre, 1903. Ixiuia A. Flak. xU '' ha ^ ' KENDALLVILLK. IND.—Eaatern IndUna Agrl.

8-11. inclualve. Haven, Conn . Mgr. jl>XKSH*)HO HI —'■'•‘i- Sept. 28-Oct. 2. 1903. W. C. Brooae. ^ IS-lIhlS^lna re^’ llU S T.^ F^ i Te*"- ->• »• Coulogu..

ELMVAI.E. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. r*ct. 6 and 7. FARMINGTON M ASS—Farmington Valley

F'alr. Sept. 1* and 1'*. 118>;i. FEVKBSHAM. O.XT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 2, 1903. FLOBENCE. OXT.—Agrl. Fair. f)ct. 3, 1903. F**ltKST, ONT.—Agrl. Fair. **<t. 1, 1903. FOUT ERIE. OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 1, 1903. FKAXKFOKD, ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 17 and

GOBI: BAY. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Oet. 2. 1903.

ir »*ct! 6 and 7. 18, Inclnalre, 1903. A. Sonneborn, Frea.; T. GALENA. ILL.—Galena Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2, armington Valley H. Devine, Trees.; J. Shlreman. Secy. InclMlre 1^. W. Barnea Secy. Cl ROCKY FORD, COLO.—AgrT. Fair. Sept. 2-4, GOLCONDA, ILU—Fope County Fair. Sept. Fair Oct 2 1903 Inelualre. J. W. Beatty, Free.; H. A. 30-Oct. 3, incluslre, 1903. H. V. Uesselmen. ilr. f)ct. 3, i903. Lawley, Trees.; G. M. Hall. Secy. 11, ^ ^ 1 ^ . v •

1 inoa _ GRELNUF. ILL.—Cumberland Connty Fair. hair Oct. 1 1903. COHHECTICTJT. Sept. 1-5, Inclnalre. 1903. F. M. Arthur, Free.;

Fair. Sept. 17 ami BEBLIN. CONN.—The Berlin Fair. Sept. 23-24. h/g1H AX^^'ilI'^—Vadllhi''count^Filr Aean F. L. Wilcox. Free.; F. H. Shaw, Treaa.; W, <int thmalre iSdt A H SchTrt

iir 0<-t. 2 190.7. W Christian. M. D.. Secy. “P*- inelualre, 19U3j __A. H. Sebott, Frea.; F. Slegrlat. Treaa.; J. N. Stokes, Secy.

*>ct. 1. Incluslre. HARKISTOX. <*NT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 2r.. HARRl>W. ONT—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 7. HKJHG.VrE, OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 13. 190.1. HFXTSVH.LE. OXT.—.Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22 and 7. 1903. C. H. Eraru, Secy. ' “V.'ir' In<4niitr»'“‘it8w”' ®*P*- *"*• lncl“«l»». HXC- John M. Cason.

23. COLLINSVILLE. CONN.—Farmington Valley * h Treaa Lan°^aS^’ i'ret.. F. II. Ynndh. Trees.; C. W. Trarls. JARVIS. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 9. 1903. AgrT. Corporatkin Fair. Sept. 9-10, 1903. Treaa., Len SmaU. K. AG.AW*>NG. **NT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 9, 19*)3. E. A. Hough, Secy. KEWa'nEE ILL. Kewane# Dlatrlrt Fair Sent ' FORTE. IND.—La Fort County Fair. Sept. KIUKTOX. O.XT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 2. 1903. DANBURY. CONN.—Danbnry Agrl. Fair. Oct. Lil inclnalre 19*)3 John FUcher I-*' 1“®®- B. Bowell. Secy. LAIRD. OXT—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 5, 1903. 5-10. 1903. 8. H. Bundle, Free.; O. M. KNOXVIl LE ILL—Kmx Conntr'Fal^^' Bent t-«BERTV. IND.—Union County Fair. Sept. 1-4. L AMARLF. OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Sept. 30. 1903. Bundle. Secy. 1^ R W Sw^Lr sScr ' Inclnalre. 1903. S. M. Lafnae. Treaa.; MUton L. AXSDOWNE, O.XT.-.Agrl. Fair. Sept. 21 and GOODSFEED. CONN^Falr. ^Pt- 24-25. 19OT, LIBERTY'VII.LE. ILL.-!f“ke *^Jiy Agrl. Fair. air. r ,2 . -m

22. F. Saxon, Maplewood Besort, Secy. Sent l-i Incinaive inns w v \inier Pvm - MADISON. IND.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 7-12, Incln- I.BiN S HEAD. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 6. 1903. GRANBY, CON.N.—Grauhy F.ilr. *dutea cot g W p-rVrniit . q ' r ^ alre, 1903. Geo. F. Harper, Secy. LITTLE CFKRENT. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. a get). C. U. Demlng. Secy. > *•. cnnrchlll. JND.—Montileller Fair. Sept.

1903. GUILFORD. CONN.—Guilford Fair, Sept. 30. MARTINSVILLE III _Clark Conntr Fair 8-11. Inelualre. 1903. H. C. Zelgler. Frea., L1ST«*WEL. OXT —Agrl. Fair. Sept. 30, 1^. 1903. Bobt. De F. Bristol. Secy. gfpV 15.19 m^iuiive 1^ T E Dleklnalm' Be^t Paxton. Treaa.; C. L. Smith. Secy. HCKXtlW, OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Oct. 2. 1903. HAMBURG. CONN.—Lyme /Jrange Fair, Sept. oicginaoo. MANCHESTER. IND.—Fair and Racing LYXCHBl'RG, VA.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 7-10, In- 24-26. 1003. O. H. Strong. Pres.; H. B. MONMOUTH ILL-Warren Oionty Fair Ang Aaan. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. 1903. Chaa. Wright.

rluaive. Slaaon, Trees.; J. W. Starks, Secy., Lyme, 31-Sent 4 Inclusive 1903 Wm McKInlar Secy. ■'>A^8'ET.\WAN, OXT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 29, Conn. _ _ Frea.; O. S. French’, Treu.; K. J. Clarke! PORTLAND, IND.—Jay Cotuty A. H. k Indna-

Inclnalre, 1903. Chaa. A. Briggs. Secy. Thoa. Ulxleben, Secy. CHESTER, CONN.—Cheater lair, *lct. ». 10o3. JOSLIN, ILL.—Rock Island Co. Fair. Sept, r-r ^'.1. .• . V- I ... >5-17, 19**3. T. J. Whiteside, Secy.

OONN.-^llnion County lair. **ct. KANKAKEE. ILL.—Kankakee DUtrlct Fair. Sept. 7-11. Inclualve. 1903. T. C. Sebober, Frea.; Wm. H. Brock, Trees.; Len SmaU, Secy.

■ m'K k . 1 a. . .v-. KEWANEE. ILL.—Kewanee DUtrlct Fair. Sept. rN.—Danbnry Agri. Fair. Oct. 7.17 inclnalre. 1903. Juhn FLscher, Secy, , vp “i- S. H. Bundle. Free.; O. M. KNOXVILLE. ILL.—Knox County Fair' Sept. >->BLRrY. I

1-4, 19**3. R. W. Sweeney, Secy.

KEY^OTONE, IND—Keystone Fair, Sept. 1-4. Inclusive. J. W. Marsh, Free.

LAFAYETTE, IND.—Tlppk-auoe County Fair. Sept. 1-4, inclasire, 1903. John M. Cason, Free.; F. II. Ynndh, Trees.; C. W. TrarU.

LA FORTE, IND.—La Fort County Fair. Sept. l-». 1903. J. E. Bowell. Secy.

LIBERTY, IND.—Union County Fair. Sept. 1-4. tnclnslre, 1903. S. M. Lafnae, Treaa.; MUton Maxwell, Secy.

L1ST«*\VEL. OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Sept. 30, 1903. 1903. Bobt. De F. BrUtol, Secy. HCKXtlW, OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Oct. 2. 1903. HAMBURG. CONN.—Lyme Orange Fair, Sept. LYXCHBl'RG, VA.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 7-10, In- 24-26. 1003. O. H. Strong. Pres.; H. B.

elusive. Slaaon, Troas.; J. W. Starks, Secy., Lyme, .MAtJXETAWAX, OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Sept. 29, Conn.

190.'!. HARWINTON. CONN.—Agrl. Fa!.-. Oct. 6, LAX*;T*»X'. OXT.—Fair. Oct. 10. 1903. 1903. A. W. Bnel, Secy.

8-11, Inelualre. 1903. H. C. Zelgler. Frea., Bert Paxton. Trees.; C. L. Smith, Secy.

NORTH MANCHESTER. IND.—Fair and Racing Aaan. Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 1903. Chaa. Wright.

.MAXITttWANlNG. ONT.—Fair. Oct. 7. 1903. HUNTINGTON, CONN,—Union Agr. Fair. Sept. MARKHAM. «*NT.—Fair. Oct. 9. 1903. MARMORA, oxr.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 29, 1903. MEAK**R1», ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 25. 19<*.7.

23-24. 1903. C. J. Makeley, Pres.; D. 8. CUrk, Trees.; S. T. Palmer, Shelton, C«»n., Secy.

MORRIS. ILL.—Stevens Connty Agrlcnltnral Society Fair. (dates not set*. E. F. Wataon,

trial Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 2, loclualre. 19**3. John Schmurk, ITes.; W. M. Haynes, Trees.; James O. Graves, Sf^y.

Free.; R. J. Hall. Vlce-Prea.; Samnel Larson. FKINCETON. IND.—Gibson County Fair. Sept

.MlIILAXI*. ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 29 and NEW MII-FORD. CONN.—New Milford Agrl. .7*1. 1903. ' Fair. Rent. 15.17 Inclnalre 1903. J. LeBor

NEWINGTON, ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 8 and 9.

MA*5ARA, ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22 and 23,

Treaa.; D. T. Wheatim, Secy. MORRISON, ILL.—Whiteside Connty Central

NEW MII-FORU CON.N -New Milford Agrl. I Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-4. Inelualre, 1W3. C. C. 8*^7- Fair. Sept. 15-17 iDclnsIve, 1903. J. LeBoy Fuller Secy. RAMELTON, IND

O . h>T CARROLL. ILL.—Carroll County Fair. 1 «-ll. Inchialre. *®->**- Joe. A. War- Wm.F. Handy.

S Cal. M. Freexer, Secy.

7- 12. Inclnalre. 1903. A. O. Holihomb, Free.. Wm. H. Lewis, Trees.; Willard T. Hopkins,

KAMKi.TON, IND.—Brown County Fair. Sept. 8- 11. Inclusive. 1903. H. B. Miller. Free.; Wm. F. Handy. Treaa.; C. 8. Campbell, Secy.

RtHTlESTEK. INI).—Fulton C«uoty Fair. Sept. >P"-7. H. O. Curtis. Trees.; F. H. McCarthy, Secy. mT. STERLING. ILL.—Brown Connty Fair. I 9-12. Inclusive. 19**3. Arch Stlnaon. Free.;

^"CBTI^ -YDAMS, MASS.—H<^ac VallcylFalr. NORWICH, WINN.—Argl. F^r. Sept. >5-17, Sept. 1-4, Incliwlre, 1903. G. O. Keyaer, j J- Dawson. Treaa., F. Dillon, Secy. Sept. 7-9. Inelualre. A. P. Carpenter. Secy. incluslre, 1903. Tbeo. W. Y'nningtoD, Secy.

RANGE. CONN.—Orange Fair, Sept. 16-18, Inclusive. 1903. A. D. Clarke’ Secy. *>AKWOOD, ONT.—Oakwood Fair. Sept. 16, Inclusive. 1903. A. D. Clarke’ Secy. ..

190;{. R*X?KV1LLK, CONN.—BockrBle Fair Aaan. I kkwton ’ ILl-^VaDer”co*intT ONONDAGA, OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Oct. 6. 1903. Sept. 29 Oct. 1. 1903. A. Klngabnry. Free.;' ... coonty **KH.1.IA. OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Sept. 17-19, 1903. F. A. Bandall. Trees.; E. F. Badmlngton, OTTEBVILl.K, OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Oct. 2 and Secy.

3. SIMKF.UBG, CONN.—Slm.-ihurg Fair, Si-p* PAISLEY, OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Kept. 29 and 30, fvt. 3. Goo. C. Eno, Pe*y.

190.7. SOUTH WOODSTOCK. CONN.—Woodstock Agr. PALMERSTON. ONT.—Fair. Sept. 23. 1903. Society Fair. Sept. 14-16. Incluslre, 1908. FEKTH, O.XT.—Agrl. I'alr. Sept. 16-18 Incln- L. H. Healey, North WoodatiKk, Conn.,

Eire. Secy. FETKOLEA. ONT —Agrl. Fair. Sept. 23. 1903. STAFFORD SPRINGS. CONN.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. FK r<*x. OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Sept. 23 and 24. 6-8. 1903. C. B. Gary, Secy. FORT ARTHUR, ONT.—Fair. Sept. 30—Oct. SUFFIELD. CONN.—SnlBeld Agrl. Society Fair.

1. Inciualre. Sept. 15-16. A. F. Warner, West Suffleld,

Sept. 1-4, 1903. J. J. Fenny, Secy

8AI-K.M. IND —Salem Fair Aaan. Sept. 1-4. In- rlnalre. 19**3. W. W. Stevens, Secy.

SHELKYVILLE. IND.—Assn. Fair. Sept. 1-5. 19*1,7. C. E. Amsden, Secy,

Sept. 29-Oct. 1’ 19W. A. Kl^bnry. Free.; 15-18, Inelualre. 1903. J. C. Vanderltoff. Secy. SWAYZEE. INI).—Trl-Conuty Agrl. Fair. Sept. F. A. Bandall. Treaa.; E. F. Badmlngton, ol.NEY, ILL.—Richland County Fair. Sept. 0- 8-11. Inclnalre. 1903. E. C. King. Frea.; 11.

cow Di .. flu '1 >>• •“<■■>*»>»«. 1903. D. F. Moore, Secy. T. MImea, Treaa.; W. H. Ammon. Secy. fcIMM'.UBG. CONN.-^lmshurg lair. Sir* ■»> FAIUS, ILL.—Edgar County Fair. Sept. 8 11. TF.UKK HaIiTE. IND.—Vigo County Fair. Aug. 80UTH*-WWDkrOcl“co'^;rN^ Agr. . ^m. H. Moro. Frea.; B. G. 31-8ept. 5. Inelualre. 1903. Chaa. B. Duffln.

Sutherland, Treaa.; 8. B. McCord. Secy ^le^ Fair. Sept. U-1^ Inclnalre. 1908. PICKNEYVILLE. ILL.-Perry County ’ Fair, i VALAFRAI80. IND.-Forter Connty Fair. Sept. U H. Healey, North Woodstock, Conn., oct. 6-9, 1903. James H. Trover. Secy. I 811. Inclualve. 19**3. John Brady, Frea.; C.

QDDiven n/vMw b-.i, f’RINCCTON. ILL.—Bureau CAiunty Fair. Sept. W. Bartholomew. Treaa.; E. 8. Beach. Secy.

1. Inclusive. FB*)VIDEN'CK BAY, ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct.

5 1903 K.y'df**!!!*. V\.—Great District Fair. Oct. 13-

16, Inclusive. H. C. Tyler, Secy. RICHARDS LANDING, ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct.

1 1903. R<*bx'EY, OXT.-Agrl. Fair. Oct. 6 or 10,

1903 ROSSEAU. ONT.—Agrl Fair. Sept. 22. 190.7.

Sept. 15-16. A. F. Warner, Weet Suffleld, Couo. Secy.

WATERBUKY, CONN.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 29 Get. 1. Incla.^lre. N. W. Heater, ;;e-».

WETHERSFIELD. CONN.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 2!*-Oct. 1. tnclualre. C. C. narria. S»ry.

WILLIMANTIC, CONN.—Horseslioe Park Agri¬ cultural Aaaoelatlon. Sept. 22-24, Inclusive. 1903. Chaa. Oates. Pres.; Fred A. Sanderson. Treaa.; T. ft. Sadd, Secy.

H- CM I UJ pi I

ST. CATHARINES. ONT.—Fair. Sept. 25, 1908. WOLCOTT. CONN.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 14. 1903. SARNIA, ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 2. SHAN’NONVILLE, ONT. —Shannoiirllle Fair,

Sept. 26. 1903. SHELBURNE, ONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 30.

1903. SOI’TH RIVER, ONT.—Agrl. Fair Sept. 25.


E. N. Upaon, Secy.


Sei.t TO »E FUNIAK SPRINGS. FLA.—Walton County ■ ' Agr'l. Fair. Oct. 80-81. 1903. B. F. Morris.

Treaa.; R. W. Storra. Secy.

SPRUCEDALE. O.NT.—Agrl. Fair. 1903.

Sept. 26, ATHENS. OA.—Northeast Georgia Fair. f>ct. 5- I 10. inclasire. llkis. C. N. Ilodgaou, Secy.

For SuMoior Rotorto, Stroot Fairt, Caroivals, Coivoitloit aid Calabratlaia.

ConfelU. Confetti Husters. Hlowoutn. Return Hkllg, Hag Flpes, (Jus HalliMins, Flying Snakes. Red, White and Blue Flag Canes. Mexican Can«*s, Shell (J«**ds. Jewelry,WhltiH.T*>ys. Ruttons, liis'orationday.I.alsir day. Elks’ Carnival and Fireman's Rosetts, llemleUi. IhsiHcvelt Hats and Ruttons. ’Trick Matches. F*>xy Grandpa and Happy Hooligan. Jokers. Chatelaine Furses. All the lau^t and up-to-date novelties. Send for catalogue. All gisxls shipped on receipt of order.

WM. F, MILLER, 134-136-138 Park Row, Raw York

Pboto Buttoua, S». I-oul« ButUrn CO. 8U Fair Buttonav St. Louis* Bntton Co. Billboawd» Ae.


MEXICAN CANES ^^F^ALL^NDS.^'^^* Hr4t« Wbll^ and Blue C'anes, Ammunition and Ammiinlllun <'an*a. fartridcr

it'anes, 4'onl'ettl, HIbbon and Hats. Our line Is rumpletr and unique, our

Priees Interesting. Mend lor t'lrrular and Fiires.

THE NATIONAL FLAG CO., 1012 Flint St., Cincinnati, O.

VINCENNES, INL).—Knox County A. A M. So¬ ciety Fair. Oct. B-10, 1903. M. M. McUowell, I’rra.; U. A. Foolk, Tresa.; Jaa. M. llouae. Secy.

tVINCilESTER. IND.—Randolph County Fair. (Uatea not aet. I J. C. Meier, Secy.


lilKI-SEA, I. T.—Chelsea Fair. Sept. 2-1, Inclu- aWe. C. U. Hawkins, Free.; C. W. Fools, Secy.


ADKIa IA.—Dallas County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-t, IncluslTe, 1IIU3. A. F. York. Free.; W. McMullan. Treaa.; II. II. Crenshaw, Secy.

AMjON.t. IA.—Kossuth County Fair. Sept, fi¬ ll, Incluslre. 19u3. C. i!. I.ewla, Fres.; T. II. Wadsworth. Secy.

AI.I.I80.N. IA.—Butler County Fair. Sept, lie 17, IncluslTe, 19o3. A. F. Yarcho. Free.; K. J. Ray. Treas.: Faul R. BurroUKha, Secy.

Al'Dl'HON. lA.—Audubon AfrI. Fair. Sept. 1-4, lucluslTc. ll*o;i. Oeo. W. Iloorer, Free.; II. W. Wilson, Treas.; U. B. Train. Secy.

.AVOCA, IA.—Fottawattamle County Fair. Sept. K-Il. IUU3. Caleb Smith. Secy.

BKDFORH. I A.—Taylor County Society Fair. Sei<t. 15-lS, IncluslTe, 10U3. W. F, ETsns, Secy.

|{|.tK>MFlEl.D, IA.—Daces County Fair. Sept. 13-18, l'JU3. Harry Wray. Free.; E. K. Herr, Treas.; J. C. Bronhard, Secy.

BKirr, IA.—Hancock County Fair. Sept. 13- 17. IncluslTe, ItmS. Jolin S. Fisk. Secy.

Ill FFAU) CENTRE, lA.—Buffalo Ceutre Drlc- ln( and IHstrlct Fair Assn. Sept. 9-10, IWS. C. E. Holcomb. Fres.; J. W. Wooalcock, Secy.

Rl'RI.INUTON. IA—l>ea Moines County Fair. Sept. 8-11, IncluslTe, lOUi. C. C. Fowler. Secy.

CENTRAI. CITY, IA.—Wapsle Valley Fair Assn. Sept. 22-23. IncluslTe, 19u3. D. E. Hedges, Free.; Fred Mcl.cod. Treas.; E. E. Henderson. Secy. CITY. IA.—Floyd County Fair. Sept. 8-11. IncluslTe. 1903. C. M. Carr, Secy.

CI.AillO.N, IA.—Wrljht County Ayrl. Society Fair. Sept. 8-11, InclualTe, 19u3. W. C. Brown. Se< y, and Mgr.

CI.INTUN. 1 A.—Clinton District Agrl. Fine Stock and Fair Assn. Sept. 8-11, IncluslTe. 19tk.i. t;e<i. B. McDald. Free.; Fred FUon, Treas.; J. B. Ahrens. Secy., Lyons, la.

COH MBC8 JL’.NXTIO.N, IA.—A*rl. Fair. Sept. 1-4. IncluslTe, 19i)3. R. 8. Johnson. Secy.

CKESTON. IA.—Creston DUtrIct Fair. Sept. 1-4. IncluslTe, 1903. J. M. McComack, Secy.

DE WITT. I A.—Clinton County AgrI. Fair. Sept. 15-18, IncluslTe. 1903. L. S. Hairlngton. Fres.; E. J. Quigley, Treas.; L. D. Wlnne, Secy.

ELDON. IA.—Big Four District Agricultural Association Fair. Sept. 1-4, IncluslTe. 1903. 1). A. Jay, Fres.; Mark Hiller, Treas.; W. F. Bagley, S^y.

KI.lKfRA, IA.—Harden County Fair. Sept. 1-4. 1903. C. E. Greet. Secy.

FAIilFIELD, IA.—Jefferson County Agricultural Fair. Sept. 8-11, IncluslTe, 1903. John F. Morlarty, Free.; II. V. Downs, Treas.; L. J. Marcy, Secy.

FtlKT 1NIIK3E. IA.—Webster County Fair, Sept. .'to Oct. 2. IncluslTe. .M. J. liaise. Secy.

Ui’EENFIELD, IA.—Adair County Fair Associa¬ tion. Sept. 8-10, IncluslTe, 1903. H. B. Rates. I*rea.; J. E. Brooks, Treas.; W. W. Burrell, Secy

GRI NDY CK.STRE. IA.—Grundy County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 8-10, IncluslTe, 1903. 11. C. Flo- ger, Fres.; E. R. Crary, Treas.; J. W. Fep- l>erman, S^y.

Gl’TIIRIE CENTRE. IA.—Guthrie County Fair. Sept 8-11, IncluslTe, 1903. G. J. Marls, Fres.; J. H. Rogers. Treas.; A. H. OrlswelL Secy.

llAMI*TO.N, IA.—Franklin County Society Fair. Sept. 8-11, 1903. J. W. Cummings, Secy.

HARLAN. IA.—Shelby County Fair. Sept. 22- 2.\ IncluslTe, 19QS. B. McCord, Free.; Geo. Walters. Treas.; W. E. Cooper, Secy.

HAVEIAM'K. I.A.—Harelork Fair. Sept. 15-10, lisKt. Dr. F. E. Heathman. Secy.

HCMBOLDT, IA.—Humboldt County Society Fair. Sept. 1-4. IncluslTe, 1903. F. C. LotI- em. Secy.

INDEFENDENCE. IA.—Independence Fair. Sept. 1-4, IncluslTe, 1903. C. W. Stites, Secy.

INDIANOLA, 1A.—Warren County Fair. Sept. 8-11, HKM. C. F. Moorman. Secy.

IOWA CITY. IA.—Johnson lV>unty Fair. Sept. 8-11, IncluslTe. 1903. Kdw. Hummer, Free.; J. C. liCannre, Secy.

la FOBTE city. IA.—Io Forte District Assn. Fair. Sept. 22-23, IncluslTe, 1903. B. L. Man- well. Secy.

LE MARS. I A.—Plymouth County Fair. Sept. 1-4. IncluslTe. 1903. F. 8. Brick. Free.; E. T. Bedell, Treas.; John R. Shaffer, Secy.

LINEVILLK. IA.—I.lneTlIle Fair. Sept. 8-11. IncluslTe. 1903. G. T. Wright. Secy.

MAUXIM. IA.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 8-11, Inclu¬ slTe. 190.3. Jaa. Nowak. Secy.

MANCHESTER. IA.—I>alaware County Fair. Sept. 2-4, InrlnslTe. 1903. M. L. Van Anker, Fres.; L. Matthenea. Treaa.; Jaa. Bishop. Secy.

MAgroKETA. IA.-Jackson (\>unty Fair. Sept. 1-4, IncluslTe, 1903. Geo. Cooper, Free.; B. D. Ely, Secy.

MARENGO, I A.—Iowa Co. Assn. Fair. Sept. 1-4, IncluslTe. lINkl. S. M. Stoddard. Secy.

MILTON. IA.—Milton Diet Society Fair. Sept. 811. I9I1.3. D. A. Miller, Secy.

MKCHANICSVII.LE. I A—MechanIcSTlIle District Society Fair. Sept, 13-19, 1903. A. F. Archi¬ bald. SecT.

MIS.SOFRI VALLEY, I A—Harrison County Fair. Sept. 28-(Vt. 1. IncluslTe. 1903. E. F. James, Free.; W. J. Burke. Treaa.; W. H. Withrow. Secy.

MONTICELIAl. IA—Jones County Fair. Sept. I.V18. IncluslTe. 1903. R. C. Stlrton, Free.; C. S. RIdwell, Treas.; W. Q. Ellers. Secy.

MOITNT AYR. IA.—itlngold County Fair. Sept. 1-4. IncluslTe. 1903. B. II. Thompson. Free.; Clyde Dunning. Trees.; Thos. Campbell. Sei-y.

NASIIltA, IA.—Rig Four District Society Fair. Sept. 1-4, IncluslTe, lIHYt 1. E. Eck. Secy.

National, IA.—Clayton county society Fair. Sept. 1-4. IncluslTe. 1903. II. I.uebaen. Jr., Secy., GarnaTlIlo. la.

.NEVADA. IA.—Story County Fair, Sept. 9-11, InrInalTs. J. R. l^rsen, SecT. NEW SHARON. IA.—District Fair. Sept. 13-17,

IncluslTe, 1908. N. D. Rates, Secy._

Phot* Wrrorar Bt> Lonls Balt«M €••

NIIWTON, IA.—Jaeper C.uinty Fair. Sept. 7-10, liirlualTe. 1903. C. W. Campbell, Secy.

NollTHWtMfl). IA.—Worth County Fair. Sept. 17-19. IncluslTe. R. H. Miller, Fres.; C. H. Beckett, Treaa.; Bert Hamilton, Secy.

OGDEN, IA.—Boone County Fair. Sept. 8-11, 1903. F. vr. Thomas, Seey.

OSKALOOSA, IA. — Mahaska County Fair. .s. pl. II 11. liMi;:. D. A. Illni.s, Fnn., G. W. Sliockley, Treaa.; Ed Frichett, Secy.

ORANGE (TTY. lA.—Sioux OiuDty Fair. Sept. 1818, IncluslTe, 1903. V. Meede, Fres.; C. L. Wilcox. Treaa.; H. Sllkerreer, Secy.

OSAGE, IA. Mitchell County Fair, Sept. 16-18, IncluslTe, 190.3. J. A. Cutler, Secy.

FELLA. IA.—t-ake Fralrle DIst. Society Fair. Sept. 2l>-t*ct. 2. IncluslTe. Cbaa. Forter, Secy.

R(M k VALLEY, I A.—District Fair. Sept. 9-11, 1903. Dennis ScsdUd, Free.; Jaa. Walpole, Secy.

SENECA, IA.—Neehema Co. Agrl. Aaan. Fair. Sept. 1-4. A. R. Spaulding, Secy.

SIOCX CITY, IA.—Inter-State Lire Stock Aaan. Fair. Aug. 31 Sept 6. InelnslTe. 1903. F. U Eaton, Fres.; A. T. Rennet. lYeaa.; F. L wirtek N.. so Rolien BIk.. Seey.

STUAWBEHRY POINT. I A.—Strawberry Point DIst. Fslr. Sept. 811. 1903. Harry ScoSeld, Secy.

SL’THEill.AND. IA.—O'Brien County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 2-4. InclusWe, 1903. T. B. Bark. Frea.; J. B. Murphy. Treas.; J. C. Briggs, S^y.

TIPTON. IA.—Tipton Assn. Fslr. Sept. 1-4. IncluslTe. 1903 H. L. Dean. Frea.; W. Swartilender Treas.; L. J. Rowell. Secy.

TOLEIM), LA.—Tama County Fair. Sept. L'c-lS. IncluslTe. 1903. Robert Cowan. Frea.; H. A. Slianklln, Treas.: A. U. Smith. Secy.

VINTON, LA.—Benton County Fair. Sept. 15-18. 1903. I. .MItcbell. Fres.; J. E. Marietta. Treas.; Oeo. D. McElroy. Secy.

WAI KON. I.A.—Allamakee CoontT Fair. Sept. 1-4. IncluslTe. IIKKI. S. H. Opfer, Free.; T. J. Kellelier. Treaa.: Bert Hendrick. Secy.

WEST l•OI^■T. LA.—West Foliif District Fair. Sept. 15-18, Incluslye, 1903. John Walljaaper, Secy.

WE.ST I'NION. I.A.—Fayette County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-1. IncluslTe. Iftl3. H. A. Kent, Pres.; W W. Wright. Tress.: H. F. Hsncock. Se«y.

WHAT CHEEK. IA.—Wliat Cheer District Fair. Sept. 22-23. IncluslTe, 190.3. Jaa. Stephenaun. Fres.; C. W, Harblaon. Treas.; Geo. A. Foff, Seey.

WILLIAMSBCac.. IA—Williamsburg District Fair. Sept. 810. incluslye. 19o3.

WILTON JC.NCTION. IA.—Wilton Agrl. Fair. Sept. 810, IncluslTe. 1903. F. S. Thiele, Free.; Geo. Bannick, Treas.; W. A. Cooling,

WINTEBSET. I A.—Madlsnr County Society Fair 8'pt. 181'', I'.sCS. E. J. Hudson, Secy.


BELOIT. K.AS.—Mitchell County Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 3. IncluslTe. 190.’!. .A. O. Mead. Fres.; F. G. Chubblc. Secy.

BURDEN. KAS.—Cowley County Fair. Sept. 1818. 1903. E. E. Reed. Secy.

RI'KLINGAME, KAS.—Osage Connty Fair. Sept. 1-4. 1903. L. H. Hepwlth, ITes.; J. S. MUler, Treas.: E. T. I*rlce. Secy.

BUC.LINGTON. KAS.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 811. InelnslTe. 19o3. J. E. Woodford, Secy.

CEDAK VALE. KAS.—Hewlna Park and Fair Assn. 0<-t. 13-1.5. IncluslTe, 1903. J. M. Dos- baucli. I’res.; M. D. Stapleton. Treas.; F. N. Whitney. Secy.

CHANUTE. KAN.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-6, Inclu¬ alTe. 1903. A. TImpane, Secy.

CLAY CENTRE. KAS.—Clay County Fair. Sept. 811, IncluslTe, 190.3. E. E. .Hooper, Secy.

COI KEYVILLE. KAS.—CoffeyTille Fair. (Date* not aet. I R. Y. Kennedy, Secy.

BL DORADO. KAS.—Butler County Fair. Oct. 5-9. InclualTe, 1903. H. M. Balcb, Secy.

ERIE. KAN.—Erie Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. InelnslTe. H. Ixtdge. Secy.

FRANKFORT. K.AS.—Frankfort Fair Aaan. Sept. 1-4. IncluslTe, 1903. A. Shearer, Free.; M. L. Idndaey, Treas.; J. D. Gregg. Secy.

HIAWATHA. KAS.—Hiawatha Fair. Sept. 811, IncluslTe. 1903. Elliott Ireln. Secy.

HUTCHINSON. KAS.—Hatchlnaon Fair. Sept. 14-19. 1903. J. U. Brown. Frea.; W. H. Eagan Treas.; Ed M. Moore. S^y.

HOLTON. KAS.—Jackson County Fair. SepL 1- 4. 19IV3. 8. F. McGrew. Sccy.

lOt.A, KAS.—Allen Connty Agrl. Fair. SepL 8 11. InclualTe, 1903. T. J. Anderaon, ITea.; T. H. Bowlee. Trees.; J. T. Tredway, 3ecy.

MANKATO, KAS.—Jewell f^uty Fair. Sept. 14-17, InclualTe. H. R. Honey, Secy.

MARYSVILLE. KAS.—Marshall Connty Fair. Sept. 1.V18. 1903. E. L. Miller.

MCLRANE, KAN.—Mnlrane Agrl. Fair. (Date not set). Newton Sboup. Secy.

NES-S CITY. KAS.—Ncaa ('onnty Agrl. Society Fair. Sept. 2-4. I. R. Ftmber. Secy.

NEWTON. KAS.—Haryey County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22-23. IncluslTe. 1903. J. T. Axtell. Free.; A. B. Gilbert, Treas.; J. C. Nlcholason, Secy.

NORTON. KAS.—Norton County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-4, IncluslTe. 1903. Geo. Moulton, Free.; (' J. Shlineall, Sccy.

OSKALOOK.A. KAS.—Jefferson County Fair. Sept. Idl. 1903. Geo. A. Patterson. Secy.

OTTAWA. KAS.—Franklin County Fair. Sept. 1.V18. 1903. John Reynolds. Free.; B. C. Mc<)ueetoa. Treas.; C. M. Porter. Secy.

F.kOl.A, KAS.—Miami County Fair. Sept. 811, 1903. W, H. Bradbnrg, S^y.

r.II.ET". KAS.—Riley Connty Agrl. Fair. Sept. 2- 3. 1983. E. B. Newby, Secy.

SAI.INA. KAS.—Sallna Co. A. II. A M. Aaan. Sept. 8-11 I9o3. H. B. Wallace. Secy.

SENECA. KAS.—Nahama ('ounly Fair. Sept. 1-4. InelnslTe, 1903. W. R. Graham. Secy.

STERLING. KAS.—Rice (Vnnfy Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-4. 19a3. T. H. Brown. Free.; T. J. English. Treas.: W. T. Brown. Secy.

ST(H'KTON. KAS.—Rooks Connty Fair. Sept. Ml. InclualTe. 190.3. H. V. Toepffer, Pres.; M. J. Coolbangh, Jr., Treas.; Olmer Adams.

TOPEKA. KAS.—Kansas State Fair. Sept. 14- 19. IncluslTe. 1908. M. A. I-ow, Frea.; C. H. Samson. Secy.

TRIBUNE. KAS.—Greeley County Fair. Sept. 14-13. InrltiTlTW. G. F. Hawklna, Secy.

WU'Hir.V KAS.—Southern Kansas Fair. Sept. 884Vt. .3. n. L. ResIng. Secy.

WINFIEI.D, KAS.—OonleT Connty Agrl. Fair. Sept. 8.11. IncInslTc, 1903. J. F. Stodder, Frea., M. F. JarTls, Treas.; W. J. Wilson, Secy.


ALEXANDRIA, KY.—Campbell County Fair. Sept. 1-5, InelnslTe, 1903. J. F. Wright. Free.; John Todd, Treas.; J. J. Wright. Secy.

BARDSTOWN, KY.—Nelson Connty Fair. Sept. l-S. 1903. Ben Johnson, Fres.; John 8. Kelley, Treas.; J. L. Drnlen, Secy.

BARBOURSVILLE, KY.—Knox Connty Fair. Sept. 2-4. InelnslTe, 1903. Wm. Tye, Free.; F. R. Barner, Treas.: J. F. StanSll. Secy.

BOWLING GREEN, KY.—Warren County Fair. Sept. 13-18, IncluslTe, 1903. E. B. Potter, Secy.

ELIZABETHTOWN, KY.—Hardin County Fair. Sept. 811, IncluslTe. 1903. R. U Winter- smith, Fres.; H. Z. Churchill, Treas. A Secy.

EWING. KY.—Ewing Fair. Sept. 9-12, Incln- slTe. 1903. C. W. Wllliama. Pres.; J. G. Collins Treaa.; 8. H. Price, Secy.

FALMOITH. KT.—Falmontb Fair. Sept. Bo- >)r* I InclualTe L McD. Garrard, Secy.

GLASGOW, KY.—Glasgow Agrl. Fair. Sept. 2- 5, InelnslTe, 1903. J. Briggs Kerby, Secy.

HARTFORD. KY.—Ohio O>onty Fair. Sept 30- Oct. 3. IncluslTe, 1903. S. K. 0)x, lYeas.; 8. I. SteTens. Secy.

HENDERSON. KY.-^reat Trl-Connty Fair and Rac-es. Sept. 29-Oct. 3, IncluslTe, 1903. Jacob Ztmbro, Secy.

MANCHESTER. KY.—Manchester Fair. Sept. 2.5. F. H. Ellison. Secy.

MT. OLIVirr, KY.—Robertson Connty Fair. Sept. 17-19, IncluslTe. W. J. Oabonrue, Secy.

NICHOLASVILLE, KY.—Knights of Pytblaa Fair. Sept. 1-3. IncluslTe, 190.3. J. M. Tray. iDor. Fres.; W. R. Smith. Treas.; R. H. Webb, Secy.

OWENSBORO. KT.—Kentucky State Fair. Sept. 21-23, InclualTe. 190.3. L. L. Dorsey, Anchor¬ age, Ky., Fret.; J. L. Ormahy, Treat.; L. B. Shropshire, Loulsrllle, Ky., S«y.

OWENSBORO, KY—Owensboro A Darless Conn- ty Colored Fair, Oct. 1-3, 1903. R. T. Berry, Secy.

SEBREE, KY.—Agrl. Fair, Sept. 22-23, !n- cluslTe. C. C. GiTena, ETansTlile, Ind., Gen. Mgr.

SOMEPiiET. KY.—Somerset Fair. Sept. 1-4, te- cluslTe. 1903. J. H. Glbeon, Free.; 8. M. Boone. Jr.. Secy.

VANCEBUBO. KY.—Lewis Connty Fair. Sept. 17-19, InclualTe.


ALEXANDItlA. LA.—Agrl. Fair, Sept. 29- (ht. 4. 1903.

ARCADIA, LA.—BlenTlIIe Fatr, Oct. 14-16, In- cIusItc. Dr. T. 8. Serpell, Secy.

FRANKLIN. LA.—Agrl. Fair, Oct. 17-18. 1903. HOMER. LA.—Homer Fair. Sept. 1-3, 1903. JIZNNINGS, L.V.—Jennings Fair, Not. 88, In¬

cluslTe. LA FAYETTE. LA.—La Fayette Agrl. Fair,

Oct. 31-Not. 1. 1903. LAKE CHARLES. LA.—Agrl. Fair, Not. 12-

1.5. IncluslTe. LAKE PROVIDENCE. LA.—AgrL Fair. Sept.

21- 24. 1903. MINERAL. LA.—Mineral Fair. Sept. 23-26. NEW IBERIA. LA.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 23-2.5.

IncluslTe. OFELOl’SAS. LA.—Opelousas Fair, Oct. 9-11,



A(rrON. ME.—Acton Fair. Oct. 88. 1903. F. K. Bodwell. Secy.

ANDOVER, .ME.—North Oxford Agrl. Fair. Sept. 3o-Oct. 1. 1903. John F. Talbot. Secy.

BRIDGEPORT. ME.—Farmers' Club Fair. Sept. 22- 24. 1903. J. S. Amee, Secy.

BRISTOL .MILI.S. MB.—Bristol County Fair. Oct. 88. 1903. O. A. Huston, Secy.

CHERRYFIELD. ME.—Fair. Sept. 22-24, 1903. E. T. Allen, Secy.

EXETER. ME.—Wist Penobscot Agrl. Fair. ^pL 29-Oct. '1. IncluslTe. 1903. P. B. Ho8 herd. Free.; T. E. Jewett. Treaa. A Secy.

FARMINGTON. ME.—Franklin Connty Fair. Sept. 1817, 1903. R. S. Sampson. Secy.

FOXCROIT. ME.-Piscataquis Omnty Fair, Sept. 25-26. 1903. 8. D. Weymouth, Secy., DoTer. Maine.

FRYEBURO. .ME.—West Oxford Agrl. Fair. Sept. 280ct. 1, 1903. B. W. McKeen, Secy.

GORHAM. ME.—Cumberland County Fair. Sept. 810, IncluslTe, 1903. Edw. B. Smith, Weatbrook, Me.. Secy.

HARRISON. ME.—North Cumberland Agrl. Fair. Oct. 12-13. J. Orin Coas, Secy.

H.ABTLAND. ME.—East Somerset Fair. SepL 17-19. 1903. E. A. Webber. Secy.

LEWISTON. ME.—The Maine State Fair. SepL 1-4, 1903. Oeo. H. Clarke, Secy., care of Urn House. Auburn, Me.

MADAWASKA. ME.—Madawaska Fair. OcL 17. 1903. R A. Daigle, Secy.

MONROE. ME —Wal.V> A Agrl. Fair. 8‘pt. 1.5-17, InelnslTe, 1903. Frank H. Bow¬ den. Secy.

PHILLIPS. ME.—North Franklin Agrl. Fair. Sept. 9-11, tncInslTe, 1903. M. S. Kelley,

PRESQUE ISLE. ME.—N. Aroostook Fatr. SepL 810. 1903. E. T. McI,aogbItn. Secy.

READFIELD. ME.—Kennebec County Fair. Sept. 22-24. 1903. J. H. Moore. Secy., Wintrop, Me.. R. F. D. 24.

SO. PARIS. ME.—Oxford County Fair. SepL 1.V17. 1908. E. T. King. Secy.

8KOWHEOAN. ME.—Someraet Central Agrl. Fair. (Datea not aet.) C. H. Gardner. Secy.

SIDNEY. ME.—Sidney Fair. Sept. 5. 1903. Sept. 24-23. tncluslTe. Jaa. Keith. Sw^.

SOUTH PARIS, ME.—Oxford C!ountT Agrl. Fair, Sept. 15-17. InclualTe. A. C. King. Secy.

SOUTH WINDSOR. ME.—South Kenebec Fair. SepL 810. 1903. Arthur N. Douglaa, R F. D. No. 4. Gardner, Me., Secy.

TOFSIIAM. ME.—County Fair. OcL 13-13, 1903. O. R. Telford. Secy.

UNION. ME.—North Knox A. A H. Fair. Sept. 22-24, 1903. Geo. C. Hawee. Secy.

WEST CUMBEai.AND. MB.—Farmers' Club Fair. Sept. 29-30. 1903. C. B. Merrill. Secy.

XARTLAND. ARLINGTON. MD.—Electric Park Aaan. Fair.

Sept. 811. W. H. Gore. Secy. B.ALTIMORE, MD.—Gentlemen'a Drlring Park

Aaan. Fair. Sept. 1-4, InclualTe, 1903. J. A. Ellla. Secy.

B.ALTIMORE. MD.—Proapect Park Agrl. Aaan. Fair. Sept. 812, 1903. Grant Stnekham. Secy.

FREDERICK. MD.—Frederick CountT Fair. Oct. 30-23. InclualTe. 1903. Cbaa. M. Hargett. Free.; D. V. Stauffer, Treaa.; J. R MeSherry, Secy.

HAGERSTOWN. MD.—Washington Connty Fair. Oct. 13-16 InclualTe. 1903. G^. U. Hager.

ilOCKVII.I.E. MD.—Montgomery ConntT Fair. SepL 1-4. InclualTe. 1903. Lee Offutt. Pres.

TIMONIUM. MD —Maryland State A Baltimore County Fair. Sept. t-A. InclualTe. 1903. Jaa. 8. Nnsaear. Secy.. LntherTllle. Md.

Baislu Ban«BUT St. Lowlu Battoa C«



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UPPER MARLBORO. MD.—Prince George County Fair. S«'pt. 29-(K't. 1, Im-lusiTC. Wm. ) . Bn-<>ke, Sccy.

MABSACHTTSETTB. .\ME8RURT. MASS.—Ameahnry and Sallabury

Agrl. A Horticultural Society Fatr. Sept. 29- Oct. 1. 1903. J. E. Brlerly. Secy.

A.MHERST, MASS.—Ham[>abire Agrl. Society Fair. Sept. 22-23. 1903. Dr. J. E. Paige,

ATHgL, mass —Worceafer N. W. Agrl. Fair. Sept. 7-8. 1983. D. OIlTer. Frea.; B. H. WiMiric. 'Treas.; A. E. Ellawnrth. Secy.

BAltRE, MASS.—We*t Worcester Omnty Agrl. Assn. Fair. Oct. 1-2, 1903. Matthews Wal¬ ker. Secy.

BI.ANFORD. MASS.—Union Agricultural and Ilortlcultnral Society Fair. Sept. 1817, 1903. E. W. Boise. Secy.

BOSTON, MASS.—Massaebnaetts Hortlcnltnral Society Fair. Oct. 87. 1903. Wm. P. Rich,

BROCKTON, MASS.—Brockten Agrl. Fair. Sept. 20-Oct. 2. 1903. Hon. H. W. F.oblnaon. Fres.; E. M. Thompaon, Treaa.; Balts San¬ ford. Secy.

CHARLE.MONT. MASS.—Deerileld Valley Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1811. 1903. E. P. WlllUms. Frea.; E. F. Haaklna, Treas.; 8. W. Hawkea. Sccy.

CLINTON. MASS.—Worceater East AgrL Fair. Sept. 1818. incloalTe. 19o3. 0>I. John E. Thayer, Frea.; L. Field. Treas.; Warren Goodale. Secy.

CUMMINGTON, MASS.—Hlllalde AgrL Fair. Sept. 29-30. 1903. W. A. Harlow, Frea.; D. E. Lyman, Treaa.; Chas. M. Cndwortb. Secy.

FRAMINGHAM, MASS.—Middlesex South Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22-23, 1903. 8. O. Staples, Frea.; S. B. Bird, Treas.; Geo. E. Harrington, Socy.

GREAT BARRINGTON. MASS. — Hoosatonlc Agrl. Fair. Sept. SILOct. 2, IncloalTe. 1903. Wm. C. Herman, Pres.; O. C. Bldwell, Ttms.; Frank H. Briggs. Secy.

GREENFIELD, MASS.—Franklin Connty Agrl. Society Fair. Sept. 23-24, 1903. Henry J. Fields, Secy.

HINGHA.M. MASS —Htngham Agrl. & Hortlcnl- cnltnral Society Fair. SepL &>-30. Wm. B. Thomas, Secy.

LOWELL. MASS.—North Middlesex Agrl. So¬ ciety Fslr. Sept. 17-19, 1903. Frank J. Sher¬ wood. Secy.

MIDDLEFIELD. MASS.—Highland Agrl. Society Fair. Sept. 810. 1903. J. T. Bryan. Secy.

NEWBCRYPORT, MASS.—Agrl. Fslr. Sept. 1818, IncloalTe. Geo. E. S-'ikney, Frea., Moody B. Noyes. Se<>.

NORTH ATTLEBORO, MASS.—Manufacturers’ Agricultural Society Fair. (Date not set.) W. H. Pood. Secy.

NORTHAMPTON. MASS.—Hampshire, FrankUn and Hamden AgrL Society Fair. OcL 7-8, 1903. C. A. Montgomery, Secy.

OXFORD. MASS.—Oxford Agrl. Society Fair. Sept. 1811. 1903. J. E. Darting. Secy.

PAI>MER. MASS.—Eastern Hampden Agrl. Fair Oct. 89. 1903. O. E. Bradway, Free.; D. L. Boddsb, Treas.; L. E. Chandler, Secy.

PEABODY. MASS.—F.s8ex Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22- 24, InelnslTe. 1903. Gen. W, H. Appleton. Pres.; Wm. 8. Nichols, Treas.; John U. Danfortb, Secy.

PEFPERELL. MASS.—Farmers’ CTnb Fair. Sept. 2-4, 1903. H. W. Hatchlnaon. Secy.

SPENCER MASS.—Spencer Tannera tt Mechan¬ ics’ Assn. Fair. ^pL 24-23, 1903. H. H. Capen, Secy.

SOl'TH WEYMOUTH. MASS.—Weymouth AgrL Fair. Sept. 17-19. IncluslTe, 1903. Gordon Wlllla, Free.; E. J. Pitcher, Treas.; T. L. Tlrrell. Secy.

STURBRIDOE, MASS.—Worcester Sooth Agrl. Society Fatr. Sept. 17.18, 1903. C. D. Palga. Frea.; C. O. Carey. Secy.

TAI^NTON. MASS.—Bristol Omnty Fair. Sept. 22-23, tncIaslTe. 190.3. Herbert A. Deane. Free.; E. CTIarence Holt, Treas.; Carleton F. Sanford. Secy.

UXBRIDGE. MASS.—B1ack.itone Valley Agrl. Aaan. Fair. SepL 1813, 1903. Anguatns Story. Secy.

WAKEFIELD, MASS.—WakeSeld Reading Fair. Sept. 1818. IncloalTe. 1903. B. F. Calley, Mgr.

WEST BRIDGEWATER. MASS.—Plymouth CV>. Agrl. Society Fair. Sept. 13. 1903. (Jeo. M. Ilnooer. Rridgewater. .Maas., Seey.

WEST -nSBURY, MASS.—Martha’s Vineyard Agrl. Awn. Fair. Sept. 22-23. 1908. F. A. Ixmk. Secy.

WOBCESTKil, MASS.—Worcewter Agrl. Aaan. Fair. Sept. 7-9, tncluslTe. 1903. J. K. Gif¬ ford. Secy.

MICHIOAir. ADRI.AN. MICH.—I,enawee County Fair. Sept,

21-23, InrloslTe. 1903. H. H. Ferguson. Sei-y. ALLEGAN. MICH.—Allegan Connty Agrl. Fair.

Oct. 89. IncluslTe, 1903. L. A. Lllley. Fres.; Stewart Agan, Treas.; W. II. Warner, Jr.,

ALFEN.A. MICH.—Alpena County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. 1903. James L. Sandom, Fres.; James Bowden. Treas.; (Thas. L. Whit¬ ney. Sccy.

ARMADA. MICH.—Armada Society Fair. SepL 8^Oct^L1908^A^^^^ree«an^^eej^^^^

Artvertln’s BnCgons* SU1 *«la Button Co





They Get the Money








Are C:r{!pecla!ty

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DETKCiT, . . . • M'''HIGAN Oiir < > I'lal ami Tanl M x-tilnc-. a-" I' <! I.Pail.Tf

BAD AXE. MICH.—Huron Co. Society Fair. Sept. 2!-25. 19aa. Geo. M. Clock, Secy.

BAY CITY. MICH.—Bay County Fair. Sept. 15-17. tncluatve. 1903. C. I.. Fox, Secy.

BKLl.AIKE. .MICH.—Antrim County Fair, Sept. 15-17. liulualve. H. M. Coldren. Secy.

CAPAC, MICH.—Capac Aprl. Society Fair Sept. 22-24. HU'S. Geo. Cliapman. Pre*.; H. HItcbIntta. Treaa.; Alvin Balden. Secy.

CARO, MICH.—Caro Fair. Oct. ti-», 1»U3. J. H. Beckton. Secy.

CASS CITY. MICH.—Tuacola. Huron and Saliloi- Society Fair. Sept. 29-30-Oct. 1-2. 1903. H. I, . McDermott, S^y.

CENTEUVH-M:. MICH —St. JoaepU Connty Fair Oct. e-9, Inclualve. 1903. Cbaa. S. Horey.

CI?ARi.EROIX. MICH.—Cbarlerolx County Fair. Sept. 22-24, Inclualve, 1903. D. S. Payton, Prea. niBs. Hlpp. Treaa. & Secy.

CHAKI.OTTK. .MICH.—Eaton County Aftrl. Fair Sept. 22-2.'>. Inclualve. 1903. J. H. Gallery, Proa.; Geo. Deckle, Treaa.; Geo. A. Perry Becy.

COLUMBIA. MICH.—Columbia Aitrl. Society Fair. Sept. 11-14, luclualve, 1903. B. E Hatton. Secy.

DUNDEE. .MICH.-Dundee Fair. Sept. 15-18. ■ Inclualve, 190;i. J. B. Haynea, Secy.

EAST JORDON, MICH.—Cbarlerolx County Fair Sept. 22-24, luclualve, lOO,"?. Daniel S. Payton Prea.; Cbaa. Hlpp. Treaa.; Cbaa. Hadaon,

EE^roN. MU H.—Elkton Fair. Oct. 6 8. In- clnalvp. 19<«. Oacar Rogera. Secy.

FEINT. .MICH.. .Geueaee County Agrl. Fair, Sept 22-2.'>, Inclusive. Juo. E. Eyon, Secy., Box. 22.

FEl .'4HI\<J. MICH.—M’nmeae Fair, Sept. 0.'t. 2 liai.". A. E. Raiiaon, Secy.

FOWEERVIEI.E. MICH.—Fowlervllle Socletv Fair. Oct. 6-0. I9o3. D. C. Carr, Secy.

grand RAPIDS. MICH.—Weat .Michigan State Fair. Sept. 14-19. 100.3. Wm. H. Anderson, Pres ; C. H. Halllater, Treas.; C. A. French Secy.

HASTINGS. MICH.—Barry Connty Fair. Sept. 29-0<'t. 2. Inclusive. W. H. Sebantz. Secy.

HART. MICH.—Oceana County Fair. Sept. 22 2."«. Inclusive. Jno. R. Butler, Secy.

IHM.SD.XI.E. MICH —Hillsdale Fair. Sept. 28- Oct. 2. 1903. C. W. Tcpwllllnger, Secy.

HOEEAND. MICH.—South Ottawa and West Allegan Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. Inclusive. N J. Whelan. Secy.

noUGHTO.N. MICH.—Hongliton County Fair Sept. 8-11. 1903. Ira E. Randall. .8eoy.

HOWARD CITY. MICH.—Howard City Society Fair. Sept. 1-4. 1903. B. J. Ix)wrey. Secy.

IMEAY CITY MICH —Imlay Cltv Society Fair Sept. 30.Oct. 2. 190.3. Frank Rathaburg, Secy.

IONIA. MICH.—Ionia District Fair. Sept. 22 2r>. Inclusive. 1903. Geo. E. Kelner, Prea. B. A. Mnrpby. Secy.

IRONWOOD. MICH.—Goecble Connty Fair Sept. 9-11. Inclusive. C. E. Hank. Secy.

EAKE ODESSA, MICH —Trl-Connty Fair. Oct 6-9, Inclusive. ltH>3. S. E. Clarke. Secy.

MARSHAEI„ MICH—Calhoun County Fair Rept. 8-11. Inclualve. 1903. Wm. IE Gorsllne. Pres.; T. J. Shipp. Treaa.; W. H. Arthur Secy.

MARQUETTE. MICH.—Maifiuette Co. Society Fair. Sept. 1-4. 1903. M. F.. Asire. Secy.

.MUNOMINEi; .Ml' IE— ant l.:i c Mc< Sept 9-12. Inclusive W. I'li'-Wei

MIDLAND. MICH.—Midland Connty Fair. Sept, 22-24. 1903. Ryron Bnrch. Secy.

MILFORD. MICH —Milford Fair. S“pt. 29-Oct. 2. Inclusive, 1903. F. R. Cate. Secy.

MUSKEGON, MICH.—Muskegon Union Agrl, ' Fair. Sept. 9-12. Inclusive. 1903. Cbaa. I Giles. Secy.

NORTH BRANCH. MICH—North Branch Fair Oct. 7-9. 1903. W. W. Harrington, Secy.

I.AKE ODESS.X. MICH.—Trl ounty Fair. Oct. 6- 9. Inclusive. 19a3. S. E. Clark. Secy.

PONTIAC. MICH.—Michigan State Fair. Sept 7- 11. Inclusive. 1903. E. Howland. Prea C. W. Young. Treaa.: 1. H. Butterfield. Secy

BEED CITY, MICH.—Trl-Csinnty Fair. Sept 22-2.5. Inclusive. 19o3| T. R. Welch. Pre.s E. R. Parkburat, Treaa.; A. C. Goahrend.

ST. JOHNS MICH.—Clinton Connty Fair. Sept 22-2.5. Inclusive. 190.3. S. M. Ferry, Secy.; O Klsler. Amusement and Advertising Mgr

8EBEW.4ENG. MICH.—Driving Park k. Atsn Fair. Sept. 16-18. Inclusive.

VASSAR. .MICH.—Tnacola Co. Soc. Fair. Sept 29-Oet. 2. 1903. R. S. W’eaver. Secy.


Al BERT LEA MINN.—Freeborn County Agrl Fair. Sept. 11-10, iDcltulre. Bobt. Tweetjr Secy.

ARLINGTON, MINN. — Sibley Connty Fair Setd. 8-10. 1903. F. F. .Monfield, Secy.

AUSTIN, MINN.—Mower Connty Fair. Sept. 8-10, 1903. Jog. IE Skinner, Secy.

BIRD ISLAND. MINN.—Renville Connty Fait. Sept. 16-18. Inclusive, 19<i3. IE V. Polrec, Secy.

BLUE EARTH MINN.—Falrl.anlt Connty Fair. Sept. 17-19. 190.3. W. W. Wbitefleld. Secy.

OANRY. MINN.—Yellow Medical County Fair. Sept. 10-12. Inclusive. S. J. Forks. Se<y.

CARVER. MINX.—Carver County Fair. Sept. 11-12. 1903. F. Warner, Seev.

CHASKA. .MINN.—Cbaska Agrl. Fair. Sept. 24-26. Inclusive. 190.3. Tbos. F. Craven. Secy.

FAIR.MONT. MINN.—Martin County Fair. Sept. 10-12. Inclualve, 1903. B. TI. Ward, Prea.; Cecil Sharp, Treaa.; E. F. Wade. Secy.

GARDEN CITY, MINN.—Blue Earth Connty .\grl. Society Fair. Sept. 15-18, inclnslve. tieo. R. Gilman. S^y.

tl.XMEI.N, MINN.—Minnesota State Fair. Aug. .31-Sept. 5. 190.3. C. N. Coagrove, Pres.; F. J. Wilcox. Treaa.; E. 5V. Randall. Seoy.

HOWARD LAKE. MINN.—Wright Connty Fair. Sept. 16-18. 190.3. R. C. Workman, S^y.

HUTCHINSON, MINN.—Mcl-eod Connty Fair. Sept. 22-24. Inclualve. 1903. J. F. Beynen, Pres.: O. A. Kohler, Treaa.; L. P. Harring¬ ton. Secy.

KASSON, .MINN.—Dodge County Fair. Sept. 8-11. Inclnslve. 1903. H. M. Libby. Prea.; A. A. Johnson. Treaa.; Geo. N. Somm, S^y.

EE SUEUR. MINN.—Le Sueur Co. Agrl. Society Sept. 10-12, 1903. Capt. S. A. Barrett. Swy.

MADESON. MINN.—Irfio-qnl-Parle Connty Fair. Sept. 16-18. Inclnslve. 1903. J. F. Roaenwald. Seey.

MONTEVIDEO. MINN.—Chippewa County Fair. Sept. 2:t-25. Inclualve. 1903. F. E. Bentley, Secy.

'fOR.4. MINN.—Kanabec Connty Fair. Sept. 1012. Inclualve, 1903. Hana Peterson. Prea.; O. H. Newbeat, Treaa.; Wlllla Falrbanka,

MORRIS, MINN.—Stevens Connty Fair. Sept. 18-19. R. J. Hall, Prea.; D. T. Wbeatoii. Secy.

OLIVIA, MINN.—Renville Connty Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 1. Inclnslve, 190.3.

PEAINVIF.W. MINN.—Wabasha Connty Fair. Sept. 16-18. Inclnslve. 1903. T. Q. Bolten, Pres.: Tbos. A. Askew, Treaa.; Geo. F. Sly- veafer. Secy.

PRESTON. MINN.—Fillmore Connty Fair. Sept. 8-10. Inclnslve. A. L. long. Secy.

REDWOOD FAI.I-S. MINN.—Redwood Connty Fair. Sept. 7-9, Inclnslve. 190.3. Geo. L. Evans. Secy.; T. I. Cash Attraction Co., at¬ tractions.

RTTSH CITY. MINN.—ChUgo County Fair. Sept. 8-10. Inclusive. 190.3. John C. Carlson. Prea.; J. J. Flynn, Treaa.; T. W. 51alcolm. Secy.

4T. PETER. MINN.—NIcolett County Fair. Sept. 10-12. Inclnslve. 190.3. C. H. Jackson. Pres.; H. S. Sackett, Treaa.; E. E. Miller. Seej.

WINONA. .MINN.-Agrl. Fair. Sept. 8-11. In clnalve. John Rose. Secy.

WORTHINGTON. MINN.—Worthington County Fair. Sept. 15-18, 1903. A. B. Albertus. Secy.

KIBSIS8IFPI. 'OEUMBUS. MISS.—Mias, ft West Ala. Fair.

Oct. 13-16. Inclualve J. W. Cooper. Secy. tREENWOOD. MIS.8 —Leflore County Fjlr.

Oct. 14-15. 1903. '.RENADA. MISS.—Grenada Fair ft Races

Oct. 6-8. Inclusive. 1903. H. B. Barbee. Prea.; S. A. Morrison. Trias.: W. B. Hoffa, Secy.

tTARh -LEE. MISS.—Oktibbeha Fair. OcE 9. Inclualve. T. W. McKall, Secy.


VEBANY. MO.—Gentry Connty Fair. Sept. 4. Inclnslve. 1903. 8. W. Clark. Secy.

VRMSTRONG. MO.—Armstrong Fair. Sept. 12. Inclnslve. W. B. Y'anoey. Sec.v.

3BOOKFIEED. MO.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-4, In¬ clusive. 1903. W. B. Clayton. Secy.

"AT.IFORNIA. MO.—Moniteau County A. ft M. Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclusive. 1903. J. L. Buch¬ anan. Pres.; F. A. Bice, Treaa.; Ang. Seyf- fert. Secy.

■'APE OIRARDEAO, MO.—Cape Girardeau Co, Fair and Park Aasn. Oct. 13-17, 1903. E. H Engelman. Secy.

HIEI.ICOTHE, MO—Chllllcotbe Fair. Sept 8-11. Inclualve, 1903. S. D. Rohner, Secy.

DEXTER. MO.—Stoddard Conntv Fair. Sept 1-5. Inclusive, 1903. Tboe. Connelly, Prea J. J. Dowdv. Treas.; S. P. Jeffers. Sieej.

HARRISONVIEEE. MO.—Caaa Connty Fair Sept. 15-18. Inclnslve. 1903. H. Van Hurst Pres.; Duncan Russell, Treas.; Frank Arm strong. Secy.

KAHOK.A. MO.—Clark Connty A. ft M. Assn Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclusive, 1903. E. H Stewart, Secy.

KENNETT. MO.—Dunklin Connty Fair. Oct 14-17, Inclusive. 1903. R. H. Jones. Secy.

LEE S Sl'MMIT. MO.—Jackson Connty A. ft M Fair. Sept. 8-11. Inclusive. 1903. J. 8. But terfleld, Prea.; J. C. White, Treaa.; H. E Eamkin. Secy.

MEMPHIS. MO.—Scotland Connty Fair. Sept 8-11. Inclusive. 19a3. N. M. Pettlnglll. Secy

ORAN. MO.—Scott Conntv Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 3, Inclusive. 1903. W. H. Stubblefield. Pres. Elwood Alley. Secy.

PAEMY'RA. MO.—Marlon County Fair. Sept 23-26. Inclnslve. 190.3. O. B. Thompson. Secy

PARIS. MO.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 8-11. Inclotlve, 1903. J. R. Ptilllps, Secy.

ROCKPORT. MO—Rockport Fair. Sept. 8-11 Inclusive. 190.3. Miles Sicker. Pres.; J. W’ Rnlnes. Treat.; J. D. Donf. Secy.

ST. JOSEPH. MO—St. Joseph Annual Fair Sept. 15-20, Inclnslve, 1903. E. P. ChurclillI Secy.

ST. EOns MO.—Fair and Exposition. Oct 5-10. ItsiS. John Ilackmelster, Secy.

SUF.I^BINA. MO.—Shelblna Fair Aasn. Sept 1-4. Inclnslve. 190.3. C. H. Easley, Prea Frank Dlmmltt. Treat.: N. II. Parsont. Secy

TRENTON. MO.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-4. Inclu Rive. 1903. Hugh C. Smith. Secy.

WASHINGTON. MO.—Franklin County Fair Sept. 3-5. Inclnslve. 19‘t3. Fred J. Mauntel Pres.; F. 11. Tlilaa, Treat.; Jaa. F. Kabmann Secy.


RH.ETNOS, MONT.—Rllllngg Fair. Sept. 8-12 Inclnalve.

BOZEMAN. MONT.—Inter-State Fair. Sept. 1 4. Inclusive. 1903. R. D. Steele. Secy.

GREAT FAI.1,8. MONT.—Cascade Connty Fair Sept. 29-Oct. 2, Inclusive. C. E. Hubbard Secy

HELENA. MONT.—State Fair. Oct. 5-10, Inclu alve. 190.3. John W. Pace. Secy.

KAI.ISPEE. MONT.—Kallspel Agrl. Fair. Sept 29-Oct. .3. Inclualve.

LEWISTON. MONT.—Fergus Connty Agricul tnral. Mineral and Stuck Association. Sept

Fair Buttous. Nt. Louis Buttou Vot

IR-IS. Inclnslve. 190.3. Frank E. Wright, Pres.; O. W. Beldon, Secy.

MISSon.A. MONT.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 20-Oct. ! 2. 19<I3.

NEBRASKA. AINSWORTH, NEIL-Brown County Fair. Sept.

17-19. Inclusive. 19<i.3. (i»*o. A. Miles, Secy. AEBItlN. NEB.—B<»>ne County Fair. Sept. 22-

25. Inclusive. 19<i.3. John O’Neil. Prea.; Jot> Green. Treat.: H. E. Brooks, Secy.

.\EM.\. NEB.—Harlan County ralr. Sept. 9-11, Ini luslvc. W A. Myers, Secy.

AITICRN. NEB.—Nemaha County Agr'E Fair, Sept. 1.5-18. 190.3. J. W. Parrab, Secy.

Al’ROR.X. NEB.—Hamilton County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 15-18. Inclusive. 190.3. T. A. McKay, Prea.; i. E. Wllllama. Treaa.; D. A. Scovlll.

BE.XVER CITY. NEB.—Furuas County Fair, i Oct. 6-9. Inclnslve. 190.3. C. E. Happing, i Pros.; C. E. Smith, Treas.; W. C. Eumley. Secy. ROKEN ROW. NF.B—Custer County Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclnslve, 1903. E. R. Purcell, Secy.

LAY CENTER. NEB—Clay Counfv Fair. Sept. 22-25. Inclusive. IV. B. Smith. Secy.

CREIGHTON, NER—Knox Connty Fair, Sept. 3-6. Inclnslve. 190.3. T. J. Rnckmaster. Secy.

Cl’ERERTSON. NER—Hitchcock County Fair. Oct. —. 190.3. W. Z. Taylor. Secy.

DAVID CITY. NEB.—Butler Connty, Nob. Fair, (dates not set). S. Cllngman. Secy.

FAIRBt’RY. NER.—Jefferson Connty Fair, Sept. 15- 19, Inclualve. 1903. Jasper Helvey, Prea.: A. Elndell, Treas.; J. P. Turner, Secy.

FRANKLIN. NEB—Franklin County Fair, Sept. 23-25. Inclusive. J. W. Robinson. Secy.

FREMONT. NEB.—Dodge Connty Agrl. Fair, (dates not setl. W. H. Haven, Secy.

HARTENGTON. NER —Ilartlngton Fair Assn., Sept. 16-18. Inclusive. 190.3. E. L. Dlmlck, Pres.: A. V. Parker, Treas.; C. H. Whitney,

INDIA NOLO. NER—Red Willow Conoty Fair. Sept. 8-11. Inclnslve. J. C. Dolan. Secy.

•I.NCOEN. NER.—Nebraska State Fair. Sept. 7-12, Inclnslve. 190.3. J. B Dinsmore. Prea.; F.d. McIntyre. Treas.: Itobert W. Furnas. Brownsville. Neb., Secy.

MADISON. NEB.—Madison County Agrl. Fair Sept. 8-11. Inclnalve. 1903. Mark Rlchardaon. Pres.: Geo. il. Wlcoff, Treas.; J. E. Rynear-

MINDEN. NEB.—Kearne.v County Fair. Sept. 16- 19. Inclusive, 1903. I,. A. Kent. Secy.

NEI.SON, NEB.—Nuckols Connty Fair, ^pt. 28-Oct. 1. Inclnslve. W. G. Bradley, Secy.

PAWNEE CITY. NEB.—Pawnee County Agrl. Fair, Sept. 1-4. Inelnslve, 1903. E. E. Vance. Prea.: J. C. Dnrt. Secy.

SALEM. NEB—Rlchardaon County A. A M. Fair. Sent 29-(Vt. 2. 190.3. D. R. Omah. Prea.: W. H. Davis, Treat.; O. A. Jom, Ver- don. Neb., Secy.

SEWARD. NEB—Seward Coontv Neb. Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclnalve, 190.3. Edmund McIntyre, Secy.

SPRINGFIEI.D, NEB—Sarpy Connty Fair, Sept. 15-18 Inclnslve ISO,"!. Frank Oomte. Secy.

STANTON. NEB—Stanton County Acrl. Fatr Sept. 15-18, Inclnslve. 1903. Andrew T Pence. Pres.: John Schindler. Treas.; J. 8 Haneoek. Secy.

TEKAMAH. NEB.—Burt Connty Agrl. Fair Sept. 16-18. Inclualve. J. R. Sutherland, Secy.

TRENTON. NEB.—Harvest Home Fair. Sept, 17- 19. Inclnalve. H. H. Fair Atan.. Mgra.


RENO. NEV.—Nevada State Fair. Sept. 21 26. Inclusive, 190,3. Ionia Bevler. Secy.


CONCORD. N. H.—New Hampshire State Fair. Sept. 1-4. Inclusive. 190.3. Hon. Frank M. ilolllns. Pres.; Wm. F. Tlityer, Treas.; (Thas. B. Hovt, Secy.

GRF.ENliEED. N. H—Oak Park Fair. Sept I. 5-17, Inclnslve. 1903. F. W. Dunrklee. Se-y.

EACONI.k. N. II.—Belknap County and laiconia Grange Fair. Sept. 7-10, Inclnslve, 190.3. J. A. Greene. Pres.: C. W. Tyler, Treas.; F. M. Beckford. Secy.

NASHl’A. N. H.—Nashua Assn. Fair, Sept. 7- 10. Inclnslve. lf.03. Hon. J. J. Dovle. IVes. J. E. Tolies. Treas. M. C. Mullen. Secy.

ROCHESTER. N. IT —Rochester Fsir. Sept. 22- 2'.. 19i>3. Geo. E. Wallace, Pres.; W. G. Bradley. Gen. Mgr.; Chas. N. Bailey, Seey. and Treaa.


MOCNT HOLEY. N. J.—Bnrllngton Countv Fair Oet. 6-8. Ht03. B P. Wills. Pres.; C. E Merritt. Tress.; S. W. Sbinn, Secy.

TRENTON. N. J —Inter-state Fair. Sept. 28. Oct. 2. Inclusive. 1903. Hon F. S. Briggs. Pres.: R. V. Kuser. Treas.; M. R. Marger um. Secy.

NKW MEXICO. .VEBre'l’ERQl'E. N. M.—New Mexico Terrltor-

lal Fair. Oct. 12-17. Inclnslve. 19<i3. J. O. Reilly. Prea.; M. W. Flonnrony, Treat.; P. F. McCanns. Secy.

ilOSWEI.E. N. M.—Roswell Aasn. Fair, Sept. 22-26, Inclnslve 1903. J. Slmpann, Prea.; E. A. Cahoon. Treas.; J. A. Graham, Sivy.

NEW YORK. \FTON, N. T.—Afton Driving Park and Agrl.

Soilety Fair. Sept. 22-2.'.. 190.3. Fred Chnrcn. Pres.; P. S. Kmm, Treat.; I. W. Seeley, Secy.

ALBANY. N. Y.—New 5’ork Slate Fair. Sept 7- 12. Inclusive. 1903. 8. C. Seharer. Seev.

.VNGEEiCA. N. Y.—Allegany Connty Fair, ^pt 8- 10. Inclusive, 19<I3. K. 8. Bartlett. Prea.; Frank IE Jackson, Treat.; IE K. Dudley Secy.

ALBION. N. T.—Orleans rV)anty Agrl. Fair, Sept. 17-19. Inclnslve. 100.3. W. .8. Wylie, Pres.; A. W. Barnett, Treas.; I.,. H. Beach Secy.

BAl.ESTON SPA. N. Y —Saratoga County Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclusive. 1903. E. Wlawall, Prea.; N. I. Caverf. Treat.: N. V. Whitheck. Seey.

BATAVIA. N. Y.—Genesaee Countv Fair Sept 21-25. 1003 A. W. Eawrenee. Prea.; 'll. H Bi>stwlek. Treas.: A. E. Brown, Secy.

RATH. N. Y.—Stciilien Connty Agrl. Fair. S«>pt. 29.0rt. 2. Inclusive. 1903. O. D. Wllher, Pres.; Jaa. Faiicett, Treat.; Clias. A. Shnita Secy.

BINGHAMPTON. N. Y.—Blnghampton Indus- trial Exhlhltlon Sept. 29-Oct. 2. Inclusive. 1903. Henry 8. Martin. Seey.

lUKINVIEEK. N. Y.—Boonvllle Fair Assn Sept. 1-4, Inclusive, 1903. Fred .M. Wooley. Pres.: J. H. Jaekaon. Treas.; II. J. Vullmar S«-ey.

BROOKFIELD. N. Y.—Mtdiaon (V>nnty Fair Sept. 14-17, Inelnslve. 1903. IE E. Spoonea Prea.; B. O. Stillman. Treat.; N. A. Crumb,

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We receive every week from our fmetory Balloons of all kinds and sizes that we guarantee of supicrior quality to any offered on the market.

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CAMBRIDGE, N. Y.—Camhrldg* Vall.y Fair, Sept. 1-4. 1903. J. Bice, Prea.; H. 0. .Norqnak. Treat.; E. B. Norton. Seey.

C.XX.XD.XIGrA. S. 3’.—Ontario County Fair, Sept. 17-19, Inclnalve. 1903. C. Collins. Prea.; J. S. HIcox, Trea..; Homer J. Reed. Seey.

CANTON. N. Y'.—St. I.awreDee County Fair, Sept. 15-18. Inelnalve, 19o3. Hon. L. W. iluaaelE Pres.; J. F. llairiDoad, Treas.; Worth Chamberlain. Seey.

CHATHAM. N. Y.—ATolnmbla County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclualve. 19a3. Oeo. MeClellaD. Prea.; W. R. Starks, Treas.; W. A. Dardaaa, Secy. .

()IIEF..8KIEE. N. Y.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 21-24. Inclualve. 190.3. J. 8. I*tnder, Prea.; M. O. Borat Treaa.; 8. C. Shaver, Seey.

COOPEB.8TOWN. N. Y.—O.aego County Fair. Sept. 21-23. Inclnalve. 1903. U. D. Eekler, Prea.; E. E. Walratb, Treat.; Eugena D. Stocker. Seey.

IT'RA, .V. Y'.—(Niha Fatr and Racing Aaanria- tinn. Sept. 15-18. Inclnalve. 1903. E. O. Waaaon. I'rea ; IE C. Miwgan. Treat.; Oeo. H. Swift. Secy.

DELHI. N. T.—Delaware County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 8-11. Inclnalve. 1903 A. J. NIcol, Prea. J. K. W. Tbompeon, Treat.; W. A. Elliott.

DRVDEN, N. Y.—Dryden Agrl. Fair. Sept. 15- 17, Inclnalve. 1903 S. O. Eoptou, Prea.; D. T Wlveeler. Treaa ; J. B. wilaon. Seey.

ItCNDEE. N. 3’.—t>andee Aisn. Fair, (dntee not aetl. S. R liarpending. Prea ; C. J. Wataon Treat.; Howard E. Woodr- .T, Seey.

ItfNKIRK. N. 3'.—(Tiantaaipia C ' ty Fair, Sept. 1-4. inclnalve, 1903. Hon. E F. Nixon, Prea.; F. R. Green. Treaa.; II. M. Clark#. Secy.. Fredonla. N. Y.

':I.M1R.\, N. 3'.—Themnng Connty Fair. SepE 14- 18. Inclnalve. 1903. Frank J. Caaaaaa. Prea.; Edward Young. Treaa.; Oeo. MeCaon. Sec.w.; F. O. Elliott, Aaat. Seey.

I'tiNDA. N. 3'.—Montgomery Connty Agrl. Fair. Sept. 14-17, Inelnalve. 1903. Jacob SnelE Prea.; Wm. WIlea. Treaa.; J. B. Marti*. Secy.

CRKDONIA. N. Y.—Chanlanqua Connty Agrl. Corporation Fair. Sept. 1-4. Inrlnalve. IMS. H. M. Clarke. Secy.

FCI.TON, N. 3’.—Oswego Countv Fair, Sept. 15- 18. Inclnalve. 19o3. J. W. Rlgley. Praa.; F.dw. ()nlrk. Treat.; II. E. Platt. Secy.

iENOA. N. Y.—Genoa Fair. Sept. 22-24, In- rlnalve. J. H. Reaa. Prea.; F. O. Begin. Treaa.: F. Solllvan. Seey.

IREENE. N. Y.—Rlverelde Agrl. Fair, tept. 8-11. 190.3. D. E. Crandall. ITea.; U. E. St. John. Treaa : C. Winston, Seey.

'EVMBrRG. N. 3’.—Erie (lonoly Fair. Sept. 8-11. Inclualve. 190,3. John A. Kloepfer. Prea. W. II. Ahtiott. Treaa.: J. C. Newton. Seey.

IIEMI.tK'K. N. Y.—Hemlock I.ake Pnlon Agrl. Fair. Sept. 29.0ct. 1. Inclnalve. 1903. B. B. Coykendall. Prea.; Geo. H. Klx, TVeaa.; 8. Parker, Secy.

'lERKIMKrt. N. Y.—Herkimer County Agrl. Fair. Sent. 7-9. Inclnalve, 1903. J. W. Hum¬ phrey. Prea,; B. Manlon, Treat.; I. P. Baa- hach. Secy.

m iiSON N. Y.—Columbia. Agrl. A Hort. Amn Sept. 15-17. 1903. N. IE Browning. Seey.

JOHNSTOWN. N. T.—Fulton County Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclnatve. 1903. J. E. Oatman. Prea.; C. P. Willard, Treat.; E. J. Dorn,

LITTLE VAI.EEY, N. Y.—Cattaragna Connty Fair. Sept. 1-4, Incloatve. 1903. C. R. Rhodes. Prea.; [.eon. N. Y.; E. E. Campbell. T^at.; J IE Wilaon. Seey.

KM'KPORT, N. Y.—Niagara Connty Agrl. Fair. Sept. 17-19. Inclusive. 190.3. W. A. Samyed, Prea.- J. M. Woodward, Traaa.; O. E. Nich¬ ols. Secy.

E3’ONS, N. Y.—Wayne Conntv Agrl. Fair. SepE 23 26, Inclualve. 1903. E. W. Weeks, Pree.; K D. I.eonard. Treat.: K. Sautter, Seey.

MAI.ONE. N. Y.—Franklin County Agrl. Fair. 8<'pt. 22-25, Inclnalve, 4003. E. W. Lawrence. Pree.; Tom Ademe Trees.; W. J. Malone, Seev.

MIDDLETOWN. N. Y.—Cataklll ME J^rl. Fair. Sept. 15-18 Inelnalve, 1903. A. Dennlaton. Prea.; II. .M. Howell. Treat.; David A. Mor- rlwin. Secy.

MINEOEA E. I.. N. Y.—Qneena ft Naaaan Connty Fair, Sept. 22 26, Inclualve. I-. Van De Water, Secy.

MORRIS. N. Y.—Morris Fair Aasn., Sept. 39- Oct. 1. Inclualve. 1903. T. O. Diiroe. Pree.; D. E I/eurenre, Treat.; D. C. WInton. Secy.

NAPLES. N. 3'.—Naplea T'nion Agrl. Fair. Sept 22-24, Inclnalve. 1903. Jaroea II. Tlnuer, Prea.; 1). J. Doughty, Treat.; E. C. Clark, Secy.

NASSAU. N. Y.—Renaellaer (TonnIy Ealr, Sept. 8-11, Inelnalre. 1003. W. D. Rarnea, Pree.; C. E. Huated, Treat.; Delmar Eynd. Secy.

NEWARK. N. Y.—Agrl. Fair, Oct. 1-3. Incln- alve. 1003. J. D. Reavea, Pres.; Peter R. Sleight, Treat.; W. II. Hyde, Secy,

KadKe Biiitonn, St. Lonln Button * BuonlTAII KlndUf StTLooUMittM^




CANES and WHIPS S«-pt. 1, inrlusWe. ltx>3. J. H. Theia, Treaa.; (i. 11. KlllanU. Set’jr.; Fred Maaalng- bam, l*rea. GOLD WIRE ARTISTS’ SUPPLIES.

Toy Whips ond Walking Csncs. AKKON, O.—summit Ouutj Fair, Sept. 29'<tct.

SUPPLY HOUSE, j^^r^ oct. iV mco-

46 Ann street, NEW YORK, attica, o.—Attua Fair. Sept. aioct. 2 in-

L.r,cstMfrs.lnU.S. Estab. 18*5. a. ii. t'ataloriie fiirnlahed on appllratlon. W llkluc, Seey.

KKUKA. U.—Weat OujalatKa Agrl. Aaau. Fair, Sept. 15-17, 11103. O. it. Stone, Secy.

NKWAEK VAI.I.EY, N. Y.—Northern Tloca HOWl.I.NO UllKK.N. O.—Wood County Agel.

Send for our 1903 Catalos* It Mill interest you.

«r<‘ still heiulrjuitrtcrs for everylliiii'.f in oiir line. Kiiney

Catalogue fiirnlahed on appllratlon.

everylliinif in onr line. Kiiney s. Spur H<-iuls are new this sen.son.

tilive Hr.ieelels in colors of Tiininoise, I'earl, (iarnet, <>|uil, Knierahl, .AiiiIht or .\inethyst:

Sinifle strand, any color, with heart & chain, $ 6.(10 gr.

Fair, Sept. A-10, 1903. O. E. Ihirple, Secy. NEW CITY, N. Y.—Ihs'fcland County Fair,

Fair, Sept. 22-2«. 19o3. A. E. Uoyce, I’rea.; Jas. O. Illckox. Treaa.; J. B. Neaton, Secy. in'VlIIU II _a ^pt. 1-5. InclnaUe, 1903. J. DeNoyclIna, I Itl'CVIlLS. O.—t’rawford County Fair, Oct. 6-

I'rea. A Secy.; Ueo. Hearle, Treaa. NEW YOKK. N. Y.—Old Unard Fair. Oct. 5-10,

InclualTe. IUo3. A. Cliaaaean, Uen'I. Mgr. NOilWICH. N. Y.—Chenango County Fair. Sept.

1-4, InclualTe. 190.3. II. O. Hale, Pres.; W. F. Wllher, Treaa.; Nelson P. Bonney, Secy. _ „ „ „

9. InclualTe. 10o;<. J. W. Stockman, Prea.; M. Auck, Tn-aa.; G. W. .Miller. Secy.

Hl'Itl'ON. O.—Geauga County Agrl. Soc. Fair, Sept. 15-lH. 1903. W. 8. Ford. Secy.

CA.N’AL IxiVElt, O.—Tuscarawas County Fair, Oct. 13-16. InclualTe. 19o3. Sam'l Toomy, Pres.; A. C. Huff. Treas.; J. S. Kearns, Secy.

OGOKNSBt'RO. N. Y.—Oswegatchle Agrl. Fair, CANFIEI.U. O.—.Mahoning County Agrl. Aasn. S«-pt. 1-4. InclualTe. 19o3. H. 8. Waterman, iS!-«4. 19o3. B. L. Manchester,

OKANOEBCRO, N. Y.—Rockland County Agrl. J C'A.NTO.V, O.—Stark County Fair, Sept. 15-18. A llortlrultural Aaan. Fair. Sept. 7-11. Incln- „. J■ I-ehman, Secy. alTe, 190.3. C. I. Hopper, Prea., D. F. luglls, C.UtUOLTO.N. O.—Carroll County Agrl. Fair, TYeaa.; Elbert Talman, Secy. ^1- InclualTe. 19o3. U. N. George, Prea.;

12.(10 •• iHi in

■■■• Uj Jf __ Olive Hrace- aa J

lets sell better N,/ than any other

kind. Long chains made of Turquoise

Olives, $1.(10 jH-r doz. .\ny othereolor$1.2.3 pr. dz. '

We guarantee our prices, and will meet all cut prices on any articles sold in our line.

FLAGS: Any color, hand enirraved, name, collego - <»r snininer resort, $7.00 ja-r kp<>s.s. Same

ONEO.NTA. N. Y.—Oneonta Cnlon Agrl. Fatr, ..T’ireaa.; C. A. Toiks, Secy. Sept. 14-17. inrlutlTr, 1903. Walter I.. Brown CllAGKI.N lAI.I.S. O.—Cuyahoga County Fair, Prea.; H. M. Bard, Treaa.; 8. L. Huntington. ^pt- 8-11. 1903. E. C. Foote. Prea.; Frank

tvith Initial only, $0.00 la-r fjross. SMALL FLAGS: With ini-

$.*1.00 per ifi-oss. Tlies(» najfs are the In'st sellers of anv article on

Secy. PAI.MVRA. N. Y.—I'nlon Agrl. Society Fair,

Sept. 24-36. InclualTe. 1903. Chaa. D. iohn- aon, Prea.; 11. U. Cliapman. Treaa.; E. 8. ATeiill, Secy.

F.NN Van. n. y.—y

Bradley. Treat.; F. C. Gates, Secy. < IIII.I.ICOTIIE. O.—Scioto Valley Fair, Sept.

15-18. InclualTe. F. Earl lie Weeae, Secy. COI.CMBCS, O.—Ohio State Fair. Aug. 31-Sept.

4. InclualTe 19(i3. W. W. Miller, Socy.

V tials $.*1.00 per iffoss. Thes(» naj^s are the In'st sellers of any article on

i the market this y»*ar. Send for stimples. All orders filled same day as received.

JUERGENS BROS., 83 Chambers St., (r(;;T:i'Ji;*) N.Y.CITY

4. ImlualTe 19<i3. W. W. .MlUer, Socy. SI'.MMEUFIELU, O.—Summerfleld Fair, Sept. ard Lyon. Prea.; E. MIchard. Treas.; A. H. atea County Fair Sept COSHOCTON. t».—Coabocton County Agrl. Fair, 2:!-2.'.. I!ai3. C. H. Pew. Secy. .Shlpip. Sec’y. on. Prea.; Jaa. A. Tba I*- A. Given. Prea.; W. B. | SYCA.MORE. t).—Sycamore County Fair, Oct. HCNTINGDON. PA.—Huntingdon Connty Fair,

• .Miller, Treat.: itotiert Boyd. Secy. 1.3-16. InclualTe. P. K. Gmbb, Socy. Sept. 1-4, InclualTe. L. R Leiater, Proa.;

PENN YAN, N. Y.—latra County Fair, Sept. I 1-4, 1903. C. J. Hnton, Prea.; Jaa. A. Tba I yer. Secy.

PERKY. N. T.—Silver l4ike Fair. Sept. 29- Oct. 1. InclualTe, 1903. 8. W. Hart, Secy.

PLATTSBCKG. N. Y.—Clinton County Fair. Sept. S-11, IncInsiTe. 190.3. W. T. Bnrlelgb Secy.: W. F. Pattlaon. Snpt.

POTTMIAM. N. Y.—llacquette Valley Fair, Sept. S-11. InclualTe. 1903. Edw. A. Merritt. Prea.: :

ilr Sept 29- CIUITAN. O.—Hartford Central Agrl. Society TIFFIN. O.—Seneca County Fair, Sept. 8-11, H. Mayer. Treaa.: H. D. Reinera, SMy. ilart Secy *1*. Indualve. 1903. W. S. Jewel. Inclnalve. IIMCI. Morgan E. Ink, Republic, O., INDIANA. PA.—Indiana Connty Fair Sopt.

Connty Fair. I’rea.. 1. I.. McCracken, Treat.; W. H. Sleg- Scc.t. 8-11, inclnaive. 1903. David Blair, Secy.

D.WTON, O.—Montgomery County Fair. Sept. ; set). W. B. Geroe, Prea.; tJ B. Tucker, 7-11, InclualTe, 1903. S. D. Bear, Prea.; Sami. I Treaa. tn<» Secy. Wampler. Treaa.; W. J. Ferguaon, Secy.

1OLEDO. O.—Toledo Agrl. Fair, (dates not I..ANCASTER, PA.—Lancaster County Fair, aef). W. B. Geroe, Prea.; T. B. Tncker, Sept. 1.V19, inelnalve. 1901. Richard Me Treaa. tn<» Secy. Grann. Secy., Box 417.

TdOY. O.—Miami Connty Agrl. Society Fair, I.KB.ANON. P.4.—I.ebanon Agrl Fair. Sept.

PRATTSlirKG, N. Y.—Prattsbnrg Cnlon Agrl. Society Fair, Sept. 15-17. 1903. Ira C. Pratt. Prea.; L. Tbomat, Secy.

PRaTTSVH.IJ:. N. Y.—PratHTlIl* A. * H

11. InclualTe. 19ltt. I. A. Freeman. Prea.; 11. ! Morn. Prea.; T. E. Bowtber, Treaa.; A. E. MADISONVILI.E. PA —Grange Fair. Oct. 1-i C. Wilcox, Treat.; A. Medlng. Secy. ( Schaffer. Secy. 190.3. W. C. Smltb, Secy

FINDLAY. O.—Hancock County Fair, Sept. 3<J- j W.4SHINGTON. O.—Guernsey County Fair. MANSFIELD. PA.—Smythe Park .4san. F's!

KaTTSVILIJ:. N. Y.-Prattivlll* A. * H L-S '".SL**^*' “• ^ St. Fair Sent 8-10 Inclnaive 1903 B O UlLMO.NT. O.—Sandusky County lair. (kct. 6- | Clair. .Secy. Moewa P^ HaDhVea’ TYeta.- Dwight I ^ Nlckle. Prea.. Wm. A. Gabel. WAfSLON. O.—Tutton Co. Agrl. .Society Fair.

Kapnyea. Treat., uwlgbt ^ y^^meyer. Secy. I S,i.t. I.VIS. 1903. Tlwa. MIkeaell Secy. ■ - ■ - — - - - _ - I -KORGETOW.N. O.—Brown County .Agrl. Society WE.ST I’NKIN. O.—.Adama County Agrl. Society REED CORNERS. N Y.-Oorham Agrl. Society 'V’V,; ' -""'7“

Fair, Oct. 1-.3. Inclnaive. 19oS. John W. Tnr- Hedrhk, Secy.

nerce'^ecy^ " ‘ *’*”'*'*• ®'“too. ,|\yfi,TON. O.—Butler Co. Fair. Oct. 6-9, 1903.

lin*'”ri^%mnne~*Scy '''ICKSVIu”^’(C^Hlrkavllle Fair, Sept. 15 18,

Rm^KHEM?. N.’^YldTnffX't^ou^; Agrl Fair ; . conntv Aar. So Sept. IMS. Inclnaive. 1903. H. A. Reevea. , ‘ 'J'* Ptm 040. W Cfloner. Treaa.; B. M. Foater. ( . Oit. 14-1., Inclusive. . _ .

Sept. 22-25, InclualTe, 1903. (^as. 3. Roea, Prea.; W. D. HuRed. Treaa.; 11. R. Koard.

MEADVILLE. PA.—M-edTiIle Fair. Sept. S-10. InclualTe. 1903. !>. W. Izickli.trt, Secy.

Fair. Sept. 8-11. InclualTe. 1903. T. W. File- MERCER. PA.—Mercer Agrl. Fair. Sent. 15-

(l.AMILTON. O.—Butler Co. Fair. Oct. 6-9, 1903. Wimi.STEK. O.—Wa.rne County Fair. Sept. .30- I.- M. Larab. Secy.

IIICKSVILLE. O.—iilrkaTllle Fair, Sept. 15-18, liact. F. M. BIrdaall. Secy.

17. 1903. T. B. Mannell. Prea.; Jaa. B Grn'.b Treaa.; John P. Orr. Secy.

Oct. 2. 1903. John C. MacClaran. Prea.; W. AIIDDLETOWN, PA.—MIddlet>«• i F.llr Aaan. A. AVIlaon, Treaa.; G. J. Ebright. Secy.

/.VNESVII.LE. O.—Mnaklngnm Connty Fair. Sept. S-11. InclualTe. 10t(3. Geo. K. Browiilng.

Sept. 8-tl. inclusive. 1903. Wm. .M. Hauman, Prea.: M. H. Gingrich. Treaa ; Wni. Shlve- man. Secy.

Prea., 0««. W. Cooper, Treat.; S. M. Foater, Seey.

ROME. N. T.—Oneida County Fair, Sept. 14- 18. InclualTe. 1903. J. B. Cnabman. S^y.

SIDNEY. N. V.—Sidney Agrl. Fair. Sept 15 18. InclualTe. 190.3. W. F. Sherwood. Pres.; H. W. Clark. Treaa.; Jas. L. Clark. Secy.

SYK.ACfSE. N. Y.—New York Slate Fair. Sept. 7 12. Inclnaive. 1903. Frank AV. Higglna. Ih-ea Al. E. Brown. Treaa.; 8. C. Shaver, Secy., .Albany. N, Y.

TKOfPsm KG. N. Y —Southern Stenben Agrl. Fair. S«-pt 1-4. Inclnaive. 190,3. Henry Simp¬ son. Prea.; W. N. Grigga, Treaa.; E. II. Ana- tla. Seey.

LEBANON, O.—Warren Connty Agrl. Society Fair, Sept. 22-25, 1903. George AA'. Carey, Secy. IMA. O.—.Allen County Agrl. .Aaan. Fair. Sept. t.'.-19. 190.3 T. B. Itoweraock, Secy.

Prea.; A. F. Vest. Treaa.; R. W. White. Secy. MILTON. PA.—Milton Fair. O-t. 6 9. InclualTe. OKLAHOMA.

DEER CREEK. OKI.A.—Grant Connty Fair, (k-t. 13-16. AA'. -A. Andrewf. I*ree.; T. J. Hartman. Treaa.; C. F. Eberle. Secy.

■ I.ANSFIELD. O.—Richland Connty Fair. Sept. 7-12. InrlnalTr. 1903. H. L. Bowers, Amuse¬ ment .Mgr.

W. Caaey, Secy.


LA grande. ORE.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 5-10,

iORTI.AND. ORE—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 2126, InclualTe. 19(XS.

190.3. Wm. H. Hackenberg. Prea.; A. L. Swartz. Treaa.; Edwin Paul. Secy.

MONTROSE. P.A.—Snaknehanna .'onnty Fair. Sept. 15-16. 190,3. F. C. Izitt, Secy.

MYERSDALE. PA.—Agrl. Fair A Race Aaan. Sept. 22-25. Inrlnalve. 1903. J. S. Qrayca, Prea.: H. loreni. Treaa.; D. J. Flke, Secy.

NAZ.ARETH. PA.—Northampton Connty Fair. Sept. 15-18. incliislTe. 190.3, Chaa. Meminger, Prea.; O. H. Kiiecbt, Treaa.; J. B. teln- helmer. Secy.

NEW CASTLE. PA.—Lawrence Connty Fair. Sept. 7-12. tiiclnslTe, 1903. H. W. Ortaby.

NEWPORT. P.A—Perry Connty Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22-2.5, incluaiTe. 19>3. Hon. D. H. Shelblev, Prea.; J. C. Stephena, Secy.

I’rea.; AV. A. Shepard. Treat.; P. 8. McNee Secy

TItaworth. Secy. lAMISHlRO. O.—Montgomery Connty Fair.

SALEAI ORE.—Salem Agrl. Fair. Sept. 11-19. **P‘- InclualTe. 190.3. .M. 1). Wisdom, Secy.

WT-WWOWTwawTA Albrtglit. Treas.; Roliert S. Fay, Secy. PENNSYLVANIA. OXFORD. PA.—Fair. Sept. 23-25, 1908. H. 0.

aI.I.ENTOWN, pa.—Great Allentown Fair. Thomaa, Secy. Sept. 22-25. InclualTe, 1903. H. M. J. Roth. I'ORT ROYAL, P.A—Juniata Connty Fair. Sept. Prea., .A. W. Delxing. Treas.; II. B. SchalL 9-11. Inrlnalve. 1903. D. Q. Alter, Prea.; W. Secy. C. Pomeroy. Treas.; J. L. Cronlnger. Secy.

I E.AVER FAI.T.S. PA.—BeaTer Connty Fair. PirLASKI. PA.—PnlaakI Fair. Sept. 3B-Oct. 1. Sept. 1-4. Inclusive. 1903. J. H. Caler. Prea.; InclualTe. Jaa. S. Wood, Secy. II. F. Dillon, Treaa.: Lewis Graham. Secy,

l ELLEFONTE. P.A.—Center County Fair. Oct. 6-9, Inclusive. 1903. Kills J. Orvla. Pres.; John M. Shugert, Ireaa.; D. B. Stewart, Secy.

LE.ADINO, PA.—Great Reading Fair. Sept. 20- Oct. 2. Inelualve, 1903. Jaa. McGowan, Prea.; Milford N. Ritter, Treat.; H. Seidel Tbrom, Seey.

STROl'liSBCRO. P.A.—Monroe Connty Fair. Sept. 1-5, InclualTe, 1903. F. B. OverSeld. S“cy.

In-I,,,!,, lorii II U iwkor Xr*«s' ' ryae. treas.. v. v. i.atiBujer caecy. ■ t«ecy. jM iinoi nu. r.v.—.Monroe uonuiy rair. rA-arH oecaer. treas.. O.—Miwrow County Agrl. Soc. f.ETHI.F.HEM, PA.—Peniia State Fair. Sept. 8- Sept. 1-5, Inclusive, 1903. F. B. OverSeld.

W VTV^^WV N V -Jeffers..n ConnfT Fair Fair. Sept. 29-(kt. 2. 1903. G. J. Smith. Secy. ' n. Inclusive. 190,3. J. M'. Izivatt. Prea.; S«ry. Sent I i inrinsiTe HKCi w c Raker Prea ’ VKKNON. t).—Knox County .Agrl. Society . M. Applegate. Treat.; H. A. Groman, Sec. I'OWAND.A. PA.—Bradford 0>unty Fair. Sept. F r AlaT.m Treas W J Skeela 5«a-T !*«•«■' I PI.OOMBI RG. P.A.—Columbia Connty Fair. 22-2.5, Inclusive. 190,3. Geo. W. Kilmer. Pres.;

WATKINS. V'AL—S«h0Tler Connty Vilr. Sept. . v- .... r- r-... J®"'®... . . W. T. Horton -Treas.; Chaa. M. Culver. Secy. WATKINS. S. Y.—Sehnyler Connty Fair. Sept. 8 11. Inclusive. 10a3. J. I.. Buck. I’rea ; C. L Frt«at. TVeaa : B. I,.. Piper. Secy.


WHITE PLAINS. N. Y.—AAeatcheater ConulT Fair. Sept. 28 «>cf. 3. Inclusive. I9(».3. M. W. Tayk-r. Prea.; J. 8. Bee. Treat.; Edw. B. ItMig. Secy.

WHITNEY S POINT, N. Y.—Broome Count) Fair, Sept. 14. Inclnaive. 1903. P. M. Brown. Prea.; P. II. I.andem, Treat.; Fred E. Allen. SiH-y.

NORTH CAROUMA. lU'RI.INGTON. N. C.—Alamance Fair, Aten

Oct. 60. InclualTe. 190.3. Boht. W. Scott.

Errett. Secy. (Vt. 13-16. 19o3. A. N. Yost. Secy. W. T. Horton. Treaa.; Chaa. M. CnlTer, Secy. n.APOLEON, O.—Napoleon Connty Fair. Sept. crikiKVILLE. P.A.—Jefferaon County Agrl. B. Kuykendall. Secy. Races.

1-4. Inclusive, 190;t. J. L. Hatter. Secy. Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclusive. K. Arthurs. Prea.; Vv'ALLSA'ILLE. P.A.—Lackawana Connty Fair. NEWARK. O.—Licking County Fair. Sept. 29 k. B. Henderson. Treas.; S<-ott McClelland. Sept. 15-18. 1903. W. C. Smith. Secy., Dal-

Oct. 2. InclualTe, 190,3. J. M. Farmer, Secy. gecy ton. Pa. NEW nRE.MF..N, O.—Trl-County Agrl. Fair. U RGEPTSTOWN. PA.—Cnlon Agrl. Fair. Oct. W.ATT8BCRO. PA.—Wattsbnrg, Fair. Sept. 1-

Sei>t. 1-4. 1993. Fred WIemeyer. Secy. g.S. inclusive. 190.3. John I.. McGough. Prea.; 4. 190.3. A. Chaffee. Secy. NEW LEXINGTON. O.—Perry County Fair. | e. Linn. Treas.; P. P. Stevenson, Secy. WESTFIELD. PA.—Fair. Sept. 8-11, 1903. J.

Sept. 16-19. Inclusive. 19o;L Chaa. Chappe- I i-.vm.lSI.E. PA—Cumberland County Fair. AV. Smith. Secy. lear. Secy. I Sept. 29-Oot. 2. AA’. 11. McCrea. ^-y. AA'EST ALEXANDER. PA.—Farmera* Aaan.

orr.AWA. O.—Putnam County Fair. Oct. 6- caUMU H.AELS. P.A —Greene County Agrl. ic Fair. Sept. 1.5-17 InclualTe. Wm. P. Klmmlna. 10. Inelualve. 190:{. A. P. Sandlea, Se»y. I Mfgrs Society. Sept. 22-24, 1903. Geo. L Prea.; W. A. Barry, Treaa.; D. W. Raael,

(ITTOKEK. t».—Fulton CounM- .Agrl. Fair. Sept. ; Ilathawav Scct. Secy. 1.5-Ls. 1903. A. F. Shaffer, I’res.; O. AV. , , .iiRoLI.foN. P.A.—Cambria County Agrl. WEST PITTSTON. P.A.—Luxerne County Fair. Howard. Treas.; Thoa. MIkeaell. AA'auscoii O.. Sei-y.

P.Al'LDING. O.—Paulding County Fair, Sept

I’res.; _0. AA'. . ( .vRROl.l.TON. P.A.—Cambria County Agrl. WEST PITTSTON. P.A.—Luxerne Connty Fatr. Fatr. Sept. 1-4. Incluslye. Hon. J. J. Thomas. Pres.; G. K. Hlpps, Treas.; J, A’. Mancher. Secy.

Sept. 8-11. Inclusive. 1903. A. O. Farmbam. Prea.; W. T. McCabe, Treaa.; J. 0. Llewellyn. Seey.

I t, Inclujlve, 1903. Allen Hyliee. Prea.; John | , i.arion. PA—Clarion County Fair. Sept. AVII.I.IAMSPORT. PA.—Lycoming Connty Fair, AV. Z'llwr, Treaa.: AV. H. Jackson. Secy. i s.n S. S. Langhlln, Secy. Sept. l-». Inclnaive. 190.3. Henry S. Mosaea,

|•(^MEROY. O.—Melga County Agrl. S>H;lety i i.e.AUFIEI.D. PA —Clearflel.l Agrl. Driving Fair, Sept. 9-11, 1903 J. AV. Sliaver. .Secy. Assn. (Date not set.) B. Newton Shaw, Sec. .Se.

|•K^H-roKVII.I.K. O.—Lawrem-e County Fair. i»ai,i,aS, PA.—Luzerne Conntv Fair. Sept. 29- AVIN Sept. 9-n. 1903. J. A. Bowen, Prea.; E. J. (vt. 2. Inclusive. l!8i.3. Chaa. 11. Hall. Prea.; Ain Smith. Treaa.; C. AV. KItIa, Secy.

Prea.; W. M. Danley. Treaa.; H. B. Laird. Secy. IND RIDGE. PA.—Fair. Sept. 4-6, 1903. D. AInrphy. Secy.

I’r.-i.; IW. R. A. Freeman. Treaa.'; J. A. Tur RU'IIAVtlOD. O.-Klchw^ Trl Couiity Fatr. gecy rentliie. Secy. 0<t. 8-9. Inclusive, 19<i3. Rent tablll, Prea,; oaVTON. P.A.—.'

1 John J. Ryman. Treaa.; Chaa. D. Gregory. AORK. P.A.—Great York Fair. Oct. (HO, In- I Caw..* MnmIvA Oaaa.*

niAKI.o'rrK. N. C.—M*N*klrnbur(t F«tr Amu. T. I.. Horn. Treas.; H. i': iWt. 27 tnrluaWe iww. I>r. K. J. Breeartl! j r.OMK. O.—Fair. Stpt. 24-25, m»3. B. F rr»a.; W, J. iniamtw*r«. Treat.; Junlua IL ■ , „ „ ^ . Harden. Secy.

FAYETTEA'ILI.E. N. C.-Cumberland County Fair, Nov. 4-6. Inelualve, Walter AA’ataon.

T. L. Horn. Treas.; H. t. Duke. Stny. 29-Oct 2, Inclnaive. UHV3. AV. P. Boreland, '.OMK. »>.—Fair, S.'pt. 21-25, 1903. B. I. Prea.; O. H. Good, Treas.; AV. C. Marshall.

Mead, Secy. S,.o. tr.SSEI.VII.LE. O.—Russellville Grange Fair. i:H|NROr.O, PA.—Edlnhoro Fair. S«'pt. 13-18.

Oct. 15. 1903. A. E. Emmott. Secy. LAI.KM, O.—.Alahoning County Fair. Sept. 22 [ (;iiies,,ie.' Treas.; ‘i. J. McAVtlHams.'^'y. "

21. Inclusive. B. L. Mincheater. Secy. I roUKSVII.LK. P.A—Sullivan County Fair.

clnslve. 190.3. Edw. (Tiapto. Secy. Armstrong Connty Fair. Sept. A'Ot'NOAA’OOD. P.A.—Westmoreland Agrl. Fair, iislve. 191V3. AV. P. Boreland, Sept. 15-18. 1903. .At. N. Clark. Prea.; AV. Jood, Treas.; AA’. C. Marshall, F. Holtxor, Secy.

, o . RHODE ISLAND. —Edlnhoro lair. S«'pt. 13-18. . __ „

Imlnslve. 190.3 E. H. Wilcox. Prea.: D. E. s ; J. J McAVllIlama. Sec'y. Society Fair. Sept. 8-11. Inclusive. 1903. J. P.A —Sullivan Countv Fair. . A._.AlIen. Sw.v^ Peace Dale. R. I. tuntv Fair. -Siirn, »'aic. 14. a.

W Fawcett POUTSMOI TH. R. L—Newport County Fair. Molynew,; Sept. 22-2.5. Inclusive, 1903. A. F. CMggeshalL

Jem E. Pogue. Secy. WINSTON SAI.EAI. N. C. Forsyth Co. Fair

Campleell, Secy. 'Il'NKV. O. Slielhy County Fair. S«'pt. 8-11,

.VNOA'ER. P.A.—Hanover Agricultural Fair. Segt. s-ll, tncluslve. 190.3. R. M. AVIrt, Pres. T. J. I.lltle. Treaa.: M. O. Smith. Secy.

Secy., Newport, it. I.


COI.t’MBI.A. S. C.—South Carolina State Fair. Oct. 27 .30, Inclusive. 1903. R. P. Hamer. Jr.. Pees.; .A. G. I.ejnotte. Treaa.; A. W. Love. Sevy.. Cheater. S. C.

LEXINGTON. S. C.—Lexington County Fair .Assn. tX't. —. 1903. J. A. Muller, Secy.


.AR.MOt'R. S. D.—.Armour Fair. (Dates not set.)

AIANDAN. N. D.—North Dakota Slate Fair. Oeorge N. Devine. SeH-v Slrama. Treaa.; E. W. Gamniell, Sec’y. BELLE FOt'BCHE. S. D.—Butte County Fair.

I'ouvrut’ik lIulUkOAaSI.Luulo llulluu ““ I I HCGHESVILLE. PA.—.Aliiucy Valley Farmers' Sept. 8-lt, inclusive, 1903. Geo. E. Hair, t'4k 4'armlval H’Attunu, »U LuuU Hutton Co> ctub Fair. Sept. 2;’ 25. Inelualve, 1903. How- Secy.



Carnival Whip and Fan Combined! 4 new article anti


StrMtmtn, sand 5ct*. in stamin tar aampla.

RHINKLANDER, WI8.—OneJda Co. A«rl. So¬ ciety. Sept. 18-18. 1903. Dr. T. R. Welch. Secy.

RICK I.AKR, WIS.—Barron Co. Society. Sept. 8-10. 1901. V. H. I'aradla. Secy.

R1CHI.AND CENTRE. WIS.—Richland County Afrr'I. Asaoclatlon Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. 1903. W. F. J. Foko. Secy.

SENECA. WIS.—Crawford County Fair. Oct. 1-3. Inclnalre. IWfl. F. Yonnit. Fret.: R. Morris. Treas.; J. F. Sprotay, Eaatman, Wla., Secy.

lEYMOCR. WIS—Seymonr Fair. Sept. 24-28. Inclnalre. 1903. H. J. Van Vnren. Secy.

ST. CROIX FAI.I.8, WIS.—Ayrl. Fair. Sept. 8-10. Inclnalre. 1903. O. H. Ely. Secy.

SHAWANO, WIS.—Shawano County AfrI. Fair. Sept. 18-18, Inclnalre. 1903. R. E. Wedse- wood, Prea.: E. V. Warner. Secy.

VIROQUA. WIS.—Vernon County Fair. Sept. 15-18. Inclnalre. 190.3. F. M. Mlnaball. Prea.; J. H. Mcl>eea, Treaa.; F. W. Alexander, Secy.

WAUSAU, WIS.—A*rl. Fair. Sept. 1-4, In- clnalre, 1903. L. K. Wriitht, Secy.

WAUTO.MA, WIS.—Wanaliara County AyrI. Soc. Fair. Sept. 23-25. W. H. Rerray. Secy.

WEST BEND. WIS.—Waahincton County Afr'I. Society Fair. Sept. 17-19, 1903. W. 1*.

PIIYAI.U’P, Wash.-Valley Aasn. Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 3. 1903. J. P. Nerlna. Secy.

SPOKANE. WASH.—Spokane Agrl. Fair. Oct. 5-13 1903.

WAI.r.A WAI,I.A. WASH.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 19-24. Inclnalre. 1903. R. B. Caswell. Secy.

WHATCOM. WASH.—Whatcom County Fair. Aug. 31-Sept. 5. Incluslre. 1903. R 1.. Kline, Secy.


BEI.INGTON. W. VA.—Barbour County Fair. Sept. 15-17. Incluslre. A. F. Rohrabougli. Secy.

CLARKSBURG. W. VA —West Virginia Central Agrl. A Mechanical Fair. Sept. 1-4, Incluslre. 1903. S. I.. Denham. Pres.: Thoa. S Spates, Treas.; .Tames N Hess. Secy.

HUNTINGTON. W. VA—Cabell County Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2, Incluslre, H. E. Mathews, Secy.

PENNSBORO. W. VA.—Ritchie County Fair. Sept. 8-11, Incluslre, 1903. I/. P. Wllaon. Pres.; Dr. Geo. P. Sigler, Treas.; W. A. Strlckler. Secy.

POINT PLEASANT. W. VA—Mason County Fair. Sept. 15-18. Inclusive. J. P. Burdett. Pres.; L. C. Somerrllle, Treas.; F. G. Mna- grare. Secy.

SIIEPHF.RDSTOWN, W. VA.—Morgan Grore Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclusive, 1903. C. I>. Wyaeng. ITes.; J. iJ. Kearfott, Treas.; E. T. Lickllder. Secy.

WHEELING. W. VA.—West Virginia State Fair. Sept. 7-11. Inclusive. 1903. A. Rey- mann. Pres.; Geo. Hook. Secy.

WISCONSIN. ANTIGO, WIS.—AnUgo Agrl. *Falr. Sept. 8-

11. Inclusive, 1903. G. W. Hill. Secy. APPLETON. WIS.—Fox River Fair & Driving

Aaan. Sept. 2-4. 1903. W. L. Root. Pres.; J. J. Sherman. Treas.; M. F. Barteau, Si-cy.

AMHERST. WIS.—Portage County Fair. Sept. 15-18, Inclusive. 1903. Geo. W. Smith, Pres.; J. O. Foxen. Treas.; A. J. Smith, Secy.

ARCADIA, WIS.—Agrl. and Driving Assn. Fair. Sept. 2-4, Inclusive, 1903. John C. Muir, Pres; H. E. SImiison, Treas.; D. J. Steerena, Secy.

AUGUSTA, WIS.—Ean Claire County Fair. Sept. 8-11, 1905. J. H. Livermore, Prea.; A. E. Bradford. Treaa.; BIrt Frederick. Swy.

BARABOO, WIS.—^nb County Agrl. Soc. Fair. Sept. 22-23-24-25. 1903. 8. A. Pelton, Secy.

BEAVER PAM. WIS.—Dodge County Fair. Sept. %-Oct. 2. Inclnalre, 19^. A. L. Wallace, Prea.; H. B. Drake, Treaa.; C. W. Harvey,

i3Ianur«rtureru ot Flacu, Duroralluna

aud Noveltlea ul every deaeiiptlon. TRADE MARK.

Decorated or Advertising Balloons, get prices from

Q. NERVIONE 66 N. Prankllrv St., Chicago, III.

The only positively exelnalvs and Reliable Balloon House In America. The opening for Season 1903 will take place on AprO 1, from the Eagle Mark tncnrsale. Ballont nouveantes dirigables.” which will ba tba graat socceas of the Twentieth century, for Clnba, Stimmei Resorts, Plcnles, Fairs, Street Fairs, Camlvala. etc., etc., etc.


.IPI'LETo.N, MD. Annual Celebration. S«-pt. 1 Ini'liiHivc.

fll.Mtl.ESTttN. ILIJ*.—Str.-ct Fair. Sept. IL 19. Ilicluaivc.

• 'dVLE. dKL.\ —Corn and Cotton Carnival. Dct. 8 10. IllclUBivc.

EL REND. t)KL.\ ilarvt-sl Home Jubilee. Ocl. 7-10, liK'liiatvc.

FI.DR.V. II.I.S Farmcra' and Merihanta’ Car. nival. (lute not set.) Fcnllnaud Ponney, Secy.

G.VTKSVILLK. TEX.AS.—Colton Carnival. Dct. 1.V17. Inclnalre. \V 11. Johiiaon, Secy.

GRAND ISLAND. NEB Carnival. .S.-pt 2S iK't. 3. Collliia Carnival Co., attraction.

GRANGKHVILLK. IDAHtL- 4<trect Fair ami Carnival. Sept. ;iO -Oct. 1, Inelualve. J. Norwiod, Secy.

IIANKINSON. N. D. -Street Fair. Sept. D» PJ, tnelualve. J. B. Herbert, Secy.

HASTINGS. NEB.—4’arnlvaL Sept. 2121. In elusive. Collins Carnival Co., atlrarthm.

I.EB.WON, IND.—Com Carnival. Ocl. 29-z;, Inclusive. A. F. Neal, S«s'y. J. H. Hoj, .Amusement Mgr.

LINCOLN NEB.—Eagles' Carnival. Sept. 7 12. Inclusive. Colllna Carnival Co. attraetlon.

LIHKHART, TEX AS.—.Street Fair and County Carnival. Nov. 10-12, Inelualve. Carey Smith. Secy, t

■MEXICO. MO.—.McrchanCt Horae Show, Carni¬ val .nnd Street Fair. Oct. 13 17. Inelualve. .A. 11. AA'hllnev. Secy.

MU.SCOW. in.AlIo Str<et Fair. Sept. 21*

HURON. S. D.—Central South Dakota Fair. Sept. 8-11, Inclusive. 1903. M. Booth, Pres.; J. W. Campltell. Treaa ; E. M. Thomas, Secy.

SIOUX FALLS, S. I).—Mlniieliiiha County Fair. Sept. 7-12, 1903. M. Gerln. Urea.; P. P. Peck. Treas.; H. M. Avery, Secy.

YANKTON. S. D—South Dakota State Fair. Sept. 14-18. Inclusive. 1903. H. S. Fletcher. Pres.; J. E. I’latt, Treas.; AA'alter B. Dean, Secy.


Sept. 10-12. inoluslve. 1903. L. W. Rollins, Pres.; J. AV. Wood. Treas.; Rob. Roy. Secy.

COAL CREEK, TENN.—Coal Creek Fair. Sept. 15-lS, Inclusive. F. J. Gross. Secy.

COLIIMBIA. TENN.—Maury County Fair. Sept. 29-Oot 2 Inclusive. 1903. R. S. Thomas. Secy.

KNOXVILI.E. TENN.—Agrl. I'slr A Races. Sept. 21-20. inclusive. AV. L. AA'hIteside, 303 E. Church St.. Secy.

TRENTON. TENN.—Gibson County Fair. Oct. 7-10. Inclusive, 1903. T. J. Happel, Pres.; AA’. F. McRee. Treas.; W. W. Harrison. Secy.

UNION CITY, TENN.—Farmers' and Merchants' Fair, Oct. 1-3. Inelualve. E. H. Marshall, Secy.


REAUMONT, TEX—Agrl. Fair. Nov. 18-22, Inclusive.

CENTRE l*OINT, TEX.—Guadallslie Valley Fair. Oct. 1-3. Inclusive, 1903. A. Rees, Pres.; Jas. Croty. Treas. and Secy.

DAI.LAS. TEX.—Texas State Fair. Sept. 28- Oct. 11. 1903. AV. H. Gaston. Pres.; J. B. .Adonc. Treas.; Sydney Smith. Secy.

DENISON. TEX.—Denison Fair. Sept. 12-20, 1903. G. L. Blackford. Prea.; W. D. Collins, Treas.; W. J. Scott, Secy.

FREDERICKSBURG, TEX.—Gillespie County Fair. Sept. 12-14, Inclusive. I... Hagen, Secy.

KERRATLI.E. TEX.—Park Assn. Fair. Sept. 3-5, inclusive. 1903. Chas. Schreiner, Pres.; J. E. Grlmstead. Secy.

MARJUEZ, TEX.—Marquez Fair Aasn. Sept. C-8. Inclusive, 19J3. W. K. Powell, Pres.; Sldnev Myers. Treas.; Dr. E. O. Boggs. Secy.

SAN ANTONIO. TEX.—San Antonio Interna¬ tional Fair. Oct. 17-2.8. inclusive. 1903. J. AA'. Kokemot. Pn-s.; James M. A’ance, Secy.


i'.ICHFIELD. UTAH—Central UUh Agrl. Fair. ( not set). B. 8. Young. Secy.

SAl.T LAKE CITY. UTAH.—Utah State Fair. Oct. 1-7, Inclusive, 1903. AA'. J. Bateman, Secy.


BARTON. A'T.—Orleans County Assn. Fair. S?pt. 8-11. Inclusive. 1903. D. D. Bean, Seev.

P.R.ATIT.F.BORO. A’T.—A’alley Association Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 1. 1903. G. W. Pierce, Pres.; J. G. Estey. Treas.; C. L. Stlekney, Secy.

FAIR HAA’EN, A'T.—AVestem A’ermont Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1.5-18. Inclusive. 1903. B. H. llorton. Pres.; Chas. R. Allen, Treas.; F. A. Florv. Secy.

MORRLSVILLE. VT.—Lamoille Valley Fair. Sept. 22 24. Inclusive. 1903. Geo. M. Powers, Prea.; O. M. Waterman. Treas. and Secy.

NORTIIFIEI.D, VT.—Dog River A'alley Fair. Sept. 15-17, Inclusive, 1903. F. G. Fisher. Secy.

ORWELL. A’T.—Orwell Farmers' Club Fair. Sept, 23-24. 1903. E. P. Gralnold, Pres.; H. D. Branch, Secy.

RUTLAND. A’T.—A’ermont State and Rutland County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 8-11, Inclusive, 1903. C. C. Pierce. Secy.

ST JOHNSBURY. VT.—Caledonia County Fair. Sent. 15-17. Inelnslve. 1903. C. I. Smith. Secy.

WATERBT’RY, A’T.—Washington County Fair. Sept, 8-10, inclusive, 1903. C. C. 'Warren, Pres.; H. D. Brown, Treas.; Chas. Keene, Secy.

WOODSTOCK. A’T.—AVlndsor County Fair. Sept. 22-24. inclusive, 1903. F. S. Meckenzle. Pres.; C. H. English, Treaa.; J. S. Eaton, Secy.


FREDERICKSBURG. VA.—R V. A. * M. So¬ ciety Fair. Sept. 22-'24. liiclnslve, 1903. S. J. Quinn. Secy.

HEATHSVILLE. VA.—HeathavUle Fair. Sept. .30-Oct. 2. Inclusive. 190.3. J. G. Rice, Secy.

SOI’THSIDE. VA.—.Sonthslde Agrl. Fair. Oct. 21-23. Inclusive. 1903.

TAPPAHANNOCK, VA.—^Tidewater Agrl. and Stock Assn. Fair. Sept. 16-18, Inelnslve, 1903. R. J. Duke. Secy.

WINCHESTER. VA.—Shenandoah Valley Fair. Oct. 20-23. 1903. K. O. Hollis, Secy.


COLFAX. WASH.—Whitman County Fair. Oct. 12-17. Inhlnslve, 1903. Geo. H. Lennox, Secy. and Mgr. ___ , ^ ^ ^ .

DAVENPORT. WASH.—Lincoln County Fair. (Dates not aet.) J. M. Hania. Secy.

EVERETIT. WASH.—Snohomish County Fair Sept. 7-12, Inelnslve, 1903. T. F. Oliver, I-rea.; Jo*. E. Swalwell, Treas,; Dan (Jurrls, 8o<^.

LA GRANDE, WASH.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 5 10. 1903.

NORTH YAKIMA. WASH.—Washington State Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 3, 1903. A. J. Splawn. Prea.; J. E. Shannon, Treas.; T. B. Gunn, Secy.

-l*iramie Fair.

ATWOOD, ONT.—Elma Agrl. Fair, Oct. 6-7. Jno. .Morrison, Newrv. Ont., Secy.

BOWMANVILLB. t*NT.—West Durham Agrt. Fair. Oct. 7-8, 1003. Jame* Deyman, Pr**,; M. A. James. Mayor, Treaa. and Secy.

BROME CORNER. QUE.—Brome Conntv Agrl. Fair. Sept. 9-10. Geo. F. Hall, Secy.

CHARLOTTETOWN. P. E. ISI.A.ND—Agr’I. A Industrial Exhibition. Sept. 22-25, Inelnslve. 1903. F. L. Hasxard, Pre*.; C. R. Smallwood Secy A Treaa.

CHATHAM, ONT., CANADA.—West Kent Agrl. Fair, Sept. 22-24, Inelualve, 10a3. Jaa. t!hla- nlck. Pres.; R. O. Fleming, Treas.; Henry Roblnenn. Seey.

COLLINGWOOD. ONT.—Great Northern Exhi¬ bition, Sept. 22-2.5, inclusive. Tbos. Robluson. Prea.; Jas. GnUfoyie, Treas.; Jas. W. Ar¬ cher, 8ecy.

CORNWALL. ONT.—Cornwall Fair. Sept. 10- 12. Inclnalve. 1903. J. O. Harkueas, Secy.

DRUMBO. ON'T.—Blenheim Agr'L Society Fair. Sept. 29-.3n. 1903. Thoa. S. Telfer. Secy.

DCNNVILLE, ONT.—Western Branch Agr'L So¬ ciety Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 1903. SoL 8. Smith. Pres.; W. A. Fry. Secy.

FREDERICTON. N. B.—rrecerlcton ExposItioD. Sept. 21-26. inclusive. W. Hooper, Secy.

GALT, ONT.—Galt Agtl. Fair, Oct. 1-2, 1903. Jaa. Douglas. Secy.

GtrELPH. ONT.—Central Guelph Fair, Sept. 15- 17, Inclusive. Wm. I.aldlaw. Secy.

HALIFAX. N. S.. CANADA.—Novla Scotia Pro¬ vincial Fair. Sept. 9-17, 1903. Hon. J. W. I.angley. Prea.; D. R. Clark, Treaa.; J. E. Wood. Secy.

KEMPTVILLE. ONT.—Oxford Agrl. Fair. Sept. 24-25. 1903. L. H. Gneat. Treas. A Secy.

KINGSTON, ONT.—Kingston DIair' ■; Pair Sept. 8-11, inclusive. J. .Morgan Snuw. Stcy.

LACHUTE. QUE.—.4gr'l. Exhibition, (dates not set.) O. J. Walker, Secy. A Treaa.

LONDON. ONT.. CAN.—Western Fair Aaas. Sept. 11-19. 1903. Ool. W. M. Qartaabore. F^.; D. McKenzie, Trees.; J. A. Nelles.

MILVERTON. ONT.—Maraington Agrl. Fair, Sept. 24-25. M. .Mac Beth. Secy.

MITCHELL. ONT.—Fnllartan and lx>fan Agrl. Soclet.v Fair. Sept. 22-23, 1903. James Bar¬ nett. Seev. A Treat.

NEWMARKET. ONT.—Nurth Yoik •’ountv Fair Sept. 22-24. Ir.olualve, Wm. KePh Stev.

NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C.—Royal Agrl. and Indnatrlal Society Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. Incln¬ alve. 1903. T. J. Trapp, Prea.; O. D. Brymner Treaa.; W. H. Keary. Seev.

OTTAWA. ONT—Central Canada ExhlMtloo. Sept. 11-19, 19(K1. Wm. Hutchinson. Pree.; T. O. Bates. Treat.; E. M. Mahon, Secy.

OWEN SOUND. ONT.—North Gray Agr'L Soci¬ ety Fair. Sept. 15-17, Inelualve. 1903. A. O. Mackoy, Secy. A Treaa.

PARIS. ONT.—North Brant Exbibtion. Sept. 24-25. 19a3. H. C. O'Neil. Secy.

PETERBOROUGH. ONT.-Peterborough Indna¬ trlal Fair. Sept. 22-24. 1903. D. II. Charles Prea ; W. Gre«>D, Secy, and 13’eas.* P. O. ^x 181.

PRESCOTT, ONT. CANADA —South Greenville Agr’L Fair. Sept. 8-10, Inelualve, 1903. Jea. Caagrove, Prea.; T. R. Mellvflie, Treas. and Secy.

RICHMOND. QtTE.-Richmond County Fair. Sept. 19, 1M3. John R. Silver, Danville, Qne.. Secy.

SAULT 8TK. MARIE. CANADA.—East Algoma Agrl. Fair, Oct. 6 A 7, 1903. John Dawaoo, Prea.; Wm. Brown. Treaa. and Secy.

SITERBROOK. QUEBEC, CAN —Canada's Great Eastern Exhibition. Ang. 29-Sept. 5, 1903. N. T. Dassault, Pre*.; W. M. Tomllnsoa.

SIMCOE. ONT.—Norfolk Union Fair. Oct 15 17. Inclnalve. H. 11. Groff. Prea.; J. T. Muriihi'. Secy. A Treaa.

STRATHROY. ONT.—Wevt MlIPcHex Fair Sept. 23-25. inclnalve. David Evana, Secy.

TORONTO. ONT.—Indnatrlal Exhibition. Aug. 27-Sept. 12. 1908. J. O. Orr. Mgr. A Secy.

VANCOUVER. B. C.—Agr’L Fair. Oct. 3-5, In- clotlve, 1903.

VANLEKK HILL. ONT.. CAN—Prescott County Agricnitnral Swlety Fsir. Sept. 10-12. In- rlnalve, 1903. James Allison. Pres.; Samnel Howes, vlre-prea.; Fred W. TIilBtlewalte. Mgr Treaa. and Secy,

VICTORIA, B. C.—Victoria Exhibition. Oct. 8- 10. 19a3. Robt. W. Twlnerton, Seev.

WELLESLEY, ONT.—Wellesley Agrl. Fair. Sept. 15-16. G. Bellingi, Secy.

WOODBRIDOE, ONT—Woodbrldge Fair. Oct. 14-15. T. F. Wallace. Secy.

WOODSTOCK. ONT.—Wnodstoek Fair. Sept. 23-24, 1903. Monldlng Baker. Prea.. B. O Sawtell. Secy.

YARMOimi. N. 8.—Yarmouth Exhibition. Sept 23-24, Inclnalve. Wm. oommg. Secy.

Sept. 14-16. Inclusive, 1903. W. II. Rlntleman Pres.; L. E. Schroeder, Treaa.; Jacob Dietrich.

CHILTON. WIS.—Calumet Co. Agr'L Society Fair. Sept. 14-16, Inelualve. Fr^. Bormaox, Pres.; John Grey, Treas.; Geo. A. Sebumaker,

CHIPPEWA FALIH, WIS.—North Wla. SUte Fair. Sept. 15-18. Inclnalve, 1903. Jeaaa R. Sharp, Pre*.; W. W. Flinn, Treas.; Geo. B. McCall. Secy.

CUMBERLAND. WIS.—Cumberland Agr’L and Driving Assn. Fair. Sept. 9-11, 1903. A. H. Larson. Secy

DODGEVILLE. WlS.—Iowa County Agrl. Soc. Fair. Sept. 8-11. 1903. E. A. EUiott, Secy.

DURAND, WIS.—Pepin Ckranty Fair. Sept. 80- Oct. 2. Inolnalye. 1903. John Dorwln, Secy.

ELKHORN. WIS—Walworth Co. Agr’L Society Fair. Sept. 15-18, 1903. Samuel MltcheU,

ELLSWORTH. WIS.—Pierce County Fair. Sept. 22-2.5. Inclnslye, 1903. J. W. Hancock, Pree.; H. R. Hnber. 'Treae.; E. S. Doolittle, Secy.

F.LROY, WIS.—Elroy Assn. Fair. Sept. 8-11, Inclusiye. P. A. Cleary, Secy.

EVANSVILLE. WIS.—Rock Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 1-4, Inclusiye. 1903. W. E. Campbell, Prea.; Geo. L. Pnllen, Treaa.; W. W. GUllei, Secy.

FOND DU LAC. WIS.—Fond da Lac Oninty Fair. Sept. 15-18, Inclnalye. 1903. J. W. Wataon. Secy.

GAY'S MILI.S. WIS.—Central Agrl. 4 Drly- Ing Aaan. Fair. Oct. 6-8, 19CO. El. Q. Briggs,

HO^ONVILLE. WIS.—Outagamie County Fair. Sept. 16-18, Inclusiye, 1903. I-. Jaeqnot. Secy.

JEFFERSON. WIS.—Jefferson County and Bock Rlyer Valley Agr’L Society Fair. Sept. 22-25. 1903. J. H. Washburn. Prea.: F. P. Kle- nert. Treaa.; O. F. Roessler. Secy.

KEWAUNEE, WIS.—Kewaunee Ounty Fair. (dates not set.) C. V. Maahek, Secy.

KILBOURN CITY. WIS.—Luter County Fair. Oct. 5-7, Inclnalye, 1903. F. MarsbalL Pres.; Gen. H. Comphell. Secy.

LA CROSSE. WIS.—I.a Cmaee Inter-State Fair. Sept. 21-26. Inclnalye. 1903. T. H. Spence. Pres.; E. H. Wing, Treaa.; C. 8. Van Aukeo,

LANCASTER, WIS —Grant Connty Fair. Sept. 9-12. 1903. D. Abrams. Pres.; C. W. Bay, Treaa.: Geo. E. Badd. Secy.

LODI. WIS.—I»dl Union Agrl. Assn. Fair. Sept. 8-10, Inclnalye. 1903. A. H. Hlnda, Secy.

MADISON, WIS.—Dane 0)unty Agr'L Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclusiye, 1903. M. A. TerwUlln- ger. Secy.

MANITOWOC. WIS.—Manitowoc Industrial Aasn Fair. Sept. 16-18. toclualye 1903. Chris. Mntb, Pros.; John Staodt, Treas.; Edw. L. Kelley. Secy.

MAU8TON. WIS.—Juneau Oranty Fair. Sept. 1-4. Inclnalye. 1903. J. C. Baldwin, Secy.

MEDFORD, WIS.—Taylor County Fair. Sept. 22-25. Inclusiye, 1903. A. H. Peterson, Secy.

MENOMINEE, Win.—Dunn County Fair. Sept. 15-18, Inclusiye. 1903. J. B. Cbickering. Pres.; F. A. Vaaey. Treas.; Oeo. Galloway, Secy.

MERRILL. WIS.—Lincoln Omnty Agrl. Fair. Sept. 22-25, inclusiys, 1903. John M. Bruce.

MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Wisconsin Stats Fair. Sept. 7-11, Inclusiye, 1903. Oeo. HcKerroo, Pres.: John M. True. Seey.. Madison.

MONROE. WIS.—Green Co. Agr’I. Society Fair. S»pt. 1619, Inclusiye. 1903. W. H. McGrath, Secy.

OCONTO. WIS.—Oconto County Agrl. Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclnalye, 1908. O. A. Bills, Pres.; J. P. Frank. Secy.

PHILLIPS. WIS.—Price County Agr’I. Fair. Sept. 23-25, Inclnalye, 1903. F. L. Hunt, Pres.; Oeo. M. Chamberlain, Treaa.; W. H. Graham. SMy.

PLATCVILLE. WIS.—The Big Badger Fair. Sept. 1-4, Inclnalye. 1908. J. P. Rnndell, Pres.; John Woodward, Treaa.; C. H. Gobble,

PLYMOUTH. WIS.—Sheboygan County Fair Sept. 1-4, Inclnalye, 1908. A. H. Sehram, Prea.; E. A. Dow. Treas.; Otto Gaffron. Secy.

PORTAGE. WIS.—Colombia Cbunty AgrL Soc. Fair. Sept. 15-18. 1903. J. E. Jooee. Secy.

REEDSBURO, WIS.—Agr’I. Fair. (Datee not set). E. G. StoUe, Prea.; O. W. Haas, Treas. W. R. Stolte, Secy,

ABERDEEN, S. D.—Free Street Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 8. R. H. Angcll. Secy.; Patterson 4 Rraloerd attraetkma.

ADEL. lA.—Merchants' Oamlyal. Bevt. l-d. la- closlye. 1903. H. H. Crenshaw, Seey.

ALBANY, N. Y.—Red Men’s Street Fair. Sept. 7-11. Inclnalye. Gaaklll-Mnndy-I/eyltt attr.

AI.EXANDRIA. MINN—Street Fair, Sept. 29- Oct, 2. Inclusiye. O. W, Henning, Secy.

ALMA. NEB—Street Pair. Sept. 9-11, Inclu- alye. M. A. Myers. Secy.

.t'MKNA, KAN—Alfalpa UeatlTal. Sh-pt. 'll. ti.rliialye.

ARMOL’K, 8. D.—Merchant's Street Fair 4 Uamlyal. Sept. 2-5, Inclusiye. B. Wake- 8eld. 8^.

AVON. ILL—Street Fair. Sept. 7-12. Inclo- alre. Hall Uamlyal Co. attractlooa.

BARRON. WIS.—Free Street Fair. Sept. 22 24. InrlURlve. 8. W. Rpartin, Secy.

BELLAIBE. O—Street Fair, Aug. 29-Sept. 7. Anapices of Raglee. Robt. Ilotchlnsoo, 4619 Giierncy. St.. Chairman.

BELLE P„AIN MINN —Street Fair. Sept. 911. Inolnalye. J. E. Townsend, Secy. Ander- win’s Uamlyal Uo., attr.

BERKLEY. VA.—Street Fair. (Dates not set 1 J. F. Parks. Secy.

BETHANY, MO—Uamlyal. Smt. S-ll, In- cloalye. W. 8. WIghtman, Secy.

RLAUKWF,LL. OKLA.—Free Etrset Fair and Uamlyal. Sept. 1-5, torlnalye. 1903. G. M. Warlnner. Secy.

BLOOMINGTON. ILL.—Merchant’s Camlyal. Sept. 28-Ort. 3. Inclnalye. 1908.

BOSWELL. N. M.—Fair and Uamlyal. Sept. 22 2.5. Inelualyr. IHOT. J. A. Graham. Secy.

BHIUELYN. MINN—Street Fair. Camlyal 4 Band Tournament. Sept. 23-25, Inclqalxe. A. B. Oatrom. Secy.

BIIHMJKPOIIT. CONN.—Street Fair. Ang. 29- Sept. 7. 19ti3. Oeo. K. Birdseye, fWy.

BROKEN ROW. NEB.—Street Fair. Sept. 1-4. Inclnalye. 19ii3. R. R. Purcell. Seey.

BROOKIN(lS. S. D.—Bnaiaess Men’s Camlyal. Sept, 21.26. Inelnalye, 1908. W. Thompaon, Secy.; Patterson 4 Rratnerd Camlyal Oo. attractions.

BKOOKSVILLE. KY.—Street Fair. (Dates not eet).

BURLINGTON, VT.—Merchant's Fall Faattyal. Ang. 31-Sept. 5. Inrluatye, 1908. U U. Hays. Dtr. of Amuaements.

BUTLER. IND—Street Uamlyal. Sept. 1-4. Inclnalye. 1903. O. II. Downey. Secy.

BUTLEH, PA—Oil Men'a Uamlyal. Sept. 0- 11, inclualTe. Oeo. N. Borchhalted, Mgr.


prn CarnlTml Co., attrmctlofia. WAK.SA\V. WIS.—Strm K»lr. Sept. 21-28, Jn-

POPE LEO XIII MEMORIAL BA00ES!l?is:-2“rrf ■ ^ I T«l. An*. 31-Sept. 5. A. Moxer, M*r. S'jntb-

— , ^ , <*'•11 CarnlTal Co., attractlofia.

Sample on receipt of lOc. Big Sellers. I WX’SHI.NOTON, D. C.—Fall FestWal. Sept. 19-

THE WM. BECK & SONS CO., 10 & 12 Garfield Place, Cincinnati, 0. I WASIIWJTON. n. C.—“Alt Dentiohland” Car ■ Ilk ifiw. T 11 jj oundlach, t'hairman. MH 7th St. N. W.

CAIRO. 1LL.-M. W. A. Free «ree« r-lr. l.tjTISVM.I.K. KY Fall F^tl».l A Carols C ^ Sent 28-Oct. S. General Anmaemeut Co.. Sept. i-l». Inrlueltre. G. O. I.ltt, Mgr. Fer- u^_

WAIII'KTO.V. N. U.—Street Fair A CarnlTal. WILMINGTON, DEL.—National Local Preach- era* Aasn. CooTcntlon. Oct. 10-13, 1903. Geo. R. Jones. S753 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa., Secj.

ral. Ans. 31-Sept. 9. A. Moxer, Mpr. South- WII.Ml.NGTON. DEL.—I. O. R. M. Great Conn¬ ell Conrentton. Oct. 28. 1908. Edward Mc- Intlre. Great Chief of Records.

clnalre. Potter A Rice Amnaetnent Co., attr. WII.MINGTO.N. DEL.—I. O. O. F. Grand En- WASHl.NGTON, D. C.—Fall Featlral. Sept. 19- campment. Not. 17, 1903. J. H. Appleby,

Sent 28-Oct. 3. General Atnoaemeut Co.. Sept. i-I9. InclualTe. U. O. I.ltt, Mgr. Fer- arl Bnia.* attr.

raNTON ILI...—K. ot P- Street Fair and Carat- McIhlsaLD, I'A.—8t. Fair A CarnlTal. Sept. Tal Sept. 7-11. 1908. Geo. O. Hoyt. Secy. 1-.1. InclitalTe. 19iin. W. 8. latckhart. Secy.

raRI TLB ILL.—CarnlTal. (Dctea not asL, .MACON, .MO.—Street Fair and CarnlTal. Sept. II C. Norcroae. Secy. 28-0« t 3. Rnckllii I'amaby. atr.

caHKOLLTON. KY.—K. of P. Street Fair and MAdISoN. INL.—Red Men'a Fair and CamlTsL '' CarnlTal. Oct. 7-10, IncloalTC. 1903. John J. Sept. 7-12. tncInalTe. 1903. C. R- Johnson, Jr.,

lliiwe Secy. Secy, CASCADE. lA.—Merchants* CarnlTal. Sept. 7- M.t.NlToWoC, wiS. Sireet Fair Sept. 7-11.

I'hairman, M3 7th St. N. W. WAl SEON. O.—Free Street Fair A Carnival.

Sept. 30-O<-t. 2. InclnslTe. J. S. Newcomer, Secy.


mera Grand Fountain CooTtn. Sept. 1-4, 1903. W. L. Taylor. OOI N. 2nd St., Rich¬ mond. Va.. Secy.

arl Bnia. attr. WELLINGTON KAS_Snmner ConntT Wheat WASHINGTON. D. C.—American Antl-Saloon and Caml- McIhiNaI.D, I'A.—8t. Fair A Camlral. Sept. Carnival An* 3l'-Sept 3 Inclnslve 18u3 l-eaifue Convention. Dec. —. 1903. Jaa. I.,, rt. Secy. l-.-l. Inclitidve. 19o3 W 8. lax-khart. Secy. \ | Rwln. 90o F St.. N. W.. Cor. Secy.

not e*L| .MACON, .MO.—Street Fair and Carnival. Sept. WILL.MAR MINN_Free Street Fair Sent WASHINGTON. D. C.—ITniTersallata* General 28-0« t 3. Bnckllii I'amaby. atr. 23.2« Inclnalve 1903 Wm T Markhna SeS' Convention. Oct. 2i). 1903. O. L. Demarast.

t Fair and MAi.lSoN. INL.-Red Men a Fair and CamlraL f''p™-Manchester. N. H.. Secy. John J. 8ept. 7-12, tnclnalve, 1903. C. R Johnwm, Jr., ^-n |.i\>|in'OWN KY_K of p" Street Fair WASHINGTON. D. C.—National Splrltnaltntn*

(Dates not aet)’. F. C. ’ Menaugh, Box 188,' Aaan. ConvMtlon. Oct. 2^;a. InclnalTe, 190R Secy. Mrs. Mary T. Lamtley, 600 Penna Are.. B. E.. INo.NA. MINN.—Free Street Fair. Sept. 8- Washington. D. C., Secy. 11. 1903. John Rose. Secy.; Patterm A WASHINGTON. D. C.—High Tent Independent

12 Inclnalve. C. D. Baldwin. Secy. CEDAR RAPIDS. lA.—<>dnr Rapids CamlyaL

«)ct 3-10. InclnslTe. 1903. Geo. K. Barton. MAKIo.N, LSD.—PathUn<ler's CarnlTal. Ang. Prea.; G.’l*. Rothrock. Secy. 31 Sept. 3 Inclnalve. Chaa. B. Arnold. Mgr,

I (Dates not set). F. C. Menangh, Box 188,

.\l. Bumin. l Secy.; Potter A ill-e j wiNO.NA. MINN.—Free Street Fair. Sept. 8-

Bralnerd Carnival Co. attractions.

CHARi.’ESTON. W. VA.--Lahne Festival A Jobllee. Sept. 7-12. 1903. Francis Wilson,

# Iam Wm*,*

Cha». B. Arnold. Mgr. yoAKI'M. TEX.—Free’ Street Fair. Not. 3-3. M A ALL-TOWN. I A.—Camlval. Sept. 28- inclnalve. M. O. Ranney. Secy.

Oct. .3. 1903. Geo. Solonian. Secy. _ Oct. 3. 1903. Geo. Solonian. Secy. MAHYVn.I.E. M«».—Free Street Fair and Kom

CIlit'AGO ILI-.—Centennial Celabratloa. Sept. Karnlral Kavortlng. Oct. 3-10, IncltulTe. J. j M-Ort A 1908. C. Johnson, Secy.

riCKRo’ IND._Street Fair and Carnival. Sept. MENtiMINEE. MICH.—Fair, Camlval A Race j t-s' Inclnrlve. Chaa. L. Ervin. Secy. Meet. Sept. 9-12. Inclnalve. Frank W. Pac-

CINc’lNNATI. O.—Fall Festival. S^t. 7-19. ker. Secy. Indnalve B. R. Reynolds. 75 Perln Bldg MILB.kNK. S. D.—Harvest, Sept. 22 Chairman. . . 21. IncliislTe. A. J. Blevrr. S»cy. CLAilKSVII.I.E. O.—Street Fair. Sept. 1-5. MISlI.kWAKA. IND.—Free Street Fair. Ang.

CONVENTIONS Reunions, Conclaves, Assemblies

InclnslTe. D. F. Shrlner. Promoter 31-Sept. .3, InrlnidTe, CotCMBI’S IND.—Free Street Fair A Caml- MITCHELL. S. D.—Free Street Fair and Corn

val Sept. 28-Oct. 8. F. M. Bartiea, 908 Belt Ex|K>altlon. Sept. 2AOct. 1, inclnslTe. (Yiicago Opera Houae Bldg., Chicago, Ill., II. E. Hitchcock. Secy. Mgr • D. Brnnawlck. Secy. MON’ESsEN. PA.—Bnslneaa Men’a Free Street

C(il I’MBl'S OA.—Harvest FeatlTsl. Ang. Fair and Carnival. .\ng. Sl-Sept. 5. Ineloilve. 31 Sent 6 tnclnalve. Springer A Peterson. 1903. S. F. Ixieb, Secy.

■ NASHVILLE. TENN —Fall Festival A Camlval. roCNCIL BLUFFS. lA.—Street Fair and Caml- s*‘pt. 21-Oct. ."i. Iiiclnslvc. .Vrchle Ijiiirencc.

vai Sept. 7-12, Inchwlve, 1903. E. A. Secy. Trantman: Secy. NEEXAH. WIS.—Street Fair. Sept. 14-19. In

CTAin MO.—street Fair and Rannlon of Bine clnslve. Potter A Rice Amnsement O.. * and'Gray. (Datea not aet.l U. B. Wag attractions. goner Secy. NELHIII. NEB.—Harvest Camlval. Sept. 15-

Cv'^.’-FIL MINN.—Str-JCt Fair, Oct. IG 17 17, Inclnslve. W. W. Ode, Secy. ,.s;:’ ' .NEW BiM’NSWlCK. N. J.—Elks’ Festival.

D.4YTON. O._McKinley Club (^aralvaL Ang (Dates not set.l _B. W. Snvdani. Oitlrman.

Belt ExiKMltlon. Sept. 23-Oct. 1, inclostve. I BESSEMER. AL.A.—.\lahama Christian Mission¬ ary Co-Opcratlon Ovnvention. Nov. 10, 1903.

Order of Rehabltea National Convention. Oct. 3, 1903. James H. Dony, 53 Franklin St., Station n. Secy.

WASHINGTON, D. C.—D. 8. R. M. 8. Mntnal ReneSt Assn. Convtn. Sept. 8, 1903. W. 8. Corning. .Monon Bldg., Chicago. IlL. Secy.

WASHINGTON. D. C.—National Railway Pos¬ tal Clerks Asan. Convtn. Sept. 13-17, 1903. Oco. A. Wood, Portsmontb, N. H., Secy,


JACKSONVILLE, FLA.—^Turpentine Operators’ General Asan. C2>nvtn. Sept. —, 1908.


AMERICrS. GA.—Benevolence Circle Spnreme Circle Convention. Oct. 1. 1903. H. S. Davis. 81 State St.. .Albany. Oa.. Secy.

. S. nutl6r. Ala., Roc. Socj,; E. E. ATI A\TA OA Rlbla *Gonfarout tr * LlntUl. um, Anniston. Ala.. .Secy, and Treas. ^2.7 O'*'—«“*• Lonfereo. t

^‘VentVon^’ VTLANTA.'GA.-National Congregational Work- “• ei’’ Convention. Sept. 18-23, 1903.

VfiVvT^mivilv A *’ BRUNSWICK. GA.—Daughters of American ! Rpvolntlon State Convention. Nov. 11. 1903.

Order Eastern Star. Nov. 5. 1903. W’. M. Cunningham. Corona. Ala., Grand Secy.

MONTGOMERY. ALA.—Grand Lodge A. F. A A. M. Conventhm. Dec. 1, 1903. Geo. A. Besnrhamp. Grand Secy.

NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J.—Elks’ Festival. MONTGOMERY. AI.A.—Grand Chapter R. A. tDatea not set.l B. W. Snvdani. fhalrman.

31 Sept! 5. Inclnslve. C. VI. Klaalnger, Gen. skw KENSINGTON. PA.—Firemen’s Street Mgr Heck New Exposition Co.. Mtr

DECATUR ILL.—Camlval. Sept. 21-38. 1900. Oaaklll-Mondy. attraetlotia.

DENISON. 1 A.—Free Street Fair. Sept. 8-11. Inclnslve. A. W. Wright. Secy.

DEXTER. lA —Street Fair, Oct. 7-9, InclnilTe. F. C. Downey. Seey.

DOWAGIAC. MICH.-Boalneoa Mena Street Fair. Sept. 14-19. Inelnalve. N. D. Jones. ITea.: W. M. Bryar. Secy. „ , , „ .

EARI. PARK. IND.—Carnival. Sept. 1-4. In cloalve. Eira Hackley, Secy. ^

EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL.—Merchant a Fall Fcstl- val. Sept. 7-12. 1908. Gaaklll-Mnndy Carni¬ val Co., attr.

EAC CLAIRE. WIS.—Street Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 8 Inclnslve. 1903, G. Thompson. Secy.

EFFINGHAM. ILL.—Street Fair Oct. 5-10, In- clnalve. J. W. Gravenhorat. Mgr.

ENNIS. TEXAS;—Merchant’a Street Fair ami

■M. Convention. Dec. 1. 1903. Geo. A. Bean- champ. Grand Secy.

Mrs. Robt. E. Park Atlanta, Ga., State Re¬ gent; Mrs. P. W. Godfrey, Covington, Ga., Sec.T.

GRIFFIN. GA.—Jr. O. U. A. State Council Convention. Sept. 8, ISO.”*. A. G. Martin, Box 1S2. Seey.

IDAHO. Fair A Carnival. Sept. 14-19. Inclaslve. Frank TUSCALOOS.k. ALA. — State Federation of BOLSE. IDAHO.—F. A A. M. Grand IxMlge Con- A. Green. Chairman.

NK'HOLSVILLE. KY.—K. of P. Fair. Sept 1-.3. 1903.

OAKTOWN. IND.—Watermelon Oiratval

Women’s Clnha Convention. Nov. 10. 1903. Mrs. C. G. Brown, Birmingham, Ala., Cor. Secy.


ventlon. Sept. 8, 1903. Theo. W. I’andall, Secy.

BOISE, IDAHO—State Teachers’ Assn. Conven¬ tion. Dec. —, 190;i. Mrs. C. A. Mann, Secy.

^g 31 Sept. .1. IncItiHlve. B. B. Gmbb. ROCK. ARK—C-ojal Arch Masons ‘'Hf’K $ f’ \tn r Qf..^r a-.i. O-a General Grand Chapter Cotiventloii. Oot. •!, 20. 1903. L.

Men a Street ODESS.C. MO —Free Street Fair. Sept. 2-5. 19113 Christonher G Fox Buffalo NY Bsdley. Boise. Idaho. Secy. N. D. Jones. Inclusive W. F Ening. Seev. O. roi. Buffalo, Y.. ,.oUR d’ALENE CITY, IDAHO.-Grand Encamp-

OMAHA. NEB.—Knights of Ak-Sar-B«n-Caral- CALIFORVIA “*“1 >• O- O. F. Oct. 19. 1903. U Sept. 1-4. In- val. Oct. 1-10. 1903. “Pony** Moore. Mgr • . . .Badley. Boise, Idaho, Grand Scribe.

OREGON CITY. ORE.—Street Fair and Car- El HEKA. CA^—Independent Or^r ofForeatera ,^oUR d’ALENK CITY, IDAHO.—Rebekah State nival. Sept. 1-5. 1903. J. H. Howard. Mgr.. High Court Convention. Ocr. 13. 19W. Wm. Aaaembly of Idaho. Oet. 19. 1908, lira.

P O Box 374. o. Perry. Rooms 39-40 Bryson Bldg., Los Carrie E. Myers. Boise. Idaho. Secy.

General Grand Chapter Convention. Ort. )i, 19(13. Christopher G. Fox, Buffalo, N. Y., Secy.


P O Box 374 OTTERBEIN. IND—Band Camlval, Sept. 22-I Angeles CaL. Secy.

2.‘i. liicliiKUc E. V lomear. Mgr. PALESTINE. TEX.—East Tciss Indnstrlal Oar

ntvsl and Fmit Show Sept. 8-11. 1908. A.

OAKLAND. CAL.—W. C. T. D. State Onven-

Carrie E. Myers. Boise. Idaho. Secy.


tton. Oct. —. 1903. Mrs. D. J. Spencer, 132 ALTON, ILL.—State Billposters' Aaan. Con- McAUlfter St., San Franciseo. Cal., Secy.

Teah. Pres.; Wm. Brannagan, Tteaa. end I PASO ROBLE^ CAL.—^rand Encampment of

Carnival. S^t. 8-5. Inclnslve. E. S, Over- 1 PaRAGOUID. ARK—Free Street Fair and Oar- Callforala. Oet. A 1903. Wm. F. Baraea. San Francisco. C^L. Grand Scribe.

hiscr Mgr.; P. J. nemphtll. Secy. nival Slept. 8-12. Inclnslve. 1903. B. C. EVANSTON. ILI...—Harvest Home Feetlvsl. Wright. Secy. FAIRFAX. MO.—Fall Festival. 8«-pt. 23 2.', In- PaTER.'H'N. N. J —Paterson Bustnecw Men’s

clnslve. 1903. Camlval Sept. 7-12. 1903. Ad. Edward B. Sept. 8-8, Inclnslve. 1 White, 170 Market St.. Paterson, N. J.

FARMINGTON. lA.—Street Fair and Camlval. 1 PEKIN. ILL.—Pekhi Street Fair. Oct. 6-10. Sept. 9-11. 1903. Frank D. Carr. Secy. | 1903.

nival Sept. 8-12. tnclnalve. 1903. B. C. ^AN FRANCISCO. CAL.—Ex-Prbonera of War

vtn. Sept. —, 1903. S. B. Harrington, Pres.; C. J. Johnson. VIce-Pres.; R. C. Campbell, care American Blllpostlng 0>., Cor. Ijike A Morgan Sts., Chicago, IIL, Secy.; G. B. Bow¬ man. Treas.

National Encampment. Oct. —. 1903. S. .M. I BELVIDERE, ILL.—Reunion 99th IIHdoIs Talna- Long. Eaat Orange, N. J.. Secy.

Carnival ■ Sept. 7-12. 190.3. Ad. Edward B. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—American Bankers’ teer Infantry. Sept. —. 1903. C. B. Drake, Secy.

White, 170 Market St.. Paterson, N. J. Aasn. Omvtn. Oct. 20-23, Inclnslve. 1903. BLtXlMINGTON, ILL.—State Police Employes J. it. Branch. Hanover Bank Bldg. New York City, N. T., Nafl. Secy.

TR?’PLAIN, N. T.—Street Fair! Sept. 14- ! PKRRY. lA —Free Camlval ft Street Fair, j S-AN JOSE. (^^-^SUte ^sa Assn. Convtn.. 19. 1908. Frank J. Bhie. Prea.; Emil Rebell. ; Sept. 28-Oct. 3. Inclnslve. B. W. Heaton. 8en. I Secy.

FT WORTH TEX.—Fall Festival. Oct. 5-10. PFKRY. O. T.—Camlval. Sept. 18-18, Inclnslve. 1908. T. T. McDonald. Secy, ft Treat.; Frank j w. Casev. Seev. M. White, IMreetor Oeneml. I PITTSBCiIC. pa —Board of TVade Camlval.

Sept. —, 1903. STOCKTON, CAL.—I. D. E. 8. Supreme Connell

Benevolent Assn. Convention. Sept. 8, 1903. F. H. Spears. 1034 N. 3rd St., Sprlngdeld, 111.. Secy.

BUWDEN ILL.—Shelby Co. Soldlera’ Bennlon. Sept. 3-4, 1903.

Convtn. Sept 14, 1903. U. D. Silva, Elm- CARBONDALE, ILL.—SOtb Annual Sontbern

PITTSBURG. PA—Board of Trade Camlval. bnnt, (^L, Sec’y.


Illnlola Hortlcnltnral Society Convention. Nov, 24-25, 1903. J. W. Stanton. Rlcbvlew, III.,

FREItPOBT.' ILU—Fair a^ Jcaralval. Sept I ^.,.t 21-< *ct .3^nrlualve. 190.3. E. Y. Breck. L-j^XON CITY. COLO.—State Federation of s^ ' ^ A'TiN*’MO*.?Xee^St2i.t"FaD‘7nd*nSiae ' pt'AiNVIFw' MlNN -Street Fair Sent r | CHAMPAIGN. ILL.—State Horticultural Socle-

U Etter. \iee-Prea.; Robert J. Ball, Seey.; PLEASANTVII I E. lA—Street Fair ft Carnival. MaaiMilc Temple Smy , , _ „ n T ti,IIi^V Tma lai Sent If 19 inri wire \v II Merritt ^ , CHICAGO, ILL.—American OrUielal Snrgeona A t A'TtV***xirinr!fHome Show and Street Wr ’ ’ '' DKN\LU. COI.O.—Royal .Arch Mai^s Grand Asan. Convention. Sept. 8-7, 1903. F. E. Fair. Oei. 14-17, 1908. Guy Fltsgerald. Chair- i^oa. wm. ,^,^0. m. d., ioo st:. ch.c4o.-nL,

... .r -d r... Carnival Oo.. at- i.kxvKP., t'OLO.-Knlghls Templar Grand Com- cHIcW ILL.-State Luther Id..rue Conven-

Tiin^« UMir.. rh*!rTr,An

R. J. RHttin. Tw4». I S^pt 0AI.I.ATIN. TENN—Horae Show and Street Seer.

Fair. Oct. 14-17, 1903. Guy Fltagerald. Chair- PORXSMOI maa. 1 locli

GAI.VA. ILL.—K. of P. Fall Festival and Car- tracHona. nival. Ang. 81-Sept. 5. A. Tolman. 7'’PRY<Hl CREEK I T.—llemhant’a Street Fair 7.,,,^ Masonic ’Temple. Secy.

^ . CHICAGO. ILL.—American Ortllclal Snrgaona h.N\ LU. COI,0.—Royal Arch Mai^a Grand Asan. Conventtoo. Sept. 8-7, 1903. F. E.

Sept- I*' Wm. (3oatUn. M. D.. 100 State St.. Chicago. Ill., D. Tiald. Maaooic Temple. Secy. Secy. KXVKH. COLO.—Knights Templar Grand Com- CHIC.\GO. ILL.—State Luther I-eague Conven- mandery tonventlon. Sept. 18. 19tA>. W m. tlon. Sept. —, lOa’l. N. C. Olson, 263 Ful-

G08HEN. IND —Merehant'a and Farmers' Fall Featival. Sept. 23-28. Inclusive. n.vd* J. Caatetter Chairman.

GRAND JUNCTION. COL—Carnival ft Peach Dav Featival. Sept. 8-10, Inclnalve.

ft Camlval. Sept. 2S.0ct. 3. Inclnalve. J. A. (Jiilnn Seer

PI EBI O. ('OI,.—Meprhant’s ft Manufacturers’ Camlval. Sept. 14-18, Inclnslve. Job. D. Glass. Seev.

ton St.. Secy. DLNAKR. COLO.-—Brotherl^l of SL Andrew ] CHICAGO. ILL.—National Civic Federation

tonventlon. IVt. i-ll, l»i... .Herbert Carle-, Omyentlon. (Vt. —, 1903. bun. M.ssl and Walter Sts., ilttsburg. I a., I I'HU'AGO. ILL.—American Academy of Rall-

GREteNBAT. WIS —Wee Camlval. (Datea not RICHMOND. KT.—Red Men’* Camlval. Ang

ton. W,a>d and Walter Sts., iMttsburg, Pa. Seey. _

OORBRC-nCUT. wa.T Surg»>ons’ Convention. Oct. 1-2, 1903. T. B. Lacey. M. D.. Cuuncll Bluffs, la.. Secy.

aet.l F. J. Worrell. Beey. 31 .Scot R. J. r. Sevton. Seey. HENRY. ILL.—Street Fair. (Datea not tett. ROANOKE \ .v.—Ijibor Week Jubilee. Sept

R F. Burt Secy. " '** Inrluslve W I.. Rol>ertson. Seev. HOUSTON. 'TRX.-No-Tan-Oh-Carnival. Nov. ROCK WEI L CITY. lA -Camlval and Street

22-27, 1908. Oeo. P. Brown. Secy.; C. II. Fair Sept. 1>-11 Inclnalve. 1903. Tavlor. Cbalrman. , ST. Cf oun MINN —Eroe Street Fair. Sept

IH’MBOLPT. NEB.—Street lair ft Camlval. 14-19. 1903. E. W. Atwood. Seey.; Patteraoo Sept. 17-19. Inelnalve. H P. Marble. Secy. Brstee-d attractlona.

INDIaNAPOI.IS. IND—Mlittarv Carnival. Ang. ST PETER. MINN.—Street Fair. Sept. 10-12.

BRIDGEPORT. LXINN.—Old Home Week. Ang CHICAGO. ILL.—Nat’L Firemen’s Aaan. Ono- Rl-Sept 7, Inelnalve. 1903. Isaac W. Btrda- | vtn. Sept. 2S-20. 1903. D. W, GiUen, 178 eye. Prea.; Wm. Hilla. dialrman; Oaa K. Rlrdaeve. Secy.

Monroe St.. Secy. CHICAGO, ILL.—F. ft A. U. Grand Lodge Ooa-

Sl-Sept. 15, 1903. Cipt. II W. Franklin. Mgr. Gaaklll-Mnndy Camlval Co., attr.

JACKSON. TENN.—K. of P. Street Fair. Oct. 13-17. Inclnalve. 1908.

JACKSONTILI.R. FI.A.—Trades Camlval. Nov. 8-7. Inclasive. 1908. H. F. Carv. (Jen. Mgv.

JEFFER.SON CITY, MO—Firemen’s Camivill. Ang. 81-Sept 5. Inclnslve. L. B. Hnegcl. Seey. Otsinopolttan Amnsement Co., attr

Ineln.lre. E E Miller. Seev.

BRIDGEPORT, CNINN.-1. O. O. F. Omnd En- ventlon. Oct. 6. 1908. J. H. a DIU, Bhwm- campment. Oct. 20. 1903. Marcus L. Bey- ‘sgton, HL. Grand Secy. nolds. Bridgeport. Coon.. Grand Patriarch' CHICAGO. ILL. —Master Car ft Idxnawitlva Fred. K. Botsford, New Haven. Conn., Omnd Painters’ Assn. Convtn. Sept. 8-11, 1903. Scribe. Robt. .McKeon. Kent. O.. Secy.

BRIDGEPORT. CONN.—Jr. O. U. A. M. State COWUEN. ILL —Shelby O). Soldiers’ Reunion. SAVINNAH MO -.street Fair. (Vt. .5-12. In-j ConneU Convtn., Sept. 22. 1903. H. N. Mar- Sept. 3-4. 1903,

rlualve Uai3 M ||. •Merman. Bus. Mgr SCMENEITADY. N.

Street Fair. Sept 14-19. Inclnslve. Gaa- VIILMundr-I evlft. Attr.

SHEBiniN. wvo—Indian Camlval and Indus.

•TVai^ Aaaembly HARTFORD. tXlNN.—State Teachers* Aasn. Oon- vin. New Haven. Conn.. Secy. DECATUR, ILU—State Bricklayers* Union (3ou-

lABTFORD. CXINN.—State Teachers* Aasn. Oon- ventlon. Dec. 18. 1903. Wm. Booth, 1619 ventlon. Oct. 18. 1903. 8, P. Willard. Col- Jackson St.. SprlngSeld. Ill.. Secy, cheater. Conn.. Cor. Secy.; T. H. Pitteraon. (JUINCY. ILL.—State Uqnor Dealers Protec- Brlstol. (\>iui.. Rec. Secy. tlve Asan. Convtn. Sept. —, 1003. A. Spaeth,

ventlon. (Vt. 18. 1903. 8, P. Willard. Col

trial Show. (VL 7-9 Inclnalve. 1903. Her- HARTFORD. CONN.—United Brotherhood of j Decatur. Ill., Secy. bert A Coffeen. Oimfrierclal Clnh, Seey.

KEOki’K. lA —Frtw Street Fatr. Oet. 8-10. SlIKKVEI’OUT I A Fall Carnival and Race Sept. 18-17, 19(W. Carpenters ft Joiners of America Convtn. j R(X^K ISLAND. ILL.—Rnigbta of Pythlaa Oraad

Lodge CoDventloo. Oct. 20. 1908. Henry P,

Inclnalve. Fd. F. KIrchner. Mgr.; Jno. Nagel. I’rea.; H. H. Cmlg. Secy.

KEYSTONE, IND—Wee Street Fair. Sept. 1-4. Inclnalve. J. W. Marsh. Prea.

KIRKSVILt.E. MO.—Carnival. Sept. 1-5. hi- clnalve. C. W. Adams. Secy.

I.A FAYETTE. IND.—Merchant’s Fall Featival. (Vt. 5-10. Inclnslve. Gaaklll-Mnndy Carni¬ val Co., attr.

LA PORTE, IND.—Free Street Fair and Carnl val. Sept. 7-12. Inclnalve. KoMnann Carnival Co. attractlona.

tA SAI.LR, ILL.—Rtreet Fair. Oct. 8-10, In- claalva, iwii. W, B. Ilanner, Pres.; Alf. Sheltan. Seey.

ner Mgr.': Jno. Nagel! M.-el Sept. 21 28. 1m lusivc. B. D. I.e Gras. H.VRTFORD. CONN.—Nafl. Aaan. of Local Fire Caldwell. 128 Washington SL, Chicago, HL, 1^.’ Srev Insurance Agents' Convention. (Vt. 20-22, In- | Saey. Street Fair Sept. 1-4. SI EEPY EYE MINN - Street Fair. Ang. 31- clnslve. 1903. John C. North. New Haven, j SPARTA. ILL,—Old Settlers* Reunion. Sept.

Sept 5. W. R Ilodgcs. 5(ecy. Patterson ft B'slnerd Carnival Co., atr.

SPENCER lA.—Merchant’* and Pn«lncas Men’s Street Fair. Sept. 9 II. Inclnalve. V. W. Bnek Mgr.

Conn.. Cbalrman. HARTFORD, CONN.—State (^rpentera ft Jotn-

3-4. 1903. J. C. Perkins. Pres.: T. H. Spronl. Secy.; S. S. Taylor. Mgr. Privileges.

era* Aasn. Convention. (Vt. 19-20, 1903. SPRINGFIELD. 1LI-—Antl-Horae Thief Aasn. Emerson V. Morse, 15 Pine St„ New Britain. (V>nn.. Secy.

,'tn ntreet Fair ani f'arnlval. ' NEW H.WFN. CONN.—.Amcrban Bottlers Pro- Sept. 14. Inrln*'»e Gco. I>. Bartlett. Prea.: Toni* ,Tohn*en Seev.

STURGIS, Mil’ll. Meeehant*’ Free Street Fair

f»-etlvc .Assn. Convention. IVt. 13-15, 1903.

Convention. 0»'t. 7, 1903. 11. D. GIger, Secy. SPRINGFIELD. ILL.—I. O. O. F. Grand En

campment. Nov. 17. 1903. Henry C. Felt- man, Salem. III.. Grand Scribe.

K. E. SelHider. 21H K. 3Tth St., New York j SPRI>}GFIKLb. ILL.—Rebekah State Assembly. Cllv. N. Y., S»-cy.

and CarnlTsl. «.pt 7-CJ. Inclnslve. 19iVl. NEAV H AVEN. CONN.—American. Irish Hlator- Tlico. .l*e«».s Sce.T W S. Heck Amuacmeut Co attractions.

leal Siwlcty Convtn. Sept. —. 1903. NEW H.AVKN. CONN—Congregational Chnrche#

Nov. 18. 1903. Mrs. Mary P. Miller, 1403 N. 4th St.. Secy.

SPRINGFIELD. ILL.—National Guard Bncamg- ment. Jnly 11-Sept. 5. 1908.

LAWRENCE KAS S.-mH Viilciinlal Cclebra- SULLIVAN III Fr.-.- Street Fair ft Mer- State Conference. Nov. 17-20. 1903. Rev. TOUIXJN. ILL.—Stark County Old Settlers' Oon (Vt ' 8 1903 ebant’s Carnival, lb I, 8 10, Im luaive. C. Jib*! S. Ives. Hartford. Conn., Secy. Renniun. Sept. 8. 1903. U. Nowland, Secy.

LEAVENWIIBTH KAN —Camlval. Sept. 7-8. W Grmii NEW HAVEN. CONN.—Spanish War Veterana mDLAVft. Inclusive, A. N. Perry. Seev. TACOMA. w ASH.-S<re..t Fair. Ang. W-Rcpt, Natl Encamp^nt. Sept. 28-^ 1903. L. wEORnSVII IF IND —M W of A

?: d.^™. p„.:

">Nii.-»ir»i ■.rt. II.IB. | S|.-, *■ "’s »■ <""" me TRINIDAD coi.o.-strect Fair. Oct MO. In- SOUTH NORWALK. CONN.—State ConventloB K" •rJVU?' ^ 'm! fMmaw

I-WHFIEI.D. MINN.—Street Fair. Sept. 17- 1 rinsive Sontbern Carnival (V>.. attr. A. O. Kntgbta of ths Mystic Oialn. (Vt. 13, Jl,’ l»eartiora AWcaga.

TEitHK ivp —Fufr •«<! fSiml- } NORWAIsK, TONN.—C. T. A. W. State Tim- ▼al. Aac. ^1*5tept. 6. 190S. Chaa. R. I>«flln.

TRINMT>\P. rOT.O.—Street Fair. Oet. MO. In- SOITTH NORWALK. CONN.—Stata ObnrentloD clnslve Sontbern Carnival Co., attr.

19, 1903. J. M. I.eam. Secy. T. I. Cash at- tcscaIOOSA aI.A Strci-t Fair. OiX. 12-1 traction Co., attr. I |n<-lii<lvc. Uav*.. A B McEachIn. Scc.v.

*'^nc^au'l"iiI5* "rr"'?.**!!!''' ‘ VALLEY FAl.IS.KAV-S^etFalr. Sept. 9- ixiVER, DEI-Knighta of Pythlaa Grand Ididge Inclnalve, 19a3. John P. Bowman. Secy. 11. Inclusive. Ion Iltock. Seev. Conventton. Oct. 1.5. 1903. Mark L. Garret

l OUlSIANA. MO.—Camlval. Sept. 7-12, Inclu- I VEEDKBSBUHG. IND—Street Fair. (Vt. 28- 703 King St.. Wilmington. Del.. Keeper of ConventVn. Nov. 18-19. 1903. W. H. Leedy, •Ive. E. A. Parka. Seey. 31. Inrluslve. 1903. J. K. Irvin, Secy. I Records and Seal. ‘ Odd Fellows’ Bldg., Secy.

Joel 8. iToa, Hartford. Coon.* Racy. Rannlon. 8apt. 3. 19R3. U. Nowland. Secy. NFW HAVEN. CONN.—5lpanlah War Vrtarana IVDIAJIA.

c“*T>ve^r"'^W^ashMrton ^'’* C.^^cv ^ CRAWFORDSVILLE. IND.—M. W. of A. ■•ORW.AI.k. CONN.—c! t! A.’ W. ^Statc C.m- Convtn. (Vt. 1. 1903. Dumont Peck.

venthm. Sept. 7-S. 1903. Patrick TaW.v, r w vvn Weef 174 Clay St . New Haven. CJonn.. 8.vy. BVANSVIL^ I^.--Nat^I StaHoovy Ca^-

OUTH NORWALK. CONN.—State Conventkni S" ^ * IWrtSJi *«! A. O. Knights of ths Mystic Chain. Oct. 13. y.’ ^•“* Dearborn St.. Cklcagn.

1908. v.eo. W. CoIBd. 48 8p;mg 8t., Secy. WAYNE. IND.—State (Ymfereaee of C%art- OXLAWAMX. ties and ClonWtloos. CVt. —. 1908. Prof.

OVER, DEU—Knighta of Pythlaa Grand liOdge T. F. Moran. Ijifayette. Ind.. Seey. Conventton. Oct. 1.5, 1908. Mark L. Garrett. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—1. O. O. F. Grand Lodge

venthm. Sept. 7-S. 1903. Patrick TaW 174 Clay St.. New Haven. 0>nn., 8»vy.

A. O. Kntgbta of ths Mystic Clialn. (Vt. 13. 1908. xieo. W. (tofllD. 48 8p;mg St., Secy.



INDlANArOI.TS. INP—I. O. O. F. Grand En- MAIH*. .■anipmiiit. Nov. 17. 1903. W. H. I.eedy, Gr. COWDEN, ILL.—Shelhy County Soldlera* Rc- ScrllH'. „ , . * 1 union. Sept. 8-4. 1W3.

MlNNE.trOLlS. MINN.—National Grain Deal- irxw /xuxT. era’ Aaan. Convention. Oct. B .s. 1903. Geo. aSKUKY I‘AKK, N. J.—B. Y. P. D. Buta A. Stlliliena. SOS Tradera’ HldR.. Clilcago. Qud Oouveottoo. Oct. 3®. 100®. J. |rr. Qual Oouveottoo. Oct. 30. 1000. j. Prauri.

Belirena, I’rca.; Ulas Oraca M. Davla iitt Mt. 1‘ruauect Ava.. Newark. N. t. ,Batj

Carlton. Ledford. Itnl.. Secy. Campbell. Ml Cumberland St.. Secy. St.. Mlnneapolla, Minn., Secy.

ATLANTIC City, N. J.—NafL Fire Sniierlntendenta Aaan Onnvto Bant. 1908. Jobu J. Caabman, Brooklyn, N. T Secy.

ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Daughtera of Veter, ana Nat'l. Convto. Sept. 14, IIMIS.

.. « , Huae, Box S44, Secy. te<*tlve Assn, t <inventl*>n. Oc*t. 6, 1 103. L. ^aawwT AWTV ( . Murtliidiile, Wllkinaon, Ind.. Secy.

SOI TII BKMt, IN1>.—Slate Federation of Labor PALTIMOltE. MD.—German-Amerlcan Nat’l. tMnventloii. Sept. —, l'.Mt3. J. IV. Petera, Secy.

TERUE HAUTE. IND.—State Municipal I/cagne Convention. Oct. —, 1903. Mr. Harper, Madlaon, Ind., State S^y.


veutloD. Sept. 2-4, 1903.

IOWA. BELLE PLAIN. lA.—Benton County Soldiers’

L'nion Convtn. Sept. 13-15, 1903. I RALTI.MORE. MD.—National Inanrance Commla-

Blonera’ Convtn.’ Sept. 29-Oct. 1. 1903. Uoyd BROOKHAVEN. '"SS.—Mlaalsalppl A. M. E. Wllkinaon Sec’v Church Conference. Nov. 2.%. 19tV3. Rev. O. ALTIMORE. MD.—P. M. I. O. O. F. Nat’l. W. Chiles, D. D., Box 50, Port Glbaon, Mias., BALTIMORE. MD.—P. M. Convtn. Sept. —, 1903.

BALTIMORE. MD.Airnnd Chapter Royal Arch KDWARDS. MIS^—Cnlte^l Masons Convention. Nov. 11, 1903. John H. Miller, Gr. Secy.

BALTIMORE. MD.—Grand Council R. A S. M.

tlon. ^pt. 25-‘28. Inclusive. 1003. Mrs. Ella aTl'aNTIC CITY. N. J.—IntrmatloBal Mom. F. Hendrix, 2022 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis. rii>ai Electricians Assn. Convtn. Sent 2 a Minn., Cor. Secy. 1903. Frank P. Foster. Coming. N. V\, Secv

MTflIITBBTT’TT ATLANTIC City, N, J,—I, O, R. M. Great KlBBWBuri. . „ Council of the Dnitad States Convtn. Sent

ROOKHAVEN. MISS.—Mississippi A. M. E. u.js, pjoi, Wilson Brooks. 234 U Salle ' Church Conference. Nov. 2.’*. 1903. Rev. O. Chicago, 111.. Secy. ’’ W. Chiles, D. D., Box 50. Port Gibson, Miss., ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—72d Natl. EncampmeDt Secy. . ^ Sons of Veterans, Sept. 14-17, Inclnalve. 19ii,t inVARDS. MISS—rnlte<l Brothers and Sisters |,.rjnk Martin. Indianapolis. Ind., Com In of Benevolent Society of Aracrha Convention Chief; Fre<l. E. Boulton. Boston. Mass. Ousr. Oct. 7, 1903. E. D. Bolling. Newman, Miss., ter .Master Uenl.; Newton J. McGuire, ludlsn- Scey. siiolls, Ind.. Adit. OenI

of Benevolent Society of .America Convention. Oct. 7, 1903. E. D. Bolling. Newman, Mias., Secy. ALTIMORE. MD.—Grand Council R. A S. M. Secy. „ - j , aiwlla, Ind.. Adll. GenI

Masons Convention. Nov. 11, 1903. Jas. W. IIATTIESBPRG MISS. L. S._ConlMer^e ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.^—Slst InternatloDsI

Rennlon. Sept. 0-10, 1903. D. A. Ware- BALTIMORE. MD.—Knight Templars Grand ham, ^cy. Commandery Convention. Nov. 24, 1903. Jno.

DKS .MOINES, lA.—Mine & Operators’ State Convention. Dee. 8, 1903. L. L. Lodwlck, Ottumwa. la.. Secy.

DES MOI.NES, 1.4.—Daughters of Pocahontas

Bowers. 16 E. t.exington St.. Or. Recorder. Veterans’ State Reunion. Sept. —, 1903. W ALTIMORE. MD.—Knight Templars Grand ___ Commandery Convention. Nov. 24. 1903. Jno. VICKSBLRQ, ^*^-T****^^*‘l?“

Jperators’ State H. Miller, Gr. Recorder. L. L. Lodwlck, BALTIMORE. MD.—United Boys’ Brigade of

America Nat’l Convtn. Oct. 3-4, 1903. John of Pocahontas A. Clark. Pittsburg, Pa.. Secy.

Veterans’ State Reunion, Sept. —, 1903. M Assn, of Fire Engineers’ Convention. Sent H. Cook. Secy. R ll. 19(»3. Henry A. Hills, Wyoming »» ICKSBURQ, MISS.—State Golden Grand lodge 8,K-y. Convention. Oct. 13. 1903. C. B. WUIIams. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—State Firemen’s Con-

Great Council Convent Ion. Oct. 13. 1903. BALTIMORE. MD.—P. O. 8. of A. Nat’l. Camp. Mrs. L. M. Lowry. Keokuk, la.. Great Keeper Convtn. Sept. 22-23. 1903. F. E. Stees, 521 of Lecords; Mrs. lots Q. Ream. Ottumwa. N. 6tb St.. Philadelphia. Pa. la.. Secy. BALTIMORE, MD.—Odd Fellows Interaatlonsl

Vlce-Pres. YAZOO CITY, MISS—F. A A. M. Grand Lodge _ __

Convention. Dec. 1. 1903. Hon. E. W. Lamp- eaST ORANGE, N. i.—1. o. G. 1’’. Grand Ixidg. ton. Greenville. Miss., Gr. Master; E. E. I er- Cooventlon. Sept. 9. 10o3. E. 8. Fogg, Wood* kins, Edwards, Miss., Gr. Secy. town, N. J., Grand Secy.

igTBflOTTWt Ll.IZ.ABETH, N. J.^—Luther league State Coo

vcntlon. S<-pt. 9-10. lia«3. Wm. Exall. '■’.’.l Broad St., Newark N. J., Secy.

FT. DOIKiE, I.A.—Encampment 56th Reglmeut 1. N. G. Sept. 2-9, 1903.

Convtn. Sept. 22-23. 1903. F. E. Stees, 521 kin*. Edwards. Mias., or. »ecy. N. 6th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. igTRflOTTRl

BALTIMORE, MD.—Odd Fellows Interaatlonsl „ , Press Assn. Convtn. Sept. —. 1903. J. W. COLUMBIA. MO.—State Hortlcnltya Society Bonrlet. Coniyird. N. H.. Secy. A Treas.

GI.ENWOOD. lA.—Southwestern Iowa Hortlcul- BALTIMORE, MD.—National Assn, of Life Dn- tural Society Convention. Dec. 15-17, Inclu- alve, 1903. J. H. M. Edwards, lAigan, la.. Pres.: W. M. Bonrherger. Harlan. la.. S^y.

derwrltera’ Convention. Oct. —. Fred

Annnal Convention Dec 1-3. Inclnnlrs. 190.3 L. A. Goodman, 4000 Warwick St., Kansas City. Mo., Secy.

town, N. J., Grand 8e<-y, ELIZ.VBETH, N. J.—Luther l.eagne State Coo-

veutlou. Nov. —, 1903. Rev. K. C. Krapf 4R 6th St. Pres.; Miss I.«ua Block. 95 Gar- side St., Newark, N. J., Rec. Secy.; Mia* Augusta Neubeck, 46 De Hart Place, Cor. Sei'y.

B. Mason. Boom 840 Tribone Bldg., Chicago. lEFFERSON CITY. MO.—KnIghU ot PjthHt JERSEY CITY. N. J.—Catbonc BenevolcnC

1 ADORA. lA.—Soldiers & Sailors’ Reunion, BALTIMORE, MD.—I. O. 0. F. Sovereign Grand Grand lodge Convention Oct. 20. 1903. John loglon State Convention. Oct. IS. 1903 John

Sept. H, 1903. OAKLAND. lA.—Old Settlers’ A Soldiers’ Re¬

union of I’ultawattaiuie Co., Sept. 2-4, 1903. SIOUX CITY. lA.—German American l^esa

Aaaii. Convtn. Sei>t. 19-21, 1903. II. MaU- rauui, Iowa City, la.. Secy.

SIOUX CITY. lA.—Rehekab State Assembly. Oct. 20, 1903. S. Elisabeth Matbeney, Keoknk la.. Secy.

Lodge Convention. Sept. 21-26. 1903. Frank Grant. 23 N. Liberty St., Secy.


H. Holmes. 511 Commercial Bldg., 8t- lionla Mo. Grand Keener of Records and Seal.

J. Ubegan, 313 Belleville Ave., Newark, N. J.. Secy.

KANSAS CITY. MO.—International Brotherhooil l.AKEWtKlD. N. J.—State Sanitary Aaan. Con of Railway Carmen’s Assn. Convention. Sept. ventlon. Dec. 4-5, 1903. Jsmea A. Extun

SIOUXTitY, !-4.-qrnnd_ L<^ge I.JO..O._F. of IConvention. | mi,* Anna Spain. I-eea Summit. Mo.

M. !>., Arllugtun, N. J., Secy. MORRISTOWN, N. J.—High Coort of Nr«

Jersey, lod. Order Foresters Coovta. &-pt. —, 1903. F. A. Mackeusla, 210 broad SU. Bllaabetk, N. J., High Secy.

NEWARK. N. J.—German Catholic Soctetlee State Convtn. Sept. 27, 1003. Fred Serg.

Iowa Convention. Oct. 21, 1903. R. L. Tilton, xtn.,ri».n i ..r, rx » t j eu. 33 Jague# 8t.. Klixahetb. N. J.. Secy, p o Bill 1116 Dea Mntnea la. Grand Seev BOSTON. MASS.—American Federation of I.abot sr. JOSEPH. MO.—Oak Snpreme lAdge Oon- oR.WiiE. N J —I O G T Grand l>i>dge (Vm- ^nd ScX. ■ ’ ■ '■ 13. 1^3. John C. Miller. Secy.; s,.-;,,. ‘p/ i-a.i. ^ ArmMr'C.

Rifii’T riTV IX _OranA Fncamnment I O O 1 .P. Washington, D. C., Secy. w. T. S Baraca. Snpreme Monarch. | I's^i oraiine' N J. 8«fv.

of Sows! Oct. 20. 1903. L. Tll’ton" p’. Mil.—Grand Chapter t^der of F.Mt- iulmoN, N.’ J.—I jidlea^of the Gvdden E O. Box me, Dea Moines, la.. Grand Secy, and Scrllie.

Worsted Overseers’ Convtn., Nov. 18, 1903. Walter Pickfurd, Leominster Mass., Secy.

ern Star for State of Mlsaonrt Convention Oct. —. 1903. Mrs. Lucy W. Miller, Agency.


ARKANSAS CITY, KAS.—O. A. R. Bennlon. Sei«t. 8-10, 1903.

BAXTER SPRINGS. KAN.—22nd Annnal Inter- State Soldiers’ Reunion. Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1903. Johu .M. Cooper, Pres.; J. J. Fribley, Treas.; C. W. Daniels. Secy.; C. L. Smith, Mgr. Concessions.

tL.NLO.N, N. J.—I-adlea of the Gtdden Eagle Grand Teiiiide Convention. S«‘pt. 7, I'.ai;l.

WATEULOS: lA.-I-eague of Iowa Munlclp.ll- 7' x tie. Convention Oct. 14. 1903. F. G. Pierce, xui^.r^’nilnfto^’ ^ MO--Amerlcan Apple Growers Con TENaFLY. N. J.—KnlghU of Honor Grand Marshalltown. la.. Secy. J “.S. greas Convention Nov. —. 1903. T. C. VMI Ixalge Convention. Oct. —. 1903. J. M. May-

BUBrUN, MAS8.—AmerlomD Matbemaacai Bo- gon. Hannibal. Mo., Secy. hgxw .%3 Wasbliiaton Ato . Grand Reuorter. XAVBAB. Aob. 81-8ept. 5, 19u3. F. ST. i>OlTlS, MO,—MtsAourl Fraternal Congre^ TRKn'toN N. J._State Jr O. U, A M. Funeral

ARKANSAS CITY, KAS.—G. A. R. Bennlon. M ^le.^lumbU University, New York City. Convention. Dec. 7, 1903. C. F. Hatfield. Odd BeiM-at Aaan. Convention.’ Oct. 27. 1903. Wat.

_ . .. BOSToif. S^iM -Amerlcan Pomolowtcal Rortelv onJ__ ... Cranttwd. _N. J.. Secy. . . B08TO^^, MA^.—American Pomologlcal Society miHS. MO.—International Brotherhood of I OonveatiOD. Sept. 10-12, 1903. Charles L. Watroos, Dea Moines. la.. Pres.; L. R. Tnft.

Bluckamitha’ Convtn. Oct. 5. 19tl3. Robt. B. Kerr. New Mall Bldg.. Moline, III., Secy.

rREN’ToN, N. J.—Rebokah State Aaa<-mbly. tvt. 2II. 19>i3. Mrs. Mary 1. Pnllln. 3.’12 Elm St.. Arlington, N. J., Secy.

^^“wa^X^ton'^D- C ST. I.OCIS MO.-Intcraatlonal l-rea. Congree, rRENTtiN. N. J.-i-A. ’A Lo: Knight, of Malt. TaylOT’ 55 Q St., N. Ix., WaMdngton, D. C.. Oonvtn. _8ept, —, 1903. _ _ _ _ Supreme Grand Commandery Convention

blue’RAPIDS. KAS.—G. A. R. Reunion. Sept. i n MASS SweAl.h Onnep.e.tLr,n.i ST LOUIS MO.—Improved Order Knights of 2-5 ItkiS. k-LLO, MASS.—-SWMlab OonpegaUoul Pvthias Supreme lodge Convtn. 8»'pt. 21,

DODGE CITY, KAS.—O. A. R. Reunion. Sept. 1 -5 1903.

ELDORAltO, KAS.—O. A. R. Bennlon. Sept. 8-11. 1903.

Chnrches. Ministers Conference. Sept. 21-23, 1903. Rev. Augusta L. Anderson, S^y.

NORTHAMPTON, MASS.—Catholics Total Absti¬ nence Union Convention. Oct. 7-8, 1903.

1903. O. J. Wamner. Secy.

Snpreme Grand Commandery Cooventlon. Oct. 20, 1903. Frank Gray. N. E. Cor. Broad and Arch 8ts., Philadelphia. I’a., Supreme Recorder.

ST. LOUIS. MO.--^lted Teople’s Party (Vm TRENTON.’ N. J.—Knights of the Golden Eagle vtn. Feb. 22, 1904. J. A. Edgerton. Chair man.

LAWRENCE. KAN.-O. A. B. Department Be- Rrixm-tv mV^s nnlou. Sebt. 16-20. 1903.

“• Car^y sT,’ SdelJSSrP®’. II. iwid. Secy.

! ST. LOUIS. MO.—Nat'l. Brotherhood of RaU [IXBLRY, MASS.-^atbollc Yonng Mens Natl. way Car Men’s Convtn. Sept. A 1903. Frank

L. Bonenins, 510 Hall Bldg., Kansas C\tj, Mo.. Secy.

Grand Castle Convtn. Sept. 7, 1903. A. L. Clark. Secy.

A'l'.al Vll.EE. N. J.—Methodist Pnleslanl Charcb Conf. t*ct. —. 1903.


wider, El Dorado. Kas., Secy. WORCESTER, MASS.—American Federation of Labor Canvtn.. Oct. —, 1903.

1903. Geo. C. (Vimatock. Madlaon. Wls.. Secy. Flrruien. Sept. 7, 1IM3. sedan! kas.—G.’ a. R. Reunion. Sept. 28- wortvstUii xixM‘ Mf'-—’»’»'*n'a*'''*’a' BoaM of Women BRiioKLYN. N. Y.—I'nlted Master Bakers cf

Oct. 8. 1903. SSiVetf l^n.enti^ ’Td. S C. America Convention. Sept. -. 1903. E. NEWTON, KAN.—State Christian Missionary

(Vmvtn. Sept. —, 1903. W. 8. Lowe, iSO Clay St.. Secy.

Society Convention. Oct. 21, 1903. Charles A. Chase, Secy.


C Rainwater. 21 Benton Place. Seey. Krann. .New York City. N. Y., Secy.

NORTON, KAS.—G. A. B. Reunion. Sept. 24-26, ANN ARBOR. MICH.—Modem Language Aaaa

OSKALOOSA. KAS.—Jefferson Co. Old Settlers’ Keuiilon. Sept. 15-16, 19<J3. Frank Uousle, Secy.

OSWf.GO, KAS.—G. A. R. Reunion. Sept. 8-12. 1903.

WRICH, MO.—O. A. R. Itennlun. Sept. 912. BRooKt.YN, .N. Y.—.National MolorcjclUI»' 11H13. Jaa. M. Horner. Prea. A»au. Convention. Sept. 7. ItHKI. It. ti

MOMTAMA Betts, care N. V. .Motor Cycle Club. New of America Couventlun. Dec. 28-30, Inclusive, 1903. C. H. Uraudgent, Cambridge, Mass., Secy.


■ York Cllj, N. V., Se<'y. HELENA. MONT.—A. F. A A. M. Grand Lodge BROOKLYN. N. Y.—Indeimndeut Order of Red

(V»vtD. Sept. 16, l9oS, C. Hedges, Grand •***t’I Convtn. Sept. 7-9, 19o3.

Council Convtn. Sept. 8-9, 1903. 11. 8. Dor- HELENA, MONT.—Grand Cbapter Royal Arch Ian, 326 Cadillac Ave.. Detroit, Mich.. Secy. Masons Convtn. Sept. 15, 1003. C. Hedges. I RIG RAPIDS. MICH.—.‘toldlers and Sallora of 8'«’7-

Mlcbigsu Grand Reunion. Sept. 7-12 190.1 HELENA. MONT.—Order Eastern Star Grand DETROIT. MICH.—National Conventton Chris- Cbapter Convtn. Sept. 18, 1003. Mrs. Elva

tian Churebes. Oct. 15-22. 1003. Rev. Benj. Boardman, 017 W. (Jnarts St.. Botte, Moot..

liUFtALo, N. Y.—Ancient Order of Foresteri Nat'l. Convtn. Sept. 7, 1003. Robt. A. Sib bald. Park Ridge, N. J., Secy.

rtUFFALti, N. Y.—Hoo Huu Nat’l. Coovta. Sept. 9 12. I’JitS. J. 11. Baird, 613 Wlbox llhtg., .NasbvRIe, Tenn., Secy.

WLNFILl.D, Kas.—Bisio Antl-llorae Thief tlan Churches. Oct. 15-22, 1003. Rev. Benj Boardman, 017 W. (Jnarts St., Botte, Moot., GI.OVEH8VILLE. N. Y.—International Glove Assn. Convention. Oct. 21-22. 1003. Q. J. L. Smith, Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Cincinnati, O., Secy. Workers’ Union CoDventloD. Sept. —. 1003. McCarty, Valeda. Kas., State Secy. A Treas.


BiaiFORD. KY.—Annual Reunion of Fourth Kentucky Ex-Confederate 'SuTdlera. Oct. 7, 1903.

HOI’KINSVILLE, KV.—State Bankers’ Assn.

Cor. Secy. DETROIT, MICH.—American Oas Light Aaan. MEBBABXA.

’'5'' HASTINGS NEB —O. A. R. Reunion. Aug. 81 stall, 58 1^ llllams St., New York City, N. Y., Sept. 6, Inclusive, 190.3. T. J. Creetb Secy Secy.

DETROIT, MICH.—Rennioo of the Army Santiago de (Viba. Sept. 16-17.

Geo. 11. Taylor, fcecy. HAMILTON, N. Y.—Mystic Order Yelled Pro¬

phets Enchanted Realm (ionvenlton. Oct. —. 1903. Sidney D. Smith, Grand Secy.

LlNt^OLN’. NEW-8’t.‘trH.nJ;r.^’’ '^Tamra'^liT I’SST'

N>b “• W“. ll^SJb r;u,'.‘^’lh.nV. N. y!. ’seij *

LOUISVM 1 F. KY.—National Prison Chaplains’ Mich.. Secy. A Treas. VEVADA. Assn. Convention. Oct. 3-8, 1903. Chaplain GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.--Natlonal Protective ej.ko. NEV.—I. O. O. T. Grand tsslge Conven- J. D. Sisrr, .--tate Penitentiary, Colamban, I.'®*!”?. Gonvtn. Sept. 15-18, 4903. Morris 22 190.3. Mrs. E. J Weathers o.. Secy . C*neeld, 8ecy. _ __ _ _ Deeth. Nev.. hrsnd Sec..

LOIHSVIl.l.i;. KY—KntghU A Ladtea of Honor JACKSON, MICH.—M. B. Charcb Michigan Supremo Ixidge Convtn. Sept. 15. 1908. (L Conference. Sept. —. 1903. U. U. Allen. W. Harvey, Room 615. I.emecke Bldg., Indian- Eaten Rapids. Mich.. Secy.

tlon. Oct. 22 190.3. Mrm. E. J. Weathers. Deeth, Nev., Grand Sec*.

apolis. Ind., Secy.


ALEXANDRIA, LA.—State Colored Teacher’a (Vmgresg Convtn. Sept. 4-6, 1903.

Conference. Sept. —, 1903. U. U. Allen. MXW KAXPIHIBX. Eaten Rapids. Mich.. Secy.

I.A.NSING. .MICH.—Patrons of Husbandry SUte C()NCOHD. N. II.—KntghU Templar Grand Grange Convention. Dec. 8, 19ii.3. Mias Jen¬ nie Buell. Ann Arlior, Mich., Secy.

Commandery Convtn. Sept.29 , 19i>S. Frank D. Woodbury. Or. Recorder.

MARSHALL. MICH.—D. O. II. Or. Lodge CONCORD. N. H.—O. U. A. M. State (Vraocll Convtn, Sept. —. 1903. Convention. Oct. 6. 1903. Frank O. lorlng.

.. W MASON, MK:H.-Ii.gham County Soldiers’ ,nd . M'Hord. N. II.. Secy. NEW ORLEA.NS, LA.—American Traveling P^ Sallora’Aaan. 27tb Annnal Reunion. Sent. 15. HtiVEK. N. H —State F ___ o__ u Sallora’Aaan. 27th Annual Reunion. Sept. 15-

BMger Agenu Nov. 10-^ 18 19(,3 jq, Jewett, Pres.; N. Templar, 32 Campus Martina, Treaa.; H. C. Freeland, Soc’y.

NEW OR’lfS’: Lf-^’Amerlcan Economic Aaan. Oinference. Dec. —, 1903. Prof. Frank A. oonvin. oept^iu. 1903. Fetter, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., MZMMKmOTA. Secy. ANOKA. MINN.—B. V. P. U. Convention. OcE

NEW ORLEANS. L.\.—Interstate Mississippi —. 1W*3. C. J. Miller, Mlnneapolla. Mlno., Ij-voe .Xssn. Convention. Oct. 27, 190.3. Ctias. State Prea.; Rev. C. C. Markham, 8E Paul, S<-<>tt. Pres. Minn., Secy.

NEW ORI.KANS. LA.—American General Pas MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Stats DeqUI Assn.

DOVER. N. H.—State Firemen’s Assn. 0>n- vlii.. Sept. 2.3. IWO.

EXCTER. N. IL-1. O. G. T. Grand lodge Con-

Del., iloat Eminent Grand Commander. NEWBUKO, N. Y.—Y. P. O. 8. of A. Slate

Convtn. Sept. 8-0, lOuO. Cbarlee P. I’eadell e.> Court Mt.. Bliighamton. N. Y.. Stale Secy

NEW YORK CITY, N. T.-Trunk end Bag Workirs’ International l’nion of America Sept. 21-22. P.HXl. O. W. Gladliig. OWI Hum la.idl SI., Br.s.klyn, N, Y.

NEW YORK CITY, N. 1 .—State Medical Assn ConventloD. Oct. 10-22. Inclusive, 1003. Osy D. Umihard. M. D., 6 K. 82d St.. Secy.

NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—New York State Blll- (Hsiteni A Dtalrlbutora Asen. Convtn. Nov 16. 1903. F. E. KRch, No. 2. WlllUm Oor.. Howard St., Albany. N. Y... Sec’y.

ventlon. (Vt. 7, 19ii8. Artliur F. Turner. NEW YORK t UrY, N. Y.—Order of Coinnier 38 Parker Plaee. l.aeonla. N. 11.. Grand Secy.

NASHUA. N. If.—1. O. R. M. Great CouDCtl cist 'I'elegrspliers’ Convention. 0<-l. i:t, llsG J. M. I’crkliis, Ssn Francisco, Cat.. Sci-y.

Oonventton. Oct. 1, 190.3. Jamea F. White- NEW YORK CITY. N. Y —State Rallwey 8ar- head. P. O. Box 64, Dovar. N. il.. Great (^tef of Records.

genus’ Assn. Convention. Nov. —. 1003. Geo. tYisffee. 2’2*t 47lh 81., Brooklyn. N. Y., Secy.

aenger end Ticket AgenU’ Aaan. Owiventloa. .~-f. 13 14, 1003. O. W. Knggles, G. P. A.

klarkham. 8E Paol, .NASHUA. N. It.—Slnle Horticultural Sis-lcty NEW YORK CITY. N. Y.—Inte’rnatlooal Coo- utsiu 04 . . • 4 tViiiiventliiii. Si-pl. 7-10, l!Mi:i. .M. C. Miillcii, gresg of Actuaries Cooventlon. Aug. tl-SepI

INNEAPOLIS. MINN.—State DeqUI Assn. Secy. 5, jign, Cociy-44i. Sept. —, 1903. Dr. Oeo. 8. Todd, POB'CSMOUTH. N. H.—1. O. O. F. Grind Igiilgt NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—American SocletT

Gltty. Minn., ^cy. , ,.4 Convention, (let. 14. 1003. Joe. Kidder .Mao- Professnrs of Dancing Convtn. Kept. 4-14. •OLIS, MINN.—National Funeral Dl- rheater, N. IL. Graud Secy, and Grand Si-rlbe. llsi.3. P. It. Caruenler, Jr.. 28 N. Main St.. Aaan. Conventtoo. Oct. —. 1903. 11. POKTSMOUTII. N. H.—1. O. O. F. Kneampment I’mvldence it I Secy.

•‘rH!?’ *3. 1903. Joe. Kidder. Manrheater, N NEW YORK CITY. N Y.—Eagles National ’OLIS. Ml.NN.—International Union H.. Grand Secy, and Grand Hcrlhe. (kroventlon. Sept. 1-8, 1903. A. K. Partridge. lercUl Telegraphers Convtn. Sept. —, PORTSMOUTH. N. IL—Uehekah Slate Aeoemhly Seattle. Wash.. Seey. A. J. Douglass, Hllwaukea. Wla., Oct. 13 14, 1908. Mrs. Annie P. Hogera. 11 NIAGARA KALIJl. N. Y.—Farmeri Nat’l. Coa-

Mich. Central R. R., Chicago. HI., Pn-s.; K. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—National Funeral Dt- Convention. (let. 14. 1003. Jus. Kidder .Man- rheater, N. 11.. Graud Secy, and Grand Scribe.

tlon. Dec. —. 1903. Nicholas Bauer, New Orleans, La., Secy.

I. Wliltney. G. I*. A.. Great Northern R. R., rectors’ Aaan. Conventtoo. Oct. —, 1903. 11. PORTSMOUTH. N. H.—1. O. O. F. EncampmeDt P St. Paul, .Minn.. VlcC-I’res.; A. J. Smith, M. KUpalrick, Elmwood. 111., Secy. flct. 13. 1903. Jne. Kidder. Menrhester. N NE' Cleveland, O., Secy. MINNEAPOLIS. Ml.NN.—loternattooal Union H.. Grand Secy, and Grand Hcrlhe. (i

RCSTAN, LA.—State Teachera' Aaan. Conveq- of Commercial Telegraphers Convtn. Sept. —, PORTSMOUTH. N. II.—Uehekah Slate Aeoemhly fb

UaaoD St., Nashua, N. U., Secy. grraa Coqvtn. Sept. 10-22, 1903.


M Ad A It A KAl.I.S, N. Y.—Srbool 8upti State Amn. ConTtn, Sept. —, 1903.

(KJUK.NSHIUtO, .N. V.—State Oalrymen'a Aaan. ('onveiitlon. Dec. 8-11, IncIuHive, 1903. W W Hall. (Soueerneur. N. Y.. Secy.

|>|NK 1‘I.AI.NS. N. Y.—Harlem Valley Fire men's Assn. Conrtn. Sept. 7, 1903.

|•|.ATT8BL’K^1. N. Y.—I. O. O. F. HI«b Coon ('•netn. Sept. 8 1903 C. R FItacerald. 390 r<irler .Vve., ItulTalo. N. Y.. Secy.

ROCilKSTKIt. N. Y.—American l>metery Soper Intendents' Conetn. Sept. 8-10. lisis J. W Keller. Mt, HfK»e Teineterr. Seer

SARATtKJA SI'RISOS. N. V.—American Street Kailnay Assn. I'oDrtn. Sept 2-4. 1903. T. tl. I'enlngtou. 2o2o State SI., Cblcago, III.,

SiUtATOGA SrRlNGS, N. T.—American Rail¬ way A F.lectrlcal Assn. Oinetn. Sept 1-4 1903. Walter Mower. Detroit U. Railway Co.. Detroit. Mlcb., Sec’y.

SARATtKJA SI’ltl.SGS, N. Y.—Street Railway Accountanta' Aasn. of America Conyentloii. Sept. 2-4. 1903. W. H. Bruckway, 40 Morru St.. Yonkers. N. Y., Secy.

SARATOGA SI'RINGS. N. Y.—Amertcao Dir¬ ectory l*ubllal>rr» Asan. Conetn. Sept. —. 1903. W. H. Kales. Ml-3rtl .\Te., New York (’Hr. N. Y.. Secy.

St'HKNKt’TADY. N. Y.—Dangliters of Amerl ca State Council Constn.. Sept. —. 19o;i Mrs. Jennie Williams. BIngbamton. N. V..

STAMFORD-IN-THK-CATSKII.IB. S. T. — W. C. T. D. Stale ConTcnllon (let. —. 1903. Frances W. Graham. locBiswt. N Y.. Secy.

SYBACrSR. N. T.—Uth Annual roneentlim of the National Aaeoclstlnn of l.etler Cairlera. Sept. 7-12. iDcluslTs. Ilki3. Ktlward J. Cant well. Times Bldg.. Washington. D. C.. Secy

STilACrSK. N. Y.—Slate FUb. Game A Forest |.eague Conrentlon. Dec. 10. 19o3. Bmest G. Gould. Seneca Falls. N. Y.. Secy.

The n-iualnder of the Conrention l.lst Is omlt- tnl this week on aci-ount of lack of space. It will Im' publlsloal ncit week.

CHAUTAUQUAS. RICIIMO.'ID. IND.—Richmond Chautauqua As¬

sembly. Aug. 28-Sept. «. 1903. WINONA UAKIC. IND.—Wluona Chautauqua Aa

aembly. May 13-8ept. 20, 1903.


niciif. Oct. 6-8. 1903. (HHIOK.S. .S'. Y.—Firemen's Tournament. Sept.

7. 19o;t. I'O.N'.NK.trT. O.—Firemen's Tournament, Sept.

17-rt. 19<>3. FI.l'SHINO I... I.. N. T.—Tolnntear Ftremao’s

Tournament. Sept. 7. 1903. NORWICH. N. Y.—Firemen’s Tournament,

Sept. 23-24, 1903. PACirrOGt F.. I.. 1., N. T.—Suffolk Co. Fire

men’s Tournament. Sept. 9, 1903. I. F. Flu- gratb, Siu-y.

PINK PI4INS. N Y.—Harlem VaRey Fir. men's T<Mirnaniciit. .Sept. 7. 1903. F. I.. .Minor, .Mlllerton, N. Y'., Secy.

PICNICS. VPPI.ETON. CITY, MO.—Picnic. Sept 1-8 In-

clnslre. 1903. IHCCATI'R. 11.L—l.abor Organliatlons* Picnic.

Sept. 7. 1908. IRON'TON. O.—I.abor Organizations’ Picnic,

sent. 7. 1903. JAt^SONVII.I.K. FI.A.—Picnic under Auspices

of Itiilldlng Tradi-s Connell. Sept. 7, 1903. I.KAVKNWORTH. KAS.—Picnic. Sept. 7. 1903.

A. N, Perry, Se<'y. Committee. MH.W.Al^KKK. WIS.—l.alior Dae Plcnlq. Sept.

7. IISKI. J. Reichert. 318 State St., Cor. Seer. POTOM.kC. II.I..—Vermilion County Woodmen's

I'lcnlc. Sept. 3. 1903.


S..CANADA.—O. 8.

DANBURY, CONN.—Danbury Agr’l. Soelaty. Bench Show. Oct. 0-9, 1908. Jamas Mortimer, Sunt

K. TttRONro. ONT.. CANADA.—Bench Show. Sept. 7-10. 1903. Dr. A. \V. Bell. 70 King St., Secy.

FRKDKRICK, MD.—Frederick County Agrl. Society Bench Show, Oct. 20-23, 1903. (En- trlea clo^ Oct. 10). J. Roger, MeSherry, Secy.

(.(KJaNSPORT. IND.—4tb Annual Kennel Aasn Sliow. Jan. 8-13. 1904. Sol. D. Brandt, S<cy.

FLOWER SHOWS. SF.W YORK CITY, N. T.—Grand Chrysantha-

mnm Show. Nor. 10-12. Inclualye, 1903. Dr. F. M. Ilezamer. Stamford. Conn., Cbalrmaa.


EXPOSITIONS. BINGtlAMTON, N. Y.—Binghamton Industrial

Ezpoaltloa. ^pt. 89 Oct. 2. leU8. Henry 8 Martin. Secy.

BIRMINGHAM, AI.A.—World's Mineral Manu¬ factured and Agricullural Eiblbltlon. i90.A.

BOSTO.N, MASS.—Merrbanta’ and Mannfactnr era' Exposition. Oct. 8-31, 1903. Address A. A. Rogers. Mgr.

BUAI.INGTD.N. \T.—Industrial Exfmaltlon. Aug. 81-Sept. 8. tncInalTe, 1903. C. A. Bar her. 8ecy.

’HU.'AGO, II.I..—2nd Annual Bxhlhltlon of Art (%fta. Entries close Not. 17, 1903. Chas. U Hutchinson. Pres.: W. M. French, Director; vnest A. Hamlll, Treaa.; N. H. Carpenter.

CINCINNATI, O.—Cincinnati Fall Festlral Kept. 7-19, Inclnslye. 1903. H. U. Crane. Secy R. R. Reynolds, Chairman Attraction Com- mlttee.7S Pertn Building, Cincinnati. O.

GOSHEN. IND.-Merchants' and Farmers' FaU Festlyal. Sept. 23-26, 1903. Clyde J. Cas- tetter. Chairman Committee on Attractions.

Mm'HEI,I,. 8. D.—Com Belt Expoeltloo. Sept. 22-0<t. 1. 1903. H. E. Hitchcock, Sec.; 1. o. Gale, attraettona.

h£W YORK CITY, N. T.—National Fralt and Wine Exiwsltlon. Jan. 18-80. 1904. Alfred Cbaaeeaad. Herald Sqnare Exhibitkn Hall. Broadway. S4tb * 8.Mb Sts., New York City. Mgr.

PBOIHA. ILL—Peoria Com Exposition. On der auspices of Illnola Com Growers’ Aaan.

Oct. 12-24. 1903. Wm. E. Hull. Cbalrmau Attraction Committee.

PITTSBCRG. PA.—Annual Exposition. Sept. 2 Oct. 24. InclnalTa. 19«iS. T. J. Fttipatrlck. Oen. Mgr.

PORT ARTHCR, ONT., CANADA—New On tarlo Exposition. Sept. 29-Oct. 2, Inrlnslye. 1908.

OKTLAND. ORE.—Portland International Ex poaltlOD. 1800.

PROVIDENCE. R. I.—2nd Annnal Exposition July l-8ept. 8. 1903.

REIMS. rilANCK.—Indnatrlal ExpoaRlon. May 1-8ept. 80, 1903.

8T. LOUIS. MO.—World's International Eipoal tinn. Ez-Oot. O. R. Frances, Prea.

SARDINIA, O.—Egposltlon Sept. 1-4. Incinslee 1908. G. A. Kennedy, Prea.; J. W. CamplwU

TtM’EKA, KAN.—Kansas State Exposition. 8<'pt 11-19 19t>3. C. H. Ssnumn. Secy.

TORONTO. ONT., CANADA.—Domlnloo Indus trial Exhibition. Aug. 27-Sept. 12. 1903. J. O. Orr, S^y.

WELLINGTON. KAN —Exposltloo. Aug. 31 frpt. 8. loclnslyr. 1903.

WHEELING. W. VA.—Weal Virginia ExposI lion. Sept. 7-11. 1903. Geo. Hook, S^'y.


HORSE SHOWS. ATLANTA. GA.-Horse Show. Oct. 13-18. 1008

Frank Wchk>n, Secy. REI.I.K HAVEN, CO.VN.—Horse Show.

8. 1003. CEDAR RAPIDS. lA.—Horse Show (Athletic

Park). Oct. 8-10, 19o:i. Geo. K. Barton, PriK.; Ge<i. L. Ilothrock. Secy.

CHICAGO. ILL.—Horae Show. Iwst week of Ort.. 1908.

0AIJ,ATIN. MO.—Bth Annnal Horse Show. Sept 1-8. locInsiTe, 1903. R. J. Ball. Secy.

KANSAS CITY. MO.—Horae Show. Oct. 19-34 1908.

JACKSONVILI.E. ri.A.—Horae Show. Oct. —. 1903. H. F. Cary. Oen. Mgr.

I^AN'CASTKR. PA.—Horss Show. Sept. 18-10. 1903. Richard McOrann. Boi 417, S^y.

LOUISVILLE. KY.—Horse Show. Oct. 1-8. 1003.

LTNOHRURn. VA.—Horse Show. Ort. 7-10. 1908

MORillSTOWN, N. J.—Horae Show. Oct. 9. 1903.

NASHTII.I.E. TENN.—Home Show. Oct. 8-8. 1808.

OMAHA. NF.B.—Horae Show. Sept. 18-.8. tn eluatee. 1903. PITTSFIF.I.D, MASS—Hoese Show. Sept. 18.

190.1. Girard Foster, Chairman; Dr. Henry Jaquea, Secy.

RK'HMOND, VA.—Iloree Show. Oct. 18-17, 1903.

ST. LOUIS. MO —Horee Show. Week of Nfs 8. isns.

SYRACUSE. N. Y.—Horse Slww. Sept. 7-12. 1908. Jas. T. Hyde. 16 B. 23rd St.. New York City, N. T.. Secy.


Rlordan. Secy. KAI.TI.MDKE. MD.— REAU.MONT. TEX.— BEI.I.EFONTAINE. 0.— boom;. ia.— CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.—H. S. Keffer, Chairman,

R. G. Stewart. Sec’y. t’FNTKHVII.I.K. ;A.— CHARLF.8T0N. W. VA.—Under auspices Trade

Assembly. Francis Wilson, Manager. HATTANOOGA. TENN.—

•'I.NCINNATI. O.— • I.I.VTON. IA — COHOES. N. T.—Thoa. J. McNetlL Secy. i.lvei.and. ia —

i ttl.FA.X. IA — CONtMRD. N. IL—J. J. Scnlly. Prea.; H. V.

Tuttle. Secy. & Treaa. cot NCII. PH FFS. IA.— DAVKM’OKT. IA.— i>eshi.i:r. tl.— OF.S MOINES, IA.— DIXON. ILL.—E. C. Mathews. Sec’y. FLUSHING. L L. N. T.—Martin Schaaf. Soey. FUKMOXT. O — JRAND RAPIDS. MICH.— GIIEKNFIEI.D, O.—Under auspices of Jr. O. U.


Ksistnaxnn Mich. KANSAS CITY. MO—Mr. Shultie, Secy. KKB. IA — KEKOI K. IA— KNOXVILLE. TENN.— f.ATONIA. (Near Corlngton.) KY.—Under An-

splces of Tile Trades A I.ahor Assembly of Keaton and Campbell Conntles.

LINCOLN. NEB — l.EXINGTON. KV.— LOWELL. MASS.Wames P. Fleming, Free.;

Edward McKeon. Treaa. MANCHESTER. N. 11 — MASON CITY. IA.— MARSHALLTOWN. IA.— MASSILLON. O.— MEMPHIS. TENN.—C. W. Marker, Chairman;

Wm. MiK'auIey. Secy. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—Under Antpices Feder-

ated Trades Council. J. Rekbert. 818 State St.. Cor. Secy.

MINNEAl’td.IS MIN.S.— SASHVILI E. TENN.—L J. ‘Hmon. Secy. NASHUA. N. H — NEW IREUIA. LA.— NO TONAWANDA. N. Y.— oaKI.AN'D. cal—Joe. Cteboll, Chairman; W.

E. Scully. Secy. IVEAN VIEW, V.K.—J. H. Lielngston. Room

211 Citizens’ Bank Bldg., Norfolk, Va., Mgr. oei.wein. ia — OKLAHOMA CITY. O. T.—Address I.mTy W.

BeedT. IdO W. Cala Are. 'VrTCMWA. IA.—J. F. Byrne. 821 Jay St..

Cl'sirman Committee. PADUCAH. KY — I’ANV. ILL.—C n Ellison. 20 Cedar St.. Secy. PARSONS KAS—W. T. Welghley. Mgr.; W.

E. C.niett Secy. PASADENA. CAL.—Mr. Clark. CYialrman; Hr.

Henrr. Tmaa.; Mr. Patton. Secy. PATERSON. N J —Addrew Edward B. White.

170 Market St.. Pateraou, N. J. PEORIA. II.I.— PERU. IND.—Gas Belt Tnbor Day Celehmtlon. \ddreas Henre Schram, Peru, Ind. PINE Pt XTVS N. Y.— PITTSTtURG. PA.— PORTLAND. ME.— PRINCETON. IND.—Under Anaplcee Allied

Trades Unlona. Pt EBI O. roi.o.— ST I OUIS. MO.— ROANOKE. V.V.—W. I.. Robertson, 29 Salem

Atc.. Secy. ROME. CA ¬ ST JOSEPH. MO.— ST. PAUL MINN.— SaT.ISBT’RO.N. C.—O. B. Brookshaw. Chairman

Ex. (Yro. SAN DIEGO CAL.— Slot X CITY. IA — SURINGFIELD. MASS.— SPRINGFIELD. ILL.—Mr. Woodmansm,. See. SPRINGFIEI D, O.—T. J. fVeuger. Scey. SPARTA. ILL—J. C. Perkins. Free.; A. D.

SpronI, Box 196. Seey.; S. 8. Taylor. Mgr. Prlxllegm.


E. Main St . Washington. Ind. WAsniltMN. WIS — W.XIFULIMl. lA.— WIST KOYLSrON. MASS.— WILMINGTON. DEI..—



VRERDEEN. MISS.—Ponltry Sliow. Dee. 14 19, 1903. N. L Hatcblnaon, Judge; J. R. Young, Secy.

AI I EGAN. MICTL-Allegan Ponltry * Pei Stock Assn. .SlK>w. Oct. 13-17. 190.1. Frank Weldon, .Atlanta, Ga.. Secy.

.aVRUU.N. N. Y.—Poultry Show. Jan. 22-2.1. I'lOL Fred I. Roe. Secy.

KINGIIAMITON. N. Y.—Ponltry Show, Sept. 29-0<-t. 2. 100.1. Henry S. Martin, Secy.

Krn.NVILl.K. MO.—Central Mo. I’oultr; 3 Pet Sun k Assn. Show. Dec. 8-11, 1903 0. G. Miller. Secy.

BRATTLEBORO, VT.—18th Annual Poultry Show. Sept. 30-Oct. 1. 1903. 1. K. Felch. Judge: D. R. Tasker, Supt.

BUTLER. MO.—Bates County Poultry A Pel Stock Assn. Show. Dec. '29, 1903-Jan. 1, Inclnslxe. 1904. A. B. Lndwick, Secy.

CAMBRIDGE. N. Y.-Pcaltry S'ow. Sept 1-4, 1903. Frank 8. Nlcholaou. Supt.

CATLIN. ILL—Poultry Show Jan. 13-1.1. Inclnslm. 1904. W. A. Park'./, Secy.

CED.Ait R.APlliS. LA.—Poultry Show (Audito¬ rium). Jan. 11-16, 19<>4. L. T. White. Supt.: E. R. Moore, Treas.; A. J. Smith, Secy.

CnARLESTON. ILL —Poultr Show. Jan. Il¬ ls. 1004. C. L Carney Secy.

CHARLOTTE N. Y.—Ch».-lotte Ponltry A Pet Stock Aaen. Show. Jan. 12-18, 1904. F. J. Marshall. Atlanta, Ga., Judge; W. B. Alex¬ ander. Secy.

CHARLOTTE. N. C.—Ponltry Show. Oct. 27- 30, 1903. B. S. Dayls and W. B. Alexander, Mgra.

CHICAGO. ILL—8th Annual Chicago PmMtry. Pigeon A Pet Stock Show. Jan. 9^, TBClu- bItc. 1901. E. C. Eddy. Pres.; Oeo. G. Bates. Treaa.; Fred L. KImmey, Secy.

CHICAGO HEIGHTS. ILL.—Snd Annual Punl- try Sliow. Feb. 2-8. luclnalm, 1004. Hhrry Neath. Secy.

CLARINDA. IA.—(Harluda Poultry Aasn. Show. Jan. 11-16. 1904. C. E. Arnold. Secy.

DALLAS. TEX.—Ponltry Show. Dec. 1-4. 1903. D. M. O'Nrall. Secy.

DEL.AV.AN WIS.—Southeaatem Wla. Poultry A Pet Stock Aaan. Show. Jan. 28-30. 1904. L. A. Janaen. Judge.

DETROIT. MICH.—Poultry Show. Dec. 14-19, !»« S. 7,. Harroun. Secy.

DRYDEN. N. Y.—Poultry Show. SepL 18-17, 1901. M. D Darenport. Supt.

ELGIN. ILL.—Poultry Show. Dec. 23-28. 1908 R. R. Rowe, Secy.

EI.I.SBERRY, MO.—Ellaherry Poultry Aasn Show. Dec. 20-30. 1903. A. B. Shane, Judge; Otto B. Cannon. Secy.

EMPoi KAN.—Emporia Fanciers (Tlsh Shew. Jan. (last 4 daysl, 1004. J. J Atherton. Judge; G. L. AItoM, Secy.

EVANSVILLE. IND.—Wabaah Valley Poultry Pigeon A Pet Stock Aasn. Show. Dec. 14-19. 1903. Addreas L T. MacClement, 1024 Pencil Axe.. ExanaTllle. IND.

FtTCHBI'BO. MASS.—Ponltry Show. Dec. 18 18, tncInalTe. 1003. J. Lee Froet. Secy. H A. Benedict, Asst. Secy.

FREDERICK. MD.—Ponltry Show. (Frederick Fain. Oct. 20-23. 1903. J. Roger MeSherry,

FRESNO. CAL.—7th Annnal Fresno Count] Ponltry Aaan. Show. Dec. 16-19, Inclnslm, 1003. Geo. A. Andrews. 1828 Mariposa St..

GI^A^’O. KAN.—Ponltry Show. Noy. 28-28 Inclualye. 1908. C. B. Rhodes, Judga; C G. Archer. Secy.

GREAT BEND. KAN.—Barton 0>. Poultr] Aasn. Show. Jan. 8-9, IIMM. J. B. Jennl son. Secy.

HAOERTOWN. MD.—Ponltry Show. Oet. 18-18 100.1. John T.. Cast, Secy.

HOLLAND. MICH.—Holland Poultry Aasn Show. Dec. 29. 190S-Jan. 1. IncluMm, UM L. S. SpiietsBs. Ssey.

JACKSON. MO.—South Eaat Mo. Ponltry Aass Show. Jan. 14-16. Inclnslm. 1904. D. F Helrallch, Jndge; Chas. Behrens. Secy.

JAMESTOWN. N. T.—Weetem New York Fanciers Aaan. Show. Dec. S-12, 1908. J. W. Morris. Secy.

KANKAKEE. ILL.—3d Annnal Kankakee Poul¬ try A Pet Stock Asan. Show. Dec. 14-19. 1903. D. T. Heimlich. Judge; E. P. Vlnlng. Hospital. Ill.. Secy.

KANSAS. O.—Poultry Show. Dtc. 18-18. la- clnslTe. 1903. A. Shuman. Secy.

KANSAS CITY. MO.-Ponltry ^ow. Jan. 8-10, 1904. C. S. Hunting. 8817 B. 18tb St.. Secy.

LEWISTON. ME.—Ponltry Show. Jan. 5-8, In- clnaiye. 1904. A. L Merrill. 490 Court SL. Anhnm. Me., Seey.

LINCOLN. NEB.—Nebraska State Poultry Aasn Show. Jan. 18-34. 1904. L P. Luddoo.

NAPOLEON. O.—Poultry Show. Dec. 1-8, 1903. E. Judaon Darla. Secy.

NEWTON, KAN.—Harrey Co. Poultry Aasa. Show. Dec. 7-12. 1903. R. a Hobble, Sedg¬ wick, Kan., Secy. A Treas.

NEW YORK CITY. N. T.—New York Poultry Pigeon A Pet Stock Asan. Show. Jan. 8-9, 1904. H. V. Oawford, 34 Union St., Mont¬ clair, N. J., Swy.

NOKTHA.MITON. .MASS—Poultry Show. H-10. 19»3. C. E. Hodgkiiia. Secy.

NORTONVILLE. KAS.—Poultry Show. 29-31. 1903. C. D. Stillman. Secy.

OAKLAND. CAL.—Ponltry Show. Dee. 2-8, 1903. J. C. Williams. Fmltrale. Calif., Secy.

OLNEY. ILL.—Annual Show, Richland C^ounm Ponltry Asan. Jan. 4-8. loclnalre, 1904. B. Dalton, Parkerabnrg, HI., Secy.

OSHKOSH. WIS.—Poultry Show. Jan. 11-18. 1904. F. E. Dailey. 93 B. Lincoln Am.. Secy.

OSWEGO FALLS, N. T —Ponltry Show, SeuL 1.V18. 1903. H. L. putt. Secy.

POUOHKKEP8IK. N. Y.—Poulary Show. Sept. t-4. 190.1. T C. Van Wyrk. Supt.

PRAIRIE DEPOT. O.—Poultry Show. Nor. 28- 2S. liai.l. a. F. Baaey, Secy.

PROVIDENCE. K I.—Poultry Show. Dee. 2-1. 1903. Wm. 1. Brown. Exchange Place, Secy.

KlCli.MOND VA.—VIrgInM Pigeon, Puultry A Pet StiM-k Asan. Show. Nor. 23-29. 1803. F. S. Ililllinglon. Secy.

RISING SUN. t».—Poutlry Show. Dec. 1-4, imn K. M. Yamliert. Secy.

ROBINSON, ILL.—Crawford l\>onty Ponltry Aaan. Show. Jan. 13-18, 1904.

ROCHESTER. MINN.—Rochester Ponlfr Assn. Show. Dec. 16-19, 1903. IjmiM h. Meta, Secy.

ST. LOUIS. MO.—tSrd Annual Poultry Show, Oct. 8-11, Inclnslre. 1903. C. A. 'TUlea, Prea.: John Hacbmeister, Secy.

ST. LOUIS. MO.—9th Annual St. Lonla Fanciers' Asan. Show. Nor. 30-Dec. 8. 1903. Ruasell A ButterSeld, Jndges; Roes C. H. HaRock, Secy.

SBDAI.IA. MO.—Sedalla Poultry A Pet Stock Asan. Show. (Dates not set). B. E. Cod¬ ding. Secy.

SIIEROYGAN. WIS.—West Shore Fanclere Aasn. Sliow. Nor. 23-28. 1903. Tbeo. Hewes, Judge. A. H Maclntlre, Secy.

SOI^TH FARMINGTON, MASS.—8tb Annual Poultry Show. Dec. 1-4, Inclnslre, 1908. F. W. Jennings. 8 Irring St., Seey.

SPRINGFIELD. MASS.—Dec. 18-18, 1903. Ed¬ win C. Powell. Secy.

SYRACUSE, N. Y.—Poultry Show. Feb. 8-18. 1904. E. W. Andrews. Secy.

SYRACUSE. N. Y.—Poultry Sliow (New York State Fair.) Sept. 7-12. 1903. 8. C. Sharer,

Albany, N. Y., Secy. TORONTO. ONT., CANADA.—Poultry Show.

Aug. 27-Sept. 12, 1903. J. O. Orr. Secy. A Mgr.

TRENTON. N. J—Poultry Show. Sept. 28- Oct. 2. 1903. W. J. Gladney. Seey.

WAKEFIEI.D, MASS.—Ponltry Show. Sept. 1V18. 1903. B. F. Cally. Jr.. Sec'y., N. Y.—Poultry Show, Sept. 22- 24. 1903. Isaac L. Huff. Pres.

WICHITA. KAN.—Southern Kansas Aasn. Ponl¬ try Show. Sept. 28-Oct. 8. 1903. H. L. Resing Secy.

WICHITA. KAN.—WIrMta Poultry Aaan. Show Jan. 4-9. 1904. T. K. Feicb. Jndge; H. W. Schopf, Secy.

LIVE STOCK SHOWS. ATHOI.. .MAS.<5 —Cattle Show. Sept. 7-8, 1903. CEDAR H.VPIDS. I.Y.—Amerl<-an Poland China

Record Co. Show. Seixind Weilnesday In Feb, 1904. W. M. McFadden. West LIlwrty, la.,

CHICAGO. ILl..—American Cherlot Sheep So¬ ciety Show. Dec. 4. 1903. F. B. Dawley, Fayetterllle. N. T., Secy.

I.ANCASlr.R. PA.—Cattle Show. Sept. 18-19, 190.1 Richard McGrann. Pox 417. S^y.

PE.YBODY'. MASS.—Ksaez Agrl. Society Show. Sept. 22-24 incluslra, 190.1.

BENCH SHOWS. YRERDEEN. MISS.—Ranch Show. Dee. 14-19.

190.1. J. R. Touuf. Seey. niN'GIIAMPTON. N. T.—A. K. C. Bench Shew.

Sept. 3S-Oct. 2. Inclnslre. 1908. Henry S. Martin, *91 Stats St., Sec’y._

I.ITvflFIEI.D. ILL.—Ponltry Shew. Eer. —^ 1903. W. 8. (!hamberlla, 817 W. Third SL,

IXKIANSPORT, IND.—4tli Annual Booalet Ponltry Aasn. Show. Jan. 8-13. 1904. Sol. D. Brandt. Secy.

LONDON. 0NT„ CANADA.—Poultry Show, Sept. 11. 1908. J. H. Saunders, Supt.

LTNN. MASS.—Poultry Show. Jan. 8-iL la- clnatre. 1904. Chas. B. Haat. IBT Maple St.. Secy.

MAlj'rOKETA. IA.—Timber (^ty Fauclera Aaan. 2nd Annual INmltry Show. Dee. 18-20 1903. F. H. Sbellabarger. Judge; E. J. Whitfield. Secy.

MASON OTT. ia.—Poultry Shew. Dec. 14 18, Inclnslre. 1903. A. Randall. Pres.; A. B. Shauer. lienark, HI.. Judge; James Dana Secy.

MATTEWAN. N. Y.—Muttewac Pnultry A Pigeon Aasa. Shew. Dec. 1-4. faiclaatm 1903. Hector W. Mlllspaagb. Walden. N.-T.. Secy.

Ml'STATINE. IA.—Mnacatine Poultry Aaan Show. Dec. 8-11, Inclnslm. 1903. O. W. I.lndle, Secy.

NAPERVILLE. ILL.—Naperrnie Poultry. Pig¬ eon and Pet Stock Aaan. Show. Jan. 18- 20. 1904. C1ias. McClark, Jndge; Oecar H' Gwler, car. Secy.


Sept. —. 1903. J. T. Nerins. >1. U., Seey.

OLD HOME WEEKS. BEI.l.AIRE. O.—Old Home Week. Aug. 27.

Sept. 7. Incluaire. Robt. Ilutchloaon, 4649 (iiiernsey St., Uhrmn.

BRIDGEPORT. CONN.—Old Home Week. Aug. ■10. Sept. 7, Incluaire. Geo. K. Birdseye,

UHRIUHSVILI.E. O.—Old Home Week. SepL 21-27. O. W. laatto. Secy.


Nor. 10-13. incluaire. Dan R. Mills. Secy. JOPLIN, MO.—M. W. of A. Ix>g Rolling of

Missouri and Kansas. Sept. 10, 1903. Frauk P. Smith. Secy.

NEW BRITAIN. CONN.—Comer Stone Laying of New Parochial School. Sept. 6 .1903.

PERRY. OKLA.—Celebration of the 10th An- nlrersary of the opening of the Cherokee Strip. S-.'pt. 15-17. Inclnslre. J. W. Casey, Secy.

PORTSMOUTH. N. H.—Firemen's Mnster, Sept. 10. 1903.

STOWE, VT.—Vermont Fish and Game League Sept. 4, 1903. H. G. Thomas. Secy.

Ifi).—Grand Theatre (E. L. Klnne- man. Mgr.) The season at the Grand opened Thursday. .Yng. 20. with a gootl company pre¬ senting Orer Niagara Falls. Large audlenees greeted the production which- was well pre¬ sented three nights and Saturday matinee. They gare entire satisfaction. Aug. 24 and 28, .1 Break for I,lhert,r was presented to fat at- tentlance. The pint is based on the escape and capture of the famous Biddle brothers.. and abounds In exciting sItnatteHs. The company was rery acceptable. The Grand has nqder- gone noeny Improrements since last srakon, haring an entirely new heating system, and patanns and performers will be- nunred .af a eomfortahle bouse during .'the coming wjater.

The Patbfiuders sre making -gri^at prepara¬ tions for their cafniral which commence*-next week. .From all IndlcsHons It wlD’he a great sncceaa.. the Heck Carnlral t^impauy shows: be- Ing the principal .attraction. ...

The Indiana Theatre"*!!! open, the-last we«-k In September and Manager Ktnnemaa reports an excellent lilt of attractions, booked- for the waaoi,, .J.. F. C.

LAWR£M(^. KAS.—Rowersoek t^l’a 'House tlrrlng Hill. Mgr. I The Stain of Gdllt d^ned the bouse 25 amt did a satisfactory huslnesa. The Volunteer comes Sept. 1.




NEW YOUK. when In “condttton.” Marr Norman was well recelred In a new act whlcti, when she has

Tha.trM Onan ThrM Imnortant thoroughly In hand, will b»' of more In- Twenty-Blx Theatrw open, present. Manning Entertainers,

Prodnctiona for Presentation Thia Week, comedy oreatora; (did the management turn By the end of this week there will be twen- poet Intentionally?) Drawee, comedy Juggler;

ty-Blx theatres open for the season In Manhat- Great Northern (Jnartette, comedians and vocal tan alone. Broadway has assumed Its wonle<l Ists; Donahue & Nichols, comedians, and Max- aspect. and the hard pressed press agent la well & Dudley, operatic sketch. . . working orer time to create stories that he Lyceum (Heuck & lennessy. Mgrs.) This .•an throw around the more Important members boose, presenting a very pleasing appearance of the organliatlon to which he may be at- after the thorough overhauling It rpoelv^, has. tached. I nless all signs fall, this will be a as Its opening attraction. Nobody s Claim, a successful season, and one distinguished by regular visitor to this city. The cast Is gtssl. numerous artistic and elaborate productions. Heuck’s.—The Queen of the Highway Is pleas_

At the Broadway Theatre Monday of this Ing fair crowds. The play re well staged and week. Colonel John C. Fisher will present A a capable company Is In evidence. Princess of Kensington, to opera by Captain Peoples.—The Tiger Lilies deliver the goo,l8 Basil Hood, which achieved great success In at this house to good slied audiences every Ixmdon. James T. Powers will appear In the night. , . , principal comedy role, which has been espec- Coney Island will remain open two more tally elaborated for him. supported by Blchle weeks, but will only be accessible by cars. Idng. Dorede Pllllppe. William Stephens. Cecil the boats having stopped the run. on account Engelhard. Amelia Fields. George Mndle, Jr., of the low stage of the river. Stanley H. Ford, and a chorus of over lOO Chester Park.—Barlcw s Minstrels attract voices, together with a military band and cn l*r(te crowds every night. orchestra of forty-two musicians. Captain Hood iJigoon.—^The management provides a g^l has drawn upon A Midsummer Night’s Dream vaudeville bill this week, which Is drawing for the plot of A Princess of Kensington, which the crowds. „ ^ , Is described as a half romantic and half comic City Beach always does large business, opera. Again the fairy court of King Oberon NOTES. and Queen Tltanla to established, materialised ^he Cincinnati Fall Festival. September 7- th^gh the magical agency of scenic Artists of ji. will be bigger and better than ever this

ypat. -The Marco Polo spectacle is awaited *'(f^****'**°* work marvels In Illuminating with much anticipation by all who have <le- eirects. _ „ u__elded to attend. It will be a grand sight, no

Another suc^sfnl English mnshrAl play to joubt. and the festival committee deserves i« American Jbree IJttle , huge reward In their work for ‘•the

Maids, which goes on the boards for a run at ^ ^ ^ elorv of Cincinnati •’ Daly’s Theatre Tuesday night is a Ix,ndoj. or- “ Grand 1? ^ImJist ready for the ojK-nlng gan^ttoU’ head^ by C. P. Huntley Md Madge ^^Ich takes place September 7. with King Crichton, great favorites In the Britlkh capital. L>odo as the atUaction. having been Imported by Charles Frohman for Colonel Paxton, of the Coney Lsland Company.

i. t » Ibft for Nova Scotia September l, and will re- W llllam Colllw has returned to the field of j time to superintend the Improvements

legitimate <^<-dy. l nder the manageme^^ ^e made at the Island. Messrs. •Weber * FIrt'h' bP he prraented ^he Barnnm and Bailey shows will be- sen Thursday night at the Bijou Theatre In Per- October 5-6. sonal. a comedy by Eugene Presbrey, dealing ___________ with modern society life. He will be supported by George Nash, Brigham Boyce. John Savlllc. DI8THIBUT0R8’ NOTES. Brandon Ilarst. Herbert Ayllng. Charles Swain. (Continued from page 11.) •Wallace MacCutcheon. Brinsley Printlc. Nan-- cite Comstock. Ix»ul8e Allen. Jane Peyton, __. « .j t._i. .. __ Grace ’Thorn. Marlon Abbott. Laura Palmer. iV Cathryn Cooper. Ionise Compton and Mary .AI th dree. Not a few of these is-ople command tn weekly salaries that run Into three figures In ^nres'n **^**fhl* h^nd' atJvii.. ATCTaaKgaw Se 881(1^ Unread. Od toe otDef band. If the dl8-

trlbutor walks back to the back door and places u j "Is article In the hands of a servant or a mem-

***0 family (always an adult). It Is » no ^«innr™”hon^hes kPhetally followed by results to the advertiser. II? *** The merchant must court the pleasure of his

duHng the cooi^of * long career. enstomers, and the distributor should do llkc- Handsomely redecorated and refurnished, the ^jgg

Grand Opera House begins Its regular season _ this week with The Silver Slipper as the ivtinswwiVTav. a rewww wvwws initial attraction. ’The company, head^ by _ _. . ... , . „ „ Sam Bernard and the elaborate scenic etjnlp- of the Adams Roller Mills Ba-

i be made at the Island. The Barnnm and Bailey shows will be sen


(Continued from page 11.)

this week with The silver Mipper as the ivtinswiVTav. ASTXBTIBBU. initial attraction. ’The company, head^ by _ _. . ... , . „ „ Sam Bernard and the elaborate scenic etjnlp- of the Adams Roller Mills Ba- ment. are practically the same as when this PO*tors to aflvertise flour, expensive musical comedy was heard at the E. Schneider, of Attleboro, T-lass.. will ad- Broadway ’Theatre last winter. vertlse “Oroll,” a patent medicine, by means

The American Theatre, also rehabilitated, posters, opened Saturday night last with Theodore Kre- The Standard Mfg. Co., of Chattanooga, mer’s latest melodrama. ’The Evil Men Do. Tenn., will advertise their union made overalls with a strong cast, headed by Dorothy Ross- by means of a 12-sbeet poster, mere. A special scenic equipment makes a big ■ '

ssr“ S.,;'”., ■K’V.iaJ’l'. list or billsosters. Ion on the merits of the play. However, as ij ,■ § j I j- n i. n- i j JrXrre SSir^^'or 7e2i*"dTviderrn WEEKLY LIST OF BILLPOSTERS. Ion on th4» morltB of the play. Howeyer. aa aj g. g , . the play la strongly bllle<l, the ontalde dla- tku l^dtnQ w*</i publuktd play irfvertlalng must draw the people for a <*«'■oteo/to. c««l.per u««.. or»4.(w time, and If during that time the people are pleaaed with the show, hostile press criticism cannot block the management from gaining an ARKAifgAg extended rnn. which Is certainly s more pleas- (Jonway_J F Clark Box 02. ant achievement than the aweetest of enlogiatic Ootton Plant—Boon A Ecbola preas notleea. ^ ^ Springdale—Hlto Saundera Ool

From Raga to Rtchea la a new melodrama. j^n with Maater Joseph Santley In the principal OONNECniJuT. part. ’The attraction made good this Monday Stamford—Hawley Oeflager. evening to a big andlenee at the Metropolis.

Onulne Indians from the wilds of Steeple- IDAMO. chase Park. Coney Island, roam the sylvan Pocatello—-George Daah, Box 272. gladrs of the Third Avenue Theatre in On the .. . Frontier. ILUNIOB.

My Wife’s Hnsband has scored en emphatic Bloomington—City B. P. Oo., Collaeam Bldg, hit at the Madison Square ’Theatre. Chariestoo—^T. O. Ckambera.

’The WlEsrd of Ox contlnnes to draw large (3hlcago—A Davla, 293 W. Van Bnrsa 8L audiences to the Majestic Theatre.

’Thf West End ’Theatre has for Its attraction **^***A‘ Marie Wellesley Sterling’s eomedv drams. Only Brownstown—E. O. Shepard a Shop Girl, with the popular Ix>ttle Wlllltms Michigan Clty--J. L. Waber A Oo. that winked the other eye. In the role of the Mt. Tercon—E. A. Swlnerton. heroine. Warren—M. O. Jobnaon. Box 41.

Bristling, wltk improvements, the Circle The- Wlnamac—B. O. Bnrroagbs. stre. under the management of Percy Williams. vnwra opens this Monday evening with s vaudeville IOWA, bill of note, headed d.v Maggie Cline, mnsen- D*o Molneo—W. W. Moore, licenaed dlatrlbntor. lar songstress, and Frank A. Kenney’s spec- wawaga tacnlar novelty. Life on the Chamns Elysees. AAABAB. Introducing the comedians, Messrs. Wilson Gas- Atchlaon—City BUI Posting Co. ton and company. Oaawatomle—E. P. Fisher.

Hnrtig A Sekmon’s music hall opened on Nickerson—Jno. E. Miller. B. P. A Dlst. Saturday with s long list of feature acts. Paraoos—Georgs ChnrekllL Charles Ross and Mabel Fenton introduced a muuim...T- dramatic aketch from Charles Dickens* Oliver miaai»ota. Twist, and Will West, formerly with the Bog- BemldJI—A. T. Wbeclock. ers B rothers, Introdnci^ an original Ides. MlcneapoUs—Gibbons BUI Posting Co.


CINCINNATI. BUltogs-A. L. Babcock.

- NXW TOBX. The Dasaler Bevived at Bobinaon’a. Lyceum CableokUl—Edwin F. Wentworth.

Open. Seaaon. Th. Cincinnati Fall NOETH OAEOLINA.

_ . « !1****^*^:_ _ _ StateovlUo—Bowland AdyertMlng Co. Bobinaon's Opera House (George W. Herbert. "■■■ ■ ■■ ——. n. ■

Mgr.) The Dazxler. that old-time farce com- OHIO. to giving a very pleasing aort of enter- Marietta—Ohio Adverttalng Agency,

talnment to very fair audiences, considering MiddUtawn—Anthony H. Walborg. the season. A number of good a. L. Nelswsnger—Orville, Ohio.

speclaitlea ar^ Introduce. The op^ra boo^a ^_ haa be«n Ttrj macb Improred In appearance FSWBTLTAjnA. and a new curtain haa been bnng^ -nie man- AltooM—Charles Bdmnnd Ornbb. «7 4th ava. ageiMnt rtaDre that nearly $30,000 baa hew Clarleo—Warrick Advertising Company. spent In beautifying the honae. Next week Two Du Bots_O H Barlow

. - John.tawi.-J«hn.t«^ B. P. Co. Waldnt (M. C. Anjtoraon, Mgr.) Mr. Dooley PhomilXTllle—George K. Oberholtaer.

Is BOCc«edlng In boldlDg the attention of fair Newenntle—The J. O. Loving C B P Co. booses at thla honae, with a bevy of very _ prktty klrls and several good comedians. ’The TEXAS. play driga in places, but not enongb to detract Amarillo—J. L. Sommers (Licensed i Interest. The songs are catchy and the sing- Denlmn—Denlaoo Blllpostlog Co. ing of 'Cbk-ago by Paul Qnlnn (Mr. Dooley) OaiDeerUle—Panl OallU. C. B. P. and Diet received many encores. The scenery la appro- Carthago—A. Bnrtoo. prlate and the coatomes pleasing to the eye. Toaknm—C. O. Tribble. Next. Holty Tolty. irraw

Colombia (M. C. Anderson. Mgr.) A verl- _ , , . _ _


Adrrrturmrnlt ttmirr tku krading •rill h* fmblukfd wftkly ai tk» uniform rate tm cenU per Mme, or $ fftrymr.


Conway—J. F. Clark. Box 02. CALIFORNIA.

Eureka—W. 11. Malliews, 636 2Di at. Fresno—F. A. Bancroft.


Atlanta—M. P. Houghton, Rox 554.


Chicago—John A. (Tloogh, 42 River at. East St. Loula—W. 11. Dcemar.

INDIANA. Huntington—Benjamin Miles. 8 Everett at. Indlsnapolls—ludlansi<oIls Adv. Co., 815 Steven¬

son RU'g. I Marlon—John I,. Wood. 820 8. Branson st. Michigan City—J. L. Weber Co. Mnnrte—Mnnrie Advertising Co. Terre Haute—O. M. Bartlett.

IOWA. Dea Moines—Des Moines Advertising Co. Douds—I'nlon B. P. A Adv. Co. Mason Clly—Henry Diehl. Des Moines—W. W. Moore (licensed.)


Boise—R. O. Spalding.


Atchison—City Bill Posting Co. Kinsley—J. U. WUIlsms. Oaawatomle—E. P. Fisher.


Boston—Cunningham A Gonrley. Brockton—John V. Carter, 2S8 Belmont at.

MINNESOTA. Morris—George R. lAwrcnce. B. p. and Dlst.


St. Louis—8. A. Hyde, 2136 Eugenia St.


Falrbnry—Robert J. Christian. I Schuyler—Bus A ^Iman.

I NEW YORK. Ogdensbnrg—E. M. Bracy. I Potsdam—Edaon Taylor, 20 Waverly St. I Schenectady—Chaa. U. Benedict. 121 Jay at.

NORTH CABOLINA. Statesville—Rowland Advertising Co.

OHIO. Cincinnati—J. J. Morphy A do. Colnmbna—S. A. Hyde. Foetoiia—W. C. ’HirUI A Co.. 116 W. nillL St. Martin’s Ferry—J. F. Blnmenberg. A. L. Nelswanrer—Orville, Ohio. Youngstown—M. Geiger.

PENNSTLVAAXA. Carlisle—Wm. M. Melny, Box 48. East York—Richard l:. Stal-y Johnstown—Oi-orge K. I'jxlearave A Co Johnstown—Johnstown It I’ Co PhoenixviUe—Geo. K. olierholtaer

SOUTH CABOLINA. (Jolnmbla—J. C. Blngley (at Chaileston). PhoenlxvUle—C. C. Trlldde.

TENNESSEE Harrlman—Ilarriman B. P. A Ad. Service. Cordele.—P. D. MbighslorC. Freeno—F. H. Baocrt>rt, 0|>era Honae Bldg.

TEXAS. Amarillo—J. L. Bamiuera.

WISCONSIN I Waet Pnperlor—C. A. Marvball. Meal 8ai-er«o<



A. F. Morris. Mgr., Uaatliiga St., Vaocoover B C,

Montreal—C. J. T. Tbomaa. Box 1129.

NORTH CAROLINA. StatagvUle—Bowland AdvertMlng Co.

table aU-etar vandevUle bUl la offered by Mao- City—Grand BUI Posting Oo. ager Anderaon In tbla cosy bouse. Ethel Lever •WEST 'VIBOINIA. (Mrs. Oo. Oobani. by reason of a bad cold, m-oiuid—H i «».»« coold not alng. but an Indnlgent andlenee “• *• Booti. awarded her thtraderoua applaoae fn evidence of _ WISfXJNSIN. the fact that they knew what she oonld do PtAlrte-di-OtoA—F. A. CampbelL

SPRINGFIELD. MO_Baldwin ’Theatre (Geo. r. •ih'iidiirlT. Mgr.) 'The theatre Is In excellent •niiilltkiii and will open Aug. 31. An electrh- sign has Uen placed In front of the theatre. The Vlllsge Paraou opens the bouse, followed

1 r The Knowles, hypuotlsta. Sept. 1-5; llumun Ib'aris, 7; When the Bell Tolls. 8; Under South erii Skies, 12, and Mard’a Minstrels, 18.

Inding Park Theatre (Uobt. L. Doling, Mgr I .til .Miierlean Cousin. Aug. 17-18-18; Life In .New t«rk. 2il-2l'22'23; Old Farmer Alleu, 21-

•J.‘. 2<;’.*7. A Hot Finish, 28-’20-3U. ARTHUR 8CIIWIEDER

HELENA, ARK.—Grand Opera House (B. It lliRieiirh'k, Mgr.) No news at the Grand, ex- ■ '<-pl that .Manager Fitapatrick is making con- slilerarie Impruveiiicnts, sueh as building non dressing risiiuB, placing new scenery, etc. lie hiiH iHil inrurmed year correspondent as to what isini|iaiiles he has coming, but says be has oul.. signed gissl ones, our o|>era house wbeu coni pleted will Im- one of the tiest playhouses In the eoiiiitrv and our Uot<i faelllties this season will Ik- g.»Hl. T. W. RAINEY.

CHAMPAIGN, ILL.—After being closed ill Miiniiier. during which extensive repairs and reiiKHlehng have taken plaec, the Walker Oper,, House If. F. llauiilton, .Mgr.) o|ieued with Ka''! Ikd.v ill 'The Iron .Mask, August 18. A (ah .Hid ii;ipreelatlvc andlenee attended. August '.’I. Till- Hottest Coon In Dixie. G<a>d bnalne-. and «i-ll reeelviKl. Dates ahead: A ’Thorough hred Tiaiiip. .\iigust ’J<l; .Mpluiise and Gaston. •Js. Glhney Coimily Co., 31 .Sept. 6. Ijtst seek St West End Park with the Iturrill Comeily (A>. Itig Inisiness. Champaign County Fair, Seid. 1 I. riolu Shows, Sept, 2.


Advertlsemaata (for catekagg*) ■■<>! this head are pnbllaaad abaelntely fiwa a( ahargo. No for salo ado. areadmlttad, kewoTor, m mat¬ ter how cleverly they may ha diagoliad

ONE 4b FOOT, ROUND TOP. w ith two f.s t middle |d<Hs-a. hales, rings, roi>cs, poles, falls and staki s eoniplete to S4-t up. Tent, ITiannon A Sm make, used three months. In fine eoodltloii. 12 hy 16 Lvl singe, curtains, wings, etc., a<-veii lengths. M-ven tier seats, ilghli, tiand. nnlfnrtii. cte.. to exchange for a good, large diamond ihitfit cost fsMi this spring. Address PBOF.

; FRED J. PAUL. GARRETT, IND. \ M.xglc Tallies and all kinds of small stuff to I exehange for ventrlloqulal fignn-s. ’Thomas I Morrow 424 F<*«ter St.. Harrtshurg, Pa.

It's up to You j TO HAVE A LOOK. I ’Aai P- pillar Toasts In.- . .\at Wills’ Nsik • f I Jokes, I'ariHlIes and .Monokigui-s (Just outi. 27«- ;

New Jokes h,* Old Jokers, N<si. 1 and 2. 2'~-. 1 eaeh; New Jokes hy Old Jokers. No. 3, Just ' out. j.'k . N.-s Isok of Caol Trieks. 2."k' . ‘ 'Vlxard’» Manual. S«K rets of Mind K<>adlng ■ Magle and Ventiil<M|iilsm. 2oo.; A Fumy

’ flee wltii ortler. We handle everv- thing III the l»>k line CBOM'N PUB. (X>.. 533 W, Baltimore St., Baltimors, Md.

Notice to Managers The o|K'ra IwHise. Kokomo. Ind., Is under the

I exeliolve management of Havens A llelmk-k. of Oh- SI|N’ ’I'heatre. All contracts made with 't o llr.vant or others must lie renewed with


M, A. BROUSEs Owner. All time under contract will be playeil If It

I N leiieu.'d at once. Address C. H. HAVENS,

the Sl|s- Theatre.

'TWNTER5I Agents. Don*t

Ailverfuesvesfs ssder (kU krndiug trill lie puhlukrd i trrrklv at tku uniform raUof tru emU prr uese, or ( per pear.

American Show Print, Mllwankee, Wls. Bell Sliow I’rlnt. Sigonrney, la. C. H. Bock A (io., Boston, Maas. Calvert l.lflio. Co.. Dalrolt. Mich. Central Ptg A Kiig. Co., 140 MonriM- Clileag-i Chicago Show Print. Co., 6tb Ave., Chicago, HI. Donaldaon LItbo. Co., New|iort. Ky. i Bnqnlrer Joh Printing Co.. Cincinnati, n. Erie Show Printing 7'o.. Erie, I'a. I Gt. Aroer. K.i’g. and Ptg.. 5 Beekran SI.. N Y Great W. Printing Co., 513 Elm St., St. Umls i Grave IJtbo. Co., klllwaukea, Wls. Henoagan A Co.. 127 E. 8tb St.. Cincinnati f». $am W. Hoke, 630 W. 52nd St.. New York Clly. Home Show Printing Co., Atchison. Kas. I Starr Show printing Co., Mason City, la. I Morrlsan Rliow Printing Co.. Detroit. Mich. Nonpareil Prfg. Co., 420 Elm St., (incinnatl, (». , Penn Ptg. and Pnb. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Pioneer Printing On., Seattle. W’asb. Planet Sliow Ptg. Co., (.’hatham, fhif.. Can. Clarence K. Bunay, 220 W. Lll>erfy Ht.. CIn. n. n. 8. Litbn., Ituiiall Morgan Print. Norwood, O. V’olunteer Printing Co., Keynuldarllle, Pa.

TNKLINOB. Mr. and Mrs. llennegan. of Ciminiiall. h-ft

Vtlantle Cllv .Xiigiiat 27. for New York city, from wpenee iliev will return home, ending a very pi asiirahle vacation.

ELMIBA. N. Y.—Uorlck’a Glen Tliealre IHer- hart Salinger, Mgr.) The .MsnhattHii Opera Co aang GIrolli Oliofla. 24.‘J!l. to large and well- pleased houses. Carolyn t.ewla I.iim was seen to advantage In the title roh-s. Herbert Salinger siipplhd plenty of fun as Ihdero. and Charles A. Fuller made an emphatic hit aa Mouraoiik. Phil Branson. Tlllle Salinger. Frank MeGlrr and Odette Bordeaux were also well i-ast.

Lvceiini The-itrc (M. Reis. Mgr. 1—Unity Tolly, lx. to large business. The Village Post- master. 2.5. Blaek Patti’s Troiihailoiira. P; Mabel Paige. 7-12.

Auditorium (E H. Colburn. Mgr.)—Dark. J. 5IAXWELL BEEILS.

pa.i Isrg,. pn.flta In vnnr mannfactnrern. MAKE YOUR OWN 000DS: We will give yon for

I one sinall fee all Inf'irmatlon regarding man I Ufa -tiirc ol Toilet Pre|>aratloDt. Soaps. Per

fiino-s. Flavoring Extrarta.v or any other prep arathui lo-gelher with Udtnni cost price of all imiterl.xls jiin need. Write to-day, stating price M.ii wish to pay for the article. All In- •elri... answered free INDUSTRIAL (HIEM- I8TS AOENCrr Room 417, 36 LaSolls Bt., Chi- rsgo. III.


L.I-;\l8i4;T4IM, 4sA.

.\l I ract ioris Wanted,

j All |•rivlleK(•.8 for sale.

lAddrtssi • JNO. KNOX. Pm.

' Russell Posting Service. , fiulta 611 Cahla Bldg., Jaohsaa Rlv4 sAd Wn>-

buh Avo.. (tecAOO, OX. : Flrat-claas locathaM eavering th* Oily and

VnbnrtHin ’Towns tborxMighly. l—g Ptatanrn I ^e’ephuoe. Harrlsna SUM.


at anmmer raaorta, rlrcnnea. faira—nvarywhora where crowds gsthar. Ureateat variety, lowest nrleea. Yon make 100 to 8ii0 per cent pro6t. Beantlfnl lllnatrated calalngno of over 100 varieties frnn. T. N. MOTT, 616-17 Doorbom ad r*it4^40W6

...WANTED... .\ll kinds of vsiidevllle acta for wlntrr season Man and wife wlio do alngles and doublea and play piano nr organ. Iksvaers, managers and all ilay sle4-(iera don’t write. Name your low¬ est and send phntiai. Address STALL! RIO NOVELTY CO., KanhahM. III.

ifenfton “ Tkt MiUboard ’* when anewmrirng ode.


Tlk4 BUtbiiard” MmUitm "Thd BiUboard” wKm mmcmidg add M*ntiom'‘Thd


Button Men Wanted Address WILLIAM OLDKNOW, as per route.

Tin Type Men. “QUICK” Sa-crifice Sa.le ILLUBTKATIOlf SHOW, OtTB M UOHM.










For Keystone Carnival Co. Ten nxM-v ic.n'J ntoral swell front.;

.il»> IVrrls Wheel. .\II kliiils of pneiUg* peo-

pU; eTerylNsly niakliic Kosl. .klllance, Olilo,

.\u,c. .11 to Sept. .V North lultliiiar., Ohio.

s.*pt. 7 to 12. .kU.lress E. 0* NICHOLLS.

Chacma Baboons, Monkeys in large numbers, everything- as I want room—so I must sell.



Attention Band & Orchestra Leaders WIRE WALKER

Only a few left; all clean, fine stock. Write to me. The Old Reliable,

WM. BARTELS, 160 Greenwich St., New York.

Do yon want to Loam to Coanpooe and Arran.o Mutic I If ao. M-ml Set. .tamp trial h «*iii. Nothia. to Pay mil II yiMi hare be,-n taiiaht l.,-.ioin., 1_ 2 and .1. If the.e l.'»iw>ii» ih* not •nnrliii-e y,Hi that Ihla l» Strictly Legitimate, then They are Froe.. Ihmt write iiiih-*. )oii hare a thorough kiiowl«>,lge of the ruilliiient. of iiiiiah* and Mean Buiineaa. C. W. WILCOX • Harmoniat), 1539 Broadway, Maw York.

M<-nllon"The IIIIU.oaril "

W aiile.1 to join at Kn-iiMiiit, Neh., Sept. 5. <ir III l.lneolii, Neh . 7 to 12. Iligh rope III l.lneolii. Neh . 7 to 12. Iligh rope or wire walker. We fiiruUli eoniplele apparatoa. tllher gooil aeta and alHiwa write. Sixteen iidld wi-rk. Nwikeil. .tddreMi CAPT. B. COL* LINS. Mgr. I'uUliia Carnival t'u.

GetaboardforSchenectady Eiposition and Carnival, week of Sept. 14th to 19th.

WANTED TO BUY IViTla Wheel. State make, full pari h-iilara and ehea|ieat prlei*. Write L. J, EKBERG. Long Beach, Cal.

NORTH MANCHESTER FAIR AMD RACKS. S.-pt. 2U to tirt. 2. Wanteil. a few High

t'laaa .Mtraetkwa. .t giHwl Tent Show, either oil iH-roeiit or a ri'aaonahle price for apace. Stand and otbei prlrllegi-a fair aale at naual prlcea. Alao want a good M«rry-Oo- ilomid. Will give exrlualre. Writ* at oaoa. Illg cTowda. Big time. 5'or parttcnlara write CHA8. WRIOHT, Secy.; R. B. SHELLKR, Supt. Pririlagoa.

Under the auspices of Trades Aseembly. 20,000 members interested. The largest event ever field in the State. C'oncessionaires of all kinds wanted. ♦300,000 paid out weekly.

Giskill-iundy-Livitt IMradions. L. (JKKHITY, Sec'y. Address K(K;ER FLINT, Box 3, Schenectady, N. A’.


LA ROSE, SPECTACULAR ELECTRIC FOUNTAIN Week 5ept. 14. (irandest and most Varied in Effect of any

Electric Fountain in the U. 5. “barring none” Portable or Stationary. Ti<:NTi.noM.4i.N.

IntUatiaiMiIis. Inti.. Kail Kcstival: “We wen* a liitle sliaky glaiut the eiilertaitimont i'dii iiilglit give u.s- Tills fear wa>eiitln*ly disiielled after sis*ing your Hrst p«*rforniaiu*e.

Slgiietl II K. HACKEHORN. Sei-’y." tiDiaha. Neh.. Knights of Ak-Sar-I(en: “It was the Is'st attraction uii the grounds.

EIHIAU ALLF.N. Chairman.” (iwensUmi. Ky.. Seven Mills Chautamiua: “Voiir atiraetion Is surely agreat novelty

ill the Chant aiKiua work. W. C. ARCHKR. Supt.” SprlngHeld. III.. Kli-oirh* Carnival; “The I.aRosi-Kouiitaiii was the feature. It is en¬

tirely new and alTonIs one of the most Iwautiful sights ever witni-ssed. .lOMN L IMIII.LIPS. Mayor.

Fur open lime, latter part Oetuber and Nu«eniber, addreaa

(iEO. LA ROSE, Manager, care “The Bitiboard,” Cincinnati, Ohio.

SPECIAL OFFERS For this 2 weeks onty.

Two car loads of Mexican Canes, all crooked handles, at $6.50 per 100: Extra long Bine Bead t'halna, $7.50 gross; Triplet Bead Chains, from $12 gmsa tu $24 gross; Kthbon Rosettes, $25 per 1 isai; 120 yards No. 4. Bmt Bed. White and Blue UUdioii. $1 SO. i'upe I.eo Memory Bnttons, $I.*A5 per lou. Wa hare everything for Street .Men. ltemeuil>er. B<>y». no disappointment here. We bare the goods, and the prices will surprise you. as we bare the largest stock of Celebration giwds In the U. 8., so don't fall to send a sample order to

MANUEL GERBER, Importar at Watchea, Jswslry, Kotiona and a full lina of Noveltiea. 336 South St., Philadslphla, Fa.


Can he se|>amted or joined In a sei-ond. but the uninitia¬ ted will work fur hours with¬ out mastering It.

BIG SALES. BIG PROFITS Patented July 7, 1903.

Cnexcelled for street work* t amirals. etc. tine .Vgency suld oxer 40.(400 last few weeks, .titractively plated >ainples. prepaid. 10 cents.


valley .w’F’g. CO. .MIDDLETOWN, conn.

The Wright Carnival Ca., 14 Cars, 200 People.

New Wagon Fronts. New Shows. New Free Attractions, and New ideas in the Carnival Line. If you want something new in the Carnival Line, some¬ thing that will please your people, we have a few open dates in Sept, and Oct., for Ind., Ill., and Mo. If you can giv’e us the people we will get you the money.

For time, address THOS. J. CANNON, Gen. Rep. Concession People, HARRY CONDON. All others write 11. AV. AVright, Mgr., Monessen, Pa., Aug. 31 to Sept.

5th. Ashtabula, Sept. Tth to 12th, Auburn, Ind.. Sept. 14th to 19th.


WARHl’S EIGHTH ANHUAL STREET FAIR FREE!"";.;r“ Patterson & Brainerd Carnival Attractions.

(’once.>«ion Men, get iwxt. Get on a Rig «>fu*. Four big weeks to follow. Want Platform Sbow.s, Plantation Show and \ aiideville. .No Gamblers or Snake Shows tu'ed answer.

SEPTEMBER 7th to 12th.

Great Wallace Show

Two Assistant Boss Canvas Mon. To whom the Highest Salary will he paid.




Fall Festival and Carnival. 2 Weeks. September 7 to 19 inclusive. 2 Weeks.

Central Labor Union, LOUISVILLE, KY. Location in the heart of the city- 25,000 tickets will be sold in advance of the opening. 20,000 labc'tring people in line on opening day. which occurs on Sept. 7th. Gorgeous and costly Floats Industrial Parade. Ten Bands. This great event luis been on f(X)T for the past two mont hs. Not a Mustirtxtin affair. Louisville has always been the big Carnival City of the country, .attractions by the people that play return dates and make g'KKl.

Ferari Bros. Grea.t London Carnival Co. 20 Big Exposition Features. Headed by Ferari Bros'. Trained Wild Animal Arena. 100 performing Wild Beiusts. 40 Noble Lions. Twice its former .Size. All kinds of Legitimate Privileges for sale. If you need a g(KKi one to make up for several bad ones then take g<HKi advice and come, .\ddress all communications to » _

G. O. LITT, CcLmival Headquarters. Louisville. Ky.


CHARLESTON, W. VA., LABOR OAY WEEK. One more Moral Show, All kinds of Privileges.

Wanted for our Streets of India Acts suitable for same. Band of 8 or 10 pieces. Will bu)- a Lu¬ nette Outfit. Everybody must .be ready to open Labor Day Morning, at 9 o’clock, as there are ex¬ cursions on all roads within a radius of 80 miles.

Have 16 weeks to follow. Booked by Mr. H. P. Sourbeck, Every Contract is positively on the Principle Streets. Not Base Ball Parks and Lots, like I have been up against, (by being connected with bad. Promoters, Address :




Hatch-Adams Mighty Catnival Go. Furnist) all Attractions.



S. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:—Mr. Bert HosS and E. W. Weaver are in no way connected with me any more. J. J. JONES.

A few more .M Midway Shows. Privilege People of all kinds come on. No exclu.sives. This is a harvest. 9500,000 paid in wages every week In Schenectady. All shows will be open at s 0‘cloc‘k Monday morning, .s'ept. 7th (Labor Hay). 14,000 Fnion Labor .Men will parade that day, and parade disbands in front of The llatch-.Vdams Shows. .Ml Carnival followers who are looking for one big week better get in line, and address or wire quick. Fort Plain, N. Y., follows.


Or, J. FUK HtTCN, Gen. Mgf.. Schentetad,.«. I.


THE WILL S. HECK MEW EXPOSITION CO. .Mso Sister Teams, Single Dancers, and Girls for Living Pictures, I’oses Plastique, Illusions, etc. Can place good Merry-go-Bound for long Season. Can also place one or two more good percentage shows

This Week, Dayton, Ohio. Week Sept. 7, Sturgis, Mich- WILL S. HECK.




Will close her season on Sept. 12 at the West Virtrinla Kxp(wltlon anti Slate Fair, and she will then remain in retirement till after tin- (JKKAT KVFNT, wlilch is now attractinir so miutb attention, WANTEIt: To reiilaee t'llIQl’IT.\ for tlie lialance of tln> season, THE SM.VLLEST L.AItV MIlKlET IN THE CtH'NTIlV'. Unly the HItrirest Fairs and CarniTals will Ih- vlsitetl. Have all tlie ni-cessary .sjulpiiient. siieli as lieaiitlful Shetland Ponies, Matr- nifleent Miniature Carriatre, Tent- Front, all inside and outside fixtures and triinmlnirs. Ad- dresseare OHIO ST.ATE FA I K. Coluniiius, Oldo, till S«-pt. .Vtli; W,*st Virginia Exptwlllon and State Fair. Wlietdlnir. W. Va.. week Is-irinnlnK Sei>t. Ttli. Permanent addn-ss, jnT Asli St.. Akron, Ohio. Addr*-ss ACHILI.E PHILIttN. .Manairer Cld.iulta ('omi)any.

P. S.—Little Inez, Lewis please write, fan pla< e ,f<sKl Musical Act for Hallylioo at Go- lumlius and Wheelinif.



World's Fair Midway aad Carnival Go. Any good show that can get tlie money. Ferris Wheel, Dancing Girls, Mov¬ ing Pictures, or any other good attraction. Also Free Attraction.

Only Heacdliners Wacnted. No others need apply. Plattsburg, Mo., week of Sept. 1. liethany, Rich¬ mond and Slater to follow. Long Sea.sen; all winter’s work.

!TWO CAMELS Elephant is a tine looker and works in the ring.

WANTED: Klephant Man, Wire at once, as we need one

at this time. Address,


MORRIS PARK, Clinton, Ind.. lias grounds to rent to Circus, Dog and I'ony, Wild Weat Sbowa or any large tent attraclloo. Best show town in Indiana. Populatk>D t>etween Ove and ■lx thousand. Only Park In the city. For In¬ formation apply to THOS, M. MORRiS.

FORTUNES Printed Fortunes „ . „ rS ote. per 1,000 Future iluiband or Wife Photos, white, hUrk riaildc or Invlalble. $2 per 1,000; 0 eenU for aauiples. LEDOTTX, PrinUr, 1263 MrrUs Ave., Brooklyn. Hew York.

OPEN TIME ...WANTED Fair Date, W'eek of Sept. 2.H. One of lli.-

^ largest an<l fiesl Oiiinty Falra in Want I a K'.hI Want a rimhI K>-|i. C-oinpany. Addresa


• •• For Carnival. Maryville. Mo., Oct. 6-10, Perils Wheel. .Mlidature italInHid, Fereent SIkihs. 1)1(1 i'lautallon, I’alaee lllualtni, Mon- ke.x Tlieatre. etc. I’rlvllege men write J. C. JOHNSON. Brey.

Jfsnffoe* The DilliMtrtX •nhtn agyMuriy ad» Mentiun **The SiUboord’* when anttverittg vufa MetUio” "TKe HilUHtard” whrn anfvering aa». Manium “Tkt BiUbtard" urfun eitimsrfr ~>gD.



OPENED OCT. 1, 1886. OPENED DEC. 19, 1902.


We have applied the knife vigorously, so that we have cut our prices away below all competitors.

I.essee. John D. MIshler Lessee, flosses Reis,

Manager, John D. Mishler. Manager. C. A. Stevens.

ACADEMY STAGE. WAI.I. TO WAl.l. KMdI.ICHTS TO KKAIt WAl.l. .1 ilTAIN I.INI-: TO HMtTI.UillTS- STACK TO lUClil.Vti I.OKT . It KTAIN ol-KMNO . lIKICliril «T UTAI.V ol'KNIMi . hkitii imo k .stack .


L“.' i:o\\s KlUST n.<H»ic . IIAH’OW 0 KOW.S .

CAI.I.I :l!V . IIKICirni OK CKll lNC . 50 ft.



50 ft. a« ft.

4 ft. .'•O ft. x: ft. Zi ft. 15 ft.

14 .7S2 .:44<t

30 ft.

Orrr (4.000 were expended for all Mew Scenery, Mew Chain and Repairt at the Academy tom—

mer of 1908. Oxer $3,000 summer of 1903. Academy frescoed and brought up-to-date. Allen¬

town open October »-19-80-)i.-87-Mot. 80.. Reading open Oct. 3-81'83-Mut. 8-4-5-10-11-16-17-24-

86-87. Addreaa


PaulJ. srusn and SPRAT Florence



Kuur piece, rolled, gold-plated top, cellu¬ loid back collar button aeta; tbe beet made. Per groaa, S>.f><>.

Electroplate watch cbalns with charms, fnll lenKtha. straight bars. I’er gross, $3.40.

White Metal domb bell end caff buttons. In assorted patterns, per gross, $.60.

Oral and flat band wedding rings, per grass, $>.

Fine, white brilliant and assorted color stones scarf pins, |>er gross, S.70.

Oblong turijaola and opal scarf plna, per gross, 6.S.5.

Wire Armlets. I’er gross, $1.35. Mliron for slum packages. Per gross, $.S0. Above Is tbe best snd cheapest slum package

outflt ever put on tbe market.

Any of the above items can be ordered

We are the bonae that saves you money. S ment same day as received. If jon send oa o will give as yoar continned bnslness.

Write for onr complete illustrated catalogue

OUTFIT FOR PENW0RKER8' PACKAGE. Kagic I’cin-ll Co.’s black iiuilution bard rub-

Ix-r fiMiiitaiii (M'lis. Per gross, $7.65. .VTckel iM-n holders, per gross $1.95. Iiidelllble automatic pencils and leads. Per

groes, $.T.25. No. 2, II. A A. special Colorado pens, beat

grades, js-r g.-oas, $.18. Combination memorandum and bill books,

made of tbe beet grade of Imitation seal grain leather, per groea, $4.40.

We carry n complete line of cheap scarf pins at $.50. $.70. $.75. $.85. $.90. $1.10, $1.50 par gross and up. Also a complete line of bouquet rosea at $.32. $1.00 and $1.50 per gross.

Complete Une of ladles’ and men’s watches la nickel, gold plated and oxidized, at $.58 and up.

separately or in complete lota.

end ns your order and we wUl guarantee ahlp- ne order we will please you eo well that yoa

Mailed on appllcntion.


Rubber Balls* Canes. Confetti Eaglt Rosttttt, Comic Art Mirrort, Eiplodinf Canos, Foxy Brandpa.

Canteens. Trick Books. Balloons. Whips, Trick Match. Confetti Dusters. Rubber Thread. Flying Snakes. RoNettes and Badges. Blow Outs. Beer Shell Goods, Rustic Wood. Celluloid Buttons, Celluloid Roses. Spar Hus, Lucky '' ..ailes. Watches, Rubber Faces. Go Way Back Pots and Jewelry. Send permanent address for FREE Illustrated Catalogue. Novelties for Street Fairs. Carnivals and Celebrations.

THE NEWMAN MANUFACTURING CO, 81 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, 0.

One Sheet Litliograpti. We furnish ladders. in<»st of the Trimmings and all of the goofis.

Address "The Billboard’

Pekin’s Street Fair, 4 Big Days, Oct. 7-8-9-10.

WANTED WANTED FIRST CLASS ATTRACTIOMS FOR THE FREE EMTERTAIMMENT OF THE PUBLIC.. Give Ii'iiiph-I,- liifiirmatl-.'n in tin*! letter. Vo time to naate I’erform.-n* write direct and save com- inW^loii. We alw want Kerris Wheel. Ocean Wave. .Animal Show, Electric Thcgtre, Electric KihiiiI.Iii, and «'tber first clas* novelties on .4 per,-entage basts.

FOR SALE—Legitimate Privileges of all kind a. We Draw the Crowds.

Tlie Leading Show Printers (Lithographic or Block) In the United Statesuse

The Ault & Wiborg Company’s POSTER INKS.

Are You One of Them. Cincinnati New York

THE AULT & WIBORQ CO. Chicago St. Louis

PASTE Progressive Billposters all Buy our “G” Paste made enpeetally for their use.beraiise BKTTKU than home- niiide. more eonvculent and eertaliily t HE.M’KIt. Will not sour and will keep for an ludellnlte length of time. On reeelpt of al.titi will ship you a sample barrel bolding over 2.'io p ounds, ont of which you can make fully three barrel, by reducing with cold water as needed. Many htllpoetera act as our agents and control local paper hangers* trade as well as others, and why not you? If Interested al all write ui.

The Indianapolis Paste Co., Indianapolis,' Ind.


COME ON BOYS! U. R. K. of P.

Free Street Fair & A£riculturial Show, VAN HI KKN, INH. KI-:

WAMTED—Shows of all kinds. Merry-go-round Kalr. Van Huron Is In the heart of tbe Indiana of Its size In the State. I’rlvlb-ge iieople, you i-row never flew over a bi-tter farming country, seta. Warning to allow iMsiple: Vow if you ss ne are now from Missouri. We stand for m>


FT. ‘i3rd to ‘i«lh IBUJ. and everything that goe'S to make up a Street

c II field.s, more iiHuiey here than any other town know I always have the push to work to.

Waiitisl—Kre»> atlraethma, platform ap<d aerial Intend eeunlng her*', prove to us you mean well, thxiwlng down.


Alabama Fair Association BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA.

Oct. 15 to Oct. 24th inelusive. For Sale, privileges and Ezhibltkoa Space for aaleu Write quick WAMTED:—A flrat claae fnll Midway aggregation and aneciul attractions. Addro. aT.awaisa' AIR ASSOCIATIO.N, Allen J. Kreba. Pres. ^ *

WANTED! MANAGERS, LOOK! 1 urn iHioking the fi>llowlng high-cluss uttruetions for Cnrnlvuls and Fairs, headed by

that sensational High Diver. Prof. Dyer, doing one of the most daring high dives ever at¬ tempted, also the following attraotlon.s on i>er oeiitage: Condermaii Ferris Wheel Merry-go- Kound. Miniature Railroad, and .Vmerlcan Blowers' Show. If you are looking for attractions that will help draw the crowds I have them. For ois n time and terms wire or write ROBERT HUTCHISON. Mgr. _Permanent address Bellaire. Ohio.

BUGKLIN-DARNABY CARNIVAL CO. Tenth Annual Consecutive Free Street Fair and Busi¬ ness Men’s Carnival at Wooster, Ohio. October, 12 -15.

WA^iT A FKW TIOKK H14iH-< LANS SHOWN. VI III larnUh yon wllta a wagon I front. .Also want a band ol S or lO plerea, and privilege people with the legit* Innate bnulnraa. W eek ul Sept, lut, Jersey vllle. III. Beat eltles In the rountrv to follow. THOS. V1N< KSTeome. Lost yonr address. lu zue couniry

(treat Crowtis .Mways. This year more money for premiums and amiKsements than ever liefore. It is a gnod niie; do we know how to conduct a street exhibit ion? .\sk Ihnse who have played here year after year. W ANTED-Three to five strong tent shows-two to four platform sliows, no more. Or will take all sliows from reliable street fair company. Two strong comedy acroliatic acts or novelties for free'iH’rformanccs. Also some s|iectacular act :us a feature for night.s.

All Tor Sale. Ni* but wo do iu»l lot ovory Tom. Pick Hurry on to Htrei'l. Attiuidumu* lunl yrar fnuii ton U) twi»nty thouHunU. Address.

Deorge Kettler, Mgr. tmusoment & cohcossiors Wooster, Ohio.

Monster Corn Carnival BLOOMINGTON, ILL., OCT. 5-10,1903

Ojien Free (’arnlval; licart of city, rrivileges of all kinds (except gambljng) to lot. Siiecial railroad rates. Addrc.vs RL. F. BERRY. Secretary, Unity Building.


MmU»m**TlmBiUboard" wknmimumriMgadt "Tk$ BiUbtar4» mhm omammimt ada


U yos uis fsUswtsg (sirs, .zposItlMs, etresMS. bavs a .Usd os tbs rtrssL vrorfe frMS s fist Joist, Mk. high sttebss. mU sovsitiss w paddls. writs ss fsr cstalogsa usd usy tsformstlos ros may wanL W. hasdls aB tbs lataat Bovsltiss, fluMi ud rise goods (or tpisdiss, l.k ponds, gsa Jolats and sovslty ■toorinf gallartas. • piscs Jawslrv lots, 7 dIm psiss m>U, tosatala Ka lots with pas hsidws sv mbo. book, abosr

s aad raaor lots, eoUsr bsttoa asts. swdl. psekMM. ritos IscM, Umpwicka Msp psisM, ksIvM. eoaba. apsetaclas, watebM. Mt Bltrors, sad a fall lias of ■oebaatcsl toys for stisot work. Cstatogso froo. nOS-TOOD A 00.. UT >. Fasrth Btrsoi, Bt. Lssls, Mo.

OLIVER SCOTT Agsut joh *^**“*1 Robinsons Ton Bi Sho^. Pormanent addrena. Bristol Hote Clnclnuktl. O.

6E0. W. AIKEH Msuwor Joh " Robinson’. Ton Bl Shows. Permanent address. Bristol Hote Clnclnuktl. O.

Agricultural Fall Festivities

Ja M. J. RARE Manager T c*!. .T iaMi.s position Car Great 4-1 A Sells Broe. United Shows. Permanent dress. The Billboard. Cincinnati O.


money or no pay. board."

antee you . Permanent address "Bl

Bilsit, K».. Sipt. 30-0ct. 1.2. 3. For lufurmation and ronovsaluiu (no gambling) .Vddreaa P. O. CHUBBIC, Secy.

HARRY W. SEMOH Agent and nnillll Ws eEMUH Railroad Contractor AT LIBERTY. P. O. bo.x 5,,. Kalamaztio. Mich.

MmtMtm **TBe BtUboart" tsksn otaavesritw atU ' Mention "Th« Billboard" when afwtrerfng odg



MCE HORSE WHEEL! inches diam. Weljrlit Li lbs. Money Spindles-

Jewelry Spindles. 'Three arrow spindles with layout. 815.00. Counter Magnates for Klondike. ££.00.

DEANE MFD. CO., 1057 Ceatril Ave .CiicInnitl, Ohio.

T Street Men ! ^ Here's i Money Maker for You. ^

I Send a two-ceot stamp for a aampir of f # the greatest selllDg Street Fair Novelty » • of the day. Everybody wants them. Sell L

like hot cakes for 5e ’ Write for sample to-day. Its certainly the goods. ^ I


s 4046 Cook Ave., ST, LOUIS. MO. C


Spellers, Musicians ^ and song and dance Soubrettes. for Carnival j Co. Would buy small Round Tup and Lnbln'a IMclure Machine. Model 1903. Address K. F. HALL, Sioux City, Iowa. {

^ DON’T MISS THIS ' I’lXXONS—Fastest selling novelty ever in¬ vented. Used in place of buttons, pins, books and e.ves; adjusted instantly. Men, women and children use them tor over a dozen dif¬ ferent purposes. .Agents, canvassers and street men make I-') to $10 per day. Send ten cents for gold-plutcii sample and wholesale terms. JEWELETTE CO., 502C Atwood Building, Chi¬ cago, Ill.

Be nnett Sisters Compa.ny Will put on up-to-date Vaudeville Show as free attractions. Thirty-five minute show, three times daily. Boxing. Fencing. Song and Dance etc. Change of program five times, entire. Transports..on and board and $4.'i for three days; $7.'i for week. Five in company. Three whole tickets. Best wardrobe. 120S EAST 17th ST.. Kansas City, Ho.

CARNIVAL! | Under auspices of the G. A. R. To be held in the Arsenal Grounds for

two weeks, commencing '

SEPTEMBER 21st till OCTOBER 3rd, INCLISIVE.“ (Notice the alteration of dates.) .

The GreaLtest aLnd Gra.ndest That Ever Ha.ppened.

20 - - Actually America’s Best Shows - - 20 10 - - Positvely Sensational Free Acts - -10




borg. Pa. Cables or telegrams, Bostock, Pittsburg, Pa.

Wantsd for the Dixie Carnival Company j Two or three more High Class Shows and

Privileges. The Most Successful Carnival i Company traveling. - - - -

Shaws Address:

DANA THOMPSON, Privilege People Address:

JIMMY SIMPSON, J‘ortland, Iiid., Aug. :}1-Sept.Madison, Ind., Supt. T-IU.

NOTH—Dan Brennhauser and Ke<l Sanlayrn wire address (luick.

CONCESSIONS NOW OFFERED FOR SALE! Missouri’s Greatest Street Fair and Carnival, Richmond, Missouri, Sept, 15-19.


RIKlMCFR^ CRFiT FAIR PIRPII^ Flmt and only Ktreet Fair ever held In thU part ol the XIate. We have DUoinocno wuLHI rnin uinuUOi tlie people, and It In up to you to ijet $oiir». \%’e ran place a lew good ■hows.

Wants quick for week of Sept. 14-19, at Ckntou but you miiat have the goods. Addreaa

musiral team, trained dogs, free attraction acts. RICHMOND STRELT FAIR ASSOCIATION, Richmond, Mo. Muat do two torna. I.«we8t salary. Deacribe act first letter. Sober, reliable working per- j formera only. Big tent ahow. Permanent ad- fh. T ^ t t j A a a

North Dakota State Fair


Wanted! -FOK-

Bauscher Carnival Co. For our Soiitbern Tour. Uonctsietona of all kliial-, Nat gaiulalliig: alao 5 nrare sbaaws. Conceasioiit are $ |aer wea-k; we get Ihe iaona>y. Want MiinielaiiH fair our Band. Want ta> Iniy a tao a-r •'<> faul Baggage Car. In good tviiditlain. Will (aay ('ash. .talalra-M. as imt nnite BAUSCHER CARNIVAL CO.. Tipton. la., Aug. Sl-Sapt t. Salma. Kaa., Sept. S-lt; Hutchiaaon. Ku .

' Sept. 14-19; Newton. Kaa.. Sept. tl-t6.

I A NEW ROAD TO EAST STREET.—I liare after naaiitlia aaf bard wairk pa-rfeete,l the aaiily Mail Kiialleea t'baiii Syatem iaermlaBabU> uiialrr

! the I'. S. Paaatal I.awa, deapite the faa-t that llia-M- law. are very atrliaga-nt In regard to ".v»- (eiii. partaking <af the a-nil]e.a rbain natiira-.

\ Mine la |K-rfi.*t anal Ita aa-aape fa,r mom‘y niakinx i It i.avUlvely llllllllllteal. The aM-iglnataar of the ! laliiiiia- tni.t aa-haanie retired with a faartuiie. ami ; alita-e Ilia tiiiia- tbi>re ha. be,-ii Ini.t arha-ine.

galaara-. a* a iBaiuoiid la more prei-loua than a |ii.-a-e i>f gla.H, wi haa my plan or ay.teao naira- i.M.lbilttlea of making you lualei»-nilant any truat aa-l.etne ever advertlaed. -tn)- iii.a- with a little letaure time anal an ordinary ili-gra-e of liitelligetM'e <-an work it. I am oiier-

I atiiig It myM*lf a. a aide line, making laig ' tiu>iia-y. lint an. willing to |Mit others “on”

aa inmiietltioii has a tentleory to Inereaae the ■Honey |iiil|i|.g |iuwrr« of the plan rather Ilian to mar It. luerlta. 1 use a firm name and .Ton i-aii ilo the same. I will send you tdentli'ally Ihe .ante literature I am nalng, together wltli ail ex|ilan«lory letter giving all detalla for Oin- D.illar. never before offered at any prii-a-. TIiIh la llllll■,•|| a fortune for a aoog. Adtlra-a-a CHAS, BAY, Cumberland. Hd._

WANTED! .Vltraotlona for the Orangeville Strea-I Fair ami Carnival. S*-pt. 30, Oet. 1, 2, 8. Four dava. Ill an Inimenie Agricultural IMalrIct; alwa,4 * lilg crowd. Apply to J, NORWOOD. Sacrelaiv, Grangeville, laaho.

WANTED! Oi.hI clean pay attractlona on |ierccntage. • nival. .S«-)it. ‘Jll-llct. 2. 3.liOO liihabitaiita. K"-.> coiiiily. .\lao aland and rack prlvllegca for aal*' Xo grafta allowi.l. C. H. HICKS, Alexandr.ii. Hinn.

GET A NEW FRONT lllgb-grade, up-to-date I’Bliitliiga at l"W aiiin iiii-r prlcea. Alao aectloiial i.irlahle froota, got

, gi.iiia and grand. CLARENCE FAOO. 40 Bond Street, New York City. _

Rnmot Plavor Wantoil manden, n. d., sept. 29.()ct. i, loot UUIIIul ridyul VVQMIuui For Side Show and other concessions adalress O. II. KIL-

land, Sec’y, Manden, N. D. Kememlaer the dates: £,lkii,j;"n'iUr' September 2y-Octoher 1, 1003.

North Dakota State Fairp'^hu «ai F MANDEN. N. D.. Sent. 29.0ct. 1. I90.T -C

It the Oklahoma, State Fair At Kliigflahcr, Uklolioma Ter. fS.OOO for race.

.Ml iirivllcgea for aale. Hates, Sept. 21-2.'). I"

I rlii.lve. E. D. BROWHLKE, Saoy.

AlaUionThe Biliboard" when antweiing ad$. MetUim "Tfte liUiljoard’’when anewerini/acb, JIenlion‘*2'he JJiUloard'* when antweringads. Uentitm "The Billboard" when aniwerimg odt




$4,200 In Race Purses. Good Race Town. No Bids for Less than $1,200 will lie considered.

To be closed September 10th. Address all liids to B. F. HOLDER, JR. Chairman.

On Percentage, Ferris Wheel, Merrv-go-roiind, Animal Show

and other good features. Few Privileges yet to be sold. 200,00 People in nine counties to draw from. Write or wire iiuick, to Address above.



High Pitch Package. No. 4.16-4 - piece rolled - plate collar

l>uttoii sets.irr.

No. 100 White metal link culT buttons .tkt gr.

No, :iH0 Astoria diamond scarf tilns.., .75 gr.

No. WT—Oval hand wtsldinic rinirs stamiMHi isk. 1 10 irr.

No Hi Electro-plate watch cha'ns with charms. 3.50 itr

No, rJ0-lh*und Pocket mirrors. '.Wgr

NOTK.—I'ou ran add or omit any ar>

tirir you mTmH.

If yon drair* to deal with a HOUSE that does not sxhauat all Its snsryy

ia “blowim” or SHOOTING HOT AIB, but uses all its endeavor in atteadlnc to the wants of Its patrons by buyiny and selliny at Bock Bottom Prices. And by

shippiny all tbair orders, without eaception, the same day they are received. IF YOU ABE LOOKING FOB A HOUSE OF THAT NATUBE.


CATALOGUE and send us your orders and vou will at once become eonvinoed that WE ABB THAT HOUSE. We positively can not and will not bs UNDEBSOLO.




How do you like these snaps:

1456 Black imitation rubber Fountain


$7.75 gross. Nickeled Penholders,

$2.00 gross. Indelible Penciles and Leads

$3.25 gross. Cooper's Colorado Pens, best yrads,

17c. gross.

Best Grade Imitation Bussian Seal Com¬ bination Memorandum and Bill


$4.40 gross. '



If you contamplAte Building

an Opern. House or Remod¬

eling one you can snve money

by writing to

£dwin He Fld^gg Sccilc AHIst Tkiitncil Arckltfct

72 NcVicker's Iheatre Bldg.

^ ^ 78-S4 Mndlson Streot.


Wanted <rt«d. clean Midway Shows for the Newboryport Fair, Sept. 15-lS. Incloslve. Newboryport. Msaa

Alao want to bear from privilege people of all

kinds. Attendance 20.UUO. Address IKYING

X. WELLS. Snpt. Ground Bontn.


...MERCHANTS... Free Street Fair & Carnival

STURGIS, MICH. SEPT. 7 to 12 inclusive. W. S. Hecks New E.xposition Company Attractions. Sturgis is a Manufactur¬

ing city. For ali Legitimate Concessions. Address;

Theo. T. Jacobs, Secy, or Geo. C. Runyan, Pres. &Trea$. STURGIS, MICHIGAN.

PRIVILEGES to be had at Camivsl and Street Fair at t'olumbua. Ind., Sept. 2H-Oct. S. 1903 inii,iast iM'ople erj>eoted. Write quick, Wm. W. ADAMS, S^'y of Privileye Committoo.

Patent Aprli«4 For


“PICK ME OUT” PUZZLE. For Streatmoa and Csmlvsl workers this UtUs

pusale is tke lander. Any live man ena de thn trick, sad will asU tOO to tOO per day. It yon want tbo fastest ssUiny novelty now an the mar- kst. yon want tkis. Sampla, by maU, 10 eaatn.

N. B.:—AU Partiao Warned Against lafringlag Our Bights.

Sole Owners HANDY NOVELTY CO. Manufacturers

106-108 Fultorx St. NEW YORK.

Your Name and Address On a Postal will bring to you, free of charge, a bunch of


KSnkSkBB District Fsir BlUboard, **That Cincinnati Paper,” 424 Eli Street, Cincinnati, 0.

Sept. 7, 8, 9, 10, II. Five days, three tveninys. I-aryer than man, State Pairs. A grand comblnatloo of fnirs. races, exbibitlons. carnivals and re-nnioos Ten tlionaand dollars In premiums and parses ».5.0<»0 In attractlona. Ws want everTthlng that Is Srat-claas. new sod msrveloas. LSX SMALL. Sserstsry, Ksnkskoe. DL _

IMPORTANT. 1 Will fnrnUb complete Streets of India and Cairo after the cloee of onr Delmar Garden Season.

From Sept, to Nov.. 19)\3. Independent Carnival associations can secure ns by prompt application. Will open St Connell Blnlfs, Is.. Sept. 7 to 12. Address OKIGINAL DE XBEXO BJUIS.' AMUSE¬ MENT CO. ne P. 0. Box. St. Louis, Mo. ..

I>. 8,—Would like to hear from ytxtd acrobats, jnyylers, balancers tnd knife throwen. Mav# room always for good acta.

DICE I.ate>t Transparent I.<>ad- .kI Work. Cards. Fine Hlo<’ki<ut Ink. Har Magnft.H,F.Uvtrh' Klondike itrawers. Ilold-outs. A etc. I

Cat Kre.-, J.F. KN.M Til A 4'o., K»u <'l«irr, 38 Is.

Big Spindles, Race Horse Wheels IHorort. Drop Cases, 3 Comltlnallon, Three Npindles, 4'oniplete Nets.

CHARLIK J. CLARK. Msnufseturor

1334 VlaeSt., 4'larlnnatl, ».

...Uhrichsville, Ohio, Home Week... SEPTEMBER 21.28, 1903

A few ,fOod Siiows and Free Entertainments wanted. State full particulars and lowest price in tirst letter. WM. H. STOUTT, Prtsldtnt; 0. U. LATTO, Sdcrttary.

SeOk Shell Souvenirs I For Hlrost Fairs, ( arnlvsl., Conventions. Kiiromer resorts. Itest selling noreltle. on the mar¬ ket. Write fur prtces. JOYCE BR.08. 354 >356 Dearborn St. CKIc&go. III.


SIDE SHOWS OF ALL KINDS WANTED at the .Vsli Grove, Mo. Street Fair, September 17th, ISth, I9th. wanted at tlie Itolivar, Mo. Street E'alr, September iird, 24th, 2.«t, 2«>th.

Also Tliree Good Clowns or Funny Men, for Street Work.

E. L. SCHOFIELD, Bolivir, Mo.. Sto’y. J. P. COPENINQ, hk 6rovo. Mo.. SM’y.

Trsiw addnos MAKTYILLE, youd one, write ns.

If yon want a TELL COUMTT FAIE A880CIAT10M Aaanal BURLINGTON, N. C.—AUmanca Fair Assn.

Batsrtsinmsat. (Vtober 18-16. 1008. LEON Oct. 0-8. 1803. Robert W. Scott, Pres.; Dr. WEWTMOWTT.AWD gee. Pards—tle. Ark R. A. Freeman. Tress.; J. A. Torrentlns. 8sey.

5ciHi 4c. In stamps to CnA5. D. ness, ZZJ 5. Fltxhugh Streot.

for the Art of Making Up.


Patents I RADC mARna

Designs Copyrights Ag.

Anyone sending a sketch and description may qntckly ascertain onr opinion free whetbar an invention la probably patentable. Communlca- tlona strictly conOdentiaL Handbook on Pateota •ent free. Oldest asenry for securing patents.

Patents taken throush Mnnn A Co. receive ipsctal notice, wiihont charge. In the

Sckntific Jlmerkam A handsomely Illustrated weekly, eolation of any sclentinc Vtnrnal.

“■ “old

largest Hr Terms. 83 a

I four months, 8L Sold by all newsdealers. year I fonrmontbi

kUNN&Co 361Bro8d«aT. Branch Otneo. as, ir pt. Washiogton,

New York ngton. D. C.

ALL THE WORLD'S A STAOE And that largo i»<>rtlon of It lt:ter,‘>tod In advertising will tind it niuoli to their ad¬ vantage to snlrseriln* U) “PLUHICITY." the popular Eaglisli monthly niedlum. for what is transpiring amongst all kinds of British pnhllolty s.'ekers. The fact that this tK>pnlar j«>urnal Is now sulwrrUs'd for In all parts of the world Is gtxxl evidence of the capital value we represent It to he.

50 C«r\ts YeeLfly.

Morrison Advortising Agoncy, HULL. ENGLAND.


MUtHfQriT' wh^amiw^rinffods ^ JiiUdoard" whm ansu'erirngads, Bi^itoanT* wh^ar%sw0ringads

SNAKES rien Fast India or Turtle Head. Price ilO. Harllml, gib: 2 to »S ft. #15.00. J. I>. SWEET, care ”Bllllwar,l."

Books, photon, tip-top. snnd for stamp for analod Circular. Chan. CON¬

ROY. 122 Park Row. Now York.

ifsisMon **77U Billboard” uihtn aatworing ad$.



Parlori for Parks and CamiT^a. They are aa •‘KKeiitial to a Carnival or Park aa a Ferrla Wlwol. lieraiiHe they are the only new show and are an attraction, lieaides belnK a top money- better. Tile wlxeat showmen are the ones that are hiiyliis ao far. Can only get ont a limited numlier. They are not cheap. What they will

VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. (Patent Attornejs,)

Kw Building, WASHINGTON, •. Cl


TIN TYPE MEN I liare a new RIm (also parts) for Tin Type I'.attons, and all kinds of Photo Jewelry, WM. L. HASTMAN, 260 W. 6tb St., Cincinnati,




Columbia Confetti Co., St. Louis



I Col. M. L. Clark’s Combined Shows I MUSICIANS—t'oriii't, Alto. Tuha and Trap ' Urnmmer. Write or Wire to New .Madrid. .M.. ,

Sept. Mh; CruathersTlIle. dth: Kennel,' Tth. .\fter that as p.‘r route In Illllhoard. COL. M. L. CLANK.

ATTENTION. DOCTORS AND iEOICINE PEOPLE Why handle rocky sooils, when you ran ban.

die Kiaala that will sell tbemaelvesT ELEC¬ TRIC BELTS from |1 par dot. to |48. I-arge

^ * _■ variety to select from. Come In bandiaime <-ar.

»*' -- toons. ELECTRIC IN- SOLES ri'.c. per dox. ELECTRIC JARS. 76c.

i per doa.. One-third I 11 *** eaah re<iuired. HOT I ll SPRINGS. SULPHUR

Vv' SOAP, 12.10 per rrt>a>. Illuetreted price Il.t

I^v'lure and Circular for 3c. etamp. ^lal ord. r will convince. I-arceat Belt Mfcr. in P. s C.a|aolt.v 2.*.,<aat ,>er ilav. Eiitahllah.d I"*;' THE ELECTRIC APPUANCE CO. Inc.. Burl- inftcn, Kansas.

FOR BALE OR RENT, My elegant private car; ea- peclnlly suited to a traveling i Specialist or a Star who can ifTord Inxnry. Ilaa large compartment for baggage, | three atate rooma, parlw, | dining room, buffet and kit- I Chen. Delivery can be made ' September 11th. J, T. R. <n,ARK, 1061 E. SSrd St., I Kaniat City, Mo.

The Eipert at the Card Table. The greatest and moat up-to-date book on win¬ ning out at cards. 3i^ pages: 101 Illustrations I*rlce. $1.00. Worth lls weight in gold. Mat of oontenlB free. ATLAS NOVELTY CO., 295 Austin Ave., Chicago.

WAGONER, IND. TER. Sept Inclusive. .sTKKKT FAIR and

I CARNIVAL. AS ■litrd —KIrsl-class Stiow. I aii<l Concession INsiple to crminmnlcate with

L. A. KELLER, KiRtai City, Mo.

VIm mMi OImN ItvMiafS yotig wsnts And ssnds thwn qulefc. Writ* for Catatogu*—THE MOST COMWAXTE CVEN HU BUSHED.


.WANTED... A Position as Loader of aa Orchestra. and thns' .Igiiglii. rs. First class niiish-. Fir«i Violin. Hris.nd Violin and Rasa. I play Vh.ll.i and rornel. lilrla gc.Nl In VimsI. Addo- PROF. THOMAS ROCHELEAU, 25 Wads St.,

j Worcester, Maes.

ATTRACTION OF THE AGE Raymond J. Lee's Diving Horses. •'Don.” “Lady Belle." the only White Arabian Div¬ ers in the world. This at¬ traction costs but little more than an ordinary Fair Oround attraction, but it PULLS ev¬ erybody for ftfty miles around. You can double jvut gates receipts this fall if you se¬ cure the Diving Horses. A few weeks in September and October are open. Write or

Obio. Everything in Buttons and Rima.

MenlUM **The Billboard*’when aMV/erifiAad/k ' Uention"The UUlboard’’when annuering ad$ JlerUivn ’‘The JiiUboard" when uneweriny utU,

WAN T E D J Working WiH-ld Ktlilldtlmi «!lvc desirlpllon anil price. Ad.lnne BOX 1S6. Wllliamaport, 0

riAOICAI. ADDANATHA. nriid len cent. Mr ^eBl<■d t.iivclnpc Tret, i onipicle, I'nif. KMM6.1 I Tl I ri.K lli-rlln lleiglila, Ohio.

Mentwn “ The BiUboard ” when answering ode.

The Layton Mighty Midway & Fire Works Co.

Ferris Whwl, lllieral pt'rcentagc. l*ropr>sltlon wW^riL ^IR'itetl from ,1. II. Coiulerman on sale or t>er-

* centage basts. Also Waul flrst-cla>s Talkers. Hally-buo People. Clarinet Players and other musicians for band, write or wire. Want High Diver, wire salary ami parth'ulars to Huntington. W. Wa. Sen.sational .Vets for Free Ai- tractluns.^Acts for Stadium, all popple engaged must U- striekly sober or you won’t last. Can place. I>og or Pony Show or small

, Animal Show. Ubost Show and Glass Itluwers. Capt. Ament and Rob't Hutcliinson, write or wire. We stay out and are laHrked .solid until .Ian. 1, lltm. Everylasly has got the money with us Ibis season and the swell ones are yet t«> come. Frivllege People Notlre: No Exclusives, Come on. Everylxxly works. Theix* is Good opening for Photograph Gallery.


Huntlncton, W. Va.Week .4iik* 31

Roanoke, Va. ...-Week Sept. 7

Durham, N. C.Week Sept. 15

PeteraburK, Va. .Week Sept. *J 1



NOTICE: Mr. Wm. H. Swanaon is now a one-half

owner in above Carnival Co. W. S. LAYTON.


Romething new In show business at last. A

nil! lit- a iiit-iii./, KUI lucj mil yaj ml themselves every week. Better not waste time writing—come and see—then yon will buy. Three sets sent out last week.

Address 759 W. Lake St., CHICAGO, ILL.

.Til Sit AL PHRCll F second-Dand rundHLC good as new, 1 Set 37 Aluminum Chimes and 3 pieces Mu¬ sic, 175; I Set 18 Alumi¬ num Chimes and Music,

: 13 Straps Sleigh Bells. r24; good Chro¬ matic Rosewood Xyl¬ ophone. IIS ; 'At Bar Steel Marlmbapbone. Bows and Malleta, rAt; 8 Rattles, rAi; 8 four-ln- band Bells, tl3: 36 Bar Steel Marlmbapbone,

Chromatic, latest and beat, for 3 people. Bows and Mallets. S3.S, worth S-SO. Sent C. O. D. on trial. All bits. All big hargalna. Send for III. catalog and bargain list. Ourbells and noveltlea are used by leading artists the world over. J. C. l)KA(i.\X. 358 Dearborn Street. Chicago. Tenth floor. Fire-proof.

Money Money Money That! what you want, we want and everybody. wants, and that's what you get if you are wise

and make a note of this. Whence comes this m Ighty hoot of [s-ople laden with coetly jewels

apd gold. That's what you will say If yon are lucky enough to be tHK>ked at the following

Carnivals, and see the vast number of people that will be there. 6 OF THE BEST TOWNS


chester, Ky., Week Sept. 7; Winchester Military Band. Privilege p<-ople address Robt. Mitchell,

Secy. Richmond, Ky., Week Sept. 14; Red M en'i Carnival. .Address J. E. Sexton. Secy. Mt.

Siterling, Ky., Week Sept. 21, Bed Men's and A. 0. U. W. Carnival; T. B. Rodman. Secy.

Harrodsburg, Ky., Week Sept. 28. Red Men's Jubilee and Fow Wow; Dr. Nevina. Secy.. Somer¬

set, Ky., and Knoxville, Tenn., to follow. No exclusives prices right. All held on the prin¬

cipal streets. No graft, confidence men and wemon, or so-called darn ing girls, will be toler¬

ated In these towns.

Robinson-SeemanCo. I NOTE.—Committees, Lodges, etc., wiabing to secure the ROBINSON A SEEMAN CARNI-

Oui iee returned if we faiL Any one ■ending ■ketch and description of any invention wifi promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. “ How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents aecured through us advertised for sale at our expense.

Patents taken out throi^h us receive tpeoicU notice, without charge, in Tex Patemt RBCoaj\ an illustrated and widely circulated jouma^ consulted by Manufacturers and Investors.


DR. HORACE GRANT. P. 0. BOX 194 ATLANTA, 6A. Or eara of Tha Billboard, Cincinnati.


BAND CARNIVAL “OLD PLANTATION MINSTRELS." FERRIS WHEEL. GLASS BLOWERS. DOG, PONY AND MONKEY SHOW. PALACE OF ILLUSIONS. ELE(7TR1C THEATRE and other good thow.. -Mjmi some goed strong I'ree Acts. It is leir fourth Csnilval. I>ale Sept. 23-35. Week fol¬ lowing State Fair. Short Jump Addrtiw £. T. OOUOAR, OTTERBEIN, IND.

wantedI FIrst-elasa Tented Aftractkma for reerla. 111. Rriateet KxiHwltlun and I'amival. Karkeil l.y the ('»irn Cnmers' Aesuelatinn of lllln<>hi. OlM'iis »K-t. 12th to 24th. Uruund, under tbl. management covers apace—Corner Court llimne -Square, I.'iO feet from D|iera ilouae, 2.''s> feit from largest Hotel. An estimate of 17."i.'«.» country vleltors; niodf*at. I*erceiil«ge or renul Talk iinlek. Addresa HARRY McLEOD. Peons, lllinoia. _ _

Wanted Quick I REPERTOIRE PEOPLE tn all Itnee. a|>e< iall b .

preferreil. l-eadliig man. Ueneral Biwlnees nian ! lo manege stage. Write or wire quick. N«

fare. advaii<-e<l Open Kept. 10. Join on win- HAMLIN A DAT, 2201^ E- Michigaa St., la- dianapolii, Ind.

CHEAPEST AND BEST Place on F.arth lo buy Wagon 6>oole. llanner<

Circus Wagons, etc. One big Working WorbI

for sale, stqinp for prh-ea. S. ELTON, Shoe

Outfitter, 110-llt W. North St.. Foatoria. Ohio

Miss Minnie Haggett. I I It lU Lliirolii Ave,. Toledo. 46i

A Ijdy Piiglllet and Male Partner can Is* ei.

gag* d after Si-pt. 2tl. Alao her Tralm'd Mii'l ' cal lioge.


HIST TO 1 PT vnii kr\inw-=-=1

The Charles W. “Tells Its Simple Tale” Most Co In its entirely by CHARLES Parkers Union Special 25 Cars


Parker, Gelessa mplete Carnival Institution, on Hother W. PARKER. With Offices and Fa<

Finest Carnival Train in the Work LE ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POW ER P

Amusement Go. Earth. Owned and Controlled

:torles at ABILENE KANSAS. The Transporting Medium.


lO-MODERN SHOWS-10 Equipp«^ with Mauive Hand Caraed Wacon Front!. Not the time-wom kind, but original and baulinf Dretma of Beauty. (1) THE COLISEUM—Seat! 1800 people. Ten

Bic Acta, headed by Far-Famed, Fear-Frua- tratinc. Foolhardy "FBAVIOLO.” and bia Btartling. Burpraainc Spectacle. LOOPING THE STEEL LOOP ia a Bollinc OUba. The orisiaal conception and the ONLY ACT of ita kind in the World.





Three flrat-claaa Muaical Orcanixati<>na of Siateen Piecea each.


The limit of perfection, that othera hare tri*d and failed to attain. Moat Expenaiee Bidinn Deyice arer conatructed. Lifbted and op¬ erated by Electricity, and equipped with A MASSIVE MIUTARY BAND ORCHESTRION worth 85.8C0.



Smalleat Train in the World.


Made only at Abilene.


Uniformed Attendanta. Uahera. Ouidea and Workmen in eyer^ department. Mo obacene or diafuatina ezhibitiona of any nature. THING CLEAN AS DECEIUF


PARTIAL ROUTE Kirkayille, Mo., Sept. 1-8; Canton, Ill., Sept.

7-18; Lezinpion. Mo., Sept. 14-19; Concordia, Kan., Sept. 81-86; Wichita. Kan., Sept. 88- Oct. 3.

EXECUTIVE STAFF CHAS. W. PARKER. Sola Owner. CON T. KENNEDY, Director-General. J. HARRY EDWARDS. General Acent. HARRY R. RAVER, Preaa Repreaentatiye. ROY M. CRAMER. Sec'y and Treaaurer. JOHN STOCK. Chief Electrician. GEO. WESTRUPE Maeter of Transportation. WALTER A. SNIDER, Btenofrapher.

PRIVILEGE PEOPLE GET LINE This show keeps the road all winter, and

there's aomethind doing eyary week. For in¬ formation regarding l^itimate priyileges for any town on our route, address C. T. Kenned, care

The Charles W. Parker Amusement Co. REFERENCE: R. Q. DUN’S AGENCY. LOOK US UP.

Greatest Special Attraction. ON EARTH I


ypani i»ld, lieci-mlier 2i*, liaXl. Is the oldest race drlrer that erer llred. TTito wonderful old man, with hla horae, ROBERT B., 8:13. will tour Kalm and Hare mecta In exhibitions to tx'at KotM-rt'a mark and yoor track record. Wa* llrliig wrhi-n three minute* wat 6rat beaten. lias raced all tils life; always drlree to win. Won a great aen-n heat, free for all two-day race last fall at tireenSeld, N. II. I.ook It up. .tllhmigh within two aumiTM-rs of being a cen¬ tenarian. he la flt to drlre Sam I’atcb or Ixm Dillon. Taylor la In a claaa by himself. AIno your Fair will he complete with hla special et- hlhlllons aa a feature. Alwayi a drawing card. For terms address quick by letter, wire or 'pbo.,e,


ONE NI6NT STAND AHRACTIONS Makbig MICHIOAN this season, should not or ’ erkmk NASHVILLE. t>ne of the beat small towns In the State. Good opera-bnoae on tlie ground Boor, seating capacity, 430; lighted by alectriclly: new opera chairs; new scenery; am¬ ple new- dressing rooms and a hustling manager, i

teaid Often time In tVt.. Noy. and Dee. _LEM W. FEIGHMER, Mgr.

Glass Blowers' Supplies We make a a|w<-lal glass for trei and Mowing Work, and we are |>rcpared to make a low price Write r.w prhti. KIMBLE GLASS 00., 181- 153 Fulton St., Chicago, III.

SECRETARIES of Sncletirs. flnhw. etc., de-

rlrliig atirai’ and aapplles for Iniioor Fairs

and Beneflla, call or write CONWAY A BIN¬

NING, 86 Eeeraon Building, Syracuse, N. Y. **pen time for good artUta ami organitallons.

CLUB ROOM & FUR BROUND g.nla of every description, alai» !<*' ynrletb-e of Slot Machfnew. Send fiw catalogue bcfo.w

lolling .tihlrena OGDEN A CO.. 90 So. Halstead St., CHICAGO.

ATTRACTIONS WANTED—Naal'a Opara Houas, Talhotton, Oa. Population 1880. Rail Road tsrmlnal;Plaasi Maw Scensry; good show town.__

J/entiim “Tkt BiUboard" u'ktn aiitietn»g od».

Attention! Managers Of Carnivats & Street Fairs.

Oram & King’s Platform Show ('an be engaged after Sept. 9. Also "The Great Sandy," the dog with a human brain. A bean- tiful Fox Ti rrler that gives more of m iwrfunii auce and creates more talk than entire troupe of trained dog*. Can be engaged as g free attractloa. Would be pleated to hear from Car- nlTsI Companlea going South fur the winter. .Vddress

ORAM & KING. General Delivery’ Chillicothe, Ohio.

AT LIBERTY Rice's famona Doga. Ponlea and Monkeys. Tlave weeks of Sept. 7, 14 and 21 open. Greatest

free attraction on earth for Parka. County, State and Street Fairs. Address

Prof. CHAS- E. RICE, Wtit UmIom, la. Auf. 31 to Sopt. 5. PorMMMOMt AdArosSy NEW ALBANY, IND.

AL. W. HARTIN’S ENTERPRISES TheScenir Marvel. 1 SiCLK TOTI'N CABIN :KMterai;iS.OOO Kevlval. TKN NI4iHTN IM A BAR BOOB, and the new SiwVat’ular tilani. 1 NCLK TO.TI'S C-ABIM (B'eaterm), now on tour. Hay City. Aug. '.’1.1.ivio paid adiDtsaUmsto the matinee. Iluiidnwls turned away at night. All previous Martin records broken In Saginaw. August '.1:1. Weather hot.

" .\1. W. Martina Is on a sa-ale which exceeds In detail any former pro¬ duction of the play that ha. ever been attempted. The cast Is excellent and the M eDlr effect* gorgeous.'’—Evening Time., Bay City, .\uguat '£t,

AL. Y8'. B.ABTIN. - Bole Proprietor amd Bamacer.


FOR HATE Combination passenger apd baggage ' car, $800.00. .38 ft. Inside, hardwood llnisb. . four wheel trucks. 40xTU round end push polo I top, 10 ft. blub wall with 50 ft extra aide wall I na^ 3 weeks, good as new, fll8.00. Six double

deck banner paintings, new, $00.00. Cylinder DIsdo. 175.00. I’Ipe agid Flute Organ, new latest tunes, $78.00. I>emon Child In casket, $18.00 W’tU buy or trade for Theatre or Saloon Boot. Would like to bear from clrcna wanting aide show. Can place datulng girls, palmist, man

I with picture machine. For l>aslness come here ' or write quick. J, 8. LEON, 183 Colins St., Fostoria, Ohio.

Lebanon Corn Carnival October 20-23

W.tNTED—Six Shows, no more: one Conder-

man Wheel; Miniature Railroad Train. Can use hlgh-cIam Free Attractions. Best carni¬

val In State last year. Given ng the bnslneaa

. men. Ot In quick for contracts. Free II- ceuae. Don’t come unless yon are contracted.

No strong game* go. JOHN HAY, Amusemant

AL. NEAL. Secretary; J. W. SHU- mat;

ter: Supt. of Privileget.

Ideal Sharpener


Stverptblng In Brnsa, lor the Colllnn Cnrnlynl CompanF. Eoiik aetiaxin Mouth. 44 Ire A. B. KABB.TIAN. Fremont. Neb.. Aiir. 3 lat to Nept 5tli, LInroln, Neb.. Kept. 7th to I'Ath.

1 COniNti MM5N I'NBKB CANVABB - The Funniest 1'olore.l Show on earth. See It and be convinced. Wanted at all

_ time* I’erformcr* and Musician*, male and female. For Sale SSft. Combina¬ tion (ar. will ea*lly *leep Bf.eople cheap for ca»h. Addreaa PAT CHAPPCIXE.


, Streetmen make big money with this fast eell- : Ing article. It abogpens carving and bread I knives In a few saconds, as well as sclaaors 1 and skates. If your jobber does not carry them ] write ns at once. INDUSTRIAL NOVELTY

WORKS. Patentees and Sole Diatributora. 89 ■ Dearborn St., Chicago, HI.

Business Chances Exceptional opportunity to make a fortune. TO RSNT—The Ideal spot In the city of Cbl- rago, suitable for Amusenaent Park. Area, six acres. Four Street Car Lines lead direct to grounds; all croea lines transfer. Electric light and power can be bad at small cost. IXMic lease given to exi>>rlcnr*d, n-aismslble Mrtlea. Address KRAMER A SON, 86 LaSalla St., Chicago

Mention "The Billboard'* wlten antu-erirng ad$. Mention "The Billboard" when antwring adt. Mention "The Billboard” when antwrlmgadt.


JUST Completed the Finest L(H)P*TIIK-LU( )P unstinted means and brains could build. Par excellence from an extravaj^ant

standpoint. Perfect in every detail. \\ e are on the verj^e of featuring this Loop from the Ice Bound Coast ol Maine to the Golden Gates of California; from the Kverjj^lades of Florida; to the Gold Re^non, Alaska. With tla^^s tlyinjjf, the band playing and

thousands of vari-colored electric lijj^hts how would yon like to be the riderV m m m ■ a loop the loop riOer who will appreciate our untirint etforta of makinr him a star feature ■ ■■a ■■■a pm a and worthy of the plaudits of multitudinous crowds. To such a Tery liberal contract will UU Q UU n 11 I be made; a guaranteed Iona season and a salary sufflcicntly larce to make the STerace loop W V? ■■ III the loop rider turn irreen with eney. ■ ■ U ■ ■ U III Communications from any but capable loop the loop riders will receive no consideration. " " ^ - - w ^ ready to join at once. Use the wires, as time is money. If you come

on. wire before you sUrt. PROTECTION TO OUR RIDERS.

Address G. L. DOBYNS, Care of FER.tRI BROS. LONDON CARNIV.AL COMPANV. Pullman. III. Week Aujnist 24 to 2!i. Torre Haute. Inti. Week .\ttn. Ill to Sept. .V


LOOP Use Mevminniy*^

VVMiVVk & ict COLO WATte k nothing LLSL s'

_ ONL 1 1 F0U*1D I'

I T wf lA t I OAllcu^,



Everything in Watches, Jewelry, Notions, Flat Ware, Cutlery, Optical Goods & Novelties

Knife Borrds, Gift Shows, Fish Ponds. Spindles, etc. supplied. Return Balls. R<*settes. Fla« Canes, Umbrellas, Spar and Pyrlte Goods. Aluminum Novelties. Siapi-. Specialties for Razor Lots. Comb Lots, Shear Lots, Fountain Pen Outflus, Indelible Pencils. Full line Notions. \V. B. W^Spoons. Combination Glass Cutter Knives. No. 1S36 Memorandum Books, White Hand-

Write (u Price list. THE H. B. CO., 106 Cinal St. Nei Vorii.

/4lMr V. f>AN(je

; Ciott* yOniSffl ontgmM i'

MINl‘TL>T 1. Kf f PS in any climate. SEND FOR SAMPLE & PRICE

A. B. Mewhinney At Co.,


For the Roberts Park Dedication, and Three Days Free County Fair, at Connersville, Indiana, September 9th to nth inclusive. The occasion will be unique in that it is the


An attendance of Thousands Expected Every Day.




I Tonawanda Merry-Go-Round Biggest Money Maker on Earth.

HERSCHELL, SPILLMAN ft CO., I6'd-I98 Sweeney Street,


WANTED f'ur tbe r.rasnuld Free KtreeT Fair tnd Mr.. rliBot'* Fall farolTal, 8epteiub<'r K-12. lB<la.lT. ('I.'aii n|Hiu-datr Yaode.llle Slwwa. I.le'i'lr Tbi-atre, Palace of Kllualuoa, Animal Miov, Merry-KO round, Ulnaturc fiallnay, l.niM-lir, Munlral Willard*. Statue Tumlu( tu l.lfe, Po*ea Plastliiuc, Monkey Tbratre, l.lil I'U*. tatlon, al«* utlier featurea Ibal are mw and DOTel, but nothing In the way of tuinioral f.-a turi'a will tie tolerated. Wanted, alisi out *r two more free features. Kvenl Is eiieiu-l* Ij ad.ertised Immensa rrowda will be here. I<ep| town In North Arkansas. Attractions making Dallas State Fair will And ttila potni ea«lt( made, and a profitable eno. Address RUPEIT C. WRIOKT, Paragould. Ark. Kient an4.-e • napleea \V O. W. and .Msecsta-en

“ Excelsior ” Water-Blower Tbe KIiik of Lung Tenters, and

: : Lovers’ Post-Office : s TWO NKW SLOT tVIACHINES

COSMOPOLITAN NOVELTY 00. 426 North Fourth Streot, Phlladolphla, Pa.

THK ~SPHINX-* A Monthly ll.'uatratcl NU..- fine deiotci] t>i Magi, and Magician.; .Ingle copy I'lr.: |>*r year. It. ThU niaga/liie contain* all the laleai Tr1< k>. New*. Ac. I’rofuoely lllii.- traled; Samnie fopy Free. TIIK S|>HIN.\. faj Mlchl,>4B Are.. I'htragu. III*.


Renders of newspapers and dealers In iiews- pat>er Information. Undertakes commissions from business or professional people who want to keep posted on what interests them in tbe public prints of tbe country.

Offleen at Konton, New York & Denver,

On account of being overstocked, we offer for sale at once at lowest prices. Red and Gray Foxes. Badgers. Coalis. Peccaries. Vultures. Owls. Pheasants. Ibis, one large Alligator.

H. S. HAMMERSTEIN k CO., Sans SoucI Park, Chicago, Illinois. ^ To Wke kriisti Hec cut* I and S

•hmc ring*made In «,.i -v r \ IH-ni wire, ff'.'.lper N V gn>»*. They are t

I the rli«a|>eat ring* ever put un the

market.ijuallty cunaldered. Send fur ■ample*. Sc. e.rb

i. F. BenneH, 1317 Poplar St.,Philadelphia, Pi

BADGES AND MEDALS Agent, and Stn-et Slen wanted to handle our luiitalliMi giild enameled BOUTEHIB MEDALS for Flreiiii'U'a .Mi-cta, State Ki Ira, CarnlTala. and Fourth of JnI.r. Highly pollalied aud bean- tlfully iviloreil. I'rlce $.’>0 per l.iKM); $6 per 100. St'iid 10c. for aamplea. THE CHABLE8 M. ROBBINS CO.. Medal Makers, AtUaboro,

Toy Hatir and Straw Hats. Otnd other Mexican Curios;

Send for Catalogue and Prices

W. G. WALZ COMPANY. Paso. Texas. Cily of Mexico, Mexico


FLAG BANNERS AND SIGNS. Something entirely new. Easy to pnt np, everlasting and immensely attractive. Samples

free. Ask for onr new Ulnstrated catalogne.



Good ©lien air attractions for the Deiter Slr*vt

Fair. Dot. 7 ». Writs T. C. DOWNEY. B<-j. Dexter, Iowa.

All the privile>res(excej)t Ixiok-niakinK) at the I)e.sMoine.s (\). Fair, IlurliiiLUtui Iowa, Sept. 8-11. z\fl(lres.s

VIRGIL N. GCRRARI) FESTOONING WANTED At the Great Clinton County Fair. WANTED Aiilliwr

“My Orange Blossom Sue Music written and composed to onler. I'rof- slonal copy for recent program. .kililr.-a* t W. 6th St., Cincinnati, Ohio.

For Deroratorslorall orraslons. Write

lor namplea and piirrn. B. E. BITH*

ANAN, -A-AH N. 4th Nt., PblladeIpbla.Pa.

Best County Pair In tbe niddle Went. Nt. Jobna, .Tilt h. Neptember ‘4*4 to 4B. Pay Shuwn and .Tlldway Altracllonn wn per cent. Free Attraellonsall eniESKed. ,411 PrlvIlaKen lor sale, and they are 111 e onen

Pools Ineliided. Address: I. P.LNLEB,_ MX. JtkIIAiM, Til

WANTED WANTED Will fnmlali I.ady Aeronauts for Balloon Bae- liig. Doable or Single. In fact, all tbe Latest Novt'Iiy FVaturea In Ballooning. For Prices, write J. W. CI.EETON, Cora, Mo.

Orlglnatora of alt Electrical S|M>rtlng Oao<l. "Transparent Electric Dlco," onr late*t i e- atlon. also tha Twiated Wire Splinllt. a ne» Idea. I’rlce $.TB. Send for tH-page t’atalogo*' Free. Aildreas Itfi Clark It., Cklcago. _ CONFETTI Book Now Open •HE CANES

St. Louis, Missouri


(lonn.. Kept. 211-34, attendance almut fi. privilege* for Bale. W. I. .a.UNa. ton. Coiraapondlng Beorotaiy._

ilnilum "TKe JiiUboard" when answ

for Season l!tfK{-4. Good Attracthm* only. LANTA OPERA-HOUSE, Nipper Bros., : gerg. Atlanta, Texag._


Uention "The BiUboard" when aneweringads. Mmtiun "The Billboard" when answering ads.

The Book of Bargains

the: billboard

nihrr dii( po—i-inx more IntrlllKVor* than ■ f<>» trrrlrr. With proi**r »(Tort and train • lir ran hr rdaratrd op to a |inlnt nail to bn-

Onr doga arr dra<-*ndanta of Kncilab 1 Amrriran t'haniplnna. rrlcra $'< and flO,

,'»> f2'>. Wrtta NEVADA FOX TERXIEX 'NMEL8. Nrraila, MlaaiHirl.

FILMS Hold and Kioliainfc<l. VAN H. Y.

THE JOHN CHAPMAN GO. III liiicinnatl and Nubiirba. TrIophoBo 3314. 17 Opera Plare. C'hapman'a

Hiilletlii Nervire. ( outrartom lor BlIl'PoatlBc throustaout tbe I'nited Ntatea.

Cuba and I'anada. Population ( tltj, 335.903; 56 Nnburban Towns, 79.000.

Wanted Quick For the Marahalltowii, la., CamlTal A Somt- Centrnlal Colebratlon Sopt. 38-Oct. S, In- cIosIto. High claaa percentage abowa with attractlre fronta. We want tho beat. Big¬ gest CamlTal In tbe State. No gambling men wanted. Big crowda, good money and honest treatment gnaranteed.

"Ttn billboard" when antu^ring ad$. 1 Mention "The biUboaed

Privilege People and Attractions of All Kinds Wanted For Ran Claire Oo. Agrlmltoral Society. Tenth Annnal Fair, Angnata. WIs., Sept. 3-11. 1303. Moat anrceeeful Fair In Northern WIemnaln. BXXT FXEOXlCIt, 3eeretaTy.

Mention "The biUboaed" oMken etnmtmino ode. Memtion "TK$ bibboaed" when aemeerimgade.

NORTHAMPTON, MASS. Trl-Connty Fair. October 7th and 8th. 19i>3. PrlTllegea for sale; all kinds of legitimate at¬ tractions wanted. No gambling. Ground rent 31.1M) per foot, or excloslTe. Attendance about .1.000 each day. School children free first day. C. A. MOKTOOimtY. BecreUry._

Shooting Gallery Supplies LATEST NOVELTIES. Write for Illustrated CaUlogue. WM. WUXFFLEIN. Mgr..

Ml V. Second St., Philadelphia, Pa.

WANTED. To hear from all Prlrllegc People and Percent¬ age Shows for County Fair at I’aduoab. Ky., October Bth. FiTe da.vs. Address JAS. A. FTIANCXWAT. leo’y., Madisonyille. Xy.

Mention " The billboard " when antwering ade.






MtNt; lllbT.hX'K ’Pll«>3; : hOj'.tliid. «|.

EXTENSIVE USE IS A PROOF OF HERIT. We fnrnUb all tbe electrical scenic effects in Lana Park, Coney Island, namely: Tbe Au¬

rora Borealis. In “Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea'*; Moving Clouds, Working Waters and .kutomatic Lightning Flashes, In “A Trip to the Moon,” and TUB ELECTRIC FOUNTAIN. .VloTing Clonds, Forked Lightning and Prismatic Rainbow, In “The Johnstown Flood,” at Coney Island; the COMPLETE EQUIPMENT of “Tbe Johnstown Flood," at Revere Beach, Mast., and “Mount I'elee In Eraption,” for tbe Midwinter carnival Company; tbe last three pr^uctloiis be¬ ing the moet exact and tmest to natnre ever shown.

We supplied 80 per cent, of all the theatrical prodncUons. Recent ones are: “Sleeping Beauty and the Beast." at the Broadway; “Thu Runaways," at the Casino; “The Eternal City,” at the Victoria; ”A Oeutleman of France,” at Wallack's; B. H. Sotbem, In “If 1 Were King,” at tbe Garden; Weber A Fields’ plays, and bnndreda of others.

We also carry Moving Clouda, Lightning and Fire photographed from natnre, which glreu perspective that cannot be accomplished by the design being painted on glass. Also bsTe Rain¬ bow. Water Ripple. Sand Storm. Bain and Snows. New and novel effects made to order. Estl- mates eheerfnily given on everything In the electrical line. Send six cents for postage for our bondred page catalogne.

Call and See Effects in Operation. DON’T FORGET THE NUMBER.

Office & Show Room - 1237-1239 Broadway, N. Y.City.

The greatest nickel taker of the age

Your Future Wife

//.\\ your future husband

Date of your nuniage

Your fortune told

and lucky numbers

all for 5 cents.

EMPIRE NOVELTY MFG CO. Seic Manufecturers of Future Scopee.

Pkotos, Fortunes, Ete.


IChandler a Company.I

I nndoubtcdly the moet complete and up-to- • I lie I B n date Illnatratcd Catalogue of everything made —— “ ^ w fc 1 I In >Vh!te Stones. Watches. Optical Goods. No-

ttona. Cutlery, Flat Ware, Solid Gold and Plated Tg ■ ■ ^ Jewelry, and the latest Imported and domestic I NoTcIttcs for Uiamond Palaces, Pawn Brokers,

I I I I W Sale Stores. Premlnm Honses. Streetmen. Medl- rine Workers. Flab Ponds and Spindle Wheel

— Goods. We will mall tbe above BOOK FREE to A u wP I ■ any one that can identify himself as a dealer,

I I 1,1 aa we want to keep this book out of tbe eon- sumrra’ bands. Write to-day for one.

Singer Bros. ®fwTo*RK


CHARLIE R055 wtshea to ettabllab branches at Sommer Resorts. Parks. Hotels, etc., etc. In order to Introdnce onr goods we make this offer. Un re¬

ceipt oe ONE DOLLAR we will send the tollowlng Mexican Noveltlea, worth at retail. aS.*).

2 Asst. Mexican BAskets, retail.I .35 2 Asst. Hair Baskets. “ 35 2 Mexican Opals. ” 50 1 Toy Mexican ^mbrero. *' .15 2 Asst. Hair Hats. ” 40 2 Asst. Mexican Canes. .50 1 "Mexico In a nut shell.” ” .30 3 Resurrection Plants " .^_.Tb

Total Retail Value..13.20

HOLD-OUTS They are perfect. We manu¬ facture tbe only open face drvip case and clotn snlndle. We also make a .pecfalty of rou lette wheels.Markedt ard.. Inks and Percentage Dice. Catalog with dlacoiint sheet free.

j| I JamcA Mfit. Co., Ft. Scott. Kans.

(WANTED • the Wamese Fair In Michigan, to be held

I ' 3ii-llct. 2. good clean show attractions,

I ■ V-go-rtiuiid and other featurem. Moat prlv-

yet unsold. Mixierate gaming allowed.

’ '■ E. RAN80N. Bacy., Flushing, Mich.

EAST ST. LOUIS FALL CARNIVAL “"f*" «“o p"** Meiican Canes, all Straights, 7.20 gross

EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. BVIh M ¥ 11 Catalactte Free.


CARNIVAL CUMKAINT hUKINI5»n KAT &nUW2>. can use all kinds of Extra Attractions. For Privileges which MMM M Bi will be within Reach of All. ■Bb I MM

Address East St. Louis Improvement Association. ■ fcW

7 A DDfX ONCE ■ ^^^a ^^^a m W Oriental or American people for the Struets of

H B I I H Cairo, I.ady Dancers. .Musicians. Alloc Ross ■ W W ■ m m ■ and I-aBell Tosca wire at once. Must be able

r to join at once. Wire at my expenae. Tlok- OFFK I.AL. KKFKKSKNTATIVK ATTH-AfTIONS CO.lfVU’TTKK parties, .\ddres. LEW


At Liberty October 3rd.{Buttons of Eveiy Descriptiun

ROSS CURIO CO., LAREDO, TEX. (On the Mexicin Border.)


Oriental or American people for the Struets of Cairo, I.ady Dancers. .Musicians. Alloc Ross and I-aBell Tosca wire at once. Must be able to join at once. Wire at my expenae. Tick¬ ets adranred to right parties. Address LEW H. MORRIS. St. Lonis, Mich., week Aug. SI, care of CamiTsl.

Will entertain offers to build, direct or manafre shows or productions on any scale for Expositions, Carnivals or Street Fairs or any Amusement Enterprise.

Will resume buildinjt Illusions. Fronts. Store Show Outfits, etc., after above date. (\7me and see my work at the F'estival. Correspondence invited. .Vddress.

J. W. ZARRO. Exposition Cafe, I’itt Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Sketches, Songs, Comedies, Dramas and rrrrj dcurriptlon of thratriral work 13'RITTKN TO ORDER at LOWEST ll.iTEN. Oiilinthr brat nrleinal work I'urnlahrd to prorrsalonala. Relerenrea by thr hnndrrd. Katabllatard 1S79. Srnd lor rsttmatr.

DAD IlflTT DRAMATIC OAC ALII^Am B^rt County **TT, 806 Walnut Straat, Philadelphia. Pa T«kamah. Neb., Sept. Ifi-lS, 1903.

Ill w|| rono-iMtiiK* and prWIlcgca for Soft Ilk,. Itctaiirant. Cainly Stand*. Amuorment* "'••iimrat'irs. pir. All lo tw ,pt apparatply

l■<■^l•rnt*xp nlTpr will U- i-onaldpml Aj'l'ly J R. SUTHERLAND. Ber'y. Takamah. Nab.


We make them in any quantities Fill orders on short notice and beat any firm In the West on price. Special DealKixa to or¬ der. Let us hear from you.

St. Louis Button Co.,

MAGNETIC TACK HAMMERS! Just the thing for tacking tin and card board sign*. ETery Jlatrtbutor tbould have one. Prices, with double eiteotlon handle, 32 Inches long, each, a2.iai; triple extension handlea. 42 Inches long, each, tt..*.)'. Send tbe money with the order. None sent C. O. D. Tke DonaldoonLltko Co,, Newport, Ky*


■| lie BiK:eest Free Fair in the State

Perrysville, O. Sept, 30=Oct. 2

Excursions for miles around. Everything goes. Attractions of all kinds wanted. This is your chance for big money. Address JAMES B. CHILDS, Jr, Perrysville, Ohio.

CANDY MEN This Is a money¬ maker at parks, in stores or on the road. It makes those delicious pup corn crisps, the greatest & rent package. You need not be a candy maker to be suc¬ cessful.


UHER 20TH CENTURY DAZZLERS No. M. Ladlea' or tents' Gold Shell Bing, tet with two 20th Cen-

Diamond Cat Mrtlllants like cnt. Each. 7(0., by mail. Send for ear Catalogue if Watches. Jewelry. SlWerware, Stage Bril¬ liants. Medicine and Gift Show Goods, Magic Soap. Prof. Wamesson’s

_Grease Paints, Bnmt Face Pswder,

etc. Kinuiller's Song Books. Best place tg bay. The Old Beliable B. G. UHER k CO., M Wa¬ bash Ats., Chicago.


Special .\UractloD8 and Tent Shows, for Street and County Fairs. Cele- hratlons and Summer Rosorts. Balloon Ascen slons and Hlith Divers, S ide for Life, JuKglers, Wire Walkers, etc. etc.

Send for Illustrated Catagolue. Address:

WIRE WORKERS A glance at this list will consince you that our prices sre right. Send us a trial order; it

will be shipped the same day we receive it. If you haven't a copy of our No. IS Catalogue, we will send you one FREE. It is full of bargains just as good as these. Try some of our K 1 special 60c. wire. When it comet to a *‘show down.*’ wt* are there with the foods, whicn we fuarantee to be exactly at represented. If you are using cheap gold plated wire, we will fur¬ nish it for 20 cents per ounce. All of our other grades are gold filled stoth, warranted to wear from 1 to 10 yeari according to grades.

- SHELLS -- Fine Selected Coffee Shells.IVr »‘c., |>er Fine Selected Hlack Coflfec Shells. ** ** Fine Selected Fanama Shells. “ Horse Eye Sea Keans.IVr d«iz.. ITk*., |>or UMi. l.Ui Black and Brown Strli>e Panamas, very beautiful.Per IW, SOc., ikt l.lkHi, i.tki

- SPAR- As.M>rtod Colors: White. Light Hlue. Hark Hlue. (Ireon. AmlH«r and Kuby.

10 M Size No. 1012.Pit (Irons, 2.V.. |M'r IWix of 1.2.SI. $1 tki 8 M " “ ion. " 'JSc.. " 1.200, l.:ni 0 M “ “ 1010. “ 1N<., " 1.2ihi l.X'i 4 M " “ lOo!). “ 14c., " 1.21SI. 1,0 1 2 M " “ 1008. " tic.. " l.'joo. .'>•■>

- BEAUTIFUL ICE BEADS- Assorted Colors; (Jreeii. Hlue. Ruby. Crystal. Canary and Ainetliy.!.

10 M Size No. 1213.Per IKiz., 7c.; [ler Grws, ; iier l.otsi, $« isi 8 M " “ 1212. “ .V.; " " 3 2."i 6 M “ " 1211. “ 4c.; " 40c.; "

- LARGE CAMEOS FOR. CHARMS - These are Fine Sellers, tiuaraiiteed First Quality.

Oval. Size IH Inch, No. lso6.1'er IKii.. 730.; [ht llrusa, J'.tiO Oval. “ IH '• “ 1807. “ tSOi.; " ti 7.*. Round, “ 1% “ “ 1808. “ t>8-.: " «T-'>

—— We Are Famous for Our Beautiful Wire Spoons- Silver Aluminum Sp<H)n Bowl No. 380(>, mountisl with No. ilSiT handle. guaranie»*d t»ilH‘ made of tine Quality gold filled wire that will wear at least two years. Ferdor... Il.oti; in-r

ROGERS. THURMAN & CO. Wire Artists’WKolesale Supply House.

156 WaboLsh Avenue, .... CHICAGO. ILL.


Monkey Pick-Outs Just the store for County and Street Fairs. Works when others can not. $40 takes a complete outfit ready to open. : : : : :

Wl. P. HOPE, - lldln, H.

Opening Attraction for llul-er's 0|>era iloure, lltckavUle, Ohio, Sept 8, U, or iDlli, no rciM-rtuIrr <-umpany need spidy.

Opened last season with GUI A Fltsbugb's .4

Little Onteast. f338, (rain). Wire W, L. Uc- CONNELL. MANAGER.

WANTED CV>rres|iondenee with sll pereentage and paid

attraelhnis for Street Fair to he held at Mua-

cow, Idalto, Sept. 2l)-Oet. 2. 1903. All conces¬

sions snd privileges for sale. Address L. A.

TORSEN, Sec'y, Moscow, Idaho.

St. Louis Calcium Light Co. Eatahllshad 1172.

I ovyg<-ii and llidrugen Gaa faralslied la tanks for Bterev|illeoa snd Moving PIctaro Machines.

; .Ml orders to sny part of the Patted Stales Ailed pn>oi|iily. Aid Elm Strset, 8t. Loals, Mo.

I II. S. A

Georgia State Fair

Billy Roblnaon,

614 L Kgntucky tt., Lauisvilit, Ky.

The Great Frederick Fair OCT. 20-23.

$15,000 in purses and premiums. Priv¬ ileges for sale. Special attractions wanted. Finest Bencii Sliow in the South. Splendid iialf-mile track.

J. ROGER MeSHERRY, Secretary


CANES .Hake an OITrr on 1,500 Canea,

Red, Vl'blte and Blue Striped.

J.6. HALLER, ttSVt., Louisville, Ky.

WANTED La.dy Aeronauts

Addreaa AVRONAIT LEO STEVENN, Box 18 1 *< tdlaon Square, New York.

WANTED For the Owensboro Fair, two good percentage shows and Merry-go-roand; also company of Dancing Girls on percentage. Address H T. BERRY, Bacy., Owensboro, Ky.

^ * * ; Vscensloiis famished. Address FR07. CXA2. I SWARTZ. Aaroasat, Hamholdt, Taaa.

October 21 to 31, Inclusive. fPLSAIUICI CHMC Open day and night; 100,000 attendance expected. Animat UnMIYI LLL U IsO Dog and Pony Shows, Carousel, Electrical Theater and|«.5o per hondrrd i>e,«it repaired. i*ro«pi

other strong attractions wanted on percentage. Address j 3hto“*'“‘ *'

GEO. A. SMITH, Ghairnian Amusement Committee, Macon, 6a. por Sale!


IWIV^ITICi I I OCTOBER 5-6-7-8-9& 10. Tlie First Eagle Carnival in center of Oil Field. Montpelier tias Popniat ion : For privileges snd apses In Midway writs V.

of 10,000. Connected by Electric Railroad witliin a radiis of 70 mile.s. I‘opula-|T. bulklet. Supt. Booths ssd Btaods, Dsn-

tion of 250,000. Every street and Crossing illuminated by thousand of light.s. | bury, Connsetcut.

WANTED TO HEAR FROM REPUTABLE CARNIVAL CO. WANTED; Wanted —-Musicians ^O Inclosed ^lidwa^. All Kinds of 1 ri\ileges tor Sale. For cirims Hand for the Great Bosco Show..

MO EXCLUSIVES Tuba. TromlHXie, Gurnet. « Ost, to double ■ violin and concert i»'oi>le; concert an,! reserve

DAVID McDDWELL, Sic’y. DATE NOT SET. dross all letters to Cedar Ksplds, is.


Grand Ava. and Maramao SL,



Now booking for Summer Season 1903. Larg¬ est Amusement Resort In the World's Fair City. ResiKjnslble parties please write.


2325 S. Broadway, ST. LOUIS.


High-Class Vaudeville and Dancing SOMETHING NEW. Lgr|r44Nt AmuHernent P»l»4*© Id the entire West. Ple^ne write.


STREET FAIRS Carnivals, Celebrations

tons and Novelties. S2

logne mailed free. ST.

Bt. Lonis, Mo.

and Conventlono—Bat- page Illaatrated cata-


Ghas. Dryden JigKler & lirrel Khktr,


fGt. Melbourni Shows

New Slot Machines Electric light blowing machines now ready. $30,

send for clrcnUr. J. H. OA88XB. Webstar,

SIreet Carnival at Clarksville, Ohio. September 14 to 19-1903.


and other Attractions, .tlerry-Uo-Roiind, etc. PrivlleKcs tor Male.

Addreaa D. F. 8EKINEH, Neeretary. CLAHKMVILLE, <».



Ilifl ITC FOR CATALOGUE of Wigs and Novelties. I have ibe same Wig makers (;iiss. K. Msrsbsll If n I I r employed. He has gone outof bnsiness here. A HIsal Fibre Bnsim Brush, any culor tu anv fl III I b address postpaid, tu ceuu. C. C. I>OLAN. 324 Orecn Street. Lockport, N, V. ^

f’.r •MT- ■*«; -vV *7^/ •• ...t^

Fur Gln-na Band fur the Great Boecu 8bow». Tuba, TrumiMUie, Gornet. It Oat. to duuble violin and concert iK^ile; concert and reserve .••at man. C. E. LOCK cars Baeco Show. .\d- dress all lettera to Gedar Rapids, la.

There are others, bntit |r want the beat Open-Air Atlraetlon, (et the Fanaoiis

Bickett Family They have a Tew Datesopen. Addreas tiHAND HAFIDM, .Rlt HlDAN._

For Sale Fifteen Punching Machinas. One rent In slot. '410 Fratllr Organ: 8 three-pocket Slot Ms- chiiK s. Adilreas FRED POPP, 1011 Twsntisth bt.. Louisville, Xy,

WANTED For the Worth Goanty Pair, Northwood. Is . Septemlier 17-19. Free Attrsettons, Side Show*. Baby, Gsne and Knife Kaevs. l*rlvUegea fur sale. Addrsss BERT HAMILTOM, ■eerstary.

...WANTED... lor the Mammotli In-door Garnlval at St Jolinnbiii y. Vt., week of November 9. Grystal Maze, llluslotui and Flrat-Glais atrarlona of all kinda on iwrcculage. C. H. TURNER, Man¬ ager.

...WANTED... For the Great No-Ttn-Oh Carnival at Hooataa. Teias, during weak of November 22d, trst- flass attractlona of all kinds. 0. H. TATIXIR. Chairmaa.

WANTED Attractlona for the Dsnlaon, Tesas, Fair and lirlvlng I'ark. on percentage basis. 0 days. Sept. 12-2i>. Shreveport, In., follows. Addreas W. J. $COTT. ■ao’y,

t/..,#,',-. •*7*L. ** oo«eeWwo orlA

rH£: filLLBOAKb ]l

Church Printing Co.

422 Elm Street. CINCINNATI. - - OHIO. I

44 Cracker Jack A delicious Popcorn Confection, pocked in moid^pToof pockoges thot keep

it fresh for a long time. A “Quick Seller” for Porks. TKeotres. Picnics,

Cornivols. Circuses, etc. Nony Medicine Companies ore also selling it sls

Ok. side issue with wonderful success. Wc also manufacture a full line of


BRICK. Ask lor samples and prices. ^ ^ ^ ^


We print “small stuff’ quick for ca* ^ i Your Press Sheets and Notices for in* I

stance. I We will set them in agate, single col¬

umn. St the rate of 6 cts. per inch and furnish you sheets at the rate of 2 cts.; each.

You do not have to take any more than you can use. Just order what you | want. I

Our prices are low. We can print! cheap because we do not give credit. | Wc lose nothing in bad accounts. Our one rule is CASH WITH ORDER. If you do not like the printing, return it and get your money back. Address the

Church Printing Co. 422 ELM STREET.



Street Fairs, County Fairs, Excursions, Picnics and Celebration Goods

BishU of Paris, laoklng Glaiana. Coafotti, Ooe- i

fetll Ihiaters, Meilean Caoeo, Rabt>.r BalU.

KIbiMiM. Oas Balleona, Derll Baltoona, Baaar-

rMtioa Plants. Baby Bottona, Belt Brooches,

China IVita. Homs, Bladders, Notary ElMtrio

Fans. Batches. Clgsrs, High Pitch Goods sod

all llie latest ooreltlct. If you want to make

iwney In Ths Oood Old Bomrasr Tima, srrite

Immediately for our new lllnatraled catalogs#

of the Islest and best selling noeeltles. Ws

Ars Acknowlsdgsd by all to bs Isadsrs In Ol-

ebratloa Goods. Ws have what you srast, and yon get yosr goods promptly.

Our Pricoa Will Inrprias Ten.

SEROTA & GANS, 157 Fifth Avo:. Chicago. III.

For Sale A enmplete Uovlng PIrttirs Uarhlne and lllua- trateg .<t<>ng Rntertalnment ontlll. Address THt Wrw^AVIlt wrwg. Vtm Havsn, Ind


SLOT MACHINES hei'oiid«lland(>d, and Pay CANH.

Cosmopolitan Novelty Co. 42* N.FoarIh St.. Philadelphia, Pa.


CINCINNATI KENTUCKY. The most complete printery in -Vmerica

and the lart^est.

SHOW PRINTING IN Mi ITS BRANCHES. (irders for dates and jiosters executed b ith promptness and dispatch. Full line pictorial stock printing for Repertoire Companies.

Posters for Fairs and Street Fairs In this line we are tlie acknowledged leaders. We have

the largest a&siirtment and the best designs.

_NEW THIS WEEK_ < )ne-slieet Arabs. Three-sheet .\rabs. One-.slieet F^lectric Fountain.

One-sheet Loop the Loop in a ball. Three-sheet Trained Tigers. Three-sheet Trained Lions.

No ma.tter whcLt you want, ‘’Cancels ten U> une that we have It.



WANTED First Cliss attraetiOBs af all Klads.

September 12 to 20





Ths wonderfully Urge business we have done this year under the management of onr Mr. Max Levin. Ex-Treasurer of N. Shnre Co., baa not exhausted our stock, aa we were prepared and made large contracts with factories. We can fill your orders promptly on Jewelry, Silverware. Cutlery, Confetti. Confetti Dusters, Canes, Bal¬ loons and Novelties of all kinds at extremely low prices. BTrlte for catalogue.

Special Offer. Wool Confetti Dnaten.g4.S0 per 100 I.eo XIII Photo Buttons. 1.2S “ 100 Plue Confetti .05 “ Ib. Table Spoons.1.70 “ gr. 4 Blade Pocket Knives.75 “ ds.

LEVIN BROS. Eat. 1886.

JO-32 N. 6th St. TERRE HAUTE, IND.


PRIVILEGES FOR SALE. ; Want F'erris Wlicel, Moving Picture and good Animal ShOBs. No gaming or ‘ immoral sliows wanted. Want novel Free Attractiens. We protect the peo- I picand tiiev are ours. Write full particulars in tirst letter. ERNEST E. HENDERSON. Central City. Iowa.

NATIONAL THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. CHAS. J. CARTER, Pres. A Trees. “Or\ tUe Grenil end Square.**

IneorporatBd Capital Stock $10,000.00. ‘*®"« 516 Chicaigo Opera House Building, CKicaigo. Ill.

Uenersl Thestricsl Business. Booking Fslrs. Psrks. Users Houses. Thestres, Routing Co«. pnnics. Placing Actors. Reading Plays, etc. Send r»r ratslogue.

REFEKRNCKS—Illlnot, Trust and Sartugs Bank Western Union and Postal Telegraph and Chicago Telephone Companlea, and all rallroMla leading to and from Chicago.


Lake Alma PARK

WELLSTON, OHIO All kinds of actors and per- formars tor outdoor attrae- ttons. This Is Hit most beautiful rosort In Ohio. Apply at once. Your prioe must be reason¬ able. Address :::::::

Co K. DAVIS Prop, and Mgr. b

WANTED Musicians for the Rands the Great Wallace Shows

-Vlsn plajlnc nil Instruments desired.

Answer with lowest sninry to

C. Z. BRONSON, .TleKeesport, I'niontown, Kraddoek,

Ernst Liverpool, Pn. Permanent Ad*

dress 70 EnstXIndlson Street, Chlenco,

50EHv^20c WITH YOUR.



TOP-CORN BR1CK5 The great teller for privilege aien at clresaea.

Nireet Palra, t'amivala and Picnics. W# manS' Urtnrs tbs aoly sealed hriek os the market, and | Oil orders promptly. I

lAROIR OITT POfCORI WORIt, 46 Stale Street, Chleego, III.

Coe’s Opera House, Middleport, Ohio,

B'ants gaud opener for early September. Big C A. K. aeanloo. Sept. 15-17. Also have good < iM-n time for season. BTIts FI81UEE A I'EBTII, MaasgeTS.

THE BILLBOARD’S EMERGENCY. SERVICE In ca-wwof aloknoHs. m-cldent or death managers In need of people QUICK are Invited to wire us stotliig their r«<<julr<‘ineiit.s. The telegram will he Immediately posted on a large bulletin lioaisl In o’.i r ofHi-e. Kvery aetor. a»‘t res,s. p»>rformer and agent who is at Ulierty In C'lnoln- natl looks In on us dally and is'ads the announoements on the hoard. If the i>erson!i yon nsiulre are In i'ineinnal I and at liU'rt .v you will get Into communication with them Instanter. Tilts servb'e Is grails. All snt Ado sent us for puhlleatlon are also posted the moment iss'elvtsl. and managers frtsinenily get application before the paper containing their ad conies out. TllF. H11.1.BO.MU> leads. Others follow—t>r try to._

....THE LONDON....

MUSIC HALL Is the ns'ognir.ed organ of Vaudeville Artists tbrougbout the world. Americans visiting Lsnuhni will Hiid a friendly welcome at thl t^trand.

IWtfNt “TAe wAew (HUNWisHg <»U. VsiOtom"!^ .BaiboartT* mAsw owswwrww ads | Utmiuim. “TAf »>





2 Big Weeks, SEPT. 21 to OCT. 3 inclusive.

Wanted Shows of every Description, must have Good Fronts and something inside worth seeing. Sen¬ sational Free Attractions and Acts for Stadium. Nothing too Good. No Salary too High if yon can Deiiver the Goods. Legitimate Privileges of Every Description For Sale. NO EXCLUSIVES.


60« Wll.f'OX POIIt OOFPIO'K.

N. B. Long Season in the Best Cities of the South and Southwest to Fotlow.

WANTED.... ....WANTED The Meadvilte Fair and Exposition Company Valley Falls KansJis wants attractions for a Street Fair p... .lui Tk«r«i.T.

SEPTEMBER 9 10 II 1903.


Will hold its Sixth Annual Fair at Moadville. Pa., on TuMday, Wedntaday and Thuraday, 1903. September 8th Wth and 10th. 1903. .Larr* and plaaaant crouada. —aap of acoaaa. Baetrie ___®»ra direct to the wate. Good buildinfa and all cooeeniracea. Horae race*. .Hoae ncea aad VALLEY FALLS, KANSAS, other attractiona. Priailecea for aale. D. W. LOCKART, Secrotarr. MredTilla. Pa.

Did You Hear the Latest? - IT COMES FRnM =

N. SHURE CO. - - THEY GOT IT. You Can Get it T09. Just Ask For It. It is Postively Free to All.

New 400 Page Catalogue New Reduced Prices ON ALL STREETMENS GOODS.








Cane Rack Men. Fiah Pond Men. Keife BoarA Men, Hich Pitch Men. Medicine Men, Auction- eera and Schemera, and Mail-order Men and Oraftera.


SO CLOSE that no Would-be 1 on the Top.

T AT ONCE. A Rif Savinr for You.. Our cuatoman tell ua wa have only ona weakneaa., Oueia what it la—That wa are bound to tell at tha loweat prloea

at all tiinea. Don't wanAer aimleaaly, get the “Shuro Winner" Catalogue and get into the line with the reet of the Shure Winnrra and Buc-oeaaful Money-makera.

N. SHURE CO. Th« Largest Houee Of its Kind In The World.