Fish soup with bamboo shoots Ingredients: + A carp or a tilapia about 600g + 300g sour bamboo shoots + 3 tomatoes + Green onion, dill + A violet onion + Fish sauce, salt, pepper Directions + Cut tomatoes, onion into 0, 5-cm pieces. +Put bamboo shoots in a saucepan and cover with cold (about 500 ml), boil 1 to 2 times, take out, and then tear it to little pieces. + Clean carp, cut to 2parts, marinate with 1 spoon of salt + wash dill, leaf of onion, and then cut them about 2cm. + Heat little oil in pan, stir onions, adds tomatoes and bamboo shoots, mix them each other. + Pour water, boil and then put fish into the pot + Boil fish soup about 15 minutes, then sprinkle the leaf of onion, dill and bring soup into a bowl. Pork egg rolls Ingredients: + 0.4kg of pork + 3 eggs FAMILY


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Fish soup with bamboo shoots

Ingredients: + A carp or a tilapia about 600g

+ 300g sour bamboo shoots

+ 3 tomatoes

+ Green onion, dill

+ A violet onion

+ Fish sauce, salt, pepper


+ Cut tomatoes, onion into 0, 5-cm pieces.

+Put bamboo shoots in a saucepan and cover with cold (about 500 ml), boil 1 to 2 times, take out, and then tear it to little pieces.

+ Clean carp, cut to 2parts, marinate with 1 spoon of salt

+ wash dill, leaf of onion, and then cut them about 2cm.

+ Heat little oil in pan, stir onions, adds tomatoes and bamboo shoots, mix them each other.

+ Pour water, boil and then put fish into the pot

+ Boil fish soup about 15 minutes, then sprinkle the leaf of onion, dill and bring soup into a bowl.

Pork egg rolls


+ 0.4kg of pork

+ 3 eggs

+ Vegetables: pea, carrot, kohlrabi

+Fish sauce, salt, pepper


+Wash pork, cut it into thin pieces about 0.5cm and marinate with 1 spoons of fish sauce and ½ spoon of pepper.

+Broke the eggs into a bowl and pour out ½ spoon of fish sauce, mix them well.

+Fry eggs thin. Let the egg cool, cut with the right piece of meat arranged on each pieces about 3cm and rolled back, then fasten the two ends.

+Slice vegetables to small part about 2cm. After that, put them into a pot, add water and little


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more salt, and then boil until tender about 30 minutes.

Helping children overcome fears doctor

hen children are stubborn, parents often imagine a fastidious doctor to threaten them that make some

children fear and refuse to visit doctors. The parents can consult the following ways to strengthen the spirit of the baby:

W1. Accept your children’s fears

Parents should listen to their children to help them learn not to be so scared. Do not make fun of them. These are skills they will use for the rest of their life.

2. Play games about doctor with your childParents should buy medical toys like blood pressure monitors, syringes, thermometers to help children become familiar with these items and more confident when doctor use them to check child health.

3. Spend time with your children when they are scared.

When doctors are checking your child's health, your presence will help your child feel safe.

4. Encourage children

The encouragement is very important to make your children will be less fearful than before. Parents can give the words of encouragement like: “my child is best!”, “you are brave!”

How to improve relationship with mother-in-law?

n family, relationship between mother in law – daughter in law, is a sensitive and complicated issues, always occurs. How to resolve this

problem? That is a difficult question. I

Meanwhile, it requires the dexterity of daughter –in- law in behavior. If we always have a respectful attitude for the mother- in-law, the conflict will happen less. Besides daughter in law also often confide, talk to mother at your leisure. This will create for us a closer relationship.

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In each family, concerning to each other will to create a happy atmosphere. Daughter in law can cooking, cleaning house with mother in law or can tell funny stories. Let's always make family life fill happiness! It depends on you.