Fundraising with The FPIES Foundation: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Next Awareness Event, Benefit, and/or Fundraiser

A Foundation for Fundraising with Purpose

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Wondering where to start when planning your next fundraiser? No need to worry-- The FPIES Foundation has you covered. The FPIES Foundation is an Incorporated 501(c)3 Non-profit Foundation dedicated to overcoming the challenges of FPIES by offering tools for education, support, and advocacy to empower families and the medical community. It is our vision to provide tools for families & patients managing FPIES every day. We are an entirely volunteer-based organization and do not keep any paid employees– all manpower is unpaid and voluntary. Any efforts to support the activities of The FPIES Foundation are enormously appreciated, as we strongly value anyone reaching out to FPIES families. All donations from our incorporation (August 31, 2011) to present are tax deductible, and tax-exempt under our 501(c)(3) non-profit designation.

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Page 1: A Foundation for Fundraising with Purpose

Fundraising with The FPIES Foundation:

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Next Awareness Event, Benefit, and/or


Page 2: A Foundation for Fundraising with Purpose

Fundraising with The Foundation

• There are many ways to show your support of The FPIES Foundation and the families that we serve!

• Some families enjoy contributing through the gift of raising awareness

• Some families enjoy organizing fundraisers and benefits

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Fundraising with The Foundation

Creating a Fundraiser to support the initiatives

of The FPIES Foundation:

• Check out the fundraiser idea bank form!

• Fundraisers can be created by you and your family or can be run within an existing model at a local business/ restaurant

• Some businesses that partner with non-profits for fundraisers include Whole Foods, restaurants, and Wal-Mart

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Fundraising with The Foundation

What steps do we need to take?

– Fill out the “Fundraiser Resource Request” Form, briefly detailing your event and resources needed

– Resources can really help your event to better reach your supporters and spread community awareness responsibly

Planning Ahead!• Be sure to plan far

enough in advance to account for appropriate advertising and organizing time

• Be sure to plan far enough in advance if partnering with a business to raise funds-- they may have additional forms required

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Family Benefits & Foundation Fundraisers

• Some families wish to raise funds for a family benefit in addition to fundraising for The FPIES Foundation

• A Family Benefit (as discussed here) is an event created to raise funds for a family affected by FPIES. The funds are intended to be used to help the family offset the high cost of medical expenses directly associated with their child's diagnosis

• The keys to a successful combo event:

– Determine in advance how the funds will be divided

– Clearly advertise both aspects of the event and how donations will be allocated, so that supporters know how their contributions are helping

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Awareness with The Foundation

• The gift of Awareness is just as important, if not more so, as fundraising.

• Your family can organize an awareness event in tandem with a fundraiser/benefit or simply by itself

• Keep reading for steps to making it a success!

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Awareness with The Foundation

• An awareness event is an event organized with the intent to inform/educate the public about FPIES. It can focus on medical aspects, family life aspects, or a combination of both.

• Activities are centralized around awareness. A few examples include:

– A question and answer session

– A family friendly event at which educational materials are also provided

– Being a guest speaker at a pre-existing event, like a parent support group

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Our Family's Story: A Fundraiser Event

Event: We Partnered with a local restaurant for a “Family Fun Night” and Sweepstakes Prize Giveaway

Paperwork: A brief form detailing the cause and including our contact info

Organizing/Advertising: Created and distributed flyers, contacted local TV media and gave interviews, visited businesses and/or wrote letters requesting donations for sweepstakes prizes, prepared awareness materials to display at the event

Set-up/ Clean-up: Spent about 30 minutes on each, before & after event

Time Commitment: 8-10 total hours pre-event, 3 hours for the event

Outcome: We received a donation from the restaurant for the cause and also raised funds through the sweepstakes

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Our Family's Story: A Fundraiser and Family Benefit

Event: We decided on a Fundraiser/Family Benefit to help with our growing medical bills, while also raising funds for FPIES awareness.

Fundraiser: Profits from the meal sold were donated to FPIES awareness. A food vendor provided the meal and donated the profits

Benefit: This was organized by a family member who organized the location and preparations, with input from our family

What We Did: Provided awareness items, such as a “scrapbook” of photos and info about our son's journey with FPIES, and also FPIES info for supporters to read at the event.

Key Considerations: How far to plan in advance, what services and products will be donated, How to advertise and where to distribute flyers, Who will help to plan the event, Is there a way to contact the media about this event

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Our Family's Story: A Family Benefit and Awareness


We decided to do a family benefit to help cover the costs of growing medical bills.

A family friend organized the event for us. Here are some of the concepts that helped the process:

1. Venue aspects: (serving meals, indoor/outdoor space, permits involved, reservation time needed)

2. Scheduling/Organization: (time, entertainment, raffles/ sweepstakes/ silent auctions, enlisting help)

3. Advertising/ Media: (making media contacts, designing and placing posters, print/ online advertising, contacting The FPIES Foundation for assistance when needed)

*** Our family friend handled all donations. An account was set up for us at a local bank and all donations were deposited there. We were given a debit card for the account to use when we needed it for medical costs.

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Resources for Success!

• The Fundraiser Resource Request Form

• The Fundraiser Idea Bank

• The FPIES Foundation Fundraiser Packet: “Awareness is Action, and it Starts with You!”

• “What is FPIES” PDF

• “What is FPIES” Family-friendly flyer

• The FPIES FAQ Sampler

• “Awareness is Action” downloadable brochure

• “Awareness is Action” downloadable brochure/flyer

• Contact an FPIES Foundation representative to discuss details and to ask questions about your event!