Age is just a number staying young at heart

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Getting old is often associated with dullness, pessimism, health problems, sadness etc. it does not have to be this way. Old age can be the perfect time for you to pursue all those things that you didn’t get a chance to do when you were busy shouldering the other responsibilities. This however, requires the right attitude and a few changes in your lifestyle. With the right mindset and right habits, you can make old age to be positively the best time of your life.

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  • 1. Age is just a number- Staying Young at Heart Brought to you by:

2. 1. Eating rightCut down the calories and exclude junk from your diet. Be conscious about what is going in your body. An unhealthy body can never be a happy place, especially when its ageing. Stay away from caffeine and tobacco. 3. 2. Thinking right The right attitude is the key to live life to the fullest, no matter what the age. Nevertheless, it becomes even more important when you are ageing, as there are so many other things to put your down. Embrace optimism to the height of foolishness, its way better than sulking continuously. 4. 3. Being with the right peopleAlways prefer to be around happy, positive people. Being surrounded by people who crib constantly will only sap you of your energy and drag you to the ditch of negativity. Stay around with young people. 5. 4. Staying activeStick to at least one physical activity, no matter what is itdance, aerobics, walk, jogging, any sport etc. Choose the one that gave you maximum pleasure as a kid. Stick to it religiously and dont skip. 6. 5. Getting enough sleepOnce you cross 50, you see a change in the sleep cycle. Cutting down on your sleep is not a good idea. Not only will it make you appear older than you are but will also add to various health troubles. Get ample sleep for a healthier you. 7. 6. Getting in touch with the spiritual sideyoga and meditation are wonderful ways to keep you youthful. They heal you, clean you from the inside, and leave you feeling younger and fresher. A calm mind is the first step towards harmonious 8. 7. Let adventure live Dont let age come in the way of adventure. If you have always been an adventurous spirit, make this the time when you can get the best thrills out of life. You can do almost all the adventure sports if you do not have hypertension or heart disease. If you have any of these, it would be better to consult your physician before indulging in any adventure sports. 9. 8. Spark up the romanceRekindle the romance. Studies have shown that people who have a romantic partner in old age tend to live longer than those who dont. Show your love to your partner, live longer, and make them live longer too. 10. 9. Skin care Looking good even as you age can be a great morale booster. The first step towards this is to take care of your skin. Drink lots of water, stay away from the sun, and get the best anti aging cream from the market to let your skin stay youthful. 11. For More information contact us at: @BrownEmma07