Felipe Lozano Pineda Medicine student – III semester Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Molecular biology 2011

Folding molecular biology

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Page 1: Folding molecular biology

Felipe Lozano Pineda Medicine student – III semester

Universidad Pontificia BolivarianaMolecular biology


Page 2: Folding molecular biology
Page 3: Folding molecular biology
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I think that this kind of relations between the appearence of different cancers and the mutation of some genes in the human genome, is going to allow in the future more alternatives at the time to prevent and treat a variety of diseases that are significantly affecting the lifestyle of people. Until now, the biotechnology has allowed to identificate each nucleotides that form the human DNA, so with this advantage, to discover some changes in its composition will provide a better way to intervene.

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N- terminal domain links F-actin element and the C- terminal domain is join to the DAG complex ( Dystrophin Associated Glicoproteins)

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Even though there are different positions about the gene therapy in all possible contexts, with this results appear new arguments to defend this method as a way to treat a variety of genetic diseases but in a proper and in a human way. As we know, the knowledge in DNA human is increasing more and more as the years pass, as we see in this investigations. Is a good idea to implement this new therapy as a possible treatment method when it will be completely probed with the fewest possible mistakes

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• AIP Gene Mutations [internet] Medellín en: Google[marzo 19 del 2011].

Disponible en: http://www.fipapatients.org/aip/

• Distrofina [internet] Medellin en Google[Marzo 19 del 2011]. Disponible en:


• MARTINEZ S, Lina María. Biología molecular. 3. ed. Medellín: UPB. Fac. de


• Genetic Mutation Responsible for 'Gigantism' Disease -- Or Acromegaly --

Identified. ScienceDaily (January 10, 2011)

• Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Scientists Closer to Finding Treatment for Life-

Threatening Hereditary Disease. ScienceDaily (February 3, 2011)

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