Users practice on a physical, anatomically correct model with defined surgical planes — with IMA, pulsation, ureter, etc © Haptica 2006-2010

Haptica ProMIS Colorectal Surgery Simulation

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Page 1: Haptica ProMIS Colorectal Surgery Simulation

Users practice on a physical, anatomically correct model with defined surgical planes — with IMA, pulsation, ureter, etc

© Haptica 2006-2010

Page 2: Haptica ProMIS Colorectal Surgery Simulation

Whether done HALS or purely laparoscopically, real instruments are used, including energy devices and staplers

© Haptica 2006-2010

Page 3: Haptica ProMIS Colorectal Surgery Simulation

Whether done HALS or purely laparoscopically, real instruments are used, including energy devices and staplers

© Haptica 2006-2010

Page 4: Haptica ProMIS Colorectal Surgery Simulation

In Step 1, a virtual small bowel is retracted when the bodyform is tilted. A video shows how the step works in a real

procedure and provides additional guidance

© Haptica 2006-2010

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In Step 3, once the tissue has been dissected, the user identifies the IMA through haptic feel – with either instrument

or hand© Haptica 2006-2010

Page 6: Haptica ProMIS Colorectal Surgery Simulation

Onscreen graphics provide guidance for dissection, transaction, retraction - and performance measurement

© Haptica 2006-2010

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Users must stop (virtual) bleeding overlaid on the haptic model using the real energy device

© Haptica 2006-2010

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The colon is externalized to resect the tumor and insert the anvil of the circular stapler

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Sutures are used to secure the anvil. Anastomosis is created intra-corporeally

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Irrigation and suction is performance through virtual reality and real instruments

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On completing the procedure, users review performance results. Simulators can be networked for gathering group

resutls© Haptica 2006-2010

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And examine the real model for performance

© Haptica 2006-2010