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Let’s get to know our german chamomile essential oil better!

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Let’s get introduced to the world’s oldest herb! The relationship of mankind and plants has been documented for thousands of years, especially when it comes to healing and health related matters.

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Page 1: Let’s get to know our german chamomile essential oil better!

Let’s get to know our German Chamomile Essential oil better!

Let’s get introduced to the world’s oldest herb!

The relationship of mankind and plants has been documented for thousands of years, especially

when it comes to healing and health related matters. Various herbs are known to be

fundamental to all forms of medicine, dating back a good 5000 years! In the modern era, the

rising popularity of herbal medicines signifies the tendency of herbs to heal slowly with negligible

toxic side effects. One such most commonly used herb is German Chamomile. It is one of the

most prehistoric curative herbs that the man has ever known, put into an extensive use for

medicinal purposes as recommended for a variety of healing applications.

The name and the fame

Scientifically named Matricaria chamomilla, which is usually seen grown close to the ground and

uncultivated and near the herb gardens as well. The plant grows up to about 60 Cm. high.

German Chamomile is believed to have originated from North Africa, Asia and Europe. The little

Daisy-like flowers of German Chamomile have White collars with yellow centers, conical in shape

and less than an inch in width. These flowers have long and thin stems holding them. The dried

up German Chamomile flowers constitute numerous Terpenoids and Flavonoids which enhance

its medicinal properties.

What is it that makes it?

Chamomile German essential oil starts with the White and Yellow flower heads which dried,

crushed and steam-distilled to yield Blue oil, which is used for medicinal purposes. The oil

contains ingredients that reduce swelling and bacteria, viruses & fungi get into troubled waters.

Human ailments such as gastrointestinal disorders, hay fever, inflammation, insomnia, menstrual

disorders, muscle spasms, rheumatic pain and ulcers, wounds. The German Chamomile Essential

oil finds an extensive usage in aromatherapy and cosmetics.

German Chamomile has been used as a medicine for thousands of years, to cure ailments such





First-degree (Minor)burns

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Children's diseases namely - Chickenpox, Colic and diaper rashes

Chest colds



Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)



Sore throats

Stomach ulcers

German Chamomile EO is well-liked globally, however surprisingly though, the history of

medicine does not evidence much research works or studies to ascertain if it can really cure the

above mentioned conditions. Test tube studies have shown that chamomile can eradicate

bacteria, fungus, and viruses.

Treatments of Anxiety, Insomnia

Animal studies have found that low doses of German Chamomile EO assists overcoming anxiety,

while higher doses help getting a proper and peaceful sleep!

Digestive problems – dissolved for good!

German Chamomile essential oil is conventionally to treat stomach cramps, colic, diarrhea, gas,

IBD, and indigestion. One analysis of several studies found that a ‘combo’ of German Chamomile

essential oil churned with Iberis and peppermint gives relief from severe conditions of


Gingivitis, mouth sores? No more!

Many people us German Chamomile Essential Oil as a ‘mouthwash’ for these oral hygiene

disorders. It prevents mouth sores developed during radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

Eczema, Skin irritations – Forget them!

In European countries, especially, most of the creams/ ointments meant to soothe irritated skin,

contain German Chamomile EO as their major ingredient. Even severest condition of Eczema is

also relieved with the prescribed usage of German Chamomile EO.

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Dosage – How much will be good?

Adults -

Balm/Poultice: Make a paste by mixing finely grounded herb into water and apply to

aggravated skin.

Bath: Use some 250 lbs. of dried German Chamomile flowers per bath, or add 5 - 10

drops of its essential oil to a full tub of water and get relief from cuts, eczema,

hemorrhoids and insect bites.

Capsules: A capsule with dosage of 300 - 400 mg to be ingested at least THREE times per


Cream: Use a cream with a 3 - 10% German Chamomile content for Psoriasis, Eczema on

blistered and dry skin.

Gargle or mouthwash: Gargle with the naturally ‘cooled’ German Chamomile tea, as

often as desired. You may also prepare a mouthwash with 10 - 15 drops of German

Chamomile extract diluted in 100 ml warm water.

Inhaler use: Add a few drops of essential oil of German Chamomile to hot water or hot

tea and then inhale the steam to get relief from cough.

Tea: Drink German Chamomile Tea 3 - 4 times per day between meals

Tincture (specifications: Ratio - 1:5 and 45% alcohol): 40 - 60 drops to be consumed

THREE times per day in hot water.

Kids -

It is always advisable to consult your family physician before anyone giving German Chamomile

laden treatment to children. For a child under five, half a cup of German Chamomile tea in a day

will do suffice. However, your family doctor may recommend other doses.

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Precautions – You must exercise these!

German Chamomile EO is generally considered safe.

Asthma patients should not consume German Chamomile extract in any form.

Women with a history of hormone-sensitive cancers, such as breast or uterine cancers,

must consult their doctors before taking it.

Always take ‘Allergic-to-German-Chamomile’ test beforehand.

Consuming highly concentrated German Chamomile tea in large amounts may cause you

to vomit.

If you are on a regular dosage of German Chamomile EO and intend to undergo knife,

stop the consumption of same at least a fortnight before the surgery as this increases the

risk of bleeding.

Now this is the best of the Don’t(s) that I like for obvious phrase used.

German Chamomile EO is known to cause sleepiness, so don’t drink it and drive!


German Chamomile EO has a long history of herbal medication; it is still popular today and its

popularity probably will continue forever. It is famed for improving Cardio-Vascular conditions,

boosting immunity and prevents cancer too. I have a firm belief that therapeutic outcomes of

German Chamomile EO are beneficial to patients however there is a certain need of focused

researches and studies to establish the hidden facts. This, then, can be verified in clinical trials

that will further promote German Chamomile EO as a more promising therapeutic agent!