Classification of Drugs

Mental Hygiene Report

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Classification of Drugs

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Commonly used drugs Depending on their pharmacological effects, are classified into:

a.Sedatives/Depressants – drugs which reduce anxiety and excitement.

b.Stimulants – drugs which increases alertness and physical disposition.

c.Hallucinogens ( also called psychedelics) – drugs which affect sensation, thinking, self-awareness, and emotion.

d.Narcotics/Opiates – drugs that relieve pain and include sleep.

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How To Tell When One is Abusing Drugs?

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Drug abusers have the following traits:

• Irritable, discourteous, defiant, and aggressive• Untrustworthy, and lacks self-confidence• Unhealthy and unconcerned with good grooming• Have low tolerance for frustration• Lack interest in studies and work• Blame everybody except him/herself for

problems• Prefer their peers where they feel accepted• Wear sunglasses, not only to compensate for the

eye’s inability to adjust the sunlight• Makes every effort to cover arms in order to hide

needle marks

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Name of Drugs

Physical Symptoms

Look For Dangers


Drunkenness,drowsiness, slurred speech,impairement judgement.

Pills of varying colors

Death from overdose. Causes addiction, severe convulsion and death.

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Name of Drugs

Physical Symptoms

Look For Dangers

Mandrax, Glue Cement, Ethyl Chloride, Acetone, Paint thinner, Gasoline, Lighter Fluid

Druken Appearance, dreamy or blank expression, numbness of the entire body.

Tubes of glue, large cellophane or bags, soaked handkerchiefs

Lung/brain/liver damage, temporary blindness, death through suffocation, anemia, unconsciousness.

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Name of Drugs

Physical Symptoms

Look For Dangers


Aggressive behaviour, restlessness, talkativeness, no appetite, insomnia, silliness, irritability

Pills of varying colors, small vials.

Death from overdose,psychological dependence, psychosis hallusinations.

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Name of Drugs

Physical Symptoms

Look For Dangers

Marijuana Excessive laughter, giggling, bloodshot eyes, talkativeness, dilated pupils, craving for sweets

Strong odeor of burnt leaves,matchboxes and cigarette paper, discoloured fingers (greenish)

Introduction to the drug culture, brain damage.

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Name of Drugs

Physical Symptoms

Look For Dangers

NARCOTICSHeroin, Codeine

Drowsiness, needle marks on arms or legs, watery eyes, neglect of personal hygiene

Needles, hypodermic stringe, white powder, bent spoon

Death from overdose, mental and physical deterioration

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Name of Drugs

Physical Symptoms

Look For Dangers

Cough Medicine

Drunk Appearance, Lack of coordination, confusion

Empty bottles of cough medicine

Causes addiction

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Name of Drugs

Physical Symptoms

Look For Dangers

LSD – 25 (Acid, Cubes, Pearly Gates, Big D, The Chief, Wedding Bells, Heavenly Blue

Excitation, severe hallucinations, rambling speech, irrational behaviour, cold hands and feet, anxiety, laughing and crying

Sugar cubes with discoloration in center, strong body odor, small tube of liquid, unmarked tablets.

Accidents due to confusion, psychotic reactions

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LSD is one of the most potent, mood-changing chemicals. It is manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in the ergot fungus that grows on rye and other grains.It is produced in crystal form. These crystals are converted to a liquid for distribution. It is odorless, colorless, and has a slightly bitter taste.

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It is sometimes added to absorbent paper, which is then divided into small squares decorated with designs or cartoon characters.

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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

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AIDS reduces the immune system’s ability to defend the body against diseases and cancer causing agents. Experts believe that AIDS began in Central Africa and spread rapidly by means of unprotected sex. The first cases of AIDS in the United States were reported in 1981; but it was not until 1984 that the cause of AIDS, a virus labelled as Human Immunity Deficiency Virus (HIV), was isolated. An antibody test was then developed for it’s detection.

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The incubation period or a time it takes for the diseases to develop can be as long as ten years. This means a that infected individuals can spread the disease to others without realizing that they are infected

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HIV is spread through contact with the blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, or breast milk of a person infected with HIV. In the United States, HIV is spread mainly by having anal or vaginal sex or sharing drug injection equipment with a person infected with HIV.

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What is the treatment for HIV?The use of HIV medicines to treat HIV infection is called antiretroviral therapy (ART). ART involves taking a combination of HIV medicines (called an HIV regimen) every day. (HIV medicines are often called antiretrovirals or ARVs.) 

ART prevents HIV from multiplying and reduces the amount of HIV in the body. Having less HIV in the body protects the immune system and prevents HIV infection from advancing to AIDS. 

ART can’t cure HIV, but it can help people infected with HIV live longer, healthier lives. ART also reduces the risk of HIV transmission.

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What are the symptoms of HIV/AIDS?Soon after infection with HIV, some people have flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headache, or rash. The symptoms may come and go for a month or two after infection. 

After this earliest stage of HIV infection, HIV continues to multiply but at very low levels. More severe symptoms of HIV infection, such as chronic diarrhea, rapid weight loss, and signs of opportunistic infections, generally don’t appear for many years. (Opportunistic infections are infections and infection-related cancers that occur more frequently or are more severe in people with weakened immune systems than in people with healthy immune systems.)

Without treatment, HIV can advance to AIDS. The time it takes for HIV to advance to AIDS varies, but it can take 10 years or more.

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Why are psychologist interested in AIDS?

People contract HIV as a result of certain behaviour patterns. At first many people thought that AIDS was a disease restricted to homosexuals. Present statistics show that, all over the world, AIDS is spread mainly through heterosexual rather than homosexual intercourse.