Welcome To Our Office

Patient Information Slides

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Welcome To Our Office

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Mission Statement

We provide superior periodontal and implant surgical services to our valued patients in

collaboration with their referring doctors; in a manner that reflects our expertise and

unwavering commitment to quality care.

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We Now HaveDigital X-Rays This amazing technology significantly reduces

radiation exposure to our patients. The x-rays are available instantly and this method is environmentally

friendly – requiring no chemicals.

With your consent, x-rays may now be emailed to your dentist, allowing for much speedier communication.

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We respect your privacy. You can be

assured that all of your patient information is

kept completely confidential and that information is passed on to others with your

full consent.

We will communicate with your dentist and

your medical doctor only after

you have provided us your consent.

We adhere to the Canadian Federal

Government’s Personal Information Protection

and Electronic Documents Act and the Ontario Personal Health Information

Protection Act

You may contact Dr. Galler at any time to discuss

our privacy standards

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All of our instruments undergo thorough disinfecting and

sterilization before they come near any patient. Our office is committed to providing the highest quality and

most comfortable care to our patients. Single use, clean, sealed

baggies are used to store our sterilized instruments.

Our sterilization procedures comply with theOntario Best Practice standards from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

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Flossers make better kissers…Try it and see!

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What is Gum Disease?

Gingivitis is the mildest form of gum disease. It causes the gums to become red, swollen, and bleed easily. Gingivitis is often caused by inadequate oral hygiene, which leads to plaque build-up. Gingivitis is reversible with proper care.

Untreated gingivitis can advance to periodontitis. Periodontitis is a bacterial infection that breaks down the gums and bone around the teeth. Pockets form where gums have detached from teeth.

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Stages of Gum Disease

Periodontal Health

Moderate Recession and Bone Loss

Severe Recession and Bone Loss

Untreated periodontal disease can worsen and

lead to significant levels of bone loss, which cause

teeth to become loose and fall out.

- - -Gums can get healthier with

proper care: regular brushing, flossing, rinsing,

and checkups.

Severe recession and bone loss

exposes the roots of the teeth

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Periodontal Pocketing

Periodontal Health Moderate Pocketing Severe Pocketing

When periodontal disease goes untreated, bone loss can create pockets in your gums.

These pockets harbour bacteria which leads to further bone loss.

and Bone Loss As pocket depths increase it becomes

difficult to brush away tartar build up.

If the bone loss becomes severe, teeth

literally begin to fall out and have to be


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Plaque builds within hours. Brushing your teeth helps oral health because it removes plaque from the surfaces of your teeth and gums.


Because periodontal disease often begins in areas your toothbrush cannot reach, it’s important to remove plaque from between teeth and just below your gumline by flossing.


Daily rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash may add to the benefits of brushing and flossing by reducing plaque between crowded teeth and around hard-to-reach molars.

Fight Periodontal Disease

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RememberSchedule routine check-ups so you can catch small problems early



Early Periodontitis

Only your dental professional can reach the tartar that builds up below the gumline, including at the roots of

your teeth and inside the pockets.

Remember: Brush, floss, and rinse every day to help fight periodontal

disease at home.

Flossers make better kissers… Try it and see!

Fight Periodontal Disease

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Fight Periodontal Disease

Risk Factors

Plaque:• Plaque is a white, sticky substance that builds up every day around your teeth and gums, and on dental appliances.• Plaque can be removed with daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash.• If plaque is not removed it hardens into calculus.

Calculus:• Once plaque has been allowed to remain it calcifies. Only a dental professional can then remove calculus.



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Fight Periodontal Disease

Risk Factors

Smoking:Smoking reduces blood supply to the bones surrounding the teeth, and produces harmful heat and toxins in the mouth.

Stress:Stress can make it harder for your body to fight off infection.

Diet:Nutrients keep your body strong. Poor nutrition can worsen the condition of your gums.

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Fight Periodontal Disease

Risk Factors

Health History:Some factors can contribute to the health of your gums, including:• Family history of periodontal disease• Medicines (such as birth-control pills and heart medicines)• Diabetes• Diseases affecting immune system• Hormonal changes (during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, for example)

Reduce your risk of periodontal disease by taking proper care of your teeth and gums every day.

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“I have Gum Disease. What are my options?”

We are here to help you make an informed decision about your treatment needs.

We will propose an optimal plan for your care but there may be alternatives which we will be pleased to review with you.

Periodontitis does not heal or go away on its own. In fact, with time it will likely progress.

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Did you know?Being diagnosed with periodontal disease often comes as a surprise to many people.

It is usually not painful and it can only

be detected by a trained eye.

It progresses slowly, and you may not be aware of it until the advanced stages, such as severe swelling.

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Initial Therapy

TREATING _______________

My Treatment Plan

My Periodontal Summary Score My Risk Level Dr. Galler’s Assessment



Healthy Mouth


Remember!In order to achieve long-term periodontal health there must be ongoing and active supervision of your periodontal health. This requires a commitment from yourself, your dentist and your periodontist.

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Deep pockets that form in your gums can put you at risk of developing more severe periodontal disease.

Dr. Galler provides a number of treatment options aimed to restore unhealthy gums:

• Deep Cleaning treatments for smaller pockets• Periodontal Surgery to reduce deep pockets and to improve access for proper cleansing

Deep Cleaning: Removing Tartar

Our goal is to get your gums healthy and prevent any further bone loss.

Deep Pocket Treatment Options

Fight Periodontal Disease

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Gingival Grafting:A Gingival Grafting procedure (gum graft) will increase the strength of the gums and prevents further recession.

Before After

Example 1

Fight Periodontal Disease

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Gingival Grafting:A Gingival Grafting procedure (gum graft) will increase the strength of the gums and prevents further recession.

Before After

Example 2

Fight Periodontal Disease

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Dental Implants

Fight Periodontal Disease

Are you missing any teeth?

Step 1:The involved teeth are extracted.

Step 2:The implants are inserted.

Step 3:After a period of healing, crowns are placed on the implants.

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Dental Implants

Fight Periodontal Disease

Are you missing any teeth?

This implant becomes the

root of a tooth on which your dentist places

a crown.

Stage 1

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Dental Implants

Fight Periodontal Disease

Are you missing any teeth?

The gum heals over the

implant and your dentist is now ready to

place the crown.

Stage 2

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Periodontal SurgeryFight Periodontal


Used to Repair Deep Pockets in your Gums

The supportive bone around the root is

diseased and partially destroyed.

Plaque and tartar are removed from the infected pocket.

The bone is smoothed and reshaped, reducing spaces where bacteria

can grow.

The gum is then closed over the reshaped bone at or below the original


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Crown LengtheningTransform your smile!

Ask Dr. Galler what types of cosmetic surgeries are right for you to help improve your smile.

Gummy Smile After Aesthetic Crown Lengthening

Cosmetic Surgeries