Personal Stress Personally I find financial issues to be the most stressful. This could include budgeting for travelling and rent and still having enough for food at the end of the week. Equally as stressful can be finding ways to obtain money

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Personal Stress

Personally I find financial issues to be the most stressful. This could include budgeting for travelling and rent and still having enough for food at the end of the week. Equally as stressful can be finding ways to obtain money

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Part 1 – Stress in General

Part 2 - Stress at Work

Part 3 – Stress Management

Presentation Outline

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Part 1

Stress In General

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Every employer shall take all practicable steps to ensure the safety of employees while at work


Every employer shall ensure that there are in place effective methods for identifying existing hazards, and (if possible before they arise) new hazards to employees at work.

Legal Overview

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Stress in a physiological reaction within the brain that causes changes to the body accordingly but more realistically its a build up of pressure that cause worry to the person and can have some pretty devastating effects

What is Stress ?

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Stress feels different to different people it all depends on the type of person and the level of stress. Some people will lash out causing physical harm and intimidate colleges while others prefer to withdrawal from everyone and everything. This isnt to say stress always feels bad sometimes it can give you a healthy sense of pressure and help you achieve goals

Stress Feelings

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Stressors come in all different forms such as ................

1.People2.Deadlines3.Job interviews4.Commitments5. Family6. Phone / Electric Devices

Basically things that break your normal routine and cause you to have to take on extra workload


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Negative stress is usually an overload of stress causing you to function different a person will become far more indecisive and restless causing them to procrastinate and further cause stress effectively being trapped in a self defeating cycle. When reaching the personal limit if stress you will revert to your primitive brain causing the “fight or flight” making you either lash out or totally withdraw from the situation

Negative Stress

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Stress usually draws very negative connotations and is rarely looked at as a positive factor this is far from the truth however stress causes you to realise consequences if something is not completed and drive you to finish things through your bodys chemical reactions and release of adrenaline. Also stress is a great tool for keeping your motivation up and completing goals, the key here is moderation

Positive Stress

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Symptoms of Stress

Physical symptoms Mental symptoms Behavioural symptoms Emotional symptoms

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Physical Symptoms1. Loss of weight2. Pimples3. Hair loss 4. Increased

heart rate5. Dark rings

around the eyes

6. Pale 7.

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1. Confusion 2. Overwhelmed 3. Self defeating4. Mentally Distant5. Anxiety6. Indecisive

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1. Bad temper 2. Raising your voice 3. Compulsive 4. Self absorbed 5. Socially Distant 6. Violent

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1 Upset 2 Angry 3 Irrational4 Mood swings5 Depressed6 Hopeless

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Stress is not the same as ill-health, but has been related to such illnesses as;

- Heart Problems - Asthma - Eczema - Depression


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We all see the immediate effects stress have on people but easily forgotten is what it costs that person later this includes

1. Mental health issues

2. Physical health issues

3. Loss of income 4. Damaged

credibility 5. Family problems

Cost of Stress

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Part 2

Stress at Work

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Work is perhaps one of the most stressing places whether trying to get a job the job itself or being fired all have numerous stress factors such as

1. Job interviews2. Strict

conducts codes

3. Long hours 4. Deadlines5. Contracts6. Being Fired7. Being harmed


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Part 3

Stress Management

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Causes of Stress

Internal Stresses

External Stresses

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External Stresses - Organisational Organisational

stress is any kind of stress that effects you from direct result of what is happening within your organisation or business Eg:

Deficit within company

Promotion Health and safety

violation Pay decrease Policy change

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External Stresses - Major Life Events

Marriage Death of family

member Becoming

unemployed Promotion Birth of family

member New Job Moving

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Mental Health problems Self Consciousness Outlook on life Religious Ideals Expectations Perception

Internal Stress

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Changing your mindset Talking yourself through problems Accepting stress Utalizing stress for motivation Deep breathing Meditation Regular Exercise Healthy Diet


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Change your Outlook

Change your Mindset

Change your Life

Stress Management Techniques

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SummaryAs we've seen stress can come from almost any aspect of our life and not only does it just effects our mind and body but also those around us. Stress has many side effects which can cause great harm even in small cases but overlooked is the good stress can do if you manage it right. Work on techniques to manage stress and you'll find yourself living a more motivated and productive life