The 5 principles of Yoga & How to integrate them in your daily life

The 5 principles of yoga to integrate them

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The 5 principles of Yoga&

How to integrate them in your daily life

A proper yoga practice…

Requires discipline and commitment.

Makes you feel more healthy and energetic

Can bring you to a higher level of physical, mental and

spiritual health.

The 5 principles of Yoga and how to integrate them in your daily life

Overview of the 5 principles of Yoga described by Swami Sivananda

& tips on how to integrate them in daily life:

1. Proper Exercise Yoga Asanas (steady comfortable poses)


• Gain control over the body

• Gain flexibility

• Keep the body healthy.

Main focus

• Spine

• Internal organs

• Joints

• ,...

The 5 principles of Yoga and how to integrate them in your daily life

2.Proper Breathing• Function of breath

– Vital energy

– Providing the body and the mind with the necessary oxygen to function


Bad posture or stress

Breathing pattern gets disturbed

Shallow or quick breathing

Sympathetic nervous system gets activated

Internal body functions get disturbed

Pranayama or breathing exercises control the breath which helps to control

the prana or energy in the body and to calm down and revitalise body and

mind.The 5 principles of Yoga and how to integrate them in your daily life

3. Proper Diet

= The food we eat

= Everything we absorb through the 5 senses ex. what we hear, see, feel,…

Not eating

• What harms the body or the mind

• What gives negative energy.


• Light, fresh and natural foods which gives you the necessary energy and nutrients

without any negative effect or toxins

The 5 principles of Yoga and how to integrate them in your daily life

4. Proper relaxation

= When all the five senses are resting.

Shavasana or Yoga nidra

5. Positive thinking and meditation • Positive thinking activates the parasympathetic nervous system.

– overall functioning of the body is improved– Homeostasis of the body is maintained

• Meditation is the result of concentration of the 5 senses on one point. – It brings calmness to the mind which will also reflect in your daily life.


Swami Sivananda recommended that all the five principles should be practiced to have a healthy body and mind and to bring harmony, health and joy to one´s life.

The 5 principles of Yoga and how to integrate them in your daily life

The author Yogi Ram

• Is one of India’s most reputed teachers of Classical Yoga and Vedic philosophy

• Studied according to the traditional system of Gurukula at traditional ashrams in


• Is the Director of Arhanta Yoga Ashrams in India and the Netherlands where

students are welcome to follow a Yoga teacher training course.

• Has been teaching for over 16 years and has trained more than 800 yoga teachers

throughout the world.

Contact :

[email protected]


The 5 principles of Yoga and how to integrate them in your daily life