Explore Different Types Of Yoga And Pranayama

Explore Different Types Of Yoga and Pranayama

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Explore Different Types Of Yoga And


What is Yoga?

Yoga is considered as a health and fitness regime that

comprises many postures which are made to improve

physical and mental health of the practitioner.

Presentation Resource : YogaCurious.com/blog/yoga

Types of Yoga

There are seven types of yoga.

1. Bhatki Yoga

2. Hatha Yoga

3. Jnana Yoga

4. Karma Yoga

5. Kundalini Yoga

6. Raja Yoga

7. Tantric Yoga

Bhatki Yoga

Bhakti yoga is a spiritual path or spiritual practice

within Hinduism focused on the cultivation of love

and devotion towards God. It means to realize god.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is a

system of physical

exercises and

breathing control used

in yoga.

Image source : Wikipedia

Jnana Yoga

Jnana yoga is the knowledge of Brahman, Atman

and the realization of their unity. It is one of the

types of yoga mentioned in Hindu philosophies. It is

also known as ”Gyana yoga”.

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga means that you can achieve a blissful

state for yourself by engaging in acts of selfless

service and keeping away from negative thoughts

and actions.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga derives

its name through a focus

on awakening kundalini

energy through regular

practice of meditation,

pranayama, chanting

mantra and yoga asana.

It is also known as

“laya yoga”.

Image Source: Wikipedia

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga was the ultimate stage of yoga practice,

one nearing Samadhi in historical context and in

modern context, it refers to the Yoga school of

philosophy in Hinduism.

Tantric Yoga

Tantric Yoga is eclectic in its

formation, in other words, Tantric

Yoga allows individuals to use

multiple disciplines to derive an

understanding of the universe and

the meanings for spiritual


Image Source: Wikipedia

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama is the

regulation of the breath

through certain

techniques and


Presentation Resource : YogaCurious.com/blog/Pranayama

Image Source: Wikipedia

Procedure of this Pose

Breathe out intensely with your nose and then

breathe in slowly from both of the nostrils.

Repeat this again for 5-10 times.

Presentation Resource: YogaCurious.com/blog/Pranayama-pose

Types of Pranayama






Kapalabhati Pranayama

Sheetali Pranayama

Poses of Pranayama

Image Source : Satyaliveyoga