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Low Cost Health Care

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Page 2: Low Cost Health Care

Low Cost Health CareLow cost health care coverage for individuals, families, and


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As most people know by now health care cost has skyrocketed over the last couple of years. There are a number of reasons why but one of the main culprits has been the huge new law passed by the U.S. congress in 2010 called the “Affordable Care Act” AKA Obamacare. This new law has made the already complex healthcare system even more complex; healthcare dictated by politics and managed by the federal government (Washington D.C.). And as is the case with all bloated and largess government programs, the Affordable Care Act has been an unmitigated disaster!

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Let’s begin the presentation by talking the major flaws in the current health care


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Major Flaws of the current Health Care System

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Traditional Healthcare System: The traditional healthcare system is a reactive system that does nothing more than treat and mask the illness and symptoms. It is a sickness and disease driven system.

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Alternative Health Care System: An alternative health care system/program is a program that encourages individuals to lead and make healthy choices. It is a preventive and wellness healthcare system. It is a proactive health care system that places great emphasis on prevention and wellness.

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OK, we know what the problem is, but what about a solution? Are there other options out there for health insurance coverage? Are there other affordable health care options out there? Well, I have good news because there are other options out there for individuals and families who have been harmed by the federal government health care law.

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So let’s go ahead and discuss another option that is available for individuals, families and businesses.

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Medical Cost Sharing: The Best Kept Secret in Health Care

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Before we begin our discussion on this low cost health care option, we need to define what exactly medical cost sharing is.

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Medical cost sharing is a group of likeminded individuals who have joined together for the express purpose of sharing their monthly medical expenses. As a member you are sharing in each other’s medical expenses and paying for medical bills. And this is all done outside the normal insurance world, and this in turn helps members save thousands of dollars in potential medical expenses.

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Next were going to discuss the benefits of the program.

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Benefits of Medical Cost Sharing

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Advocates and promotes preventive health care and wellness.

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This program is a low cost alternative to meeting rising healthcare cost.

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Medical cost sharing addresses the root causes of accelerating health care cost and solves the issue of rising healthcare cost.

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Medical cost sharing is a health care system not a disease driven system (e.g. big medicine and the health insurance industry).

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Can go to any doctor or hospital you choose.

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Totally free from government control. It abandons the bureaucratic system of insurance and government funding.

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The program is exempt from both the fines and mandates of the Affordable Care Act. Which also means you can opt out of Obamacare.

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Doctors love the program because reimbursement is fair and timely and it eliminates all of the bureaucracy that normally comes with dealing with insurance claims. Decision is now between doctor and patient.

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Program attracts health conscience individuals. People who are health conscience individuals have fewer bills, and recover more quickly.

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Member owned, member driven, and member decided program and this helps members save thousands of dollars in upfront medical bills yearly.

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Powerful program because it is voluntary. People choose this program because they want to do it not because someone is making them do it (e.g. Obamacare).

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Provides a solution to the number one flaw of Obamacare: Obamacare does not keep healthcare cost down, alternatively medical cost sharing reduces healthcare cost substantially.

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This program is especially ideal for young people who really are healthy and don’t need to spend all this extra money for stuff they’re never going to need. Alternatively under the Affordable Care Act, you are responsible for paying for medical services that you really don’t need.

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It’s a program that provides you more choice and better quality.

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This program provides a path that will keep you healthy, keep you out of the hospital system, and help you live a long productive life and because of that everyone wins.

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The bottom line is that it all adds up to much lower health care cost and healthier people because those who choose to this program are taking responsibility for their own health.

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We will conclude this presentation with an example that outlines how much money you can save with medical cost sharing – and do so by using real and actual numbers.

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Cost Comparison Chart

Medical Cost Sharing versus The Federal Health Insurance Marketplace (the health insurance offered by the federal government).

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The amount of money that you would save in out-of-pocket expenses for a medical incident with medical cost sharing is $6300. And that is just for one medical incident annually. If for example you had multiple medical incidents in a calendar year (12 months), the amount of money that you would be saving in out-of-pocket expenses could be in the tens of thousands of dollars.

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If you would like more information about medical cost sharing then go to:


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