THE ROAR BEHIND THE SILENCE: why kindness, compassion and respect matter in maternity care Sheena Byrom and Soo Downe

The Roar Behind the Silence May 2015

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  1. 1. THE ROAR BEHIND THE SILENCE: why kindness, compassion and respect matter in maternity care Sheena Byrom and Soo Downe
  2. 2. An idea..
  3. 3. A story
  4. 4. Whats happening in maternity care?
  5. 5. National
  6. 6. Only half of the women we surveyed had the birt h they wanted. The majority felt that their childbirth experie nces affected their self-image and relationships with their baby and their partner. A significant proportion of these women believed that the effect was negative. September 2013 1,100 women Photo: Birthrights birthrights.co.uk
  7. 7. 5,500 women
  8. 8. International
  9. 9. Disrespect and abuse in institutional maternity care (Bowserand Hill 2010)
  10. 10. = diminished compassion?
  11. 11. Solutions: Macro and Micro
  12. 12. Macro
  13. 13. Dignity in maternity: the power of human rights to improve care for childbearing women Elizabeth Prochaska
  14. 14. Human Rights The principle of human dignity demands that every person is treated as an end in herself, and not as a means to an end. It provides a basis for respectful maternity care and treats women as capable of making their own autonomous decisions about birth A human rights approach to healthcare promotes positive and respectful relationships between women and their caregivers, and can guard against harm in childbirth Elizabeth Prochaska 2014
  15. 15. White Ribbon Alliance Respectful Care Charter
  16. 16. Routine unnecessary intervention in birth -an ethical issue
  17. 17. Openness
  18. 18. #MatExp
  19. 19. #BirthJustHappened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI4inBAcHs M
  20. 20. Micro Courage Role Modeling Language Openness Guidelines are GUIDElines Partnerships and collaboration
  21. 21. Courage for Compassion Dr Tracey Cooper
  22. 22. Photo: Claire Riding & Lynda Drummond Role Modeling
  23. 23. Delivery Big baby Only 3cms.... Labour wardPain relief Birth SuiteWorking with pain Patient Birth Fantastic! You are 3 cms! Refused Woman Healthy baby Declined
  24. 24. Partnerships
  25. 25. Guidelines What do NICE say?
  26. 26. Olivia Armshaw Mel Scott Action points
  27. 27. Milli Hill Anna Ternovsky Robin Youngson
  28. 28. I came across a spectacularly compassionate midwife once (actually she was a student) whose actions transformed a very traumatic experience and for that I have always been immensely grateful so if this in some tiny way pays back Sharons kindness then that would be wonderful. My first baby was born by c-section under a general anaesthetic after a cascade of fear-based interventions culminating in an incompetent registrar panicking. Afterwards I had a whole host of hospital staff visiting, because a GA section was a rare event, and most of them strutted in with an isnt modern medicine marvellous, all-that-matters-is- a-healthy-baby spiel that really p***d me off. Sharon was the ONLY one who came in, said well, that didnt go so well did it, held my hand and told me about those precious first few minutes of my daughters life that wed missed. Even my husband wasnt in the room when she was born and hearing about how she looked and sounded and what happened to her made an incalculable difference. Helen Bilton The small things
  29. 29. = diminished compassion?
  30. 30. There are only two feelings: Love and fear. There are only two languages: Love and fear. There are only two activities: Love and fear. There are only two motives, two procedures, two frameworks, two results. Love and fear. Building virtuous cycles Prof Soo Downe Michael Leunig's prayers from A Common Prayer
  31. 31. We can differentiate between the fear that is real and protects us, and the fear that is manufactured and strangles us. Manufactured fear reflects how we see women and birth. (Dahlen 2010)
  32. 32. #Roar
  33. 33. A story
  34. 34. Thank you