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Top 10 Tips to Healthy Living

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Top 10 Tips to Healthy Living

So what are the top 10 steps you should take to improve your health? Need some fantastic

tips to healthy living? Here is where you can get started.

Here are some great simple tips to healthy living:

The first step is knowing what we mean by healthy living. It’s not just eating right and

exercising. Learning to live healthy means trying to incorporate “health” into all aspects of

your life from the most tangible, like wearing your seat belt to the intangible like staying

centered through the power of “om.”

Alright let’s get healthy? Follow these simple tips to healthy living and by next year, you will

feel better than ever!

1. “Regular exercise. Exercise benefits every part of your life, from attitude to your

cardiovascular system.”

2. Eat a Healthy Diet. “Use common sense. Avoid fad diets. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and

vegetables. Moderation is a key — not just in eating, but also in all facets of a healthy life.”

Go Organic – organically grown foods have more nutrients. Healthy soil of organic

farmland also provides more nutrients for growing plants. Studies are showing they

have more vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C and iron.

“Eat sprouted whole grain foods (bread, or rice, or pasta) at least four times per

week. Skip the gluten and go for grains like millet or buckwheat. This will reduce the

chance of having almost any cancer by 40%. Given that cancer gets about 1 in 3 of

us in a lifetime, that’s big advice.”

“Eat at least five portions of vegetables and fruit a day, and especially tomatoes, red

grapes and the like, as well as salad all year. This protects against a whole variety of

different nasty things: It reduces the risk of stroke dramatically, it reduces the risk

of diabetes considerably and it will reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.”

Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. If you are not drinking water, you are not

giving your body the resources it needs to stay healthy!

Enrich yourself consider taking a multi-vitamin. We don’t always eat the proper foods

and even if we do we are not always getting everything we need. B-vitamins, vitamin

C, zinc, and magnesium are crucial nutrients needed by the body to maintain healthy

functioning organ systems.

When we are under increased stress, these vitamins and minerals help to promote

endurance and maintain a healthy balance.

3. “Don’t smoke. Just as exercise helps everything, smoking hurts everything.”

4. “Drink in moderation — if it all.”

5. “Get a regular medical check-up at least once a year.”

Article source: www.healthy-holistic-living.com

TAGS: Holistic Nutrition Programs, what is holistic nutrition, Healthy Living Tips, Holistic

Health Tips, Nourishing Everyday