Creating a WYSIWYG editor with React @ipeychev (or lets see how deep the rabbit hole goes)

Creating a WYSIWYG Editor with React

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Page 1: Creating a WYSIWYG Editor with React

Creating a WYSIWYG editor with React


(or lets see how deep the rabbit hole goes)

Page 2: Creating a WYSIWYG Editor with React

ReactA JavaScript library for building user interfaces

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Why React?

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Why React?

React allows you to concentrate on the UI of your application

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Why React?

Instead to focus on implementation details, fighting with the DOM and resolving performance issues

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React in a nutshell

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React in a nutshell

Library, not a framework

Implements one-way reactive data


Blazingly fast

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React in a nutshell

Virtual DOM


JavaScript syntax extension (JSX)

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React in a nutshell

Native applications

Isomorphic applications

Client-side applications

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Creating UI with React

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Main UI

Nested Components

Data flow

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Creating a component

Render the component

Update state

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But... Isn't that slow?!


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And rendering is fast

Virtual DOM rulez


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Component are state machines

You render initially the components based on the properties


Then you change their state and they will be automatically re-rendered

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React renders nested components with deep hierarchy

Without compromising the performance

Components performance

(thanks to the Virtual DOM)

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Components example

} Main component with nested components

Render part}

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Reusable code

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1 var HelloWorld = React.createClass({ 2 mixins: [MyMixin, YourMixin], 3 4 render: function() { 5 var a = this.getA(); 6 var b = this.getB(); 7 8 return (a + b); 9 }


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A higher-order component is a function that takes an existing component and returns another component that wraps it

Higher-order components

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Unconditionally configure your components

Which will help you to debug and test them

Properties are immutable, they are owned by the parent element


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Change your components based on user actions or data from server

When the state is updated, the component re-renders itself.

State should be considered as private data

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Properties vs State

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Properties are initialized when components are created

State is only seen on the inside of components definitions

Properties vs State

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Attaching events

<button onClick={this._handleClick} ...

Attach them in DOM 0 way:

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Events are not attached to the element itself

React is listening for all events at the top level using a single event listener

When an event occurs, React dispatches it accordingly

Events delegation

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React autobinds the method to its component instance

Events autobinding

There is no need to write .bind(this):

<button onClick={this._handleClick .bind(this)}

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Let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes

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An Open Source

WYSIWYG editor

built with React

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AlloyEditor design goals

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The developer should be able to replace the UI entirely

!It should be accessible"

Toolbars should appear when needed and where needed


The UI should be separated from the core$

The UI should be easy to be styled%

AlloyEditor design goals

It should work on all browsers

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AlloyEditor architecture

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UI core Plugins, low level modules

Engine CKEditor Core

Toolbar Toolbar Toolbar

Button Button } AlloyEditor UI

based on React + our own code around it

AlloyEditor architecture

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Code around React

React provides the rendering part only

That is not enough

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Core, Attributes and Events

Basic stuff is needed, for example:


Types validation


Custom Events

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Instantiating AlloyEditor

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Instantiating AlloyEditor

Many editors can be instantiated on one page

1 <script> 2 var editor1 = AlloyEditor.editable('description'); 3 var editor2 = AlloyEditor.editable('editable'); 4 </script>

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Currently there are four types:

Image Text Table Link

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Exposed in AlloyEditor.Selections

You can add your own

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Buttons reordering

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Buttons reordering

1 <script> 2 AlloyEditor.Selections[2].buttons = ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'link', 'twitter']; 3 </script>

AlloyEditor.Selections[2] is the text selection.

Instead of hardcoding it, you can also retrieve it by enumerating it inside the array

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Buttons reordering

1 <script> 2 AlloyEditor.Selections[2].buttons = ['italic', 'bold', 'underline', 'link', 'twitter']; 3 </script>

AlloyEditor.Selections[2] is the text selection.

Instead of hardcoding it, you can also retrieve it by enumerating it inside the array

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Buttons reordering

1 <script> 2 _.find(AlloyEditor.Selections, function(selection) { 3 var found = selection.name === 'text'; 4 5 if (found) { 6 selection.buttons = ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'link', 'twitter']; 7 } 8 9 return found; 10 }); 11 </script>

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Buttons reordering

1 <script> 2 _.find(AlloyEditor.Selections, function(selection) { 3 var found = selection.name === 'text'; 4 5 if (found) { 6 selection.buttons = ['italic', 'bold', 'underline', 'link', 'twitter']; 7 } 8 9 return found; 10 }); 11 </script>

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Adding new buttons

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A button is just a ReactJS module

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1 var ButtonH4 = React.createClass({ 2 mixins: [AlloyEditor.ButtonStyle, AlloyEditor.ButtonStateClasses, AlloyEditor.ButtonActionStyle], 3 4 statics: { 5 key: 'h4' 6 }, 7 8 getDefaultProps: function() { 9 return { 10 style: { 11 element: 'h4' 12 } 13 }; 14 }, 15 16 render: function() { 17 var cssClass = 'alloy-editor-button ' + this.getStateClasses(); 18 19 return ( 20 <button className={cssClass} data-type="button-h4" onClick={this.applyStyle}tabIndex={this.props.tabIndex}> 21 <span className="alloy-editor-icon-h4"></span> 22 </button> 23 ); 24 } 25 }); 26 27 AlloyEditor.Buttons[ButtonH4.key] = AlloyEditor.ButtonH4 = ButtonH4;

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Adding a new button

1 <script> 2 _.find(AlloyEditor.Selections, function(selection) { 3 var found = selection.name === 'text'; 4 5 if (found) { 6 selection.buttons = ['h4', 'italic', 'bold', 'underline', 'link']; 7 } 8 9 return found; 10 }); 11 </script>

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Wait, there is even more!

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More stuff available!

Drag&Drop images from Desktop to the editor&

Auto link creation&

Placeholder plugin&

Your own toolbars and buttons!&

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Mobile support♥

Implement more buttons♥

Improve accessibility♥

Any ideas?

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Demo time

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