“I Hunt Sys Admins” (U) Will @harmj0y

I Hunt Sys Admins

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Page 1: I Hunt Sys Admins

“I Hunt Sys Admins”(U) Will


Page 2: I Hunt Sys Admins

$ whoami

● Security researcher and red teamer for the

Veris Group’s Adaptive Threat Division

● Co-founder of the Veil-Framework and

founder of Veil’s PowerTools

● Cons:o Shmoocon ‘14: AV Evasion with the Veil Framework

o Defcon ‘14: Veil-Pillage: Post-exploitation 2.0

o Derbycon ‘14: Passing the Torch: Old School Red

Teaming, New School Tactics?

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What this is

● Ways to hunt for target users on Windows


● Ya really, that’s it

● Will cover as many tools and technique for

doing this as I have time for

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Setting the Stage

● This talk is from the “assume breach”

perspectiveo i.e. assume foothold/access to a Windows domain


● I’m also going to assume you know (more or

less) what users you’re targeting

● PowerShell methods are going to heavily

rely on PowerViewo https://github.com/veil-framework/PowerTools

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● Most common:o If you have a privileged account, or local admin

account, you want to figure out where high value

users are logged in

● Hunt -> pop box -> Mimikatz -> profit

● Other times you might have domain admin

rights and need to target specific users to

demonstrate impacto e.g. popping a CEO’s desktop and email

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Where my sysadmins at?Finding your prey

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Existing Tech

● Several tools have been written that allow

you to figure out who’s logged in where

● I’ll cover what’s already out there, including

the positives/negatives for each

● “Offensive in depth”o You always want multiple ways of achieving the

same objective in your attack chain

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● Component of Microsoft’s Sysinternals

o “...determines who is logged on by scanning the

keys under the HKEY_USERS key.”

o “To determine who is logged onto a computer via

resource shares, PsLoggedOn uses the

NetSessionEnum API.”

● Needs remote registry access to determine

who’s logged ino i.e. admin privileges on a remote machine



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● Component of


● Utilizes the NetSessionEnum API callo http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-


● Think a version of “net session” that works

on remote machines!o great for targeting file servers :)

o no admin privs needed!

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● Tool released by corelanc0d3r in 2009

● “Helps you find where AD users are logged in”o Can also check who’s logged into specific machines

● But “...you also need to have admin access on

the computers you are running the utility



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● Rob Fuller (@mubix’s) netview.exe project,

presented at Derbycon 2012, is a tool to

“enumerate systems using WinAPI calls”

● Finds all machines on the network,

enumerates shares, sessions, and logged in

users for each hosto And now can check share access, highlight high

value users, and use a delay/jitter :)

o and also, no admin privs needed!


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● If you have a valid domain account, or local

account valid for several machines, you can

use smb-enum-sessions.nse

● Don’t need to have admin privileges!

nmap -sU -sS --script smb-enum-

sessions.nse --script-args


inessBusiness!' -p U:137,T:139


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Email Headers

● If you have access to someone’s email

(Mimikatz+OWA, etc.) internal headers can

provide a wealth of information

● Search for any chains to/from target users,

and examine headers for given email chains

● If the “X-Originating-IP” header is present,

you can trace where a user sent a given

email from

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PowerShell“Microsoft’s Post-Exploitation Language”

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● Flexible function that:o queries AD for hosts or takes a target list

o queries AD for users of a target group, or takes a

list/single user

o uses Win32 API calls to enumerate sessions

(NetSessionEnum) and logged in users

(NetWkstaUserEnum), matching against the target

user list

● Can also check to see if you have local

admin access on targetso but no admin privs needed to get good info!

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● Uses an old red teaming trick

1. Queries AD for all users and extracts all

homeDirectory fields to identify likely domain file


2. Runs NetSessionEnum against each file server to

enumerate remote sessions, matching against target

user list

● Gets reasonable coverage with a lot less

traffic than UserHuntero and again, no admin privs needed

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● Sometimes you have DA, but need to target

specific users (think the IR team :)

● Domain controller event logs make it trivial to

track down domain users, provided you have

domain admin access

● Get-UserLogonEvents implements

@sixdub’s work on offensive event parsingo Invoke-UserLogonHunter rolls this all into a

weaponized form

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● Contact me:o @harmj0y

o [email protected]

o harmj0y in #veil and #armitage on Freenode

● Read more:o http://blog.harmj0y.net

o https://www.veil-framework.com

● Get PowerView:o https://github.com/Veil-Framework/PowerTools