Learnings from Spotify and Wrapp Lisa Enckell, @enckelli, [email protected] Andreas Ehn, @ehn, [email protected] EV Hive, Jakarta, January 12, 2016

Learnings from Spotify and Wrapp

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Learnings from Spotify and Wrapp

Lisa Enckell, @enckelli, [email protected] Andreas Ehn, @ehn, [email protected]

EV Hive, Jakarta, January 12, 2016

75 million active users

$3 billion paid to rightsholders

30 million songs1.5 billion playlists

58 markets

20 million paying subscribers

Disrupting an establishedindustry

Scaling technology and product

Scaling the organization

Product–market fit is not always obvious

Marketing for early-stage startups

Go-to-market strategy

Phase 1Invite only

Phase 2Public launch

Phase 3Growth

Testers Influencers Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority

Make a plan



Target audience

Value proposition




Go-to-market strategy outline:


“The act of designing the company’s offer and image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target customer’s mind”


Who is it for (target audience)?

What is it (category)?

What does it offer (benefits)?



Target audience

Target audience

Pick your “Katie”


The period tracker Clue

Picking category is about choosing what you’re not

Not a fertility app Not a contraception

Create a new category

Include the user benefits in your value proposition

Example: Go-to-market strategy for Wrapp

Example: Wrapp

Situation – Totally un-known (no brand awareness).

Give away “free money”, risk of being seen as shady

Objectives – Establish the category “social gifting”

and become the number one

Goals – 20,000 redemptions within three months

Example: Wrapp

Target audience – “Katie” - loves shopping with her

friends and spends a large share of her disposable

income on expressing herself with clothes and


Value proposition – Save money and get rewarded

for shopping at your favorite stores

Strategies – Ride merchant partners’ brand coattails

Tactics – Co-written press releases, campaigns in

retailers’ social-media and email channels

Example: Wrapp


What’s good for the business

Measure the right things

vs What makes us look good

Sign up Share

The viral loop

Sign up Share


Desire to share

The viral loop

Sign up Share


Desire to share


The viral loop

Sign up Share


Desire to share


Branching factor

The viral loop

Maximize viral factor K = ICMaximize no of invites I

Maximize conversion rate CMinimize cycle time p

In summary:

Sign up to redeem

Give gift card

Receive gift card

See birthday

Wrapp’s viral loop

Sign up to redeem

Give gift card

Receive gift card

See birthday

Featured by retailers

Every day is someone’s


Wrapp’s viral loop


Desire to share


Opportunities in Indonesia

When there’s a gold rush

– sell picks and shovels

What do all of them need?

Thank you! Now: Q&A

Lisa Enckell, @enckelli, [email protected] Andreas Ehn, @ehn, [email protected]