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Make Your Mobile App Profitable - websitejungle


More than half of adults in the US over age 18 have smartphones. 34% of those adults say that their phones are their primary connection to the Internet and social media.

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Make Your Mobile App Profitable - websitejungle


The mobile market is huge, with people

spending at least 3 hours a day on their phones. So what does this mean for your NJ business?

It’s time to take advantage of your mobile app as a source of revenue, but maybe you don’t want to charge for it. Here are some ways you can monetize your application without making it a paid app:

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1. Go “freemium.” Everybody loves free apps. The advantage to

not charging a download fee is that more people will be willing to try it and see how much they like your product. The key is to hide premium content behind a paywall. This requires the user to commit to a one-time purchase in order to access the full benefits of the app. If the person uses your app often, chances are that they won’t mind spending the money on you.

2. Freemium with multiple purchases. Instead of a one-time purchase, users can purchase a variety of small in-app features. This is commonly found in gaming apps that offer in-game items. Those individual items help a person advance through the game.

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3. Freemium advertising. Instead of in-app purchases, this option allows you to keep the application completely free for your users. Your revenue is instead generated by allowing companies to place banner ads in your app. You could offer a premium ad-free option that your customers can purchase if they find these ads intrusive. Be careful with this option though, because too many advertisements can actually drive people away.

4. Sponsorship. Instead of multiple ad companies, you can partner with a sponsor and only show ads from a single company.

5. Video ads. Instead of a banner, a short video ad can engage users in a way a banner ad couldn’t. Be careful though: these ads can be overwhelming to users if not done effectively.

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