Christine McGlade Senior Partner | @cmcglade Jesse Emmanuel Rosario User Experience Specialist | @jemrosario Can UX save Content from the Burning Platform? Surviving the Digital Apocalypse

Surviving the Digital Apocalypse: Can UX Save Content from the Burning Platform?

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Christine McGlade Senior Partner | @cmcglade

Jesse Emmanuel Rosario User Experience Specialist | @jemrosario

Can UX save Content from the Burning Platform?!

Surviving the Digital Apocalypse!

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015


Christine McGlade Senior Partner


Jesse Emmanuel Rosario User Experience Specialist


DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

Business is changing and content is getting impacted

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

Content has been “in trouble” since at least 2005. But Dries’ articles have clarified and defined the problem very clearly.

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

news articles


learning objects and resources

television programs,

documentaries, ���etc.

Content is in trouble


Captive Audience !

In the Old World…!

There used to be direct relationship between a producer and a captive audience, where producers

created a huge content scarcity only they can fill. That business model has been

turned upside down.

In the New World…!

INFORMATION OVERLOAD More choices. Specific Needs. Limited Attention. !

So content is in trouble because

#1: Content is commoditized.

The new scarcity is attention.


What do Facebook, Flipbook and Apple News do best? Leverage data to drive a one-to-one relationship between users and the platform. !

Content Platform ! User Platform !

“Get your content here!” “Content comes to you!”

NEVER AGAIN! …will you have to wade through reams upon reams of pages and

content anymore!

…instead you’re given���‘things you might like’

…based on your previous transactions with that same user platform.

Content !Platform !

User!Platform ! BOOM!!+ =

Dries Buytaert’s equation for digital disruption

So content is in trouble because

#2: User platforms are beating content platforms on delight and relevance.

“The last great experience a [user] has becomes the expected experience for everything that comes after.”

Owned media is a

dying model


CHALLENGE: Revenue Generation

Programmatic Advertising

Content Platforms (e.g. News websites, etc.)

So content is in trouble because

#3: Traditional platforms have become increasingly hard to

monetize because of programmatic advertising.

So where does content sit ���within the broader digital economy?

Publishers are at the bottom of the smiling curve, i.e. yields the lowest value-input

Source:  Stratechery  by  Ben  Thompson  (h-ps://stratechery.com/2014/publishers-­‐smiling-­‐curve)    

IT IS JUST NOT ENOUGH TO PUSH CONTENT ANYMORE. Value now rests at the other ends of the curve. Compete or fold.

Source:  ChrisAne  McGlade  and  Jesse  Emmanuel  Rosario  

We’re feeling the pinch! L

Users <3 us so much we’re beating content platforms!

So, content is in trouble because ���

it is losing its relationship with

its readers.

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

my smile curve slide script!

When it started, radio was all about selling listeners to


DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

my smile curve slide script!





Listener = the Product; Content = demand

generator, relationship & ���ad revenue builder

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

my smile curve slide script!

0100110 1011000

0100110 1011000

0100110 1011000

0100110 1011000

Content is no longer enough to generate demand today. Amazing UX generates !

the demand. !

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

Adaptive Content ! BOOM!!=

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

We believe that adaptive content is the emerald city for content platforms since it provides personalization and contextualization – ���

keys to fantastic user experiences

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

<ul> The Road to Adaptive Content: RESPONSIVE DESIGN!

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015


The Road to Adaptive Content: INTELLIGENT CONTENT!

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

Adaptive content has been described as a link between online and offline, because adaptive content needs to know the user journey. It is content that adapts to the user journey. ���

This yellow brick road to adaptive content is paved with user experience design principles.

The Road to Adaptive Content: ADAPTIVE CONTENT!

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

PROBLEM: Adaptive Content is a tough sell (involves metadata, taxonomies, and more forms ���

for content producers to fill in, hence more work just to make it ‘adaptive’… not sexy)

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

Our UX Secret Weapons to Make Content more Adaptive!

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015




Younger 20s, 30s

Older 50s, 60 onwards

Proactive Outspoken, Activist-like

Reactive Closer to events of the past in Jewish life/politics

Less Religious Not observant,

but still identifiesas a Jew on holidays or


Highly Religious Very observant, being a Jew ‘defines’this person’s being

Scenario Planning. !Find out the two most critical and uncertain things about your users, ���then map a user story or persona to each sector.

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

Younger, Proactive

Older, Reactive








DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015




Younger Older

Proactive Reactive

Less Religious

Highly Religious

Younger, Proactive

Older, Reactive



•  Mikhail$is$a$TorontoObased$media$professional$currently$in$his$30s.$

•  Describes$himself$as$“culturally$Jewish”$but$not$at$all$religious.$

•  Many$of$his$friends$are$in$interfaith$(i.e.$“mixed”)$relaBonships.$

•  “I’m$all$digital”$when$it$comes$to$his$news$media$consumpBon.$

•  He$perks$up$at$the$menBon$of$certain$Jewish$foods.$$

MIKHAIL% “I#didn’t#have#a##Bar#Mitzvah”#Foot$in$Both$Worlds$

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

4) our 3 UX "Killer apps"!•  user story mapping

– CAMH contextual content, severity scale, "sales funnel"

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

“Hooked” is a book by Nir Eyal!

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

STAGE 1: Triggers

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

STAGE 2: Motivation and Action

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

STAGE 3: Reward

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

STAGE 4: Investment

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015

UX is the key to demand generation and the ability to stay relevant, own the relationship with users, and generate revenue. Content isn't king: CONTEXT is king. If we can build USER context into ADAPTIVE content, we may escape the burning platform

DrupalNorth Regional Summit | June 26, 2015
