“Can’t Forget” By Hollie Morriss 1

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“Can’t Forget”By Hollie Morriss

Ringwood School

Parsonage Barn Lane Ringwood Sixth Form

Ringwood, Hampshire


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Can’t Forget (2014)

Interior, Day


(Fade in)

Panning shot across the windowsill and mantel piece shows several pictures of a young girl. Shows flowers, Teddy bear, with ribbon, cards.

The phone begins to ring.

Panning stops at a wide shot of Helen looking at the picture in the centre of the mantel piece, folding her arms and holding one across her chest.


Lucy is doing her homework at her desk. Hears the phone ringing and no-one answering it. Looks over at the time, reads 9:47. Lucy gets up out of her chair and walking to door.

Lucy walks down the top of STAIRS (interior) listening to the phone ring.

Straight cut back to LOUNGE.

Helen takes the picture and looks at it closer.

Straight cut back to the STAIRS, POV shot of Lucy watching Helen.



Lucy walks down the bottom of the STAIRS, and looks down at the phone.


Mum? Can you not hear the phone?

Straight cut back to LOUNGE.

Helen turns around and stares at the doorway, silent.

Phone goes to answer machine ‘hi, we can’t take your call right now, but if you leave your name and number we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks.’

Lucy walks into LOUNGE 1, and Helen turns back around and hugs the picture tight.


Mum not again, you can’t keep doing this.


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Walks over to her mum, and puts her arm on her shoulder.

The doorbell rings, both of them look at the door and no-one speaks.


I’ll get it.

Cuts to the DOORWAY, Lucy walks through it and goes towards the door.

OTS shot, she opens the door and sees a man stood at the door.


Hi there, Lucy right?


Can I help you?


(Shows badge)

I’m Detective Sergeant Moss, we met the other week. I’m leading the investigation on your sister’s case. I’m really sorry to bother you. Is your mum around?


Oh right... Sorry, of course… Come in, she’s just through here.



Lucy leads the Detective through to the lounge. Helen is sat on the sofa staring out of the window at the parked car outside.


Mum, the detective is here to see you from Mollie’s case, he said he has some news.

Helen sharply turns her head and looks over at the detective. She stands up and walks fast over to him.


Oh yes hello, nice to see you again.

Puts her hand out for the detective to shake, and the detective shakes her hand.


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I was just about to put the kettle on, would you like a cup of tea?

Detective Moss

Oh no thank you I don’t want to bother you.


Honestly it’s no trouble, Lucy go and put the kettle on won’t you sweet heart. Please, take a seat.

The detective takes a seat on the sofa, and Lucy walks out of the room.

Helen sits down on the sofa opposite.


So what can I do for you detective?


Well, umm… I’m not quite sure how to say this but umm… we’ve actually come into some new evidence regarding your daughter.


Looking very shocked and straightness her back up.

What. What is it, what have you found?


Walking back into the room holding a mug

How do you take your tea?

Looks over at her mum getting upset

What’s going on?


Look I think you should take a seat Lucy


What have you found just spit it out?




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We’ve found a body

Lucy drops the mug and it shatters on the floor, blacks out

Titles: “Can’t Forget”