2016 Content Marketing- What's New?

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The traditional in-your-face selling long ago gave way to a more holistic and subtle form of marketing, known as content marketing

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The content marketing strategists need to put on their thinking caps to keep pace with the current trends or even think ahead to set newer trends

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We take you through the top five content marketing trends that we think will stand out

amongst the rest for the year 2016!

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1. User-generated contentConsumers like to hear from other real people about the reviews of a product or an experience

The social media is revolutionizing the concept of publishing articles

in quicker and innovative ways with Facebook and Google each

coming up with their versions

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2. Short is out, long is inLong-form of content is definitely topping the SEO charts and the user prefers to have a detailed explanation rather than an abridged version

A study in 2012revealed that longer texts on an average

generated more backlinks and rank better

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3. Don’t ditch the researchResearch plays a great role in shaping your content and giving it the superior edge

You need to make a mark by making the content unique, informative and useful for your audience

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4. Computer to replace humanWe might see robotic algorithms capable of generating automatic content being used in more ways than one in 2016

This could well be a future model for content writing

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5. Appealing and interactive contentA picture or a high-quality visual representation of your product will be far more impacting than a long descriptive text

Innovative, high-quality videos give companies a chance to engage better with the audience

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For any queries on Marketing Technology Solutions

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Suyati provides marketing technology and integration services for companies that wish to combine the best of breed solutions and create a unified approach to customer acquisition. This unified digital marketing approach requires system integration between various CMS and CRM platforms, and a slew of eCommerce, Marketing Automation, Social Media Listening, email and social marketing, and customer service systems. Our specialized knowledge in Salesforce, open source and .Net based systems enables us to build effective custom integrated solutions for our clients.