Are You Making These 6 Major Advertising Mistakes?

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Preaching to the wrong choir If you don't know who your target customer is, then you won't know their habits, therefore you can't possibly know whether to advertise on an outdoor billboard, on the radio, online, or wherever.

Much less, which specific stations, newspapers, or billboard locations to use.

Pulling the plug too soon. You can't run just one or two ads and then decide it doesn't work, if you don't see immediate results. You have to really commit to a good, strong schedule, reaching the majority of your target audience at least a few times each.

It takes a while for people to tune into a new message, really hearing it, and then even longer for it to "click" that they may have a use for the information in the message.

Throwing money into vehicles, willy-nilly. This is a biggee. Sinking a bunch of money into certain vehicles - even if they're popular in your market - without knowing whether they're right for YOUR business, is a killer.

Knowing your business and how your products or services are being consumed is one of the first steps in planning your advertising.

Spreading your money too thin If you're working with a narrow budget, you need to maximize what you can afford. It won't make sense for you to run one or two ads in one medium, like radio, and one or two in another, like in newspaper ads.

Doing so would be spreading your message too thin. One or two radio ads won't reach enough of your target audience, and certainly not enough times for them to act.

Again, you have to COMMIT. In the example above, you'd need to pick one medium and pack in as

much value with that one vehicle as possible.

Advertising on your favorite stations Nothing is a bigger waste of money than advertising on your favorite radio station (or newspaper, or website), or running your TV commercials in your favorite programs.

UNLESS they're also your target customers' favorites.

Spending too much with one vendor You can only reach the same people so many times before your message loses its punch. Not only will your target start tuning you out, but once you've reached this frequency threshold, any additional dollars spent are simply wasted.

Instead, if you have the budget to maximize reaching your target with one particular vendor and still have dollars remaining, spread the love by investing in another vehicle. This will increase your ability to reach more of your target audience.

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