Funnel of Opportunity

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Funnel Of Opportunity

Identify Target Customers, Key Accounts interviewing to develop an Outside-In Perspective

Define the desired Customer Outcomes (JTBD)

Identify the Product/Service offering


State the Value Proposition that was used in acquiring this customer

What were the Sales/Marketing activities that were used in each stage? (Think Down – Individual: Explore, Engage, Empower)

Define the fringe, uncover hidden patterns, shape the future

What were the budgets, people, skills, constraints committed by us?

What were the different marketing channels the customer participated in? (Think Up - Branding)

Group customers & clearly articulate why this is a cluster & identify the BACKS of this cluster.

Clearly articulate the co-creation of a shared vision with key accounts

Listening & Learning through continuous evaluation and monitoring practices

Sustain & Grow through the practice of standard Work, continuous improvement, exploration