How Online Marketing Will TRANSFORM Your Gym! (including a real life case study)

How Online Marketing Will Transform Your Gym (With Case Study)

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Case Study: Geelong Gym And How Online Marketing Will Increase Your Businesses Leads and Sales

How Online Marketing Will TRANSFORM Your Gym!(including a real life case study)

Alright folks, what I have for you today is a brief video presentation on how a combination of the right internet marketing can increase your gyms leads, sales and overall earnings potential, and an actual example of a real health club which has produced real results1

How do you ensure you are constantly at the top of your customers mind?Ask yourself

But first youve probably asked yourself this question, and if you havent I suggest you do now.

How do you ensure you are constantly at the top of your customers mind;

Let me rephrase how do you ensure your first impress is a lasting impression.

Before we answer, lets first set the scene2

Only 9% of surveyed businesses believed their strategy is working

A gym or health club MUST have a digital marketing platform if it expects to compete. Its the only way.

But as the above statistic, only 9% believed that their digital marketing is working frankly thats quite sad. But heres the positive news.

Whatever marketing you are engaging now, can be performed much more efficiently. You need to observe the digital landscape intently and adapt to fulfil your audiences demands.3

Over one-third of Chief Marketing Officers believe that digital will account for 75% of marketing spend in the next five years

Are you still solely relying on generating business with traditional advertising outlets?

Here we have over one-third of CMOs confidently saying digital marketing will account for more than 75% of their marketing budgets.

Digital marketing is an extremely effective channel for getting mass exposure at little cost. And, you can keep track of your ROI in real-time, adapting a marketing strategy quickly to results.

The best part is that online marketing works for all kinds of Gyms, Health and Fitness Clubs, whether a large corporation or a small business. Including, yes, including if you only servelocallyor you are currently only abrick and mortarclub.


What is holding your gym back from growing?

Too busy running gym and not enough time to focus on marketingDifficulty attracting new customersGym patrons not paying fees on timeConverting free-trial users to full membersChallenges upselling customers who are already on boardCommon marketing-related issues faced by gyms, health clubs and fitness centres

Inability to capitalise on social mediaWeak digital presenceFailing to penetrate new member basesPoor ROI on existing marketing strategyFailing to nurture niche groups within existing members

So lets talk about how your gym can not only overcome its challenges but can turn its specific weaknesses in to strengths using the right digital marketing techniques

Are you having trouble attracting new members? There are time-proven and confirmed methods of driving new and unique traffic to your Gym and increasing your customer leads by multiples

Or maybe youre having trouble retaining existing ones or perhaps youd like to upsell the ones who are already on board?Whatever your issue may be - the solution exists.

Take a moment to review the pie graph as it outlines some of the common issues faced by health and fitness businesses. Do some of these challenges resonate with you?If youre facing any number of these issues, as the gym in our case study did, the time to take action is now.


CASE STUDY: Geelongs Gym

So lets kick off the case study. Let me introduce Geelongs gym.

Geelongs Gym, a local health and fitness club asked itself the very same question I posed at the beginning but it went one step further, it actually went out to find the answers, and this is how;


BackgroundGeelong Gym had a weak web presence;The number of new customer enquiries were stagnant;Trailing other local gyms in online and digital presence;Lacked unique branding and identity.

Geelong had a weak online presence which failed to drive many new customer enquiries

It had minimal visibility in search engines and it was falling behind its competitors digitally

As a result it was time and time again missing out on generating new membership sales and finding it challenging engaging with existing customers

It could no longer delay the inevitable


ObjectivesPosition Geelongs Gym as the oldest locally-owned and operated health club in Geelong;Create a website firmly oriented around driving new business and customer enquiries;Achieve a strong presence in organic and paid search results for key search terms;Keep the website up to date and ever-evolving with new promotions and activities.

It wanted to become the go-to destination for health and fitness in the area, so it sought out online marketing and advertising services to significant boost and increase gym & health clubs online presence

The objectives were simple

To position itself as the oldest locally-owned and operated health club in the area;

To create a website that will drive new business and boost customer enquires;

To drive up presence in both paid and organic search results for key words and phrases;

And to ensure the website reflects the clubs dynamic and engaging new promotions and activities.


How the objectives were achievedRebranding to Geelongs Gym and the URL;Rebuilt website from the ground up;Added Google AdWords and SEO activities with focus on key money phrases such as Geelong gym;Integrated email lists and blogs in order to keep in touch with prospects and clients;Developed custom landing pages to boost conversion from all traffic sources.

After careful consideration and planning, the following plan of attack was devised. Geelong was going to:

- REBRAND itself to Geelongs Gym and update its URL to reflect the new brand;

- Overhaul the previous ineffective website and rebuild a new, dynamic and engaging website from scratch

- Implement Google Adwords and organic SEO activities, with a focus on key industry buzzwords

- Build a blog and integrated email lists to develop relationships and remain in touch with prospective customers

- Develop unique and compelling landing pages to help convert traffic in to leads and leads in to conversions


Key resultsGeelongs Gym achieves search engine dominance, occupying 8 positions on page 1 of Google for major key-phrase, Geelong gym;The web becomes the number 1 driver of new business;Geelongs Gym launches regular promotions and new product offerings via email lists;Complete management of web strategies for Geelongs Gym so they can get on with what they do best;A 10x or 1000% increase in leads per month.

The results? They were nothing short of incredible and helped turn the business around completely

Geelong attained search engine dominance, achieving 8 different positions on page one of Google for the phrase Geelong Gym

Their online presence became their number one driver of new business

Email lists is now a key avenue for the launch of promotions and product offerings

And amazingly, Geelong increased its leads by 1000% in a short matter time


People always want to save money and so go with cheap, second rate options. I think you really need to know what you want and my belief has always been, you get what you pay forGeelongs Gym Owner, Gerard Spriet says:

Take it from the Gym owner and operator himself:

People always want to save money and so go with cheap, second rate options. I think you really need to know what you want and my belief has always been, you get what you pay for.11

Hard Data & Statistics

For a first-timer, online and social media marketing can be daunting.

And frankly, simply launching a new website does notguarantee a rise in customers.

You might try shiny social traffic sources, but end up attracting zero leads perhaps concluding that digital marketing doesnt work.

Let me assure you - its does, but you need a well thought out media marketing strategy.

They say an average internet user has roughly5 social media accountsand spends 1 hour and 40 minutes browsing various networks everyday.

Instagram has 600m users, Facebook has 1.86 billion as of Dec-16, and it is estimated 87% of internet users will have smart phones and what do you think theyre primary information source will be13

Geelongs story is just one of many!What was once a nice to have is now a need to have!

Geelong is just one of many success stories.

Through the use of time-proven methods of generating traffic and converting them to leads, you too will be able to turn around your gym and accelerate away from your competitors

Most business owners know about the potential of digital marketing, social media and lead-generation but are unsure how to use it to develop their business.

What was once a nice to have is now a need to have!


Imagine what you could achieve if you prepared your business for the future - today!Make YOUR gym, a crowded one!

Imagine what you could achieve if you prepared your gym for the future, today!Differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack now. Give your business the competitive advantage. Make YOUR gym a crowded one.