Re-energizing Your Meetings and Events

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Why is it important to keep your events interactive?

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Empowered User

How interactive do you find your meetings?!


(live barometer)

What was the worst meeting/conference that you’ve ever experienced?


Activity 1

How could you fix it?

Activity 2

30s to present your solution

Activity 3

What our customers !taught us

Marketing Festival, Pioneers Festival, Quartz in London dedicate 10-15min to onstage interviews

Maximising the Q&A time UBER Q&A STORY

Anonymous Q&A for sensitive or controversial topics

Source: https://blog.sli.do


Panel Discussions

Collect and ask audience questions within the first


Run a poll to gauge audience opinion and have panelists to comment on the results

Pro Tips

!Endorsing networking with live polls

“Who do you know?”

a) A person on my right b) A person on my left

c) People on both sides d) No one

Then have participants greet the person whom they don’t know.

Have people brainstorm!Get them to send their input in

Have them upvote the input of others

Peer-to-peer discussions

Opening question!Ice-breakers!

Get feedback with live polls!Conduct interviews and Q&A!

Organize Peer-to-Peer Discussions!Endorse networking!

Brainstorming and sharing sessions !(Think write share)!

Live Barometer!

A new toolkit

Looking for more info on interaction & meeting design?
