Trailer Poster Development Brandon Bartram

Trailer poster development

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Trailer Poster Development

Brandon Bartram

I began by importing my main image. I then edited the image by adding some

blood effects and blackened the characters eyes. I then needed to make the noose longer which I did using the

stamp tool. Finally I shaded the left side of the character to add a fade/shadow


Next I needed to create my main title ‘Hangman’. I did this by using a default

font from Photoshop and then using the dodge tool to make it lighter in some

places. I also used the brush tool to give the title the worn look.

Next I added the tagline ‘Enjoy Your Stay’ which is referencing the trailer. I

also added the release date for the film below the tagline and made it white

instead of red to draw more attention to it as it stands out.

Finally I added the final details. I added multiple social media logos and their links as a way for the audience to find

out more. I also added a website link at the mid-bottom of the poster and a

Dolby Digital logo for an added professional look.