Product Specialist @rituashrafi Twitter Canada

Twitter advertising in Canada #Ritu4Twitter

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Product Specialist@rituashrafi

Twitter Canada

Twitter North

2 years since launching in Canada, Twitter advertising is now responsible for increasing brand reach for a Canadian company by more than 2.3x vs organic efforts.

So, what’s stopping us for doing this for all Canadian Brands?

Source: itbusiness.ca

6.8 Million Canadians

are on TwitterThey are consumers and INFLUENCERS.

And open to Brand conversations.

Source: emarketer.com

“Promoted Tweets drove 2.3 times more site visits to Shomi, on average, than

organic tweets.”

“People having those conversations online is why Twitter works well for the

entertainment industry.”

- Rita Ferrari, Shomi



Communication with customers and influencers through

Tweets, #hashtags, video, images and

intelligent campaigns that string all the above

together is what Canadian Brands want.

Marketing Dollars

The custodians of the brands are creative agencies, media planning and buying agencies and of course brand managers and Twitter Canada needs to be the most trusted advisor to them when it comes to telling them how to spend their marketing dollars online.


300 hours of video are being uploaded to Youtube every minute, and Facebook’s hosted videos are earning some serious pre-roll video ad budget.*

The good news?

Advertisers are more than OKAY to spend their video ad budget on social channels.

*Source: https://www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html

Enter Twitter Amplify

Allowing Networks to retain control of their content as well as the monetisation of it.

Allowing Brand advertisers to sponsor premium Network content, in real time.

Audiences can immediately relive that moment or experience it for

the first time on their mobile phones while they engage in

Twitter conversations.

- Twitter Amplify

AMPLIFYMultiple Screens

Many Touchpoints

Many points of Conversion

“It’sTwitter, not rocket science.”


Simplifying Twitter

Reach your customers at scale, speak with them, get their feedback, leverage their influence, persuade and gain new customers.

These are the end results of advertising on Twitter. And here are the steps to get there…

The average CTR on Twitter Ads are 8 to 24 times higher than the average

ad on Facebook.

- wordstream.com

Users who engage with a brand’s Promoted Tweet report on average…

53% higher purchase intent than non-engagers.

- blog.twitter.com

Promoted Tweet

Users are 72% more likely to buy from a brand they already follow on


- blog.twitter.com

Promoted Account

Get users to Tweet for you.

Users Tweeted about a Brand 22% more after seeing a Promoted Trend.

- biz.twitter.com

Promoted Trend


Twitter makes sure only those who should see your Promoted Tweets will see it.


With Resonance, AKA the “secret sauce” of Twitter.


Hyper geo-targeting, demographic, intent, device or retargeting, you name it, Twitter’s got it.

Resonance, meet zero media wastage.



The power of Twitter can turn your brand campaign into pop-culture*.

*No pun intended.

Tweet to Vote Tweet to Drive Tweet to Eat

Tweet to See Tweet to Wear Tweet to Drink

Brand Advertiser + Video + Twitter Amplify +

Resonance + Visual + Targeting

Putting it Together

Case Study

Client: Dove Canada

Campaign: #choosebeautiful

Summary: This campaign took a bold social experiment and turned it into a social movement with the power of the #choosebeautiful hashtag. This allowed for users to identify with feeling beautiful, which is associated with using the Dove product.

Case Study

Client: Bell Canada

Campaign: #bell_letstalk

Summary: In this campaign, Bell turned its own communication power over to talking about mental health issues. It succeeded in getting influencers involved and reaching a mass Canadian audience.

Case Study

Client: Coca Cola Canada

Campaign: #trophytour

Summary: In this multichannel digital and experiential campaign, Coca Cola and FIFA partnered to spread the love of soccer across Canada. The feelings of “winning” and celebration were associated with Coca Cola and multiplied digitally with each Tweet.

Nerd AlertI believe that without love for a product, it’s

hard to sell it, and I love Twitter. A lot.

When it comes to powering up Branding with Twitter, I’m almost a nerd about it and I’m not

afraid to tell the ad-world about it either.


#ritu4twitterTwitter is a global household name. I believe the advertising influence of the company should match the size of the name and I want to help make it so.

Technology owns the world today and the best tech engineers call Twitter home. Being able to sell their work to the marketing and ad world would be the biggest accomplishment for me.

Thinking big doesn’t scare me and I already have 5 ideas on proposing the biggest, most immersive digital campaigns for Canada’s top brands like Campbell’s, Downy, L’Oreal, Rogers and Ford.

I genuinely like working with sales people. Their energy gives me a buzz and no matter what colourful personalities are in the team, they fuel me and make me want to show up everyday and give it my best.


6+ years of experience in online ad solutions.

My sales presentations have helped individual Account Execs close $250K+ per quarter.

Selling Solutions Focused.



[email protected]
