www.anoxia.eu Presentation 2 Animal Euthanasia What are the challenges? For more information: www.anoxia.eu

Animal Euthanasia: What are the challenges?

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Presentation 2

Animal EuthanasiaWhat are the challenges?

For more information: www.anoxia.eu

Page 2: Animal Euthanasia: What are the challenges?

Animal Part of Euthanasia CSR profiling

Presented by Harm Kiezebrink

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Page 3: Animal Euthanasia: What are the challenges?

Animal euthanasia - component of farming

• Stunning methods

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• Mortality under piglets first 48 hours: up to 12% (Source: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - University of Ghent, 2008)

• Mortality under poultry on the farm: 3%

• Mal-positioned embryo’s and mail day-old chicks

Page 4: Animal Euthanasia: What are the challenges?

Animal euthanasia – the legal framework EU Directive 1099/2009

• Stunning methods

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• Cervical neck dislocation only allowed with poultry to 5 KG - and only after an stunning. This method is not allowed to be routinely used; only in cases where no other stunning methods are available.

• Penetrating and Non-penetrating bolt is only allowed in poultry as an stunning method- Subsequently, killing by bleeding or prolonged oxygen withdrawal (the Anoxia method) is to follow (EC 1099/2009, art. 4))

• Blunt blow on the head; Allowed as stunning method for piglets and poultry up to 5 kg – Subsequently followed by killing of the animal through bleeding or by the Anoxia method (oxygen withdrawal). This method is not allowed to be routinely used; only in cases where no other stunning method are available.

Page 5: Animal Euthanasia: What are the challenges?

• Euthanizing animals is part of the farming process

• The majority of consumers chose to stay uninformed, easing their conscious

• There is no financial incentive for proper euthanizing farm animals

• Therefore proper euthanizing animals should be part of Corporate Social Responsibility of the industry and retailers

Animal EuthanasiaDaily practice – versus – the taboo

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Page 6: Animal Euthanasia: What are the challenges?

Animal euthanasiaPerspective on the long term

• Reports and videos on animal cruelty influences especially young consumers

• Growing rejection of consumption of animal products is becoming a trend

• Share of vegetarians (Germany) is 3.5% and rising; 11% are now "Flexitarier”

• The EU responded in order to adjust to changing consumer concerns

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Page 7: Animal Euthanasia: What are the challenges?

• No response: Welfare organizations will force the industry to open discussion on the subject

• Passive - Individual response: Only Implemented by practitioners of alternative farming – demonstrating the difference in farming concepts

• Active – collective response: Part of an integrated CSR industry strategy

Animal euthanasia How to respond

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Page 8: Animal Euthanasia: What are the challenges?

The Anoxia techniqueThe modern answer to consumer concerns

For more information: www.anoxia.eu