The price is located at the bottom corner of the cover, as well as the barcode. They’re only small as like every other magazine so that this won’t be the first thing the audience see and won’t be bothered about the price as they’ve had the chance to see whats on the cover before seeing the price. The layout of this magazine shows that there is a particular importance to a subject in the magazine. The editor has foregrounded Adele, and layered the image her over the masthead to show that in this edition she is more important than the magazine itself and gives a sense that she is powerful in the world of music. It’s a very formal layout and is also very clean, with the colour scheme consistent throughout, and the colours seem professional. There is a strong use of direct adress in the main shot. At first glance the object that the audience’ eye is drawn to is Adele’s eyes, and face. This and the fact they have used a woman creates a sense of intimacy between Adele and the audience showing that she is making a connection through her image as well as her music. The main image is a mid- shot/ close-up of Adele. Her head is layered over the masthead showing her importance. The colour of her skin blends with the colour scheme of the cover to create a sense of professionalism. There is also a pull-out section with her billowing hair trailing into the next page, which could suggest that there is more to her than firsst meets the eye. The masthead is simple and clear. It is bright red which is eye-catching and is brighter than the rest of the cover to catch attention. It is a large masthead but only takes up the corner of the page. The type of font is quite professional and creates a feeling that it’s a formal magazine for music that’s aimed more at everyone. The slogan of the magazine is ‘discover great music’ which suggests that this magazine is aimed at anyone, as this is a magazine that you can discover a different genre of music from that you wouldn’t neccesarily like. There are several puffs which include different spreads inside of the magazine, which would lure the audience into buying it and reading on. The anchorage text here includes different genres of bands which links in to their slogan about discovering music . The use of the different genres of music also adds to that factor. The issue number is higlighted on a gold circle, in white writing as it’s special edition. It’s their 300 th issue which is a momentus occasion for the magazine and it’s higlighted just underneath the masthead so that this will be one of the first thing the reader sees after picking it up.

Q magazine

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Page 1: Q magazine

The price is located at the bottom corner

of the cover, as well as the barcode.

They’re only small as like every other

magazine so that this won’t be the first

thing the audience see and won’t be

bothered about the price as they’ve had

the chance to see whats on the cover

before seeing the price.

The layout of this magazine shows that there is a particular

importance to a subject in the magazine. The editor has

foregrounded Adele, and layered the image her over the

masthead to show that in this edition she is more important

than the magazine itself and gives a sense that she is

powerful in the world of music. It’s a very formal layout and is

also very clean, with the colour scheme consistent

throughout, and the colours seem professional.

There is a strong use of direct adress in the

main shot. At first glance the object that

the audience’ eye is drawn to is Adele’s

eyes, and face. This and the fact they have

used a woman creates a sense of intimacy

between Adele and the audience showing

that she is making a connection through

her image as well as her music.

The main image is a mid-

shot/ close-up of Adele.

Her head is layered over

the masthead showing

her importance. The

colour of her skin blends

with the colour scheme

of the cover to create a

sense of

professionalism. There is

also a pull-out section

with her billowing hair

trailing into the next

page, which could

suggest that there is

more to her than firsst

meets the eye.

The masthead is

simple and clear. It

is bright red which

is eye-catching and

is brighter than the

rest of the cover to

catch attention. It

is a large masthead

but only takes up

the corner of the

page. The type of

font is quite

professional and

creates a feeling

that it’s a formal

magazine for music

that’s aimed more

at everyone. The slogan of the magazine is

‘discover great music’ which

suggests that this magazine is aimed

at anyone, as this is a magazine that

you can discover a different genre of

music from that you wouldn’t

neccesarily like.

There are several puffs which

include different spreads

inside of the magazine, which

would lure the audience into

buying it and reading on.

The anchorage text here includes

different genres of bands which

links in to their slogan about

discovering music . The use of the

different genres of music also adds

to that factor.

The issue number is higlighted on a

gold circle, in white writing as it’s

special edition. It’s their 300th issue

which is a momentus occasion for

the magazine and it’s higlighted just

underneath the masthead so that

this will be one of the first thing the

reader sees after picking it up.