The Value of altmetrics in Publishing [email protected] altmetricexplorer.com Anne Harvey Regional Sales Director - APAC

Anne Harvey - The Value of Altmetrics in Publishing

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The Value of altmetrics in


[email protected]


Anne Harvey Regional Sales Director - APAC

In this session, we’ll cover…

Introduction to altmetrics Publisher examples of using altmetrics data Altmetric tools Altmetric Explorer Further help






By the end of this session…

You’ll have: •  A clear understanding of altmetrics and how to use them •  How to identify research with attention using Altmetric’s tools •  Practical ideas and examples of using altmetrics data •  Know where to get further help

Part 1: Introduction to altmetrics

Journal Impact Factor Citation counts

H-index Number of publications

o  Attention to research outputs in non-traditional sources, e.g. policy documents, news, blogs and social media

o  Indicators of research impact o  Help understand how research is being received and used o  Complementary to traditional citation-based analysis

What are altmetrics?

Mentions in news reports References in policy

Mentions in social media Wikipedia citations Reference manager

readers… etc.



Alternative metrics “altmetrics”

+Traditional metrics Traditional


Why altmetrics?

Real-time, immediate feedback on attention to scholarly content Track attention to a broad range of research outputs, e.g. articles, posters, data sets, working papers Showcase attention to a research output beyond academia Provide a more coherent understanding of research attention





Interpreting altmetrics data Attention: e.g. RTs, shares

Engagement: Analysis, discussion, reviews

Impact: e.g. shapes policy, influences working practices

Part 2: How are publishers using altmetrics?

Monitor popular outputs What’s popular across your content this week? Why is it being mentioned? Re-post to social media channels, update editors, etc.

Review Attention!

Benchmark marketing campaigns How successful are your marketing campaigns? Is your content being picked up in the news?

Before After

Current awareness for academic editors Provide academic editors with summaries on the top papers in their journal, discipline or across competitor journals.

Keep track of the most popular papers in a

specific discipline.

Identify bloggers and regular tweeters

Identify key opinion leaders in online communities

Understanding different online

communities will help you reach

them more effectively.


Monitor competitor journals

Use ‘journal view’ to see which

journals received the most

attention over a set time period.

Use badges in marketing material

1.  Right-click on a donut in the Altmetric Explorer and save the image.

2.  Insert the static donut into an e-mail newsletter.

3.  Link to the corresponding Altmetric article details page: http://www.altmetric.com/details.php?citation_id=xxxxx

The link can be found by clicking “Open report in new tab” under “Actions” in the Explorer pop-out.



•  See!who!is!talking!about!their!work,!and!what!they’re!saying!

•  Be;er!manage!their!online!reputa>on!–!ensure!work!isn’t!being!misinterpreted!

•  Find!evidence!of!influence!and!engagement!for!job!and!funding!applica>ons!


•  Monitor!the!success!of!marke>ng!and!PR!ac>vity!

•  Track!which!content!is!of!most!interest!!•  Iden>fy!new!audiences!(or!markets)!!•  Discover!poten>al!authors!or!reviewers!•  Report!back!to!editorial!boards!!and!society!stakeholders!

Part 3: Altmetric Tools

Each day, we track ~44,000 new

mentions of research across sources incl. social media, news,

and policy docs.

That’s 1 mention every 2 seconds!

Each week, ~50k

unique items are shared.

Mentions range in complexity, from quick shares to comprehensive


Altmetric data, March 2015

18m mentions of

~4m scholarly outputs

Altmetric in numbers: mentions and shares

What sources does Altmetric track?

News outlets

•  Over 1,300 sites •  Manually curated list •  Text mining •  Global coverage

Social media and blogs

•  Twitter, Facebook,

Google+ •  Public posts only •  Manually curated list

Reference managers

•  Mendeley, CiteULike •  Reader counts •  Don’t count towards the

Altmetric score

Other sources •  Wikipedia •  YouTube •  Reddit •  F1000 •  Pinterest •  Q&A

Post-publication peer review

•  Publons •  PubPeer

Policy documents

•  NICE Evidence •  Intergovernmental Panel

on Climate Change •  Many more…

How does Altmetric aggregate online attention?

Search for links to papers.

Follow a list of sources.

Collate attention.

Display data in “Altmetric details


E.g. blogs, news, policy documents, social media.

Automatically link searching and text mining.

Disambiguation of mentioned items across different versions.

Collecting attention data

Reporting attention data

Altmetric Details Page.

All research outputs with mentions have an Altmetric Details Page in our database.

The Altmetric Bookmarklet

The free Bookmarklet lets you instantly retrieve altmetrics data for any article. To install, go to: http://altmetric.it

The Altmetric Badges


Standard badges

Scoreless donut

Scoreless bar


2 3




Altmetric Details Pages

Estimate attention with the “Altmetric score”.

Monitor mentions in the mainstream news.

See all the conversations and mentions.

What is the Altmetric donut?

The Altmetric donut visualizes which are sources discussing an item. In the Altmetric Explorer, hover the cursor over the donut visualization to see the appropriate legend for an item. Each source is colour coded:

Volume Sources Authors

The score for an article rises as more people mention it.

Each source category contributes a different base amount to the final score.

How often the author of each mention talks about scholarly

articles influences the contribution of the mention.

What is the Altmetric score of attention?

The Altmetric score provides an indicator of the attention surrounding a research output. It represents a weighted approximation of all the attention we’ve picked up for a research output and is is calculated according to three facets:

Read more about the score here: altmetric.com/blog/scoreanddonut/

And finally…

What can the data tell you? What type of attention is this research receiving?

Where has this article received the most traction?!

Which countries are engaging most with the content?

Has this article influenced policy, spurred new research, or engaged a new audience?!

Are reactions to this article positive or negative?

Remember that the numbers don’t tell you…

Quality of the paper

Quality of the researchers

Whole story


E-mail: [email protected] Website: altmetric.com www.altmetricexplorer.com