Through ERP Magento Order cycle How to manage

How to manage Magento order-cycle through ERP

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Page 1: How to manage Magento order-cycle through ERP

Through ERP

MagentoOrder cycle

How  to  manage

Page 2: How to manage Magento order-cycle through ERP

When your customers place the order on your ecommerce site, they are

anxious to see the product in their hands as soon as possible.

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You can increase their confidence in your store by updating them at various stages of the order fulfilment cycle, like when the:

• Order is confirmed

• Order is shipped

• Shipment has left the main warehouse

• Expected in the local warehouse

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This is easily achieved by connecting the

ERP system to the ECommerce platform

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Here’s how the

Magento order cycle is managed through the

back-office ERP system

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Saving Customer Record 1 •  Consumer  registra.on  informa.on  needs  to  be  kept  within  

the  ERP  system  to  schedule  or  perform  further  marke<ng  ac<vity  on  them.  

•  If  the  consumer  is  a  ‘guest’,  then  this  record  might  or  might  not  need  to  be  saved  to  ERP  B.P.  master  data.  

•  The  more  informa<on  you  can  gather,  the  more  you  will  be  benefited  from  the  marke<ng  ac<vi<es  you  plan  for  future.

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Browsing product catalog: 2 • This  is  the  next  step  a  consumer  would  do  aEer  registra<on.

• Though  this  is  an  eCommerce  ac<vity,  but  it  s<ll  needsinvolvement  of  the  ERP.  Product  lis.ng,  product  updates  andinventory  updates  typically  come  from  the  ERP  system.

• Since  ERP  is  more  accessible  to  back  office  employees,  quick updates  in  the  ERP  item  master  data  can  be  easily  transferredto  Magento,  with  the  help  of  a  connector  so>ware.

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Add to Cart, checkout, order: 3 •  AEer  browsing  the  product  catalog,  a  consumer  will  add  products  to  the  

shopping  cart,  perform  checkout  and  place  the  order.  

•  The  order  can  be  placed  with  pre-­‐authoriza.on  or  post-­‐authoriza.on  of  the  payment.  

•  Pre-­‐authorized  orders  need  to  be  entered  in  ERP  system  as  a  full-­‐fledged  sales  order  so  that  it  can  be  forwarded  to  the  delivery  department.

•  Since  post-­‐authorized  orders  need  to  be  validated  first  and  then  need  to  be  approved,  these  orders  are  entered  as  sales  order  dra>s.

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Shipment: 4 •  Confirmed  sales  orders  need  to  be  processed  as  a  ‘delivery’  document  as  

soon  as  possible,  however  this  can’t  be  done  blindly.  

•  Back  office  employees  need  to  check  the  warehouse  from  which  it  can  be  fulfilled,  the  shipping  courier  which  can  send  the  items  to  consumers  in  low  cost  and  then,  add  the  sales  order  as  a  delivery  document  in  the  ERP  with  shipment  tracking  number.    

•  This  tracking  number  needs  to  be  urgently  added  within  the  Magento  eCommerce  system  as  a  ‘shipment’  document  which  sends  the  shipment  details  and  tracking  number  as  an  email  to  the  consumer.    So  at  this  point,  an  efficient  connec/ng  pla2orm  is  needed  which  can  automa/cally  add  ERP  delivery  updates  to  eCommerce  shipment.  

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Invoice: 5 •  Even  though  the  consumers  are  very  less  concerned  about  the  

invoice,  it  is  s<ll  a  legal  document,  which  businesses  need  to  send  to  consumers  aEer  each  transac<on.  

•  The  A/R  invoice  is  created  in  the  ERP  system  from  the  delivery  document.  This  needs  to  be  added  in  the  eCommerce  as  an  invoice.  

•  It  sends  an  automa.c  email  from  Magento  to  consumers  with  their  invoice  details.

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Sales Return: 5 •  Each  organiza<on  has  different  return  policies.  But  usually,  a  consumer  

requests  the  return  by  clicking  on  a  buQon  in  the  Magento  storefront  within  his/her  order  history.  

•  Magento  admin  creates  a  sales  return  credit  memo  from  the  admin  panel,  ini<ates  the  return  process  and  usually  returns  the  payment  to  the  consumer.  

•  But  it  is  really  important  to  record  this  factor  in  the  ERP  system  to  balance  the  accounts  and  inventory.  So,  corresponding  A/R  credit  memo  needs  to  be  created  within  the  ERP  system  to  cater  this  sales  return.

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So, connecting your eCommerce application with the back office ERP system can help you:

•  Reduce a lot of confusion

•  Eliminate errors and data redundancy

•  Achieve higher sales with real-time data sync

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APPSeCONNECT  is  an  integra.on  plaLorm  which  has  been  chosen  by  a  large  number  of  

ecommerce  merchants  for   increasing  their  consumer  sa<sfac<on  levels  

with  a  smooth  order  processing  experience.

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One platform to integrate all your line-of-business applications

APPSeCONNECT helps you become a more efficient business by integrating your ERP System with Ecommerce Stores, Marketplaces and CRM.

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•  Fully  bi-­‐direc.onal  and  automa.c  sync  between  your  ERP  and  web  store.  

•  Most  in-­‐depth  integra:on  with  the  touch  points.  

•  Out  of  the  box  Integra:on  features.  

•  Easy  personaliza:on  of  the  connector  as  per  your  business  requirements.  

APPSeCONNECT gives you:

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Your business data is 100% Secure APPSeCONNECT  uses  best  of  on-­‐premise  and  cloud  technology  to  ensure  data  security.