User Driven Analytics for Retail Cosmetics retailer LUSH achieve big results with self service Business Intelligence

User Driven Analytics for Retail

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User Driven Analytics for Retail

Cosmetics retailer LUSH achieve big

results with self service Business Intelligence

Today’s retail industry

moves faster and is

influenced by more

factors than ever before.

To stay competitive,

retailers need to

empower business

users with

real-time analysis.

Data is collected from

disparate systems across

all shopping channels.

User-driven analysis can provide many opportunities in retail

360 Customer View Complete view of what

your customers do online

and in store.

Consolidate data from

separate analytics silos to

understand and serve

customers better.

Detect and reduce

‘shrinkage’ of stock

without impacting on

customer service


Combine instore and

internal data to help

manage risk within your


Fraud Prevention

Predictive analysis

enables you to hold

optimum inventory to

ensure no out of stock and

no overstock situations,

maximising revenue and


Supply Chain

Ability to analyse resource

allocation enables you to

streamline staff and other

resources to control costs

whilst meeting service level


Operational Efficiency

Real-time Answers

Self-service access to

information anywhere,

anytime, enables retailer to

make smart decisions to

drive the bottom-line.

But don’t just take our word for it!

LUSH Fresh Handmade cosmetics QlikView Story at a glance

About LUSH

LUSH is a cosmetics company headquartered in Poole, Dorset. It was started in 1994 by six co-founders.

With over 900 stores in 51 countries, LUSH invent and manufacture all of their own products: 100% fresh and handmade.

LUSH use fresh fruit and vegetables, essential oils, honey and beeswax in their products.

Pulling together data

from disparate data

sources to make


Keeping track of stock

and wastage

Obtaining a holistic

view of the business to

improve customer



Unifying all EPoS and

back office systems data

into a QlikView application

revealing supply chain,

sales, stock and HR


Deploying QlikView into

the manufacturing

business to keep track of

stock levels, sales and

freshness of product.


Read more

about QlikView

Solution Monitoring sales and stock

to make the most out of

products and ensure all

retail outlets are stocked

with the right amount of


Leveraging QlikView to

monitor and report on

payroll and absenteeism

across all the stores.

Read more

about QlikView


Saved £1 million in stock loss in first two years

Gave managers a solution to monitor sales and view

performances at other branches

Improved sourcing of key ingredients from ethical


Delivered by QGate’s QlikView Fast Track Workshop

All achievable with QlikView and QGate’s Fast Track


Rapid delivery in days not weeks or months

Empowers business users to see across all data

sources to get the big picture

Modular implementation approach that provides

businesses with bite sized deliverables.

Fast Track
