Sales Intelligence Vineetha Shetty Chief Operations Officer

Sales intelligence

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Page 1: Sales intelligence

Sales Intelligence

Vineetha Shetty Chief Operations Officer

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The shift in the sales process has evolved rigorously. Reason being access to the fast internet made super easy and people making a smart choice of researching on the product and reviewing the experience of the people who have used the product in the past.

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What is Sales Intelligence?

SI provides real-time analysis of the current sales data and assists with suggesting and delivering actionable, relevant information. source - Wikipedia.

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Approaching the prospects and potential users subsequent to having a fair knowledge of:

• The prospect business• Pain point the prospect or potential user is trying

to address • What unique solution that can you offer in

contrast to your competitors • How effective this solution might turn in the favor

of your prospects business - is SI in brief.

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In short, the more personalized approach by the sales personnel providing value to the potential customer beyond what was promised is Sales Intelligence.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

1. Finding prospects: Finding the relevant prospects for your

business is the first stride towards building an effective sales process. Intelligent software’s like AeroLeads come in handy in fetching the right prospects for your business.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

Using a software to fetch potential prospects spares time and vitality of searching for prospects everywhere throughout the web, whilst also simplifying the sales process.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

2. Prioritize: On finding the potential list of prospects,

research on each prospect in the light of their: • Business needs • Financial status- to understand if they are in

a state to invest in your software.


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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

• Position in the market – a startup or a business leader

• If the prospect is a business leader, performance of the company over the past few years

• If the prospect is from a startup how can your product help scale their business.

• If the product you are offering is relevant to the business of your prospect

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

Create a list of qualified prospects based on the research. This helps sales personnel abstain from squandering time approaching every qualified prospect and further chop down the focused prospect list to more precise list.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

3. Approach: Cold call and cold email are the two

approaches. The sales personnel must be at his savvy crest by making the sales pitch irresistible in the first 10secs of the attention span of your prospect.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

The pitch must include (for both cold call and cold email):

1.Introduction of the company 2.Quick walk-through of what your product

offers(Keeping it short works its magic) 3.Focus on benefits of the product rather than


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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

Throughout the process make sure there is a connection built by brief understanding from both sides and the approach is more human than just trying to push your product.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

4. Smart Assessment: Drafted in your cold email or on a cold call, ask

the prospect a lot of questions related to his business and expectations from the product. Relate their answers precisely based on your prior research and provide the solution.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

Asking relevant questions can help sales personnel provide the best solution as well build the trust of the prospect about the brand.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

5. Follow-up Quality Follow up is the secret behind

doubling the closing rate. Staying on the top of the mind of the prospect without being vexatious can take the lead towards closure.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

Intelligent follow up includes a follow up by the sales personnel who has developed a relationship with the prospect and who understands his perspective very well.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

5. Close Closing is ultimately having your prospect as

your customer. Closing is an art of overcoming objections from prospects that they give to avoid purchasing your product.

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Intelligence at various steps of Sales Process

After few days of closing the sale follow up with the customer with a polite mail/call to refer your product amongst the prospect connections if the product has exceeded his expectations.

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Integrating technology with sales has leveraged sales personnel with deep insights into the data and information that helps in more personalized approach.

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