The Case for Social Selling

The Case For Social Selling

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The Case for Social Selling

The world has changed, and so has the way buyers look for products and services.

The average person receives 147 emails per day,

but less than 24% of sales emails are opened…


and 90% of B2B buyers don’t accept cold calls.


We need new ways to break through the noise.

In an era when 75% of B2B buyers use social media to research suppliers…

(IDC social business study)

and 34% of B2B researchers and influencers are Millennials –digital natives…

of sales professionals still feel that they don’t have

an adequate social sellingprogram in place


(Sandler Training)

Sales Benchmark Index found a 4.2 times greater probability that

you’ll create an opportunity based on a pre-existing relationship.

Social sellinghelps build and nurture those relationships.

There are now 5.4 decision makers and influencers involved in the buying process on average.


Social selling allows us to educate all the key

people instantly

which is good, because…

of buyers want to deal with the sales

professional who is the known thought

leader in their industry.


(LinkedIn 2014 study)

It’s not an instant process…

per month to reach 60% of your LinkedIn audience.

20 postsIt takes at least

But the actions you take today will turn into opportunities 6, 9, 12 and

24 months down the line.

Social selling doesn’t replace your existing sales process…

it complements and enhances it.

Use the four pillars of social selling

Create a Professional


Find Your Potential


Engage Them With


Forge Lasting Business


1 2 3 4

and build a foundation for your online sales activity that will last

through the ages.

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