Knowledge-based generalization for metabolic models en´ eralisation de mod ` eles m ´ etaboliques par connaissances Anna Zhukova 1,2 David J. Sherman 2 1 Laboratoire de m ´ etabolisme ´ energ ´ etique cellulaire IBGC - CNRS 1 rue Camille Saint-Sa ¨ ens, 33077 Bordeaux cedex France 2 Inria / CNRS / University of Bordeaux joint project-team MAGNOME 351, cours de la Lib´ eration, 33405 Talence cedex France February 12, 2015 Anna Zhukova (MAGNOME) Knowledge-based generalization February 12, 2015 1 / 45

Knowledge-based generalization for metabolic models

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Page 1: Knowledge-based generalization for metabolic models

Knowledge-based generalization for metabolicmodels

Generalisation de modeles metaboliques par connaissances

Anna Zhukova 1,2 David J. Sherman 2

1Laboratoire de metabolisme energetique cellulaire IBGC - CNRS1 rue Camille Saint-Saens, 33077 Bordeaux cedex France

2Inria / CNRS / University of Bordeauxjoint project-team MAGNOME

351, cours de la Liberation, 33405 Talence cedex France

February 12, 2015

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Page 2: Knowledge-based generalization for metabolic models

Metabolic modeling

Metabolic models are mathematical descriptions of biochemicalreactions between molecules in a cell.

Metabolic models are used for:recording knowledgesimulationinference of other models

understanding how genotype influences phenotypemetabolic engineering

food and beveragespharmaceuticalsbiofuels

disease analysis: novel drug targets

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Size of metabolic models

pathway-scale - up to hundreds of reactionsgenome-scale - thousands of reactions

bacterium E. coli [Smallbone, 2013] – 2 168 reactions

yeast S. cerevisiae [Aung et al., 2013] – 2 352 reactions

human [Thiele et al., 2013] – 7 440 reactions

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Precision vs Readability

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Precision vs Readability: our solution

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1 Introduction

2 Generalization method [Zhukova and Sherman, J Comput Biol 2014]

3 Validation [Zhukova and Sherman, J Bioinf Comput Biol 2014]

4 Mimoza: web-based navigation[Zhukova and Sherman, BMC Syst Bio (forthcoming)]

5 Conclusions and Perspectives

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Modeling workflow


[Li et al., 2010]

[Kanehisa et al., 2012]

[Alcantara et al., 2012]

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Modeling workflow


[Hucka et al., 2003]

[Lloyd et al., 2004]

[Le Novere et al., 2009]

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Modeling workflow

Inference Tools:

PathwayTools[Karp et al., 2002]

SuBliMinaL[Swainston et al., 2011]

CoReCo[Pitkanen et al., 2014]

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Modeling workflow


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Modeling workflow


[Courtot et al., 2011]

[Ashburner et al., 2000]

[de Matos et al., 2010]

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Modeling workflow


COPASI[Hoops et al., 2006]

FAME[Boele et al., 2012]

COBRApy[Ebrahim et al., 2013]

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Genome-scale models are complicated

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Genome-scale models are complicated

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3-oxo-fatty acyl-CoAs: different lengths of carbon chains

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hydroxy fatty acyl-CoAs: different lengths of carbon chains

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oxidation: hydroxy FA-CoA + NAD↔ 3-oxo-FA-CoA + H+ + NADH

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exploit self-similaritiessemantically robustmeaningful for biologists

produce abstract viewsessential model structurehighlight the particularitiesexpose potential errors

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Generalization method


1 Introduction

2 Generalization method [Zhukova and Sherman, J Comput Biol 2014]

3 Validation [Zhukova and Sherman, J Bioinf Comput Biol 2014]

4 Mimoza: web-based navigation[Zhukova and Sherman, BMC Syst Bio (forthcoming)]

5 Conclusions and Perspectives

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Model

Model: N = 〈M,R〉

- bipartite graph,

Metabolite set: M = {m1, . . . ,mn}

- M-nodes,Ubiq. m. set: M ⊃ Mub

- duplicated M-nodes,

Reaction set: R = {r1, . . . , rk}

- R-nodes,

reaction: R 3 r = 〈M(react),M(prod)〉

- edges bw M- and R-nodes/all the met. are distinct/

/no parallel edges/.

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Model

Model: N = 〈M,R〉 - bipartite graph,

Metabolite set: M = {m1, . . . ,mn} - M-nodes,

Ubiq. m. set: M ⊃ Mub - duplicated M-nodes,

Reaction set: R = {r1, . . . , rk} - R-nodes,reaction: R 3 r = 〈M(react),M(prod)〉 - edges bw M- and R-nodes

/all the met. are distinct/

/no parallel edges/.

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Model

Model: N = 〈M,R〉 - bipartite graph,

Metabolite set: M = {m1, . . . ,mn} - M-nodes,Ubiq. m. set: M ⊃ Mub - duplicated M-nodes,

Reaction set: R = {r1, . . . , rk} - R-nodes,reaction: R 3 r = 〈M(react),M(prod)〉 - edges bw M- and R-nodes

/all the met. are distinct/

/no parallel edges/.

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Model

Model: N = 〈M,R〉 - bipartite graph,

Metabolite set: M = {m1, . . . ,mn} - M-nodes,Ubiq. m. set: M ⊃ Mub - duplicated M-nodes,

Reaction set: R = {r1, . . . , rk} - R-nodes,reaction: R 3 r = 〈M(react),M(prod)〉 - edges bw M- and R-nodes

/all the met. are distinct/ /no parallel edges/.

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Model

Model: N = 〈M,R〉 - bipartite graph,

Metabolite set: M = {m1, . . . ,mn} - M-nodes,Ubiq. m. set: M ⊃ Mub - duplicated M-nodes,

Reaction set: R = {r1, . . . , rk} - R-nodes,reaction: R 3 r = 〈M(react),M(prod)〉 - edges bw M- and R-nodes

/all the met. are distinct/ /no parallel edges/.

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Model

Model: N = 〈M,R〉 - bipartite graph,

Metabolite set: M = {m1, . . . ,mn} - M-nodes,Ubiq. m. set: M ⊃ Mub - duplicated M-nodes,

Reaction set: R = {r1, . . . , rk} - R-nodes,reaction: R 3 r = 〈M(react),M(prod)〉 - edges bw M- and R-nodes

/all the met. are distinct/ /no parallel edges/.

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Stoichiomenty preserving restriction (1): All the generalized metabolitesparticipating in a reaction are distinct. (In- and out-degrees of R-nodes areconserved.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Stoichiomenty preserving restriction (1): All the generalized metabolitesparticipating in a reaction are distinct. (In- and out-degrees of R-nodes areconserved.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Stoichiomenty preserving restriction (1): All the generalized metabolitesparticipating in a reaction are distinct. (In- and out-degrees of R-nodes areconserved.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Stoichiomenty preserving restriction (1): All the generalized metabolitesparticipating in a reaction are distinct. (In- and out-degrees of R-nodes areconserved.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Stoichiomenty preserving restriction (1): All the generalized metabolitesparticipating in a reaction are distinct. (In- and out-degrees of R-nodes areconserved.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Stoichiomenty preserving restriction (1): All the generalized metabolitesparticipating in a reaction are distinct. (In- and out-degrees of R-nodes areconserved.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Stoichiomenty preserving restriction (1): All the generalized metabolitesparticipating in a reaction are distinct. (In- and out-degrees of R-nodes areconserved.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Metabolite diversity restriction (2): Equivalent metabolites must participatein equivalent reactions. (Min. degrees of gen. M-nodes.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Metabolite diversity restriction (2): Equivalent metabolites must participatein equivalent reactions. (Min. degrees of gen. M-nodes.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Metabolite diversity restriction (2): Equivalent metabolites must participatein equivalent reactions. (Min. degrees of gen. M-nodes.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Metabolite diversity restriction (2): Equivalent metabolites must participatein equivalent reactions. (Min. degrees of gen. M-nodes.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Generalization

Choose equivalence operation ∼:

[m]∼ = {m ∈ M|m ∼ m} - generalized metabolite[m(ub)]

∼= {m(ub)} - (trivial) gen. ub. m.,

[r ]∼ = 〈M([react]),M([prod ])〉= {r |r ∼ r} - generalized reaction

Stoichiomenty preserving restriction (1): All the generalized metabolitesparticipating in a reaction are distinct. (In- and out-degrees of R-nodes areconserved.)

Metabolite diversity restriction (2): Equivalent metabolites must participatein equivalent reactions. (Min. degrees of gen. M-nodes.)

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Generalization method

Formal definition: Model generalization problem

Problem: Given a metabolic model N = 〈M ⊃ M(ub),R〉 find anequivalence operation ∼ that obeys the stoichiometry preservingrestriction (1) and the metabolite diversity restriction (2), and minimizesthe number of reaction equivalence classes ]R/ ∼.

N/ ∼ = 〈M/ ∼,R/ ∼〉 - generalized model,M/ ∼ = {[m1]∼, . . . , [mn]∼} - generalized metabolite set,R/ ∼ = {[r1]∼, . . . , [rk ]∼} - generalized reaction set.

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

[m(ub)]∼ = {m(ub)} - gen. ub. m.,

[m]∼ = M\M(ub) - gen. met.

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

[m(ub)]∼ = {m(ub)} - gen. ub. m.,

[m]∼ = M\M(ub) - gen. met.

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

Metabolite ontology – partial order of M-nodes

[de Matos et al., 2010]

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

Metabolite ontology – partial order of M-nodes

Exact set cover (NP-complete [Goldreich, 2008])Greedy alg. – best polyn. time approx. [Feige, 1998]

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

Metabolite ontology – partial order of M-nodes

Exact set cover (NP-complete [Goldreich, 2008])Greedy alg. – best polyn. time approx. [Feige, 1998]

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm


1 Define ∼;

2 Satisfy restriction (1);

3 Satisfy restriction (2);

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Generalization method

Model generalization algorithm: Example

Peroxisome of Y. lipolytica: 66→ 17 reactions

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Generalization method

Model generalization library

download frommetamogen.gforge.inria.fr

input: SBML model

output: 2 SBML models:1 initial model + groups extension:

group of ub. metabolitesgroups of equiv. metabolitesgroups of equiv. reactions

2 generalized model

implemented in Python

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Generalization method

Model generalization library

download frommetamogen.gforge.inria.fr

input: SBML model

output: 2 SBML models:1 initial model + groups extension:

group of ub. metabolitesgroups of equiv. metabolitesgroups of equiv. reactions

2 generalized model

implemented in Python

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1 Introduction

2 Generalization method [Zhukova and Sherman, J Comput Biol 2014]

3 Validation [Zhukova and Sherman, J Bioinf Comput Biol 2014]

4 Mimoza: web-based navigation[Zhukova and Sherman, BMC Syst Bio (forthcoming)]

5 Conclusions and Perspectives

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Validation set-up

Goal: Mathematically the generalization method is correct. But is ituseful for biologists?

Path2Models [Buchel et al., 2013]

KEGG [Kanehisa et al., 2012]→ SBML [Hucka et al., 2003]non-curated

1 286 metabolic networksmapped to the NCBI taxonomy database [Sayers et al., 2009]

138 eukaryota1 045 bacteria103 archaea

β−oxidation of fatty acids

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β−oxidation of fatty acids

1 dehydraton: fatty acyl-CoA (n)→dehydroacyl-CoA

2 hydration: dehydroacyl-CoA→hydroxyacyl-CoA

3 oxidation: hydroxyacyl-CoA→3-ketoacyl-CoA

4 thiolysis: 3-ketoacyl-CoA→fatty acyl-CoA (n-2) + acetyl-CoA

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β−oxidation of fatty acids

1 dehydraton: fatty acyl-CoA (n)→dehydroacyl-CoA

2 hydration: dehydroacyl-CoA→hydroxyacyl-CoA

3 oxidation: hydroxyacyl-CoA→3-ketoacyl-CoA

4 thiolysis: 3-ketoacyl-CoA→fatty acyl-CoA (n-2) + acetyl-CoA

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β−oxidation of fatty acids

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Expected Alternative paths

Broken cycles

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β-oxidation % ofcycle configuration all networks eukaryota bacteria archaea

complete cycle 10% 3% 11% 0%one step missing 10% 25% 7% 18%two steps missing 11% 12% 10% 24%

three steps missing 50% 57% 49% 58%all steps missing 19% 3% 23% 0%


gene candidates for degradation of fatty acids via β-oxidation

do not encode components of a fatty acid synthase complex[Falb et al., 2008].

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β-oxidation % ofcycle configuration all networks eukaryota bacteria archaea

complete cycle 10% 3% 11% 0%one step missing 10% 25% 7% 18%two steps missing 11% 12% 10% 24%

three steps missing 50% 57% 49% 58%all steps missing 19% 3% 23% 0%


gene candidates for degradation of fatty acids via β-oxidation

do not encode components of a fatty acid synthase complex[Falb et al., 2008].

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One missing step

128 (10%) gen. networks miss 1 step:

1 dehydraton: 23 (18%)

2 hydration: 8 (6,2%)

3 oxidation: 95 (74,2%)

4 thiolysis: 2 (1,6%)

Systematic error in Path2Models?

Y. lipolytica (strain CLIB 122/E 150):

BMID000000136479– no oxidation

MODEL1111190000 (curated)[Loira et al., 2012] – complete cycle

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One missing step

128 (10%) gen. networks miss 1 step:

1 dehydraton: 23 (18%)

2 hydration: 8 (6,2%)

3 oxidation: 95 (74,2%)

4 thiolysis: 2 (1,6%)

Systematic error in Path2Models?

Y. lipolytica (strain CLIB 122/E 150):

BMID000000136479– no oxidation

MODEL1111190000 (curated)[Loira et al., 2012] – complete cycle

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One missing step

128 (10%) gen. networks miss 1 step:

1 dehydraton: 23 (18%)

2 hydration: 8 (6,2%)

3 oxidation: 95 (74,2%)

4 thiolysis: 2 (1,6%)

Systematic error in Path2Models?

Y. lipolytica (strain CLIB 122/E 150):

BMID000000136479– no oxidation

MODEL1111190000 (curated)[Loira et al., 2012] – complete cycle

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Generalization is validated

Generalization is useful to:understand, compare and classify networks,detect general network structure,highlight possible problems,detect organism-specific particularities.

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1 Introduction

2 Generalization method [Zhukova and Sherman, J Comput Biol 2014]

3 Validation [Zhukova and Sherman, J Bioinf Comput Biol 2014]

4 Mimoza: web-based navigation[Zhukova and Sherman, BMC Syst Bio (forthcoming)]

5 Conclusions and Perspectives

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Visualization requirements

users’ models as an input

desktop? online?

zooming user interface (ZUI)!geometric zoom

semantic zoom

decomposition into modulescompartmentsgeneralized elements

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Visualization requirements

users’ models as an inputdesktop? online?

zooming user interface (ZUI)!geometric zoom

semantic zoom

decomposition into modulescompartmentsgeneralized elements

JWS online [Snoep et al., 2003]

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Visualization requirements

users’ models as an inputdesktop? online?

zooming user interface (ZUI)!geometric zoom

semantic zoom

decomposition into modulescompartmentsgeneralized elements

CellDesigner [Funahashi et al., 2008]

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Visualization requirements

users’ models as an inputdesktop? online?zooming user interface (ZUI)!

geometric zoom

semantic zoomdecomposition into modules

compartmentsgeneralized elements

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Visualization requirements

users’ models as an inputdesktop? online?zooming user interface (ZUI)!

geometric zoom

semantic zoomdecomposition into modules

compartmentsgeneralized elements

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Visualization requirements

users’ models as an inputdesktop? online?zooming user interface (ZUI)!

geometric zoomsemantic zoom

decomposition into modulescompartmentsgeneralized elements

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Visualization requirements

users’ models as an inputdesktop? online?zooming user interface (ZUI)!

geometric zoomsemantic zoom

decomposition into modulescompartmentsgeneralized elements

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3-level model representation:1 full model2 generalized view3 compartment view

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3-level model representation:1 full model2 generalized view3 compartment view

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3-level model representation:1 full model2 generalized view3 compartment view

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3-level model representation:1 full model2 generalized view3 compartment view

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Comparison to other tools

Tool Imposed Semantic User’s Automaticname layout zoom model layout Modules

Genome yes no no - noProjector

if created if createdNaviCell no by user yes no by user

Cellular yes no no - noOverview

Reactome yes/no yes no - yes

Mimoza no yes yes yes yes

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1 user submits a model in SBML format2 model generalization (if needed)3 layout of the network graph4 rendering into a zoomable interactive map5 the result can be browsed online or downloaded


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Implementation details

Python + libSBML [Bornstein et el., 2008] – libraryModel generalization [Zhukova and Sherman, 2014] – modulesthe Gene Ontology [Ashburner et al., 2000] – compartments’ nestingTulip library [Auber, 2004] – graph layoutLeaflet [leafletjs.com] + GeoJSON [geojson.org] – ZUIJavascript, JQuery – on-line

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Layers layoutGeneralized model layout

Full model layout – challenge ofcorrespondence

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Layers layoutGeneralized model layoutA combination of Tulip [Auber, 2004]algorithms:

1 split into connected components2 apply a layout algorithm

no cycles=⇒ Hierarchical Layout≤ 3 cycles & ≤ 100 nodes=⇒ Circular Layout

otherwise=⇒ Force-Directed Layout

3 combine back together withConnected Comp. Packing

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Layers layoutGeneralized model layoutA combination of Tulip [Auber, 2004]algorithms:

1 split into connected components2 apply a layout algorithm

no cycles=⇒ Hierarchical Layout≤ 3 cycles & ≤ 100 nodes=⇒ Circular Layout

otherwise=⇒ Force-Directed Layout

3 combine back together withConnected Comp. Packing

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Layers layoutGeneralized model layout

Full model layout – challenge ofcorrespondence

keep coordinates fornon-generalized elementssimilar metabolites/reactions –next to each other inside thegeneralized elementconserve the colorsgeneralized elements are larger

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Layers layoutGeneralized model layout

Full model layout – challenge ofcorrespondence

Serialization of layout

SBML with layout extension[Gauges et al., 2013] – stores nodecoordinates and sizesimport/export

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Technical details

GeoJSON [geojson.org]

Leaflet [leafletjs.com]

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Technical details

GeoJSON [geojson.org]

Leaflet [leafletjs.com]

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Technical details

GeoJSON [geojson.org]

Leaflet [leafletjs.com]

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Download and distribution

as a standalone application on the Mimoza web server:mimoza.bordeaux.inria.fr

download the result as a COMBINE Archive [Bergmann et al., 2014]

as a Galaxy [Blankenberg et al., 2010] project tool (wrapper)embed a Mimoza view in another web-pagedownload the Mimoza source code

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Conclusions and Perspectives


1 Introduction

2 Generalization method [Zhukova and Sherman, J Comput Biol 2014]

3 Validation [Zhukova and Sherman, J Bioinf Comput Biol 2014]

4 Mimoza: web-based navigation[Zhukova and Sherman, BMC Syst Bio (forthcoming)]

5 Conclusions and Perspectives

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Conclusions and Perspectives


Generalization method



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Conclusions and Perspectives


Generalization method



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Conclusions and Perspectives


Generalization method Mimoza


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Conclusions and Perspectives

Compressing bipartite graphs with repetitions

Generalization for metabolic networks :metabolite grouping - metabolite ontologyreaction grouping - repetitive patterns:reactions with equiv. reactants/products

Generalized model :one representative element per patternminimizes number of generalized reactionspreserves reaction stoichiometriesobeys metabolite diversity constraint

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Compressing bipartite graphs with repetitions

Generalization for metabolic networks :metabolite grouping - metabolite ontologyreaction grouping - repetitive patterns:reactions with equiv. reactants/products

Generalized model :one representative element per patternminimizes number of generalized reactionspreserves reaction stoichiometriesobeys metabolite diversity constraint

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Compressing bipartite graphs with repetitions

Generalization for metabolic networks bipartite graphs:metabolite M-node grouping - metabolite ontology partial orderreaction R-node grouping - repetitive patterns:reactions R-nodes with equiv. reactants/products in-/out-degrees

Generalized model Compressed graph:one representative element per patternminimizes number of generalized reactions R-nodespreserves reaction stoichiometries in-/out- degrees of R-nodesobeys metabolite diversity constraint minim. M-node degrees

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Finding template models for model inference

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Finding template models for model inference

Pantograph toolbox [Loira et al., 2015]

orthologytemplate model

details vs generalitymodel for a related organism

generalized model [Issa, work in progress]collective generalizations as templates:

several close speciesseveral partial models

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Finding template models for model inference

Pantograph toolbox [Loira et al., 2015]

orthologytemplate model

details vs generalitymodel for a related organismgeneralized model [Issa, work in progress]

collective generalizations as templates:several close speciesseveral partial models

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Finding template models for model inference

Pantograph toolbox [Loira et al., 2015]

orthologytemplate model

details vs generalitymodel for a related organismgeneralized model [Issa, work in progress]collective generalizations as templates:

several close speciesseveral partial models

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Finding template models for model inference

Pantograph toolbox [Loira et al., 2015] – required updatetemplate reaction→ (at most) one target reaction

generalized template reaction→ (up to) several similar targetreactions

reaction specification methodcollective generalizations with flat met. ontology - model merge

numbers of factored reactionsas weights

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Finding template models for model inference

Pantograph toolbox [Loira et al., 2015] – required updatetemplate reaction→ (at most) one target reactiongeneralized template reaction→ (up to) several similar targetreactions

reaction specification method

collective generalizations with flat met. ontology - model mergenumbers of factored reactionsas weights

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Finding template models for model inference

Pantograph toolbox [Loira et al., 2015] – required updatetemplate reaction→ (at most) one target reactiongeneralized template reaction→ (up to) several similar targetreactions

reaction specification methodcollective generalizations with flat met. ontology - model merge

numbers of factored reactionsas weights

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Comparing disease and healthy metabolisms

Collective generalization of disease-affected models vs healthy ones:common, disease-specific, adaptation;conserved part not affected by the disease.

Disease-related differences between models:non-generalized

KEGG DISEASE database [Kanehisa, 2009] (for human)pathway maps for cancerimmune disordersneurodegenerative diseases, etc.

generalizednot bound to a particular organismapply to a healthy metabolism: draft for a disease-affected model?

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Comparing disease and healthy metabolisms

Collective generalization of disease-affected models vs healthy ones:common, disease-specific, adaptation;conserved part not affected by the disease.

Disease-related differences between models:non-generalized

KEGG DISEASE database [Kanehisa, 2009] (for human)pathway maps for cancerimmune disordersneurodegenerative diseases, etc.

generalizednot bound to a particular organismapply to a healthy metabolism: draft for a disease-affected model?

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Comparing disease and healthy metabolisms

Collective generalization of disease-affected models vs healthy ones:common, disease-specific, adaptation;conserved part not affected by the disease.

Disease-related differences between models:non-generalized

KEGG DISEASE database [Kanehisa, 2009] (for human)pathway maps for cancerimmune disordersneurodegenerative diseases, etc.

generalizednot bound to a particular organismapply to a healthy metabolism: draft for a disease-affected model?

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Classifying related metabolisms

Taxonomy (systematics) is the science of biological classification.Genomic methods - based on mutations in orthologous genes[Olsen, 1994]

Metabolic taxonomy - based on:substrate-product relationships [Chang 2011]metabolic pathways [Hong, 2004; Mazurie, 2008]enzyme information [Ma, 2004]

model generalizationcollective generalizationintersection of conserved partsorganism-specific adaptations

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Classifying related metabolisms

Taxonomy (systematics) is the science of biological classification.Genomic methods - based on mutations in orthologous genes[Olsen, 1994]

Metabolic taxonomy - based on:substrate-product relationships [Chang 2011]metabolic pathways [Hong, 2004; Mazurie, 2008]enzyme information [Ma, 2004]model generalization

collective generalizationintersection of conserved partsorganism-specific adaptations

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Classifying reactions in reaction databases

Rhea [Alcantara, 2012], BioPath [Reitz, 2004], KEGG reaction [Kanehisa, 2012],MetaCyC [Caspi, 2012]

involved metabolitesreversibilitycatalyzing enzymespathwayscross references

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Classifying reactions in reaction databases

Rhea [Alcantara, 2012]

manually annotatedmetabolites associated to ChEBI (compatible with ourgeneralization)

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Classifying reactions in reaction databases

Generalization of RhEA =⇒ reaction hierarchy

3 applications of model generalization:1 database-wide stoichiometry constraints

most specific generalizationcompatible stoichiometric constraints of any modeldirect ancestors

2 reaction group-wide stoichiometry constraintsmost general generalizationroot ancestors

3 model-wide stoichiometry constraintscompatible with the modelintermediate ancestors

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Classifying reactions in reaction databases

Generalization of RhEA =⇒ reaction hierarchy

3 applications of model generalization:1 database-wide stoichiometry constraints

most specific generalizationcompatible stoichiometric constraints of any modeldirect ancestors

2 reaction group-wide stoichiometry constraintsmost general generalizationroot ancestors

3 model-wide stoichiometry constraintscompatible with the modelintermediate ancestors

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Classifying reactions in reaction databases

Generalization of RhEA =⇒ reaction hierarchy

3 applications of model generalization:1 database-wide stoichiometry constraints

most specific generalizationcompatible stoichiometric constraints of any modeldirect ancestors

2 reaction group-wide stoichiometry constraintsmost general generalizationroot ancestors

3 model-wide stoichiometry constraintscompatible with the modelintermediate ancestors

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Conclusions and Perspectives

Suggesting extensions to metabolite ontologies


Model generalization methodMetabolite grouping based on:

relationships in met. ontology (ChEBI)no ChEBI annotation =⇒ no generalization

similar reactionsReaction grouping based on


keys:specific reactants/products

- numbers

generalized - ancestor ChEBI idsnot generalized - ids

ubiquitous reactants/products - ids


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Conclusions and Perspectives

Suggesting extensions to metabolite ontologies

Relaxed Model generalization methodMetabolite grouping based on:

relationships in met. ontology (ChEBI) – predict them if neededno ChEBI annotation =⇒ no generalization

similar reactionsReaction grouping based on fuzzy keys:

specific reactants/products - numbersgeneralized reactants - ancestor ChEBI idsnot gen. reactants - ids

ubiquitous reactants/products - ids


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Conclusions and Perspectives


MAGNOME,Inria-BordeauxDavid J ShermanRogrigo AssarPascal DurrensWitold DyrkaXavier CalcasJoaquin FernandezAnne-Laure GautierNatalia GolenetskayaRazanne IssaFlorian LajusNicolas Loira

l’Institut Micalis,INRA-GrignonStephanie MichelyCecile NeuvegliseJean-Marc Nicaud

MABioVis,LaBRI, BordeauxRomain BourquiAntoine Lambert

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Conclusions and Perspectives


Generalization method Mimoza


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