FACEBOOK best practices, common beliefs and educated guesses by Veera Juvonen Digital Marketing Manager of Greenpeace Nordic in Finland Twitter: veerajuvonen [email protected] PS. Typed around 14/2/2013, out of date very soon. Monday, February 18, 13

Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

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Facebook best practises, common beliefs and educated guesses. Typed in February 2013, out of date very soon. By the Digital Marketing Manager of Greenpeace Nordic in Finland.

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Page 1: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

FACEBOOKbest practices,

common beliefs and educated guesses

by Veera JuvonenDigital Marketing Manager

of Greenpeace Nordic in Finland

Twitter: [email protected]

PS. Typed around 14/2/2013, out of date very soon.

Monday, February 18, 13

Page 3: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

I bet Finland is the only Greenpeace office with 18 Facebook admins,

publishing up to 5 status updates a day.


Monday, February 18, 13

Page 4: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

It sometimes resembles giving your drunk friend a chance to post on YOUR

private Facebook account on your behalf.

Yeah, this is an example of hijacking a status update. It’s something naughty in


Monday, February 18, 13

Page 5: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

The most successful Greenpeace office online is Argentina with 1,1 million fans. They have one Social Media Manager

posting, 3 times a week.


Monday, February 18, 13

Page 6: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

The ever-popular comparison between


Greenpeace Sweden whooped our ass, but at

least we can race Denmark!

Monday, February 18, 13

Page 7: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

But, as one* wise slidesharer said...

*Thanks for the quote Tara Hunt at http://www.slideshare.net/missrogue/your-social-media-strategy-wont-save-you-2

Monday, February 18, 13

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Monday, February 18, 13

Page 9: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

Who are you talking with?

Women and men aged 25-34

It’s alright, the girl in the pic works for

Greenpeace. And we can call

that tofu.

Monday, February 18, 13

Page 10: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

• REPLYIf you’d ask a question on some company’s or organization’s Facebook Page and didn’t get a reply, you wouldn’t bother to write there ever again, would you? Only maybe to vent your frustrations?

• ASKYou are having a conversation with someone, not being interviewed.

Honey, we need to talk

Monday, February 18, 13

Page 11: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

...and talk

• THANKSomeone just paid you a compliment. It’s okay to LIKE it. Maybe you’d like to even pay back one? Mention the persons name by typing @name

Monday, February 18, 13

Page 12: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

No talking behind someone’s back

• Want some naughty companies to step up their game? Mention their brand typing @their facebook page, and they’ll see what is being discussed of them in our wall.

Volkswagen still accepts dialogue, but some companies have disabled tagging

their Facebook page in posts. They don’t want to know.

Monday, February 18, 13

Page 13: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

• LIKING YOUR OWN STUFFDude. If you say something, and then give it a thumbs up, it’s rather vain, right? Please change your identity if you want to like or comment as an individual. Here’s how:

Some stuff to avoid

Monday, February 18, 13

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More stuff to avoid

• BEING SARCASTICIt works between friends, rarely with people who are just getting to know you. It NEVER really works when doing customer service. Rather kill the complaints with kindness.

Monday, February 18, 13

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THEORYof a perfect Facebook

status update

Monday, February 18, 13

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PRACTISEof a perfect Facebook

status update

Monday, February 18, 13

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This random page has 7 000+ people liking it, but the image has been shared 25 000+ times. Quadrupling is nice...

Success factors: A photo with text in it, funny, timely (horse-meat found in Findus groceries), and fluffy animals, all in one!

Monday, February 18, 13

Page 19: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

• Advertising in Facebook:

• Facebook sidebar ads suck

• page posts rock x46 harder

• and the hardest rock is played on mobile devises.

Paying for it when you can’t get it for free

Stats from 2013 Feb 13th, official explanations available athttp://www.emarketer.com/Article/Facebook-Newsfeed-Ads-Retailers-High-Value-Clicks/1009661

Monday, February 18, 13

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Our most popular post

But we paid too much (82 eur) for it... and got comments in random Asian

languages and in Hebrew. Not exactly our target audience.

Monday, February 18, 13

Page 21: Facebook best practises by Greenpeace

Long story short

• Post big images with text. Add a shortened link. Fluffy animals still rule.

• DO: Discuss. Ask. Reply. Thank.

• DON’T: like your own stuff or be sarcastic.

Greenpeace green #66CC00

to see how we are performing.


Monday, February 18, 13