Lynn Legacy 4.1.4

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  • 1. Lynn Legacy 4.1.4

2. Keiko roamed the halls of the greek house.Even in death she'd protect the Lynns. _____ Note: most of this chapter you might notice something odd- the fourth gen has different clothes! 3. Talin followed her.If there was a way to remove someone's presence forever, so they couldn't even come back as a ghost, Opal would figure it out and use it on Keiko, and Talin refused to lose Keiko again. _____ Note continued: Well, that's because stupid me forgot to make a back-up that had the fourth gen still in collegeandVenus already born and her hospital built. 4. Jade Stratton was roaming the greek house too, though not as a ghost.She was the newest pledge, and as the placeholder for the house for the kids of spares, she expected to be married in and invited to the greek house parties. _____ So just ignore the clothes-change. 5. Tara Shaw was exploring the greek house, too, to prepare to move in at the end of the year. 6. Opal looked down at Venus.The doctors had said she could be off the incubator for short periods of time, and as Opal had studied to become a doctor and bought an incubator she knew she could keep Venus alive till she was an adult. 7. She reached in and took Venus.She'd move her to the incubator at home as quick as possible, and then be back to place a fake, dead-looking version of Venus.It'd be so realistic- still warm for a couple hours, with a bit of Venus's blood even- that not even a doctor would be able to tell that it'd never been alive. 8. Opal walked towards the door, her heart pounding.She was going to make it... 9. Ring!!! Aria picked up the phone.Hello? Hello, is this Aria Bohemian? Yes. We're sorry to inform you that your daughter, Venus, died today. 10. Aria cried.How will I get Fir to marry me despite me not being legacy legal without Venus?How will I get Lyndsay killed? 11. Bring!!! Tosha got up to go get the phone.Hello? Tosha, it's Puddinroy.I just thought you should know that the doctors said Aria's baby died. Tosha blinked.Oh... okay.Well, bye. Bye. 12. Tosha hung up the phone.Something about this seemed wrong... 13. Who was it? Otieno asked as Tosha sat back down. Just a wrong number, Tosha lied.Otieno didn't know anything about Tosha's involvement with Aria or Puddinroy, or even that they existed, and she planned to keep it that way. 14. I'd hoped someone had figured out part of the prophecy, Otieno sighed. The prophecy!Tosha's mind screamed, trying to tell her something. How did it go again?All will be lost if you don't heed my words/The seed shall live, despite what will be heard... 15. Could the seed be Aria's baby?But the doctors said she was dead, and why would they be wrong?Unless... could they have lied? 16. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by another phone- this time Otieno's. Hello?Oh, hi Tristessa! 17. No... Otieno's voice suddenly turned to a whisper, and he started to sob. 18. Tosha got up and put her arm around her husband.What did she say? she asked. Keiko's dead, Otieno cried, breaking into a new round of sobs. 19. Tosha straightened herself.Dead?Their Keiko... dead? 20. She started crying with her husband. 21. Otieno remembered his mother's death giving birth to him, and it occurred to him that Tristessa was his only child, and that she was in danger too. 22. We can't let Tristessa died, Otieno said resolutely to Tosha.Even if that means no grandkids. 23. Otieno spent the next few days painting Keiko.She wouldn't be forgotten for as long as there were Flynns in this house. 24. And finally Keiko's painting was done, and hung besides Brooke's where Keiko could watch over the house. 25. You did a good job, Otieno. 26. Opal!Have you been successful yet? Yes, and I'll be coming home shortly to give you something.I trust you can watch after a baby? 27. Baby? I made a deal with Aria Bohemian- her blue baby with Fir if I kill Lyndsay.Unfortunately, Keiko- the younger Flynn girl- stepped in the way, and now she's dead. 28. No loss there.Getting the Flynn girl out of the way could even prove helpful. Exactly, but Talin didn't think so.He tried to kill me, so of course the only thing I could do was kill him. 29. Good.He has no use to us if he's a traitor. Yeah...Well with Lyndsay still in the picture and not stupid enough to be with me alone ever again, I decided it'd be easier to just kidnap Aria's kid. 30. So you did? Yep, and don't worry, I won't make the same mistakes Nathan did.She's not missing as far as everyone's concerned- she's dead. 31. Also, we won't be leaving her unattended.Between me, you, Mom, and the servo I built, there'll be enough people to watch her and any baby I have, even though I'll be getting a job, and the servo might get one, too. 32. She'll be kept in the attic, and I'll make some more regeants soon in case anyone finds out she's actually alive.We'll kill them on the spot. You've done good, Opal!Just as long as we can keep her till she's an adult without problems, we'll finally be able to accomplish our goals. 33. Gina cackled with glee.After all, she'd only waited her whole life for this. 34. Don't worry, my son.Even if your father has never cared for you and your step-mother isn't saddened by your death... 35. ...I will honor your memory.I won't forget you, Talin, no matter who does. 36. Hey, you know how you said our kids get simself powers? Robi asked one day. Yeah, what about it? Well, I was wondering...what exactly would that mean? 37. You know, hacks, cheats- that sort of thing.And for their teen birthday I might give them a sim to control, and when that sim gets a family they can control the whole family.They won't have to oblige by my rules, either, about not interfering, unless they want to.Their families will operate under their rules. 38. So, basically like a simself from another 'verse? Yep. 39. Did you go into buy mode while we were talking and build a playground? Yeah.You reminded me I needed to start adding things for our future kids. 40. I also bought a dog, Fang.Oh, and I added some rooms for the kids! 41. 'Some rooms' doesn't normally mean a three story house. I know, but our house doesn't have room to expand.I was thinking of making three seperate houses, with a kitchen and bathroom in each, but I figured they'd be fine sharing a house. 42. They still have to eat with us and use our bathrooms. If you have to give them their own house, couldn't you at least have made it a complete one with a kitchen and bathroom? 43. And wait-three -story house?Threeseparate houses?You plan on us having three kids? Yep.That's how many I need for my lifetime want to graduate three kids from college.Is that okay with you? 44. Yes, but you're going to spoil these kids so much.Their own playground to share, their own house to share, simself powers, a sim for each to control,anda dog?Next thing I know you'll have gotten them all their own personal computer! 45. Um... You did, didn't you? Yes? 46. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Aria punched in the numbers frustratedly. 47. Hello, you've reached Opal's cell phone.I can't answer right now, so leave a message and I'll get back as soon as possible! 48. Aria didn't even bother leaving a message this time, furiously slamming the phone back into its hook. 49. Obviously, I can't depend on Opal to get rid of Lyndsay for me. 50. I've lost Venus to death.And now I'm going to lose Fir to Lyndsay. 51. But I won't give up.There'll be more Lynn men made heirs and more chances, ones who aren't able to be warned by the creator about me and who won't cheat on me. 52. I just need to become legacy legal so that the creator doesn't warn them anyway. 53. There has to be a way to become legacy legal without her... 54. I asked Opal to do this, but obviously I have to do everything myself. 55. After a few minutes of typing Aria rested her hands and looked at the computer screen.Well, isn't that interesting, she smirked. 56. Come on and Ease on down, ease on down the road come on, ease on down, ease on down the road don't you carry nothing that might be a load come on, ease on down ease on down, down the road 57. Come on Ease on down, ease on down the road(ease on down) Come on Ease on down, ease on down the road(ease on down) 58. Don't you carry nothing that might be a loadCome on Ease on down, ease on down, down the road 59. Pick your left foot up, when your right foots down Come on lets keep moving and don't you lose the ground You just keep on Keepin' on the road that you choose Don't you give up walking cause you gave up shoes 60. Ease on down, ease on down the road (come on) Ease on down, ease on down the road Don't you carry nothing that might be a load Come on Ease on down, ease on down, down the road 61. Cause there may be times when you think you lost your mind And the steps you're taking leave you three four steps behind But the road you're walking might be long sometimes You just keep on stepping and you'll be just fine (yeah) 62. Ease on down, Ease on down the road (ease on down) Ease on down, Ease on down the road (ease on down) Don't you carry nothing that might be a load Come on Ease on down, Ease on down, down the.... 63. For there may be times, when you wish you wasn't born And you wake one morning just to find your courage gone but you know that feeling only last a little while you just stick with us we'll show you how to smile (yeah) 64. Get 'em up, goin' down (ease on down the road) Get 'em up, goin' down (ease on down the road) 65. Get 'em up, goin' down(ease on down the road) Get 'em up get 'em up (ease on down the road) 66. Robi and I finally got married... 67. Robi and I spent our honeymoon like any married couple... 68. And the results were fast-coming. Woah, that was quick. Yeah, well, I refuse to spend more than a couple of minutes pregnant if I can help it, and since I'm a simself, I can help it. 69. Yep, I'm having a baby, and already in my third trimester and it's only been a few minutes.I'm so happy! 70. And now... not so happy. 71. Aw, he looks just like me!His name is James. 72. Of course being me, I wasn't going to have justonebaby. 73. Why have only one at a time when you can have three at a time? 74. You already know I want three of my kids to graduate from college, so I had triplets so I'd only have to give birth once.This little guy's John, and he's the only one with Robi's grey eyes! 75. And here's Sarah.She's already suffering from middle child syndrome- as in, being ignored. 76. Time passes by so quickly, and soon the triplets were becoming toddlers. 77. Sarah grew up bald, which, since I have thick, long hair and love it, I don't consider good. 78. James and John both seem to have thick and longish hair, like me. 79. Spoiled kids that they are, they don't have to skill their toddlerhoods away. 80. No, they got cheated half their skills, and the other half will be cheated later. 81. This leaves them free to enjoy the playground I built them! 82. Opal smiled down at the little girl in her arms.A nice, genuine smile.She'd realized early on that Venus trusted her only when she smiled genuinely and was kind to her. Ready to go home, Venus?You've been playing here for hours. Dwess, then home, mommy, Venus answered. 83. Opal put her on the changing table and helped her into her dress, then picked her back up. There, all better now!Are you ready to go home now? Venus nodded. 84. Venus snuggled up to her mom. She looks so much like Fir...Maybe I shouldn't bring her to the play center anymore. 85. Venus, tomorrow let's play at home, okay? 'Kay, Mommy. The End!Sorry it's sort of short, but next chapter will be extra long to make up for it!