Newbie-Friendly Guide to: Spin-Ready Article Marketing By Alistair Maylum Copyright © 2011 - All Rights Reserved www.soyouwanttomakemoneyonline.com

Spin ready article marketing

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How to easily spin 1 article to create numerous unique articles for article marketing and a list of 1200 article sites to submit to.

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Newbie-Friendly Guide to:

Spin-Ready Article Marketing

By Alistair Maylum

Copyright © 2011 - All Rights Reserved


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Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer:

This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved. You are allowed to give this Guide to anyone you choose to but you may not sell it. Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence. Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; in fact, it's likely that they won't be the same, and you should adjust your use of the information and recommendations accordingly.Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform and entertain the reader. So have fun with article marketing, and get your stuff done.Copyright © 2011 www.soyouwanttomakemoneyonline.com. All rights reserved worldwide.


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Table Of ContentsIntroduction...................................................................4

What you need to know about article spinning....................5

What is Article Spinning and what are the pros and cons......6

How to generate targeted traffic and loads of backlinks with your spinnable articles..............................10

How do you create a super spinnable article?...................17

How to put your article marketing efforts on autopilot........20

Where to submit your articles.........................................25

Ways to get spin-ready articles without writing them...........................................................................28


Big list of article directories............................................31


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IntroductionYou have probably heard of spun articles, pre-spun articles, spinnable

articles or spin-ready articles, but what exactly are they and how can

you use these articles to boost your business?

In this report you are going to discover how you can harness the

power of spin-ready articles to almost instantly create thousands of

articles with the push of a button.

And not only that, you are going to learn how you can use these spun

articles to generate tons of traffic, build thousands of backlinks and

improve your online profits.

Article marketing still is one of the best ways to generate long term

targeted traffic to your websites, but the single biggest problem is the

amount of time it takes to write original articles and to submit them

to all the top article directories and your own blogs or websites.

You will find that doing article marketing with spinnable articles is a

much better way to market your business without wasting hours upon

hours of valuable time writing individual articles and submitting them

for drips of traffic, because you can plug spin-ready articles into a

spinner and generate hundreds of unique articles with the push of a

button. I am also going to tell you how we can use these spin-ready

articles for maximum exposure, traffic and profits for your business.


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What you need to know about

article spinningIf you are running an online business, the best way to make people

learn about it is by giving away information about the products and

services that you offer. Most articles in the Internet are meant for this

purpose, and you'd better be good at it if you want your business to

stand out.

Publishing as many articles as you can over the Internet means

exposing your products to your target customers. While you consider

writing quantities of worthwhile articles for your prospect buyers to

read, you also need to consider the quality of the write-ups at the

same time.

Its a tough job creating tons of articles with high-quality content, and

this is the probably the reason why more and more online marketers

rely on article content spinners.


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What is article spinning and

what are the pros and cons?

Spinning an article means rearranging the words and sentences of an

original article in order to produce 10's or even 100's of unique

articles. Some article content spinners can generate thousands of

unique rewritten articles. It all depends on how well you spin them.

When you create a spinnable article like this you normally use spin-

syntax where the spinning software chooses a random piece of text

between the “{ }”, with the different choices seperated by a “|”.

Ie. The {quick|fast|speedy} {black|white|brown} fox {runs|walks|

crawls} over the {fence|hedge|wall}.

When you spin this kind of text, you can get many different

possibilities like:

1. The quick brown fox runs over the fence.

2. The speedy white fox walks over the wall.

3. The fast black fox crawls over the hedge.

4. Etc.


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You can see that they are all different, but still have the same basic


NOTE: An article that is in spin-syntax, is called a spinnable article

or a spin-ready article. After you run this article through a content

spinning program/site/software to create a unique article version, the

article is called a spun article.

The better you spin it, meaning the more different choices you put in,

the more unique the articles will come out when spun. While most

article spinning software puts in synonyms automatically, these will

not make much sense when you spin them, because the grammar will

be wrong. The uniqueness level will also not be that high. It is

generally agreed that an article's uniqueness level need to be at least

more than 30% to be classified as unique, but this varies.

This means that the best way to make articles spinnable is to

manually spin it on sentence level and also word (synonym) level with

as many different variations as you can. This is called a deep spin or

a nested spin (spin variations within spin variations).

When you spin articles, words are usually transformed into their other

thesaurus equivalents, and the structure of individual sentences are


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rearranged in such a way that it does not disrupt the original sense of

the articles. Additional words, phrases, or sentences are also included

to enhance the article structure.

With article content spinning, you can distribute as many

articles as you can all over the web without having to worry

about being reprimanded by search engines for publishing

duplicate content.

This is one of the biggest pros of using spun articles. You can literally

submit your articles to hundreds of article directories and blogs and

not get penalized by Google. This means that you will benefit a lot

more if you have spin-ready articles.

But how are you going to write, spin and submit hundreds of spun

articles to article directories? Surely this will take ages?

Unfortunately the biggest draw back of article marketing is the time it

takes to research and write an article. You can imagine how long it

takes to spin the article well, especially if you want to spin it to a high

uniqueness level while still keeping the spun articles readable.

Luckily, I have a few tips for you to get your article marketing jump


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started. I will tell you about that a bit later in this guide, but first let

us talk about how you can actually generate targeted traffic to your

websites and how you can use these articles to get lots of traffic as



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How to generate targeted

traffic and loads of backlinks

with your Spinnable articles.

Generating quality targeted traffic to your websites using spinnable

articles is basically the same as using normal articles for this goal.

In this section I will outline a good strategy that you can use to get a

lot of backlinks to your sites and get some nice floods of extra traffic

to your sites as well, using spin-ready articles. Let's get started...

Before you start spinning, you would need to write a well researched,

original, keyword targeted article. You would need your keyword in

your title, first and last paragraph and a few times sprinkled through

the article.

Keyword research is the key to all article marketing campaigns, even

spun articles. Use the Google Keyword Tool (or your favourite

keyword tool) and look for a related keyword, that gets enough

searches per month, but whose competition is not that fierce. You

can put the keyword term into google with “ “ and see how many sites


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come up. If there are over 100000 sites coming up, the competition

may be too fierce. Also, check the page rank of the top 5 sites on

Google page 1. If they are authority sites with PR of 4 and over, then

rather target another keyword term. It is best to target long tail (2-4

words) keywords with less searches, where you can rank your article

easily. (Which keywords to target depends on how aggressively you

are planning to backlink to get to Google Page 1.)

If you are going to spin articles you would need to make it

spinnable using spin syntax. The more unique it is with the more

variations, the better. Nested spins always work better. If you are

spinning it yourself, I suggest you spin it after each paragraph to

check how readable the spun versions of the paragraph is. Try and

use at least 2-3 different sentence variations and then as many

word/phrase variations within that as possible, while keeping the

readability high.

Now you can spin your article into 50 to 200 unique articles

using your favourite spinning tool (The amount of semi-unique articles

you will generate will depend on the quality of the spinnable article).

The articles won't be 100% unique, but will still be seen as somewhat

unique to Google, which is a lot better than submitting duplicate

content and will carry more weight in the Search Engines.


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Make sure that you have a resource box (also spun somewhat),

containing 2 links to your websites. These should be in in the

<a href="http://yourwebsiteurl.com">Keyword You Target</a>

format so that you can use your anchor text. Use the keywords that

you target as your anchor text. Most article directories allow you to

use 2 links in your resource box. This means you can get double the

amount of backlinks for each article. Make sure your links are not

directly linked to affiliate offers, as some article directories won't allow

this. It is recommended that these links are also relevant to the

article. (These will help for backlinks)

Your resource box is very important as the more compelling your

resource box is, the better your click through rate would be and the

more traffic you would get. Test this out in a few similar articles until

you get a winning formula.

After you have spun your articles and have about 50 to 200 articles

(depending how uniquely they are spun), submit one article to

Ezinearticles, the powerhouse of article directories. Make sure the

grammar and spelling is correct, and that all the other TOS of

Ezinearticle are abide by. REMEMBER: Make sure that you submit

your original article FIRST to this article directory, they hate duplicate

content. (Or content that resembles duplicate content) If everything

goes well, it will probably take up to a week to get it accepted.


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Ezinearticles is one of the best article directories out there, and while

it's a bit harder to get your articles accepted, you can get your articles

ranked a lot quicker and get more traffic using this article directory.

After your article at Ezinearticles get accepted, you can start

submitting the other spun articles. Ezinearticles won't remove your

article because of duplicate content, if they already approved your

article first.

After this, submit your article to your own blog or website if you

have a blog covering that subject. (You could also submit it to your

blog or website first and then at Ezinearticles, but make sure your

name is as the author of the article or blog.) This should be a good

version of your article, because you want to have good quality content

on your own website. You can even include the link to your

Ezinearticle for extra backlinking power to your ezinearticle or vice


Next, you want to submit your different spun versions of your

article to as many article directories as you can. (See the top

article directories a bit later in this report). While you will get most

traffic from the top 5 article directories, the other article directories

with Page Rank will be very important for building backlinks to your


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articles. The more article directories you submit to, the more

backlinks you will get. You can also submit these articles to other

people's blogs or use sites like Free Traffic System to submit it.

Let's see how effective these articles can be for backlinking... If you

have 2 different anchor text-ed links in your article, it means that you

will get 2 backlinks for each article submitted. This means that the

more articles you submit, the more backlinks you get. If you can

submit to the top 50 article directories you will potentially get 100

high PR backlinks. (All of them are probably PR 2 – PR 7)

What makes these article backlinks even better is that these websites

get updated frequently, so Google indexes them quickly. Because

article directories are there to provide information, I believe they also

carry a lot of weight when it comes to authority for backlinks.

So how are you going to submit your article to so many

directories manually? While you can auto submit your spinnable

article to hundreds of article directories via automated tools like

Article Marketing Robot, (will talk about this later.) you can submit

them manually or semi-manually.


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If you want to submit it manually:

Create a new email account. (If you have one, use a domain name

email address, because free emails like Gmail get rejected

sometimes.) Now go and register at each article directory that has

page rank and is do-follow. The higher the page rank, the better it is

for backlinks. (You can register for other big article directories that

are no-follow as well, if you are only going after extra traffic.) Then

confirm all your registrations. Now you can go to each article directory

and submit your articles. Be sure that you submit a different spun

version to each site. Google will place more value on backlinks

coming from more unique articles.

This will take some time, but after you get the hang of it, it will go a

lot quicker. There are also some tools that you can use to make

this process easier to manage. There are some free programs and

tools out there to help you. One that I liked to use is Free Article

Submission. (It was free the last time I checked.) This is a way of

semi-automating your article submissions to over 1000 article

directories. It keeps track of all the articles that you submitted and

the anchor text you used. It could save you a lot of time and keep

you more organized.

Finally, you want to track which articles are indexed and gave you

backlinks. You can copy a part of your resource box that is the same


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in all spun articles and paste it in quotation marks (“ “) in Google to

see which sites came up. These are all indexed by Google and will get

you backlinks once they are crawled. Now you can do some

backlinking to the top sites of these to get your articles better ranked.

Just submitting these to bookmarking sites can bring you a lot of

extra traffic and boost these backlinks.

NOTE: Backlinking needs to be something you do consistently for the

best results. I suggest you submit at least one new article to as

many directories as you can once a week for each site. This will get

you to Google Page 1 in next to no-time for lower competition

keywords. For more competitive keyword phrases you should submit

2-5 articles each week for maximum backlinks.

And that is basically it. Track your results and start with your next

article. Article marketing is something you want to do consistently.

The more articles you submit to the more article directories, the more

traffic and backlinks you will get. It is a numbers game. Of course, if

you do your keyword research well, you will have won the battle half

way and get a lot more traffic. The main goal for traffic to your

articles, is to rank your article on Google. Using spun articles you can

actually rank the “same” article on different places on Google Page 1.

That is the beauty of spinnable articles. ;)


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How do you create a super

spinnable article?

To make a basic spinnable article you would only need to substitute

words for synonyms using thesaurus meanings. If you have an article

spinner then they would sometimes have a built-in thesaurus to make

this easier for you as SpinnerChief does.

Remember that SpinnerChief is 100% free and is by far the best free

article spinner I have ever used.

A sentence spun at word level would look like this:

The {brown|black|white} fox {crawls|climbs|jumps} over the {fence|


This is an easy way to spin an article quickly, but unfortunately the

article would not come out that unique. It will be really difficult

spinning an article that makes sense and that is more than 30%

unique using this strategy alone.


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A better way would be to combine spinning on word level with

spinning on sentence level (Nested spinning). Ie:

{The {brown|black|white} fox {crawls|climbs|jumps} over the

{fence|wall|hedge}.| I {looked at|watched} the {fence|wall|hedge}

in horror, as I saw the dirty {brown|black|white} fox {crawls|climbs|

jumps} over it.}

NOTE: Always try and vary the sentence length and try to use

different kinds of words. For a decent uniqueness level, I suggest

getting at least 2-3 sentence variations and then as many phrase

variations within that as possible.

Using nested spins, you get a much more unique article if you spin it.

If you really want to go all out you can also spin it on a paragraph

level, but this would probably take you over 6 hours to spin it into an

article that would make sense and is generally not considered worth

the time it takes.

TIP: The most important thing to spin well, is the title of your

article. Try and have as many variations for this as possible.


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And that is how to create a super spinnable article. Remember, the

more work you put in, the more millage you will get out of your article

and the long term benefits will be great. If you have an article that is

over 60% unique, you can spin it into thousands of unique articles.


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How to put your article

marketing efforts on autopilot.

Creating spinnable articles manually is probably the best way to

create highly unique articles with decent grammar and good

readability, but the fact of the matter is – this could take you anything

from 2 to 5 hours to spin an article, depending how unique you want

it. In addition to that you would need to submit your articles to

article directories so that you can benefit from them.

All this work means that you will have to do article marketing full time

to reap the maximum benefits. Well, actually you don't have to,

because there are ways to automate almost every part of article

writing, spinning, submission and marketing...

I am going to show you how you can easily do this, but first you need

to do a few things...

What you need for spinning an article:

1. A spinning software to spin your spinnable article into unique

variations. Try SpinnerChief, it's superb for this.


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2. You would need to go find all the possible article directories and

content sharing websites that you can, create a profile for each

one and then SUBMIT your spun articles manually to each one.

(This could take hundreds of hours!)

3. Luckily, there are software tools out there to automate

these. I have of course mention SpinnerChief but you may also

want to check out JetSpinner. This online program is fine if you

want to spin your article by hand and use it to spin it into many

different unique articles. Another great free program out there

is Content Professor. This program has a build in thesaurus, so it

saves you a lot of time when spinning your articles. (This is free

in Beta stage currently.)

However, there are new products on the market which are a lot

better and that can save you hours of time, by making your

spinning a lot easier and also submitting your spun article to hundreds

of article directories with the click of a button.

The hardest part of article marketing, is spreading your articles

around the web so that you can get traffic from them and build

backlinks with them. It makes sense that the more places you can

submit your articles, the more backlinks and the more traffic you can

get to your websites.


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What I would recommend is Article Marketing Robot . This is one of

the best of it's kind available, especially for the price. And the price

just changed to a once off fee with no monthly fees. This is almost

unheard of with powerful article submitters like this. I think this must

be the only software of it's kind and class to do this. (There are also

some other software that are even more powerful, and expensive, in

the resource section you might want to consider.)

Here are a few of Article Marketing Robot's killer


• LiveLink Reporting – The software logs in to your Account and

finds your published articles.

• RSS XML Exporting - Take your Live Links and submit them an

RSS Submitter.

• Nested Article Spinning - Place spin syntax inside of spin syntax.

• Spin On Submit - AMR automatically spins your article during submission.

• Autoblogging - Blast to all your own niche WordPress blogs!

• Scheduled Article Directory Submission - Works on YOUR timeframe.

• Automated Author Account Creation – More than a 1000 accounts auto-created.


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• Automate Email Confirmation - Confirm thousands of emails with a single click.

• Article Import / Export - Write an article and send it for easy import.

• Captcha Solving - Those squiggly lines of text, solved!

• Ultra-Fast Multi-Threading - What used to take hours is now done in minutes.

• Insanely Powerful Aricle Rewriting - Words can't even express how good it is.

• Over a 1000 Article Directories - Including all your favorite top ones, like EZA, Go, ArticlesBase, Etc.!

This means the program auto-creates hundreds of accounts at all the

article directories, automatically verifies all the accounts and then

submits your uniquely spun articles to over 1000 article directories

with the click of a button. You can even set it so that your articles get

drip fed over a period of time.

This means that you can have hundreds or thousands of backlinks,

pointing to your websites by just submitting one spun article, that

takes you less than 1 minute of manual work.

Just imagine the amount of traffic you can get after you have

thousands of articles on the internet with your links in them.


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Article Marketing Robot really is a super easy way to use spinnable

articles to the max. I can't recommend this enough. There are more

expensive software available, but this is the only one you need for

submitting unique articles automatically.


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Where to submit your articlesYou would need to submit your article to a load of article directories if

you want to squeeze the most benefit out of them.

If you want to submit articles for getting backlinks, you would need to

submit your articles to as many sites as you can. This is what makes

Article Marketing Robot a worthwhile tool to have. You can just plug

your spinnable article in and it will submit it to hundreds of article

directories. It will save you lots of time and make it's money's worth

over and over in profits.

If you do want to submit your articles manually, here is a great list of

the top article directories. The higher the page rank, the more link

juice it will give your backlinks. The “no follow” article directories

won't give you any “link juice”, but will still get you more traffic and

will help with Yahoo and other search engine rankings.

NR. URL Alexa Ranking

Google PageRank

Do follow?

1. ezinearticles.com 112 6 2. articlesbase.com 339 6 NF!3. buzzle.com 646 6 4. suite101.com 657 7 5. helium.com 1,146 6 6. goarticles.com 1,667 4 7. articlesnatch.com 1,925 5 NF!


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8. articlealley.com 2,102 5 NF!9. articledashboard.com 3,251 5

10. selfgrowth.com/articles.html 3,467 5 11. bukisa.com 3,702 5 NF!12. ideamarketers.com 4,332 5 13. amazines.com 4,573 3 14. isnare.com 5,357 6 15. searchwarp.com 5,581 5 NF!16. articlecity.com 5,773 6 17. infobarrel.com 6,467 4 18. sooperarticles.com 6,644 5 19. articlerich.com 6,940 3 20. articleclick.com 7,041 4 21. articlecube.com 7,330 0 22. articlestars.com 8,259 2 23. a1articles.com 8,376 5 NF!24. abcarticledirectory.com 8,781 4 25. submityourarticle.com/articles/ 8,965 4 26. web-source.net 9,536 3 27. articlecompilation.com 9,759 0 28. articlesfactory.com 10,261 4 29. articlepool.com 10,391 0 30. EvanCarmichael.com 10,662 3 31. site-reference.com 11,159 5 32. upublish.info 11,897 4 33. articleslash.net 12,094 5 34. e-articles.info 12,481 4 35. acmearticles.com 12,490 3 36. articlenexus.com 12,870 0 37. 990m.com 13,788 3 38. thewhir.com/find/articlecentral 14,271 5 39. articlesalley.com 14,463 7 NF!40. articlecell.com 14,895 2 41. articlebliss.com 15,406 3 42. articlemonkeys.com 15,521 4 NF!43. affsphere.com 15,677 3 44. fourpxarticles.com 15,705 3 45. articles.everyquery.com 16,031 3 46. thecontentcorner.com 16,184 3


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47. carolinaarticles.com 16,518 4 48. articlesjust4you.com 17,330 4 49. articlewheel.com 18,014 3 50. articlewarehouse.com 18,161 3

NF! - this site uses nofollow tag in author's resource box.

NOTE: I included a full list of over 1200 article directories, including

revenue sharing sites with PR at the end of this report.

You can also submit your article to your blogs. It would be a great

idea to first submit it to your blogs and on Ezinearticles before you

start submitting it to other article directories. Ezinearticles are very

strict with their article approval, so even if your article is spun well, it

could be declined. So for spun articles rather stay clear of this one or

make sure you change it a bit to make it even more unique.


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Ways to get spin-ready articles

without writing themWhile spun articles could be a great way to generate traffic to your

websites while building quality backlinks, you have probably gathered

that it takes quite a while to write and spin an article properly for

maximum uniqueness. There are a few shortcuts if you want to save

some time with this.

Many people outsource these articles. You can hire someone at

places like Elance.com, guru.com or odesk.com to write you articles

and to spin them. Unfortunately, some of these people need a lot of

training to spin articles to a highly unique percentage while still

keeping it readable.

Usually they just spin on a word level using software to do it

automatically. If they spin these articles to a high uniqueness that

you actually need for your business, experienced workers can charge

you between $7 and $15 for writing an original, well researched

article of 500 words. To spin this on a sentence and word level could

take them over 3 hours, so this could cost you another $15 easily. All

in all, you could easily pay $20-30 for a decent article that is properly

spun. If you are not too concerned about the quality of the work, you


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can probably get someone with less experience or a lower level of

English to do it for cheaper.

ConclusionWell, you have come to the end of this report. I hope you have found

the information useful and that you have learned a lot.

Building quality traffic, backlinks and making money from article

marketing could be just the thing you need and using spinnable

articles make this super easy for you.

ONE MORE TIP: I really hope that you take what you have learned

from this guide and put it into action right away so that you can see

how this will benefit your business.

Go write an article, spin it and start submitting it today. If you are

consistent with this technique, you can base your whole marketing

strategy around this strategy. It could be that effective.

Now check below for a big list of article directories to submit your

articles to.


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Big List Of Article DirectoriesSo, you want to do article marketing? You have made the right decision, because article marketing (also called bum marketing) is one of the best and cheapest ways to drive long term traffic that is highly targeted and can make you money easily. This is a great strategy to build long term traffic.

Right, so you want to find out where you can submit your articles? I have got a very complete list for you of almost all the article directories on the internet. (Well, not really all of them, but a lot of them anyway.)

Here are the top five directories:

EzineArticles.com, Buzzle.com, GoArticles.com, ArticlesFactory.com and WebProNews.com. Submitting to these is a must! EzineArticles.com and Buzzle.com can bring you a lot of traffic, GoArticles.com brings you backlinks, and ArticlesFactory.com.

Not enough for you? You will find the complete list below. They are listed alphabetically and the page rank is included. The higher the page rank, the better for rankings.

Wait! There's more below!


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All 1200 Directories

AdSense Revenue Sharing Articles Sites:http://www.articler.comhttp://www.xpressideas.com/http://www.articlecodex.com/#Writershttp://www.writingup.com/write_a_blog_make_moneyhttp://www.articletrader.com/forum/index.php?a=topic&t=12http://www.articlewise.com/adsense.phphttp://www.hotwebtools.com/articles

THE COMPLETE LIST:5. http://www.articlepool.com , Pagerank: 6 6. http://www.123articleonline.com/ , Pagerank: 1 7. http://www.1888articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 8. http://www.1articleworld.com/ , Pagerank: 3 9. http://www.21stcenturyarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 10. http://www.365articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 11. http://www.4gvn.com/ , Pagerank: 0 12. http://www.a-1articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 13. http://www.a1-articledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 4 14. http://www.a1articledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 2 15. http://www.aardvarkarticles.net/ , Pagerank: 1 16. http://www.abcarticledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 0 17. http://www.accessibleinsights.com/ , Pagerank: 3 18. http://www.acmearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 19. http://www.ad-matrix.net/ , Pagerank: 1 20. http://www.add-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 21. http://www.adoptionarticlesdirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 3 22. http://www.advisor.com/ , Pagerank: 6 23. http://www.afreearticle.com/ , Pagerank: 4 24. http://www.afroarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 25. http://www.allentrepreneurinfo.com/ , Pagerank: 3 26. http://www.allfreelancework.com/ , Pagerank: 5 27. http://www.allgoodarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 28. http://allholisticwellness.com/ , Pagerank: 1


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29. http://www.allthingspondered.com/article-directory0 30. http://www.allwebcontent.com/articles3 31. http://www.altrana.com/ , Pagerank: 0 32. http://always-free-content.com/ , Pagerank: 0 33. http://www.amazines.com/ , Pagerank: 3 34. http://www.answersaboutinternetpromotion.com/ , Pagerank: 0 35. http://www.apiit.com.my/ , Pagerank: 1 36. http://www.archivex-ht.com/articles2 37. http://www.articator.com/ , Pagerank: 1 38. http://article-4-you.com/ , Pagerank: 1 39. http://www.article-blogs.info/ , Pagerank: 0 40. http://www.article-buzz.com/ , Pagerank: 2 41. http://www.article-daily.com/ , Pagerank: 0 42. http://www.article-database.com/ , Pagerank: 1 43. http://www.article-gems.com/ , Pagerank: 2 44. http://article-internet-marketing-tips.com/ , Pagerank: 0 45. http://www.article-mania.com/ , Pagerank: 1 46. http://www.article-monster.com/ , Pagerank: 0 47. http://www.article-proshop.com/ , Pagerank: 0 48. http://article-searchengine.com/ , Pagerank: 0 49. http://article-submission-directory.com/ , Pagerank: 0 50. http://www.article-tree.com/ , Pagerank: 3 51. http://www.article-warehouse.com/ , Pagerank: 2 52. http://www.article-writer.org/ , Pagerank: 3 53. http://www.article2000.com/ , Pagerank: 0 54. http://www.article99.com/ , Pagerank: 4 55. http://articleadvocate.com/ , Pagerank: 2 56. http://www.articlealley.com/ , Pagerank: 4 57. http://www.articlearmies.com/ , Pagerank: 0 58. http://www.articleauthority.com/ , Pagerank: 2 59. http://www.articleavalanche.com/ , Pagerank: 0 60. http://www.articlebase.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 0 61. http://www.articlesbase.com/ , Pagerank: 4 62. http://www.articlebase.info/ , Pagerank: 0 63. http://articlebazaar.net/ , Pagerank: 1 64. http://www.articlebeach.com/ , Pagerank: 4 65. http://www.articlebeam.com/ , Pagerank: 3 66. http://www.articlebear.com/ , Pagerank: 1 67. http://www.articlebin.com/ , Pagerank: 3 68. http://articlebistro.com/ , Pagerank: 0 69. http://www.articleblender.com/ , Pagerank: 3 70. http://www.articlebliss.com/ , Pagerank: 0 71. http://www.articleblizzard.com/ , Pagerank: 3 72. http://www.articleblotter.com/ , Pagerank: 0


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73. http://articlebrowzer.com/ , Pagerank: 0 74. http://www.articlecache.com/ , Pagerank: 2 75. http://articlecafe.net/ , Pagerank: 0 76. http://www.articlecapital.com/ , Pagerank: 4 77. http://www.articlecastle.com/ , Pagerank: 2 78. http://articlecat.com/ , Pagerank: 4 79. http://www.articlecell.com/ , Pagerank: 1 80. http://articlecentral.ca/ , Pagerank: 1 81. http://www.articlecentric.com/ , Pagerank: 0 82. http://www.articlechimp.com/ , Pagerank: 2 83. http://www.articlecity.com/ , Pagerank: 6 84. http://articleclearinghouse.com/ , Pagerank: 0 85. http://www.articleclick.com/ , Pagerank: 5 86. http://www.articleclone.com/ , Pagerank: 0 87. http://www.articleco.com/ , Pagerank: 3 88. http://www.articlecoast.com/ , Pagerank: 2 89. http://www.articlecodex.com/ , Pagerank: 3 90. http://www.articleconnection.com/ , Pagerank: 1 91. http://www.articlecontentdirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 0 92. http://www.articlecopy.com/ , Pagerank: 1 93. http://www.articlecounty.com/ , Pagerank: 1 94. http://www.articlecrash.com/ , Pagerank: 2 95. http://www.articlecrazy.com/ , Pagerank: 3 96. http://articlecreek.com/ , Pagerank: 1 97. http://www.articlecritic.net/ , Pagerank: 1 98. http://articlecrux.com/ , Pagerank: 4 99. http://www.articlecube.com/ , Pagerank: 5 100. http://www.articledash.com/ , Pagerank: 0 101. http://www.articledashboard.com/ , Pagerank: 6 102. http://www.articledepot.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 0 103. http://www.articledesk.info/ , Pagerank: 2 104. http://www.articledevil.com/ , Pagerank: 2 105. http://www.articledigger.com/ , Pagerank: 1 106. http://www.articledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 2 107. http://www.articlediscovery.com/ , Pagerank: 3 108. http://www.articlediverse.com/ , Pagerank: 0 109. http://www.articleearth.com/ , Pagerank: 2 110. http://www.article-ecommerce.com/ , Pagerank: 3 111. http://www.articlefame.com/ , Pagerank: 2 112. http://www.articlefarm.com/ , Pagerank: 0 113. http://www.articlefeeder.com/ , Pagerank: 4 114. http://www.articlefree4all.com/ , Pagerank: 2 115. http://articlefreezone.com/ , Pagerank: 1 116. http://articlefriendly.com/ , Pagerank: 4


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117. http://www.articlegarden.com/ , Pagerank: 4 118. http://www.articlegear.com/ , Pagerank: 2 119. http://www.articlego.com/ , Pagerank: 0 120. http://www.articlegold.com/ , Pagerank: 5 121. http://articleguild.com/ , Pagerank: 0 122. http://www.articlegush.com/ , Pagerank: 0 123. http://www.article-hangout.com/ , Pagerank: 4 124. http://www.articleherald.com/ , Pagerank: 0 125. http://www.articlehideaway.com/ , Pagerank: 2 126. http://www.articlehub.com/ , Pagerank: 0 127. http://www.articleinfo.org/ , Pagerank: 2 128. http://www.articleinsert.com/ , Pagerank: 3 129. http://www.articleinterchange.com/ , Pagerank: 3 130. http://www.articlekarma.com/ , Pagerank: 2 131. http://www.articleland.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 3 132. http://articlelimelight.com/ , Pagerank: 0 133. http://www.articlelinksdirectory.biz/ , Pagerank: 0 134. http://www.articlelove.com/ , Pagerank: 0 135. http://www.articlelover.com/ , Pagerank: 1 136. http://www.article-magazine.com/ , Pagerank: 2 137. http://www.articlemailbox.com/ , Pagerank: 0 138. http://www.articlemajor.com/ , Pagerank: 0 139. http://www.articlemaniac.com/ , Pagerank: 4 140. http://www.articlemanual.com/ , Pagerank: 0 141. http://www.articlemap.com/ , Pagerank: 4 142. http://articlemines.com/ , Pagerank: 0 143. http://articlemotron.com/ , Pagerank: 0 144. http://www.articlenetworks.com/ , Pagerank: 2 145. http://articlenode.com/ , Pagerank: 1 146. http://www.articleobsession.com/ , Pagerank: 1 147. http://www.articleonlinedirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 2 148. http://www.articleonramp.com/ , Pagerank: 0 149. http://www.articleowner.com/ , Pagerank: 0 150. http://articleparadise.info/ , Pagerank: 1 151. http://www.articlepartners.com/ , Pagerank: 0 152. http://www.articlepeak.com/ , Pagerank: 1 153. http://www.article-planet.com/ , Pagerank: 2 154. http://www.articleportal.com/ , Pagerank: 1 155. http://www.articlepowerplant.com/ , Pagerank: 1 156. http://www.articlepros.com/ , Pagerank: 4 157. http://www.articlepublication.com/ , Pagerank: 0 158. http://www.articlepublished.com/ , Pagerank: 2 159. http://www.articler.com/ , Pagerank: 3 160. http://www.articlerag.com/ , Pagerank: 2


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161. http://www.articlerampage.com/ , Pagerank: 2 162. http://www.articleresourceindex.com/ , Pagerank: 2 163. http://www.articleretreat.com/ , Pagerank: 2 164. http://www.articlerich.com/ , Pagerank: 4 165. http://www.articleriot.com/ , Pagerank: 2 166. http://www.articlerunner.com/ , Pagerank: 1 167. http://www.articles--r--us.com/ , Pagerank: 1 168. http://articles.1295.org/ , Pagerank: 0 169. http://www.articles-4-free.com/ , Pagerank: 0 170. http://articles.bitsnwits.com/ , Pagerank: 0 171. http://www.articles.cc/ , Pagerank: 0 172. http://www.articles-collections.com/ , Pagerank: 3 173. http://www.articles-heaven.com/ , Pagerank: 3 174. http://articles.net.au/ , Pagerank: 0 175. http://www.articles.co.nz/ , Pagerank: 0 176. http://articles.sekhemonline.net/ , Pagerank: 0 177. http://www.articles24.com/ , Pagerank: 1 178. http://www.articles2know.com/ , Pagerank: 1 179. http://www.articles411.com/ , Pagerank: 3 180. http://www.articles4cash.com/ , Pagerank: 2 181. http://articles4dating.com/ , Pagerank: 0 182. http://www.articles4free.com/ , Pagerank: 3 183. http://articlesaccess.com/ , Pagerank: 0 184. http://www.articlesandauthors.com/ , Pagerank: 2 185. http://www.articlesbeyondbetter.com/ , Pagerank: 4 186. http://www.articlesbin.com/ , Pagerank: 1 187. http://www.articles-central.info/ , Pagerank: 0 188. http://www.articles.co.nz/ , Pagerank: 0 189. http://articlesearcharticle.com/ , Pagerank: 1 190. http://www.articlesearchnet.com/ , Pagerank: 0 191. http://www.article-search-online.com/ , Pagerank: 2 192. http://www.articlesfeeder.com/ , Pagerank: 0 193. http://www.articlesfrenzy.com/ , Pagerank: 1 194. http://www.articleshmarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 0 195. http://www.articleshome.org/ , Pagerank: 2 196. http://www.articleshouse.com/ , Pagerank: 0 197. http://www.articleshowroom.com/ , Pagerank: 2 198. http://www.articlesindex.com/ , Pagerank: 0 199. http://www.articlesmagazine.com/ , Pagerank: 3 200. http://www.articlesmore.com/ , Pagerank: 2 201. http://www.articlesnatch.com/ , Pagerank: 0 202. http://www.articlesnetwork.com/ , Pagerank: 2 203. http://articlesnow.com/ , Pagerank: 0 204. http://www.articleson.com/ , Pagerank: 4


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205. http://www.articlesonline.org/ , Pagerank: 2 206. http://articlesontap.ws/ , Pagerank: 2 207. http://www.articlespeedway.com/articles/ , Pagerank: 0 208. http://articlesplash.com/ , Pagerank: 2 209. http://www.articlesrfree.com/ , Pagerank: 2 210. http://www.freeclassifiedad4u.com/ , Pagerank: 1 211. http://www.articlestash.com/ , Pagerank: 0 212. http://www.articlesup.com/ , Pagerank: 2 213. http://www.articleswithattitude.com/ , Pagerank: 1 214. http://www.articlesworldonline.com/ , Pagerank: 4 215. http://articletap.com/ , Pagerank: 2 216. http://www.articleteller.com/ , Pagerank: 0 217. http://www.articletogo.com/ , Pagerank: 3 218. http://www.articletower.com/ , Pagerank: 0 219. http://www.articletrader.com/ , Pagerank: 3 220. http://www.articletrunk.com/ , Pagerank: 2 221. http://www.articletycoon.com/ , Pagerank: 0 222. http://www.articlevally.com/ , Pagerank: 1 223. http://www.articlevillage.com/ , Pagerank: 2 224. http://www.articlevista.com/ , Pagerank: 3 225. http://www.article-warehouse.com/ , Pagerank: 2 226. http://www.articlewheel.com/ , Pagerank: 4 227. http://www.articlewise.com/ , Pagerank: 2 228. http://www.articleword.com/ , Pagerank: 3 229. http://www.articlexplosion.com/ , Pagerank: 3 230. http://www.articlexpose.com/ , Pagerank: 0 231. http://www.articlextra.biz/ , Pagerank: 3 232. http://www.articleyou.com/ , Pagerank: 1 233. http://www.articopia.com/ , Pagerank: 2 234. http://www.artsymmetry.com/ , Pagerank: 4 235. http://assemblyofwords.com/ , Pagerank: 1 236. http://aussiearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 237. http://automagicarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 238. http://www.awomaninbusiness.com/ , Pagerank: 4 239. http://www.aword2thewise.com/ , Pagerank: 2 240. http://az.co.cz/article-directory/ , Pagerank: 0 241. http://www.a-zz.com/ , Pagerank: 1 242. http://best-niche-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 243. http://www.bestarticlesabout.com/ , Pagerank: 1 244. http://www.bestarticlesdirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 2 245. http://www.besthealtharticles.net/ , Pagerank: 3 246. http://bestinfobay.com/ , Pagerank: 2 247. http://www.bestnichearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 248. http://www.bestsellersworld.com/dashboard


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249. http://www.bharatbhasha.com/ , Pagerank: 3 250. http://www.bigfreearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 251. http://biz-whiz.com/ , Pagerank: 5 252. http://www.blisspublisher.com/ , Pagerank: 0 253. http://www.blogtelecast.com/ , Pagerank: 3 254. http://www.blogwidow.com/ , Pagerank: 5 255. http://www.blt-web.com/articles/directory 256. http://www.bookshop411.com/ , Pagerank: 0 257. http://brilliantwords.com/ , Pagerank: 0 258. http://www.brunkco.com/ , Pagerank: 3 259. http://www.business-opportunity.biz/ , Pagerank: 4 260. http://www.businessarticledepot.com/ , Pagerank: 0 261. http://www.businesshighlight.org/ , Pagerank: 4 262. http://www.businessknowledgesource.com/ , Pagerank: 3 263. http://www.buttoneasyarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 264. http://www.bylamoarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 265. http://www.changingearth.org/ , Pagerank: 1 266. http://www.chinamaze.com/ , Pagerank: 0 267. http://www.christiannotepad.com/ , Pagerank: 2 268. http://click-partners.com/ , Pagerank: 1 269. http://www.come-and-read.com/ , Pagerank: 1 270. http://www.commonconnections.com/ , Pagerank: 4 271. http://www.content-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 6 272. http://www.content-syndication.org/ , Pagerank: 0 273. http://www.contentarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 0 274. http://www.contentarticles.net/articles/ , Pagerank: 0 275. http://www.content-corral.com/ , Pagerank: 2 276. http://www.contentfueled.com/ , Pagerank: 2 277. http://www.contentking.eu/ , Pagerank: 4 278. http://www.cooltopix.com/ , Pagerank: 0 279. http://crixi.com/ , Pagerank: 1 280. http://www.cyberindian.com/ , Pagerank: 4 281. http://cybertecharticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 282. http://daytonabeachbusinessnews.com/ , Pagerank: 2 283. http://www.digital-women.com/ , Pagerank: 5 284. http://articles.directorygold.com/ , Pagerank: 3 285. http://www.dk-article.com/ , Pagerank: 3 286. http://www.dognewscenter.com/ , Pagerank: 1 287. http://www.dxarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 2 288. http://www.e-calc.net/ , Pagerank: 3 289. http://www.e-commercearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 290. http://e-worldarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 291. http://www.earticlesonline.com/ , Pagerank: 4 292. http://earticlesubmit.com/ , Pagerank: 2


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293. http://www.easyarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 4 294. http://www.easycontentpro.com/ , Pagerank: 0 295. http://www.easyhealtharticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 296. http://www.easywebtutorials.com/articles/ , Pagerank: 0 297. http://www.ebusiness-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 298. http://www.eclipse-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 299. http://educationarticles.info/ , Pagerank: 0 300. http://www.emiule.com/ , Pagerank: 0 301. http://www.eslpal.com/articles/ , Pagerank: 0 302. http://www.everydayarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 303. http://ezine-articles.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 1 304. http://www.ezine-hub.com/ , Pagerank: 1 305. http://www.ezinearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 6 306. http://www.ezinefinder.com/ , Pagerank: 4 307. http://www.ezinesarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 2 308. http://www.factsvault.com/ , Pagerank: 2 309. http://familyfriendsphotos.com/ , Pagerank: 0 310. http://www.financemanual.com/ , Pagerank: 0 311. http://www.find-an-article.com/ , Pagerank: 1 312. http://www.findandpostarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 313. http://www.findmorearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 314. http://www.firstclassarticles.net/ , Pagerank: 2 315. http://www.free-article-depot.com/ , Pagerank: 0 316. http://www.free-article-directory.com/ , Pagerank: 1 317. http://www.free-article-submit.com/ , Pagerank: 1 318. http://www.free-content-resource.com/ , Pagerank: 0 319. http://www.free-wedding-articles.net/ , Pagerank: 0 320. http://www.free-article-bank.com/ , Pagerank: 2 321. http://www.freearticlemaster.com/ , Pagerank: 2 322. http://www.freearticlepost.com/ , Pagerank: 1 323. http://www.freearticlepro.com/ , Pagerank: 0 324. http://www.freearticlepromotion.com/ , Pagerank: 0 325. http://www.freearticlesandcontent.com/ , Pagerank: 1 326. http://freearticlesdirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 2 327. http://freearticlesubmission.com/ , Pagerank: 1 328. http://www.free-articles-zone.com/ , Pagerank: 4 329. http://www.freearticlevault.com/ , Pagerank: 0 330. http://www.freecontentzone.com/ , Pagerank: 0 331. http://www.freeinternetarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 332. http://freelance-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 333. http://freewebcontentarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 334. http://freezinesite.com/ , Pagerank: 0 335. http://www.gcyarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 336. http://www.getyourarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1


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337. http://www.give-me-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 338. http://globalnewsarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 3 339. http://www.goarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 340. http://www.goodinfohome.com/ , Pagerank: 0 341. http://greatarticles.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 1 342. http://www.greatnichearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 343. http://guruarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 0 344. http://www.hallofarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 345. http://hamazines.com/ , Pagerank: 1 346. http://www.headlinearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 347. http://www.healthandwellnesscentral.com/ , Pagerank: 0 348. http://www.healtharticlebank.com/ , Pagerank: 1 349. http://www.healthy-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 350. http://highrankingarticles.net/ , Pagerank: 0 351. http://www.higradesearch.com/ , Pagerank: 1 352. http://www.home-business-source.com/articles0 353. http://www.homebiztools.com/ , Pagerank: 5 354. http://hostcontent.net/ , Pagerank: 1 355. http://hostflex.net/ , Pagerank: 1 356. http://www.hotlib.com/articles0/ , Pagerank: 0 357. http://www.howtoadvice.com/ , Pagerank: 3 358. http://www.httparticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 359. http://ezineprime.hubprime.com/ , Pagerank: 2 360. http://www.ideamarketers.com/ , Pagerank: 5 361. http://www.indemandcontent.com/ , Pagerank: 2 362. http://www.infomatchdirect.com/ , Pagerank: 0 363. http://www.information-exchange.net/ , Pagerank: 0 364. http://www.infotyrant.com/ , Pagerank: 0 365. http://www.instantcashflow.org/ , Pagerank: 0 366. http://www.internet-search-engines-faq.com/ , Pagerank: 6 367. http://www.internetbasedarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 368. http://www.ireprint.info/ , Pagerank: 3 369. http://www.iwantcontent.com/ , Pagerank: 5 370. http://www.jodee.biz/articles/ , Pagerank: 0 371. http://www.jogena.com/ , Pagerank: 5 372. http://www.justarticlesonline.com/ , Pagerank: 3 373. http://www.kokkada.com/ , Pagerank: 0 374. http://www.leadarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 375. http://www.legalinfoarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 376. http://www.liberated-press-releases.com/ , Pagerank: 2 377. http://www.linkgrinder.com/ , Pagerank: 3 378. http://www.linksnoop.com/ , Pagerank: 4 379. http://www.live-article.com/ , Pagerank: 0 380. http://www.look-4it.com/ , Pagerank: 2


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381. http://www.lydiasarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 382. http://www.mainstreetmom.com/ , Pagerank: 4 383. http://www.managementandbusiness.com/ , Pagerank: 2 384. http://www.marketingarticlebank.com/ , Pagerank: 2 385. http://www.marketingarticlelibrary.com/ , Pagerank: 3 386. http://www.marketingtroll.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 2 387. http://www.media13.com/ , Pagerank: 3 388. http://mega-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 389. http://www.megarelease.com/ , Pagerank: 1 390. http://mentalkeystosuccess.com/ , Pagerank: 0 391. http://miketrax.info/ , Pagerank: 0 392. http://www.mikrhon.com/ , Pagerank: 0 393. http://www.miniguides.info/ , Pagerank: 3 394. http://misterarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 2 395. http://www.mnez.com/ , Pagerank: 2 396. http://www.articlesyndicators.com/ , Pagerank: 0 397. http://www.moxie-drive.com/articles0/ , Pagerank: 0 398. http://www.multiple-revenue.com/articles1/ , Pagerank: 0 399. http://www.my-own-article.com/ , Pagerank: 1 400. http://www.my-resource.com/ , Pagerank: 2 401. http://www.articles.my-saorsa.com/ , Pagerank: 0 402. http://www.myarticlemall.com/ , Pagerank: 4 403. http://www.myarticlepub.com/ , Pagerank: 0 404. http://www.myarticlesdirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 3 405. http://www.myarticlezine.com/ , Pagerank: 2 406. http://www.mycontentbuilder.com/ , Pagerank: 3 407. http://mywebauthor.com/ , Pagerank: 0 408. http://www.neoarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 0 409. http://www.neoarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 410. http://netonesolutions.com/ , Pagerank: 0 411. http://www.newarticleshere.com/ , Pagerank: 2 412. http://newezinearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 413. http://www.newfreearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 414. http://www.articles.newlivingmedia.com/ , Pagerank: 0 415. http://www.newsweb.info/ , Pagerank: 1 416. http://www.niche-articledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 3 417. http://www.niche-content-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 418. http://nigerianewsjournal.com/ , Pagerank: 2 419. http://www.noviceinvesting.com/article/ , Pagerank: 0 420. http://www.nowlearnmore.com/ , Pagerank: 0 421. http://www.onestoparticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 422. http://www.onthenetnews.com/ , Pagerank: 0 423. http://ontopicarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 424. http://www.optimainfo.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 0


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425. http://www.orbitaloc.com/ , Pagerank: 4 426. http://www.organicgardenarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 427. http://www.outblogger.com/articles/ , Pagerank: 0 428. http://www.passiveincomerealestate.com/articles 429. http://www.pcwriters.com/ , Pagerank: 2 430. http://www.positivearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 431. http://www.postarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 4 432. http://www.powerhomebiz.com/ , Pagerank: 6 433. http://www.premierdirectory.org/ , Pagerank: 0 434. http://www.pro-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 435. http://www.procontentsite.com/articles 436. http://www.propertymagnate.com/articles4 437. http://www.qwesz.com/ , Pagerank: 4 438. http://www.raz-sports.com/articles4 439. http://www.realarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 2 440. http://www.rectonet.com/ , Pagerank: 0 441. http://www.reliablearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 442. http://www.reprint-content.com/ , Pagerank: 4 443. http://www.reprintarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 444. http://www.reprintedarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 445. http://www.rhinoarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 446. http://www.rightarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 3 447. http://www.savearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 448. http://sbinformation.about.com/ , Pagerank: 6 449. http://www.searcharticles.net/ , Pagerank: 0 450. http://www.searchguild.com/ , Pagerank: 3 451. http://www.searchnfindarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 452. http://www.seekthat.net/ , Pagerank: 3 453. http://www.selfseo.com/ , Pagerank: 4 454. http://www.setting-the-standard.com/ , Pagerank: 0 455. http://www.showmearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 456. http://www.skillz4u.com/ , Pagerank: 2 457. http://www.smallbusinessadvertisingarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 458. http://www.spaarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 459. http://www.startuparticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 460. http://www.studio31marketing.com/ , Pagerank: 0 461. http://www.submitarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 462. http://www.submityournewarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 0 463. http://www.superfeature.com/ , Pagerank: 3 464. http://superpublisher.com/ , Pagerank: 1 465. http://www.superzines.com/ , Pagerank: 1 466. http://www.surfarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 467. http://www.technoarti.net/ , Pagerank: 0 468. http://www.terrysarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1


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469. http://thatarticledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 2 470. http://www.thatarticlesite.com/ , Pagerank: 2 471. http://thearticledude.com/ , Pagerank: 1 472. http://www.thearticleking.com/ , Pagerank: 1 473. http://www.thearticlelibrary.com/ , Pagerank: 1 474. http://www.thearticlenet.com/ , Pagerank: 0 475. http://www.thearticleworld.com/ , Pagerank: 1 476. http://www.thearticlezone.com/ , Pagerank: 4 477. http://www.thecontentcorner.com/ , Pagerank: 3 478. http://thedailyarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 479. http://www.thehealthmanual.com/ , Pagerank: 0 480. http://theleadingarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 0 481. http://www.theleadingarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 4 482. http://www.thenichearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 483. http://www.therealarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 484. http://www.tigrafix.com/ , Pagerank: 4 485. http://www.timesofpakistan.com/ , Pagerank: 0 486. http://www.top1k.com/ , Pagerank: 2 487. http://topnotcharticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 488. http://www.traffic-advisor.com/postnuke/ , Pagerank: 0 489. http://www.trafficflow.ca/ , Pagerank: 0 490. http://www.traffichelp4u.com/ , Pagerank: 1 491. http://www.travelarticlelibrary.com/ , Pagerank: 3 492. http://www.triplexarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 493. http://truearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 494. http://www.uniterra.com/ , Pagerank: 4 495. http://www.upublish.info/ , Pagerank: 3 496. http://www.webmarketmagazine.com/ , Pagerank: 0 497. http://www.webmasterslibrary.com/ , Pagerank: 4 498. http://www.webpronews.com/submit6 499. http://www.weeklytips.com/ , Pagerank: 3 500. http://www.weeno.com/ , Pagerank: 5 501. http://www.wellnessarticlelibrary.com/ , Pagerank: 3 502. http://www.wellnessarticles4u.com/ , Pagerank: 1 503. http://www.whatyouneedtoknowpage.com/articles1 504. http://articles.white-nova.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 0 505. http://www.wisearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 506. http://www.wordwidedirectory.com/article-directory/ , Pagerank: 0 507. http://www.workoninternet.com/ , Pagerank: 4 508. http://world-class-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 509. http://worldofarticles.net/ , Pagerank: 1 510. http://www.wowarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 511. http://writeharbor.com/ , Pagerank: 1 512. http://www.youcanlearnmore.com/ , Pagerank: 0


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513. http://articles.intpedia.com/ , Pagerank: 0 514. http://www.5star-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 515. http://www.a1-articles.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 0 516. http://www.a1-optimization.com/articles3 517. http://www.abc-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 518. http://www.aboutwomenarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 519. http://www.abundant-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 520. http://www.acearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 521. http://www.activeauthors.com/ , Pagerank: 4 522. http://www.adamginsberg.com/articles2 523. http://www.affiliatemarketingarticles.net/ , Pagerank: 0 524. http://www.agoraphobia.net/ , Pagerank: 2 525. http://www.alltopinfo.com/ , Pagerank: 1 526. http://www.amazingarticles.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 0 527. http://www.apexarticledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 1 528. http://www.appliedhealtharticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 529. http://www.approvedarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 5 530. http://www.arthritisarticles.org/ , Pagerank: 1 531. http://www.article-directory.techlicio.com/ , Pagerank: 0 532. http://www.article-dumping-ground.com/ , Pagerank: 0 533. http://www.article-exposure.com/ , Pagerank: 2 534. http://www.article-junction.com/ , Pagerank: 2 535. http://www.article-library.net/ , Pagerank: 1 536. http://www.article-matrix.com/ , Pagerank: 3 537. http://www.article-maze.com/ , Pagerank: 0 538. http://www.article-reader.com/ , Pagerank: 0 539. http://www.article-space.com/ , Pagerank: 0 540. http://www.article.e-booksdownload.com/ , Pagerank: 1 541. http://www.article24.info/ , Pagerank: 2 542. http://www.articleabout.com/ , Pagerank: 2 543. http://www.articleaddition.com/ , Pagerank: 0 544. http://www.articleaddition.com/ , Pagerank: 0 545. http://www.articleaddict.com/ , Pagerank: 2 546. http://www.articleadventure.com/ , Pagerank: 2 547. http://www.articlebankonline.com/ , Pagerank: 4 548. http://www.articlebee.com/ , Pagerank: 0 549. http://www.articleblazer.com/ , Pagerank: 0 550. http://www.articleboy.com/ , Pagerank: 3 551. http://www.articleclips.com/ , Pagerank: 3 552. http://www.articledirectorylive.com/ , Pagerank: 1 553. http://www.articlefair.com/ , Pagerank: 3 554. http://www.articlefishtalk.com/ , Pagerank: 0 555. http://www.articleforce.com/ , Pagerank: 1 556. http://www.articlefrenzy.com/ , Pagerank: 2


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557. http://www.articleguides.com/ , Pagerank: 0 558. http://www.articlehighway.org/ , Pagerank: 1 559. http://www.articleland.com/ , Pagerank: 3 560. http://www.articleliftoff.com/ , Pagerank: 0 561. http://www.articlemainia.com/ , Pagerank: 0 562. http://www.articlemarketing.org/ , Pagerank: 2 563. http://www.articlemetro.com/ , Pagerank: 0 564. http://www.articlemirror.com/ , Pagerank: 2 565. http://www.articlenorth.com/ , Pagerank: 3 566. http://www.articleoutpost.com/ , Pagerank: 1 567. http://www.articlepipeline.com/ , Pagerank: 0 568. http://www.articleplatform.com/ , Pagerank: 1 569. http://www.articlepotluck.com/ , Pagerank: 2 570. http://www.articlepyramid.com/ , Pagerank: 1 571. http://www.articleresource.info/ , Pagerank: 0 572. http://www.articles-book.com/ , Pagerank: 1 573. http://www.articles.com.my/ , Pagerank: 2 574. http://www.articles.danjanassociates.com/ , Pagerank: 0 575. http://www.articles.international-atemijujitsu.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 0 576. http://www.articles.narrowisthepath.com/ , Pagerank: 2 577. http://www.articles.tiptopweb.info/ , Pagerank: 0 578. http://www.articles.turistica-travel.com/ , Pagerank: 0 579. http://www.articles.webblogerz.com/ , Pagerank: 0 580. http://www.articles4reprint.com/ , Pagerank: 0 581. http://www.articlesaboutart.com/ , Pagerank: 0 582. http://www.articlesaboutbooks.com/ , Pagerank: 4 583. http://www.articlesaboutchina.com/ , Pagerank: 0 584. http://www.articlesaboutcomputers.com/ , Pagerank: 2 585. http://www.articlesaboutstress.com/ , Pagerank: 0 586. http://www.articlesauce.com/ , Pagerank: 0 587. http://www.articlesbiz.com/ , Pagerank: 4 588. http://www.articleselections.com/ , Pagerank: 2 589. http://www.articles.myprofession.org/ , Pagerank: 0 590. http://www.articles.narrowisthepath.com/ , Pagerank: 2 591. http://www.articlesfeed.com/ , Pagerank: 2 592. http://www.articlesheaven.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 2 593. http://www.articleshelf.com/ , Pagerank: 0 594. http://www.articleshine.com/ , Pagerank: 0 595. http://www.articlesinsight.com/ , Pagerank: 1 596. http://www.articlesnap.com/ , Pagerank: 0 597. http://www.articlesofnote.com/ , Pagerank: 3 598. http://www.articlesonarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 599. http://www.articlesphere.com/ , Pagerank: 4 600. http://www.articlesto.com/ , Pagerank: 2


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601. http://www.articlestonurture.com/ , Pagerank: 3 602. http://www.articlestoreprint.com/ , Pagerank: 3 603. http://www.articlevaults.com/ , Pagerank: 1 604. http://www.articleworm.com/ , Pagerank: 0 605. http://www.articlewow.com/ , Pagerank: 0 606. http://www.articulos-espanoles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 607. http://www.articlexchange.biz/ , Pagerank: 0 608. http://www.artikel.turistica-travel.com/ , Pagerank: 0 609. http://www.articulos-espanoles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 610. http://www.askdigest.com/ , Pagerank: 0 611. http://www.askusinthai.com/ , Pagerank: 0 612. http://www.associatedigest.com/ , Pagerank: 2 613. http://www.auction-sellers-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 614. http://www.australianarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 0 615. http://www.b4uarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 616. http://www.babyboomerarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 617. http://www.bestarticlesnow.com/ , Pagerank: 0 618. http://www.bestdogarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 619. http://www.bestwebsitepromotion.com/ , Pagerank: 0 620. http://www.bestweddingarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 621. http://www.bettergolfarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 4 622. http://www.bizpong.com/ , Pagerank: 1 623. http://www.california-wine-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 624. http://www.careersuccesstraining.com/ , Pagerank: 2 625. http://www.chrissoweb.com/ , Pagerank: 1 626. http://www.clickarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 0 627. http://www.communicationmasteryarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 628. http://www.convivium.co.za/ , Pagerank: 3 629. http://www.customizednewsletterarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 4 630. http://www.dietarticles.info/ , Pagerank: 4 631. http://www.divervillage.com/ , Pagerank: 1 632. http://www.diy.napoleon.cc/ , Pagerank: 4 633. http://www.diyarticlelibrary.com/ , Pagerank: 2 634. http://www.dogandcatarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 635. http://www.e-articledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 0 636. http://www.e-zine.com/ , Pagerank: 1 637. http://www.econtentking.com/ , Pagerank: 0 638. http://www.emsarticledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 0 639. http://www.energyefficienthomearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 5 640. http://www.entrepreneurarticles.info/ , Pagerank: 0 641. http://www.essentialgardenguide.com/gardening-articles/ , Pagerank:

0 642. http://www.ezarticles.net/ , Pagerank: 2 643. http://www.ezinexpress.com/ , Pagerank: 1


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644. http://www.fetcharticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 645. http://www.finance-cp.com/ , Pagerank: 0 646. http://www.fishing-superguide.com/ , Pagerank: 0 647. http://www.foundarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 1 648. http://www.free-marketing-info.com/ , Pagerank: 3 649. http://www.freearticlecontent.ca/ , Pagerank: 0 650. http://www.freearticledatabase.com/ , Pagerank: 0 651. http://www.freearticledirectory.net/ , Pagerank: 0 652. http://www.freearticlewebsite.com/ , Pagerank: 0 653. http://www.freecoachingarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 654. http://www.freewebcontents.com/ , Pagerank: 2 655. http://www.fubrus.com/ , Pagerank: 2 656. http://www.godsarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 657. http://www.golfarticles.net/ , Pagerank: 3 658. http://www.goodcookrecipes.com/ , Pagerank: 3 659. http://www.greatarticlesformoms.com/ , Pagerank: 4 660. http://www.haveinfo.net/ , Pagerank: 0 661. http://www.healingproducts-mentor.com/selfhelparticles/ , Pagerank:

0 662. http://www.healtharticles4u.info/ , Pagerank: 2 663. http://www.home-business.articlesto.com/ , Pagerank: 0 664. http://www.home-improvement-tipsonline.com/AD/ , Pagerank: 0 665. http://www.homeschooling-r-us.com/ , Pagerank: 2 666. http://www.howto-playpoker.com/ , Pagerank: 1 667. http://www.iarticledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 1 668. http://www.impactdns.com/ , Pagerank: 2 669. http://www.indexed-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 670. http://www.indoarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 671. http://www.infinite-wisdom.com/ , Pagerank: 0 672. http://www.info-on-loans.com/ , Pagerank: 2 673. http://www.infoaboutweightloss.com/ , Pagerank: 0 674. http://www.information-overload.eu/articleland/ , Pagerank: 0 675. http://www.informationpagesonline.com/articledirectory/ , Pagerank:

0 676. http://www.interesting-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 677. http://www.internetionalmedia.com/ , Pagerank: 4 678. http://www.internetmarketingarticles.org/ , Pagerank: 0 679. http://www.invisiblemba.com/ , Pagerank: 3 680. http://www.itsgreattobe.com/article/ , Pagerank: 0 681. http://www.justfinance.info/ , Pagerank: 1 682. http://www.justhealtharticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 683. http://www.keywordbeast.com/ , Pagerank: 2 684. http://www.knowaboutdiamonds.com/ , Pagerank: 0 685. http://www.ladypens.com/ , Pagerank: 4


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686. http://www.leadership-articles.net/ , Pagerank: 0 687. http://www.leadershiparticles.net/ , Pagerank: 3 688. http://www.leadershipdevelopmentarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 689. http://www.local-list.us/ , Pagerank: 0 690. http://www.loginonline.info/ , Pagerank: 1 691. http://www.mainarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 692. http://www.matrixsearches.com/ , Pagerank: 0 693. http://www.moneyarticlelibrary.com/ , Pagerank: 2 694. http://www.moneymymoney.com/ , Pagerank: 0 695. http://www.my-article-dashboard.com/ , Pagerank: 2 696. http://www.myedownloads.com/articles/ , Pagerank: 0 697. http://www.myfinancedirectory.com/article/ , Pagerank: 0 698. http://www.neokosmo.com/ , Pagerank: 0 699. http://www.netmlmarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 700. http://www.networkmarketingarticles.net/ , Pagerank: 0 701. http://www.newtrivial.info/ , Pagerank: 0 702. http://www.notepad.in/ , Pagerank: 2 703. http://www.nursesarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 704. http://www.organizingarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 705. http://www.pagequest.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 2 706. http://www.parentingarticlelibrary.com/ , Pagerank: 2 707. http://www.parentsupersite.com/ad4/ , Pagerank: 0 708. http://www.parsednews.com/ , Pagerank: 0 709. http://www.petsadvice.info/ , Pagerank: 0 710. http://www.phalenes.org/articles/ , Pagerank: 0 711. http://www.physicalfitnessarticles.net/ , Pagerank: 3 712. http://www.properarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 713. http://www.publishedcontent.com/ , Pagerank: 0 714. http://www.real-estate-article-directory.com/ , Pagerank: 0 715. http://www.recipes-indian.com/ , Pagerank: 3 716. http://www.recipes.macgillivrays.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 2 717. http://www.relationshipsarticlelibrary.com/ , Pagerank: 2 718. http://www.retirement-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 719. http://www.retirementlivingarticledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 2 720. http://www.reviewmyarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 721. http://www.rightbiz.com/ , Pagerank: 3 722. http://www.rssarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 0 723. http://www.sablehost.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 1 724. http://www.salespresentationsarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 725. http://www.signaturecontent.com/ , Pagerank: 3 726. http://www.simpleinvesting.info/ , Pagerank: 0 727. http://www.spiritarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 728. http://www.sportsarticlelibrary.com/ , Pagerank: 2 729. http://www.stf-webdesigns.com/articles/ , Pagerank: 0


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730. http://www.surefirearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 731. http://www.taffs-article-directory.com/ , Pagerank: 2 732. http://www.taxfinancearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 733. http://www.thatsmyniche.com/ , Pagerank: 3 734. http://www.the-landscape-design-site.com/diy1 735. http://www.thearticlecavern.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 0 736. http://www.thearticlesource.net/ , Pagerank: 2 737. http://www.theoldprintworks.net/ , Pagerank: 2 738. http://www.therepozitory.com.au/ , Pagerank: 2 739. http://www.topicinfo.com/ , Pagerank: 3 740. http://www.toprealestateinvestingarticles.org/ , Pagerank: 0 741. http://www.topwebauthors.com/ , Pagerank: 0 742. http://www.uberarticles.com/articles3 743. http://www.uncommonreads.com/ , Pagerank: 2 744. http://www.viewarticle.com/ , Pagerank: 0 745. http://www.wackum.com/ , Pagerank: 0 746. http://www.wahm-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 747. http://www.waterfilterarticles.ronin-online.com/ , Pagerank: 0 748. http://www.webiar.com/ , Pagerank: 2 749. http://www.wedding-articles.net/ , Pagerank: 0 750. http://www.weight-of-the-world.com/ , Pagerank: 0 751. http://www.wellnessarticles.net/ , Pagerank: 2 752. http://www.winearticles.net/ , Pagerank: 0 753. http://www.wisdomarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 754. http://www.writerspenarticledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 1 755. http://www.yourarticle.info/ , Pagerank: 2 756. http://www.yugler.com/ , Pagerank: 3 757. http://www.za77.org/ , Pagerank: 4 758. http://www.zapcontent.com/ , Pagerank: 0 759. http://www.articlepeople.com/ , Pagerank: 0 760. http://www.articles.systars.com/ , Pagerank: 0 761. http://www.articlewisdom.com/ , Pagerank: 3 762. http://www.bibliotekk.com/ , Pagerank: 4 763. http://www.content.onlypunjab.com/ , Pagerank: 4 764. http://www.disabilityarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 4 765. http://www.dummiesguideto.com/ , Pagerank: 3 766. http://www.free-articles-directory.info/ , Pagerank: 1 767. http://www.freegardeningarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 768. http://www.globalarticlesdirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 1 769. http://www.thetennisexpert.net/articles0 770. http://www.00articles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 771. http://www.109b.com/artdash/ , Pagerank: 0 772. http://www.adjustable-bed-center.com/adb2/ , Pagerank: 0 773. http://www.affiliates-surveys-marketing.com/ , Pagerank: 1


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1080. http://www.bigarticlesite.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1081. http://www.binnieandcurley.com/articles/ , Pagerank: 0 1082. http://www.beyonddivorcearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 1083. http://www.besttravelarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1084. http://www.catarticlesonline.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1085. http://www.bestpublicspeakingarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1086. http://www.bestarticles.com.au/ , Pagerank: 0 1087. http://www.best4articles.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 0 1088. http://www.bellydancearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1089. http://www.bestdepressionarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1090. http://www.beautyarticles.org/ , Pagerank: 0 1091. http://www.balaba.de/ , Pagerank: 0 1092. http://www.asuneedit.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1093. http://www.articlewarehouse.net/ , Pagerank: 2 1094. http://www.articleswww.com/ , Pagerank: 1 1095. http://www.articleuniverse.net/ , Pagerank: 0 1096. http://www.articlesurfer.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1097. http://www.articlesrightnow.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1098. http://www.articlesonblogging.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1099. http://www.articlesneptune.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1100. http://www.articlesltd.net/ , Pagerank: 3 1101. http://www.articlesite.co.uk/ , Pagerank: 0 1102. http://www.series-of-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1103. http://www.articlesdb.net/ , Pagerank: 2 1104. http://www.articlesground.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1105. http://www.articlesforboomers.com/ , Pagerank: 3 1106. http://articleschoice.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1107. http://www.articlesltd.com/ , Pagerank: 1 1108. http://www.articlesbyyou.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1109. http://www.articlesbridge.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1110. http://www.articlesatoz.com/ , Pagerank: 1 1111. http://www.articlesanctuary.com/ , Pagerank: 1 1112. http://www.articles4sites.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1113. http://articles.sites4.info/ , Pagerank: 0 1114. http://www.articles.drbonomi.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1115. http://www.articles2use.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1116. http://www.articles.com.mx/ , Pagerank: 0 1117. http://articles.bluenoserlinks.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1118. http://www.articlesneeded.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1119. http://www.articlekingpro.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1120. http://www.articlesdynamic.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1121. http://www.articlesaboutcredit.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1122. http://www.articles4y.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1123. http://www.articles4meandu.com/ , Pagerank: 2


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1124. http://www.articles-at.smartnetworld.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1125. http://articles-for-all.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1126. http://www.articles-and-info.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1127. http://www.articles-abundant.com/ , Pagerank: 3 1128. http://www.articles-ltd.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1129. http://www.articlenoticeboard.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1130. http://www.articlemuncher.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1131. http://www.articlemetropolis.com/ , Pagerank: 1 1132. http://www.articlem.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1133. http://www.articlelibrarian.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1134. http://www.articlejoint.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1135. http://www.articlejumbo.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1136. http://www.articleinternet.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1137. http://www.articlefossils.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1138. http://www.articlef.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1139. http://www.articleextreme.com/ , Pagerank: 1 1140. http://www.articlehotline.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1141. http://www.articleexpose.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1142. http://www.articlecat.com/ , Pagerank: 4 1143. http://www.articleglory.com/ , Pagerank: 1 1144. http://www.articlechupacabra.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1145. http://www.open-source-depot.com/ , Pagerank: 1 1146. http://www.articlear.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1147. http://articleboard.findabook.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1148. http://www.article-seekers.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1149. http://www.articlebay.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1150. http://www.article-heaven.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1151. http://www.aokarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1152. http://www.animalarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1153. http://www.animalpetsandfriends.com/ , Pagerank: 4 1154. http://www.alternativeenergybase.com/ , Pagerank: 4 1155. http://www.allthebestarticles.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1156. http://www.afroarticles.com/article-dashboard/ , Pagerank: 3 1157. http://adwords-articles.com/ , Pagerank: 3 1158. http://www.advertisearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1159. http://www.advantagearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1160. http://www.acupuncturearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1161. http://www.247articledirectory.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1162. http://www.accountingsoftwarearticles.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1163. http://www.academicarticles.org/ , Pagerank: 2 1164. http://www.1starticles.com/ , Pagerank: 1 1165. http://www.article-knowledge.com/ , Pagerank: 2 1166. http://www.alternativemedicine-directory.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1167. http://www.floridatreecare.com/ad/ , Pagerank: 0


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1168. http://www.casinoarticles.us/ , Pagerank: 1 1169. http://www.just-article.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1170. http://www.topsitesweb.com/ , Pagerank: 0 1171. http://www.thesmilingplanet.com/ , Pagerank: 0

A special thanks to http://www.articlessubmissionservice.com for compiling this list. They also do manual article submissions to this whole list.

Well, that is it. If you are going to submit to all of them, you can potentially get 2400 backlinks per for every article you submit. I do however suggest you use spun articles, as these will seem more unique to google which will be better for the SERPS and for backlinks.

If you don't want to submit to all 1200 article directories by hand, you can do it automatically. If you want to simply submit to all these directories automatically, using your spinnable articles, try Article Marketing Robot.

Thanks again for getting this report.

Now I wish you all the best luck with your article marketing.
