THE HAPPY STARTUP Guide to happier self and happier workplace

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Guide to happier self and happier workplace

Meridian.id : Happiness First One of meridian.id values is “Happiness First”

Why happiness should be your business model?

Like Zappos and Southwest Airlines https://medium.com/the-happy-startup-school/why-happiness-should-be-your-business-model-f866d92cd898#.vrxzhrwhi

Step 1 : Choose happiness before profit Step 2 : ??? Step 3 : Profit

Step 1 : Employee Happiness above Cutomers Statisfaction

Step 2 : No. 1 in Costumer Statisfaction (US Department of Transportation in 2013)

Step 3 : 2nd Best Airlines in US (Business Insider)


Southwest ranks employees first, customers second, and shareholders third. “We believe that if we treat our employees right, they will treat our customers right, and in turn that results in increased business and profits that make everyone happy,” the airline might put employees first, but they want employees to put customers first. http://www.businessinsider.co.id/southwest-airlines-puts-employees-first-2015-7/?r=US&IR=T#im3vgJQeuVwvYIba.97

"More of the economy needs to move further up Maslow's pyramid" Alain De Botton Customers care more about who they’re buying from – they‘re becoming more interested in the story than the price tag Employees care more about who they’re working for – they want to feel like they’re contributing to something worthwhile Founders care more about the impact they’re making – there’s a growing breed of entrepreneur that wants to make money and do good. And if you’ve got this far, we’re guessing you’re one of them. http://www.thehappystartupschool.com/canvas-course

Purpose and Vision

help you to make quicker decisions and attract an audience.


Your values are how you behave not how you would like to.

consumers now are much more careful about who they buy from and whether they represent the values they hold dear. Your values are how you behave not how you would like to.

Your Story

What story do you want people to tell about you?


What are the top 3 problems (or opportunities) that you’re looking to



What solutions are you proposing?

Early Adopter

Who will love you so much that they’ll get a tattoo of your company?

Value Proposition

It really helps to focus on a niche, keep your offering simple and do one thing well.



Happenstance = coincidence , haphazard = random, so happiness isn’t entirely in our control


H = S + C + V

(H) is determined by our happiness set point (S), life circumstances (C) (influenced by aspects of temperament and character such as depression and sleep quality) and intentional or voluntary activities (V) WHAT HAPPEN / SET POINT


Discovery (Children/Teen)

Pursuit (early 20’s)

Balance (late 20’s – 30’s)

Meaning (30’s – 40’s)

Savoring (40’s – 50’s)

Our meaning of happiness is constantly shaped and reshaped by small choices we make every day.


‘’Happy despite hardship

the index score had been divided into four groups, which ranged from unhappy (0-25 percent), not so happy (25-50 percent), happy (50-75 percent) and very happy (more than 75 percent) Additionally, Suryamin explained, the issues of education and income worried Indonesians the most, evidenced by lower scores, however, in terms of happy families, the scores were on the higher end of the scale http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/04/17/how-happy-are-indonesians-really.html

Maslow’s Hierarchy




Bad materialistic : doing everything (including bad things) to aquire their desire


Bad share = sharing with the intention to showing off Good share = share the happiness with close people so they feel happy for you too


Hedonistic in a good term. People who pursues happiness for themselves and the other in this world and this world only Hedonistic in a bad term = materialistic

example in Islam : Bad spiritualist : see ‘Ibadah’ only as ceremonial prayer Good spiritualist : see ‘Ibadah’ in a broader term, as an act of good for self, people around, and for God Blessing


Passionate employees = Employees with purpose

Employees with purpose = Happy employees

Happy employees = Happy costumers

Happy costumers = profit

“Happiness in business start with passion. The rest is culture”